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Anthony Burns - A History

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The extradition of Anthony Burns as a fugitive slave was the most memorable case of the kind that has occurred since the adoption of the Federal Constitution. It was memorable for the place and for the time of its occurrence the place being the ancient and chief seat of Liberty in America, and the time being just the moment when the cause of Liberty had received a most wicked and crushing blow from the hand of the Federal Government. It was memorable also for the difficulty with which it was accomplished, for the intense popular excitement which it caused, for the unexampled expense which it entailed, for the grave questions of law which it involved, for the punishment which it brought down upon the head of the chief actor, and for the political revolution which it drew on. ····· 1036145326

Twelve Years a Slave

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This is the fully illustrated edition of Northup`s famous narrative. Solomon Northup tells the story of his life, the thrilling story of a free colored man, kidnapped in Washington in 1841, sold into slavery, and, after a twelve years` bondage, reclaimed by State Authority from a cotton plantation in Louisiana. The narrative of Mr. Northup`s strange misfortunes, resulting in a twelve years` servitude, is of thrilling interest, not only with regard to the upcoming movie. The description of scenes and sufferings may well entitle it to be called a key and companion book to Mrs. Stowe`s ` Uncle Tom`s Cabin.` ····· 1036145227

The Life Of George Washington, Vol. 5

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This is the extended annotated edition including a detailed biographical primer on the life and works of the author. `The Life Of George Washington` is a monumental work on the life of one of the most famous American presidents. Originally published in five volumes between 1853 and 1859, it is a treasure chest of information on Washington and the Civil War. This work is presumeably the most intimate and fascinating biography of a man who worked his way from an Army commander to the first President of the United States. This is volume five out of five. ····· 1036145189

The Life Of George Washington, Vol. 4

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This is the extended annotated edition including a detailed biographical primer on the life and works of the author. `The Life Of George Washington` is a monumental work on the life of one of the most famous American presidents. Originally published in five volumes between 1853 and 1859, it is a treasure chest of information on Washington and the Civil War. This work is presumeably the most intimate and fascinating biography of a man who worked his way from an Army commander to the first President of the United States. This is volume four out of five. ····· 1036145188

The Life Of George Washington, Vol. 3

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This is the extended annotated edition including a detailed biographical primer on the life and works of the author. `The Life Of George Washington` is a monumental work on the life of one of the most famous American presidents. Originally published in five volumes between 1853 and 1859, it is a treasure chest of information on Washington and the Civil War. This work is presumeably the most intimate and fascinating biography of a man who worked his way from an Army commander to the first President of the United States. This is volume three out of five. ····· 1036145187

The Life Of George Washington, Vol. 2

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This is the extended annotated edition including a detailed biographical primer on the life and works of the author. `The Life Of George Washington` is a monumental work on the life of one of the most famous American presidents. Originally published in five volumes between 1853 and 1859, it is a treasure chest of information on Washington and the Civil War. This work is presumeably the most intimate and fascinating biography of a man who worked his way from an Army commander to the first President of the United States. This is volume two out of five. ····· 1036145186

The Life Of George Washington, Vol. 1

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This is the extended annotated edition including a detailed biographical primer on the life and works of the author. `The Life Of George Washington` is a monumental work on the life of one of the most famous American presidents. Originally published in five volumes between 1853 and 1859, it is a treasure chest of information on Washington and the Civil War. This work is presumeably the most intimate and fascinating biography of a man who worked his way from an Army commander to the first President of the United States. This is volume one out of five. ····· 1036145185

Lucrezia Borgia

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Um 1874 entstand Gregorovius` Monographie über die Lucrezia Borgia, welche jedenfalls die Geschichte der Tochter Alexander`s VI., der `Kleopatra des 15. Jahrhunderts`, von dem Romanhaften befreite, das ihr bis dahin angehaftet hatte. Zugleich ist die Schrift bei der außerordentlichen Kunst von G., das Einzelne mit dem Allgemeinen zu verbinden, durch die eingeflochtenen Beschreibungen des damaligen Lebens in Rom und am päpstlichen Hofe, der Festlichkeiten aller Art und andere Details ein überaus glanzvolles, farbenprächtiges Kulturbild der Renaissance überhaupt geworden. ····· 1036145118

