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Das brasilianische Zivilgesetzbuch von 2002 und die Realitäten des Grundstücksrechts

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Im Jahr 2003 trat in Brasilien ein neues Zivilgesetzbuch in Kraft. Die ersten drei der im vorliegenden Band versammelten Beiträge ziehen eine Zwischenbilanz nach den ersten zehn Jahren der Geltung, fragen, welche Lehren der brasilianische Reformprozess für andere Rechtsordnungen bereithält, und erörtern die besonderen Herausforderungen, die sich bei der Übersetzung brasilianischer Gesetze ins Deutsche stellen. Die übrigen drei Referate widmen sich eingehend dem brasilianischen Grundstücksrecht und unterziehen es einem Vergleich mit dem deutschen Recht. Besonderes Augenmerk wird dabei auf die brasilianische Rechtspraxis gelegt, in der die Institute des Vorvertrags und der Ersitzung eine zentrale Rolle spielen. Letztere wird häufig auch als Instrument der Sozialpolitik eingesetzt.Die Beiträge der brasilianischen Autoren sind im portugiesischen Original und in einer deutschen Übersetzung abgedruckt. ····· 10361108219

Bürgerprotest und Autonomie der Justiz in Deutschland und Brasilien

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Bürgerschaftliche Bewegungen und Organisationen sind Erscheinungen der pluralistischen Demokratie und damit Teil der politischen Dynamik der Staaten und ihrer Rechtsordnungen. Der Kampf ums Recht wird heute unter zivilgesellschaftlicher Beteiligung ausgefochten. Als Lobbyisten des Gemeinwohls und Protagonisten zukunftweisender Politik haben nichtstaatliche Organisationen die menschenrechtliche und ökologische Modernisierung des Rechts maßgeblich beeinflusst. Die Partizipation des `Dritten Sektors` an der staatlichen Rechtspflege ist wiederkehrendes Thema in den Beiträgen dieses Tagungsbandes. Berufene Vertreter aus Wissenschaft und Praxis Brasiliens und Deutschlands beschreiben, wie zivile Organisationen vor Gericht für besseres Recht und soziale Gerechtigkeit streiten und dadurch die Autonomie der Justiz herausfordern. ····· 10361107853

Analysis of International Arbitartion Rules

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Interim relief is critical in any form of dispute resolution. Parties must have the option to seek interim measures, like preliminary injunctions and attachments, where their adversaries threaten to take action which cannot be undone by after-the-fact damages. Parties in international arbitrations are no exception. Unlike prior studies, however, I test these procedures in action by comparing them in four hypothetical scenarios, consider expedited proceedings as an alternative to interim relief, and compare a much broader group of rules. I conclude that, while no single set of rules provides the full range of possible options that a party might want, those institutions that have sought to address the problem have come up with several viable procedures (particularly pre-tribunal referee procedures) that other arbitral institutions should consider adopting. ····· 10361103105

Georgia and the European Union labour migration policy:

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The work analyzes the scope of the free movement of workers provisions focusing in particular on the notion of barrier to movement for the nationals of the third countries and the possible perspectives. The EU policy on legal and illegal migration is discussed and the legislation screened for identification of the possibilities for the workers from the third countries related to their free movement in the Member States with special focus on the Directive on the conditions for entry and residence of third-country nationals for the purposes of highly qualified employment (EU Blue Card). Special focus is dedicated to the European States,non-EU Members (Switzerland, Turkey, Moldova and Georgia). The work examines bilateral agreements existing between target countries and the EU on European Neighbourhood Policy and its Action Plan, Mobility Partnership`, visa facilitation and readmission. Possible future development in the EU-Georgia relations, existing and ongoing bilateral relations with particular attention to the Georgian nationals as potential workforce for the EU labour market and their free movement in the Member States is discussed. ····· 10361102981

Diplomatic Assurances

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In December 2001, the Swedish television programme `Kalla Fakta` uncovered the story of Ahmed Agiza and Muhammed El Zari, who after having been denied asylum in Sweden, were arrested by the police and deported in haste to Egypt. The men were suspected of terrorism and even though Egypt was well-known to mistreat political opponents in general, and alleged Islamic terrorists in particular, the Swedish government decided to have them transferred. Both Agiza and El Zari later claimed that they were tortured in Egypt. The disclosure resulted in a massive outcry and the Swedish government were heavily criticised by a great number of actors for having violated its international law obligations and Agiza`s and El Zari`s human rights. Sweden, on the other hand, claimed that it had done whatever one could possibly require to ensure that the men were treated correctly, while also making sure that its national security was protected. This claim sheds a light on an old conflict that has been reinforced by the emerge of the globalised threat from terrorism and the violent and repressive responses towards it namely, how to at once respect state security and human rights. ····· 10361102927

Has Ukraine achieved European fair trial standards?

