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The Difficulty Between the Energy Companies and the Indigenous Peoples

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The exploration and development of natural resources of sovereign states is often carried out by multinational oil companies or in most cases in conjunction with the host state. At the start of the exploration period, it may be impracticable to relocate the indigenous peoples living in communities where explorations are carried out. However, these people live to witness different negative impacts as a result of the activities and operations of the companies. This has heralded a difficult relationship between several indigenous peoples and multinational oil corporations in different countries. This book, therefore, uses a case study of two selected indigenous peoples in both Nigeria and Peru to provide new ways of applying corporate social responsibility to bring an exciting relationship ····· 10361100916


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Bwesigye ably analyzes the first years of the East African Court of Justice in five chapters of the book. He studies the historical setting of the international stature of the EACJ tracing it from colonial times to the twenty first century. In chapter three, the book describes the structure of the EACJ while the fourth chapter assesses the salient challenges facing the EACJ and the prospects for the court as an international court. The book explores issues related to the proliferation of international courts and the impact on the EACJ, the extension of EACJ`s jurisdiction to cover human rights matters and exercise appellate jurisdiction, the role of the EACJ in efforts to integrate and harmonize the law in partner states, the establishment of quasi dispute resolution mechanisms within the East African Community, the relationship of the EACJ and national courts and other prospects and contemporary challenges facing the court. The final chapter offers an outline of the conclusions arising from the study and adopts recommendations. ····· 10361100913


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The 1994 Rwanda genocide was one of the worst horrific human catastrophes that has befallen mankind. it is estimated that the genocide left over 800,000 people dead , 1.7 million displaced, 400,000 widowed, 500,000 and 130,000 arrested on suspicion of committing acts of genocide. The consequences of this genocide are still felt to date . Despite the fact that the causes of genocide were apparent, no commendable steps were taken by the international community particularly the United Nations to avert the it. Amidst growing criticism and having established that the genocide and other systematic, widespread and flaggarant violations of international humanitarian law committed in Rwanda constituted a threat to international peace and security` the UN adopted Resolution 955 establishing the International Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) to prosecute all those responsible for the genocide and other human rights violations that occurred in Rwanda between 1st January and 31st December 1994. This study evaluates the contribution of the ICTR to the evolvement of International Criminal Law by highlighting its successes and challenges as by early 2009. ····· 10361100876

Security of natural gas supply

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The present research deals with the legal dimensions concerning the supply security of natural gas, relying on the existing political and economic environment.The research provides a legal analysis of the currently existing international and European Union legislation, as well as other effective measures aimed at ensuring the security of natural gas supply`.It argues that the current legally binding provisions regulating the security of natural gas supply in relations between the EU and Russia are not sufficient and effective enough to ensure stable and undisrupted supply. ····· 10361100848

A Rights Based Approach to Reproductive Health in Zimbabwe

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This book investigates how the right to reproductivehealth amongst adolescent girls in Zimbabwe has beenconceptualised. The rights based approach todevelopment is adopted as the legal paradigm inattempting to analyse the legal complexities ofadolescent girls `s reproductive rights in Zimbabwe.The legal, political, economic and social dynamicssurrounding the understanding of reproductive humanrights of adolescent girls are fully explored, drawingattention to the role of culture, education andreligion in a complex society. The inquiry reflectshow the democratic genesis of reproductive rightsshould be understood using legal and non legalparameters that are emebedded in the language ofhuman rights. ····· 10361100824


····· lezzter Preis 71.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
cases included concern: the construction of airports, tourist villages, first class hotels, telescopes, phosphate mining mschinery, works for clinker cement, works for international waterways, construction of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, diplomatic buildings, real estate of business concern, media production complex, etc. Issues raised are mostly related to delays, bad material or unfitness of quality, income taxes, sales tax, workmanship, contract management, social insurance premiums, damages and custom duties. Some of the awards were subject to challenge before Courts such as: the Court of Appeal, the Court of Cassation, the Supreme Constitutional Court. The challenge may succeed or fail and in both cases we introduce its findings. The names of parties are revealed in the cases of court challenges, otherwise they are kept secret. ····· 10361100669

The Rights of the Indigenous Child to Education

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The right to education is recognised by both municipal and international laws. The book examines the right to education of indigenous people with particular focus on the Batwa of Uganda. It investigates the laws governing education in Uganda, analyzing the level of its implementation as well as noting the challenges derailing the actualisation of the right to education of the Batwa child while proffering pragmatic solutions. ····· 10361100307

