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Botánica Morfológica

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La Botánica Morfológica es una disciplina básica de numerosas carreras biológicas y como tal deberá ser abordada por los estudiantes, quienes se enfrentan a este cúmulo de información, que crece diariamente. Como docentes de Morfología de Plantas Vasculares hemos implementando como instrumento didáctico estos textos, con los siguientes objetivos: Contribuir a la lectura previa del tema, para que el alumno concurra a las clases prácticas y teóricas con conocimientos que le permitan plantear inquietudes como consecuencia de un proceso reflexivo previo. Facilitar la comprensión de los preparados macro y microscópicos observados en las clases prácticas y los conceptos teóricos relacionados. En esta primera entrega hemos abordado la organización básica de las plantas vasculares, explorando la diversidad en la estructura externa de las plantas. Temas: La organización del cuerpo de las Plantas. Hoja. Adaptaciones del cormo. Flor. Sexualidad e Inflorescencia. Fruto y semilla. Glosario. Bibliografía. Este material se encuentra disponible en el sitio web:, donde además de estos contenidos podrá encontrar animaciones, videos, enlaces a glosarios, etc. ····· 103612606

El Ruido Magnético de Barkhausen en aceros al carbono

für 35.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
En este libro se describen los fundamentos básicos del Ruido Magnético de Barkhausen. El Ruido Magnético de Barkhausen se produce en todos los materiales ferromagnéticos durante el proceso de magnetización. Este fenómeno es debido al movimiento discontinuo de las paredes de dominios magnéticos por la interacción de estas con los micro-defectos del material. El movimiento discontinuo de estas paredes produce fluctuaciones en el flujo magnético en la superficie del material las cuales pueden ser medidas con ayuda de un sensor magnético. La señal medida es a lo que se conoce como señal de Ruido Magnético de Barkhausen y contiene mucha información acerca de la micro-estructura del material. Analizando esta señal es posible obtener información acerca de la composición química, tamaño de grano, nivel de tensión o deformación a que está siendo sometido el material, entre otras propiedades. Debido a todo esto el Ruido Magnético de Barkhausen es una de las técnicas de inspección no destructiva de aceros más útiles en la actualidad. ····· 103612594

Raquitismo de los retoños en caña de Azúcar

für 26.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
En los últimos años, tal vez influenciado por los cambios climáticos, la incidencia de plagas y enfermedades en el cultivo de la caña de azúcar han ido en aumento y aparejado a ello son múltiples las enfermedades que se trasmiten por la semilla, siendo una de las más importantes el raquitismo de los retoños. En este libro, de gran importancia para los cañicultores, se reflejan mediante el uso de la hidrotermoterapia cuales son las combinaciones de tiempo y temperatura mas efectivas para el control de la enfermedad logrando un correcto saneamiento sin afectar la brotación del propágulo. Se hace referencia a la técnica de tinción de los vasos del xilema como una alternativa para validar la calidad de la semilla a emplear en las plantaciones cañeras. Este libro le permitirá incrementar sus conocimientos relacionados con técnicas y métodos de control del raquitismo de los retoños en caña de azúcar haciendo más eficiente el uso de la hidrotermoterapia. ····· 103612338

Anacardium excelsum fuente potencial de compuestos activos

für 26.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
En la actualidad existe un interés compartido en las industrias de alimentos, fitomedicamentos y cosméticos, de encontrar ingredientes naturales para el reemplazo de compuestos sintéticos -¿realmente inócuos -, y con ello lograr la obtención de un producto 100% natural. Dentro de la familia Anacardiaceae encontramos plantas con gran valor farmacológico, por ende la comunidad científica ha direccionado sus investigaciones en la búsqueda de principios activos en nuevas especies. En el territorio Colombiano encontramos la especie Anacardium excelsum donde sus frutos de consistencia harinosa se utilizaban en forma de cocido y molido para elaborar un producto comestible llamado Pan de Caracolí. Esta planta cuenta con pocos estudios en el campo de la fitoquímica y evaluación de actividades biológicas. El presente trabajo abre las puertas a la búsqueda de especies promisorias de la flora Colombiana como alternativa a las necesidades del sector industrial en el campo de la investigación, desarrollo e innovación. ····· 103612127