Herzensgeschichten einer baltischen Ehefrau

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In `Herzens-Geschichten einer baltischen Ehefrau` erzählt die Autorin autobiografisch ihr eigenes Leben. Der erste Band führt bis zu ihrer Heirat mit Georg von der Recke, anschließend daran wird die Geschichte ihrer unglücklichen Ehe in Briefen fortgeführt. Die Serie `Meisterwerke der Literatur` beinhaltet die Klassiker der deutschen und weltweiten Literatur in einer einzigartigen Sammlung. Lesen Sie die besten Werke großer Schriftsteller,Poeten, Autoren und Philosophen auf Ihrem elektronischen Lesegerät. Dieses Werk bietet zusätzlich \* Eine Biografie/Bibliografie der Autorin. ····· 1036144888

Die großen Seehelden

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Hingebungsvoll erzählt der Seemann und Schriftstellers Smidt von den großen Seehelden und -schlachten vergangener Jahrhunderte. Inhalt: Heinrich Smidt - Biografie und Bibliografie Horatio Nelson. Jean Bart. Tordenskiold. Michael de Ruiter. Von der Groeben. Kurfürstliche Marinebilder. Anhang Die Serie `Meisterwerke der Literatur` beinhaltet die Klassiker der deutschen und weltweiten Literatur in einer einzigartigen Sammlung. Lesen Sie die besten Werke großer Schriftsteller,Poeten, Autoren und Philosophen auf Ihrem elektronischen Lesegerät. Dieses Werk bietet zusätzlich \* Eine Biografie/Bibliografie des Autors. ····· 1036144700

Francisco Pizarro

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Schurigs Biografie gehört zu den detailliertesten Werkenüber den spanischen Entdecker und Eroberer von Peru. Die Serie `Meisterwerke der Literatur` beinhaltet die Klassiker der deutschen und weltweiten Literatur in einer einzigartigen Sammlung. Lesen Sie die besten Werke großer Schriftsteller,Poeten, Autoren und Philosophen auf Ihrem elektronischen Lesegerät. Dieses Werk bietet zusätzlich \* Eine lexikalische Biografie Francisco Pizarros. ····· 1036144662

Kulturgeschichtliche Charakterköpfe

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Nicht bloß für den Maler, auch für den Schriftsteller gibt es eine Kunst des Porträts. Sie wird von beiden freilich nicht in gleicher, sondern nur in annähernd verwandter Weise geübt. Der Schriftsteller kann eine Persönlichkeit in ihrer ganzen Entwickelungsgeschichte erzählend schildern, und so steigert sich das Porträt zuletzt zum Lebensbilde, zur Biographie. Der Porträtmaler malt keinen Lebenslauf er vermag die Erscheinung nur in einem gegebenen Augenblicke festzuhalten. Ist er aber der rechte Künstler, dann wird sich in diesem Augenblicksbilde doch zugleich ein ganzes durcharbeitetes Leben des Dargestellten spiegeln. Dieser Band beinhaltet biographische Aufsätze zu Die Idylle eines Gymnasiums. Moriz von Schwind. Ein vormärzlicher Redakteur. Emilie Linder. Der moderne Benvenuto Cellini. Eine Rheinfahrt mit Viktor Scheffel. König Maximilian II. von Bayern. Eine Fußreise mit König Max. Ludwig Richter. Richard Wagner. Die Serie `Meisterwerke der Literatur` beinhaltet die Klassiker der deutschen und weltweiten Literatur in einer einzigartigen Sammlung. Lesen Sie die besten Werke großer Schriftsteller,Poeten, Autoren und Philosophen auf Ihrem elektronischen Lesegerät. Dieses Werk bietet zusätzlich \* Eine Biografie/Bibliografie des Autors. ····· 1036144495

Leben und Ereignisse des Peter Prosch

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Peter Prosch war ein einfacher Bürger, der im deutschsprachigen Raum den Adel kennenlernte und darüber eine Autobiographie schrieb. 1789, er war inzwischen Bauer und Gastwirt in Ried im Zillertal, wurde seine Autobiographie erstmals verlegt, die heute einen einmaligen und vor allem ungetrübten Blick in die Gesellschaft dieser Zeit gibt. Vor allem das Leben der deutschen Fürstbischöfe wird sehr eindrücklich geschildert. ····· 1036144458