Legal perspectives on human rights protection in internal conflicts

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This book will become as the definitive textbook for instructors and students alike, in the increasingly popular field of human rights law of non-international armed conflicts. While traditional approach to international law and armed conflict focuses on the international humanitarian law (IHL) alone, this book incorporates other international legal regimes such as human rights law and international criminal law as well. In doing so, a broader picture emerges and reveals the current challenges faced in regulating violence in internal conflicts. This in turn highlights the complexities, intricacies, and the interrelationship of the different regimes that may be rendered applicable to armed conflicts. Also, in taking a more inclusive approach, this book provides a new perspective on both existing and emerging themes in this field. The topics covered in this book include: protection of human rights ensuring IHL standards in internal conflicts protection of women and children their involvement in those situations relationship between human rights and IHL and ensuring international criminal justice. Readership: students of undergraduate, postgraduates, PhD as well as practitioners. ····· 10361100056

Uniqueness of the Energy Charter Treaty`s Investment Regime

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The Energy Charter Treaty is the first binding multilateral agreement covering the promotion and protection of foreign investment. Energy Charter Treaty applies only to economic activities in the energy sector. This thesis focuses on uniqueness of the Energy Charter Treaty s investment regime in investor-state disputes. The thesis provides an overview from an international law perspective of such important features of the Energy Charter Treaty as the provisional application of the treaty, the denial of benefits clause and the definition of investment. The thesis also analyzes Energy Charter Treaty arbitration cases in order to find whether there exists a consistent practice on crucial jurisdictional questions. An extensive overview was provided regarding Yukos v Russian Federation, Kardassopoulos v. Georgia and Plama v. Bulgaria cases. ····· 1036199961

Corruption in Ukraine: view from the inside

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Over the last years processes of the democratization and liberalization have been developing all over the world. Unfortunately, still, there are a lot of countries which show enormous gaps into social and legal systems. Ukraine is among the latter and it still struggles and suffers from a low level of democratic standards, human rights protection, and social security combined with high level of corruption and powerful criminal community. Ukraine. How much do we know about this large European country ! This book describes true situation in Ukraine in Corruption matter. It contains but is not overloaded with legal facts and practical examples, allowing the reader to understand the text and almost feel its meaning. The problem of corruption in Ukraine is so many-sided and complex, that Ukrainian government, International and Ukrainian Communities have to pay closest attention to it in order to solve the issue. This analysis should make the picture of Ukraine very clear and comprehensive for everyone who cares, wants to make a difference or just wants to witness the great changes. ····· 1036199783

Arbitration and Insolvency - Conflict of Laws Issues

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When the insolvency proceedings have been filed in a country different from the place of arbitration (cross-border insolvency), the arbitrators face difficult questions, including those referring to the effects of the foreign insolvency proceedings on the arbitration pending. This paper discusses whether cross-border insolvency can be a per se obstacle to international arbitration, and whether there are foreign insolvency laws that can neutralize pending arbitration proceedings. This paper emphasizes the importance of correctly characterizing issues arising in cross-border insolvency/arbitration. The relevance of correct characterization is illustrated by the Vivendi/Elektrim dispute, which led to conflicting decisions in England and Switzerland. This paper also analyzes whether foreign insolvency provisions limiting a tribunal`s jurisdiction may be applied as mandatory rules. ····· 1036198414

Besitzbetrug und Besitzerpressung

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Mathias Hirschmann beurteilt in seinem Band die Vermögenszugehörigkeit bloßen Besitzes. Dabei nimmt er den ökonomisch-juristischen Vermögensbegriff zum Ausgang, arbeitet jedoch einen neuen Ansatz zur Bestimmung wirtschaftlichen Wertes heraus. Statt den Anschaffungspreis einer Sache für maßgeblich zu erachten, soll es einzig auf einen Veräußerungswert ankommen. Der Autor untersucht den Vermögenswert des Besitzes. Eine Vermögenszugehörigkeit bloßen Besitzes läuft schließlich jedoch dem eindeutigen Willen des Gesetzgebers zuwider. Hierzu werden das im deutschen Strafrecht grundsätzlich straflose furtum usus sowie der 248b StGB historisch betrachtet. Danach sind Besitzbetrug und Besitzerpressung de lege lata straflos. Der Band schließt mit einer ausführlichen Analyse der Rechtsprechung zu diesem Thema. In his volume Mathias Hirschmann evaluates the Vermögenszugehörigkeit bloßen Besitzes. Based on the economic-legal term he takes a new approach on determining the economic value. Instead of taking the cost price into consideration, the residual value should be considered relevant. The author analyses the value of an asset. However, Vermögenszugehörigkeit bloßen Besitzes is not in line with the distinct will of the legislation. Here, the offence furtum usus, basically unpunished in Germany as well as 248b of the German Criminal Code will be analysed historically. Accordingly, asset fraud and asset extortion remain de lege lata unpunished. The volume concludes with a comprehensive analysis of the jurisdiction on this subject. ····· 1036194786

