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Micro-Climatic Distribution of Faunal Diversity

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The temperature and altitudinal gradient induce wide diversity in animal in Garhwal Himalaya. Rich biodiversity is essential for the stability of mountain ecosystem. Animal diversity is unique in Garhwal Himalaya. The diversified physico-climatic condition obtaining in the region of Garhwal Himalaya reflected in a variety of animal species including different types of mammals, birds and numerous species of wildlife. Diversity of surface relief resulting in to sharp variations in temperature and rain fall mainly controls and conditions the growth, distribution and density of forest cover in the entire region. Temperature, which is regulated,modified by the altitudinal variation particularly in outer Himalayan ranges of the region,is primarily responsible for determining the type, pattern and spatial distribution of fauna and habitat type through out the area. This book contains 11 Chapters and 23 Tables, which is valuable for U.G. and P.G. students of Environmental Sciences,Zoology, Wildlife management,Life Sciences and Natural Sciences.It is hope that, this book will help the students to understand the concept of climatic Factor and their impact on animal(Faunal)diversity. ····· 10361135529

Developing a Predictive GIS Model of Sea Level Rise for a Community

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This project aims to increase the preparedness of the community of Grande Riviere, by developing a GIS model to illustrate the potential flooding areas that may be associated with sea level rise. This project utilizes datasets such as roads and buildings of the Grande Riviere community to develop the model within ArcMap and ArcScene. Various predictions of sea level rise were applied to the model and results obtained. The results are a series of maps demonstrating areas associated with the predictions of sea level rise within the Grande Riviere community. ····· 10361135491

Parallel Solution of Soil-Structure Interaction Problems

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Numerical assessment of soil structure interaction problems require heavy computational efforts because of the dynamic and iterative (nonlinear) nature of the problems. Furthermore, modeling soil-structure interaction may require finer meshes in order to get reliable results. Latest computing technologies must be utilized to achieve results in reasonable run times. This book focuses on development and implantation of a parallel dynamic finite element analysis method for numerical solution of soil-structure interaction problems. For this purpose first, an extensible parallel finite element analysis library was developed. Then this library was extended with algorithms that implement the parallel dynamic solution method. Parallel dynamic solution algorithm is based on Implicit Newmark integration algorithm. This algo- rithm was parallelized using MPI (Message Passing Interface). For numerical modeling of soil material an equivalent linear material model was used. Several tests were done to benchmark and demonstrate parallel performance of implemented algorithms. ····· 10361135481

Irreducibility on Open Shop Problem

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Tribhuvan University Institute of Science and Technology Irreducibility on Open Shop Scheduling Problems Thesis Submitted to Central Department of Mathematics Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master`s Degree in Mathematics by Raju Prasad Bhusal Date: March 2010 ABSTRACT We consider the classical open shop scheduling problem, where each job must be processed on each machine at least once. Our task is to determine the feasible combination of all job orders and machine orders minimizing the given objective function. Shop problems are modeled with the pair of mathematical models. As most of the problems belong to class NP-hard, our focus is to study the irreducibility theory and deal with the complexity of shop problem. There is no polynomial time algorithm for irreducibility test in general case but the problem is solved for two machines. We study some necessary and sufficient conditions for irreducibility and conclude that sourcesink irreducibility test is efficient among them. Moreover, irreducibility with implication classes and decomposition approach are studied. We study the generalized concept of irreducibility as dominance relation. ····· 10361135470

Asynchronous systems theory

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The book is intended to construct a mathematical theory of modeling the asynchronous circuits from the digital electrical engineering. It uses the general concept of system providing models for the functional blocks, where modeling is present at a synthetical level as well as the particular concept of delay (stable system with 1-dimensional input and 1-dimensional output), providing models for the gates and wires, where modeling is present at an analytical level. The concept of asynchronous system is defined in the sense that can be referred to in literature as `the input-output behavior of a non-initialized, non-deterministic system`, i.e. as a multi-valued function. The mathematical facts we present may also be useful in studying the general topics of the systems theory as well as in establishing connections between this theory and other theories: Petri nets, temporal logic, timed automata, dynamical systems. The first part of the book is dedicated to the general systems theory, the second to delay theory and the third to the Boolean dynamical systems. The book addresses to researchers in systems theory and computer science. ····· 10361135459

