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Posobie `Chelovek-yazyk-professiya` prednaznacheno dlya prepodavateley inostrannogo yazyka, stavyashchikh svoey tsel`yu razvitie u studentov professional`noy motivatsii. V posobii rassmotreny voprosy issledovaniya professional`noy motivatsii, eye struktury u studentov tekhnicheskogo vuza, predstavleny psikhologicheskie podkhody k razvitiyu professional`noy motivatsii v protsesse izucheniya inostrannogo yazyka. V kachestve sredstva razvitiya professional`noy motivatsii predlagaetsya programma psikhologicheskogo treninga dlya ispol`zovaniya na zanyatiyakh inostrannogo yazyka. ····· 103615212

Praktika raboty s krizisnymi sostoyaniyami lichnosti na Telefone doveriya

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Predlagaemoe metodicheskoe posobie osveshchaet praktiku raboty telefonnogo konsul`tanta s krizisnymi obrashcheniyami, postupivshimi na telefon doveriya. V dostupnoy forme izlagayutsya tekhniki i metody raboty s problemnymi zvonkami. Rassmotrena lichnost` abonenta, nakhodyashchegosya v krizisnom sostoyanii, formy i etapy raboty s ney. Kniga prednaznachena konsul`tantam sluzhb distantsionnogo konsul`tirovaniya (telefonov doveriya), supervizoram i budet polezna vsem psikhologam, kotorye interesuyutsya voprosami krizisnogo konsul`tirovaniya. ····· 103615200

Ekspertnaya deyatel`nost` psikhologa

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V knige daetsya sistemnyy analiz i metodicheskaya interpretatsiya osnovnykh problem ekspertnoy psikhologicheskoy deyatel`nosti. Rassmatrivayutsya osobennosti organizatsii i provedeniya ekspertnogo otsenivaniya, printsipy formirovaniya grupp ekspertov, ispol`zuemye metody prakticheskoy deyatel`nosti. Rabota soderzhit obshchuyu informatsiyu o predmete sotsial`no-psikhologicheskoy ekspetrizy, ee roli v raznykh sferakh obshchestvennoy zhizni. Udelyaetsya vnimanie takim voprosam, kak osobennosti soderzhaniya sotsial`no-psikhologicheskoy ekspertizy pri attestatsii i otsenke personala, rukovoditeley, formirovanii kadrovogo rezerva otsenke reklamy analize innovatsionnykh obrazovatel`nykh programm. Kniga prednaznachena dlya issledovateley v oblasti psikhologii, prakticheskikh psikhologov i spetsialistov, interesuyushchikhsya problemami sotsial`no-psikhologicheskoy ekspertizy. ····· 103615128

Resursy preodoleniya psikhologicheskikh bar`erov v uchebnoy deyatel`nosti

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V monografii privoditsya obshchaya kharakteristika psikhologicheskikh bar`erov v uchebnoy deyatel`nosti, podcherkivaetsya spetsifika kognitivnykh bar`erov. Raskryvaetsya vliyanie psikhologicheskikh bar`erov na vypolnyaemuyu deyatel`nost`, delaetsya aktsent na resursakh ikh konstruktivnogo preodoleniya. Rassmatrivayutsya vozmozhnosti diagnostiki psikhologicheskikh bar`erov v uchebnoy deyatel`nosti, podcherkivayutsya ikh resursosberegayushchie vozmozhnosti. Adresuetsya prepodavatelyam i studentam psikhologo-pedagogicheskikh spetsial`nostey, slushatelyam institutov povysheniya kvalifikatsii rabotnikov obrazovaniya. ····· 103615102

Professional`nye predstavleniya: teoriya i real`nost`

für 80.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V knige posledovatel`no rassmatrivayutsya voprosy istorii, metodologicheskie problemy, analiziruyutsya rezul`taty fundamental`nykh i prikladnykh issledovaniy professional`nykh predstavleniy. Osoboe vnimanie udelyaetsya takim ponyatiyam kak obraz, ideal, stereotip, tsennost`. Rasschitana na prepodavateley, nauchnykh rabotnikov v oblasti sotsial`noy psikhologii i smezhnykh s neyu nauk, a takzhe mozhet byt` polezna aspirantam i magistrantam fakul`tetov psikhologii i filosofii. ····· 103615087

