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Ecological Analysis of A Sacred Landscape in Garhwal Himalya, India

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With population growth and economic development in the Himalayan regions, issues related to land degradation, biodiversity loss, declining soil fertility and agricultural productivity, and socio-economic imbalance are becoming critical environmental problems with implications on a local as well as global scale. Knowledge on the dynamics and patterns of institutions linked to natural resource management and land use practices are vital to answering questions related to long term sustainability of human-nature interactions and conservation of natural resources. The book is an attempt to look at the ecological, social and cultural interconnections underpinning natural resource management by traditional mountain societies of the central Himalayan Garhwal region. The results presented are significant for developing management policies for sustainable development of the region. ····· 10361132809

Socio-Economic and Environmental Study of River Rafting in Uttarakhand

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Over the last few years, River rafting has developed into an industry on the banks of The Holy Ganges, at Uttarakhand, India giving a great boom to the tourism industry in this remote area. However, along with its growth none could envisage the growing socio-cultural and environmental problems associated with the development of this industry. Therefore, this book would give baseline knowledge about the present status of the industry and its impact on the local environment. A field survey in this regards was undertaken in this area, and qualitative analysis was done in terms of social structure, cultural variability, status of education, impact on bio-diversity, state of pollution and man wildlife conflicts. The analysis should help focus some light on the issues like social dynamics and environment protection a pathway for sustainability. This could specifically be of use to the students and budding researchers focussed to work on mountain environments accompanying social dynamics and sustainable development. ····· 10361132720

Planning Strategies for Conservation of Urban Lakes

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Lakes are sinks for incoming contaminants that recycle and maintain the impaired conditions. Lakes and their surrounding watersheds are unique and valuable ecosystems for both people and nature. Lakes are critical storage tanks for freshwater. Despite their importance, many of the world s lakes are in crisis. The main causes are inflow of domestic sewage, agricultural run-off, and discharge of industrial effluents, over-fishing, and introduction of exotic species and habitat degradation from population growth, expansion of cities. As more water is withdrawn for human use and more of it is returned to lakes and rivers badly polluted, there is less available to maintain vital freshwater ecosystems. Such activities have altered the physical, chemical and biological processes within aquatic ecosystems. These multiple threats have different histories, operate on different space-scales (catchment, local, regional and global) and involve different pathways of pollutant transfer (land, water, and atmosphere). ····· 10361132704

Understanding Biodiversity Conservation in buffer zone

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Study included socio economic characteristics, biodiversity assessment and land use of Argayuli Buffer Zone VDC of Chitwan National Park where information from 70 households based on random design, was gathered to tie up with vegetation ecology. The study forecast the socio economic status of buffer zone households where deficit is mainly managed through remittance and wage labor. About 48.6% of the households faced food deficit and 15.7% did not have food even for a month, suggesting widespread poverty. Though forest area in Argayuli VDC increased by 12.71% between 1978 and 1992, buffer zone forest can only sustainably fulfill 32% of fuel wood and 0.9% of green fodder annually suggesting dependency on national forest and park. People extract 47.36% fuel wood and 16.03% fodder demand from buffer zone forest indicating over harvesting of resources. Rhinos were considered the most destructive animal in poverty stricken area as they damage crops all round the year, threatening their subsistence that made local people behave adversely on park and park management. Besides, invasive species, Mikania micrantha inside community forest indicated the wildlife habitat may get deteriorated. ····· 10361132703

Ecological Evaluation of Estuarine Indian Sundarban

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Mangrove forest on the active delta of Indian Sundarban is a unique biosphere and a declared world heritage site. It prevails with the dynamic features of a tidal estuary along with special floral diversity of mangorves. The estuaries and the adjoining mangroves, brakish water ecosystem sustain a very rich aquatic, terrestrial, aerial and arboreal faunal biodiversity.Mangrove areas are an important media for transport of offshore nutrients, as they are the exporters of large amount of plant and animal detritus.Ever increasing destruction of mangroves and simultaneous conversion of land into different land use pattern coupled with indiscriminate contamination of different xenobiotics with water and soil by various means are affecting the ecological condition of this special ecosystem.This book is the result of an extensive study on Indian Sundarban considering its unique estuarine mangrove ecological status.The content in this book is mainly based on the research works of Debabrata Mukherjee, one of the authors of this book.This book can provide great information on Indian Sundarban and can be helpful for the post-graduate students and researchers. ····· 10361132626