Globalistika i global`nye issledovaniya

für 60.12€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V monografii issleduetsya global`noe napravlenie razvitiya sovremennoy nauki, v osnovnom globalistika i global`nye issledovaniya, aktsentiruyushchie vnimanie na izuchenii global`nykh protsessov i sistem i ikh sistemno-sinergeticheskogo fenomena global`nogo razvitiya. Global`nye issledovaniya rassmatrivaetsya v perspektive perekhoda k novym bolee bezopasnym global`nym formam razvitiya tsivilizatsii i ee vzaimodeystviya s prirodoy - perekhoda k ustoychivomu razvitiyu i stanovleniyu sfery razuma (noosfery). Osoboe vnimanie udelyaetsya ispol`zuemym v globalistike metodam i podkhodam, prezhde vsego evolyutsionnomu podkhodu, a takzhe prostranstvenno-vremennomu razvertyvaniyu predmetnogo polya global`nykh issledovaniy. Issleduyutsya problemy stanovleniya samoy globalistiki, v chastnosti, takie mezhdistsiplinarnye napravleniya kak politicheskaya i pravovaya globalistika, informatsionnaya globalistika, kosmoglobalistika, futuroglobalistika i nooglobalistika. Kniga privlechet k sebe vnimanie nauchnykh rabotnikov, prepodavateley, studentov i aspirantov, vsekh interesuyushchikhsya global`nymi issledovaniyami i problemami. ····· 10361135406

Bodenschutz. Was u.a. Ulrich Petzold dazu sagt

für 49.00€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Wie wurde und wird das Thema `Bodenschutz` in der deutschen Politik diskutiert Der vorliegende Quellenband enthält die Protokolle der im Deutschen Bundestag zur Thematik gehaltenen ungekürzten Reden ab 1999 (14. Legislaturperiode). Diese parteiübergreifende Dokumentation ermöglicht dem Leser einen direkten Blick auf die parlamentarische Debatte zum Thema `Bodenschutz` und die Diskussionen der Abgeordneten im politischen Tagesgeschäft. ····· 10361135299

EU-Emissionshandel. Was u.a. Ursula Heinen-Esser dazu sagt

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Wie wurde und wird das Thema `EU-Emissionshandel` in der deutschen Politik diskutiert Der vorliegende Quellenband enthält die Protokolle der im Deutschen Bundestag zur Thematik gehaltenen ungekürzten Reden ab 2006 (16. Legislaturperiode). Diese parteiübergreifende Dokumentation ermöglicht dem Leser einen direkten Blick auf die parlamentarische Debatte zum Thema `EU-Emissionshandel` und die Diskussionen der Abgeordneten im politischen Tagesgeschäft. ····· 10361135082

EU-Emissionshandel. Was u.a. Jürgen Trittin dazu sagt

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Wie wurde und wird das Thema `EU-Emissionshandel` in der deutschen Politik diskutiert Der vorliegende Quellenband enthält die Protokolle der im Deutschen Bundestag zur Thematik gehaltenen ungekürzten Reden ab 2002 (14. Legislaturperiode). Diese parteiübergreifende Dokumentation ermöglicht dem Leser einen direkten Blick auf die parlamentarische Debatte zum Thema `EU-Emissionshandel` und die Diskussionen der Abgeordneten im politischen Tagesgeschäft. ····· 10361135079

