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Experiences of Violent Victimisation and Attitudes to Knife Crime

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Young, non-white, urban males are at a significantly higher risk of violent victimisation than any other group in society. Interestingly, this group are routinely labelled and primarily constructed as being victimisers, not victims. This book aims to fill gaps in the existing literature and give young black urban males a voice and a chance to share their experience of being a victim of violent street crime. Qualitative interviews were conducted, encouraging open, honest and frank responses from the young men, offering valuable insight regarding the impact of their victimisation, their violent communities and psychological well-being following their misfortune. This study also addresses the prevalent issue of knife crime, comparing the attitudes of urban black males and white males, living in rural communities. It appears we know little about the meaning of victimisation for the most vulnerable group in society and how their experience shapes their lives. Society needs to become more cognisant to black urban males who dominate the role of vulnerability of victim proneness and it is imperative that this group continues to be empowered to tell their story. ····· 10361115589

Emotional Intelligence, Maturity and Self Actualization among Youth

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The current conceptualization of emotional intelligence while providing an opportunity to see how emotional intelligence has been interpreted and applied throughout the world. Psychological processes are expected to vary according to culture, social circle and beliefs. Recent studies indicate that emotional intelligence influences behavior in the wide range of domains including school, community and work place. At the individual level it has been said to relate to achievement, work, performance, our ability to communicate effectively, solve everyday problems.The sample under study are about to enter into a professional world. The level of emotional intelligence, emotional maturity and self actualization is important to study because it will reveal many of the hidden facts like, how much our youth is emotional mature and intelligent to face the new challenges of life and the world Thus Emotional Intelligence, self actualization, emotional maturity are important part of our life and it has the potential to increase our understanding of how individual behave and adapt to our environment. ····· 10361115519

Zulu DISCUS Behavioural Profiling System For South African Conditions

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The research outlines the statement of the problem, motivation for the study and the related ligislated requirements for all research in the field of psychological assessment. It will also take a closer look at related issues supporting the background of psychometric testing and present day themes and trends that are becomming prevalent in contemporary practice. There is an indepth discussion on personality which is one of the main foundation components of the DISCUS which is personality as well as points on ethics, translation, validity, reliability, test construction and cross cultural matters are also discussed. Research methodology is related back to the Equity Act No. 55 of 1998 and sets out the problem statement, objective of the study, sampling, and discusses the ipsative questionaire as well as statistical analysis. The methodology of multiple regression is explained and an example given. The method of data collection process is set in tables of Pearson Correlation Coeffients Scatter plots are given to clarify the findings on Dominance-Influence-Steadyness and Compliance or conscientiousness dimentions. ····· 10361115483

Busy Doing Nothing

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Wilderness therapy programs are increasingly regarded as an effective alternative to more traditional forms of therapy for people defined as at risk` or vulnerable`. Despite substantial evidence to support the use of challenging adventure experiences within natural environments to promote positive attitudinal and behavioural change much remains unknown about the process of change and the experience of participants. Within a context of an activity oriented wilderness therapy program for adults managing drug/alcohol addiction this book provides insight into how participants define the phenomenon of Quiet Time. Based on a grounded theory research design and Strauss and Corbin`s axial coding paradigm, the study explores why and how, participants initiate, define, describe and make meaning of their Quiet Time experience. The analysis invites an appreciation of Quiet Time as a sense of solitude` and as a deliberate and significant self-help and life enhancing strategy. These insights should be useful to all professionals and individuals interested in the therapeutic potential of nature-based experiences. ····· 10361115397

In Search of Self in a Troubled World

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This is an inquiry into the intellectual career of Sayyid Qub(1906-1966),an Egyptian poet,educator,journalist,literary critic and a leading but highly controversial intellectual of contemporary Islamic movements in Egypt, the Arab and Islamic worlds. Qutb was imprisoned with many of the rank and file of the Society of Muslim Brothers from 1954-1964 and was subsequently rearrested and tried in 1965 and 1966 for allegedly leading an underground apparatus which was conspiring to overthrow the late President Nasser`s regime by force...His controversial work Ma`alim fi al-tariq(Milestones on the Road),1964,was utilized by the Egyptian state security`s prosecutor`s office in building its case against him and was instrumental in sending him to the gallows in August 1966. Qutb`s execution only created a new `martyr` for the contemporary Islamic movement. Qutb`s writings have become an integral part of Islamic resurgence since the 1967 Arab defeat and the failures of Arab regimes to build viable social justice in Arab societies. The impact of Qutb`s thought on global jihadists such as Physician Ayman Al-Zawahiri of Al-Qa`eda is examined. ····· 10361115338

