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Issledovanie lichnosti kursantov v professional`nom stanovlenii

für 35.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Monografiya napisana na osnove dissertacionnoj raboty, posvyashhjonnoj problemam, svyazannym s priobreteniem morskih i rechnyh special`nostej kursantami rechnogo uchilishha. Osveshhena problema stanovleniya lichnosti kursantov i vliyaniya na nih sredy v processe pogruzheniya v poluvoennuju sredu obucheniya i vospitaniya. Rassmotreny osobennosti sredy pogruzheniya, patterny povedeniya i individual`nye osobennosti kursantov, a takzhe priobretenie imi social`nyh rolej, sposobstvujushhih ih dal`nejshemu professional`nomu i lichnostnomu rostu. Raskryty psihologicheskie osobennosti stanovleniya lichnosti molodyh ljudej v vozraste 16-22let. Rabota rasschitana na vospitatelej, prepodavatelej, pedagogov-psihologov i social`nyh pedagogov, rabotajushhih v voennyh i poluvoennyh uchebnyh zavedeniyah. A tak zhe vseh zhelajushhih. ····· 1036120672

Individuals with Average Intelligence And Mental Retardation

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Problem Behaviour, Intelligence and Social Maturity are three factors which has a major and attractive role in social science researches. How the behaviour of children gets affected due to their level of intelligence is always a good topic for researchers. The aim of the study was to examine the effect of Intelligence on Social Maturity and Problem Behaviours. For carrying this study 40 children with different level of intelligence (severe, moderate and mild mentally retarded and average intelligence) were taken. In which 28 male and 12 female were included as sample. The data were collected from the General Services at NIMH, Secunderabad. Binet-Kamat Test of Intelligence and Malin Intelligence Scale for Indian Children, were used for Intelligence testing. For assessing the problem behaviour BASIC-MR, Part-B was used and for assessing the children s maturity level Vineland Social Maturity Scale was used. ····· 1036120516

Left-Handed People in a Right-Handed World:

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Handedness is one of the important human traits. If one looks around, one will notice that majority of the people are right-handed in this world. Still the lefthanders are not such a minority. About 10-15% of the population of this world is left-handed. Along with biology, in determination of hand preference, culture and religion also plays its role. The perceptions and experiences of left-handers are to some extent explored in western countries but when left-handedness was reviewed in Pakistan it was found that very little academic literature exists on it. This book therefore provides an in-depth knowledge of perceptions of right-handers about left-handedness and experiences of left-handed people. The phenomenon was studied in three distinct and interrelated studies. The analysis should help shed some light on left-handedness with reference to Pakistani culture and should be specially useful for psychologists working in social, developmental and clinical areas but also for parents and teachers who play a significant role in a left-hander`s life. ····· 1036120485

Marital Satisfaction

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Marital satisfaction is viewed as a socially constructed reality having a direct impact on the physical, mental, emotional and social well-being of partners in a marriage. Just as marital satisfaction is vital to a couple s well-being, marital dissatisfaction can be distressing to a couple. Instances of research on relevant topics have been found in abundance in the west. However, this study is an attempt to expand the existing literature to the east and provide dovetail conclusions about the levels of marital satisfaction among couples in Pakistan. This study developed a validated screening scale with local norms called The Marital Satisfaction Scale (MSS) that would provide appropriate guidelines to the mental health care professionals and marriage counselors for the treatment of dissatisfied married couples. This study explored twelve subscales i.e. In-laws relationship, Communication, Husband s Financial Status, Compromise, Understanding, Spouse Support, Self-Perception, Dual Earning, Mutual Understanding, Education of Partner, Sexual Satisfaction, & Gender Difference, which relates to overall marital satisfaction. ····· 1036120439

