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Optimice la visibilidad del anuncio a largo plazo en 2022

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En el mundo digital actual, los editores siempre buscan nuevas formas de aumentar los ingresos de anuncios. No es ningún secreto que la visibilidad del anuncio es un tema candente en la industria editorial y será más importante que nunca en 2022. Los editores están buscando formas de garantizar que los usuarios vean sus anuncios. […] ····· 10579524

How do I attract ads to my blog? [5 hot tips]

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Do you have a blog but no ad revenue? You’re not alone! Thousands of bloggers are in the same boat, but there are ways to change that. In this post, we’ll go over some methods to attract ads to your blog and start generating some income. Keep reading to get started! Whether you’re just starting […] ····· 10579523

Otimize A Visibilidade Do Anúncio E A Receita A Longo Prazo Em 2022

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No mundo digital de hoje, os editores estão sempre procurando novas maneiras de aumentar a receita de anúncios. Não é segredo que a visibilidade do anúncio é um tema quente na indústria editorial e será mais importante do que nunca em 2022. Os editores estão procurando maneiras de garantir que seus anúncios sejam vistos pelos […] ····· 10579522

How to bust Ad Fraud & Influence Real Human Traffic | Case Study [2022]

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How Ad Fraud is impacting your auctions? When monetized impressions on online piracy sites were the main topic of discussion in AdTech, nobody had to worry about ad fraud and invalid traffic. (ad fraud genesis). The problem with invalid traffic (IVT) is that it can have drastic effects on programmatic auctions, the worst part being […] ····· 10579521

Optimize Viewability & Long Term Ad Revenue in 2022

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Introduction In today’s digital world, publishers are always looking for new ways to increase advertising revenue. It’s no secret that ad viewability is a hot topic in the publishing industry and will be more important than ever before in 2022. Publishers are looking for ways to ensure that their ads are being seen by viewers, […] ····· 10579520

Monetizando aplicaciones con las ofertas de AdMob en 2022

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Ciertamente ya esté familiarizado con las ofertas de AdMob, ya que no es un concepto nuevo, pero ahora vemos llevaron esta funcionalidad a otro nivel. Este avance se produce en el ciclo de adopción de muchas tecnologías. Estamos viviendo uno de los mayores cambios tecnológicos de los tiempos modernos. Hoy en día, las ofertas de […] ····· 10579519

Monetizando Aplicativos Com Os Lances Do AdMob Em 2022

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Você provavelmente está familiarizado com os lances do AdMob, já que não é um conceito novo, mas agora estamos vendo sua mudança para um outro nível. Esse avanço ocorre no ciclo de adoção de muitas tecnologias. Estamos vivendo uma das maiores mudanças tecnológicas dos tempos modernos. Hoje, os lances da AdMob estão em um ponto […] ····· 10579518

How to Targets Ads on a Specific URL? [Best Practices Included]

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One of the many ways you can maximize the revenue of your site is by targeting an ad on a specific URL with substantial traffic. Serving the right and profitable ad to the right audience can result in better and higher earning potential. There are several ways we can target ads on specific URLs, depending […] ····· 10579517

Maximizing Ad Revenue with AdMob Bidding in 2022

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You’re probably familiar with AdMob Bidding since it’s not a new concept but we are now seeing it move to a new level. This progress occurs in the adoption cycle of many technologies. So, let’s take one of the biggest technological changes in modern times. Today, AdMob bidding is at this point where we are […] ····· 10579516

The Latest Ways for Publishers to Activate First-Party Data [2022]

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This year, Google Ad Manager released some of its new features that can make our publishing partners maintain direct relationships that are important to their businesses and utilize their first-party data in a way that can meet the audience’s expectations in protecting their data. One of the features that have been released is a new […] ····· 10579515

Tendencias de monetización para 2022: ¿cómo mantener la relevancia?

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“Si eres un editor, debes mantenerte relevante. No es suficiente publicar el mejor contenido, porque hay otros editores que también lo harán. Su editorial debe ser diferente e innovador para que la gente lo recuerde.†– Brian Ferneyhough Se espera que la industria de la publicación digital se desarrolle un 5% en 2022, lo que […] ····· 10579514

Previsões para a monetização de sites: como permanecer relevante em 2022?

