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The Potency of Co-Production

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The upgrading of informal settlements in cities of the developing world has been touted as a viable means of enhancing both the quality and quantity of the urban housing stock, particularly for poor households. However, the actual performance of most upgrading initiatives has traditionally suffered from top-down planning frameworks, excessive bureaucracy and political interference, poor coordination among concerned actors, as well as inadequate community involvement in project design and implementation. This study analyses an innovative approach to settlement upgrading premised on collaborative spatial planning and the community land trust (CLT) tenure model, as implemented in Voi Town, Kenya. The project design and implementation featured strong elements of co-production bringing together actors drawn from the state and market sectors, as well as civil society institutions and the local community. While the findings underscore the utility of co-production in urban housing provision, a number of pitfalls likely to derail community agency and project sustainability are pointed out as a way of improving future initiatives premised on similar models. ····· 1036121410

A Libertarian Smart Growth Agenda

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Supporters of the anti-sprawl `smart growth` movement argue that automobile-dependent suburban sprawl is environmentally and socially harmful. But libertarian-minded commentators criticize the smart growth movement`s reliance on land use regulation as a tool to curb sprawl. Is there any way to reconcile these two movements In this book, Prof. Michael Lewyn argues that libertarians and smart growth supporters can agree on a wide range of issues. Throughout the United States, government regulations encourage sprawl in a variety of ways. Zoning, street design, and parking regulations discourage landowners from placing housing within walking distance of shops and jobs, force landowners to surround their buildings with parking lots, and mandate the construction of streets and highways that are too wide to be crossed comfortably on foot. If government reduced or eliminated these regulatory burdens, property owners would have more extensive rights, and American cities and suburbs would be more comfortable places for nonautomotive commuters. Such deregulation would further both the deregulatory goals of property rights advocates and the antisprawl goals of the smart growth movement. ····· 1036121318

3D Augmented Reality Mobile Application Prototype

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Using 3D is becoming more and more common for professionals as well as users, e.g. Google Earth and its 3D view. Implementing a mobile application that takes advantage of 3D and Augmented Reality (AR) will be very useful for planning new constructions in both urban and non-urban areas allowing to visualize how the construction will be in the future and how it will interact with its surrounding environment. A good example is modifying an urban area and allowing the inhabitants of that area to preview the project for avoiding unnecessary conflicts related to the project. In non-urban areas it helps decision-making by visualizing the project on site. Previewing a future construction requires having a digital 3D model. Together with the 3D format called COLLADA, the CGI and gaming technology called OpenGL ES 2.0 is used. Combining them with the views properties, the camera, the mobile device s sensors and the positioning technologies allows displaying 3D in an AR environment. The results show the advantages of combining technologies in a smartphone and the challenges that the low accuracy in positioning entails. Thus, ideas for improving the positioning accuracy are discussed as well. ····· 1036121154

Factors for Urban Development Plan Implementation Problems

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Just like many Ethiopian towns, Hossana is in a state of fast demographic and spatial growth. A number of master planning attempts were made. Most of those plans, however, seem to have not been well implemented. This book focuses on the town`s proposed municipal services in the development plan that was published in 2000 by NUPI. A special emphasis was given for FACTORS that might have adversely affected the implementation process of the plan. All possible factors were assessed in detail. A comprehensive analysis was also carried out to find the core factors. Sensible generalizations and recommendations are provided at the end. The book can contribute a lot to future research activities in the realm of urbanization in Ethiopia. ····· 1036121030

Road Safety in Addis Ababa:

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Death, disability, human suffering and material loss or damages are direct effects of road accidents. This problem is increasing from year to year at an alarming rate, especially in developing countries. Compared with international risk fingers, Ethiopia, particularly Addis Ababa is one of the worst examples in terms of fatality rate per vehicles. This book attempts to analyses the level, the major causes, and contributing factors of traffic accident in Addis Ababa. Road junctions (nodes) and road segments (links) are usually seem to be more exposed to traffic accidents. And my book finds out why they exposed and assesses measures that have been taken regarding traffic accident and road safety of the city. Moreover, it reviews studies on different aspects of road and traffic factors. Finally, it summarizes the findings and recommends the possible solution to reduce traffic accidents and to improve road safety in Addis Ababa. ····· 1036120453