Supervisor`s Conflict Management Style and Causal Attribution

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This work provides a comprehensive guide to researchers in the field of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. The study sought to investigate the influence of supervisor s conflict management style and their causal attribution on employee work-related outcomes such as organizational commitment and turnover intentions.In addition,the interactive effect of conflict management style and causal attributions on these work-related outcomes was also examined. However, no significant difference was found in organizational commitment of employees as far as the conflict management style of their supervisors was concerned. Again, the causal attribution of supervisors was not found to affect employees organizational commitment and their turnover intentions. Finally, conflict management styles were not found to interact with causal attribution style to affect employee s work-related outcomes. It was concluded among other things that supervisor s causal attribution style do not have a stronger effect on their employees work outcomes while their conflict management styles affected only employee s turnover intentions. ····· 1036120394

Cognitive Mechanisms and Individual Strategies

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In reality modeling rely on the knowledge that we have, whether they are real or imaginary, naive or sophisticated, our mental models are often constructed on fragmentary information, based on a partial understanding of what is happening and naive psychology. Most research on mental modeling focused on the study of cognitive processes that occur in the human mind in specific situations of solving problems. The book attempts to offer a theoretical and methodological foundation for some of the mental modeling issues in the context of human-outside world interaction. A short review of the literature in the field of mental models proves that despite the successful implementing of mental models theory in computer systems design and cognitive psychology this aspect of cognitive functioning is far from being clarified. The purpose of this book is to show how to build a mental model, how does the mental model working, the role of memory and learning in mental modeling process. This book should be especially useful to professionals in Cognitive Psychology, researchers, teachers and students. ····· 1036120381

Psycho-Social Effects of Conflicts on the Lives of Women

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This book focuses on the psychosocial effects of conflicts. It provides an analysis of the social and psychological effects of conflicts on the lives of women. Displacement, separation from family, detention, rape and other forms of sexual violence, grief, loss or disappearance of relatives, fear, all forms of bodily harm, stress due to many responsibilities and scarce resources, lack of basic needs, rejection after rape and change of role after loss of husband are the main areas captured in the book. The book is based on a study whose sample consisted of women from two areas: West Pokot and North Pokot in the North Rift of Kenya. The study findings reveal that during conflicts women experience social and psychological problems hence living in a state of hopelessness and helplessness. Consequently, the author recommends that the Kenya government and other stakeholders should increase peace building capacities that fully involve women. She further suggests that there is need to alleviate poverty and illiteracy by setting up women empowerment strategies. This book is a must-read for scholars and policy makers involved in conflict studies and gender-related issues. ····· 1036120339

Psihologiya poznavatel`noj deyatel`nosti

für 55.71€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Praktikum prednaznachen dlya studentov vuzov, izuchajushhih obshhuju psihologiju, a takzhe dlya vseh, interesujushhihsya psihologiej poznavatel`noj deyatel`nosti. V praktikume predstavleny metodiki po izucheniju poznavatel`nyh processov. Kazhdaya tema predvaryaetsya kratkim opisaniem izuchaemogo processa, kontrol`nymi voprosami, spiskom uchebnoj i nauchnoj literatury predlagajutsya temy dlya referatov i dokladov, a takzhe testovye zadaniya dlya samoproverki znanij v razlichnoj forme. ····· 1036120322

Autonomy, relatedness and ethics

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This study explored the ways in which different stakeholders, namely researchers, community members and representatives define and understand ethically problematic scenarios. The intention was to understand the tensions within ethical decision-making as a result of the competing conceptions of the self, namely, autonomous and relational conceptions of the self. The assumption was that people s participation in various cultural systems has a bearing on their definitions of what constituted ethical and moral behaviour (Markus & Kitayama, 1991 Matsumoto, 2003, 2006 Triandis, 1989). A hypothetical case scenario, mirroring real life experience circumstances, followed by a set of questions was developed and used in an interviews. Thematic analysis was employed in the analysis of data from the interviews. Results show that all stakeholders have a common conception, but different justification, of what constitutes ethical dilemmas. The results also show that stakeholders subscribe to a communal view of the self. They also spoke highly of the communal way of decision-making and showed disappointment in the erosion of some of the indigenous epistemologies to make way Western epistemology. ····· 1036120277

