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Demencia y el estrés del cuidador informal

für 35.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Los cuidadores familiares de pacientes con demencia son considerados un grupo socio sanitario de riesgo, debido a las repercusiones desfavorables del cuidado sobre su salud bio-psico-social. El sentimiento de sobrecarga, es una de las manifestaciones del estrés experimentada por el cuidador informal, que se origina en sus sentimientos y percepciones negativas respecto de la prestación continua de cuidados que debe realizar. Por tal motivo, los resultados obtenidos en este estudio permiten delinear un perfil de vulnerabilidad psicosocial del cuidador, señalando los principales factores de riesgo, como así también, el análisis de determinadas variables mediadoras del proceso de estrés, que permiten preservar su salud. ····· 1036121782


für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
El presente libro aborda la temática del transexualismo desde un plano integral tomando aspectos genéticos, sociales, ambientales y psicológicos. Perseguimos como objetivo describir la información que trate el transexualismo, abarcando una mirada heterogénea Definimos y diferenciamos los términos de: transgénero, travestismo, transexualismo y hermafroditismo. Focalizando en la construcción de la identidad transexual. El libro esta organizado en dos partes: práctica y teórica, a su vez está dividida en cuatro capítulos. El primero es a modo de introducción a la temática sobre sexualidad y género. El segundo se define teorías sobre transexualismo. El tercero diferencia los términos travestismo, transexualismo y hermafroditismo. El cuarto, describe criterios diagnósticos de diferentes manuales. El quinto y último presentación de un caso clínico con análisis. ····· 1036121746

Universidad y poder

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Universidad y poder y una descripción de las relaciones de poder existentes en una dependencia (Facultad de Psicología) de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Se analizan las estructuras organizacionales existentes en la misma, las relaciones entre sus actores (estudiantes y docentes y autoridades) y las formas que asume el poder en su interior. El libro constituye una herramienta de análisis de la vida académica de la educación superior universitaria y pone en interdicción los modelos de gestión existentes, discutiendo el carácter democrático o representativo del modelo actual, desmitificando la existencia de modelos participativos, y cuestionando las representación actual en la Universidad Argentina. Como dato interesante incluye el desconocimiento normativo de los actores de la organización y los mecanismos destituyentes de las normas. Dos aspectos de importancia lo constituyen el análisis de los mecanismos de construcción de la subjetividad y el desarrollo de un modelo alternativo a los paradigmas clásicos de estudio del poder. ····· 1036121722

Las competencias en la administración de recursos humanos

für 26.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La gestión por competencias es un proceso que permite seleccionar a las personas para ocupar un puesto determinado, tomando en cuenta sus habilidades, aptitudes y características personales que se requieren en un puesto determinado, este proceso ha superado el enfoque de rasgos de personalidad que han utilizado las organizaciones por varios años. La gestión por competencias, ha superado la selección tradicional del personal que se hacía utilizando los test, los cuales generalmente no tienen relación con las tareas a realizar por el personal en el desempeño de una tarea específica, tomando en cuenta que se han enfocado aspectos internos de la persona, los cuales no predicen el éxito laboral. Sin embargo el enfoque por competencias es el estudio de los comportamientos que son observables en las personas que realizan un trabajo con eficiencia y eficacia, lo que permite definir el puesto en función de los mismos. ····· 1036121714

Volición, Autorregulación y Aprendizaje

für 88.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
En los últimos años se está produciendo un resurgimiento en los estudios sobre la voluntad y volición, que aportan nuevos datos que permiten progresar en la construcción de modelos teóricos. No está aún del todo clara la interrelación de esta compleja variable con otras cognitivas, metacognitivas, motivacionales y afectivas, ni cómo se ponen en marcha todos los mecanismos para dar lugar a un funcionamiento eficaz del sistema, pero estudios recientes como los de Corno y Kuhl, y nuestro trabajo, por citar unos pocos, están aportando nuevos datos dentro del puzzle. En este volumen se exponen las concepciones teóricas y perspectivas históricas, una definición y delimitación conceptual, pasando después a la ejemplificación de algunos proyectos de investigación recientes. Posteriormente se describen algunos instrumentos de medida más relevantes y se prosigue con la descripción de procesos y materiales de intervención, finalizando con unas amplias conclusiones y recomendaciones de amplio espectro, lo que hace que esta obra pueda ser aprovechada por profesionales y profesores de educación secundaria y universitaria, padres y alumnos/as, y por investigadores interesados en esta temática. ····· 1036121707