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“Se você é um editor, precisa se manter relevante. Não basta apenas publicar o melhor conteúdo, porque há outros editores que farão isso também. Seu editorial precisa ser diferente e inovador para que as pessoas se lembrem dele.? -Brian Ferneyhough Espera-se que a indústria de publicação digital cresça 5% em 2022, o que é mais […] ····· 10579513

Improving Video Programmatic Health in 2022

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So, you’ve decided to venture into programmatic video. Congratulations! You’re making a smart decision that will help you reach new audiences and get your content seen by more people. But before you can truly reap the benefits of programmatic video, there are a few things you need to do to make sure your campaigns run […] ····· 10579512

What are the best ways to optimize Video Earnings in 2022? [6 tips]

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When it comes to optimizing video earnings on your blog, we are in the digital era, when it is no longer a fad and isn’t merely ?nice-to-have,? but a total ?must-have.? Edgy publishers that wish to establish a prominent internet presence rely on effective video advertisements as a key component of their success. Video content […] ····· 10579511

Publisher Predictions: How to stay relevant as a publisher in 2022?

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?If you are a publisher, you have to stay relevant. It’s not enough just to publish the best content because there are other publishers who will do that too. Your publishing house needs to be different and innovative in order for people to remember it.? -Brian Ferneyhough The digital publishing industry is expected to grow […] ····· 10579510

5 trucos para posicionar anuncios en su sitio web: aumenta los ingresos y mejora la UX

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Una forma de obtener ingresos a través de la publicidad digital es posicionar anuncios en sus sitios web. La mayoría de los editores se centran más en la calidad de su propio contenido que en la ubicación de los anuncios; por lo tanto, puede parecer aleatorio dónde posicionan sus anuncios. Ya sea que su objetivo […] ····· 10579509

How to monetize an auto website?

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Automobile verticals are pretty lucrative if they’re built correctly. With quality content, significant traffic volume, and the right monetization techniques, publishers can make a ton of money on auto sites. The key ingredient to an auto site’s success, however, lies in the site’s foundations. If a publisher intends on making their auto site last for […] ····· 10579508

5 Truques Para Monetizar Site e Melhorar a UX Posicionando Anúncios

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A maioria dos editores que querem monetizar sites, se concentram mais na qualidade de seu próprio conteúdo do que no posicionamento dos anúncios. Por isso pode parecer aleatório onde eles colocam seus anúncios. Quer seu foco seja aumentar a receita de anúncios ou aprimorar a experiência do usuário no seu site, o posicionamento dos anúncios […] ····· 10579507

How to increase ad revenue and UX with best-in-class ad placements [5 tricks]

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One way for websites to earn revenue through online advertising is by placing advertisements on their sites. Most publishers focus more on the quality of their own content rather than on ad placement; therefore, it may seem random where they place their ads. Whether your focus is to increase ad revenue or enhance your site’s […] ····· 10579506

Wait! What? Publishers are building their own walled gardens now?

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Anyone who works in digital advertising – from advertisers to agencies to developers and publishers – has certainly heard of a walled garden. Although the term gets thrown around in AdTech quite often, its roots reach far beyond programmatic advertising. The internet is often perceived as a place where everyone is equal and there are […] ····· 10579505

Why Apple’s App Tracking Transparency policy cost tech giants almost $10 billion in revenue

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What is Apple’s App Tracking Transparency policy? App Tracking Transparency (ATT) was introduced with iOS 14.5. Launched back in April 2021, ATT includes a requirement that developers of apps ask permission from you before gaining access to your advertising ID that tracks your app and website activity. While the framework for ATT was introduced before […] ····· 10579504

Best Guide to Display Lumascape [2022]

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Ever stumbled across the Display Lumascape before as a publisher? I’m sure you must have heard about the Display Luma. It has become extremely popular recently and is now in high demand by various companies in the advertising space. At first glance, it seems like Pandora’s box but it is simply a digital map that […] ····· 10579503

¿Puede un alto volumen de tráfico reducir el RPM en AdSense?