Youth Development in Postwar Croatia

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Youth growing up in postwar areas face tremendous obstacles in an all spheres of life. This study examines the role of participation in identity formation among young people in Croatia whose lives have been affected by war and forced relocation. Turniski presents an alternative to the medical and pathology models prevalent in war and postwar research which portray youth as passive victims. Her research utilizes a sociocultural approach and investigates the long term effects of war on youth, their environment, the structures within which they live and the society as a whole in order to illustrate how these young people understand their complicated life situations and circumstances. The study focuses on the experiences of youth and their contexts and in doing so contributes to an understanding of the processes that make up the successful transition to a peaceful postwar society. Insights from the experience of Croatia may then be applicable to other situations in which similar social transformations are taking place. ····· 1036120203

Social Functioning in College Students

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This thesis examines the affect the psychological variables of shyness, self-esteem and social self-efficacy have on students levels of social functioning. Social functioning occurs when an individual interacts with other individuals and carries out social role behaviours connected to individual or chosen social positions. Hypotheses that the researcher considered were that shy, low self-esteem, low social self-efficacy individuals have poor social skills and thus low levels of social functioning. Also considered was, that there was a difference between year of study and gender and levels of social functioning. The results supported the hypotheses with the exception that there was no difference between year of study and social functioning levels. Self-esteem and Gender were found to be the most significant predictors of social functioning in college students. Current and past research on the relationship between the psychological variables (shyness, self-esteem and social self-efficacy) showed similar results, but the results relevant to gender differed from past research. ····· 1036120166

Zhiznennye strategii i sub#ektivnoe blagopoluchie sovremennoj molodezhi

für 55.71€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V rabote predstavlen analiz problemy zhiznennogo orientirovaniya sovremennoj molodezhi, provedeno glubokij vsestoronnij analiz kategorii `zhiznennaya strategiya` kak universal`nogo sposoba osushhestvleniya zhizni, osnovnye podhody k postroeniju struktury i tipologii zhiznennoj strategii lichnosti, a takzhe rassmatrivaetsya problema sub#ektivnogo blagopoluchiya lichnosti kak osnovnogo indikatora realizacii zhiznennoj strategii. Po rezul`tatam jempiricheskogo issledovaniya predstavlena strukturnaya model` zhiznennoj strategii lichnosti v junosheskom vozraste, vydeleny osnovnye tipy zhiznennyh strategij junoshej i devushek, opisany tipologicheskie osobennosti i predstavleny psihologicheskie portrety nositelej osnovnyh tipov zhiznennyh strategij. Ustanovleny dominirujushhie tendencii v rasprostranennosti osnovnyh tipov zhiznennyh strategij v molodezhnoj srede. Vyyavleny osobennosti sub#ektivnogo blagopoluchiya lichnosti v zavisimosti ot tipa zhiznennoj strategii i prinadlezhnosti molodogo cheloveka k konkretnoj mikrosocial`noj srede. Kniga adresovana psihologam, pedagogam, social`nym rabotnikam i sotrudnikam obshhestvennyh organizacij po delam molodezhi. ····· 1036120098

Student Absenteeism, Causes and Effect on Academic Performance

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Student absenteeism and its effect on academic performance concerns all stakeholders in education. Schools in Nyandarua County have recorded high levels of absenteeism in their institutions. This study aimed at establishing the effect of absenteeism on academic performance of secondary school students in Nyandarua County Kenya. The target population of the study was 3,763 students from mixed public secondary schools. All hypotheses were tested at 95% significance level. The results indicated that student absenteeism affected academic performance and that the level of student absenteeism mattered in academic performance. It was found out that the main cause of student absenteeism was lack of school fees. The study also observed that many student counsellors did not treat student absenteeism as a problem requiring their intervention. The study further indicated that student age did not affect absenteeism and self-study habits of chronic absentees did not significantly affect their academic performance. Among the recommendations the study made included provision of universal and free or affordable secondary education in Kenya. ····· 1036119830