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The dissertation is the author`s analysis of the steps Ukraine is (not) undertaking in order to modify its legal system to make in conformity with European standards. The dissertation covers the issue of the right to fair trial in the period of 1997-2008, assessing such aspects as independence of courts in general and judges in particular, the judgments of the ECHR in respect of fair trial violations in the country as well as the response of Ukrainian legal system to such judgments. The author proposes his own assessment grid and provides his own analysis based on the comprehensive statistical data from Ukrainian High Court, Ministry of Justice covering such issues as the number of judgments delivered with delays, non enforced court decisions, the impact of increasing of salary of judges on the level of corruption in the country etc. ····· 10361102852

The Political Offence Exception to Extradition

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This study is devoted to the `Case of Fehriye Erdal`. The case is taken as a representative sample and an indicator of how the current system of international cooperation in criminal matters against terrorism is bound to fail under certain circumstances. Considering the fact that the process of extradition still plays an essential role as the most widely-accepted legal tool for nation-states in their fight against international criminality, the significance of the aforementioned case is better grasped. On such basis, this study is focused on the debate revolved around Fehriye Erdal and to this end, especially, the legal proceedings in Belgium and Turkey came under scrutiny and their relation to the institution of extradition closely examined. In this context, it is aimed at drawing the reader`s attention to the potentially problematic relationship between the crime of terrorism and the so-called political offence exception to extradition. ····· 10361102749

The EU`s Military Crisis Management Operations

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The purpose of this book is to analyse the EU`s international crisis management capabilities, particularly its military dimension, using what are known as the Petersberg tasks. These capabilities` legal framework is part of Europe`s new security and defence context in international relations. In our book we analyse the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) in the EU Treaty, and the relations between the EU and WEU and NATO the conception, institutional structure and legal basis of so called Petersberg tasks the practice of this kind of operations in international crisis management we also analyse the civilian crisis management tasks in order to identify common points and divergences with regard to military actions, and finally we describe the Petersberg tasks` future prospects, with special references to the EU s military-civilian capabilities. Our ultimate goal is to identify, systematise and conduct a legal study of EU military operations, in order to grasp the scope of its involvement in international security and peace-keeping issues, and obtain the keys that explain the current situation as well as future prospects. ····· 10361102703

Human Rights defenders and Fundamental Freedoms

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The rise of the human rights movement, reinforced legally by the growth of human rights instruments since the 1948 Universal Declaration, has progressively seen the language of human rights used as a tool at the domestic and international levels for the struggles that led to the change of state behavior. Such struggles at the domestic level are often carried out by human rights defenders`, a group of human rights activists comprised of ordinary people, including students, teachers, writers, scientists and lawyers among others. In different countries and across many contexts, such human rights defenders are fighting for the promotion and protection of human rights, often under difficult circumstances. This book provides an analysis of the core freedoms and guarantees that are vital for the work of human rights defenders at the legal level, and gives a clear definition of who they are and what they do. Then it presents the case of Nepal, exploring how restrictions on fundamental freedoms, dictated by the autocratic government, affect the work of human rights defenders through the first hand experience of one of them. ····· 10361102573

EU and Member States facing modern-day slavery in children

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The main goal of this work is simple to help create an overall idea on the phenomenon of child trafficking in the European Union and its Member States, focusing especially in the efforts exerted during the most recent years (including the first quarter of 2009 where possible) to combat this crime in nine selected Member States and to identify gaps therein. To achieve this overall goal, this work intends to give answers to several questions and come to conclusions based upon them. These questions are addressed throughout the work and main findings are identified, and recommendations are provided. The work is also intended to contribute somehow to the research work being done in the field, hoping to bring something useful for future research students and academics. Of course, it is not exhaustive, but it is hoped that it will serve as a starting appetizer in the bulk of thoughts and expertise on future actions that need to be taken at different levels, starting from the EU law arena down to the individuals. ····· 10361102551