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¿Alguna vez ha experimentado una caída repentina en sus ingresos de Google AdSense? ¡Le pasa al mejor de los editores la caída del RPM en AdSense! Para ser más específicos, es la tasa por mil (RPM) la que se ve afectada. La pregunta principal es ¿por qué continúan ocurriendo estas caídas de RPM y cómo […] ····· 10579502

Alto Volume de Tráfego Pode Baixar Seu RPM Do AdSense?

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Você já se deparou com uma queda repentina em seus ganhos e no seu RPM do AdSense? Acontece com o melhor dos editores! Para ser mais específico, é a taxa por mil (RPM) que sofre o impacto. A questão principal é porque essas quedas de RPM continuam ocorrendo e como podem ser controladas? Cliques fraudulentos, […] ····· 10579501

How to thrive in the post cookie world [2022]

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As it is often said, fortune favors the bold, and for digital publishers, the prospect of cookieless ads should be seen as an opportunity for boldness, but one that requires it. In the ad-tech industry, publishers should be bold and realize that too much power concentrated in a few firms does not benefit consumer choice […] ····· 10579500

Is Ad Refreshing an Important and Beneficial Strategy in 2022?

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In its early days, ad refreshing was misused. Greedy publishers saw it as a “get-rich-quick†strategy, and it fell into a “graveyard†of disreputable practices. All of that is changing now. Given newer technology and especially improved measurement of views, the industry is on the move again with a fresh face and great opportunities for […] ····· 10579499

¿Cómo monetizar un sitio web de noticias? [2022]

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Antes de Internet, los periódicos y revistas innovaron en la distribución de noticias. Ahora, con Internet, todo el mundo parece simplemente iniciar sesión en Internet para ponerse al día con las últimas noticias del mundo. Eso es ventajoso para los dueños de sitio web que descubren cómo monetizar un sitio web de noticias. Los usuarios […] ····· 10579498

Can High Traffic crush your AdSense RPM? [2022]

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Ever encountered a sudden drop in your Google AdSense earnings? Happens to the best of publishers! To be specific here, it’s the rate per mile (RPM) that takes the hit. The main question is why do these RPM drops keep occurring and how can they be controlled? Fabricated clicks, irrelevant ad displays, and bots are […] ····· 10579497

Como Monetizar Um Site De Notícias? [2022]

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Antes da internet, jornais e revistas inovaram na distribuição de notícias. Agora com a internet, cada pessoa parece simplesmente navegar para ficar por dentro das últimas notícias do mundo. Quem acaba ganhando com isso são os editores que descobrem como monetizar um site de notícias. Os usuários querem ter acesso a notícias imediatamente após um […] ····· 10579496

When should you put ads on your website? [2021]

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Did you just launch a new website or just decide to investigate advertising as a monetization method? With an established digital presence and solid blog content, are you wondering when to include advertisements on your website? Here are two key indicators that will guide you to place ads on your website the right way, plus […] ····· 10579495

How MonetizeMore Publishers 3X Ad Revenue Overnight

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In this blog post, we spill the tea on our secret sauce for getting you 3X more ad revenue fast. Here’s the tea: Going through the baseline open market ad revenue potential of one high-quality site Add our 1 line advanced ad code for instant easy header bidding implementation. Boost premium revenue from strong direct […] ····· 10579494

How to Monetize a News Site? [2022]

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Back in the day, magazines and newspapers were groundbreaking and revolutionary when it came to journalism. Now, with the advancement of technology, and that thing we call the “internetâ€, every person seems to just go online to keep up with the latest news around the world. Users want to gain access to news articles and […] ····· 10579493

Stop accidental clicks on your ads now

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Do you get fed up while scrolling through a website & accidentally click an ad that leads you totally astray? This can affect your ad revenue plus your readers find it extremely frustrating. Have you ever experienced abnormally high click-through rates on some ads? This happens when a reader accidentally clicks on an ad while […] ····· 10579492

