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Carbon Capture and Storage Projects Within Emissions Trading Systems

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Following the entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol, a new global market for trading allowances to emit greenhouse gases, known as the carbon market, has emerged. As an alternative to a command and control penalty regime or carbon taxes, regulation of emissions is increasingly taking the form of emissions trading through cap and trade schemes. Many jurisdictions including the European Union, Alberta and New South Wales are adopting cap and trade systems as their preferred method of achieving reductions. Given this development, it is important to determine how carbon capture and storage, a popular mitigation technology, is accounted for within these systems. ····· 10361118026

Medio Ambiente y Tratados de Libre Comercio

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Este trabajo revisa el desarrollo del tema del medio ambiente en algunos organismos internacionales como la Organización Mundial del Comercio y la ONU, a través del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente y la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo. De igual forma, analiza disposiciones contenidas en el Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (NAFTA, por sus siglas en inglés) y los ajustes que, en materia legislativa e institucional, tuvo que realizar México para implementarlo. Finalmente, revisa las tendencias en el tema medioambiental en algunos tratados de libre comercio (TLCs)firmados por México y los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica como el TLC G3 y el CAFTA-RD. El desarrollo que este tema ha tenido en el ámbito internacional y su impacto en las legislaciones de los países representan un gran avance para la protección y preservación del medio ambiente no obstante, en aras de mejorar su tratamiento, los países deberían redoblar sus esfuerzos a fin de fortalecer y/o perfeccionar su legislación interna en la materia y continuar promoviendo dicho tema en las agendas internacionales. ····· 10361117588

Responsabilidad de las empresas por violaciones a derechos humanos

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El Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos ha tenido una gran transformación en relación con la protección que debe ser brindada a todo ser humano por el solo hecho de serlo, gracias a que se ha reconocido el deber de respeto a los derechos humanos, que le asiste no solo al Estado sino a todos los particulares, en sus relaciones vis a vis. Ello ha llevado a que expresamente se reconozca la posibilidad de que la fuente de la agresión a estos sea diversa, es decir, no solo el Estado puede vulnerar los derechos humanos, sino que también lo pueden hacer los individuos o incluso las personas jurídicas. Dichos avances han mostrado a su vez, que los dispositivos jurídicos y los mecanismos de protección de los derechos humanos a nivel internacional resultan insuficientes a la hora de protegerlos de manera eficaz. La presente tesis evidencia que se han dado avances hacia la responsabilidad jurídica de las empresas en casos de violaciones a los derechos humanos, aun cuando ante la ausencia de una arquitectura institucional que permita juzgar directamente las actuaciones u omisiones de las empresas, se esté ante una pseudo responsabilidad de estas por violaciones a los derechos humanos ····· 10361117349

Drittwirkung Der Grundrechte: Estudio Comparado y Aplicación en México

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En la observancia de la realidad mexicana actual (con una agenda económica corporativa de agentes económicos particulares no estatales- preponderantes e incluso con injerencia política en el gobierno y en el discernimiento de las políticas públicas mexicanas), es trascendental el establecimiento de la Drittwirkung Der Grundrechte para acrecentar el orden político y la paz social a través del libre desarrollo de la personalidad, el respeto a la ley y a los derechos de los demás. La premisa básica sería que el orden político y paz social naturalmente no están limitados a un orden público o a una paz pública per se, sino que es artificioso hacer tal distinción con un orden privado al margen de aquél. ····· 10361116740

La protección jurídica de las propiedades especiales en el mundo.

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Esta obra pretende ser un manual básico y general entorno a las propiedades especiales en el ámbito internacional a través del cual se pueda comprender los alcances de los derechos de los autores y de los inventores. Actualmente el autor es Profesor de la Universidad de Guanajuato, del Departamento de Gestión y Dirección de Empresas de la División de Ciencias Económico Administrativas donde cultiva actualmente como líneas de Generación y Aplicación del Conocimiento el Derecho de la Competencia y que pertenece al Cuerpo Académico de Entorno Jurídico de los Negocios. Las clases que imparte son: Contratos Internacionales, Derecho de los Negocios Internacionales, Derecho Fiscal y en el Departamento de Derecho de la misma universidad, la materia de Hermenéutica Jurídica. ····· 10361116692

La trata de personas menores de edad

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La trata de personas es un delito comúnmente invisibilizado y tolerado en el mundo, sin embargo su práctica lesiona gravemente los derechos humanos de sus víctimas. En el presente trabajo se aclarará el término trata de personas, proponiendo una definición terminológica con base en la doctrina y legislación internacional, diferenciándolo de tráfico de personas, comúnmente utilizado indistintamente. Se analizarán a su vez los posibles factores que contribuyen a la trata de personas menores de edad y se propondrán medidas necesarias para contrarrestarlos. A su vez se expondrán las medidas necesarias de protección a los niños niñas y adolescentes, para evitar que se conviertan en víctimas del delito de trata de personas. ····· 10361116594

