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Génesis, Cartografía y Evaluación de Suelos de Olivar

für 88.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Alcalá la Real está localizada en la provincia de Jaén, al sur de España y puede considerarse como modelo de comarca olivarera, dada la magnitud de las plantaciones y su importancia socioeconómica, que permite interpretar problemas derivados del manejo actual de la tierra. En los últimos 25 años la expansión del olivar supera el 12% de la superficie total. La superposición de los mapas de pendientes y vegetación, permite ver la ubicación preferente del olivar en laderas con inclinaciones entre 8 y 45%, representando el 55% del área total. El resto está limitado por el suelo, de forma que el manto edáfico preferido por el olivo tiene como perfil central el Regosol paraverticalcárico o hipercalcárico, acompañado en las distintas unidades cartográficas intergrados con otros Rogosoles (calcáricos, hipercalcáricos y lépticos), Calcisoles y Cambisoles. Las fuertes pendientes y el carácter léptico de los suelos limitan la expansión del olivo hacia zonas vírgenes, de las cotas más altas, mientras que en las depresiones son los Vertisoles y suelos con manto freático, relativamente superficial, los que frenan su expansión, permaneciendo los cultivos semillados. ····· 10361137396

Arenas en facies Utrillas en las obras de ingeniería civil

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Durante los setenta últimos años del pasado siglo XX, puede decirse que tuvo lugar uno de los periodos de mayor impulso y desarrollo de la ingeniería civil en la más reciente historia de España. Analizando con cierto detenimiento las obras civiles españolas que a lo largo de esos años han tenido síntomas de algún tipo de patología específica, problemática o complicación, es notorio comprobar que muchos de ellos se solucionaron de forma sorda. Esto es, sin saber muy bien qué había pasado realmente y dónde se encontraba el origen del fallo, accidente o la causa que lo desencadenaba. Esta causa se relacionaba con las condiciones geológicas pero no se profundizaba en el conocimiento científico de los problemas. Dentro de este cúmulo de dificultades son de destacar los ocurridos en las cimentaciones de diversas estructuras y obras de sostenimiento de túneles durante el proceso de excavación, ejecutadas todas ellas en facies arcósicas o arcosas propiamente dichas. Con el trabajo se pretende entender el origen de los problemas desde los puntos de vista geológico y geotécnico y desarrollar nuevas técnicas de ensayo que permitan calibrar su peligrosidad. ····· 10361137203

Hidrogeología en una Depresión Mediterránea Semiárida

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El objetivo principal de esta investigación es la de profundizar en el conocimiento del funcionamiento de los acuíferos ubicados en nueve Masas de Agua Subterráneas (MAS) localizadas en la cabecera de la cuenca del Guadiana Menor, depresión intramontañosa caracterizada por un clima semiárido. En esta cuenca los acuíferos están siendo sometidos a una explotación importante, tanto para abastecimiento como para regadío, que ha modificado su régimen de descarga natural. Los resultados de esta investigación contribuirán a establecer bases científicas para la gestión de los recursos hídricos subterráneos del área por parte de las administraciones competentes. Desde el punto de vista climático, la zona se encuentra afectada por frentes nubosos de origen Atlántico y Mediterráneo, lo cual tiene influencia en la recarga de los acuíferos. Desde el punto de vista geológico y tectónico la zona es compleja, ya que en su interior se localiza el contacto entre las Zonas Internas y Externas de la Cordillera Bética, lo que ha determinado la compartimentación de los acuíferos y la presencia de puntos de agua termal. ····· 10361136913

Geomorfología Costera de Venezuela

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La presente investigación plantea analizar las características geomorfológicas y sedimentológicas de las formas geomorfológicas presentes en el sector Parate Bueno, Península de Macanao Isla de Margarita, Venezuela. En la zona se evidencian terrazas marinas, laguna costera en proceso de colmatación, llanuras costeras, acantilados y playas los cuales se ven afectados por la dinámica litoral del área. En tal sentido, se realizó una caracterización de los aspectos físicos y geográficos para determinar su génesis y evolución geomorfológica, partiendo de las fluctuaciones del nivel marino y el efecto de la tectónica durante el Pleistoceno. El área de estudio se encuentra influenciada por procesos erosivos y sedimentarios generados por el oleaje que ocasionan el deslizamiento constante de acantilados y formaciones de playa respectivamente. En el Pleistoceno se combinaron las fluctuaciones marinas y la neotectónica para dar origen a las terrazas marinas donde se evidenció siete muestras fósiles que explican la existencia de antiguos arrecifes coralinos y antiguas posiciones del nivel marino. ····· 10361136890

Litoestratigrafía de la Formación Tetelcingo, Estado de Guerrero, Méx.