¿Cómo monetizar un sitio web de finanzas? [2022]

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El nicho de las finanzas, que incluye invertir y ganar dinero en línea, es uno de los contenidos más populares en Internet. Monetizar un sitio web de finanzas puede ser una buena fuente de ingresos. Ayudan al lector al ofrecer múltiples ideas sobre asuntos financieros y, al hacerlo, generan ingresos publicitarios al mismo tiempo. Aquí […] ····· 10579491

How To Monetize A Gaming Site? [2022]

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Gaming is one of the strongest verticals out there when it comes to site monetization. Oftentimes, these sites have high engagement rates and users tend to spend a lot of time on the pages. These two metrics alone are very attractive to premium-quality advertisers who are willing to spend a lot of money for ad […] ····· 10579490

Como Monetizar Um Site De Finanças? [2022]

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O nicho de finanças, incluindo investir e ganhar dinheiro online, é um dos conteúdos mais populares que da internet. Monetizar um site de finanças pode ser uma boa fonte de renda. Eles ajudam o leitor oferecendo várias ideias sobre questões financeiras e, ao fazer isso, geram receita de anúncios ao mesmo tempo. Aqui está tudo […] ····· 10579489

How to Monetize a Finance Site? [2022]

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The Finance niche, including investing and making money online, is one of the most popular content that we come across on a website. It gives and helps the reader/viewer by giving several ideas about financial matters, and while doing so you can make money out of it at the same time. Here is all you […] ····· 10579488

Estadísticas y tendencias del diseño de anuncios en el 2021

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Los bloggers y propietarios de sitios web, nuevos y antiguos, tienen más probabilidades de monetizar sus sitios a través de anuncios de display (gráficos), ya que son tendencias y son fáciles de usar. Las tendencias de diseño de anuncios siguen evolucionando cada seis meses y, a veces, es difícil mantenerse al día con los formatos […] ····· 10579487

Tendências E Estatísticas De Design de Anúncios em 2021

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Blogueiros e proprietários de sites novos e antigos têm maior probabilidade de monetizar seus sites por meio de anúncios de display (gráficos), já que são tendências e são fáceis de usar. As tendências de design de anúncios continuam evoluindo a cada seis meses e às vezes fica difícil acompanhar os formatos de anúncios disponibilizadas o […] ····· 10579486

What does Facebook’s misleading advertising problem mean for publishers?

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Online advertising is continually scrutinized, from analyzing how 3rd party cookies converge with your privacy & tracking dashboard tools for Facebook ads to concerns over brands heedlessly funding bad press via ad spending. Being the most popular digital outlet for online ad campaigns, Facebook’s misleading advertising policies has been getting a lot of negative media […] ····· 10579485

How publishers can use blockchain in their businesses

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  Everyone in 2021 has been talking about Blockchain but it is still a mystical part of the internet to many publishers and advertising executives, separate from where they do business.  Currently, blockchain technology is vastly used by companies to make money, improve business processes, & reach new audiences & potential leads. Besides knowing that […] ····· 10579484

11 razones para monetizar con anuncios de Rich Media en 2022

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Los anuncios de Rich Media son un medio eficaz por el cual los editores pueden atraer y retener a su audiencia. Estos anuncios ofrecen buenos CPMs con formatos publicitarios gratuitos y pagos. Según Google, los anuncios de rich media son efectivos para resaltar una combinación de imágenes llamativas y texto persuasivo. Los anuncios de Rich […] ····· 10579483

11 Razões Para Monetizar Com Anúncios Rich Media Em 2022

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Anúncios rich media são um meio eficaz pelo qual os editores podem envolver e reter seu público. Esses anúncios fornecem bons CPMs com formatos de publicidade gratuita e paga. De acordo com o Google, os anúncios de rich media são efetivos ao trazer uma combinação de visuais atraentes e textos persuasivos. Anúncios rich media sempre […] ····· 10579482

Best Display Ad Design Trends & Stats [2021]