Climate Change vol. 2

für 48.60€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
What are the discussions about `Climate Change` in UK political arena This documentation features the transcripts of the unabridged speeches held in the UK Parliament from the Minister of State, Department of Energy and Climate Change (Lord Hunt of Kings Heath), the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for International Development (Mr. Michael Foster), the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change (Chris Huhne) and other MPs` of the UK Parliament. This non-partisan documentation offers the reader a direct glance at the parliamentary debate on `Climate Change` and the discussions of the Parliamentary members in relation to the political agenda. ····· 10361135037

Climate Change vol. 1

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
What are the discussions about `Climate Change` in UK political arena This documentation features the transcripts of the unabridged speeches held in the UK Parliament from the Minister of State, Department of Energy and Climate Change & Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Lord Hunt of Kings Heath), the Minister of State, Department of Energy and Climate Change (Joan Ruddock), the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change (Edward Miliband) and other MPs` of the UK Parliament. This non-partisan documentation offers the reader a direct glance at the parliamentary debate on `Climate Change` and the discussions of the Parliamentary members in relation to the political agenda. ····· 10361135036

La metáfora en la educación

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El presente libro reúne una colección de artículos que expresan posiciones respecto a la metáfora asentadas en distintas posiciones teóricas, enfocando el fenómeno metafórico con criterios diversos, pero a la vez, coincidiendo todos ellos en resaltar cierto beneficio en la introducción de metáforas, no sólo en el discurso cotidiano, sino también en ámbitos científicos. La hipótesis central que orienta la dirección de los trabajos aquí presentados consiste en la afirmación de una pertinencia cognitiva de la metáfora, que escapa a una visión meramente etimológica enfrascada en aspectos puramente lingüísticos de los procesos de metaforización. Por ello, el aspecto principal en el que intenta contribuir esta obra consiste en visualizar los procesos de metaforización como cognitivamente comprometidos, desde trabajos que responden a posiciones más asépticas respecto a la incidencia de la metáfora en contextos no literarios, hasta casos de una clara aceptación de la utilización de metáforas en contextos matemáticos y su aplicación a la educación, ámbito central desde el cual girarán varias de las discusiones aquí presentes. ····· 10361134966

Equivalent Spherical Diameters of Silica Nanoparticles in Water

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This report describes the certification of the equivalent spherical diameters of silica nanoparticles suspended in aqueous solution, Certified Reference Material (CRM) ERM-FD100®. The CRM has been certified by the EuropeanCommission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM), Geel, BE. The intended use of this ERM-FD100 is to check the performance of instruments and methods that determine theparticle diameter of nanoparticles (particle size ranging from approximately 1 nm to approximately 100 nm) suspended in a liquid medium. It is available in 10 mL pre-scored amber glass ampoules containing approximately 9 mL of suspension. The CRM was prepared from commercially available colloidal silica (Koestrosol 1530, Chemiewerk Bad Koestritz GmbH, DE). ····· 10361134853

L-Fuzzy Subgroups, L-Vague Ideals and Boolean Vague Sets. Dr.T.Eswarlal

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The concept of Fuzzy set was opened up a new horizon in Mathematical Sciences.In fuzzy set theory, a fuzzy set which assigns to each object a grade of membership ranking between 0 and 1. This single value combines both evidence and nonevidence without indicating howmuch there is of each. But it is felt by several decission makers and researchers that proper decission making the evidence and non evidence both necessary.To counter this problem, the vague set theory is introduced which it has both the grade of membership and grade of nonmembership functions and these are generalization of fuzzy sets. The object of thesis, author is to generalize the fuzzy algebra in terms of L-fuzzy and vague algebra with complete version.The author introduced and studied Boolean vague sets and its algebra, this type of Booleanisation of vague sets has the advantages of representing such Boolean vague sets as a pair of arrays where each array consists of 0,s & 1`s, in view of famous Stone theorem that any Boolean algebra is a subalgebra of direct product of two element Boolean algebra. Further, the author introduced and studied L-vague sets and its algebra, where L is a complete Brouwerian lattice. ····· 10361134578