Organisational Cognisance

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Current understandings and practices for developing and sustaining organisational capacity are informed by research advocating strategic and structural forms of alignment. The current research proposes the exploration of a third dimension a cognitive aspect - that deserves consideration in addition to strategic and structural conceptualisations. To this end, a theoretical framework, which provides insight into the underpinning processes for the emergence of organisational cognisance, is constructed based on the research findings. Organisational cognisance is the core concept that enlightens a cognitive dimension to the concept of organisational alignment. The relationship between organisational cognisance and capacity building in organisations is captured with a second conceptual model, which highlights the significance of the emergence of organisational cognisance for enhancing personal capacity, interpersonal capacity and professional capacity. ····· 1036119693

Counselling psychology - job performance

····· lezzter Preis 59.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
`The relationship between Counselling of Employees and Job Performance and Productivity at the workplace` is an attempt to show how the challenges at the workplace can be addressed through Counselling. Counselling is meant to address the psychological well-being of human resource behind production. The book tries to address employee psychological problems such as negative attitude towards work, employee unethical behaviour at the workplace, job stress and supervisory practices. This book looks at the relationship between counseling of employees, motivation and performance in an attempt to establish the underlying factors behind productivity.The book examines the problem that most organizations face in trying to balance between employees` satisfaction and organizational success which is measured in terms of production and profit making. The book vividly discusses the correlation between motivation and performance, whether addressing workers` issues helps in productivity.This book makes a significant contribution to the quality of management at the workplace. ····· 1036119559

Understanding Al-Qaeda

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This book is about understanding Al-Qaeda. A logotherapeutic approach is used to better comprehend this international terror group. By using insights from psychology, especially logotherapy, this book wants to assists those working in law enforcement to be able to identify members of this group and thus prevent them from committing any deeds of terror like that of 911 that are always life threatening and devastating to the human, social and economic development of any country. ····· 1036119496

Effects of Meditation on Stress of People in a Substance Abuse Program

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The effects of meditation within substance abuse populations have had positive effects, from reducing drug and alcohol use (Special, 2010) to utilizing coping skills to managing cravings (Chen, Comerford, Shinnick, & Ziedonis, 2010). This study aimed to examine the use of guided meditation to reduce perceived stress of participants in an outpatient substance abuse program over four weeks. The participants of this study were randomly assigned to a control group and an experimental group. The study used a pretest,post-test model. There was a significant difference between the control and experimental groups at four weeks on the Anxiety subscale of the DASS 21. There was a significant difference within the experimental group at four weeks on the Depression subscale, Anxiety subscale and Stress subscale of the DASS 21. To date, data has not been collected to measure the minimum amount of meditation that is needed to create a significant positive effect. The data suggests that one exposure to guided meditation does have a significant effect on anxiety in an outpatient substance abuse population but not on perceived stress or depression. ····· 1036119427

Career Adjustment

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Picture developing countries, world economic uncertainty and rampant changes in world of work. It is real and it is now. And in the center of it all, the human career agent facing the dilemma of adapting to unfathomed complexity with a dash of limited resources for good measure. This thesis considers a practical approach to this dilemma and points to those human factors that can make the difference in how the human agent constructs his or her working life. Drawing from recent developments in Positive Psychology, Career Attitude, Emotional Intelligence and Stress Management, the author believes that the human agent can not only proactively participate with great success, but also craft his or her own future. ····· 1036119205

Cultural Factors inhibiting Effective Counselling in Kenyan Schools

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Guidance and Counselling is a major component in any Educational System. All governments in Africa should ensure that Guidance and Counselling services are fully entrenched to assist youth in all manner of afflictions. However, cultural patterns in diverse communities in Africa, have inhibited this desirable service. This text examines some cultural factors that may inhibit effective guidance and counselling in schools. This book is invaluable to all Counsellors who are training in both Colleges and Universitys` students undertaking studies in Educational psychology, Counselling, Community Health Work and Medical practitioners. ····· 1036119188