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2021 Ad Design Trends & Stats New, up-and-coming bloggers and website owners are most likely to monetize their websites through display ads since they are ever trending and easy to use. Ad design trends keep evolving every six months and it gets hard sometimes to keep up with the countless ad design trends that are […] ····· 10579481

11 Best Affiliate Networks for Publishers [2021]

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The affiliate marketing industry has grown exponentially over the past ten years and shows zero signs of slowing down. It is a great way of spending traffic into cash. By next year, affiliate marketing spending in the U.S. is expected to cross $8.4 billion, 3X more than what it was 10 years ago. Investing in […] ····· 10579480


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Unlike last year, publishers find advertisers more willing to plan for quarter #4 before the period. The delta variant delayed advertising creative and content commitments. While branded content campaigns may have an urgent need to get on the books today, video & audio are likely to be the driving forces behind Q4 ad businesses for […] ····· 10579479

Una Guía Definitiva Para Reducir La Ceguera Del Banner

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Con el crecimiento de la publicidad digital, los visitantes del las páginas web están experimentando un fenómeno psicológico conocido como la ceguera del banner. Este es el fenómeno por el cual el usuario se vuelve ciego a los anuncios publicitarios a medida que se acostumbra a ignorarlos. Como todos hemos visto, la publicidad de banner […] ····· 10579478

Um Guia Definitivo Para Reduzir A Cegueira De Banner

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Com a proliferação de anúncios digitais, os visitantes do site estão vivenciando um fenômeno psicológico conhecido como cegueira de banner. Este é o fenômeno pelo qual o usuário se torna cego para os anúncios em banner, a medida que se acostuma a ignorá-los. Como todos vimos, a publicidade em banner é um meio popular de […] ····· 10579477

What Publishers Need to Know about Reducing Banner Blindness | 11 Tips

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With the proliferation of digital ads, website visitors are experiencing a psychological phenomenon known as banner blindness. This is the phenomenon whereby the user becomes blind to, & eventually ignores, banner advertisements. As we’ve all seen, banner advertising is a popular means for monetizing sites.  In addition, as it stands right now, the promotion of […] ····· 10579476

What publishers need to know about the IAB’s latest ad fraud crackdown [2021]

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What is Ads.txt? The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), the industry body for digital advertising, introduced ads.txt (ads standing for Authorised Digital Sellers) to increase transparency in programmatic advertising. Ads.txt files placed on the root domain of publisher sites show exactly which sellers a publisher has authorized to fill their inventory, and therefore give brands and […] ····· 10579475

Google AdSense Auction switches to First-Price Auction Model in Q4 [2021]

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By the end of 2021, your advertisers will be charged the entire amount of their bid, rather than the 2nd-highest bid in the Google AdSense Auction. By the end of this year, Google is about to lift AdSense from a second-price auction model to a first-price auction model (as per Big G’s latest announcement). Google […] ····· 10579474

Google AdSense’s latest move to a first-price auction model in Q4 2021

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By the end of 2021, your advertisers will be charged the entire amount of their bid, rather than the 2nd-highest bid.   By the end of this year, Google is about to lift AdSense from a 2nd-price auction model to a 1st-price auction (as per the company’s latest announcement). Google feels the switch to the […] ····· 10579473

12 Reasons why Publishers should consider Rich Media Ads in 2021

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Rich media ads are an effective means by which publishers can engage and retain their audience. These ads give good CPMs with both free and paid advertising formats. According to Google, rich media ads thrive with a combination of appealing visuals and persuasive texts. Rich media ads have always delivered great CTRs, engagement rates, & […] ····· 10579472

RPM vs. CPM: ¿En cuál deberían centrarse los editores?

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RPM y CPM son a menudo dos métricas que confunden a los nuevos editores. Si bien ambos se pueden utilizar para determinar el rendimiento de monetización de su sitio, existen diferencias importantes entre los dos. CPM es el valor que los anunciantes están dispuestos a pagar por 1000 impresiones. RPM, por otro lado, es el […] ····· 10579471

RPM vs. CPM: Em Qual Deles Os Editores Devem Se Concentrar?