Development Planning For Ecotourism

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Ciliwung River is the longest river passing in the centre of Jakarta, Capital City of Indonesia. Its history and existence are very important to the community life as well as urban landscape. Now days, along the river, there are various problems such land use change, cleanliness, flood hazards and water pollutions. The objective of this research was to evaluate the river`s potential area for developing the river area to be urban ecotourism by identifying its tourism resources, analyzing its tourism objects and attractions, and planning the development of Ciliwung`s river corridor. A qualitative method was carried out to analyze data. The research of these data analyze, then, was overlaid in order to get a potential zone for urban ecotourism. The research results show that only some part of the upstream Ciliwung River is classified as suitable zone with a very high potency for developing urban ecotourism, the middle part as a lower one, and the downstream as moderate one. Planning for the development of urban ecotourism is made for every zone according to its potential classification which are the highest will become the centre of development. ····· 1036120227

Greenway Design and Planning for Healthy Community

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Traditional greenway design and planning have focused more on ecological, historic and recreational values. However, the current focus of greenway planning is also shifting to community health. This concern arises out of observations on obesity and physical inactivity as two of the most serious health problems in the United States which greatly threaten the quality of life in the country. Research has shown that spatial proximity of greenways and communities will increase greenway use. Greenways have been shown to be a popular location of physical activity. The positive relationship between physical activity and health has also been verified by various studies. Based on this, this paper proposes to improve the connections between greenways and communities, for the purpose of increasing the level of physical activity, and ultimately improving community health. ····· 1036119969

Karail: A land for Informal Urbanism

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The objective of this research paper is to determine an urban planning and design process for the informal settlement of Karail, Dhaka. Some little regularization from macro to micro level in terms of infrastructural changes, enhancing informal economy and introducing new economical activities can change the present urban scenario. Also the interactive economic relation within a resilient neighbourhood can help to reduce social segregation. Regularizing the existing house form and initiating the provision for required infrastructure is can provide a new socio-economical network in this informal settings. The planning solution is somewhat a hypothesis yet, as it will have to be checked on site and surrounding conditions in detail. However, this hypothesis has possible potentials of standing very close to the actual solution. This can be a way to empower a vulnerable group with limited resources. Karail witnesses how physical planning is guided by numerous social phenomena and complex economic web. Being a small enclave of wider Dhaka, it can be a strong example while new urban projects will be taken in account. ····· 1036119594

Economic Vulnerability in Housing

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In the history, Istanbul was called as city on the seven hills . In the diaries written by travelers, Istanbul was described as one of the most beautiful cities of the world with its unique landscape due to Bosphorus extending between Asia and Europe. The lakes and the rivers among hills also enrich the spectacular view of the city. However, all these aesthetic values are the results of major geographic failure and fragile structure of the city. Before and during its past, Istanbul experienced several earthquakes which destroyed the city. The archeological remains are the main evidences that Istanbul collapsed several times and the subsequent city was built on the ruins of the former one. Now Istanbul is waiting for another devastating earthquake with its 13,5 million inhabitants. After the Kocaeli earthquake (1999), Turkish Compulsory Insurance Pool was founded in order to compensate the economic losses in properties caused by an earthquake. What are the probable losses Is TCIP able to cover real losses What may happen in the real estate market This book aims to provide a new perspective to evaluate probable financial losses in residential areas due to a major earthquake. ····· 1036119059

Water Supply Infrastructure and Service Delivery in Ethiopia

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Demand for water supply infrastructure is much greater than its supply due to rapid population growth in Gimbi town .Objective of this study is to assess the overall conditions of water supply infrastructure and service delivery in the town. Descriptive type of study was conducted and both primary and secondary were collected. Study confirmed that town is facing severe water supply service problem. Survey result shows that water produced only covers 30.39 percent of the demand and existing situations decreased the daily average consumption of pipe water to 6.08 liters/person/day. Study identified population growth, inadequate water supply source, frequent interruption, unaccounted for water, insufficient funding and capacity, and limited stakeholders participation as factors for inadequate water supply infrastructure and service delivery. Paper recommends exploring additional source, redesigning the water distribution system, encouraging capacity building for staffs, carrying out appropriate operation and maintenance, introducing water harvesting program, launching water infrastructural assets management and promoting stakeholders participation for the improvement. ····· 1036118683