Significados de la Deserción: Un Abordaje Desde Los Psicoterapeutas

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Responder a preguntas sobre el porqué los pacientes dejan de asistir a terapia, qué aspectos están influyendo para que esto ocurra y el papel del psicoterapeuta frente a los retos de un mundo postmoderno, son algunas de las ideas que se podrán encontrar a lo largo de estas páginas. El psicoterapeuta es un actor principal dentro de la lógica de mercado postmoderna, siendo quien media las demandas de la globalización con las angustias propias de las personas que recurren a su consulta. Hay un interés por ser individual y al mismo tiempo pertenecer a algo, por tener una ideología y al mismo tiempo sentirse fuera de toda posibilidad alienante. Así la persona del psicoterapeuta cobra una importancia especial dentro del conjunto de relaciones que actualmente se tejen. Este libro es una reflexión que intenta dar luces sobre el fenómeno de la deserción en el campo de la psicoterapia ····· 1036121681

El trastorno por atracón

für 62.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Las patologías alimentarias presentan un papel fundamental en las enfermedades psiquiátricas en nuestra sociedad, configurando un considerable problema de salud pública. Hasta el momento, muchas de las investigaciones han estado centradas en las ya conocidas, anorexia y bulimia nerviosas. El Trastorno por atracón no es aún un trastorno claramente diferenciado. Actualmente se encuentra clasificado como un trastorno no especificado y la APA lo incluye en la sección de `Diagnósticos en investigación y pendientes de estudios`. El interrogante que se plantea es si en el futuro DSM-V, aparecerá definitivamente con un estatus propio. La importancia de este trastorno radica en su elevada presencia en población clínica y general, pero también en su estrecha relación con la obesidad y la bulimia. En orden a ello, el presente libro presenta el estudio sobre los rasgos psicopatológicos y de personalidad en un grupo de mujeres con trastorno por atracón. A partir del establecimiento de un perfil diferencial, se aportan datos que resultan de interés en el campo de la psicología y los trastornos alimentarios, tanto para enfoques preventivos como terapéuticos. ····· 1036121671

Salsa e Identidad Juvenil Urbana

für 35.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
El libro presenta los resultados de una investigación que discute las relaciones conceptuales, entre las prácticas sociales gestadas alrededor de la música salsa y la construcción de identidades juveniles en contextos urbanos. La psicología social discursiva y la teoría de la identidad narrativa, son empleadas como referentes para problematizar la condición juvenil ligada a escenarios específicos en este caso, un bar de música salsa en Medellín (Colombia). Los autores proponen las categorías teóricas `Espacio Juvenil Salsero`, `Lógicas de Interacción Juvenil` e `Identidad Situada`, para dar cuenta de la manera cómo los jóvenes se relatan a sí mismos, en relación con las prácticas sociales llevadas a cabo en el marco de un contexto particular. ····· 1036121646

Bereavement and Coping Mechanism among Spouse of the Deceased

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Life gains its meaning when lived with the companion who is empathetic and always reachable. Death of life partner is major loss in everyone s life. Surviving spouse find it difficult to cope with the loss and accept that the life partner is no more. Gradually bereaved spouse starts feeling emotional pain is reducing as time passes, because time is the great healer . Once bereaved is always bereaved. An infant s entry in a family gives immense happiness. Contradicting to this is the departure of loved one. In the case of death of life partner the loss becomes intolerable. Commitments or responsibilities in the life of surviving spouse make them to cope with the loss, forcing them to smile. This research focuses on several causes which may interrupt bereaved spouse with regards to emotional, financial, sociological aspects and its management. This research work has made an attempt by analyzing the facts in relation to loss of spouse and its impact on their life. Controlling and contributing factors, strategies to be adopted to cope with the loss are narrated in this book. ····· 1036121532