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RPM e CPM costumam ser duas métricas que confundem novos editores. Embora ambos possam ser usados ​​para determinar o desempenho da monetização do seu site, há diferenças importantes entre os dois. CPM é o valor que os anunciantes estão dispostos a pagar por 1000 impressões. RPM, por outro lado, é o valor total da receita […] ····· 10579470

RPM vs. CPM: Should publishers focus on RPM or CPM?

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RPM and CPM are often two metrics that confuse new publishers. While they can both be used to determine your site’s monetization performance, there are key distinctions between the two. CPM is the amount that advertisers are willing to pay for 1000 impressions. RPM, on the other hand, is the total amount of ad revenue […] ····· 10579469

How can Google Ad Manager help you to monetize your App?

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Before we get to the app monetization part here, let’s talk about Google Ad Manager (GAM) for a while. In this blog post, we will discuss Google Ad Manager, how it works & what you can do to monetize your app and get that ad revenue consistently coming in the bank with Google Ad Manager. […] ····· 10579468

The Best Guide to Mobile Banner Ads 2021

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Mobile Banner Ads have existed since the genesis of digital marketing, & when executed correctly, they can continue to play a major role in programmatic advertising. Banner Ads are fairly easy & quick to set up. They have a higher viewability depending on how they are positioned on the page. What are mobile banner ads? […] ····· 10579467

The Best Guide to Mobile Banner Ads 2021

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Mobile Banner Ads have existed since the genesis of digital marketing, & when executed correctly, they can continue to play a major role in programmatic advertising. Banner Ads are fairly easy & quick to set up. They have a higher viewability depending on how they are positioned on the page. What are mobile banner ads? […] ····· 10579466

3 Best Ways to Monetize online Flashcards/Quiz Sites

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What are flashcards/quiz sites? Flashcard sites or quiz sites are considered extremely effective for learning purposes. They make the studying process entertaining while maintaining its effectiveness and efficiency. The cards contain information in the form of images, words, phrases, numbers, associated with any subject or topic and it asks you to spontaneously question yourself on […] ····· 10579465

3 Best Ways to Monetize online Flashcards/Quiz Sites

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What are flashcards/quiz sites? Flashcard sites or quiz sites are considered extremely effective for learning purposes. They make the studying process entertaining while maintaining its effectiveness and efficiency. The cards contain information in the form of images, words, phrases, numbers, associated with any subject or topic and it asks you to spontaneously question yourself on […] ····· 10579464

¿Qué es la visibilidad del anuncio y cómo se mide?

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La visibilidad es una métrica que se utiliza en la publicidad digital para realizar un seguimiento de las impresiones que los usuarios pueden ver o no. El hecho de que un anuncio se haya publicado en un bloque de anuncios no significa necesariamente que un visitante del sitio lo haya visto. En el espacio publicitario […] ····· 10579463

First Party Cookies vs. Third Party Cookies: What is the big difference?

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Throughout the years, cookies have been the bread & butter of internet money and are the most popular method of acquiring user data online. Cookies give out a personalized browsing experience. Since privacy issues online are a huge concern right now; with the introduction of laws like the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and […] ····· 10579462

O Que É A Visibilidade do Anúncio E Como Ela É Medida?

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A visibilidade é uma métrica usada na publicidade digital para rastrear impressões que podem ser vistas ou visualizadas pelos usuários. Só porque um anúncio foi veiculado em um bloco de anúncios não significa necessariamente que um visitante do site o visualizou. No espaço da publicidade programática, anunciantes e editores estão começando a notar e valorizar […] ····· 10579461

Best Video Ad Formats for Display Advertising Campaigns

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Video ads formats in Mobile App Most advertisers rely on video ad format to be effective in their ad campaigns. According to experts, it is 5 times more effective than display/static media ads. The performance of video advertising formats depends on how well it is suited to user experience and advertising platform capacity. There are […] ····· 10579460