What They Bring With Them:

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Every year colleges and universities across the nation dedicate countless resources to keeping their students enrolled. Because a majority of research has focused on those risk factors which influence retention at the aggregate school level, the efforts of many of these institutions fail to uncover the subtle nuances which influence retention at the level of individual students. Based on these observations, the current research re-analyzes the importance of incoming student characteristics from a new perspective, specifically in light of the dynamics of actual first-year student academic performance ····· 10361115292

Predicting Recurrence of Depression

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Are you vulnerable to having Depression Depression is known to be potent in causing huge mental morbidity. According to World Health Organization report of 2001, it is currently affecting about 121 million people worldwide and they predict in 2020 depression will impose the second-largest burden of ill health worldwide. Anybody having sad mood since two weeks for most time of the day and almost every day could be suffering from depression. Overcoming depression once, is not an insurmountable battle, but undergoing it again, could mean a loved one approaching to fatal outcome. Ever thought feeling abandoned` or failed` in childhood can result in a scar predisposing you to develop depression in future Or is any grave life event throwing you ten times deeper in dungeons of lonely depression Sometimes even perpetual daily hassles may augment vulnerability for developing Depression. Want to be able to predict and prevent such a mishap happening to you or your loved one The author analyzes this dynamics that will help people at large and mental & health professionals and researchers in understanding the often overlooked but critical aspects of Depression. ····· 10361115229

Developing Cultural Identity

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In psychology, there is growing research interest in the issues of cultural identity, which has been recognized to be of much interest in shaping human`s behavior and experience. Cultural identity is a new concept in the field of Cultural Psychology. Consequently, studies that define and account for this topic are still scarce. The present qualitative study aims at giving a better understanding of the development of cultural identity and it examines how the experience of studying abroad influences the development of cultural identity of Albanian students in Italy and the United Kingdom. Because the two countries have different histories with immigration, it was hypothesized that the experience of studying abroad would influence their cultural identity differently.The interviews explored four components of cultural identity: self-identification, cultural involvement, sense of belonging, and evaluative attitudes (Phinney,1998).The analysis showed that, even though their experiences differed, Albanian students in both locations developed transcultural identities.This supports the increasing growth of transcultural identities suggested by Suarez-Orozco (2001). ····· 10361114948

Self-Regulation and Sexual Restraint

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Nonsexual deficiencies in self-control may contribute to inappropriate or objectionable sexual behaviors, as shown by survey questionnaires, autobiographical narratives, and experimental manipulations. People with low overall trait self-control and/or whose self- control strength had been depleted by recent, nonsexual acts were less likely than other people to stifle inappropriate sexual thoughts and to resist the temptation to engage in sexual activities with someone other than their primary relationship partner. They also engaged in more extensive sexual activity in the laboratory with their dating partner and they reported more undercontrolled or impulsive sexual behavior generally. Furthermore, there was some evidence that the effects of diminished selfcontrol were strongest among those with the strongest sexual desires (men and sexually unrestricted individuals) and among couples with less sexual experience. ····· 10361114811

Social Behavior Recognition and Higher Academic Achievement

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In daily life, the personality characteristics possessed by a student will determine how to solve problems of his life. These problems are including the problems of learning whether the pressure encountered during the study or otherwise. Besides, controlling for ability, certain aspects of personality and motivational orientations clearly do contribute to academic success. Therefore, knowing his own personality characteristics is important for each student to help him understand himself in order to be academically successful. Changing in intellectual abilities, thinking, beliefs, values, opinions and changing in internal psychological processes could help in developing personality. Giving students the chance for identifying their own personalities through taking personality tests on arrival to the university is also a major step in self recognition. ····· 10361114788