Enseñanza integrada de la Química y el Ambiente

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La ambientalización de los microcurrículos de química implica para el profesor un reto de creatividad entre otras habilidades así como del uso y aplicación del conocimiento didáctico del contenido, la tarea de diseñar un currículo o un microcurrículo ambientalizado, permite al docente establecer categorías articuladoras de un amplio repertorio de saberes, reconocer que estos entran en contrastación, en resignificación y apropiación establecer que a cada forma del pensamiento puesta en acción le corresponde una forma de apropiarse de la cultura y una comprensión de si mismo y de su grupo social,así las cosas los jóvenes serán ambientalmente responsables y sostenibles sus prácticas en el tiempo .Entre los saberes abordados en este trabajo se resalta la presencia del saber ancestral Muisca. es importante destacar como las formas de conocimiento ancestral muestran una clara tendencia a las prácticas de uso y consumo de los recursos de manera sustentable acorde con las demandas actuales referentes al desarrollo y crecimiento de las poblaciones vivas en el planeta Tierra. ····· 103611926

Elementos esenciales y potencialmente tóxicos en organismos marinos

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En la costa patagónica argentina existe una gran variedad de moluscos bivalvos que son recolectados como recurso alimentario. Debido a la creciente demanda mundial de alimentos, las algas marinas también están siendo reconocidas como fuente de nutrientes indispensables. Se estimaron las concentraciones de los macroelementos, microelementos y elementos trazas en Mytilus edulis, Aulacomya atra, Porphyra columbina y Ulva spp. del Golfo de San Jorge (Argentina) para evaluar la variación espacial y estacional de estos elementos, determinar la contribución nutricional y el riego toxicológico. Estos organismos sésiles, sedentarios de fácil recolección e identificación podrían ser utilizados como biomarcadores de contaminación. Las concentraciones de Pb, Cd y As no representarían problema alguno desde el punto de vista de la salud pública. Las dos especies de algas estudiadas aportan una gran cantidad de elementos esenciales, por lo que podrían ser utilizadas como suplementos dietarios. Estos resultados estiman los niveles base de una gran cantidad de elementos que podrían ser utilizados como valores de referencia para comparaciones entre zonas del Golfo San Jorge y otras áreas geográficas ····· 103611919


für 88.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
El texto trata sobre la Hidrogeoquímica, ciencia interdisciplinaria que se nutre de los conocimientos de la Hidrogeología y la Química. En el mismo se discuten las propiedades físico-químicas del agua subterránea su papel en el ciclo hidrológico el origen de su calidad y su relación con el medio geológico por donde discurre los procesos geoquímicos que explican su composición química la variación espacial y temporal de dicha composición los procesos de intemperismo en rocas carbonatadas y no carbonatadas los procesos geoquímicos que acompañan a la intrusión marina en los acuíferos costeros las propiedades del agua mineral y mineromedicinal, los principios de la modelación hidrogeoquímica y de la hidrología isotópica, y sus aplicaciones en la solución de problemas hidrogeológicos y ambientales. Los autores del libro, mediante estudios sistemáticos en diferentes regiones de Cuba y otros países, han caracterizado numerosas fuentes de aguas subterráneas de diferente naturaleza hidrogeológica, aplicando la modelación hidrogeoquímica. Los resultados de su labor científica, enriquecen la obra y contribuyen al desarrollo del conocimiento sobre el agua subterránea. ····· 103611826

Desempeño ambiental y económico de equipos térmicos

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Las autoridades ambientales encuentran en la sustitución de combustibles tradicionales por combustibles más amigables con el ambiente una alternativa para reducir la polución del aire en los grandes centros urbanos. Junto con las demás entidades involucradas, tales como las minero-energéticas idean nuevos programas para promover esta alternativa. Una de ellas es establecer límites a los niveles de emisión de contaminantes por fuentes fijas cada vez más estrictas. Para ello requieren contar con valores medidos de emisión de contaminantes y de costos de operación de los diferentes equipos térmicos industriales (calderas de vapor, calderas de aceite térmico, hornos, secadores, calentadores, etc.) bajo las condiciones particulares del lugar de su jurisdicción. Un caso especial son las ciudades ubicadas a gran altura sobre el nivel del mar (2000 msnm) por cuanto los procesos de combustión y por ende los niveles de emisión de contaminantes se ven afectados lo la altitud. En respuesta a esta necesidad se realizaron mediciones de emisiones atmosféricas en un conjunto representativo de empresas que operan en la ciudad de Bogotá, la cual esta se encuentra a 2700 msnm. ····· 103611625

