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CDSSs: Review on different methodologies used in Health Care

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The innovations of Computer Sciences have revolutionized the human life. As a result the ability to simulate activities and processes has grown significantly in recent years. It has made easy to analyze and diagnose the medical problems and diseases.The use of Artificial Intelligence in medicine and medical sciences is on high demand. Different methodologies are used for the implementation of Decision Support Systems that can help Medical Professionals for identification and diagnoses of diseases .Each methodology has some good aspects as well as some dark. The selection of a particular methodology depends upon various parameters of problem domain. Certain methodologies are more effective within one domain while other may be in another. A detailed study of most commonly used methodologies in Health Care can help us to suggest an optimal methodology for clinical decision support systems. ····· 1036118165

Finishing of Tencel Woven Fabric

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Finishing of Tencel Woven Fabric discusses the inherent mechanical properties of fibre, change in fibre morphology through crosslinking and its effects on the easy-care behaviour of fabric. It has been thus possible to show the structure-property relationship of fabric. Resin Finishing counteracts fibrillation of tencel fibre and yarn and prevents the formation of crease marks. On the other hand it leads to lowering of abrasion resistance of tencel fabric so that the addition of additives and softeners is indispensable. With balance finishing recipe, consisting of crosslinking agent and a softeners or additive a fabric can be finished optimally. It is supported by a large number of diagrams and micrographs and is fully referenced for advance reading. Students and researchers will find it a valuable dissertation for gaining a greater understanding of tencel fabrics. ····· 1036118158

Technical evaluation and standardization of biogas plants in Ghana

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This book reviews the nature of biogas promotion strategies as well as biogas digester designs widely disseminated in Ghana and other countries. It looks into challenges facing the design, construction, and operation of biogas plants in Ghana based on a field survey of 50 biogas installations, and interviews with both end-users and service providers. From the survey, sanitation was found to be the main motivational reason for people using biogas plants. Only 22 of the surveyed installations were functioning satisfactorily. Reasons for non-functioning include non-availability of dung, breakdown of balloon gasholders, absence of maintenance services, lack of operational knowledge, gas leakages, and bad odour in toilet chambers of biolatrines. Design problems observed involved the wrong orientation of inlet pipes of biolatrine digesters and the faulty interconnection between tandem digesters. This book recommends the development of a national programme focussing on three major areas sanitation, energy, and organic fertilizer production. It further advocates for the promotion of standardized digesters for large scale promotion in Ghana. ····· 1036118098

Street and House Lighting Using Photovoltaic Panels

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This book based on an experimental investigation include determination of (power output, monthly average daily energy generation, and efficiency) for the solar module (BP1211SR) at four different tilt angles (0º, 26º, 36º, 46º) in Erbil city (latitude=36º11` N, longitude=44º E, and 430m above sea level), also determining PV area required for demand loads after selecting the best tilt angle for Erbil city. The data has been taken for one year the data of each month represent the average of (4-5) times in the month taken in three different daytime. The main purpose of this book is how to find the best tilt angle for the solar modules that collect the maximum energy and determine the PV area required for demand loads to select suitable PV system for house and street lighting. ····· 1036118085

Enhancement of Telecom Services in Rural Areas of India

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The mobile telecom industry has begun to consider the next billion users while the markets all over the world approach saturation. These next billion users are the rural populations India and China are prime examples with the opportunity of high rural masses. India not China will be the greatest contributor adding to 294million subscriptions, and an average of 8million wireless subscriber base per month. The huge rural digital divide between the rich and the poor, the urban and the rural populace designate the increasing existing divide necessitated. In addition, a massive economy over 50% of India s total GDP, almost same numbers of middle to high income households in rural areas with (21.16 m), as to (23.22 m) in urban India. Rural Indians are to pay for mobile services only around $3 per month as the cost base geared to the average revenue per user (ARPU) levels. India s mobile telecom sector is to be enhanced according to the state commitments on an unequal access to communication, the huge population of over 720 million people in 630,000 villages across 3.2 million square miles waits for the services and the market that is still under penetrated. ····· 1036118032