Animals as specific objects of obligations under Polish and German law

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Defining where the needs of contracting parties end, and where the mistreatment of animals begins is especially difficult in contract law, where protecting animals is not a basic premise. Thus, although animal law is a widely discussed topic, the position of animals under civil law has not been discussed comprehensively before. The first chapters of the book set the background for subsequent civil law considerations given that the object of a contractual obligation is an animal, and the impact this has on the conclusion, performance and consequences of non-performance of a contract. It constitutes a unique interdisciplinary and comparative work focused mainly on animals in contractual relations (e.g. sale, donation, lease, tenancy, commission, agency, safe-keeping, training contracts).

····· 1036194689

Konkretisierung der deliktsrechtlichen Generalklauseln

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Die Konkretisierung der deliktsrechtlichen Generalklausel erfolgt mit Hilfe der Begriffe Schaden, Kausalität, Verschulden und Rechtswidrigkeit. Versucht wird, die Haftung ausschließlich durch die Auslegung dieser abstrakt-allgemeinen Voraussetzungen einzugrenzen. Eine solche Systembildung ist jedoch nicht leistungsfähig. Sie führt zur normativen Hypertrophie des Systems. Was verloren geht, sind die Wertungen, die über die Haftungsfrage entscheiden. Sie verschwinden im Schatten des ständigen Begriffsspiels. Das Scheitern der traditionellen Systembildung erfordert die Suche nach möglichen Alternativen. Um die Anpassungsfähigkeit des Systems mit Rechtssicherheit zu verbinden, schlägt Piotr Kwiatkowski ein System vor, das aus einer beweglichen Grundnorm und topisch formulierten Einzeltatbeständen besteht.

The concretization of general clauses of tort is carried out with the help of the terms damage, causality, fault and wrongfulness. The attempt is made to limit liability solely by interpreting these abstract and general conditions of liability. However, such a system structure is not efficient. It leads to normative hypertrophy of the system. What is lost are the true arguments that decide on the liability issue. They disappear in the shadow of the constant conceptual game. The failure of traditional system structure requires the search for possible alternatives. In order to combine the adaptability of the system with legal certainty, the author suggests a system consisting of a movable general clause and topically formulated individual norms. ····· 1036194685

Organisierte Kriminalität und Terrorismus im Rechtsvergleich

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Organisierte Kriminalität und Terrorismus sind gemeinsame Probleme ohne gemeinsame Definition. Die Internationalisierung der beiden Probleme und ihrer hybriden Formen betrifft Deutschland ebenso wie China. Dennoch fehlen oft die Voraussetzungen für eine gemeinsame Antwort im materiellen Strafrecht und im Strafprozessrecht. Auch die verfassungsrechtlichen und politischen Vorgaben differieren stark. Der Versuch, trotz all dieser Diskrepanzen Möglichkeiten und Ansätze für einstimmige Problemlösungen zu finden, ist daher so schwer wie wichtig. Die Autorinnen und Autoren lassen den Leser an ihren Analysen und ihrer Kritik an bestehenden Strukturen teilhaben, sodass Unterschiede ebenso deutlich werden, wie die sich trotzdem bietenden konkreten Möglichkeiten der notwendigen Zusammenarbeit. Dieser Band erarbeitet somit Grundlagen für das Verständnis der jeweils anderen Seite. Organized crime, terrorism and hybrid forms of both are internationalized problems, affecting Germany as much as China. It is important to find solutions working for both sides without compromising social and political values. Since both countries differ in their normative preconditions and institutional setup, such a common response is difficult to reach. Differences in material criminal law as well as in criminal procedure law are obvious. Further frictions arise from constitutional and institutional aspects. Still, the authors engage in a common analysis of related phenomena and do not refrain from criticizing deficiencies in existing normative and institutional structures. This enables the reader to realize differences and to learn about possibilities for common action. ····· 1036194601