Scene Therapy

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Scene therapy, the object of study of this book, aims to adapt different and already established psychotherapeutic elements to specific demands for psychological care. It is therefore not, strictly speaking, a new psychotherapy, but rather a particular way of using certain psychotherapeutic techniques. Bearing in mind that the field of psychotherapy is already sufficiently complex and diverse, it could be argued that introducing a new term to name our experience is gratuitous given the risk that it carries of increasing the already profuse field of psychotherapies. Therefore, it is important to emphasise that, in general, we are referring to a psychoanalytically oriented mode of group psychotherapy. However, we will clearly define the characteristics that are specific to scene therapy and that differentiate it from other similar psychotherapies. We will do this using a theoretical, technical and methodological formulation and by providing examples of different aspects of the work that we have carried out over several years with clinical vignettes of groups. ····· 1036121426

Equine Facilitated Learning/Psychotherapy: Existential IPA Research

für 55.71€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Equine assisted therapies are difficult to research using evidenced-based measures because of the many independent variables that influence the outcome of the process. One of the themes that runs through most of the literature, from books, press releases, human interest stories, to quasi-experimental studies, is that working with horses is both experiential and existential in nature (Berget & Ihlebaek, 2011 EAGALA, n.d. Klontz, Bivens, Leinart, & Klontz, 2007 Lipovsky, 2011 McConnell, 2010 PATH, 2012 Peterson, 2010). The unique lived experiences that each person has while participating in equine assisted therapies make it difficult to say for certain whether observed changes are the result of the treatment itself however, the changes that are observed can be measured using a mixed-methods research approach. This project demonstrates an application of Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis using an Existential Psychology perspective coupled with a quantitative survey with veterans. ····· 1036121387

Psychology of the University Students Investigated Empirically

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The book PSYCHOLOGY OF THE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS, Investigated Empirically is now in your hands is a results years long efforts by me and my hard working colleagues. This is book is purely research based, as a results of interaction with the students studying at universities. the main purpose of this book is to highlight various psychological issues of contemporary university students from a psychological perspective. ····· 1036121252

Organizational Factors and Quality of Patient Care In Public Hospitals

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Public hospitals in India function with scarce resources and meeting the expectations of highly qualified professionals at various levels may not be feasible through the organizations human resource practices, hence improving conditions at the workplace would be the most appropriate strategy for maintaining high quality of patient care. The study examined the nature of the relationship between organizational contextual factors with the quality of patient care in teaching and non-teaching public hospitals in India. It also examined the effects of psychological contract fulfillment in terms of met expectations as an intervening variable that mediates the nature of the relationship between hospital contextual factors and the quality of patient care. The findings provide empirical evidence for formulation of human resource policies in the healthcare sector for enhancing the quality of patient care. The study has immense value for initiating reforms in public hospitals which are trying to improve the quality of patient care. ····· 1036121238

Sense of Belonging in Refugees from the Former Yugoslava

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book aims to answer the question: by what developmental pathways can a refugee from the Former Yugoslavia, seen as an intrinsic case example of resilience from a situation of endemic warfare and societal collapse, achieve social adjustment and psychological resiliency In the spirit of Positive Psychology, this work explores the process of resilience in a context more generally predictive of identity and attachment disruption and the consequent pathology of a human life-experience. An extensive literature review has been included, which illustrates the historical background of the ethnic conflict and consequent civil war, psychosocial aspects of exposure to war, effects of abrupt displacement, and prospects of successful acculturation of refugee immigrants. ····· 1036121227