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Arbitral tribunals and ad hoc committees set up under the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and nationals of other States administered by the International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) have produced a large number of awards.One of such awards is the landmark case of Klockner v. Cameroon.This case marks a turning point in ICSID`s history. In this book the author raises the difficulty in ensuring the finality of arbitral awards.He brings out the intricacies over ICSID`s competence in Klockner`s case and examines the applicable law in international investment contracts not leaving out the duty of frankness and loyalty in such international contracts. The book promises to be an invaluable resource for students in international commercial arbitration and legal practitioners. ····· 10361102534

Human Rights and Mental Disability

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It took a lot of time before human rights of people with disabilities occupied its niche within the international framework of human rights protection. However,there is a lot of evidence that human rights violations of people with disabilities are still very common. Discrimination,ill-treatment,intrusion into private life, deprivation of rights to study and to work is far from being a full list of violations these people face on a daily basis. Yet, perhaps one of the most blatant human rights abuses is the removal of legal capacity,when an individual becomes `no one` from legal point of view,and a guardian is appointed as his substitute in all legal affairs-a legal concept existing in relation to people with mental disabilities in many post-Soviet countries. The book provides analysis of human rights implications of this `one-size-fits-all` legal concept under legislation of Russia and proves its inconformity with human rights standards. Tracing in addition the development of international human rights law for people with mental disabilities,the book can be useful for academics, professionals as well as for all who are interested in human rights issues of people with disabilities. ····· 10361102500

Aggravated state responsibility and obligations erga omnes

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The book integrates the analysis of the concept of obligations erga omnes , conceptualizes the relationship between the obligations erga omnes, norms jus cogens and international crimes, addresses the possible implications of newly introduced notions on human rights protection and examines to what extent obligations erga omnes and aggravated state responsibility correlate. The book also clarifies theoretical and practical aspects of special consequences derived from aggravated regime of state responsibility and addresses the issue of reparations arising from breaches of erga omnes obligations. The book is useful for the practitioners, academics and students, having interest in Public International Law and International Human Rights Protection. ····· 10361102459

Russia-Georgia Conflict Resolution

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In the contemporary world it has been widely upheld that human rights norms and standards have come to play a distinctive role in international life. However, the war of August 2008 between Russia and Georgia has demonstrated that the gap between the promise and the practice of human rights still remains huge. The analysis of the Russia-Georgia conflict nature and its dynamic leads to the major conclusions that, though the human rights regime has grown to the extent that it became almost impossible to ignore its importance in contemporary international relations, the persistence of human rights abuses, double standards and selectivity in human rights interventionism point to the gap between rhetoric and reality. The international human rights regime is political in practice though its intentions are idealistic. It responds pragmatically to circumstances and consequently often operates inconsistently. While the human rights institutions are essentially impartial, they are procedurally restricted and diplomatically cautious. ····· 10361102314

Religios Freedom and Gender Equality in International Human Rights Law

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Nowadays, a growing demand of women for equal rights induces reactions abridging them of opportunity for full emancipation. While the tenet of gender discrimination is protected by international law, multiple human rights violations of discriminatory nature continue to take place. To this day, arguments based on religion continue to be prevalent justification for the infringement of women`s rights. With an example of Muslim states presenting the subjugation of women as a manifestation of their internationally protected religious belief, this book, therefore, is set to demonstrate how international law embodies a tension between the right to freedom of religion and the right of women to non-discrimination. It illustrates the ways in which the unrestrained deviation of Muslim states from the universal guarantee of gender equality and the subsequent wide-spread discrimination against women in the name of religion is maintained by international legislation that, in fact, is hierarchical in nature. Hereby, the book should be especially interesting to human rights law students, legal profession, and activists working on the advancement of women human rights. ····· 10361102169


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Recent years have seen an increase in the exploitation of hydrocarbon resources in the subsoil of the territorial sea and continental shelves of coastal states. Where a hydrocarbon reservoir is discovered which traverses the delimited or disputed maritime boundary of two or more coastal states it is required to be developed jointly according to the principles of international law. While an international legal regime in respect of unitization or joint development is not set out in statute, international treaties and principles guide the process. This work examines the international legal principles relating to the rights and obligations of coastal states in the territorial sea, continental shelf and exclusive economic zone and considers joint development arrangements in delimited as well as disputed maritime boundaries. Key issues of the negotiating process are addressed. It explores the ongoing Trinidad and Tobago /Venezuela unitization process. A relatively new phenomenon in the oil and gas industry, only eight unitization/joint development agreements have been concluded to date. ····· 10361102140

