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Wenn Du absolut nach Amerika willst, so gehe in Gottesnamen!

····· lezzter Preis 24.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Wie Heinrich Lienhard mit Ochsenwagen nach Kalifornien zog und dort den Goldrausch miterlebte Früh packt den Glarner Bauernsohn Heinrich Lienhard das Fernweh. Nach dem Tod seiner Mutter bricht er 21-jährig nach Illinois auf, drei Jahre später reist er 1846 mit Freunden auf dem California Trail westwärts in die mexikanische Provinz Oberkalifornien am Pazifik. Er verdingt sich als Freiwilliger im Krieg gegen Mexiko und arbeitet anschliessend drei Jahre für John A. Sutter im Sacramento-Tal. Als 1848 unweit von Sutters Fort Gold entdeckt wird, beobachtet Lienhard zuerst erstaunt, dann mit zunehmender Entrüstung die grossen Veränderungen, die der Goldrausch für Land und Menschen, insbesondere für die indianische Bevölkerung, mit sich bringt. In seinen Erinnerungen blickt Lienhard auf jene abenteuerlichen Jahre von 1846 bis 1849 zurück. Eindrücklich schildert er den Zug der frühen Siedler mit Ochsenwagen vom Missouri nach Kalifornien und vermittelt ein lebensnahes und anschauliches Bild des Alltags der Menschen in und um Sutters Fort vor, während und nach der Goldentdeckung. Heinrich Lienhards Erinnerungen sind in ihrer Verlässlichkeit eine der wichtigen historischen Quellen zu Johann August Sutters New Helvetia und zum vielschichtigen amerikanischen Eroberungsprozess Kaliforniens. ····· 1036154861

Die Perry Rhodan Chronik

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Die Romanserie PERRY RHODAN ist die erfolgreichste Science Fiction-Reihe der Welt.Erstmals wird die Biografie dieser Serie nun als Buchreihe veröffentlicht. Band 1 schildert die Jahre 1961 bis 1974, als Verleger Rolf Heyne mit den Autoren Karl-Herbert Scheer und Walter Ernsting (besser bekannt als Clark Darlton) diese neuartige Science Fiction-Serie zu einem Erfolg in Deutschland, Japan, den USA, Holland und sogar in Israel machten.Zahlreiche Anekdoten und Geschichten hat Autor Michael Nagula akribisch recherchiert und dokumentiert. Die Anekdoten um die Autoren, intime Blicke hinter die Kulissen des Moewig Verlages, die Aktivitäten der Fanclubs. Diese ungewöhnliche Biografie einer Romanserie wird ergänzt durch wichtige Meilensteine in der Romanhandlung, die der Chronologie des Buches folgen. ····· 1036152699

Charles Manson - Meine letzten Worte

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Diese Nachricht schockierte die ganze Welt: Die hochschwangere Schauspielerin Sharon Tate und vier ihrer Freunde wurden in der Nacht vom 8. auf den 9. August 1969 grausam ermordet. Die Täter wurden schnell ausfindig gemacht: die Manson-Familie, eine Hippie-Kommune, die in der Nähe von Los Angeles lebte. Tragisch: Der Mordanschlag im Drogenrausch galt vermutlich dem Musikproduzenten Terry Melcher, der zuvor ein Demoband abgelehnt hatte, das Charles Manson gemeinsam mit den Beach Boys aufgenommen hatte. Terry Melcher hatte das Haus an Roman Polanski und Sharon Tate vermietet. Charles Manson hatte diese Morde nicht selbst begangen. Er wurde aber wegen Anstiftung zum Mord zum Tode verurteilt und verbüßt nach Abschaffung der Todesstrafe 1972 in Kalifornien bis heute eine lebenslange Haftstrafe im Hochsicherheitsgefängnis Corcoran.Charles Milles Manson, geboren am 12. November 1934 in Cincinnati, war schon als Jugendlicher kriminell und verbüßte seine erste Haftstrafe bereits mit 16 Jahren. Weitere Gefängnisaufenthalte folgten bis zur Entlassung 1967. Er verdiente Geld als Straßenmusiker in Kalifornien und lernte so die Beach Boys kennen. Einer seiner Songs schaffte es 1969 sogar als B-Seite auf eine Beach-Boys-Single. Manson gilt als sehr begabt, vor allem rhetorisch. Er schaffte es immer wieder, Menschen zu manipulieren, bediente sich dabei Methoden der Scientology-Sekte und gilt bis heute als das personifizierte Böse. Sogar in dem Beatles-Song Helter Skelter hörte er versteckte Botschaften. Um ihn herum hat sich ein düsterer Kult entwickelt, und auch der Schock-Popstar Marilyn Manson bezieht sich mit seinem Künstlernamen auf ihn. Autorin Michal Welles ist all dem in vielen Gesprächen mit Charles Manson nachgegangen und legt nun ein Buch vor, das diesen Menschen in all seinen grausamen Facetten zeigt, mit vielen handgeschriebenen Briefen, Bildern und Skizzen von Manson selbst, der dieses Buch als " Last Words" autorisiert hat. Ein verstörendes Buch über einen Kriminellen, der das dunkelste Kapitel der Popgeschichte geschrieben hat. ····· 1036152695

Wer fürchtet sich vor Stephen King?