Effects of airborne surfactants on the coastal forest

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Under natural conditions, the plants are subjected to multiple environmental stresses and to interaction between those. The simultaneous action of several stresses could be very complex, and the plants response is unpredictable, due to the overlapping or antagonistic effects. Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonates (LAS) are a group of synthetic anionic surfactants widely used in the composition of household or industrial detergents and agrochemicals. Even though these molecules are readily biodegradable, they have been reported as contaminants of different environmental compartments. This research was designed to understand the actual contribution of LAS to the decline of Mediterranean coastal forest exposed to marine aerosols contaminated with surfactants. Therefore, of key importance was to unravel the particular mechanism of synergistic action of the LAS and marine salts in order to predict the effects on the plants health status, among other factors. This work addresses to both academic and industry professionals in the field of environmental risk assessment. ····· 103611169

Water quality of the reservoir Vogr ek and its tributaries

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Running surface waters, rivers and streams, differ from lotic (stagnant) waters in many characteristics. The main distinction focuses on relative residence times of the water running waters have a much shorter retention time compared to lakes, reservoirs and oceans. Relatively long retention time means that pollutants will be present in the ecosystem for a longer period of time. Consequently, natural and anthropogenic watershed influences can have profound effects on water quality for human use and aquatic communities living within the ecosystem. This book presents a case study of anthropogenic impact on water quality of a reservoir located in western Slovenia (EU) and on its drainage area - its inflows from surrounding villages and agricultural land. Buffer capacity of natural wetlands was also studied. The presented results reflect the complexity of processes that occur in natural environment. The work highlights the importance of including the drainage area in water quality monitoring design. It contains some theoretical background about lakes, reservoirs, water quality, and wetlands and should be useful especially to students, professionals, and individuals new in the field. ····· 103611082

Livelihood Vulnerability to Climate Change in Coastal Bangladesh

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The research was conducted in Protapnagar union of Assasuni upazila under Satkhira district to investigate farmers livelihood vulnerabilities pertaining to climate change. The present research is highly related with a public interview to capture the data directly from the field related with random data sampling based information. The farmers within the study region were earnestly affected by various types of hazards like, river bank erosion, salinity effects, effects of tidal flood, overweening rainfall, monsoonal cyclone, water logging as well. Agriculture is the main source of economy of the Bangladesh, which is jeopardized by almost all the hazards. Around 37% farmers were migrating from affected areas to non affected areas and among the displaced farmer 21% were permanent and 16% were seasonal. The farmers had been suffering from various communicable and non communicable diseases and prevalence rate of the climate change associated diseases was 5.09. Finally, the study found that environmental migration, food deficiency and health problems that increasing vulnerability and reducing the sustainable capacity of the farmers to climate change adaptation. ····· 10361968

Invitro induction of mutation in potato cultivars

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The variation in mutant lines of three potato varieties Cardinal, Diamant and Desiree was studied. All the three varieties showed different callus induction response against different tested media with varying concentrations of plant hormones i.e., Cardinal (37.8%), Diamant (32.8%) and Desiree (42.8%) respectively. Similarly the regeneration efficiency of the callus from microtuber, root, leaf, node and internode explants of Cardinal, Dimant and Desiree with respect to different concentrations of chemical mutagens such as Colchicine and Sodium azide ( 0.1mM, 0.2mM, 0.3mM, 0.4mM and 0.5mM) was determined. Cardinal, Diamant and Desiree gave 35.33, 31.33 and 40.33 percent response respectively. Genomic DNA of the mutant lines of three cultivars with respect to controls were isolated and analyzed for polymorphisms by using RAPD markers. Four 10 bp random fragment primers, S-13, S-18, S-19 and R-17 were studied and all of them gave the amplification of genomic DNA. All these primers with specific banding pattern were unique in their polymorphic behavior. Different banding pattern of total protein contents were observed by PAGE analysis of mutant lines as compared with control plants. ····· 10361880