Camshaft Precision

für 28.99€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In the first chapter the authors present an original method to calculate the efficiency of the cams mechanisms.The second chapter presents an original method in determining a general, dynamic and differential equation for the motion of machines and mechanisms, particularized for the mechanisms with rotation cams and followers.The third chapter presents an original method to determine the general dynamics of mechanisms with rotation cams and followers, particularized to the plate translated follower. First, it presents the dynamics kinematics. Then it solves the Lagrange equation and using an original dynamic model with one degree of freedom, with variable internal amortization, it makes the dynamic analysis. The fourth chapter briefly presents an original method for determining the dynamics of mechanisms with rotation cam and translated follower with roll. First, one presents the dynamics kinematics. Then one performs the dynamic analysis of a few models, for some movement laws, imposed on the follower, by the designed cam profile. The fifth chapter presents an original methods to determine the dynamic parameters at the classic distribution, and a new method is presented in the sixth chapter.The seventh chapter presents an original methods to determine the dynamic parameters at the camshaft with rotary cam and translated follower with roll. ····· 1036115095

Vozdushnye furmy domennykh pechey

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Effektivnost` raboty domennykh pechey zavisit ot stoykosti vozdushnykh furm i teplovykh poter` cherez ikh poverkhnost`. Dlya povysheniya etikh ekspluatatsionnykh pokazateley primenyaetsya metod gazoplamennogo napyleniya, pozvolyayushchiy var`irovat` v shirokom diapazone sostav pokrytiya. Tsel`yu raboty yavilas` razrabotka sostava alyumosoderzhashchikh gazoplamennykh pokrytiy dlya povysheniya stoykosti vozdushnykh furm domennykh pechey i snizheniya teplovykh poter` cherez ikh poverkhnost`. Dlya etogo byli issledovany struktura i svoystva diffuzionnykh sloev na medi, poluchennykh napyleniem razlichnykh sostavov alyumosoderzhashchikh pokrytiy i ikh termoobrabotki v okislitel`noy i zashchitnoy srede. Byla predlozhena metodika rascheta tolshchiny diffuzionnogo sloya, sozdavaemogo na vozdushnykh furmakh s ispol`zovaniem alyumosoderzhashchikh gazoplamennykh pokrytiy. V rezul`tate byla usovershenstvovana tekhnologiya izgotovleniya vozdushnykh furm naneseniem alyumosoderzhashchikh gazoplamennykh pokrytiy, a takzhe dana otsenka teplovykh poter` cherez poverkhnost` vozdushnykh furm i raskhod koksa na tonnu vyplavlyaemogo chuguna. Kniga prednaznachena dlya inzhenerno tekhnicheskogo personala metallurgicheskikh predpriyatiy, a takzhe studentov VUZov mashinostroitel`nykh i metallurgicheskikh spetsial`nostey. ····· 103615386

Goryachekatanye listy iz nizkolegirovannykh staley

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Vysokotemperaturnaya gazovaya korroziya pri nagreve slyabov v okislitel`noy srede pered goryachey prokatkoy ukhudshaet pokazateli proizvodstva listov. V chastnosti, ugar i okalinoobrazovanie privodyat k poteryam metalla, a nalichie tolstogo sloya vkatannoy okaliny snizhaet kachestvo prokata i uvelichivaet trudozatraty pri ego zachistke. Dlya resheniya etoy problemy avtorami predlozheno metodom elektrodugovoy metallizatsii nanesenie na slyaby alyuminievogo pokrytiya, kotoroe za schet obrazovaniya Fe Al diffuzionnogo sloya zashchishchaet metall pri nagreve pod prokatku, prokatke i posleduyushchey termoobrabotke. V rabote issledovano vliyanie osnovnykh legiruyushchikh elementov nizkolegirovannykh staley na obrazovanie okaliny i Fe Al diffuzionnogo sloya, predlozhena metodika rascheta tolshchiny pokrytiya, obespechivayushchego effektivnuyu zashchitu metalla pri vysokoy temperature. V rezul`tate razrabotana i aprobirovana v usloviyakh OAO `Severstal`` tekhnologiya naneseniya pokrytiya na slyaby. Dlya ee realizatsii bylo utverzhdeno tekhnicheskoe zadanie na proektirovanie uchastka. Kniga prednaznachena dlya inzhenerno tekhnicheskogo personala metallurgicheskikh predpriyatiy, a takzhe studentov VUZov metallurgicheskikh spetsial`nostey. ····· 103615352