Run-up flow of a Fluid through Porous Medium in a Channel

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This work depends on the fluids which is classified in to two types i.e., Newtonian and Non-newtonian. These are related to Industrial, Technological and Bio-medical problems. The flow through porous medium is used in the fields of agricultural, chemical engineering, water resources etc. Porous medium defined as a solid which contains a number of small holes distributed though out the solid. The study of these run-up flows is gaining more importance due to its wide applications in different technologies. We extended this work by taking a second order Rivlin-Erickson fluids. The equations are solved by using Laplace Transformation Technique. The formulas are taken from so many governing equations which can be seen in the thesis. The solution of the problem is obtained from different Pressure gradients. At last we can observe so many variations by seeing graphs and tables. ····· 10361134435

The vegetation structure of Kitulangalo Miombo woodlands

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The information on the dynamics of stand structure and composition of indigenous forests and woodlands needs to be explored more systematically, as it probably holds the key to the management of the indigenous forests. Unfortunately, vegetative information on the structure of the Miombo woodlands in Eastern Tanzania is scanty, as much of the literature on Miombo woodlands remains greatly deficient in precise data about its extent, composition, and rate of growth. This book, therefore, provides species composition, population characteristics and distribution of the ecosystem as well as species dominance using species IVI and percentage of canopy cover for the Miombo woodlands at Kitulangalo Forest Reserve. The analysis done in this book should shed some light on how to manage the overexploited indigenous trees of Kitulangalo Forest Reserve which consists of over 88% of small trees of 20 cm dbh indicating recovery from earlier intense utilization pressure. This book which targets researchers, academicians and conservationists should also spearhead more research on the Miombo woodlands found at Kitulangalo Forest Reserve which have a high presence of Combretum molle. ····· 10361134374

Folk Medicinal & Ethnomedicinal uses of sixty Plants of Sindh Pakistan

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A survey study on the folk medicinal uses with recipes and ethnomedicinal uses of sixty medicinal plants was carried out in three main districts i.e. Umerkot, Daudu and Jamshoro Sindh, Pakistan. Since long time the people of this area have been using medicinal plants and their different parts for the cure of a variety of illnesses. The knowledge about the traditional uses of these medicinal plants and their folk recipes remained untouched for scientific exploration by the pharmacognosists, ethnobotanists, ethnopharmacologists, pharmacists and chemists. The folk uses and traditional recipes of sixty medicinal plants are therefore acknowledged which are typically used in the healing of many health problems and diseases by the people of these three districts of Sindh, Pakistan. Through this study, the medicinal plants are documented on the basis of their folk recipes and ethnomedicinal uses to demonstrate their efficacy to treat various diseases of humans and animals. ····· 10361134231

Mathematical modeling on diabetes Mellitus

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This work is a Ph.D research work that looks into the control of the blood glucose/insulin levels in an insulin-dependent diabetic patient. The study was made mathematically using mathematical models for the blood glucose and insulin levels for a diabetic patient. The models were solved and analysis carried out which helps to elucidate the problems of diabetes in a person. Control procedure was also demonstrated. ····· 10361134184

Digital Signature Schemes Based on Multiple Hard Problems

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Digital signature scheme (DSS) can be divided into two categories ordinary signature (OSS) and function-based signature (FBS). OSS enables a legal signer to sign an electronic message digitally and allows the owner of the message or signature verifier to check the validity of the resultant signature whereas FBS provides the ordinary signature with some added or extra properties and supports many applications in electronic-based business such as e-cash or payments systems, electronic voting and contract signing. In this book, we study cryptographic algorithms or protocols of both OSS and FBS that permits for electronic messages to be signed in such a way that the produced signature is hard to forge, easy to authenticate and impossible to repudiate. Most of the existing digital signature schemes were designed based on a single cryptographic assumption (hard problem) like factoring problem (FP), discrete logarithm problem (DLP), quadratic residue problem (QRP), or elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP). Such schemes offer higher level of security than that schemes based on a single cryptographic assumption . ····· 10361134140