Income Generating Activities for management of Wetlands in Nepal

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Nepal have 9 wetlands of which Koshi Toppu Wildlife Reserve covers about 50.79% of areas that of total land covers by wetlands in Nepal. It covers the area of 175 sq kilometers. This was gazette as a protected area in 1976 under the National Park and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1973. Established with an aim of preserving the last remaining population of wild buffalo and maintaining the pristine natural environment of the area. The people who live there and depend on wetlands for their livelihoods, resulted in pressure on wetland resources in and around the reserve, so to alleviate these by providing sustainable alternatives that support local livelihoods to improve the socio-economic status of the people of Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve and simultaneously promote wise use of natural resources in buffer zone Conservation and Sustainable Use of Wetlands in Nepal (CSUWN) has been established. This book provides data on various Income Generating Activities provided to Wetlands Dependent Communities for the sustainable management of Natural Resources viz., Wetlands in Nepal. This book should be helpful especially to professionals who work in the field of Natural Resource Management. ····· 10361718

Antimicrobial activity of Bougainvillea spectabilis and Bacteriocin

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Plants are reservoir of effective chemotherapeutics and can provide valuable sources of natural antimicrobials. Bacteriocins are natural antimicrobial peptides with interesting potential applications in human health and exhibit a bactericidal mode of action against related as well as unrelated microorganisms. In present study Bougainvillea spectabilis and bacteriocins susceptibility against Salmonella typhi was evaluated. Bougainvillea spectabilis stem, leaves and flowers were extracted in organic solvents through soxhlet and rotary evaporator. For the bacteriocins screening, Lactococcus lactis was isolated from milk samples. Disc diffusion method was used to determine the antimicrobial activity. The results revealed that both the Bougainvillea spectabilis and bacteriocins had antimicrobial activity against S. typhi. The ethanolic and methanolic extracts of flowers and leaves of Bougainvillea spectabilis were more active against S. typhi. B. spectabilis and bacteriocins inhibition activity proved them as the alternative antimicrobial agents against human pathogens. ····· 10361669

Romanian Contributions to Black Sea related Marine Sciences

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The Black Sea is characterized by its large continental shelf, water stratification, lack of vertical mixing, highest H2S content of deep waters worldwide, strong freshwater input, increased levels of nutrients and detritus, weak water mass exchange with the Mediterranean Sea, large spatial and temporal variability of physical and chemical properties, about half salinities of those noticed in the world s ocean, slightly different composition of the ionic ratios. Poorer flora and fauna have been previously compensated by their high biological productivity. Relatively few alien species entered this particular environment. Up to the end of the fifth decade of the XXth century the Black Sea underwent major changes which contributed to a severe ecological disequilibrium. Considerable efforts have been devoted after 1990 for the rehabilitation of this still highly endangered sea. Within these joint contemporary concerns the continuous development of Romanian oceanography has enriched Black Sea research. Selected research and monitoring results regarding marine biology, ecology and radioactivity, history of oceanography, research and management programmes / projects are reviewed. ····· 10361425

Impacts of Climate Change on Livelihoods and Its Adaptation Practices

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Climate change has been one of the most serious threats for sustainable development. Its impact is of great concern to humanity. Despite the considerable efforts of scientists, academicians and the policy planners to deal with the impacts of climate change, people of the developing countries are in dearth of information in regard to the impacts of climate change on people`s livelihoods. Nepal, one of the least developed countries have been struggling much to cope with the impacts of climate change due to its fragile mountain ecosystem and the livelihood dependency of its inhabitants in these ecosystems. This effort of the author has attempted to explore the ground reality of the people and their understandings on impacts of climate change on rural livelihoods. Further, the author has tried to document the adaptation options applied by the locals to cope with those impacts. This book will be of interest to policy makers, community development practitioners, forest managers, researchers and students dealing with the climate change issues. ····· 10361416