Primenenie innovatsionnykh energosberegayushchikh tekhnologiy

für 80.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Monografiya soderzhit obzor primeneniya sushil`nykh, vodorodnykh i magnitnykh ustanovok v promyshlennosti i APK, issledovaniya optimal`nykh parametrov impul`snykh istochnikov pitaniya vodorodnykh i elektromagnitnykh ustanovok i primeneniya ikh v promyshlennosti i APK. Primenenie elektromagnitnykh ustanovok dlya obezzarazhivaniya myasnogo syr`ya. Izdanie prednaznacheno dlya magistrov inzhenernykh spetsial`nostey i inzhenerno tekhnicheskikh rabotnikov. ····· 103615341

Vozdushnye furmy domennykh pechey

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Osnovnymi prichinami zameny vozdushnykh furm domennykh pechey yavlyaetsya progar ryl`noy chasti, treshchina po svarke, iznos ryl`noy chasti so storony dut`evogo kanala i naruzhnogo stakana. Effektivnym sposobom bor`by s iznosom yavlyaetsya nanesenie na poverkhnost` furm alyuminievogo pokrytiya metodom elektrodugovoy metallizatsii s posleduyushchey termoobrabotkoy. V rezul`tate na poverkhnosti furm obrazuetsya medno alyuminievyy diffuzionnyy sloy, obladayushchiy vysokoy zharostoykost`yu, iznosostoykost`yu i nizkoy teploprovodnost`yu. V rabote privedeny rezul`taty po issledovaniyu svoystv medno alyuminievogo diffuzionnogo sloya i sozdaniyu ego na vozdushnykh furmakh domennykh pechey. Eto pozvolilo ustranit` iznos ryl`noy chasti so storony dut`evogo kanala, povysit` stoykost` furm po iznosu naruzhnogo stakana na 28% i snizit` teplovye poteri cherez ikh poverkhnost` ne menee chem na 2%. Kniga prednaznachena dlya inzhenerno tekhnicheskogo personala metallurgicheskikh predpriyatiy, a takzhe studentov VUZov mashinostroitel`nykh i metallurgicheskikh spetsial`nostey. ····· 103615339

Tolstostennye kristallizatory mashin nepreryvnogo lit`ya zagotovok

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Nesmotrya na sravnitel`no nevysokuyu mezhremontnuyu stoykost` tolstostennykh kristallizatorov, oni ekspluatiruyutsya na ryade metallurgicheskikh kombinatov Rossii, poskol`ku rekonstruktsiya mashin nepreryvnogo lit`ya zagotovok trebuet znachitel`nykh kapital`nykh zatrat. Odnoy iz osnovnykh prichin zameny kristallizatorov yavlyaetsya iznos rabochey poverkhnosti uzkikh stenok. Posle vosstanovleniya uzkikh stenok kristallizatory chasto vyvodyat iz ekspluatatsii po prichine iznosa shirokikh stenok. Dlya vosstanovleniya shirokikh stenok predpochtitelen metod gazoplamennogo napyleniya, otlichayushchiysya kompaktnost`yu oborudovaniya, vozmozhnost`yu primeneniya v neposredstvennoy blizosti ot mesta razlivki. V rabote priveden opyt primeneniya gazoplamennogo napyleniya dlya vosstanovleniya rabochey polosti kristallizatorov bez ikh razborki i povysheniya kachestva razlivaemogo metalla. Kniga prednaznachena dlya inzhenerno-tekhnicheskogo personala metallurgicheskikh predpriyatiy, a takzhe studentov VUZov mashinostroitel`nykh i metallurgicheskikh spetsial`nostey. ····· 103615307