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Dieses Buch ist auch ein kompetenter Werkführer, der den Zugang zu den bedeutendsten Romanen und Kurzgeschichten des Autors eröffnet. Im Wechsel mit biografischen Kapiteln gibt der Autor kurze Inhaltsanrisse bis hin zum aktuellen Bestseller " Die Arena" , die Lust auf die Lektüre machen. Bei den biografischen Kapiteln wird besonderer Wert auf Anekdoten und gut recherchierte Hintergrundfakten gelegt. " Meine Bücher sind das literarische Äquivalent eines Big Mac mit einer großen Portion Pommes" , hat Stephen King einmal selbstironisch über sein Werk gesagt. Stephen King zählt zu den bekanntesten und meistverkauften Autoren der Welt: Weit über 50 Bücher hat er veröffentlicht, fast 40 abendfüllende Spielfilme entstanden nach seinen Romanen oder Drehbüchern. Aber wer verbirgt sich eigentlich hinter diesem literarischen Phänomen Woher kommt Stephen King, wie hat er diesen unglaublichen Erfolg erreichen können ····· 1036152687

BarfuÃ?kinder: Eine Kindheit in der Zwischenkriegszeit

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Berta Margreiter zÃhlt zu den bekanntesten Mundartdichterinnen Tirols. Sie kam 1924 als jÃngstes von vier Kindern der Kleinbauernfamilie Rabl an der Gemeindegrenze von Hopfgarten/Grafenweg zu Niederau/Wildschönau zur Welt. Das musisch geprÃgte Elternhaus, starkes Interesse am Lesen und ein Lehrer, der weit Ãber den Rahmen einer Dorfschule hinaus auch klassische Literatur vermittelte, waren der Keim fÃr die spÃtere Liebe zur Schriftstellerei.In diesem Buch beschreibt sie die Zeit ihrer Kindheit und Jugendzeit wÃhrend der Zwischenkriegsjahre in der Wildschönau. ····· 1036151324

Die Kunst der Freiheit

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Mike Hammer, Sam Spade, Philip Marlowe - die Helden amerikanischer Kriminalromane gaben dem jungen Alexander Van der Bellen ein Gefühl dafür, was Freiheit ist. Aufgewachsen im Tiroler Kaunertal, erzählt der ehemalige Wirtschaftsprofessor und Grün-Politiker erstmals Details über seine russischen Vorfahren, kleinbürgerliche Gymnasialprofessoren, befreiende Lektüre, das Aufbrechen der stockkonservativen Gesellschaft in Österreich ab 1968 und seine grünen Anfänge. Der rote Faden seiner Erinnerungen und Anmerkungen ist der Begriff der Freiheit - und seine aktuelle Gefährdung durch falsche Reaktionen auf Terroranschläge, durch drohende Einschränkungen von EU-Grundfreiheiten, aber auch durch die leichtfertige Preisgabe der Privatsphäre im Internet. Nachdenklich und präzise räsoniert Van der Bellen über Alltägliches und Politisches, Vergangenes und Zukünftiges, Lokales und Globales: wie er sich über den Puritanismus hinter der Anti-Raucher-Gesetzgebung ärgert, warum akademische Dünkel absolut kontraproduktiv sind, persönliche Erweckungserlebnisse, warum er das Ernst-Strasser-Urteil zutiefst ungerecht empfindet sowie welchem Politikerkollegen zu trauen ist. ····· 1036148665

The Seen and Unseen at Stratford-On-Avon

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`The Seen and Unseen at Stratford-on-Avon` is a fantasy in which Mr. Howells enjoys the society of the great dramatist while they leisurely go to various pageants and festivities together. Shakespeare becomes his guest for a week-end and the immortal play wright confides that he `Never felt quite happy about the way people talked of Anne.` The dialogue between them is rich in humor and quite as delicious as anything that the distinguished American author has ever done, putting many of his pungent ideas into the mouth of Shakespeare. There are some lovely descriptive nature bits and the atmosphere of English feeling and history. The showery past is wonderfully mirrored in this characteristically perfect workmanship. Perhaps one of the most interesting parts of the book is where Francis Bacon joins them and they all talk together three hundred years being no impediment to conversation with the Shades conjured up by the author`s magic pen, which flows as easily and as convincingly as ever, showing an imagination undimmed by time and a sense of humor as keen as ever. There is no better evidence of his linking the past with the present than in his description of the Moving Picture Show which almost confronted the Shakespeare monument. Only Mr. Howells could have done this whimsical thing. ····· 1036146656