Temperament: polovye, vozrastnye, regional`nye, etnicheskie osobennosti

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V monografii izlagayutsya rezul`taty issledovaniya osobennostey proyavleniya chert i svoystv temperamenta u zhiteley Krasnoyarskogo kraya i Khakassii, i obsuzhdayutsya polovye, etnicheskie, regional`nye i vozrastnye ego osobennosti. Kniga vklyuchaet 6 glav, bogato osnashchena tablitsami i diagrammami. Pokazano, chto lyudi, prozhivayushchie v raznykh regionakh Rossii, i imeyushchie razlichnuyu etnicheskuyu prinadlezhnost`, dostoverno otlichayutsya drug ot druga ne tol`ko stepen`yu proyavleniya otdel`nykh chert temperamenta, no i kharakterom raspredeleniya tipov temperamenta. Otdel`naya glava posvyashchena obsuzhdeniyu problemy stabil`nosti formal`no-dinamicheskikh svoystv psikhiki pri izmenenii vnutrennikh ili vneshnikh faktorov sredy. Avtory ubezhdeny v tom chto svoystva temperamenta demonstriruyut dostatochno vysokuyu plastichnost`. Kniga mozhet byt` polezna ne tol`ko praktikuyushchim psikhologam i tem, kto zanimaetsya issledovaniyami v oblasti fiziologii i psikhologii individual`nykh otlichiy, no i studentam-psikhologam. ····· 103614963

Kul`tura uchebnogo truda studenta

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Monografiya sostoit iz dvukh razdelov. V pervom teoreticheskom razdele chitatel` naydet opredeleniya kul`tury uchebnogo truda i drugikh soputstvuyushchikh emu ponyatiy. Zdes` zhe pokazany mesto i rol` kul`tury uchebnogo truda v sisteme vysshego obrazovaniya, rassmotreny psikhologicheskie problemy i osnovnye podkhody k razvitiyu kul`tury uchebnogo truda v vuze, dan perechen` osnovnykh uchebnykh umeniy i navykov, vkhodyashchikh v strukturu etogo ponyatiya. Opisaniyu tekhnologii razvitiya etikh sostavlyayushchikh posvyashchen vtoroy razdel monografii. Znakomstvo s nim dast chitatelyu predstavlenie o psikhologicheskikh mekhanizmakh i sposobakh ovladeniya kul`turoy slushaniya, kul`turoy chteniya i kul`turoy konspektirovaniya, kak osnovnykh sposobakh nakopleniya professional`nykh znaniy v vuze. Dalee opisany priemy tvorcheskoy pererabotki nakoplennoy informatsii i sposoby vydachi novogo znaniya v vide pis`mennogo ili ustnogo soobshcheniya. Kniga rasschitana na nauchnykh rabotnikov, prepodavateley, studentov i aspirantov, a takzhe vsekh tekh, kto zanyat samoobrazovaniem i zhelaet oblegchit` sebe uchebnyy trud. ····· 103614954

Psikhologicheskie osnovy formirovaniya professional`nogo myshleniya vracha

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V monografii rassmatrivayutsya voprosy formirovaniya professio nal`nogo myshleniya spetsialista s pozitsiy deyatel`nostnogo podkhoda. Iz lagayutsya osnovnye psikhologicheskie problemy issledovaniya professio nal`nogo myshleniya. Na materiale professii vracha - khirurga analiziru yutsya usloviya formirovaniya vrachebnogo myshleniya. Opisyvayutsya metody diagnostiki professional`nogo myshleniya. Razrabotana metodika diag nostiki tipov professional`nogo myshleniya vrachey-khirurgov. Proveden logiko-psikhologicheskiy analiz predmetnogo soderzhaniya professional`noy vrachebnoy deyatel`nosti. Vydeleno geneticheski iskhodnoe otnoshenie, `kletochka`, v roli kotoroy vystupaet vzaimodeystvie mezhdu vneshnimi i vnutrennimi etiologicheskimi faktora mi, s odnoy storony, i biologicheskimi strukturami organizma cheloveka - s drugoy. Dannoe iskhodnoe otnoshenie yavlyaetsya soderzhaniem ponyatiya etiopatogene za, kotoroe potentsial`no obladaet vozmozhnost`yu pri svoem razvertyvanii vosproizvodit` v osnovnom vsyu sistemu ponyatiy, opisyvayushchikh logi ku vrachebnoy deyatel`nosti. Prednaznachena dlya spetsialistov v oblasti psikhologii, akmeolo gii, filosofii, pedagogiki, meditsiny. ····· 103614929