Französische Staatsmänner

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Dieser Band enthält die biographischen Essays, die Max Nordau über französische Staatsmänner schrieb. Inhalt: Die zwei Frankreiche Adolphe Thiers Mac Mahon Jules Simon Léon Gambetta Jules Grévy Jules Ferry Waldeck-Rousseau Emile Combes Georges Clemenceau Jean Jaurès Zeittafel Die Serie `Meisterwerke der Literatur` beinhaltet die Klassiker der deutschen und weltweiten Literatur in einer einzigartigen Sammlung. Lesen Sie die besten Werke großer Schriftsteller, Poeten, Autoren und Philosophen auf Ihrem elektronischen Lesegerät. Dieses Werk bietet zusätzlich \* Eine Biografie/Bibliografie des Autors. ····· 1036144412

Eine Lebensbeschreibung

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Joachim Christian Nettelbeck war ein durch seine Rolle bei der Verteidigung Kolbergs im Jahre 1807 und seine Autobiographie bekannter deutscher Seefahrer und Volksheld. Dies ist seine Autobiographie. Die Serie `Meisterwerke der Literatur` beinhaltet die Klassiker der deutschen und weltweiten Literatur in einer einzigartigen Sammlung. Lesen Sie die besten Werke großer Schriftsteller, Poeten, Autoren und Philosophen auf Ihrem elektronischen Lesegerät. Dieses Werk bietet zusätzlich \* Eine Biografie/Bibliografie des Autors. ····· 1036144402


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Katharina II., genannt Katharina die Große war ab dem 9. Juli 1762 Kaiserin von Russland, Herzogin von Holstein-Gottorf und ab 1793 Herrin von Jever. Sie ist die einzige Herrscherin, welcher in der Geschichtsschreibung der Beiname die Große verliehen wurde. Katharina II. ist eine Repräsentantin des aufgeklärten Absolutismus.Dies ist ihre Autobiografie und ein echtes Stück gelebte Geschichte. ····· 1036144117

Aus meinem Leben

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Paul von Hindenburg war ein deutscher Militär und Politiker. Im Ersten Weltkrieg stieg er zum Generalfeldmarschall auf. Die von ihm geführte Oberste Heeresleitung übte von 1916 bis 1918 quasi diktatorisch die faktische Regierungsgewalt aus. 1925 wurde er zum zweiten Reichspräsidenten der Weimarer Republik gewählt. Nach seiner Wiederwahl 1932 ernannte er am 30. Januar 1933 Adolf Hitler zum Reichskanzler. Dies ist seine Autobiografie. Die Serie `Meisterwerke der Literatur` beinhaltet die Klassiker der deutschen und weltweiten Literatur in einer einzigartigen Sammlung. Lesen Sie die besten Werke großer Schriftsteller,Poeten, Autoren und Philosophen auf Ihrem elektronischen Lesegerät. Dieses Werk bietet zusätzlich \* Eine Biografie/Bibliografie des Autors. ····· 1036144025

Von Tieren und Menschen

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Carl Gottfried Wilhelm Heinrich Hagenbeck war ein Tierhändler, Völkerschauausrichter und Zoodirektor. Er revolutionierte und beeinflusste weltweit die Zooarchitektur durch die Erfindung naturalistischer Freigehege. Dies ist seine Autobiographie. Die Serie `Meisterwerke der Literatur` beinhaltet die Klassiker der deutschen und weltweiten Literatur in einer einzigartigen Sammlung. Lesen Sie die besten Werke großer Schriftsteller,Poeten, Autoren und Philosophen auf Ihrem elektronischen Lesegerät. Dieses Werk bietet zusätzlich \* Eine Biografie/Bibliografie des Autors. ····· 1036143947

Oberst von Steuben

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Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben, auch bekannt als Baron Steuben war ein preußischer Offizier und US-amerikanischer General. Er reorganisierte die Kontinentalarmee im US-amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg. Diese romanhafte Biographie beleuchtet das Leben des großen Militärführers. Die Serie `Meisterwerke der Literatur` beinhaltet die Klassiker der deutschen und weltweiten Literatur in einer einzigartigen Sammlung. Lesen Sie die besten Werke großer Schriftsteller,Poeten, Autoren und Philosophen auf Ihrem elektronischen Lesegerät. Dieses Werk bietet zusätzlich \* Eine Biografie/Bibliografie des Autors. ····· 1036143643

Die Geschichte des Abenteuers

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Dieses Buch soll weniger die Geschichte erhellen, als sie illustrieren. Es soll ohne jede Heuchelei die Taten von Männern und Frauen ehren, deren Schicksal größer, wenn auch nicht tiefer war, als das unsrige. Vor allem soll es den Abenteurer in uns und den Teil von uns, der in dem Abenteurer lebt, wecken. Inhalt: Einleitung Alexander der Große Casanova Christoph Columbus Mohammed Lola Montez Cagliostro (und Seraphina) Karl der Zwölfte Napoleon I. Lucius Sergius Catilina Napoleon III. Isadora Duncan Woodrow Wilson ····· 1036143640