Sketch of the life and character of Rutherford B. Hayes

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Rutherford B. Hayes was the 19th president of the United States from 1877 to 1881, having served in the U.S. House of Representatives and as governor of Ohio. Hayes, a lawyer and staunch abolitionist, defended refugee slaves in court proceedings in the antebellum years. This biography differs chiefly from other biographies in the large use made of original letters, diaries, notebooks and scrapbooks placed at the disposal of the author without restriction and without instruction. Howells has been guided solely by his own sense of fitness and his respect for the just limits of personality. ····· 1036146596

Lives and Speeches of Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin

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`I wrote the life of Lincoln which elected him,` remarked William Dean Howells to Mark Twain in 1876. Howells had just contracted for a campaign biography of Rutherford B. Hayes and was humorously recalling the past to his friend. In 1860 Howells, then a young man of twenty-three, was working as an editorial writer on the Ohio State Journal at Columbus. Except for a book of poems, `The Lives and Speeches of Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin` was the first of the one hundred and three books that Howells wrote during the years from 1860 to 1920. Though he attended neither high school nor university, Howells received degrees from six universities, including Oxford, and rejected offers of professorship in literature from Yale, Harvard and Johns Hopkins universities. The first part is devoted to the biography of Lincoln and some of Mr. Lincoln`s speeches. The second part is a biographical sketch of Hannibal Hamlin written by Mr. Hayes. ····· 1036146201

The Works of John C. Calhoun Volume 6

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John C. Calhoun was the seventh Vice President of the United States from 1825 to 1832. He was a strong defendant of slavery and of Southern values versus Northern threats. His beliefs and warnings heavily influenced the South`s secession from the Union in 18601861. This is volume six out of six of his works, this one containing addresses, letters and political essays . ····· 1036146070

The Works of John C. Calhoun Volume 5

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John C. Calhoun was the seventh Vice President of the United States from 1825 to 1832. He was a strong defendant of slavery and of Southern values versus Northern threats. His beliefs and warnings heavily influenced the South`s secession from the Union in 18601861. This is volume five out of six of his works, this one containing reports and letters (1811-1846). ····· 1036146069

The Works of John C. Calhoun Volume 4

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John C. Calhoun was the seventh Vice President of the United States from 1825 to 1832. He was a strong defendant of slavery and of Southern values versus Northern threats. His beliefs and warnings heavily influenced the South`s secession from the Union in 18601861. This is volume four out of six of his works, this one containing a part of his speeches delivered in Congress (1841-1850). ····· 1036146068

The Works of John C. Calhoun Volume 3

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John C. Calhoun was the seventh Vice President of the United States from 1825 to 1832. He was a strong defendant of slavery and of Southern values versus Northern threats. His beliefs and warnings heavily influenced the South`s secession from the Union in 18601861. This is volume three out of six of his works, this one containing a part of his speeches delivered in Congress (1837-1841). ····· 1036146067

The Works of John C. Calhoun Volume 2

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John C. Calhoun was the seventh Vice President of the United States from 1825 to 1832. He was a strong defendant of slavery and of Southern values versus Northern threats. His beliefs and warnings heavily influenced the South`s secession from the Union in 18601861. This is volume two out of six of his works, this one containing a part of his speeches delivered in Congress (1811-1837). ····· 1036146027

The Works of John C. Calhoun Volume 1

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John C. Calhoun was the seventh Vice President of the United States from 1825 to 1832. He was a strong defendant of slavery and of Southern values versus Northern threats. His beliefs and warnings heavily influenced the South`s secession from the Union in 18601861. This is volume one out of six of his works, this one containing his brilliant writings `A Disquisition on Government` and `A Discourse On The Constitution And Government Of The United States`. ····· 1036146026

The Colored Evangelist - The Story Of The Lord`s Dealings With Mrs. Amanda Smith

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What is the place of Amanda Smith in American history Has she any place there Mrs. Smith is an historic character. The biography of great women, and especially great women of the Negro race, would be sadly deficient without her. Of this race in the United States, since 1020, there have appeared but four women whose career stands out so far, so high, and so clearly above all others of their sex that they can with strict propriety and upon well established grounds be denominated great. These are Phillis Wheatley, Sojourner Truth, Frances Ellen Watkins Harper and Amanda Smith. This is her autobiography. ····· 1036145350