Ventil`nyy effekt v elektrodnoy pechi

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V elektrodnoy elektricheskoy pechi preobrazovanie elektricheskoy energii v teplovuyu i khimicheskuyu proiskhodit v materialakh, nakhodyashchikhsya v raznykh agregatnykh sostoyaniyakh: tvyerdom, zhidkom i gazoobraznom (elektricheskoy duge). Raspredelenie toka mezhdu etimi materialami nakhodit otrazhenie v velichine i kharaktere sushchestvovaniya postoyannoy sostavlyayushchey faznogo napryazheniya. Otmechennaya svyaz` postoyannoy sostavlyayushchey s tekhnologicheskimi parametrami protsessa, provodimogo v elektropechi, daet vozmozhnost` osushchestvlyat` kontrol` za khodom etogo protsessa i svoevremenno provodit` ego korrektirovku. Kratko izlozhena teoriya ventil`nogo effekta i vozniknoveniya na ego osnove postoyannoy sostavlyayushchey faznogo napryazheniya. Na primere konkretnykh tekhnologicheskikh protsessov pokazany sposoby kontrolya tekhnologicheskikh parametrov raboty pechi, raspredeleniya moshchnosti v vanne pechi, sposoby upravleniya etim raspredeleniem s ispol`zovaniem postoyannoy sostavlyayushchey faznogo napryazheniya. ····· 103615167

Sovremennye aspekty

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V monografii rassmotreny sovremennye biofizicheskie aspekty postroeniya ustroystv informatsionnoy elektromagnitnoy terapii. Oni vklyuchayut: novuyu kontseptsiyu ispol`zovaniya elektromagnitnykh izlucheniy dlya profilaktiki i lecheniya shirokogo spektra zabolevaniy cheloveka v usloviyakh elektromagnitnogo zagryazneniya okruzhayushchey sredy, termodinamicheskuyu otsenku i modeli vzaimodeystviya elektromagnitnykh izlucheniy razlichnogo proiskhozhdeniya s ob`ektami zhivoy prirody, opisanie original`nykh avtorskikh razrabotok ustroystv informatsionnoy elektromagnitnoy terapii. V knige privedeno opisanie serii model`nykh biologicheskikh eksperimentov po otsenke modifitsiruyushchego deystviya elektromagnitnykh izlucheniy na zhivotnykh, a takzhe kratkoe opisanie rezul`tatov primeneniya razrabotannykh ustroystv pri lechenii shirokogo spektra zabolevaniy detey i vzroslykh. Material, predstavlennyy v knige, prednaznachen dlya uchenykh, aspirantov i studentov, izuchayushchikh voprosy vzaimodeystviya zhivykh organizmov s elektromagnitnymi izlucheniyami, i shirokogo kruga spetsialistov, zanimayushchikhsya razrabotkoy meditsinskoy tekhniki i eye primeneniem v profilakticheskikh i lechebnykh tselyakh. ····· 103615163

Teoriya i praktika selektsii mineral`nykh chastits v kolonnykh apparatakh

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V monografii razvity nauchnye osnovy intensifikatsii flotatsionnogo razdeleniya mineral`nykh chastits v pnevmaticheskikh kolonnykh apparatakh s niskhodyashchim dvizheniem pul`povozdushnogo potoka. Po rezul`tatam vypolnennykh issledovaniy i opytno-promyshlennykh ispytaniy sozdana optimal`naya konstruktsiya flotatsionnogo kolonnogo apparata, polozhennaya v osnovu intensivnoy tekhnologii flotatsionnoy pererabotki rud razlichnogo veshchestvennogo sostava i tekhnogennogo syr`ya. Dannaya monografiya - itog mnogoletney napryazhennoy raboty kollektiva issledovateley, konstruktorov, sozdavshikh i osvoivshikh novoe pokolenie flotatsionnykh apparatov, v kotorom rassmatrivayutsya otdel`nye voprosy teorii i praktiki flotatsii. ····· 103615030