Urban space as a livelihood asset for the poor

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One immediate outcome of the restructuring of the global economy has been the rapid growth of informal sector employment. This is particularly evident in cities of the Global South where the economic reforms of the past quarter of a century have increased their population concentrations and contributed to a rapid growth of the informal economy. In Ghana, the informal economy is estimated to have provided about 78.5 percent of employment in 1997. In spite of its contribution to local economic development, city authorities have failed to recognise the sector as an important component of the urban economy. Using Kumasi, Ghana as a case study, this book examines the interconnections between planning policy making and the development of street trading as a sub-sector of the urban economy. The Sustainable Livelihood Framework is utilized as an analytical model to examine how planning policies and regulations have impacted on development and growth of this sector of Kumasi`s economy. ····· 1036118550

Dynamic Planning for the Redevelopment of a Site

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The urban areas of Bangladesh are growing very fast following a high rate of urbanization & fresh land is becoming unavailable day by day & unplanned infrastructural growth with haphazard alignment with horrible outlook & destruction of water body are the common scenario. It is essential to combine efficiently both human idea & technology to find an effective redevelopment method. The intent of the Shahid Mukti Juddha Sarak & Mission Road Redevelopment Plan is to provide a flexible research work for the problem identification & find the possible solution for the redevelopment of the study area to transform it into a place that attracts people to live & work within the area to visit for recreation & refreshment. It has developed a dynamic site layout plan for the site considering the redevelopment strategies & zoning requirements. To propose a dynamic & conceptual site plan for infrastructure & water body redevelopment & to recommend sustainable features considering the visual outlook are the main objectives of this thesis paper. At last it presents a project plan & estimates a probable budget for the redevelopment process & determines the source of finance to fulfill the procedure. ····· 1036118495

Multi-Criteria Decision Modeling for Infrastructure Development

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Assume that you are in charge of Ethiopian Highways Department. Many highways need to be rehabilitated. But due to limited finance, if the government asks you to provided a list of the first 10 highway reconstruction projects for its final decision, What will you do as a planner Then this book may help you a lot in prioritizing. It tries to build a comprehensive multi-criteria decision making model. Out of the entire road network of the nation, 68 big highways were screened. Then 4 core criteria were used namely: social benefits, economic benefits, administrative importance, and capital cost. The criteria were further cascaded into 22 indicators. The criteria were weighted first by Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Then Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) method was used for all indicators. Each criteria separately gives top 20 ranked highways. And the automated model calculates everything, ranks the highways, and even gives you map of them. Your problem or prioritization solved! ····· 1036118491

Land use & Socio economic Survey for Sustainable Development

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According to the United Nations FAO, land use concerns the products and/or benefits obtained from use of the land as well as the land management actions (activities) carried out by humans to produce those products and benefits. The population of the world is increasing at a geometric rate. But the land is not increasing, in fact, it is static. In this reason to make the optimum use of the existing land, it is very necessary to use the land in proper way. This using the land in proper way to extract its optimum ability is known as sustainable land-use. ····· 1036118050

Field studies of parking space use in the central area of Tel Aviv

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This report assessed supply conditions and parking demand in Downtown Tel- Aviv, based on surveys undertaken at different times of day. Using the data, statistics describing the use of the parking spaces are developed. The analysis of data focused on the evaluation of indicators such as parking accumulation profiles, average parking duration and turnover rates of parking. The report also evaluated the fraction of vehicles owners who do not use car during the daytime and the proportion of parking spaces, which is occupied by Sleeping cars . The data of the night survey allowed to estimate the distances between the parking place and the owner`s residence and to identify the fraction of vehicles registered outside of Tel Aviv. ····· 103613425

The Edge

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Currently Addis Ababa is recording high rates of urbanization. And urbanization comes with emerging demands. One of these demands is access to urban space which is managed through new ways of space usage. One of these ways is multi-functionality of streets other than being walk-ways or drive-ways. These spaces accommodating various activities can be termed as conscious spaces, functioning as a self-shifting living organism referred here as Interface Spaces. They are easy to relate to the inhabitants and to the settlement as a whole where they are the medium of spatial and economic transformations besides being the social link. Thus, the in between space of house against street, which is prone for diverse adaptation, is the focus of this research. It aims in analyzing interface spaces as part of the urban spatial pattern where space is being produced and used in relatively new way. This shift away from the norm/design forms a space that is very unique to the city alone. The study reaches to a conclusion where Interface Spaces take this role leading towards a new urbanism, Interface Urbanism. ····· 103613226