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El presente trabajo caracteriza y detalla la Estratigrafía de rocas del Cenozoico Temprano (formaciones Tetelcingo, Oapan y Balsas), analizadas en las inmediaciones de los poblados de Mexcala, San Juan Tetelcingo y San Francisco Ozomatlán en el Estado de Guerrero, donde aflora una secuencia de rocas volcánicas y sedimentarias con edades que varían del Mesozoico Tardío al Cenozoico Temprano, elaborándose la caracterización estratigráfica a semidetalle, aportando datos estratigráficos, cartografía a semi-detalle, además de una diferenciación litológica y estratigráficas dentro de las formaciones Tetelcingo y Oapan. ····· 10361136541

Synthetic pyrrhotites structural and technological properties studying

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Chepushtanova Vasilevskaya T.A. monograph is dedicated to the urgent problem pyrite bearing materials treatment. The specification of theoretical aspects of pyrite thermal decomposition with forming of nonstoichmetric pyrrhotites allow to decide the urgent problem the involving of refractory pyrite, arsenopyrite and chalcopyrite bearing raw materials to industry. The establishing theoretical results give the opportunity to elaborate the technology of pyrite bearing materials treatment. This book is meant for mining and metallurgy sector, chemical industry, universities, research institutes, specialized associations in the field of metallurgy. In this book, you can find analysis and processing technologies of pyrite and arsenic-pyrite ores, the analysis of structural and technological properties of synthetic hexagonal pyrrhotite, arseno-pyrite, chalcopyrite. In this book, based on numerous physical and chemical research complex assembled the latest results on the structure of hexagonal pyrrhotite, obtained reference data on heat capacity, phase transitions and many other pyrrhotite characteristics. ····· 10361136007

Exploration and calculation of total gas reserve

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The prime purpose of this book is to present the basic principles of exploration and calculation of reserve natural gas deposit. A short glance is presented on the natural gas deposit in Teku, Kathmandu valley. The survey area covered of 4 Sq.Km. out of the valley`s total area of 650 and 14 wells previously drilled in this area were used, having depth of about 300 m and extending. People are willing to replace their existing source of energy. ····· 10361135468

Flood Risk Assessment

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HECGeoRAS interface in co-ordination with ArcView3.3 was applied. The results of flood frequency analyzed by WECS/DHM method showed instantaneous discharges of 84,141,185, 232, 298, 352 and 411m3/s for 2, 5, 10, 20, 50,100 and 200-years return period floods. Flood depth area showed that the Basti was submerged at water depth greater than 2m. Risk was evaluated by connecting societal attributes of Basti to flooding events. Societal attributes included general poverty analysis, environment and health, flood hazard, institutional involvement etc. As the Basti was unmanaged and populated with 34 percent child and old age group, no warning system adapted, frequent flood experiences, less cultural flood adapted, relatively poor people, lower environmental condition and at last but not the least that Basti located at flood plain, the flood hazard risk levels were considered to be consequently high. As 58.4 percent population of Basti are poor and barely living at a sustenance level, a flood disaster could be completely devastating for them. A landless, illiterate, poor (family) with no savings and no other means of income and shelter if hit by a flood, faces a much deplorable situation. ····· 10361134353

Sedimentology and Paleontology of Lakadong Limestone, Meghalaya (India)

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Study of sedimentological and palaeontological aspects of any fossiliferous limestone unit has utmost importance for deciphering existed palaeoenvironmental conditions during their deposition, their depositional history, there characterization and determination of relative age. The palynofacies analysis which includes quantitative and qualitative study of the total particulate organic matter assemblage of rocks, attempted in the present work may also provide significant palaeoenvironmental information. The carbonates which contains very low body fossils without marked sedimentation break, establishment of biostratigraphy proof as a great challenge to biostratigraphers. However, palynofacies can be a very good tool for establishment and refining of biostratibraphy, and interpretation of palaeoenvironment of such rocks. Hence the present work is a humble attempt to study the sedimentological, palaeontological and palynofacies characteristics of the Lakadong Limestone of Mawsynram of Meghalaya, NE India as a part of globally extended Late Palaeocene-Early Eocene carbonate sedimentation phase as well as evaluation of the related depositional processes and environments in these views. ····· 10361134300

Geochemistry of the Nongpoh Granites and the Xenoliths, Meghalaya, India

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Geochemistry is a key subject in understanding of the origin and evolution of granites and associated rocks. The study evaluates the field relation ship, mineralogy, major and minor element trend, composition and age from isotopic studies. The convergence of the all analyses helped in carrying out final conclusions on the source rock composition and genesis of the granites of Nongpoh, Meghalaya, India. ····· 10361134208