The Mystery Of Mary Stuart

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Mr. Lang does not claim to have said the lastword in the tragedy of Mary Stuart. She and Marie Antoinette will probably continue to furnish `copy` for ages to come. As long as the `copy` is given to us in the manner of this book it will continue to be welcome. Pictures of the dramatis persona of the Mystery give a brilliant impression of the ethics of the period following the Reformation in Scotland. The examination of much new material and the careful investigation of all documents bearing on the case add historic value to the book. Mr. Lang forms no conclusions the `Mystery` is not unveiled, but the fascinating Queen stands before us in all the charm of her beauty and misfortune, surrounded by her treacherous and unruly nobles, and on finishing the book we feel that we have sat at the trial by an impartial court of justice, that was never accorded her in her lifetime, and can act as judge and jury for ourselves, resting assured that we have heard all the evidence in the case. This book is fully illustrated and annotated with a rare extensive biographical sketch of the author, Andrew Lang, written by Sir Edmund Gosse, CB, a contemporary poet and writer. Contents: Introduction I - Dramatis Personae Ii - The Minor Characters Iii - The Characters Before Riccio`s Murder V - Between The Baptism And The Murder Vi - The Murder Of Darnley Vii - The Confessions Of Paris Viii - Mary`s Conduct After The Murder Ix - The Emergence Of The Casket Letters X - The Casket Letters Xi - The Letters At The Conference Of York Xii - The Letters At Westminster And Hampton Court Xiii - Mary`s Attitude After The Conference Xiv - Internal Evidence Of The Letters Xv - The Six Minor Casket Letters Xvi - The Casket Sonnets Xvii - Conclusions As To The Letters And The Possible Forgers Xviii - Later History Of Casket And Letters Appendix A - The Supposed Body Of Bothwell Appendix B - The Burning Of Lyon King Of Arms Appendix C - The Date Of Mary`s Visit To Glasgow Appendix D - The Band For Darnley`s Murder Appendix E - The Translations Of The Casket Letters ····· 1036142449

The Maid Of France

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The career of Jeanne Dare-the name usually is written Jeanne d`Arc or Joan of Arc, an absurd equivalent-was so extraordinary, her personality was so marvellous, that she has been from the very beginning a constant source of interest to biographers and historians. She figures largely in contemporary records, not always trustworthy, but it may be worthier of credence than some critics have been willing to admit. Lives of her appeared in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and the writers of the nineteenth century have been particularly busy with her fame. Every biographer since has owed an enormous debt to Mr. Lang`s work. It would be invidious to choose among the recent biographies written by Frenchmen Mr. Lang cordially acknowledges his own obligations to them. This book is annotated with a rare extensive biographical sketch of the author, Andrew Lang, written by Sir Edmund Gosse, CB, a contemporary poet and writer. Contents: Preface Introduction - The Maid And Theories About Her Chapter I - The Task Of Jeanne D`arc. Political Conditions Chapter Ii - Domremy. Prophecies, Faith, And Fairies Chapter Iii - The First Voices And Visions Chapter Iv - Domremy In Time Of War Chapter V - The Mission Announced. Jeanne At Neufchateau Chapter Vi - The Siege Of Orleans Begun Chapter Vii - Jeanne`s Second Visit To Vaucouleurs Chapter Viii - Chinon. The Kings Secret Chapter Ix - The New St. Catherine At Poitiers Chapter X - Jeanne At Tours. March To Orleans Chapter Xi - The Maid`s Victories At Orleans Chapter Xii - The Taking Of The Tourelles Chapter Xiv - The Week Of Victories Chapter Xv - The Ride To Reims Chapter Xvi - The Campaign Of Dupes Chapter Xvii - The Failure At Paris Chapter Xviii - The Autumn Campaign Chapter Xix - Jeanne`s Last Campaign Chapter Xx - The Last Day Under Arms Chapter Xxi - Captivity Chapter Xxii - The Trial Chapter Xxiii - The Trial (Continued) Chapter Xxiv - The Abjuration Chapter Xxv - The Last Morning In Prison Chapter Xxvi - Martyrdom Appendix A - Prophecies Attributed To Bede And Merlin Appendix B - The Attack On Paris Appendix C - Charges Against Jeanne In Matters Of Fact Appendix D - The Voices And Visions Of Jeanne D`arc ····· 1036142446