Protecting Intellectual Property in Thai Traditional Medicine

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Traditional medicine has played an important role in the world`s human health care since immemorial time, for almost 80% of the world`s population depends on traditional medicine for their primary health care. Thailand is one of the richest countries of traditional medicine and genetic resources in the Southeast Asia region. There are about 10,000 plant varieties containing medicinal properties in Thailand. It is fact that several biopiracy cases concerning traditional medicines, such as Neem, Turmeric, Ayahuasca and Kwao Kruae, involved acquisition of intellectual property rights without compensation for the traditional knowledge holders. The cases demonstrate that the lack of protection of traditional medicine poses a significant problem on international and national levels. This book explores the protection of traditional medicine in both significant international instruments and national laws. In addition, general concepts for the protection of traditional medicine particularly Thai policy and legal measures will also be found in this book. ····· 10361115719


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The book explains the concept of commandresponsibility which is reflected in the statutes ofinternational criminal courts and tribunals that hearcases arising under international humanitarian law(for examples Article 28 of the Statute of theInternational Criminal Court, Article 6(3) of theStatute of the International Criminal Tribunal forRwanda and Article 7[3] of the Statute of theInternational Criminal Tribunal for the FormerYugoslavia), the superior would beresponsible under a theory of individual or personalcriminal responsibility. It will analyse a briefhistorical discussion and one recent case of thedoctrine of command responsibility with particularhighlight on its application as reflected in thejurisprudence of the International Criminal Tribunalfor the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and theInternational Criminal for Rwanda (ICTR). ····· 10361115493

The legal aspects of the European Union rule of law Mission in Kosovo

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Sui generis` is one of the most used expressions in the diplomatic circles worldwide in an attempt to explain the unique developments in the Kosovo case. It also serves to emphasise the fact that the unilateral declaration of independence from the democratically elected leaders of Kosovo cannot and will not serve as a precedent for the settlement of any other crises in the world. However if we take a brief look at Kosovo`s recent history it shows that the Kosovo case has been nothing short of this term. In 1999 it caused the first NATO led military action since World War II. After that the United Nations deployed its largest and longest peacekeeping mission known as UNMIK. Due to the disagreements among the permanent members of the UN SC for the withdrawal of UNMIK mission and the establishing of a new European rule of law mission under the name EULEX, again Kosovo faces a sui generis` situation. Three years after the independence declaration UNMIK is present a bit more than needed and EULEX is a little less present than it is needed... ····· 10361115133


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The practice that has come to be known as cyber- squatting originated at a time when most businesses were not savvy about the commercial opportunities on the Internet. Some entrepreneurial souls registered the names of well-known companies as domain names, with the intent of selling the names back to the companies when they finally woke up. In technical parlance, this is called cyber squatting. This book is a humble effort to place a clear picture regarding this scenario by taking into account the national and international efforts and attempts to curb this and at the same time also to make some recommendations that the author feels would make the present system more effective and result achieving and result oriented. ····· 10361114936


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Nowadays, the decline of the age of oil expecting in 2050 push many oil-producing countries to want to change their oil laws, to nationalize or expropriate foreign oil companies operating in their territories, to renegotiate their former petroleum contracts in order to better adapt them to the current circumstances and implement policies for strengthening the control of national and foreign petroleum activities. The rising of large (national or) foreign direct investments in search of new oilfield around the world reflects the panic of the decline of oil and its legal consequences. This situation will help us to analyze and understand legal issues that arise in the State contracts especially petroleum contracts signed between, on the one hand the host state of investment, subject of international law and owner of petroleum resources contained into its territory, and on the other hand, the foreign investors or a private foreign oil company, which is a non-state actor of international law. Keywords: State contract, Petroleum contracts, stabilization clause ····· 10361114705

Limitations on Movement and Residence of Refugees in Malawi

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The book discusses the legality in international law of the reservation made by Malawi to article 26 of 1951 United Nations Convetion Relating to the Status of Refugees (CSR51)and the measures employed restricting thefreedom of movement and choice of residence of refugees in Malawi. First the discussion analyzes whether the formulation of the reservation complies with the general international rules and the provisions in CSR51 regulating legality of reservations. Secondly the the book discusses the effect of the reservation on the enjoyment by refugees of the rights to freedom of movement and choice of residence provided in art.26 of CSR51. To this end the discussion considers whether the application of the reservation through the measures restricting freedom of movement and choice of residence of refugees is lawful and compatible with Malawi`s obligations as a party to the Convention. The book also discusses the possible legal consequences of the reservation and measures. ····· 10361114575

