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Dialogicity, Teaching and Learning

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The central focus of this book is the characterisation of classroom talk from the Dialogicity perspective in relation to student learning. It extends the sociocultural tradition in classroom studies by looking not into teaching only or learning only, but by looking into the link between the two processes. The findings advance the field by identifying sub-levels of the Authoritative and Dialogic communicative approaches of Mortimer and Scott (2003), and proposing a model for characterising classroom talk Dialogicity at the theoretical level. Additionally, by using evidence of how students engage in, share control over classroom talk and influence its direction, and how their construction of knowledge and understanding change as the quality of the exchanged talk in their classroom practice change, this research provide empirical findings that are missing from the field. Generally speaking, the book suggests that improving the quality of talk between teachers and learners is of crucial importance if teaching practice is to have a significant influence on learning. ····· 10361102933


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Tibetans, living in the Tibet Autonomous Region and the Tibetan autonomous prefectures and counties in Qinghai, Gansu, Sichuan, and Yunnan provinces in China, have the highest illiteracy rates in Chinese and English in China, and are not doing well in today`s market. The poor quality of education, especially English education, is one of the core factors explaining this phenomenon. The poor quality of English education is caused by the poorly prepared teachers practicing inappropriate leadership styles and by teachers` inability to properly address educational challenges in teaching. This study focuses on issues related to English teachers` leadership styles and challenges at schools in Tibetan areas of China. It identifies English teachers` common challenges and leadership styles in teachings determines relationships among English teachers` demographic variables, their leadership styles, levels of practice, and their challenges in teaching synthesizes these findings and provides recommendations for improving the quality of English education in Tibetan areas of China. ····· 10361102901

Asian students` perceived passivity in the ESL/EFL classroom

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This paper investigates several common alleged stereotypes related to the Asian learners in terms of reticence and passivity in the classroom and it reviews the factors offered as explanations for the perceived reticence and passivity. In addition to acknowledging the part culture plays in this behavioral profile, I have argued that factors other than culture i.e., students related and teacher issues play no less a role in the way Asian students interact in the ESL/EFL classroom. Finally, this paper summarizes some of the pedagogical implications of this stereotyping. ····· 10361102832

Herzbeg`s Motivation Factors and Communicative Teamwork

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This research was conducted to examine the relationship between job satisfaction and communicative teamwork within the Malaysian organizations. The study was based on Herzberg`s Motivation-Hygiene theory that explained the relationship between the factors such as achievement, recognition, responsibility, personal growth and the nature of work to that of communicative teamwork. The study showed the relationship between job satisfaction and increase in the knowledge and application of communicative teamwork. This will thus contribute to the process of organizing and other organizational and communication behaviors such as communicative teamwork. From the study, it was also found that the indicators of job satisfaction namely achievement, recognition, responsibility, nature of work and personal growth were positively related to communicative teamwork.Thus, suggesting that for a successful practice of communicative teamwork, it is essential for any organization to ensure that its members were able to have an understanding of job satisfaction in relation with this particular issue. ····· 10361102825

Perspectives of Bangladeshi Women About Post-Secondary Education

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A large number of studies both qualitative and quantitative tried to explore barriers to women`s education in developing countries. Very few studies explored the reasons for women`s low participation particularly in post-secondary education. No research has been conducted exploring women`s perceptions about the reasons for women`s law participation in post-secondary education in Bangladesh. Using a qualitative methodology and the conceptual framework of `open-system` theory this study explored women`s own perspectives about how multifaceted social subsystems in Bangladesh function to support and to inhibit women`s participation in post-secondary education. Study revealed that the barriers women encounter in perusing post-secondary education are vast and complex. Women face barriers from multi-level social systems such as family, financial, educational, socio-cultural, political, and governmental subsystems. Within these subsystems various factors exists that hamper women`s post- secondary education in Bangladesh. The result showed that since the barriers are multifaceted, positive collaboration of social subsystems in Bangladesh can reduce the difficulties. ····· 10361102756

Improve Student Achievement Through Professional Learning Communities

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School districts have been developing and implementing reform movements for several decades, usually in response to federal, state or local pressures. Past reform movements have not significantly increased the academic achievement of our nation`s children or closed the achievement gap between subgroups of students. The implementation of Professional Learning Communities has recently been noted to be the most promising strategy for improving and sustaining student achievement (DuFour, 2007). This study determined how general education teachers in a Midwestern school district perceived their personal skill level in working collaboratively and focusing on academic results while working in a Professional Learning Community. The overarching question for the research was: Do educator perceptions of their personal skill level in working collaboratively and focusing on academic results while implementing a Professional Learning Community have an effect on student achievement This study should be especially useful to districts and teachers interested in the use of Professional Learning Communities. ····· 10361102746