Developmental Child Psychology- Implications in paediatric dentistry

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Human behaviour is complex and several factors affect the complexity of child behaviour, especially in the dental setting. Dentistry for children can be demanding, tumultuous, and frustrating. At the same time, it can be enriching, satisfying and memorable. A child s spontaneity, honesty, and sense of humor can provide the dentist a refreshing reprieve from the rigors of a daily routine. The time invested in building acceptable behaviour early in the child s dental treatment experiences may make future dental treatment much more likely, pleasant and successful. ····· 10361114701

Increasing Wellbeing and Service capacity through Computerised CBT

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Currently demand outstrips the supply of psychological treatments for common mental health problems. Many individuals do not access psychological interventions until they are already severely ill. If assisted earlier, individuals have a better chance long-term of managing their overall health and well-being. Effective and less therapist-intensive interventions are required. Service users in secondary care and those with physical and psychological co-morbidities have frequently been excluded from studies examining the effectiveness of CCBT. Research focusing on service users satisfaction with CCBT has also been called for by National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) reviewers. Concurrently, little knowledge exists on what problems users address in CCBT sessions whilst service user empowerment perspectives call for an increase in supported self-help interventions and patient as expert quality of life outcome measures. The findings of this research provide compelling evidence that CCBT interventions may be of value to service users suffering with depression, anxiety and varied physical and psychological co-morbidities in secondary care CBT specialist centres. ····· 10361114392

How mothers cope with their adolescent child`s disability

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This book explores the coping mechanisms of mothers caring for their adolescent children with Cerebral Palsy. This work attempted to address a gap in the literature pertaining to understanding negative and positive ways of coping related to mothers and the specific problems they have to deal with in caring for adolescents who have Cerebral Palsy. The research revealed that mothers tended to use either emotion-focused ways of coping which was more maladaptive, or problem-focused ways of coping which was a more adaptive way of coping. The findings found that there were particular poor` facilitative factors that could compromise the mothers coping style. Facilitative factors either influenced mothers to use more problem-focused ways of coping or more emotion-focused ways of coping. It was found that both these ways of coping were linked to different defense mechanisms. This study found that adolescence placed more stress on the mother since new issues relating to adolescence emerged and had to be managed. Hopefully the findings will contribute to assisting clinicians in focussing in the right areas when working in this field. ····· 10361114339

The influence of teacher stress

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This book is useful to Education officials, teachers, students and the general public as it sheds light on the effects of work place stress. Our daily lives are strewn with a variety of stressful events that linger on. This constant state of activation may result in the damage of body organs and other health related issues. However stress is inevitable and a certain amount of stress serves as impetus for performance. Teachers by virtue of their profession and personality characteristics that make them choose human service as a career are neurotic candidates of occupational stress. For teachers occupational stress is a reality. Frequent re-organisation of the syllabus, workload, staffroom conflicts and student behaviour are sources of stress. The increasing societal demands on education have produced adverse stressful classroom situations. This is turn results into increased emotional and physical disabilities among teachers. Teachers stress affects teachers across various school types, gender and teaching experience. Teacher stress ought to be considered because stress levels of thousands of teachers definitely impact on millions of school going children. ····· 10361114187

Rapture and Despair

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Bipolar disorder and creativity, a controversial topic long relegated to academia and research clinics, is now finding its proper place in our popular discourse. Many of us now recognize the brilliance of artists suffering from bipolar disorder few understand its link with creativity. This book goes beyond the stereotypical portrayal of the mad genius and explores the creative lives of four remarkable composers with this disorder: Robert Schumann, Charles Mingus, P. I. Tchaikovsky and Edward Elgar. Karen Kaderavek has focused her interdisciplinary research on three integrated factors: formative experiences, primary relationships and cultural influences. Her goal is not to prove a cause and effect connection between emotional extremes and genius. Rather her thesis of `creative tension` examines how mixed emotional states of depression and mania can coexist with genius at times of heightened artistic creativity. By highlighting the points of commonality in the lives of these extraordinary composers, the author sheds light on a complex relationship that has relevance not only for academics and health specialists but for millions of creators and lovers of the arts the world over. ····· 10361113789