International Trade and Environmental Governance in the WTO and NAFTA

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This book focuses on the theme of international trade regulation and environmental governance under the auspices of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The regulation of international trade in an environmental context has been discussed ad nauseam but this book specifically contextualizes the debate to the regional grouping Southern African Development Community (SADC) and extracts context- specific lessons. The book`s approach is simple. WTO disputes covering diverse subjects such as natural resource conservation, human health, plant and animal health are discussed and important lessons for a transforming SADC extracted.Dolphins, turtles, meat and meat products, asbestos and other natural resources are important in international trade and this book spells out clearly that in order to effectively trade in these resources, unilateralism must give way to multilateralism. This book concludes on an optimistic note by affirming that the WTO and NAFTA provisions on the settlement of trade-environment disputes will shed light on a future SADC trade and environment regime ····· 10361114476

European corporate mobility

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Corporate mobility is an essential precondition for European companies to enjoy the benefits and opportunities the integration of economies offers: it allows for the optimal allocation of productive factors as well as for a high degree of entrepreneurial freedom. The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union grants the freedom of establishment to both individuals and legal entities. Nevertheless, companies still have to face several legal and cultural barriers when deciding to move their offices and undertaking cross - border activities: the exit taxation system and differences both in the criteria used to determine a company`s nationality and in the languages and traditions of each of the Member States constitute serious constraints to the development of a European market for corporate charters. This work focuses on the troubles and pitfalls companies face when relocating cross - border and demonstrates how the ECJ has fairly balanced the companies` demand for corporate mobility with the Member States` need of control over companies incorporated under their laws. ····· 10361114407


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In the year of 2000, the ECJ delivered a well-known judgement among European lawyers, Angonese, which indeed recognised horizontal direct effect of community law among private parties in the field of free movement of workers. The ECJ thus held that a job applicant could sue a private bank before the national court on the basis of the prohibition of discrimination in Article 39 of the EC Treaty. Commentators argue that this is a landmark judgment and that Mr. Angonese will now join the annals of community law pioneers`. The essential purpose of this book is to provide for an examination and critical analysis of the concept of horizontal direct effect in the field of free movement of workers, in particular to analyse in what manner the ECJ legally justified the recognition of this concept in relation to Article 39 EC. ····· 10361114368

Justice facing sexual violence during armed conflicts

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If we want to understand the place of women in our society, it is more than necessary to be aware of their role during armed conflicts. The aim of this book is to change the way people think about war, to consider fundamental changes that have taken place in global society, since the existence of humanity. How civilians have become the victims of war, thus raising the number of female victims How is the religion being used against the victims How women have found the courage to speak up about their victimization How some governments and the United Nations have begun to listen and to respond by changing international law and court procedures The author attempts to answer these questions by examining the existing literature on theories of rape as a tool of war. ····· 10361114210

Preemptive Self-Defence in the Age of Terror

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This is an important topic and very relevant for Pakistan`s ongoing undeclared war. The work is grounded in the mainstream literature on international law and it elaborates different perspectives on international law. The historical development of the concept of preemptive self-defence under international law that is traced leaves no doubt that prevailing interpretations are in fact political interpretations of our existing legal framework justified by reliance on socially constructed natural law. This descriptive work exposes gaps in current international law that needs to be addressed for realities of our complex twenty- first century. Without such updating international law will continue to be a tool in the hands of the dominant and will not promote ethical and just practices, it intends to uphold. Dr. Robina Bhatti (Professor), Institute of Global Studies, California State University. ····· 10361114044


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The use of alternative forms of justice has been considered very ideal in many countries as a result of fragile political systems. This can be exemplified by the fact that there has been over 30 reported Truth Commissions in the world in the last 4 decades alone. The International Criminal Court (ICC) was also established after decades of negotiation in pursuit of fighting impunity. The ICC, unlike alternative justice mechanisms seems to strongly appreciate justice in the narrow sense and does not fully embrace alternatives that look at truth telling, reconciliation and reparations. A sharp contradiction arises when these alternative justice mechanisms grant amnesty in exchange for some of the components of alternative justice, such as truth. Despite the fact that International Law strongly cautions against amnesties for international crimes, a lot can be said with respect to whether or not the Rome Statute of the ICC accommodates alternative justice mechanisms. ····· 10361113760