In vivo and in vitro studies on Withania Somnifera

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Withania somnifera,a perennial plant belonging to the family Solanaceae is widely distributed along the shores of the Mediterranian Sea,as wellas India,South Africa,Pakistan and other countries.The roots cotaining several alkaloids are the main portions of the plant used therapeuticallyin most of the Indian herbal pharmaceuticalsand nutraceuticals.Improved varieties are preferred in the drug paralyzing agents,which are common in the wild population of the plant.This study was conducted to establish a protocol for micropropagation,invitroflowering and analysis of secondary metabolitesof Withania somnifera-Jawahar variety ····· 10361134103

Applications of Genetic Algorithm in Managerial Decision Making

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Due to the globalization of economy and continuously increasing competition in every sector of our daily life, the relevance of appropriate decision making regarding the smooth and efficient utilization of the available resources (limited) to overcome the market forces and capture the competitive market has become increasingly crucial in management. Hence the success or failure of an organization depends, to a large extent, on the ability of appropriate decision making. So, the accurate decision-making is the backbone of effective and efficient management. The objectives of this book are (i) to highlight some real life decision making problems in the areas of inventory management, transportation and reliability optimization, (ii) to develop appropriate Genetic Algorithm for solving the said problems with interval objectives with the help of interval mathematics and order relations between interval valued numbers. ····· 10361134088

Modeling of many skewed biomarkers and missing data

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Multivariable prognostic models are widely used in all areas of science, in particular in cancer research. New scientific methods make it possible cost-effective measurement of many new biomarkers on frozen tissue from biopsies. In addition, biomarkers usually exhibit skewed distributions and their analysis is hampered by missing data. These issues (i.e. number of variables, missing data, and skewed distribution) create difficulty for prognostic modelling methods. In this book, methods to tackle each of these problems are discussed. Alternative approaches are presented with emphasize on practical issues, and examples from papers published are presented. Methods are applied using a breast cancer data set as an example. This book is aimed at postgraduate students studying biostatistics and epidemiology, as well as researchers working in the field of survival analysis. Mohammad Reza Baneshi is assistant professor of Biostatistics at Research Center for Modeling in Health, affiliated to Kerman University of Medical Sciences. ····· 10361134064

Derivative-free hybrid methods in global optimization and applications

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In recent years large-scale global optimization (GO) problems have drawn considerable attention. These problems have many applications, in particular in data mining, computational biology, computational chemistry, and medicine.Numerical methods for GO are often very time consuming and could not be applied for high-dimensional non-convex and/or non-smooth optimization problems. This is the reason of this book why to develop and study new algorithms for solving large-scale GO problems.The existing local/global optimization techniques effectively solve many problems when the number of variables is not very large and, as a rule, fail to solve many large-scale problems. The study of new algorithms which allow one to solve large-scale GO problem is very important. One technique is to use hybrid of global and local/global search algorithms. When the gradient (or its generalizations) of theobjective functions and the constraint functions are very complex in form or they are not known, the derivative-free methods benefit the large-scale GO problems. This book presents several derivative-free hybrid methods for large-scale GOproblems, & applied to data mining, biochemstry, biomedicine. ····· 10361134000

A Comparative Study of Visualization Techniques

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The book aims to provide an objective evaluation of the available multi-dimensional visualization tools and their underlying techniques. The role of visualization tools in knowledge discovery, while acknowledged as an important step in the process is not clearly defined as to how it influences subsequent steps or exactly what the visualization reveals about the data before those steps take place. The research work described, by showing how known structures in test data sets are displayed in the visualization tools considered, indicates the definite knowledge, and limitations on that knowledge, that may be gained from those visualization tools. The major contributions of the book are: to provide an objective assessment of the effectiveness of some representative information visualization tools under various conditions to suggest and implement an approach to developing standard test data sets on which to base an evaluation to evaluate the chosen information visualization tools using the test data sets created to suggest criteria for making a comparison of the chosen tools and to carry out that comparison. ····· 10361133938

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