für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book is intended to help you do research during your early stages in learning to conduct research.To this extent,the author has put a lot of effort to simplify both the language and concepts involved. Chapters 1 to 8 deal with some of the key theoretical,and to some extent,practical aspects of research.Chapter 9 looks at how you can write your research project-the different chapters,headings and sub-headings.An attempt is made to show you what you should write under each heading/sub-heading and how you write it. Chapter 10 deals with simple statistics which you can use in conducting research.Since this volume is meant for novices in research such as students in Teachers` Colleges and those doing their first degrees in university,only descriptive statistics have been dealt with in this book.Those students capable of more advanced statistics are advised to consult more learned books on statistics. ····· 10361113612

The Plateau Experience

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Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) was a leading psychologist whose hierarchy of needs has resonated throughout various disciplines. The pinnacle of Maslow`s hierarchy was self-actualisation, characterised by the peak experience. However there are a series of definitional, theoretical and methodological issues related to the hierarchy and self-actualisation. Maslow specifically refuted his own theory, instead suggesting that research should be directed towards self-transcendence as characterised by the plateau experience. To date, the plateau experience has remained obscure. This book explores the problematic nature of self- actualisation and the relationship between peak experiences and flow, before progressing to analyse Maslow`s composite musings about the plateau experience. From this, a number of defining characteristics are identified, which subsequently inform the development of a psychometric, the Plateau Experience measure (or PLEX). The PLEX has demonstrated secure psychometric properties and is offered as a resource to investigate the plateau experience further. ····· 10361113528


····· lezzter Preis 53.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
There is a growing and significant interest in the effects of a person`s spiritual and religious beliefs and experiences on their psychological well- being. Alongside this growing interest has emerged the development of therapy methods which acknowledge and attempt to utilise this effect. Refocussing Therapy, developed by Dr Diane Divett, is one such method. This book provides an insight into Refocussing Therapy`s theoretical context, and analyzes and explores its effectiveness. While shedding light on the benefits of this unique therapy method, this book also investigates the impact upon mental health of the kind of God we believe in. The implications for clinical practice should be useful and intriguing to professionals working in the mental health field as well as those working directly with people`s spirituality. ····· 10361113457

The Use of Touch in Counselling and Psychotherapy

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The use of touch in counselling and psychotherapy is rarely spoken of. A contentious topic, there is little research on therapists` current practices and views, and almost none relating to work with younger clients. This book reveals working therapists` practices, beliefs and understandings of the use of touch in therapeutic contexts with children, adolescents and adults. Six broad themes were identified: the meaning of touch risks, fears and concerns power and control issues contracting, consents and note-taking the raising of consciousness and to touch or not to touch. Decisions as to whether or not to use touch were found to be complex, informed by a wide range of societal, cultural, methodological and philosophical discourses, as well as via personal experience and an understanding of potential impact on the client. Clients with abuse issues, work with children, and working cross-culturally were all identified as specific areas to consider. This book may be of use to counsellors, psychotherapists, supervisors and ethics committees, informing ethical practice, and decision making. It may also be helpful for training purposes. ····· 10361113342

Attachment and Conflict in Close Relationships

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Attachment styles are usually associated with attachment to a primary caregiver such as the mother. They include secure, anxious-ambivalent (preoccupied) and avoidant styles of attachment. The focus of this book is on attachment to an adult partner in a close relationship. It examines how the combination of attachment styles to one`s partner and to one`s primary caregiver is related to couples` conflict beliefs, conflict resolution styles, satisfaction with their relationships and communication accuracy. We conducted two studies to explore these associations. The first study was an on-line survey. The second study videotaped couples dealing with conflict around a major disagreement. We found that relationship satisfaction and conflict beliefs were influenced by specific attachment to the partner. Conversely, positive problem solving, withdrawal and compliance were heavily influenced by more general current conceptualizations of primary caregiver attachment. This book is likely to be of interest to couples` counsellors and family therapists in their understanding of how attachment styles can influence their clients` handling of conflict. ····· 10361113209