Evaluación de los Planes de Emergencia de Bogotá D.C. (2001-2009)

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La presente investigación diagnóstica tiene como propósito responder a las siguientes preguntas: ¿Que tan preparada se encuentra Bogotá D.C., para afrontar la materialización de un fenómeno natural, como lo es un terremoto Y ¿Es lo suficientemente eficaz para garantizar la seguridad, la gobernabilidad y la estabilidad socio-económica de sus habitantes Lo anterior bajo la perspectiva de la Recuperación Temprana, concepto desarrollado por las Naciones Unidas con el que se pretende, dotar de herramientas a los asentamientos humanos para reducir la vulnerabilidad de los mismos frente a la materialización de eventos naturales o socio-naturales, que irrumpen la estabilidad y crecimiento de los asentamientos. ····· 103613128

Procesos de transformación urbana

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La relación entre el ser humano y la naturaleza sigue siendo motivo de debate de diversas teorías tanto en las ciencias exactas como en las ciencias histórico hermenéuticas. Un tema central de esas discusiones es el referido a la configuración del espacio y a los problemas que éste contiene, lo que ha generado diferentes puntos de vista sobre un mismo fenómeno. Así pues, esbozar un método para la compresión del espacio en una perspectiva de geografía urbana se considera una tarea muy importante para captar la existencia y el funcionamiento de objetos y flujos que están presentes en la dinámica urbana. La ciencia geográfica, entre otras muchas pretensiones, se ocupa de definir la organización espacial no lo hace con la intención de resolver el dilema ancestral de la definición de espacio, sino que busca dotarse de métodos de análisis espacial que le permitan explorar las tendencias, posturas y conceptos. Bajo estos propósitos se ha estructurado el presente documento. ····· 103613119

Jerarquización de la problemática ambiental en Acapulco, Gro, México

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Muy pocas ciudades latinoamericanas cuentan con un plan de desarrollo urbano que permita un eficiente manejo de sus recursos, la planeación de servicios básicos (luz, agua, vías de comunicación, etc.) y aquellos que contribuyan a mejorar la calidad de vida de la población como: parques urbanos, zoológicos, jardines botánicos, museos, etc. El rápido crecimiento de la Ciudad de Acapulco ha traído como consecuencia la proliferación de asentamientos humanos que poco a poco se han ido convirtiendo en localidades importantes de la periferia del municipio sobre todo en su parte este. Sin embargo no deja de preocupar el hecho de estarse dando dicho fenómeno en zonas inadecuadas y de alto riesgo geohidrológico, sí como a costa del deterioro de zonas ecológicamente importantes. Este libro será de gran ayuda para los estudiosos del ordenamiento territorial así como para arquitectos, geógrafos, ambientalistas, desarrolladores, estudiantes de diferentes áreas, autoridades de los ayuntamientos que trabajan en la obra pública y personas que toman decisiones en los proyectos de ciudades. ····· 103613038

Desajustes del binomio movilidad y transporte público en Bogotá

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En los últimos años los indicadores demuestran que el crecimiento urbano de la ciudad de Bogotá ha sido consecuencia, en parte, del desmedido crecimiento poblacional, de manera que la mancha urbana se extiende desordenadamente, en muchos casos sin políticas de contención para evitar la excesiva dispersión urbana, creándose sectores desconectados del resto de la ciudad con baja accesibilidad tanto a los sistemas generales como a los medios de transporte. Por tanto, es necesario analizar los impactos generados por los modelos de transporte implementados en diferentes periodos como solución a dichas disfuncionalidades. Históricamente en Bogotá se han implementado diferentes sistemas de transporte público colectivo, los cuales en ningún caso han logrado superar la percepción negativa de los usuarios sobre el sistema. En consecuencia hacia finales de la década de los 90, se implementa en la ciudad el sistema integral de transporte masivo Transmilenio , con el cual se busca disminuir los tiempos de desplazamiento en unas condiciones óptimas de seguridad y confort. Sin embargo, según muestran algunas tendencias la situación problemática no ha desaparecido. ····· 103613015