Surface Mining and the Environment

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This book illustrates the power relationship among the major stakeholders in the gold extraction industry in Ghana: the winners and the losers. It critically examines the effects of surface mining on the environment, small holder farmers and the vulnerable groups in Paboase and Akoti communities in the Sefwi Wiawso district. It also ascertains the roles of the relevant institutions and agencies in resource management as well as the contributions of mining to community based development. Its pragmatic findings indicate the pathway for sustainable development through the extraction industry: a practicable win/win situation. ····· 10361132540

Status, Distribution and Conservation of Otters in Karnali River

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The overall goal of this study was to collect necessary baseline information on Otters and to contribute to future course of actions for Otter Conservation in Karnali river of Bardia National Park. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the (population) status of Otters, to prepare GIS based distribution map and to assess major threats to Otters in Karnali river of Bardia National Park. The population density of otter based on spraint density is 15.87/ Otters are mostly distributed in Patkanua, Banjaria Ghat, Gaida Machan, Lamak Lake, Bag aura Phanta and Helipad Areas. The major threats to Otters are fishing, illegal hunting, lack of awareness and human disturbances such as habitat destruction and poisoning. The main human activities in Karnali River which disturb the habitat of Otters are fishing, washing/bathing, recreation, firewood collection and transportation. Frequent and regular scientific monitoring of otter should be further carried out to find out the population trend of these species. Ecological and breeding requirements of otters should be studied in both wild and in captivity. ····· 10361132452

Biodiversity assessment in Protected Area: Effects of farming system

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Among the challenges which Protected Areas are facing is to protect and conserve biodiversity while providing, at the same time, the basis of social and economic development of local residents. In this context, some aspects related to the land-use and the productivity of the agro-ecosystems, need to be integrated into PA management plan in order to keep production and environmental protection in balance with the beauty of the landscape. ····· 10361132447

Invasive Alien Plants Management Framework:

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In view of the fact that control and management of IAPS is a complex process that requires a scientific approach and wide stakeholder participation, the approach to the strategy development has to be through a desk study (review of local, national, regional and international documents) and multi-stakeholder consultations in meetings and face to face interviews. The ultimate aim of the strategy should be to promote Cooperative, Coordinated & Integrated control and management of IAPS to reduce their ecological, economic and social impacts on human and natural resources. The review of recent national, regional and international publications and policies and legislation relevant to IAPS management, the synthesis of existing literature on the bio-ecology and invasion ecology of IAPS and possible control strategies and mechanical, chemical and biological treatment methods should form the basis of the desk study. ····· 10361132357

Eco-threats of E-Waste

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Electronic waste is one of the fastest growing waste streams and is fast emerging a major challenge in urban areas. This book intends to provide insights into the emerging challenges of e-waste generation and management in Bangalore, the hub of IT industry. The book documents important aspects of e-waste management in Bangalore and adds to the knowledge and database. The findings highlight research issues, which are of critical importance.In Bangalore, E-waste management is largely unorganized besides being in the initial stages of working towards proper management. Survey indicated 226 informal enterprises as against 6 formal recycling units. There are no accurate estimates available on the quantity of e-waste generated and recycled. An increase in exported e-waste is exempted from basic customs duty, making it convenient for import of computers under EXIM policy 2000. However the legislation on Hazardous Waste Management and Handling Rules (Amended Rules 2003), puts restrictions on import and export of e-waste. The analysis will help policy makers and academicians working in waste management. ····· 10361132330