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New technologies bring new problems along with benefits. Biotechnology has brought about novel changes in genetically modifying organisms. Till now the commercially viable application has been mainly in the field of agriculture. In India,where about 59% of over 1 billion inhabitants work in agriculture,it has fairly significant ramifications. Criticism of G.M.O.s first arose in Europe which took a stringent approach to regulation of G.M.O.s. India`s experiments with G.M. crops began in 2007 with the introduction of the Bt. Cotton which tragically failed and,as many claimed,led to the unfortunate suicides of impoverished farmers. Judged from the above perspective,in a developing country like ours,the issues with relation to genetically modified organisms would be cartelization by a few Multinational Companies to raise prices and disrupt indigenous methods of farming. The focus of this paper, therefore, is on the impact and regulation of genetically modified organisms in International Trade in the context of developing economies like India, with special focus on access to genetic resources through participation of interested groups and benefit sharing. ····· 10361113663

The Legal Responsibility of States for Past Actions

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A number of women were sexually enslaved by the Japanese military during the Second World War and were known as `comfort women`. It is a wrongful action of the Japanese state in the past which still brings the international attention. In order to overcome the past, such wrong doings should be considered in the context of legal responsibility of the state. Legal responsibility is distinguished from moral responsibility state responsibility differs from individual responsibility. Seeking the legal responsibility of the state is an important process to achieve proper justice in the international community. ····· 10361113571

On the UNCLOS and Vested Maritime rights

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The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, while giving new maritime rights and interests to states, does not break the existing maritime legal order or affect the vested maritime rights of the states. The systems of archipelagic waters, exclusive economic zone and continental shelf provided for by the Convention allow states to extend their sovereignty or sovereign rights to wider sea areas. However, states can extend their sovereign rights only to areas traditionally recognized as open seas and, in doing so, they may not infringe upon the vested territorial sovereignty or sovereign rights of other states. The various historical rights enjoyed by China over the South China Sea are vested rights that had been established long before the entry into force of the Convention. ····· 10361113216

The acquisition of citizenship by the children of non-citizens

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Despite the recent emphasis in the UN system on determining and emphasising the rights of non- citizens, children born without effective citizenship rarely have the same life prospects as citizen children. This paper explores the implications for the children of non-citizens of the limitations that have developed in international law on States` sovereignty in the area of citizenship. It concludes that, although States still retain the right to determine how their citizenship is transmitted, certain international human rights law treaties and recent jurisprudence limit States` discretion in this area, prohibiting direct and indirect discrimination and prohibiting the creation of statelessness. ····· 10361112971

Das brasilianische Zivilgesetzbuch von 2002 und die Realitäten des Grundstücksrechts

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Im Jahr 2003 trat in Brasilien ein neues Zivilgesetzbuch in Kraft. Die ersten drei der im vorliegenden Band versammelten Beiträge ziehen eine Zwischenbilanz nach den ersten zehn Jahren der Geltung, fragen, welche Lehren der brasilianische Reformprozess für andere Rechtsordnungen bereithält, und erörtern die besonderen Herausforderungen, die sich bei der Übersetzung brasilianischer Gesetze ins Deutsche stellen. Die übrigen drei Referate widmen sich eingehend dem brasilianischen Grundstücksrecht und unterziehen es einem Vergleich mit dem deutschen Recht. Besonderes Augenmerk wird dabei auf die brasilianische Rechtspraxis gelegt, in der die Institute des Vorvertrags und der Ersitzung eine zentrale Rolle spielen. Letztere wird häufig auch als Instrument der Sozialpolitik eingesetzt.Die Beiträge der brasilianischen Autoren sind im portugiesischen Original und in einer deutschen Übersetzung abgedruckt. ····· 10361108219

Bürgerprotest und Autonomie der Justiz in Deutschland und Brasilien

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Bürgerschaftliche Bewegungen und Organisationen sind Erscheinungen der pluralistischen Demokratie und damit Teil der politischen Dynamik der Staaten und ihrer Rechtsordnungen. Der Kampf ums Recht wird heute unter zivilgesellschaftlicher Beteiligung ausgefochten. Als Lobbyisten des Gemeinwohls und Protagonisten zukunftweisender Politik haben nichtstaatliche Organisationen die menschenrechtliche und ökologische Modernisierung des Rechts maßgeblich beeinflusst. Die Partizipation des `Dritten Sektors` an der staatlichen Rechtspflege ist wiederkehrendes Thema in den Beiträgen dieses Tagungsbandes. Berufene Vertreter aus Wissenschaft und Praxis Brasiliens und Deutschlands beschreiben, wie zivile Organisationen vor Gericht für besseres Recht und soziale Gerechtigkeit streiten und dadurch die Autonomie der Justiz herausfordern. ····· 10361107853

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