English in professional activity

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English in professional activity is a practical and informative handbook which will be of use to English teachers of all levels of experience. This book aimed to form professional-oriented skills and competence within professional spheres of communication, directed to the acquisition of subject-matter of the student future occupation and deeping his/her professinal communicative competence as a part of a specialist`s adequacy. ····· 10361101662


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The 1994 genocide in Rwanda led to the collapse of the existing order in the country and gave rise to a pressing need to restore peace and order. Months after the genocide ended, the UN Security Council following the invitation of the Rwandan government established the ICTR to prosecute the main perpetrators responsible. This however left a big gap of other participants in the genocide not covered by the ICTR still needing to be tried, yet the country`s judicial system was not in a position to handle the volumes of cases. As a result, in 1999 Rwanda proposed a new system named Gacaca based on the indigenous models of local justice to deal with the bulk of the cases. It was also an aim of Gacaca to promote confessions from perpetrators and forgiveness from survivors. This thesis will primarily consider the varying prosecution processes, their achievements and hardships thereby discussing the attainment of justice following the aftermath of the 1994 Rwanda genocide. We will analyse in depth the means used by the ICTR and Gacaca to attain of justice for acts of genocide. We will conclude by making observations as to whether the objectives of justice have actually been met.. ····· 10361101605


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Ever since the establishment of the international criminal court most of the persons implicated by the Court have been from Africa leaving most people wondering whether the International Criminal Court was established purposely for Africa. The book reviews the considerations by the Office of the Prosecutor in determining who and when to prosecute. The book also looks into the political challenges faced with regard to Security Council referrals and how they are wont to undermine the neutrality and credibility of the Court. Further more the fact that certain powerful states chose to undermine the ICC by not becoming signatories, one wonders whether or not the role of the ICC was rendered obsolete. This Book provides a critical analysis into the above and other allegations attacking the credibility of this permanent international court. The book concludes by proposing necessary recommendations for a more credible International court dispensing international criminal justice indiscriminately. ····· 10361101333


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The book explains the concept of International human rights regime and the movement of human rights norms which also review the concept of international human rights norms. Indonesia compliance`s on human rights covenants under different regime of the Presidents in the stage 1945 to 2007 which is in the scope of international human rights regime which has long been faced human rights development and obstacles is the center of this book discussion. ····· 10361101194

Legitimate Self-Defence in International Law

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This work examines the concept of self-defence in the context of International Law. The author takes a look at the various categories of the concept, and makes a critical analysis of the justification of self-defence in the context of modern day warfare. It further highlights the strains placed upon the trilogy of immediacy, necessity and proportionality,which circumscribes the use of force in diverse military situations. ····· 10361101077

Export Cartels

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Which were the reasons for implementing export cartel legislation How did various social events affect the export cartel debate Who were the main actors that shaped this debate Which are the solutions proposed to this issue This book tries to answer these questions and supports the view that a multilateral agreement on export cartels with WTO oversight is the best available solution. The current work describes the fours waves of export cartel thinking and offers an overview of the papers that have been written to date and of the ideas developed in relation to this subject matter. ····· 10361101039

The Difficulty Between the Energy Companies and the Indigenous Peoples

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The exploration and development of natural resources of sovereign states is often carried out by multinational oil companies or in most cases in conjunction with the host state. At the start of the exploration period, it may be impracticable to relocate the indigenous peoples living in communities where explorations are carried out. However, these people live to witness different negative impacts as a result of the activities and operations of the companies. This has heralded a difficult relationship between several indigenous peoples and multinational oil corporations in different countries. This book, therefore, uses a case study of two selected indigenous peoples in both Nigeria and Peru to provide new ways of applying corporate social responsibility to bring an exciting relationship ····· 10361100916


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Bwesigye ably analyzes the first years of the East African Court of Justice in five chapters of the book. He studies the historical setting of the international stature of the EACJ tracing it from colonial times to the twenty first century. In chapter three, the book describes the structure of the EACJ while the fourth chapter assesses the salient challenges facing the EACJ and the prospects for the court as an international court. The book explores issues related to the proliferation of international courts and the impact on the EACJ, the extension of EACJ`s jurisdiction to cover human rights matters and exercise appellate jurisdiction, the role of the EACJ in efforts to integrate and harmonize the law in partner states, the establishment of quasi dispute resolution mechanisms within the East African Community, the relationship of the EACJ and national courts and other prospects and contemporary challenges facing the court. The final chapter offers an outline of the conclusions arising from the study and adopts recommendations. ····· 10361100913

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