Assessment of Elephant Presence and Habitat-use

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This timely study handles aspects that are key to elephant conservation in Takamanda-Mone Landscape (Takamanda National Park and Mone Forest Reserve) in the South West Region, Cameroon. This is because elephants are the dominant animal species in this area although the focus has been previously on the Cross River Gorilla. With the recent transition from Takamanda Forest Reserve to the Takamanda National Park in 2008, a study to understand if conservation effort in the area was headed in the right direction already was expedient. The understanding of other aspects this work covers such as: indigenous knowledge of elephant presence the present and past elephant limits corridor-use trasns-boundary migration and human-elephant conflicts is vital if the conservation of these species in this area is to be successful. This work was realised in collaboration the German International Cooperation (GIZ) and the Wildlife Conservation Society, partner organizations in the Takamanda-Mone Landscape. The results have been very helpful in this area and will have the same impact anywhere else. ····· 10361132090

Deforestation in sub-Saharan Africa

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Deforestation rate in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) surpassed the global annual average of 0.8 percent - twice the world rate. Socio-economic factors of mainly exponential population growth and high poverty rate are quite often held responsible for the growing deforestation rates in SSA. This link, however, ignores the impact of other important institutional factors on deforestation throughout Africa. Skewed institutional policies, for instance, largely contribute to the increased deforestation rate in most SSA countries. This in turn perpetuates a myriad of unhelpful practices including illegal logging, shifting cultivation that influence other socio-economic factors that eventually accelerate forest degradation. This book, therefore, provides a fresh approach of analyzing the direct or indirect link between land use and ultimately forest cover change in the SSA and its relation to institutional effectiveness. This is an empirical research that evaluates the role that inadequate institutional governance structures play in deforestation across SSA. ····· 10361132055

Non-timber Forest Products Enterprise Development

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Determining sustainability harvesting levels for most NTFPs is an evolving science. A Monitoring Programme that will continually assess the health and vitality of natural resources base should be implemented. Though there is some information on individual species ecosystem dynamics are still not well understood. Commercialization of natural products makes it imperative to manage proactively through monitoring, harvesting and replanting and tree succession plans. Important steps in sustainable natural product management include the following:Identification and demarcation of the resource base by ecosystem type (forest, pasture, farmland, rock outcrop, etc.) and map the locations of various ecosystems types Identification of resource supply areas of the preferred products. Estimate the volume based on current harvesting and trade or use. Further identify potential threats to standing stock of natural resource base. In addition conduct group meeting to investigate where and how products have been harvested, extracted or collected over the last 3 to 5 years Undertaking resource inventory of standing stock and also conducting user surveys andEngaging resource collectors. ····· 10361132035

A Hand Book on Environmental Impact Assessment

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EIA is an exercise to be carried out before any project or major activity is undertaken to ensure that it will not in any way harm the environment on a short term or long term basis. Any developmental endeavor requires not only the analysis of the need of such a project, the monetary costs and benefits involved but most important, it requires a consideration and detailed assessment of the effect of a proposed development on the environment. The environment impact process was introduced with the purpose of identifying /evaluating the potential beneficial and adverse impacts of development projects on the environment, taking in to account environmental, social, cultural and aesthetic considerations. All of these considerations are critical to determine the viability of a project and to decide if a project should be granted environmental clearance. ····· 10361131988

Ecological Isolation in Doves of Streptopelia spp.

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The four sympatric congeneric species of doves of Streptopelia sp. coexisting in the Aligarh region were found to differ from one another in the choice of habitat, food and feeding place. While the Eurasian Collared Dove preferred the open grass fields, the Red Collared Dove preferred both the grass and the cultivated fields. The Spotted Dove preferred the shady places near cover and scrub. The Laughing Dove preferred the grass field, area close to cover and the scrub. It was found that the different species of doves coexisted in the study area during the winter season, when the food was temporarily superabundant . While feeding together, the doves reduced the inter-specific competition by partitioning the available seed resource between them. The Eurasian Collared Dove was observed to feed more on Echinochloa colonum and Paspalidium flavidum, while the Red Collared Dove fed more on the seeds of Paspalum distichum and then on Echinochloa colonum. The Spotted Dove fed more on Paspalidium flavidum and then on Setaria verticillata and Brachiaria ramosa. The Laughing Dove preferred Panicum antidotale, Echinochloa colonum, Cynodon dactylon and Brachiaria ramosa. ····· 10361131983