Work Life balance and Job Satisfaction Among Employees

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Work-life balance has always been a concern of those interested in the quality of working life and its relation to broader quality of life. Many changes in the workplace and in employee demographics in the past decade have led to an increased concern for the boundary between employee work and non-work lives. The changes in the workplace are not confined to Western societies as many Asian countries have experienced similar trends. This book comprised of research work on developing an indigenous scale to measure the perceptions about balancing work and family life in public and private sector employees and how it relates to employees overall job satisfaction in Pakistan. It also suggests how and what practices Organizations could implement to improve Organizational Behaviour, along with the possible role of Industrial/Organizational Psychologists. ····· 1036121152

Depression, Test-Anxiety, Memory and

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Considering the importance of academic achievement for students, parents, teachers and the community, finding the appropriate and right techniques to prevent low academic achievement is indispensable. Based on the result of this study, depression and test-anxiety have the relationship with low academic achievement among high school students. In other words, students who have depression and test-anxiety are likely to drop out from school. Hence, methods of controlling depression and test-anxiety must be devised in order to reduce the students dropout rate and increase their academic achievement. The findings from the present study reveal that students with test-anxiety and depression have low academic performance. Thus, it is recommended that the Iranian Ministry of Education support and encourage the establishment of counseling centers in high schools, where counselors and clinical psychologists can help students to treat mental and academic problems. Also, it is suggested that the Ministry of Education should encourage workshops and seminars to guide students on study techniques in order to motivate and increase their ability to control test-anxiety and depression. ····· 1036121088

Mental Health of Religious Minority Adolescents in Pakistan

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Mental illnesses affect people from all social, economic, geographic, age, gender, religious, and occupational groups. Among several proactive factors minority status and related stressors are frequently reported to be linked with elevated mental illness of minority groups. In Pakistan, Non-Muslims are officially declared as the minority groups. Non-Muslims generally hold a relatively non-dominant position in all spheres of life. They abide certain dissimilarities in many domains like values, languages, customs, traditions, religious beliefs and practices. Along with their underprivileged minority status, these dissimilarities and socio-cultural marginalization may predispose them to encounter excessive psychological distress which may in turn place them for high risk of mental health problems. The phenomenon of minority status and its effects on mental health of Pakistani religious minority youth is thoroughly unexplored. The present work initiated to enlighten this imperative theme. ····· 1036121041

The Effects of Alcohol abuse by the Family Institution in Kenya

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book explains how alcohol taking is as old as man. People of different nations have continued to take alcohol to date. The author elucidate about alcohol consumption in the world, the causes of alcohol abuse and its effects, types of drinkers and coping strategies. Alcohol abuse has been confirmed to be high among the male young parents in Kenya. This has resulted to poverty, domestic violence, school dropout. There are no formal coping strategies therefore each family copes in the best way possible. The author takes the readers to understand that Kenyan rural people are still deep into alcohol abuse therefore the government and non-government organizations need to double their efforts in empowering the communities to come out of financial constraints. Counseling efforts should also be increased. The book is a very resourceful handbook to undergraduate and postgraduate in educational institutions. ····· 1036121025

Work Life Balance Among Married Women Employees

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Work-life balance is usually associated with flexible working, reductions in working time, and practices that cater to the need to juggle both family and employer demands. Work-family conflict is defined as a type of inter-role conflict wherein some responsibilities from the work and family domains are not compatible and have a negative influence on an employee s work situation. Family-work conflict also is a type of inter-role conflict in which family and work responsibilities are not compatible. Family-work conflict is more likely to exert its negative influences in the home domain, resulting in lower life satisfaction and greater internal conflict within the family unit. This book highlights the Work- family conflict (WFC) and Family Work Conflict (FWC) among the married women, the various coping patterns used by the married women employees, the quality of life of married women employees and the differences based on various socio-demographic factors and quality of life, coping patterns and work family conflict and family work conflict of married women employees. ····· 1036120993