Best Video Ad Formats for Display Advertising Campaigns

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Video ads formats in Mobile App Most advertisers rely on video ad format to be effective in their ad campaigns. According to experts, it is 5 times more effective than display/static media ads. The performance of video advertising formats depends on how well it is suited to user experience and advertising platform capacity. There are […] ····· 10579459

La guía definitiva para la monetización de aplicaciones en 2021

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Cuando dedica tanto tiempo y esfuerzo a mejorar su aplicación y brindar una buena experiencia de usuario, monetizar y generar ingresos sólidos es una forma de obtener un retorno por su trabajo. Entonces, ¿qué es la monetización de aplicaciones móviles? Es cuando encuentra oportunidades para monetizar el contenido de su aplicación. Independientemente de la estrategia […] ····· 10579458

O Guia Definitivo Para Monetização De Aplicativos Em 2021

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Quando você gasta tanto tempo e esforço para aperfeiçoar seu aplicativo e oferecer uma boa experiência de usuário, monetizar e gerar uma receita sólida é uma forma de obter retorno. Então, o que é monetização de aplicativos para celular? É quando você encontra oportunidades de gerar receita com os usuários do seu aplicativo. Qualquer que […] ····· 10579457

What is Google FLoC? | Best guide for Publishers

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Recap Increasing transparency and privacy is a priority for ad platforms as well as web browsers. These new measures are Google’s way of replying to those same concerns raised by other browsers. Earlier this year, Google announced its breakup with third-party cookies but also noticed a need to create advertising solutions in order to circumvent […] ····· 10579456

The leading guide to Mobile App Monetization 2021

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When you have taken so much time and effort to perfect your app and offer a rich user experience; you may be wondering how you can make solid revenue from it. So, what is Mobile App Monetization? It’s when you find opportunities to earn revenue from your app users. Whatever app monetization strategy you’ll implement, […] ····· 10579455

Best Rewarded Ads Practices for Mobile Apps 101

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What are Rewarded Video Ads Rewarded ads are advertisements that reward users for watching or clicking ads within a game or app in exchange for an in-game reward, such as more lives or more in-game currency (stars, coins, hearts, etc). Publishers can serve rewarded ads either directly or through Google Ad Manager, Ad Exchange, the […] ····· 10579454

Tips de optimización para el aumento de ingresos en el cuarto trimestre de 2021

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Una de las mayores preocupaciones de los editores es cómo pueden aumentar los ingresos y esto es aún más importante a medida que se acerca el último trimestre del año. Sus ganancias del cuarto trimestre determinarán si tuvo o no un gran año en términos de ingresos. La buena noticia es que la temporada navideña […] ····· 10579453

Saiba Como Aumentar a Receita No Quarto Trimestre De 2021

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Uma das maiores preocupações dos editores é como eles podem aumentar a receita e isso é ainda mais importante à medida que o último trimestre do ano se aproxima. Seus ganhos durante o quarto trimestre determinarão se você teve ou não teve um ótimo ano em termos de receita. A boa notícia é que a […] ····· 10579452

¿Las etiquetas de Ad Exchange funcionarán en el MCM?

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Ahora, más que nunca, la publicidad digital ha sido buscada por los marketers para promocionar sus marcas sabiendo que este servicio puede llegar estratégicamente a su público. Los editores y anunciantes intercambian inventario de anuncios digitalmente en un mercado virtual llamado intercambio de anuncios (Ad Exchange). Los editores utilizan esta plataforma para vender su inventario […] ····· 10579451

Best Revenue Optimization Tips for Publishers in Q4 2021

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One of the biggest concerns for publishers is how they can increase revenue. This is even more important as the final quarter of the year approaches. Your earnings during Q4 will determine if you had a great year in terms of revenue or not. The good news is that the holiday season sees higher purchase […] ····· 10579450

Apple’s SkADNetwork & iOS 14.5 | A helpful guide for Publishers

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Post the IDFA Apocalypse, Apple’s upcoming launch for iOS 14.5 and SkAdNetwork updates will be bringing in a monetization option for publishers. Every September, with the launch of the new iPhone series, Apple’s SKAdNetwork comes into focus for publishers, advertisers, and mobile marketers to test and see if it’s a lucrative ad-revenue generating stream. In […] ····· 10579449

As Tags Ad Exchange Continuam Funcionando Na MCM?