The meaning and functioning of secondary insolvency proceedings

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The legal provisions applicable to all situations of cross-border insolvency are of very great practical importance, both to debtors and creditors alike, and at the same time they raise questions of considerable interest from the standpoint of legal theory and principle. The Council Regulation (EC) No 1346/2000, 29 May 2000 on Insolvency Proceedings (hereinafter: the EIR) aims to provide the EU-wide regulation of international jurisdiction, applicable law and recognition to enable efficient and effective operation of cross-border insolvency proceedings. In this book, the author has focused on the analysis of secondary insolvency proceedings opened after main insolvency proceedings. The concept of secondary insolvency proceedings is an exceptional phenomenon. The EIR does not establish any limit to the number of secondary insolvency proceedings which may be opened after main insolvency proceedings upon the establishment of an insolvent debtor within the meaning of Article 2 (h) of the EIR in the relevant Member State. However, the EIR is based on the principle of respect for substantive diversity that each Member State retains its own insolvency law. ····· 1036192082

Avtorskoe pravo: ot pervyh zakonov do cifrovoj jepohi

für 49.41€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Avtor knigi issleduet jetapy razvitiya avtorskogo prava v mire. Osoboe vnimanie v dannoj rabote udelyaetsya seti Internet. V texte privodyatsya nyne dejstvujushhie mezhdunarodnye internet-zakonodatel`stva o zashhite intellektual`noj sobstvennosti i zakonoproekty v sfere kopirajta. Parallel`no s jetim rassmatrivaetsya vopros o novatorstve shvedskogo metoda pravovogo regulirovaniya seti Internet, kak naibolee prozrachnogo i jeffektivnogo. ····· 1036191671

Equal educational opportunities for the girl child in Africa

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This study on educational opportunities for the girl child in Africa is divided into six chapters. Chapter one provides the context in which the study is set, the objectives of the study and its importance. Chapter two examines the right to education and in education and takes note of the issue of discrimination with respect to girl child education in Africa. In chapter three, various international treaties that concern provisions on education and the discrimination factor as to gender are identified. Chapter four examines on a regional level, work done by the African Human Rights system on girl child education.In this chapter, a comparative study is done of instruments and the implementation mechanisms offered by the Inter-American and European systems to the African Human Rights system in terms of the girl child education. This is so because in terms of experience, jurisprudence and institutions, these systems are considered to be more advanced than the African Human Rights system. Chapter five discusses girl child education on a national level in Africa. This chapter focuses on the experiences of South Africa, Egypt and Cameroon. Chapter six ends the study with recommendations. ····· 1036191410

El fracaso de la modernidad:Estados fallidos en África subsahariana

für 88.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Todo parecía que con el fin de la guerra fría, la historia daba otra oportunidad al África Subsahariana. La clase dirigente africana, aprendiendo de sus errores y bajo la mirada `benévola` de las antiguas metrópolis (metamorfeadas en la Unión Europea) y de las grandes instituciones internacionales de crédito, ahora sí construiría verdaderos estados modernos. Pero la modernidad ha vuelto a traicionar a los africanos, y un nuevo e inquietante fenómeno ha hecho su aparición en el escenario africano: el `Estado fallido`. Este libro trata de explicar el desarrollo del Estado moderno, la colonización, la descolonización, las diferentes teorías sobre el `Estado fallido`, el corpus jurídico y doctrinal habilitador de las operaciones de paz, la parte más larga y prolija, que espero encuentren interesantes. Para finalizar, con unas conclusiones que el lector puede hacer o no suyas. ····· 1036190961

La obligación de extraditar o juzgar en España

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Desde 2004, la Comisión de Derecho Internacional de Naciones Unidas investiga la naturaleza jurídica de la obligación de extraditar o juzgar. Su objetivo es definir el alcance de este principio como posible herramienta de lucha contra la impunidad. Para ello, ha solicitado de los Estados respuestas a ciertas preguntas a través de las cuales se pretende inferir el carácter del mencionado principio en el ámbito del Derecho Penal Internacional. España se encuentra entre los Estados que no han respondido a las preguntas de la Comisión, retrasando, de este modo, el avance de este estudio. Este trabajo pretende colmar la referida laguna proponiendo una respuesta en nombre de España a las preguntas de la Comisión. Con esta finalidad, se han analizado los Tratados multilaterales y bilaterales en los que España es parte, la legislación interna y la jurisprudencia de los distintos tribunales españoles. El marco teórico de análisis se limita, en este proyecto, a las más graves violaciones de derecho internacional: crímenes de guerra, genocidio y crímenes de lesa humanidad. ····· 1036190714