für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Chem dal`she progress uvodit lyudey ot privychnykh tsennostey zhizni sozidayushchey, kogda vse vokrug mozhno peredelat` svoimi rukami, k nekoy tolerantnosti obshchestva potrebleniya, tem ostree chuvstvo bessil`nogo otchuzhdeniya. V kakoy-to mere ego smyagchaet virtual`noe erzats obshchenie, no ne polnost`yu i nenadolgo. Dazhe `prodvinutyy` i `uspeshnyy` chelovek neredko ishchet soveta, pomoshchi, uchastiya, chtoby razobrat`sya v samom sebe, ne govorya uzhe o tekh, kto okazalsya na obochine zhiznennogo prostranstva. Pri etom ne stol`ko u professional`nykh psikhoterapevtov s ikh spetsial`nymi i spetsificheskimi metodami, skol`ko u tekh, kto razbiraetsya v real`nykh zhiznennykh situatsiyakh: sotsial`nykh rabotnikov, volonterov, dukhovnykh nastavnikov, pedagogov, yuristov. Ikh zdravyy smysl i professional`nyy opyt rabotayut neplokho, no esli oni opirayutsya i na teoriyu sotsial`nogo otchuzhdeniya, mozhno rasschityvat` na bolee ser`eznye rezul`taty. Ne isklyucheno, chto i predstavitelyam drugikh professiy, kotorye uchastvuyut v sud`be sotsial`no neprisposoblennykh lyudey, nasha kniga budet esli ne ochen` polezna, to khotya by interesna ····· 103614894

Strakhi sovremennykh detey, ikh regulyatsiya i samoregulyatsiya

für 58.41€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V monografii predstavleny rezul`taty teoreticheskogo i eksperimental`nogo issledovaniya po probleme emotsiy, emotsional`nykh sostoyaniy i ikh regulyatsii u detey. Obosnovan mnogomernyy podkhod k izucheniyu emotsional`nykh yavleniy, predlozhena integrirovannaya strukturno-tipologicheskaya klassifikatsiya strakhov, rassmatrivayutsya sposoby regulyatsii i samoregulyatsii strakhov u detey. Kniga rekomenduetsya dlya detskikh psikhologov, pedagogov i studentov, nauchnym rabotnikam i aspirantam. Avtor vyrazhaet svoyu blagodarnost` vsem uchitelyam i uchashchimsya shkol, prinyavshim uchastie v issledovanii, studentam i aspirantam PGSGA za pomoshch` v sbore prakticheskikh dannykh. Osobuyu priznatel`nost` avtor vyrazhaet Serdyukovoy Ol`ge Ivanovne za postoyannuyu pomoshch` i podderzhku v podgotovke izdaniya etoy knigi. ····· 103614837

Obshchaya psikhologiya

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Uchebnoe posobie predstavlyaet soboy sistematizatsiyu uchebnogo materiala po distsipline `Obshchaya psikhologiya` i okhvatyvaet osnovnye temy kursa: obshchie voprosy psikhologii, psikhicheskie protsessy i sostoyaniya, individual`nye osobennosti i emotsional`no-volevaya sfera lichnosti. S tsel`yu okazaniya metodicheskoy pomoshchi v osvoenii distsipliny `Obshchaya psikhologiya`, uchebnyy material predlagaetsya studentam v kratkom tekstovom izlozhenii, illyustrirovan skhemami i tablitsami, soprovozhdaetsya voprosami dlya samokontrolya, tematikoy referatov, spiskom rekomenduemoy literatury. V zaklyuchenii predstavleny kontrol`no-izmeritel`nye materialy po vsemu uchebnomu kursu, kratkiy biograficheskiy spravochnik i slovar` terminov. Uchebnoe posobie prednaznacheno dlya studentov spetsial`nosti 030401 `Klinicheskaya psikhologiya`, a takzhe mozhet byt` poleznym dlya studentov drugikh psikhologicheskikh spetsial`nostey. ····· 103614828