Understanding Janusian Thinking

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In this changeable world, the knowledge and skills needed in the future are very likely to be unavailable or even unknown at the time a person studies at school. Consequently, schools cannot limit themselves to offering prescribed information and concepts because they may be obsolete rather soon. To prepare our students for the dramatic changes of modern times, creative thinking should be incorporated into all content areas at all grade levels. However, there have been inadequate research studies on the instructional methods integrated with creative thinking processes. This book delves into a ubiquitous but neglected creative thinking process, Janusian thinking, which was first proposed by Albert Rothenberg in 1971. In addition, this book also presents studies on the application of Janusian thinking in English vocabulary learning and Chinese epigram creation. The instructional activities integrated with Janusian thinking are not only entertaining but also edifying. A well-balanced combination of theory and practice, this book can lead readers who are interested in creativity or teaching for creativity to a colorful world of creativity. ····· 10361113075

Kontaktnahme und Selbstentfremdung

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Schaut man sich die deutsch-türkischen Beziehungen an, haben diese eine weitreichende geschichtliche Tradition und waren schon immer vielfältig. Hinzu kommt, dass die Türkei auch ein wichtiger Wirtschaftspartner der EU und Deutschlands ist und die Türkeistämmigen die größte Gruppe der Menschen mit Zuwanderungsgeschichte in Deutschland stellen. In der Türkei ist eine Vielzahl von ausländischen Unternehmen tätig. An erster Stelle stehen ca. 7.000 deutschsprachige Unternehmen, die auch Mitarbeiter in die Türkei entsenden. Bei dauerhaften Auslandsaufenthalten im Arbeitskontext treten die unternehmens- und kulturbezogenen Unterschiede und der Umgang mit fremden Führungs- und Kommunikationsstilen deutlicher in den Vordergrund. Sie erfordern einen häufig schnellen und effektiven Umgang mit den kulturellen Besonderheiten, da unternehmerisches Handeln oft von Zeit- und Erfolgsdruck geleitet ist, und die Interaktion mit den Einheimischen unumgänglich macht. Das vorliegende Buch befasst sich mit dem Erleben deutscher Fach- und Führungskräfte mit der türkischen Kultur. Im Rahmen einer empirischen Untersuchung erfolgte eine tiefenpsychologische Annäherung zum seelischen Erleben Deutscher, die einen mehrjährigen, arbeitsbezogenen Aufenthalt in der Türkei hatten. Dabei ging es aber nicht nur um die Frage, wie Menschen die Begegnung mit einer fremden Kultur bei längeren Auslandsaufenthalten erleben und wie sie mit den ihnen eventuell fremden Denk-, Fühl-, und Handelsmustern umgehen, sondern auch, welche individuellen Lösungen und Bewältigungsstrategien sie für sich entwickeln, um mit der türkischen Kultur zurechtzukommen. Zudem gibt dieses Buch, einen Überblick zum Stand interkultureller Forschung und über gängige Akkulturationsmodelle. Diese Untersuchungsergebnisse bilden die Grundlage für die Beschreibung der Besonderheiten der Unternehmenskultur und des Führungsverhaltens in der Türkei. Es findet sich auch ein ausführlicher Blick in die Sozialstruktur, Bildung, Geschichte, Politik, Wirtschaft und Religion in der Türkei. Ferner wird ein Einblick über die Familienstruktur und die zentralen Norm- und Wertvorstellungen traditionell türkischer Familien gegeben. Diese Arbeit soll auf wissenschaftlicher Basis allen, die auf professionaler Ebene mit Türkeistämmigen in Berührung kommen, wie z. B. Fach- und Führungskräften, die Geschäftsbeziehungen mit der Türkei unterhalten oder sich aus beruflichen Gründen dort aufhalten, die Zusammenarbeit mit türkischen Geschäftspartnern erleichtern. Es soll einen Beitrag dazu leisten, ein tieferes Verständnis für die türkische Kultur und Gesellschaft zu entwickeln und damit eine reibungslose und effektive Zusammenarbeit ermöglichen. ····· 10361108340

Der Mensch als Mikrokosmos bei Emanuel Swedenborg

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Die Vorstellung des Menschen als Mikrokosmos geht von einer schöpfungsgemäßen, ursprünglich vollkommenen geistig-physischen Gestaltung des Menschen aus, der sich harmonisch in den ebenso geistig- physisch gestalteten Makrokosmos einfügt. Uralte Mythen berichten davon, daß der Mensch sich in freier Entscheidung aus einer harmonischen Schöpfungsordnung herauslöste. Die Bibel spricht von einem `Sündenfall`, der Mensch ist des Paradieses verlustig gegangen und heilsbedürftig geworden. Er hat sein ursprüngliches kosmisches Bewußtsein verloren.