Improving Quality of Life in Anxiety and Depression

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Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) research has primarily focused on the reduction of negative symptoms as evidence for the effectiveness of the psychotherapy. However, positive factors such as Qualify of Life (QOL) have been largely ignored. Clinicians have only recently begun to incorporate QOL assessment into their treatment protocols and outcome studies, and very few longitudinal studies have been reported in the literature. This book presents a series of studies which demonstrate that subjective QOL is a valid and important outcome to consider in clinical practice with patients who struggle with anxiety and depressive disorders. We demonstrated that Group CBT was effective for treating psychiatric hospital outpatients with anxiety and depression, with improvements in both symptoms and QOL at post-treatment, which were maintained at long-term follow-up. We concluded that positive factors such as QOL were important outcome variables that must be monitored in clinical practice and research when determining the effectiveness of psychotherapy. ····· 1036119106

Muslim Contribution to Psychotherapy

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This book is written with the goal to highlight the contributions of eminent Muslim scholars, philosophers and physicians to the field of mental health, psychotherapy and clinical psychology in general. Among these eminent Muslim scholars are: Mohammad Bin Zakariya Al-Razi, Ibn-Sina, Al-Ghazali, Al-Arabi, Rumi, Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi, Al-Khuze, Al-Mawsili, Ibn-Rushd. The author has given historical evolution of clinical psychology during the Muslim Empire from Iran to Spain which was predominantly influenced by the Islamic philosophy about human nature,growth & development.Furthermore, an attempt has been made to compare the similarities between the western humanistic school of thought and modern psycho-therapeutic interventions and those which were introduced by the Muslim physicians, philosophers and scholars during the Dark Age of Europe and Downfall of Roman Empire. It is hoped that this book would be of immense value for the scholars, researchers, students of psychology, philosophy, sociology, anthropology and psychiatry in promoting their awareness about evolution of clinical psychology in the Muslim world. Indeed, the flowers of tomorrow are in the seeds of past! ····· 1036118794

Unconscious Prejudice:

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Exploring the relationship between prejudice and ethical decision-making within individuals that wish to pursue a career in the field of criminal justice has the potential to yield valuable insights on the ways that moral decisions may be impacted by extraneous factors. The objective of this thesis was to explore this relationship by means of quasi-experimental design and through examining 30 potential criminal justice candidates. Results suggested that significant associations between explicit racial attitudes and ethical decision-making are largely context-specific. Conversely, there was no significant relationship found between implicit racial attitudes and decision-making. In conducting this study, a better understanding of the role that explicit factors contribute within the decision-making process was revealed and a gap within the literature was identified. Also worthy of note, this study was the first known research inquiry into the relationship between both implicit and explicit attitudes and ethical decision-making within a Canadian criminological setting. ····· 1036118755

Executive Function and Social Outcome Following Paediatric TBI

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There is little agreement within the literature regarding the relationship between executive function and social outcome following paediatric traumatic brain injury (TBI). It has been suggested that the inconsistent findings may be due to the lack of a proposed mechanism through which this relationship exists. Yeates and colleagues (2004) propose a possible model in which the maturity of social problem solving skills mediates the relationship between executive function and social outcome. This study explored the relationship between executive function and social outcome, and whether social problem solving mediated this relationship. The long-term outcome of executive functioning and social functioning following the transition into adulthood, and their relationship with injury severity was also examined. The sample consisted of 36 adolescents and young adults who sustained a closed head injury between 8-13 years of age. Adolescents and young adults who suffered moderate/severe TBI during childhood displayed executive dysfunction and poorer social outcomes, with the maturity of social problem solving skills mediating the relationship between executive function and social outcome. ····· 1036118722

Affect and Attention

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Latent inhibition (LI) is defined as slower learning to a previously irrelevant stimulus than to a novel one (Lubow, 1989).Since LI is related to psychological states such as schizophrenia, ADHD, and anxiety, all of which have a major affect component, the aim of the present study was to directly examine the relation between LI and induced and in situ affect. LI was obtained for low-depressed as compared to high-depressed subjects in the positive affect condition, and significant facilitation was obtained for high-depressed subjects in the negative affect condition as compared to neutral condition. Due to comorbidity between anxiety and depression, the fourth experiment was conducted in order to find out whether depression or anxiety was a better predictor of LI. Depression score was found to be the better predictor. The present results should inspire additional empirical work on the interactions between latent inhibition and emotional state and thereby may suggest the involvement of PFC in LI. ····· 1036118643

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