Razvitie pozitivnoy Ya-kontseptsii lichnosti studenta

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V monografii rassmatrivayutsya teoreticheskie podkhody k ponimaniyu sotsial`no-psikhologicheskogo fenomena `Ya-kontseptsiya`. Na osnove analiza i sopostavleniya issledovaniy izuchaemogo yavleniya, avtorom sformulirovano sobstvennoe opredelenie ponyatiya `pozitivnaya Ya-kontseptsiya`, opredeleny psikhologicheskie usloviya i sredstva eye razvitiya. V monografii predstavlena eksperimental`naya programma po razvitiyu pozitivnoy Ya-kontseptsii lichnosti studenta soderzhatsya voprosy dlya usvoeniya materiala predlagayutsya aprobirovannye avtorom uprazhneniya dan obzor teoreticheskikh podkhodov k diagnostike Ya-kontseptsii. Prilozheniya soderzhat psikhodiagnosticheskiy instrumentariy, slovar` osnovnykh psikhologicheskikh ponyatiy po teme issledovaniya. Dannaya rabota rekomenduetsya psikhologam, prepodavatelyam i studentam, a tak zhe vsem interesuyushchimsya problemami samosoznaniya i razvitiem svoego lichnostnogo i professional`nogo potentsiala. ····· 103614798

Izuchenie i korrektsiya psikhicheskogo razvitiya detey s zaderzhkoy rechi

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V monografii predstavlena kharakteristika sistemy ranney diagnostiki i korrektsii nedostatkov psikhicheskogo razvitiya detey rannego i doshkol`nogo vozrasta s zaderzhkoy rechi. Rassmotrena variativnost` struktury psikhicheskogo razvitiya, obuslovlennaya individual`noy reaktsiey rebenka na zaderzhku rechi. Izlozhena diagnosticheskaya programma, obosnovan kriterial`noorientirovannyy podkhod v izuchenii psikhiki rebenka s zaderzhkoy rechi. Raskryto soderzhanie avtorskoy korrektsionnoy programmy, provedena eye aprobatsiya v usloviyakh semeyno-tsentrirovannoy modeli vospitaniya predstavleny dannye o vozmozhnostyakh kompleksnogo preodoleniya otklonyayushchegosya razvitiya v spetsial`no sozdannykh usloviyakh. Materialy monografii mogut predstavlyat` interes dlya shirokogo kruga spetsialistov: korrektsionnykh psikhologov i pedagogov, logopedov, metodistov doshkol`nykh obrazovatel`nykh uchrezhdeniy, a takzhe dlya studentov pedagogicheskikh vuzov, roditeley, vospityvayushchikh rebenka s zaderzhkoy rechi. ····· 103614783

Tus primeros 100 días sin drogas

für 17.82€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Es un libro Teórico Práctico para ser usado de inmediato por quienes han perdido su vida en la esclavitud a las drogas. Escrito desde mi experiencia propia,desde aquellos días terribles en que también fui esclavo, escribo en un lenguaje similar que será reconocido por quien sufre hoy. Si tiene problemas de drogas, usted o un familiar o amigo, no dude en intentar esta propuesta. A veces escuchamos más a quien ha tenido una historia similar a la nuestra y esa es mi humilde intención. Siempre me ha parecido necesario el compromiso de ayudar a quienes aún sufren, mi correo está a disposición de quien desee pedirme apoyo, de forma gratuita. Se que este libro funciona, unido a la fuerza del amor a la vida y a la voluntad de quienes desean superarse. Antes de publicarlo este libro fue revisado y validado por el Dr. Ricardo González Menéndez, siquiatra PHD, de Cuba, reconocido mundialmente por crear el modelo cubano para tratar las adicciones quien me ha dado su aprobación, como profesional, para ofrecerle a la humanidad esta oportunidad y herramienta, escrita desde mi amoroso deseo de un mundo sin sufrimiento para el ser humano.!Gracias! Si yo pude, !Tú puedes! ····· 103614668