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Wants influence children through a number of ways. Principally, the class of the home background differs in poor and non-poor families. Children in poor homes have less physical resources (books, toys, educational games, and computers) they also get less learning prospects and less cognitive stimulation (like reading to children, engaging in activities that can develop them mentally) than children in comfortable homes. This research work examines the relationship between the socio-economic status of parents and students` academic achievement. Questionnaires were administered to students, teachers and students from ten randomly selected schools in four local government areas of Ogun state, Nigeria. The income group of parents, parental educational background and family size were used as a measure of family social status. Chi square statistics was used to analyse its findings. Parental Socio-economic Status was discovered to have a significant and substantive independent effect on students` academic outcome. ····· 10361102738

Topic-based Listening and Speaking

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Topic-based Listening & Speaking is a coursebook for intermediate to upper- intermediate levels and designed to promote the oral language skills of English language enthusiasts from all walks of life including academic and institutional circles. The book which is accompanied by an audio CD which is accessible by cliking on the following link , capitalizes on a collection of audio clips extracted from high- profile TV networks through the mediation of various tasks designed in a hierarchy of three main sections (Previewing, Viewing and Postviewing). It aims to inspire and engage learners in genuine, context-embedded communication with topics that are of high interest, authenticity, and informativeness to learners of all tastes. Abundant pair and group work activities, vocabulary practices and discussion-provoking questions accompany the clips with due attention to both form and content. The clips have been selected from various genres and will expose learners to a valuable mother lode of language input coupled with tasks that will elicit learner output or production in the target language as well. ····· 10361102736


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Relevance is the ultimate aim of educational reforms worldwide.In Kenya, secondary school Home Science education has undergone several changes in recent years in search of relevance,which seems to be elusive . This book examines the policies and changes in Home Science education between the years 1981 and 2005. It also analyzes the teachers` and students` perceptions of the policies and changes. Views of teachers and students, as key players in the education process, are crucial in any attempts to attain the education relevance. The Book explores the impact of the policies and changes on objectives, content, time allocation and evaluation in the secondary school Home Science education .Contextual analysis shows that Home Science education in Kenya has evolved in terms of structure but very little in terms of the content itself. Gains made include localization of content and textbooks. However, the syllabus has increasingly become more theoretical despite the fact that this is a practical subject. Avenues for future review of the Home Science education are explored. ····· 10361102694

Educational Reform in Qatar

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The focus of this study is women ESL teachers in Qatar`s public school educational refrom, Education for a New Era which created 36 publicly funded Independent Schools with a standards-based curriculum using English as a Second Language as the medium of instruction in mathematics and science. The research investigated the perceptions of women ESL teachers regarding Qatar`s reforms and their experiences using new approaches to teaching ESL. Professional development needs were also identified. A mixed method approach was used. A questionnaire was distributed to 233 women ESL teachers and 18 semi-structured interviews conducted. Generally, teachers valued increased freedom, but expressed a lack of support, and noted increased workloads and conflicts between professional roles and private lives. Change facilitators were seen as supportive. Views about school administrators varied. ····· 10361102687

Education For All (EFA): Reaching Nomadic communities in Wajir, Kenya

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Education For All (EFA): Reaching Nomadic communities in Wajir, Kenya-Challenges and Opportunities By Abdi Ibrahim Abdi Educating nomads in Kenya is becoming increasingly important because of the attributed projection in accelerating development, employability, improving democracy, health and unity. As a result of self and international pressure arising out of the need to increase human capital and the EFA commitments made in UN meetings respectively, Kenya has taken some steps to improve education access. However, due to their mobile lifestyle, nomads have not been accessing these static` social amenities such as formal education and health nor have these services been availed within their mobile setting. Currently, nomads can only access formal education by settling permanently, taking their children to boarding schools, or placing the children under the care of a relative in the settled lifestyle. These practices of accessing education are pursued only by very few and a large number of nomadic children are out of formal schooling. This book, therefore addresses the challenges and opportunities arising out of the paradoxes of formal education policies and nomadic ways of life. ····· 10361102679

Out of school, out of sight

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UK urban state schools have recently experienced increased pressure to improve their performance levels. This has been manifested through various campaigns to change the public perception of these schools while making improvements to the physical school environment. However, punitive policies on problematic` pupils also appear to be increasingly used to sustain this image. Consequently, many are unofficially excluded` and referred to off-site educational provision (OSEP) where they receive reduced timetables and unchallenging courses, and this reduces their chances of gaining a solid education. Based on ethnographic fieldwork with 20 excluded young people in one south London borough in the UK, this book will discuss these issues in greater detail. The book shows how exclusionary processes, to which some urban young people are exposed, have implications for their identity, self worth and lifestyles, and makes them increasingly vulnerable to crime and victimisation. Moreover, their life options become truncated despite efforts they may make otherwise. ····· 10361102647