Ambiente vs Inversión

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Con la entrada en vigor del TLCAN 1994, se logra un Acuerdo que va más allá del intercambio de bienes y servicios ya que incluye temas ambientales y laborales. México tuvo que promulgar una nueva Ley de Inversión Extranjera y reformar su Ley Ambiental para cumplir con sus obligaciones dentro del Tratado. Sin embargo esto ha creado la polémica de que los Estados pueden utilizar al ambiente como medida proteccionista ya que hasta el momento no se ha diseñado una forma efectiva de calcular los costos ambientales. Metalclad Corp., una empresa norteamericana especializada en el tratamiento y confinamiento de Residuos Peligrosos, vio en México un mercado muy amplio y poco explotado. En 1993, compró un Confinamiento de Residuos Peligrosos en San Luis Potosí, sin embargo debido a presiones de la sociedad civil y del gobierno local y municipal tuvo que cerrar debido a la mala disposición de 55,000 toneladas que afectaron la zona. Metalclad llevó al gobierno mexicano a Panel Internacional por violaciones del Capítulo XI del TLCAN cuya resolución fue desfavorable para México, teniendo que pagar una indemnización de más de 16,000,000 dólares. ····· 1036190182

La ejecutoriedad de laudos arbitrales online

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Ante el avance del comercio electrónico a nivel mundial y regional, los métodos de resolución de conflictos se acomodan para dar respuestas actuales a los problemas que surgen en la Sociedad de la Información. A su vez, las relaciones internacionales y el Derecho comercial también cruzan en su camino al fenómeno de Internet. Por un lado, las relaciones internacionales y el Derecho Público. Por otro lado, Internet y el Derecho Privado de los particulares. Analizando herramientas legales existentes en el Derecho argentino y en el ámbito internacional, el presente libro muestra un acercamiento a la problemática de Internet como nuevo escenario del comercio internacional y al arbitraje online como método de solución alternativa de conflictos, con especial hincapié en la factibilidad jurídica de ejecutar laudos arbitrales dictados a través de procedimientos Online a la luz de la Convención de Nueva York sobre ejecución de laudos arbitrales internacionales de 1958. ····· 1036190026

Acuíferos Transfronterizos:

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La autora tiene como objetivo principal analizar los esfuerzos que se realizan en los distintos ámbitos internacionales a los fines de regular los acuíferos transfronterizos. En las últimas décadas se ha intensificado la preocupación por el abastecimiento del agua dulce a nivel mundial, ya que la contaminación de las aguas superficiales y la dificultad para su saneamiento ha llevado a los Estados y Organismos Internacionales a prestar especial atención a las reservas de agua dulce que se encuentran en los sistemas de acuíferos. Los organismos multilaterales que se han analizado, partiendo del supuesto de que la cooperación y la integración son claves a la hora de regular el recurso natural agua, son los de cooperación institucionalizada como las Naciones Unidas y la Organización de Estados Americanos por un lado y, en cuanto a los procesos de integración la Unión Europea y MERCOSUR, éste último por ser Argentina uno de sus Estados miembros. Asimismo se hace hincapié en el enfoque argentino ante la problemática estudiada con motivo de encontrarse el Acuífero Guaraní en parte de su territorio. ····· 1036189706

La Autodeterminación de los Pueblos Indígenas en la Época Colonial

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El discurso sobre los Derechos Humanos de los Pueblos Indígenas se centró en reconocerlos como PUEBLOS. La Organización de las Naciones Unidas reconoce enfáticamente este status a partir de la Declaración de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas, al considerar que los sistemas de derechos entre un Pueblo Indígena y el Estado nacional del que forman parte nacen de diferentes realidades por lo cual se requiere respeto mutuo, a través del reconocimiento a la libre determinación de estos pueblos. Los países latinoamericanos registran en la evolución de sus instituciones jurídicas, sistemas normativos conformados por raíces culturales heterogéneas: Prehispánicas, Indianas, el Castellanas-prehispánicas nacionales y posteriormente un derecho supranacional. Para comprender los reclamos indígenas, para el ejercicio de su libre determinación, es necesario dirigirse a la génesis de las instituciones. Esta investigación estudia la organización política de las comunidades indígenas en el Derecho Indiano, cuya estructura política como territorio del Reyno de Castilla se estableció y reguló a través del Gobierno de las Dos Repúblicas, con estructura Municipal. ····· 1036189400

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