The Therapeutic Encounter With Spiritual Symbols

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book conveys the process and outcomes of a transcendental, phenomenological, research study which generated a descriptive account of counselling and psychotherapy practitioners` meaningful lived experiences with spiritual symbols in their therapeutic work with clients. The study attempted to redress identified research gaps within the therapeutic field, and increase practitioner reflection and contemplation upon their own spirituality and their self-experience when engaging with their clients` utilisation of spiritually symbolic constructs. The study findings provide a rich narrative account of how the participants imaginatively engaged with their clients` symbols, developed affective and physiological responses to them and became aware of a deepened sense of presence or communion within the therapeutic relationship. Experiences were felt to be profound, transformational and mysterious, and most participants were unable to fully explain these client/practitioner `intersect phenomena` by utilising a theoretical body of knowledge. This book will provide interesting reading to those within the field who work with clients presenting spiritual issues and material. ····· 103613642

Psihologicheskoe issledovanie vospriyatiya i intellekta u zhivotnyh

für 40.41€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Psihologicheskaya specifika issledovaniya zakljuchaetsya v tom, chto v labirinte zhivotnym predyavlyajutsya sensornye i perceptivnye signaly. Zadacha laboratornyh krys, orientiruyas` na predyavlyaemye razdrazhiteli, nauchit`sya nahodit` bezopasnyj otsek. Privodyatsya dannye o tom, chto sensornye mehanizmy navyka razlicheniya signalov otlichajutsya ot mehanizma uslovnyh reflexov. Uslovnye reflexy predstavlyajut soboj jelementarnuju formu povedeniya i mogut byt` otneseny k kategorii nizshej nervnoj deyatel`nosti. Myshlenie i intellekt pozvolyajut zhivotnym ponimat` smysl i znachenie predyavlyaemyh signalov. Fenomen ponimaniya proyavlyaetsya v tom, chto zhivotnye bez vsyakogo dopolnitel`nogo obucheniya sposobny shodu reshat` zadachi na novom materiale. ····· 103613550

I have Sugar`:

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Diabetes is a result of malfunctioning of pancreas in which it does not produce enough insulin or the body has problem in using insulin. There are two main types of diabetes, Type I and Type II diabetes. Type II diabetes is more frequently reported than type I diabetes. When the phenomenon was explored in Pakistan it was found that diagnosis of Type II diabetes brings a number of emotional upheavals like denial, worry and anxiety, anger, frustration etc. Type II diabetic patients also face other complications like heart, kidney and eye problems. Along with these problems their family and social life also become affected. Diabetes not only affects the diabetic person but also the life of their caregivers. Caregivers experience sadness, tensions, anger, pains, fatigue, mental exhaustion etc. Like diabetic patients, caregiver s life also gets affected because of their caregiving responsibilities. ····· 103613542

Emotional Intelligence

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The development of the concept of emotional intelligence has immensely enriched the field of psychology, management and other areas of behavioural and organizational sciences. This edited book on Emotional Intelligence: Optimizing Human Performance at Work deals with a wide range of topics covering concepts, measurements and applications of emotional intelligence. The ideas expressed by each of the authors provide a common platform for the readers to come across the multiple uses and applications of emotional intelligence. This book will further cater to the needs of emerging scholars and professionals in terms of providing useful information and research evidences and also showing paths for future areas of researches in the field of emotional intelligence. The editors have made enormous efforts to enrich the field by putting different topics of emotional intelligence together in this book. This book will attract people from many disciplines, i.e. psychology, education, industry and management. ····· 103613538

Facts and Fictions of ADHD

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ADHD is a condition that is becoming a problem for mental health professionals. Earlier on it was believed that it is present in children only but now the research work has clearly indicated that attentional deficits and hyperactive behaviors can be observed in all stages of life. Although the manifestation of the symptoms may vary. This dissertation is an attempt to cover the development of ADHD symptoms across life span. It is an attempt to cover an up to date information on the topic at both national and international levels.In order to highlight the distinctive features, case examples have also been included. The dissertation also contains worksheets that can be of considerable help for developing assessment and management plans while working with individuals having ADHD symptoms. ····· 103613535