English Reading for EFL Students

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English Reading for EFL Students is a textbook developed for non-native speakers of English.In this book motivating reading passages serve as springboards for reading skills development ,idiomatic expressions and quotations,vocabulary building, grammatical analysis and practice, and thought-provoking discussions. Key features: Reading skill instruction, Provocative topics, Idiomatic expressions & quotations, Vocabulary logs& vocabulary building skills, and Grammar focus ····· 10361102589


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This descriptive study was designed to examine the knowledge, attitude, beliefs, and perception toward PLWHA. Among selected medical personnel in State Hospital Two Hundred randomly selected respondents were Nurse, Doctors pharmacists, Laboratory scientist, social workers. Six hypotheses were formulated and tested using Anova and T-Test. The study shows that the medical personnels have adequate knowledge and positive attitude toward the care of PLWHA. Nevertheless, the study reviewed a slight negative attitude on the part of student nurses. Some percentages of the student were homophobia on the diagnosis of this aliment. Suggestions where made on medical managers to provide enough resources, motivation and encourage all sectors of medical personnels so that they can achieve their aims in the nearest future. Suggestions were made for professional counselors to involve themselves in counseling service in State Hospitals. All values at o.oo level of significant. ····· 10361102527

Aligning STS

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This book shows how an experienced teacher uses educational theory to improve learning in a large university course. The author begins by reviewing the storm of change which has struck modern higher education, and shows how a study of Science, Technology and Society is essential for understanding and coping with the new environments. Then the nature of Science, Technology and Society is reviewed, so that courses can be placed on a series of relevant dimensions. The key theoretical perspective is constructive alignment, which enables the teacher to integrate course goals with assessment and teaching to improve student performance. Using this perspective, it becomes clear that the course being reviewed has a number of problems. These problems are clarified, and some possible methods for solving them explained. The entire approach -- which can be used on almost any course -- is of great value in enabling teachers to improve student learning. ····· 10361102506

Using Articles as Subject Materials to Enhance Communication

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This book is based on the experiences of Dr. V.Vasanthi in teaching language skills to the undergraduates and uses varied and interesting short articles to generate a platform for discussion among the students. The articles have been chosen in such a way so that the students are made aware of some personalities, values and cultural diversities. This book has chosen some popular articles placed in the public domain and these articles have been seggregated into some categories based on their theme. The source materials have a relevance to the young learners and some of the themes the book deals with are coping with break-ups, fan-following, responding to a social evil and so on. The students are lured into a discussion and they participate to a larger extent owing to the interesting nature of the themes discussed. ····· 10361102494

Portrait Photography Transformed: 1960 - Present

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Photography at the high school level has traditionally been taught in a studio or darkroom and rarely included art history. The curriculum was generally gender biased and narrowly focused, leaving little time to investigate important contributions of female photographers. Because of the digital revolution, photography has moved from the darkroom into the computer lab where students learn technical skills and basic software programs. Because computer lab exercises lack any broad intellectual significance, combining photography with computer technology in a classroom setting makes it possible for students to learn about one and become proficient at the other. Also, there has been little significant political, cultural, and social discourse in the classroom within a mainstream educational context. Portrait Photography Transformed: 1960 Present focuses on how changing times affect social concepts of art, communication, and technology. The study of portraiture offers a point of connection between contemporary modes of production and the timelessness of being human. Through portrait photography, students find mirrors reflecting who they were, are, or could be. ····· 10361102491

EFL Reading and Metacognition Processes

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The present investigation draws on the distinction between transmission and constructivist approach to instruction of EFL reading. While transmission paradigm assumes an independent identity for knowledge, constructivism postulates that knowledge is constructed variably and individually by the learners. Following Wolf (1994) who considered construction of knowledge as the basis for foreign language learning, this study is an attempt to compare and contrast how EFL learners develop their knowledge of reading as an important skill and also the associated metacognition processes through two contexts of instruction contrived on constructivism and transmission approaches. ····· 10361102469

Modular Teaching

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The book is based on the philosophy of Modular teaching, a kind of individualized learning, which is normally used in the training of teachers, managers and administrators etc. In current work author has implemented this method in the classroom for the maximization of the learning of the students. In this approach individuals become self-motivated and independent learners. They learn and master the desired knowledge and skills in the light of their needs, at their own pace. Further more they can self-assess their learning in the form of practical task with feedback given at the end of each module. The author also suggested guidelines how an ordinary and conventional curriculum can be transformed into modular form which itself is a complicated task. The work cited in this book will be helpful for researchers, students and teachers especially those who are concerned with teaching learning psychology, curriculum development,assessment and also are master trainers. ····· 10361102427