Auf der Grundlage seiner außerordentlichen denkerischen und intuitiven Begabung und einer ihn berufenden Christuserfahrung gelangte der Naturforscher und Seher Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) zu einer Schau kosmischer Schöpfungssphären, welche sowohl die natürliche Welt, als auch die geistige Welt jenseits der Raum-Zeitlichkeit umfassen.

Er sieht in der Botschaft des Neuen Testaments die Verheißung, daß der Mensch auf einem göttlich geleiteten jeweils individuellen inneren Entwicklungsweg, der` Geistige Wiedergeburt` genannt wird, seine ursprüngliche Ganzheit und Einfügung in den Kosmos wieder erlangen kann gemäß den Worten Jesu:

`Ihr müßt von neuem geboren werden...aus dem Geist.` (Johannes 3, 7-8)

Marianne Katterfeldt ist Swedenborgs Erkenntnissen nachgegangen und hat sie in einer sehr kompakten und doch anschaulichen Art und Weise dargestellt. Dabei stellt sie auch einen Bezug zum Individuationsprozeß nach Carl-Gustav Jung her.

In einer Zeit, in der das etablierte Christentum krisenhaften Anfechtungen ausgesetzt ist, kann Swedenborgs Aussagen eine überraschende Aktualität zugeordnet werden, welche positiv in die Zukunft weist und an die ganz individuelle Entwicklungsaufgabe jedes einzelnen Menschen gemahnt. ····· 10361108314

Arbeiten und Leben in multioptionaler Welt

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Mit dem Band 4 der Fachbuchreihe `Wissenschaft im Dialog` fokussieren die Autoren den Wandel der Arbeits- und Lebenswelten mit Blick auf die vielen Möglichkeiten, die sich durch die Entwicklung und den Einsatz moderner Technik als Chance oder aber auch als Restriktion ergeben. Dabei wird die Aufgabe deutlich, aus diesen Analysen Zukunftskonzepte abzuleiten und Gestaltungsempfehlungen für eine `Multioptionale Welt` zu erarbeiten. Positive Effekte, wie globale Kommunikation in Echtzeit, physische Belastungsreduktion, schnelle Informationsweitergabe und vieles mehr haben dazu geführt, vorurteilsfrei und ohne strukturierte Herangehensweise technische Entwicklungen anzunehmen. Chancen werden deutlich, aber auch Risiken zeigen sich, aus denen Ängste entstehen können. Hauptsächliche Fragestellungen, die sich ergeben, kann man wie folgt formulieren: Sind wir auf diese Veränderungen vorbereitet und sind wir als Gesellschaft noch in der Lage der aktive Gestalter dieser Veränderungen zu sein Können wir noch Ziele und Visionen für unser zukünftiges Arbeiten und Leben in multioptionaler Welt definieren Oder sind die Prozesse so schnell geworden, dass wir nur noch reagieren anstatt zu agieren In diesem Band sind Autoren in unterschiedlichen Richtungen aber doch mit gemeinsamen Zielen diesen Fragen auf der Spur. Manchmal ist es eine globale politische Sicht, manchmal eine Sicht aus der direkten Arbeitswelt und einige blicken aus Forschungssicht auf den Wandel, um mit kleinen Erkenntnissen große Prozesse mitzugestalten. Immer wichtiger wird die Sicht auf eine Neugestaltung der Gesundheitsfürsorge und nicht zuletzt müssen philosophische und psychologische Ansätze zur zukünftigen Orientierung des Einzelnen in diesen Wandlungsprozessen stärker in den Analyseprozess einbezogen werden. ····· 10361108312

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