Parenting, Attachment and Separation Anxiety

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This book aims to educate families on parent-child relationships. It provides sufficient theoretical framework on the developmental underpinnings of children. Information from this book is useful for parents in dealing with separation anxiety in their children. Students, researchers, psychologists, social workers and school councelors may benefit from this book as it provides usefull information on how to assess and separation anxiety and how to work effectively with parent and children. ····· 103613436

Neurobiological Guided Practices

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Exposure to violent trauma affects millions of children. Beginning with Terr s (1988) landmark work, investigators over the last 20 years determined that over 30% of children exposed to traumatic events develop serious and chronic neuropsychiatric problems (Terr, 1988). This warrants a closer look at the treatment of trauma especially treatment other than talk therapy or therapeutic relational and affect based interventions (Perry, 2006). This study aimed to better understand the impact of childhood trauma on neurodevelopment and explore neurobiological informed treatment practices related to trauma and its connection to hyperarousal and dissociative symptoms in youth. A protocol for counsellors working with the aforementioned population was created using Perry s (2006) principles of neurodevelopment. The neurobiology of trauma and its connection to psychopathology in children and adults is of direct importance to researchers and clinicians. To date, very little research has been incorporated into either the assessment or treatment protocols utilized in clinical practice (Fago, 2003). For this reason, this study has the potential to be very helpful to the counselling profession. ····· 103613419

Emotional intelligence and academic stress

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ABOUT THE BOOK It is an attempt to provide information on Emotional Intelligence and Academic Stress to student community. The present book provides information about what Emotional Intelligence and Academic Stress is . Impact of different socio-demographic variables like Nature of Course, Gender, Parent`s Education, Occupation, Income and Caste on Emotional Intelligence and Academic Stress among students is described in detail. The book has enormous importance in providing information related to understanding one`s own emotions and the emotions of others which has significant impact on the academic life of students. The book also provides information related to the skills to be improved through education to enhance Emotional Intelligence among students. Also emphasizes the need to take care of the quality of school/college environment to make students emotionally competent. It is proved that higher the Emotional Intelligence, lower the Academic Stress. Hence, in the present book students are advised to monitor and control their emotions which will help them to maintain emotional stability. ····· 103613322

Espacios de soledad

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Lo más difícil de escribir sobre crecimiento personal es ser congruente y aplicar lo escrito a las acciones, integrar lo que se lee en las relaciones, y reaccionar ante la vida como si ya todo estuviese aprendido, ya que se puede tener una muy buena colección de teoría, pero si no lo integramos en nuestro comportamiento diario, se establece una rara sensación permanente de equivocación emocional y afectiva. La autora escribe para comprender lo que aún no le entiende a la vida, para despojarse y sanar viejas heridas, para intentar ser cada día la mejor versión de sí misma, es muy enfática destacando esto en su escritura. Desde adolescente escribe poemas, pero luego comenzó a escribir sobre crecimiento personal y espiritual, como una especie de catarsis o depuración emocional que le permitiera soltar lo que llevaba atascado en el alma, pero ocurre que todo lo que escribía lo iba dejando en gavetas, hasta que un día decidió darle a todo aquel que quisiera leer sus reflexiones palabras de aliento para la sed del desconsuelo, así que creó un espacio de soledad, y entrega en este libro momentos de lecturas que se conviertan también para el lector en un merecido espacio de soledad. ····· 103613140

Influencia de Relajación y Biofeedback en Deportistas bajo Frustración

für 35.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
En un estudio preliminar en que se trataba de buscar qué posibles estrategias empleaban los deportistas universitarios, se encontró que pese al hecho de tener un nivel cultural medio-alto, la gran mayoría no empleaba ninguna estrategia psicológica para mejorar su rendimiento deportivo, y que de usarla, lo hacían de forma intuitiva, lo que en ocasiones resultaba poco efectivo. Tras la facilitación de las técnicas, los propios deportistas encontraron que el biofeedback junto a la relajación constituían unas de las herramientas más simples y fáciles de controlar (puesto que estaban acostumbrados a focalizar sus sensaciones corporales). Motivo por el cual esta técnica va a ser sometida a experimentación, de cara a conocer su efectividad, así como su empleabilidad, con respecto nuestro objeto de estudio la frustración en general. ····· 103613133

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