An Autobiography - The Story of My Life and Work

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Mr. Washington, more than any other writer or lecturer, has solved the `race problem.` The historical value of the book, and its uplifting influence give ``The Story Of My Life And Work`` a prominent place in modern literature. It is a volume for the family library along with the Life of Franklin, Emerson`s Essays and the great autobiographies. There is no greaterstimulus for self-help, for Mr. Washington forged his way to the front by his own efforts. ····· 1036145348

Bond And Free - Yearnings For Freedom

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This is the autobiography of Israel S. Campbell, also called the `Father of Black Texas Baptists.` Campbell was born a slave in Kentucky and was sold to several owners in the Ohio Valley during the first twenty years of his life. He converted to the Baptist Church and fled to Canada. Later he spent twenty-four years in Texas, where his sermons are still famous today. ····· 1036145339

The Autobiography Of Nicholas Said

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The narrative of Nicholas Said is one of the most impressive among slaves` accounts. Said was born as a free man in Africa, enslaved when 14 years old and traveled to five continents and countless countries. He learned seven languages and finally settled in Alabama. This is a perfect autobiography of his incredible life. ····· 1036145338

My Life As An Abolitionist

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Berea College, Kentucky, had sprung from the labors of John Gregg Fee who, in the midst of turmoil and mob violence, had preached abolition in Kentucky in the years preceding the Civil war and in 1858-59 had established the school to assist in educating young people to a new view regarding slavery. The school was closed during the war but was reopened in 1865, admitting Negro as well as white students, of both sexes. This is the autobiography of John G. Fee. ····· 1036145337

Autobiography of a Fugitive Negro: His Anti-Slavery Labours in the United States, Canada, & England

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Samuel Ringgold Ward was born in the State of Maryland about the year 1817. His parents fled from slavery to Isew York, earning Samuel, in his infancy. His early education was received in connection with the African Free School, of that city, which was then taught by a gentleman of Scotch descent, Mr. C. C. Andrew. General Lafayette, on September 10, 1824, paid this school a visit, and placing his hands on the heads of all the boys present, gave them a hearty ```God Bless You.` Ward took early to public speaking, and very soon became a lecturer of the anti-Slavery cause. During a stay in England he put forth, in book form, `The Autobiography of a Fugitive Negro`, which embraced not only the facts about his own life, but an exact statement of the slave question in America. It was among the very ablest expositions of the relation of the races in this country. ····· 1036145336

An Account Of A Female Slave

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Another example of the fictitious slave narrative is this book, An Account of a Female Slave (1857), which suggests the narrative only in title. Although no convincing proof is offered that the book deals with fact and the names of places in the story are not spelled in full, there is an elaborate plot, with climax and abundant subaction a conspicuous effort at literary finish is discernible-all evidences that the book is not the unpretentious record of truth it purports to be. Moreover, the author was considerably influenced by Uncle Tom`s Cabin. Except for his sex John Peterkin is an-other little Eva: he has the same excessively precocious and angelic nature he talks in the same wise and prophetic strain and he, also, fades away and dies, a flower too good for this wicked and slavery-cursed world. Everywhere there is an abundance of sentimentality-much weeping, sighing, poetizing, affected expression of feeling. Even the slaves are sentimental, especially the almost white heroine, who speaks of watering the lovely flowers with her tears, as though this were nothing out of the ordinary, and who preserves, as her chief and dearest treasure, the note her lover wrote before killing himself to escape slavery. ····· 1036145335

Anthony Burns - A History

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The extradition of Anthony Burns as a fugitive slave was the most memorable case of the kind that has occurred since the adoption of the Federal Constitution. It was memorable for the place and for the time of its occurrence the place being the ancient and chief seat of Liberty in America, and the time being just the moment when the cause of Liberty had received a most wicked and crushing blow from the hand of the Federal Government. It was memorable also for the difficulty with which it was accomplished, for the intense popular excitement which it caused, for the unexampled expense which it entailed, for the grave questions of law which it involved, for the punishment which it brought down upon the head of the chief actor, and for the political revolution which it drew on. ····· 1036145326

Twelve Years a Slave

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This is the fully illustrated edition of Northup`s famous narrative. Solomon Northup tells the story of his life, the thrilling story of a free colored man, kidnapped in Washington in 1841, sold into slavery, and, after a twelve years` bondage, reclaimed by State Authority from a cotton plantation in Louisiana. The narrative of Mr. Northup`s strange misfortunes, resulting in a twelve years` servitude, is of thrilling interest, not only with regard to the upcoming movie. The description of scenes and sufferings may well entitle it to be called a key and companion book to Mrs. Stowe`s ` Uncle Tom`s Cabin.` ····· 1036145227

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