Fragmentación urbana a través de redes de agua

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Desde hace cuatro décadas los servicios de redes son objeto de diversas reformas (liberalización, privatización, etc.), constituyéndose en un tema político económico importante. Sin embargo, los efectos de estas reformas sobre la fragmentación son poco analizados, pese a que algunos estudios apoyan la tesis de una fragmentación urbana creciente. La tesis de fragmentación y redes (Splintering Urbanism) de Graham y Marvin (2001) sugiere que la privatización y la liberalización de los servicios contribuyen a la desintegración de las infraestructuras, favoreciendo a la fragmentación social y material de las ciudades. Este libro, demuestra con el caso de Cochabamba, cómo un proceso de autogestión de agua a través de centenas de micro sistemas de redes de servicio, administrados por organizaciones barriales y resultado también de diversas reformas, está logrando la desintegración y dislocación socio espacial de centenas de pequeñas jurisdicciones vecinales en el área metropolitana de Cochabamba, no en la `clásica` forma de fragmentación caracterizada por la separación física, sino en la profundización de lógicas de autonomía y semi autarquía alrededor de la gestión de este servicio. ····· 103612963

Los residuos sólidos urbanos en Tokio, París, Madrid y México

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Uno de los problemas más graves dentro de las ciudades es la gran cantidad de residuos sólidos que se acumulan en estas cada día. Su almacenaje en vertederos, que en poco tiempo exceden su capacidad, demuestra que este sistema es ineficiente y perjudicial para nuestro entorno. En las últimas décadas, los desechos se han incrementado a mayor velocidad que la población que los genera. Este libro estudia cuatro distintas formas de gestionar los residuos en megaciudades (como es el caso de las ciudades: Tokio, París, Madrid y México), así como la implementación de las normas que conllevan a un mejor aprovechamiento de los recursos. Los datos expuestos nos invitan a reflexionar sobre un problema que nos afecta de manera individual y global. Este libro esta dirigido a todo aquel que quiera tomar conciencia de la dimensión del problema, así como analistas gubernamentales y corporativos que busquen identificar las ventajas y desventajas de los distintos modelos de gestión de residuos. ····· 103612950

El figurar y el figurarse

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Vivimos -siempre- `en`. Vivo `en` Francia, `en` Bretaña, `en` Rennes: el inglés, más preciso en este caso que el francés o el castellano, nos llama `inhabitants`. Ve la ciencia los lugares que habitamos como objetos de un análisis posible: sin embargo, son Rennes, Bretaña y Francia lugares en que puedo yo encontrarme, mas no objetos que pueda yo encontrar: aunque pueda yo encontrar objetos en el país en que me encuentro, jamás podré encontrarlo a él. Podría alguien objetar que nos permiten hoy los vuelos verlo, mas claro está que el `en` deja entonces de ser visto. En uno de sus libros, señala Jacques Soustelle que ver la selva mexicana desde el aire o desde fuera, para luego entrar en ella, es pasar de un mundo a otro. Estudio aquí ese otro mundo en el cual nos encontramos, y que no podemos encontrar. ····· 103612933

Gestión de la distribución mayorista de alimentos en Europa

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La distribución mayorista de alimentos en la ciudad de Barcelona, responde a un modelo francés que fue retomado en España en la década de los años sesenta. Al igual que el resto de mercados mayoristas no solo en España sino en Europa, el de Barcelona es un mercado concentrador de alimentos compuesto por varios mercados centrales. Sin embargo, a lo largo del tiempo éste ha sabido aprovechar las oportunidades y ventajas tanto competitivas como comparativas del territorio en el cual se encuentra emplazado, aspecto que ha logrado diferenciarlo y por tanto posicionarlo. La yuxtaposición de acontecimientos en varios niveles, versus la gestión al interior de la Entidad, resulta en una valoración sobre cuales han sido los factores de mayor incidencia no solo para el caso de Barcelona, sino que a su vez, se puede determinar que elementos de la distribución mayorista en Europa deberían ser mejorados o potenciados y cuales podrían o no ser extrapolados a otros territorios. ····· 103612835

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