Sovremennye tekhnologii i oborudovanie chernoy metallurgii

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V poslednie desyatiletiya v chernoy metallurgii proizvoditeli me-talla i oborudovaniya udelyayut bol`shoe vnimanie sovershenstvova-niyu traditsionnykh i razrabotke novykh tekhnologiy i oborudovaniya dlya proizvodstva stali vysokogo kachestva. V predlagaemoy knige sistematizirovany svedeniya o mirovom proizvodstve i potreblenii stali, podgotovke syrykh materialov i domennom proizvodstve, podgotovke metallicheskogo loma i stalepla-vil`nom proizvodstve, protsessakh pryamogo vosstanovleniya zheleza, tekhnologiyakh i oborudovanii nepreryvnoy razlivki stali, proizvod-stve sortovogo prokata, tekhnologiyakh i oborudovanii listoprokatnogo proizvodstva. Privedeny rezul`taty promyshlennoy ekspluatatsii novykh tekhno-logiy i oborudovaniya, vypolneno sravnenie tekhnologiy po effek-tivnosti ispol`zovaniya. Znachitel`noe vnimanie udeleno voprosam kompleksnoy avtomati-zatsii vsekh peredelov metallurgicheskogo proizvodstva. Kniga mozhet byt` polezna inzhenerno-tekhnicheskim rabotnikam metallurgicheskikh i mashinostroitel`nykh predpriyatiy, nauchno-issledovatel`skikh i proektnykh institutov, a takzhe studentam vys-shikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. ····· 103615022

Khudozhestvennoe materialovedenie

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Kniga yavlyaetsya pervoy chast`yu uchebnogo posobiya dlya studentov vuzov po spetsial`nosti `Tekhnologiya khudozhestvenny obrabotki materialov`. V pervoy chasti opisany obshchie svoystva materialov, svyaz` tekhnologii so svoystvami i esteticheskimi trebovanimi k khudozhesvennym izdeliyam, tekhnologii izgotovleniya khudozhestvennykh izdeliy iz nemetallicheskikh materialov: gornykh porod i mineralov, stekla, khudozhestvennoy emali i t.d. Predpolagaetsya izdanie vtoroy chasti, posvyashchennoy khudozhestvennoy keramike, izdeliyam iz iskusstvennogo kamnya, drevesiny, kosti i roga, plastmass i drugikh nemetallicheskikh materialov. ····· 103614877

Study of Nanomaterials

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Now-a-days, the terms, Nanoscience, Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials have emerged as the most important and exciting forefront fields in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering and Biology and are being extensively used by the common people and the media. Nano is the flavor of the day. Nevertheless, the nanomaterials have been used by human mankind for centuries without knowing the dimensions of the material. However, it is the last two decades that the science of nanomaterials and the related technology has gained much importance. It shows great promise for providing us in the near future with many breakthroughs that may change the direction of technological advances in a wide range of applications. Miniaturization of devices has always been a challenging task for the scientific community and in the same pursuit Nanotechnology has come up after its latency with the novel fabrication techniques of nanomaterials and advanced characterization techniques. Some of such exciting Existing and Future Applications of nanotechnology have been addressed in this book. ····· 103613854

Demand-Responsive Feeder Transit Services

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The general public considers Fixed-Route Transit (FRT) to be inconvenient while Demand-Responsive Transit (DRT) provides much of the desired flexibility with a door-to-door type of service. However, FRT is typically more cost efficient than DRT to deploy. Therefore, there is an increased interest in flexible transit services that combine FRT and pure DRT. The demand-responsive feeder transit is a flexible transit service that operates in a demand-responsive fashion within a service area and moves customers to/from a transfer point connecting to a FRT network. This book provides analytical models, validated by simulation, to design the system. Feeder transit services are generally operated with a demand-responsive policy which might be converted to a traditional fixed-route policy for higher demand. We provide analytical modeling to help planners and operators choose the policy. Then we address the problem faced by planners in determining the optimal number of zones for dividing a service area. Finally we develop a real-case application. This book is useful to transportation planners, engineers and researchers. ····· 103613752