The King Over The Water

····· lezzter Preis 3.99€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This is the complete biography of the third James Stewart, who was unfortunate from his birth. The slander that he was not really the son of James II. and Mary of Modena persisted long after its absolute falsity had been proved. William of Orange, whose hopes of succeeding quietly to the throne for which he had long intrigued were blasted by the event, and all the enemies of the rightful king did their utmost for years to keep it alive. Sent with his mother to France before his father was forced to abdicate, the young prince was in perpetual peril the usurper who sanctioned the Massacre of Glencoe would not have hesitated to connive at his assassination. He was a delicate boy, and, indeed, all through his life he suffered from ill-health. There were times when he wearied of the task to which he was in honour bound but his strong sense of duty held him. We search the chronicles in vain for any justification of the accusations brought against him by Thackeray. He was sincerely religious, scrupulously moral in an immoral age, intelligent, conscientious and faithful to every obligation. He had, of course, the defects of his virtues. He sometimes hesitated where a bold course was essential he shrank from bringing misfortune to his adherents or shedding the blood of his adversaries he had not the buoyant temperament and the personal magnetism with which Bonnie Prince Charlie set the heather on fire. Yet he was loved by those who knew him best and for years Scotland watched in vain for `Jamie` to `come hame.` Probably he might have regained his lost throne had he consented to forswear his faith. There is nothing to indicate that he contemplated any subversive designs upon the Anglican Church. But hatred of Romanism was deep rooted among the English people and however much they might despise the first two Georges they would not consent to be ruled over by a `Papist.` James III. had promised the fullest protection to the established faith, and he was one who kept his promises he was no propagandist, like his father, but rather inclined to Quietism and yet the dread of Papal aggression inherited from the days of Elizabeth stood in his path. This book is annotated with a rare extensive biographical sketch of the author, Andrew Lang, written by Sir Edmund Gosse, CB, a contemporary poet and writer. ····· 1036142437

Pickle The Spy - The Incognito Of Prince Charles

····· lezzter Preis 1.99€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The book: This is the peculiar title of a book that is making something of a literary sensation. This brilliant study of the betrayal and extinction of Jacobitism has triumphantly solved a mystery which once baffled all Europe. History has so far sought in vain to follow the wanderings and intrigues of Prince Charles Edward, the Young Pretender, after his expulsion from France in the last days of 1748. `From this time forward,` says Lord Stanhope, writing of the time when the Prince quitted Avignon early in 1749, `his proceedings during many years are wrapped in mystery all his correspondence passed through the hands of Mr. Walters`--according to Mr. Lang the name should be Waters-`his banker at Paris, even his warmest partisans were seldom made acquainted with his place of abode, and though he still continued to write to his father at intervals, his letters were never dated. Neither friends nor enemies at that time could obtain any certain information of his movements or designs. Now, however, it is known that he visited Venice and Germany, that he resided secretly for some time at Paris, that he undertook a mysterious journey to England in 1750, and perhaps another in 1752 or 1753 but his principal residence was in the territory of his friend the Dukede Bouillon, where, surrounded by the wide and lonely forest of Ardennes, his active spirit sought in the dangerous chase of boars and wolves an image of the warlike enterprise which was denied him. It was not till the death of his father in 1766 that he returned to Rome and became reconciled to his brother. But his character had darkened with his fortunes.` By a patient study of documents still preserved in the British Museum, the Royal Library at Windsor, and elsewhere, and still for the most part unpublished, and by a laborious collation of these new materials with others more accessible, Mr. Lang has succeeded in amplifying, correcting, and supplementing, and in rendering both interesting and intelligible the very meagre information with which Lord Stanhope and other historians have been content. `By combining information,` he says, `from these and other sources in print, manuscript, and tradition, we reach various results. We can now follow and understand the changes in the singular and wretched development of the character of Prince Charles Edward Stuart. We get a curious view of the manners and a lurid light on the diplomacy of the middle of the eighteenth century. Above all, we encounter an extraordinary personage, the great, highborn Highland chief who sold himself as a spy to the English Government. This book is annotated with a rare extensive biographical sketch of the author, Andrew Lang, written by Sir Edmund Gosse, CB, a contemporary poet and writer. ····· 1036142225

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