The Psychology of Adolescence

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The Psychology of Adolescence and other Psychological considerations is a sequel in a set of three Developmental Psychology books by the same authour. The book considers in detail diverse facets of the adolescent world. It considers theoretical elements vis-avis their implications on adolescent development in the name of cognitive theories, moral theories, psycho-social theories and general developmental theories. Physical development, socialization and psychosocial challenges of adolescence are also considered comprehensively. Other Psychological topics covered include Motivation, Perception, Attitudes, The Nature/Nurture Controversy in Psychology and Research and Psychology. The book is an asset for University students in Developmental Psychology, Education and other Behavioural Sciences. ····· 1036120840

Effectiveness of Guidance and Counselling on Deviant Behavior

für 32.31€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Many schools continue to be affected by student`s deviant behavior that is manifested through increased cases of violence, destruction of school properties, deaths being reported in some schools drug and substance abuse, teenage pregnancies and rudeness this has become a major hindrance to the progress of education through unnecessary interruption of the learning process. Schools administration apply punishments, suspension or expulsion and Guidance and counselling when dealing with deviant behavior. Guidance and counselling has been implemented in many high schools to help curb deviance. The effectiveness of guidance and counselling is yet to be felt in most schools. ····· 1036120793

Female Genital Mutilation in Nassarawa Eggon, Nasarawa State, Nigeria

für 49.41€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Nassarawa Eggon Community,` brings Modern revelation of harmful African Culture and traditional practice involving the removal of part or whole of organs of vulva of female genitalia (WHO, 1995). This has affected the people of Nassarawa Eggon community of Nasarawa State-Nigeria. This reveals physical, mental health and psychological complications on the victims. The book provides chariot call for community social health unit, health workers, mental health professionals, and the general public to utilize a sense of diagnosis in providing psychotherapeutic services for the victims. The qualitative and quantitative methodology of the study guaranteed reliability and validity of the findings as it relates to the level of differences in physical, mental and psychological well-being between the circumcised and uncircumcised females. The book hereby, recommends international and national agencies to canvas for public lectures via conferences, media, churches, mosque, schools, offices, and community meetings in order to sensitize the people on the implications and dangers of FGM to the sustainability of functional education across the globe. ····· 1036120762

Issledovanie lichnosti kursantov v professional`nom stanovlenii

für 35.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Monografiya napisana na osnove dissertacionnoj raboty, posvyashhjonnoj problemam, svyazannym s priobreteniem morskih i rechnyh special`nostej kursantami rechnogo uchilishha. Osveshhena problema stanovleniya lichnosti kursantov i vliyaniya na nih sredy v processe pogruzheniya v poluvoennuju sredu obucheniya i vospitaniya. Rassmotreny osobennosti sredy pogruzheniya, patterny povedeniya i individual`nye osobennosti kursantov, a takzhe priobretenie imi social`nyh rolej, sposobstvujushhih ih dal`nejshemu professional`nomu i lichnostnomu rostu. Raskryty psihologicheskie osobennosti stanovleniya lichnosti molodyh ljudej v vozraste 16-22let. Rabota rasschitana na vospitatelej, prepodavatelej, pedagogov-psihologov i social`nyh pedagogov, rabotajushhih v voennyh i poluvoennyh uchebnyh zavedeniyah. A tak zhe vseh zhelajushhih. ····· 1036120672

Individuals with Average Intelligence And Mental Retardation

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Problem Behaviour, Intelligence and Social Maturity are three factors which has a major and attractive role in social science researches. How the behaviour of children gets affected due to their level of intelligence is always a good topic for researchers. The aim of the study was to examine the effect of Intelligence on Social Maturity and Problem Behaviours. For carrying this study 40 children with different level of intelligence (severe, moderate and mild mentally retarded and average intelligence) were taken. In which 28 male and 12 female were included as sample. The data were collected from the General Services at NIMH, Secunderabad. Binet-Kamat Test of Intelligence and Malin Intelligence Scale for Indian Children, were used for Intelligence testing. For assessing the problem behaviour BASIC-MR, Part-B was used and for assessing the children s maturity level Vineland Social Maturity Scale was used. ····· 1036120516

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