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Agora, mais do que nunca, a publicidade digital tem sido procurada por profissionais de marketing para promover suas marcas, sabendo que esse serviço pode atingir estrategicamente seu público-alvo. Editores e anunciantes negociam digitalmente o inventário de anúncios em um mercado virtual chamado de troca de anúncios (Ad Exchange). Essa plataforma é usada por editores para […] ····· 10579448

Comprenda sus ingresos de anuncios por temporadas

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¿Alguna vez ha cuestionado por qué el RPM de sus anuncios fluctúa a lo largo del año? Puede ser frustrante y sorprendente experimentar estas fluctuaciones al intentar monetizar su sitio web. En un momento, el RPM de los anuncios puede caer y, al siguiente, puede convertirse en el RPM más alto del año. Estamos a […] ····· 10579447

Entenda Sua Receita De Anúncios Por Temporadas

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Você já se perguntou por que o RPM de seus anúncios flutuam ao longo do ano? Pode ser frustrante e também surpreendente passar por essas flutuações como editor. Em um momento, o RPM da receita de anúncios pode cair e no outro pode subir para o maior RPM de anúncios de todos os tempos. É […] ····· 10579446

Will AD Exchange (AdX) tags continue to work after MCM migration?

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Now, more than ever, digital advertising has been sought after by marketers to promote their brands knowing that this service can strategically reach their target audience through different social networks and therefore effectively engage them. Publishers and advertisers digitally trade ad inventory in a virtual marketplace called the ad exchange. This platform is used by […] ····· 10579445

Will AD Exchange (AdX) tags continue to work after MCM migration?

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Now, more than ever, digital advertising has been sought after by marketers to promote their brands knowing that this service can strategically reach their target audience through different social networks and therefore effectively engage them. Publishers and advertisers digitally trade ad inventory in a virtual marketplace called the ad exchange. This platform is used by […] ····· 10579444

Understand your Ad Revenue By The Seasons

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Ever wondered why your ad RPMs fluctuate throughout the year? It can be both frustrating and amazing to experience these fluctuations as a publisher. One moment the ad revenue RPMs might drop, and the next, it might earn the highest ad RPM ever. It’s the beginning of September, and as we look ahead to the […] ····· 10579443

I Only Run Ad Exchange. Do I Need Unified Pricing Rules?

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There could be many reasons behind the use of Unified Pricing Rules (UPR). Some publishers use it to exclude cheap paying ads which are usually causing redirects or popups on the site, or to simply push the bids up. Setting up a target CPM or floor CPM sends a message to advertisers on how valuable […] ····· 10579442

Google AdMob: How to start generating revenue?

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Monetizing apps is a way to capitalize on your creative ideas and get a financial return on your investment for building an App. To achieve this goal, Google AdMob is a great tool. Whether you are an app developer or an entrepreneur who has invested heavily in app development, monetization is a subject of interest. […] ····· 10579441

Google AdMob: ¿cómo empezar a generar ingresos?

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Monetizar aplicaciones es una forma de capitalizar sus ideas creativas y obtener un retorno financiero de su inversión en la creación de una Aplicación. En este caso, Google AdMob es una gran herramienta. Tanto si eres un desarrollador de aplicaciones como un emprendedor que ha invertido mucho en el desarrollo de aplicaciones, la monetización es […] ····· 10579440

Has Google started withholding US tax from all AdSense accounts?

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Back in March 2021, Google warned YouTube creators that their AdSense account earnings were at risk of having US tax deducted from payouts, with the process set to start in June. But is this now happening to all AdSense accounts, not just those linked to YouTube accounts? What was announced in March? In March 2021, […] ····· 10579439

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21.11.2020 19:00:520.08724324024030MonetizeMore
19.11.2020 08:14:170.08524024002400MonetizeMore