The Impact of Deforestation on Soil Erosion and Climate Change

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The goal of this study is to model the impact of land use system.The covariance structure of the land use variables is used to study the linear structural relations among the model variables. The covariance matrix of the model is used to test whether structural equations model is overidentified or not and that consistent with the observed data that was obtained from the Agriculture Department of Gamo-Gofa Zone and collected since 2005. The confirmatory factor analysis of this study shows that increase of soil erosion or climate change effect lead to decrease in forest and bush land coverage and change fertility of land. Thus, new crop land demands have been increased and implemented through deforestation. Forest and vegetation cover in Gamo-Gofa depleted alarmingly, and as a result soil erosion and climate change rate speedy. This decline was caused by intensive use of land through deforestation, overgrazing, clearing trees and grasslands to take it under cultivation. We advocate the planning and management of land resources that is integrated and holistic with awareness of land users. This will ensure the long term quality of the land use system. ····· 10361410

Biogas: Option for Mitigating and Adaptation of Climate Change

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This book is related with my dissertation work, which was conducted in Daiji VDC of Kanchanpur District. As Climate Change is becoming a challenging issue at current time, a study like this may helpful to know the existing situation of the study area and role of Bio-gas in adaptation and mitigation of climate change. I hope it will be beneficial to those who are working in the field of climate change and alternative energy like Bio-gas. ····· 10361260

Benefits of Irrigation among Smallholder Farmers in Southwest Nigeria

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The wealth of a nation depends to a large extent on its ability to properly harness of its natural resources, which include water and soil. Southwest is the cocoa-belt of Nigeria but, both cash and food crops have consistently decline in the last few years, due to change in land cover and rainfall pattern. This phenomenon constitutes a threat to food security and calls for efforts to explain the downward trend and make recommendation for improvement. This book examines the key factors that determine smallholder farmers` use of irrigation water, investigates the benefits derivable from the use of irrigation, access other alternative uses of irrigation water beside agriculture, and showcase a comparative analysis of soils from selected locations in the study area with respect to crop yield. A novel technique that combines field surveys with socioeconomic analyses was adopted. For sustainable agricultural production through multiple cropping all year round in the study area, a high premium should be placed on irrigation and the households` non-agricultural water uses should be included in irrigation planning for a holistic as well as effective water resources management. ····· 10361226

Natural therapy of osteoporosis

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Osteoporosis is a skeletal disease affecting one third of postmenopausal women and most of elderly men. The heavy metal and environmental pollutant cadmium (Cd) has been identified as a risk factor for osteoporosis.Exposure to Cd is associated with renal and skeletal damage and also with some cancers. Osteoporosis may be a critical consequence of Cd exposure, as shown in human and in animal studies. Whey, a by-product of cheese and curd manufacturing, was once considered a waste product.Today, whey is a popular dietary protein supplement purported to provide antimicrobial activity, immune modulation, improved muscle strength and body composition, and prevented cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis.The present book indicated that whey may have a therapeutic application in the treatment of secondary osteoporosis. ····· 10361188

Enhancement of xylitol production in Candida tropicalis

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In this study, gk gene was disrupted from xylitol dehydrogenase gene (XYL2) knockout C. tropicalis strain BSXDH-3. The resulting strain was incapable to grow on glycerol. The cells growth on glycerol was resumed by co-expression of gcy1, 2 and 3 genes from Scheffersomyces stipitis under the control of C. tropicalis glyceraldehydes-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) promoter. NADPH-dependent xylitol production was higher in the engineered strain, termed IA-3 , than in BSXDH-3. The pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) is a major basis of NADPH biosynthesis in C. tropicalis. In order to increase xylitol production rate, xylitol dehydrogenase gene (XYL2)-disrupted C. tropicalis strain BSXDH-3 was engineered to co-express zwf and gnd genes, which respectively encode glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6-PGDH), under the control of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) promoter. NADPH-dependent xylitol production was higher in the engineered strain, termed `PP`, than in BSXDH-3. This is the first report of increased metabolic flux toward glycerol metabolic and PPP in C. tropicalis for NADPH regeneration and enhanced xylitol production. ····· 10361182

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