Nature and Sustainability

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The human impact on the natural world is unsustainable, and the tendency to assign education the role of remedying the problem is increasing. However, since sustainability touches fundamentals of human life on many levels, effective education becomes a challenge. This book gives a historical and philosophical view of education that deals with nature and sustainability and highlights the ethical dilemmas that arise if we expect education to be the main promoter of sustainability. Lili-Ann Wolff discusses these issues by drawing from two of the most notable scholars in the Western intellectual tradition, Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Michel Foucault. Rousseau`s writings offer excellent examples of the role of both ethics and education in dealing with sustainability. And Foucault sets the stage for understanding such fundamental ethical and educational issues as matters of power that act in complex networks on both individual and social levels. The book meets the needs and interests of a diverse audience from educational, environmental and philosophical disciplines, but also many other readers having an interest in contemporary discussions about education, sustainability and nature. ····· 10361102389

Language Pedagogy

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Language Pedagogy. Language pedagogy is treated in this book as an aspect of language teaching theory that addresses learner and learning, adding learner perspective to the theory of English language instruction. This is deemed as an important contribution to the other two aspects, namely, applied linguistics and language didactics. The book focuses on such areas as the definition of language pedagogy, language teaching and learning, humanistic approach to teaching and learning, as well as on social construction of knowledge. A special point of attention is language learner and their individual differences, including motivation, intelligence, aptitude, styles and strategies. The ways of teaching for success and managing classroom discourse are conclusive sections of this book. ····· 10361102381

Jekologo-jesteticheskij podhod v hudozhestvennom vospitanii detej

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Monografiya raskryvaet konceptual`nye polozheniya hudozhestvennogo vospitaniya detej na osnove jekologo-jesteticheskogo podhoda. V pervoj glave analizirujutsya duhovno-cennostnye sostavlyajushhie sovremennogo hudozhestvennogo vospitaniya i obrazovaniya v kontexte idej pedagogiki ustojchivogo razvitiya, raskryvajutsya sushhnost` ponyatiya `jekologo-jesteticheskie cennosti` i vospitatel`nyj potencial pedagogicheski organizovannoj hudozhestvennoj sredy. Vo vtoroj glave obosnovano ponyatie `ontologicheskie osnovaniya iskusstva`, rassmotrena polihudozhestvennaya igrovaya deyatel`nost` na muzykal`no-ritmicheskoj osnove kak dominantnyj tip hudozhestvennogo osvoeniya mira v period detstva. Tret`ya glava raskryvaet sushhnost` jekologo-jesteticheskogo podhoda v hudozhestvennom vospitanii detej, opisyvaet razrabotannyj avtorom metod jemocional`no-deyatel`nostnogo perezhivaniya jekologo-jesteticheskih cennostej v polihudozhestvennoj deyatel`nosti. Soderzhaniem chetvertoj glavy vystupaet pedagogicheskoe proektirovanie hudozhestvennogo vospitaniya detej na osnove jekologo-jesteticheskogo podhoda. V nej predstavlena strukturno-funkcional`naya model` i avtorskaya tehnologiya formirovaniya u detej jekologo-jesteticheskih cennostnyh orientacij sredstvami iskusstva. ····· 10361102360

Study of solving word problems in teaching of mathematics

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The text presents in historical perspective the theoretical frameworks and the main results in this domain of solving word problems in mathematics education that the author acquired during the period 1987-2003. The text deals with four major domains: Comparative analysis of solving strategies Method of atomic analysis From atomic analysis to analysis of solving strategies of word problems From analysis of behaviours to analysis of situations. Each part includes a synthetic summary of the respective hypotheses, conditions of observations and results of the research supplemented either by bibliographic references or a respective document in the Appendices with more detailed information. What is important in this section are the results which were reached and questions that they led to this will allow illustration and explanation of evolution and development of new frameworks and new perspectives. ····· 10361102294

Shared leadership in schools

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Shared leadership has been identified as a key governance base for the future of government and Catholic schools in Queensland, Australia, the state`s two largest providers of school education. Shared leadership values the contributions that many individuals can make through collaboration and teamwork. It claims to improve organisational performance and reduce the increasing pressures faced by principals. However despite these positive features, shared leadership is generally not well understood, not well accepted and not valued by those who practice or study leadership. A collective case study method was chosen, incorporating a series of semi-structured interviews with principals and the use of official school documents. The study has explored the current understanding and practice of shared leadership in four Queensland schools and investigated its potential for use. This book presents the lessons learned about shared leadership, from an exploration of theory and practice, for anyone interested in leadership. ····· 10361102287

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