Stream Order based Stream Typology for Indrawati River System, Nepal

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In Nepal, there are more than 6000 small to large rivers, which flow through diverse geography along pronounced altitudinal gradients. The river classification (stream typology) is mainly based on physical characteristics of basin such as source of origin availability of water and location, and aquatic biota (fishes). The stream typology based on physical characteristics is too general for their applicability in river management while based on biotic are without clear demarcation and lots of overlapping. However, none of these stream typologies is in use for river management. The classification of rivers in respect to environmental and biological variables can provide sound system for sustainable river management in Nepal. The stream order based river classification considers multiple environmental variables and biological factors that change from source to mouth. The present study has found that catchment characteristics, physico-chemical parameters and macroinvertebrate composition are closely related with stream order in Indrawati river. Thus, the study concludes that stream typology based on Strahler stream order is applicable to Indrawati river system, Nepal. ····· 10361131825

Impact of Physiographic Factors on Growth of Alder

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In new era of technology and development which accompany with water and air pollution, global warming, climate chaos and deforestation, pay attention the native species in different geographical zone can be help to preservation of ecosystems and sustainable development. The Alder (Alnus subcordata C. A. Meyer) is a rare species sturdy and fast-growing belonging to the birch family (Betulaceae) and native to temperate area in North forests of Iran. As genus of Alder, the trees establish symbiosis with the nitrogen-fixing Actinobacteria. These bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen into soil-soluble nitrates, which can be utilized by plants and favorably enhances the soil fertility. The fallen alder leaves make very rich compost, especially through mineralization of nitrogen leached from litter. The physiographic variables such as elevations, aspects and slopes had positive and negative significant relationship emerged as the effective factor on Alder growth. In worldwide there are many academic resources about Alder species except Alnus subcordata. In this book we attempt to explain the natural and plantation Alder stands and analyze the physiographic factors on growth of the trees. ····· 10361131779

Resprouting, Multi-stemming and the Persistence Niche

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Resprouting is an important means of plant regeneration especially under conditions that do not favour regeneration through seeding such as frequent disturbances, low productivity, unfavourable soil conditions, extreme cold and limited understorey light availability. This study was conducted in an area that does not seem to have any obvious disturbance that may favour resprouting. Thus the study investigated whether resprouting was a survival strategy in response to disturbance or a feature that was merely an expression of phylogenetic underpinnings of the plants. Furthermore, the study examined how trees that do not resprout survive in an area where a high proportion of trees resprouted. Finally, the implications of resprouting to performance of individuals and species in terms of resource allocation, water use, growth rate, stature, leaf traits, seed yield and size, seedling recruitment, population structure, species diversity and role in succession were investigated. ····· 10361119782

Environmental Impact Assessment

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Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is the official appraisal process to identify, predict, evaluate and justify the ecological, social, and related biophysical effects of a proposed policy, program or project on the environment. It provides insight on alternatives and measures to be adopted before any commitment, thus helps in important decision-making. The overall objective of the EIA is to design developmental projects and activities taking into consideration the environmental perspective. ····· 10361119715

Monitoring Alpine Vegetation Change

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The alpine zone in Australia`s Snowy Mountains has important economic, cultural and ecological values. It is of great scientific and biological importance, maintaining an assemblage of vegetation communities found nowhere else in the world. It is one of the few alpine regions in the world with deep loamy soils, and contains endemic flora and fauna and some of the few periglacial and glacial features in Australia. The area also forms the core of the Australian mainland`s most important water catchment and is a popular tourist destination, offering a range of recreational opportunities. `Monitoring Alpine Vegetation Change` provides a comprehensive overview of mountain ecosystems and their ecological processes, with particular focus on the alpine zone of the Snowy Mountains in Australia. It explores in detail the vegetation dynamics at play above the Australian tree line and how both natural and anthropogenic influences affect patterns of recovery after disturbance. It further provides examples of a variety of monitoring techniques to assess such changes. ····· 10361119660