Emotion Recognition From Speech

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Emotion recognition from speech has received considerable attention in recent years. Fields like homeland security, remote monitoring of patients, improved communication for people with disabilities, and even closed captioning can greatly benefit from advances in the area. This book reveals some of the leading techniques in spoken emotion recognition and provides an in-depth analysis and comparison of key methodologies in the field. The reader is first introduced to some of the most important aspects of spoken emotion recognition. The author then reveals new feature domains, novel recognition methods and various feature extraction techniques all tested across different speech corpora. This work also reveals new emotion classification techniques and compares their recognition performance to some classical emotion recognition methods. In addition, all methods are tested in different real-world noisy conditions to compare their robustness. This is part of an effort to bring the scientific advancement in the field closer to the real-world product environment. In these terms this book constitutes a significant advancement in the area of emotion recognition from speech. ····· 103613704

Characterization and Desulphurization of Reactive Mine Tailings

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Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) is produced when sulphide-bearing mine tailings is exposed to oxygen and water and accelerated by naturally-occurring bacteria that assist in the breakdown of sulphide minerals. AMD can severely pollute surface and ground-water, as well as soils. Therefore, mine planners and managers must identify techniques that will minimize AMD impacts on life forms and their environment. In the present study, a site-specific study is carried out to assess the suitability of froth flotation for desulphurization of reactive mine tailings with an Outokumpu flotation unit, type OK0.05 at the Musselwhite Gold Mine, Northern Ontario, Canada, to prevent AMD. During froth flotation of mine tailings, a large quantity of samples must be handled and analyzed for total sulphur content with accuracy and precision. Therefore, a robust, rapid and easy digestion procedure for analysis of total sulphur in mine tailings using Inductively Coupled Plasma is also developed. ····· 103613692

Power System Protection & its application in PHCN

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This book embraces a comprehensive and useful guide to the concepts, practices, and use of equipments in the important field of Electrical (Protection) Engineering. The book throws light on the components of protection and the various protection schemes as well as their guiding principles as it relates to old method of protection employed by PHCN. Conversely, the latest improvements in the protection system were considered. ····· 103613676

Analysis and Design of Indonesia`s e-ID and e-Voting Integration

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Indonesia has been developing its electronic ID card named e-KTP (Electronic Kartu Tanda Penduduk ) since 2006. After 3 years of development, the first trial was started on September 2009 in 6 sub-districts in Indonesia, including South Padang (Padang), West Denpasar (Denpasar), Tamalanrea (Makassar), Gondokusuman (Yogyakarta), Duku Puntang (Cirebon), and Jembrana Negara. It is planned that every Indonesia citizen will already have e-ID by the end of year 2012. If the plan is successful, then the next election in 2014 will be the first election using e-ID (e-Voting), which means, a brand new election system/procedure must be designed to maximize the use of e-ID. This book talks about how it should be implemented and how it would bring benefits for Indonesia. ····· 103613527

Storage Optimization For Miniature Database Systems

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In this era of pervasive computing, computation platforms have extended to small intelligent devices like cell phones, sensors, smartcards, PDA s (personal digital assistants) etc. Miniature or small size computing machines have become unavoidable and are being equipped with an increasing amount of storing and computing resources. As better, efficient and advanced functionalities and features are being added to these devices, an increasing number of applications are being added and for this we need a paradigm shift to the newer aspect of databases. ····· 103613475

Evaluation of Pressure Measurement Systems for Compression Garments

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A two part research on the evaluation of compression garments for its performance and pressure measurement systems using sensors is presented. Researches pertaining to the use of pressure measurement systems for evaluating compression garments were critically appraised and highlighted for their evidence. Various factors that influence garment designing are also highlighted such as, body shape, fabric panels, garment sizing and fabric behaviour. Based on the research it was determined to predict the pressure applied by compression garments on various part of body contour by understanding the fabric characteristics, using pressure sensors and creating a simulated 3D avatar. In part II, sports compression tops were selected. Fabric characteristics were ascertained using FAST (Fabric Assurance by Simple Testing). Using pressure sensor the actual pressure applied by the garment on to the mannequin was recorded. The simulation model was created using information from FAST. The distribution of pressure in the virtual system was comparable to that in the experimental work. This study highlighted the potential of predicting the pressure applied by the garment using 3D simulation model. ····· 103613400

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