Assessment of Ecosystem-Health in Tropical-Montane Forest Reserves

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The book describes an assessment of forest ecosystem health in relation to human disturbance in the Southwestern Mau forest reserve Kenya. A determination and comparison of tree species composition and structure, regeneration potential and capacity, litter production and nutrient fluxes between disturbed and undisturbed sites is done. A socioeconomic appraisal of the inhabitants is outlined. Forest cover change analysis of the greater Mau forest for the period between 1984 and 2003 using Landsat satellite images is elaborated. The vertical stratification of the forest reserve depicts secondary growth in the reserve. The potential for natural regeneration of trees after natural or anthropogenic disturbance exists despite a poor soil seed bank. High litter annual turn over in disturbed sites, coupled with lower nutrient content and nutrient use efficiency as well as higher fine litter C: N and C: P ratios defines them as poorer sites. A chronological degradation in the condition of the forest over time is apparent with current land uses having negative significant effects. Thematic change and image difference analysis indicated a significant change in closed canopy forest. ····· 10361119622


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Sundarbans estuary of India is rich in biodiversity and under the threat of contamination by various xenobiotics including diesel. Motorised boats run by diesel are the chief mode of transport across the river and creeks of Sundarbans mangrove. Occasional spillage of diesel from these vessels often contaminates the water and littoral habitat of mud whelk, an important molluscan resident of this estuary. Hemocytes, the chief immunoeffector cells of mollusc perform diverse physiological functions like nonself recognition, biological plug formation by aggregation, elicitation of cytotoxicity and phagocytosis. Undesirable shift in hemocyte density, nonself recognition ability and cytotoxicity in mud whelk exposed to diesel are indicative to impairment of immune status and reduction of survival fitness of this species in its natural habitat. Prolonged exposure and toxicity of diesel in benthic community may lead to a gradual loss of littoral biodiversity of Sundarbans estuary. ····· 10361119510

Biological and Forensic Examination of Wildlife Articles

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Characterization of bones, rhinoceros horn and antler to identify species are very important to check the illegal trade throughout the world. India being one of the important biodiversity nation has yet greater task to protect their flora and fauna. In absence of a proper identification tools it is very difficult to prove offences in the court of law. Therefore, attempts were made to characterize tiger (Panthera tigris) and leopard (Panthera pardus) bones, Rhino (rhinoceros unicornis) horn and antlers of chital (Axis axis), sambar (Cervus unicolor), swamp deer (Cervus duvauceli). The present study is an effort to develop methods to characterize these items using modern techniques like: Morphometry, XRD, XRF, SEM, ICP-MS, TGA, Isotopic analysis, Protein and DNA profiles. Results clearly reveals that the combination of different techniques can be used to differentiate species from different parts and products of tiger and leopard bones, Indian rhinoceros horn and antlers of different species. ····· 10361119378

Plant Dynamics in Grasslands and Forests

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Current thinking in plant ecology has evolved fromseparate studies of above and belowground processes.Those, however, are certainly interdependent, andeffects on one will impact the other. This bookpresents a novel approach that simultaneouslyexamines above-belowground ecosystem functions, byassessing the nitrogen contributions from roots andshoots, the seasonality of primary production, theirclimate controls, and the relationships betweenplants and key soil mesofauna like Collembola.Adjacent grassland and aspen forest differed in thequality but not in the quantity of litter produced,and most of this production comes from belowground.Grassland and forest also differed in the seasonaland spatial patterns of plant production, the effectson and responses to soil water and temperature, andthe plant relationships with Collembola. Thesedifferences between vegetation types may haveecosystem-level consequences in areas undergoingnatural forest expansion, afforestation ordeforestation. This book should be especially usefulto students and professionals of the biologicalsciences, and general people interested in theeffects of land cover changes on ecosystem functions. ····· 10361119290

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