Applied Geophysics

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In Kalenga area, the surface and subsurface geology of the area is not well understood for many years due to superficial covers and extensive swamps. Integrated interpretation of aerogeophysical and satellite image data were used to delineate the concealed lithology into five geological units Nyanzian granite-greenstone belt, the Karagwe-Ankolean Supergroup, the Bukoban group, the younger sediments of the Uha group and superficial deposits (mbuga), chocolate brown soils and laterites.Two major dyke swarms of probable Proterozoic age (1350 Ma) have been characterized using airborne magnetic data. The dyke swarms are NE-SW and NNE-SSW. The quantitative interpretations of the dyke swarms deduced that the dip angles vary in the order of 16°- 50° dipping towards NW. The geological boundaries of the three tectonic domains of the Nyanzian Supergroup, the Karagwe-Ankolean Supergroup and the Bukoban group have been elucidated. The results of this study has demonstrated the effectiveness of using digital integration based on satellite images and aerogeophysical data in systematic surface and subsurface geological mapping in developing countries such as Tanzania. ····· 10361134160

Geophysical and Hydrogeological Studies on El-Bahariya Area, Egypt

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Groundwater resources are gaining much attention, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions. So, the current study aimed to evaluate the potentiality and development of groundwater resources on El-Bahariya Oasis, considering its economic importance intended for the iron mines, oil discoveries, archeological sites and suitable areas for land reclamation in addition to the groundwater. The study utilized borehole geophysics, hydrogeology and hydrogeochemistry tools, based on the digitized well logs (self-potential, resistivity and gamma-ray) from 12 boreholes, pumping tests, field surveys and measurements, chemical analyses from 125 wells, as well as other required geological information published in the investigated area. This study should shed some light on this huge groundwater aquifer in El-Bahariya Oasis, and should be especially useful for professionals in different branches of Geology such as geophysicists, structural geologist, hydrologists, or anyone else who may be interested in this geology. ····· 10361134130

Soil-Landform Development of Fold Belt Along East Coast of Bangladesh

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The Jaldi and Maiskhali structures include a part of coastal region of north-south trending Fold Belt of Bangladesh, offers an excellent site for studies of soil-geomorphic relationships of undulating coastal regions. Based on the degree of soil development and luminescence dating of soils eight soil-geomorphic units have been delineated in the area and a four member (I IV) Morphostratigraphic sequence for the study area has been prepared with Member IV being the oldest. Sea level fluctuated several times with some stillstands during the late Quaternary Period. Eustatic stillstands may have affected the palaeodrainage in the study area, made streams to migrate laterally and to form fluvial terraces of the Mainland Higher Hillocks and Lower Hillocks (Jaldi anticline) and Island Hillock terrace, Piedmont zone and Old Tidal Flats (Maiskhali island). The tentative base level uplift rate from ages of and heights of terraces / surfaces for the present area has been estimated. The Late Quaternary Period in the area was marked by two major phases of palaeoclimate: (a) a subhumid to semiarid phase (40 ka to about 16 ka) and (b) a hot humid to subhumid phase (16 ka to present). ····· 10361133457

Banded Iron Formation: Petrology, Geochemistry and Genesis

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Banded Iron Formations (BIF) is one of the unique and important rock types in the Archaean greenstone belts and Proterozoic metasedimentary series. They occupy a unique position in the sedimentation history of this time range, as they have no modern analogues. This virtual confinement of BIF in space and in time has made them extremely useful for the understanding of the Precambrian exogenic processes and the atmospheric environmental changes that occurred during the early history of the earth. The BIF are described with different names in different parts of the world such as, Taconite U.S.A. Jaspilite Australia Itabirite Brazil. BIF are of economic interest as they host the world s largest iron ore deposits. There are several major aspects related to the origin and evolution of BIF for which no satisfactory and generally agreed explanation are available. Various genetic models have been proposed which, however, differ considerably from each other. The divergent conclusions of these workers bring to the fore, the problem of deciphering the origin of BIF in Nigeria and how they relate to other major BIF occurrences of the world. The workers differ in their conclusions rega ····· 10361132646

Geologiya i litologiya Karskogo morya i licenzionnyh uchastkov

für 35.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Rabota vypolnena, v osnovnom, na osnovanii analiza ogromnogo fakticheskogo materiala po geologii i litologii Karskogo morya, poluchennogo sotrudnikami VNIIOkeangeologii, za period sushhestvovaniya instituta (s 1930 godov). Vpervye issledovany osobennosti geologicheskogo stroeniya i litologii chetvertichnyh otlozhenij na Vostochno-Prinovozemel`skih licenzionnyh uchastkah (-1 -2). Proveden komplexnyj analiz ih veshhestvennogo sostava - granulometriya, petrografiya, mineralogiya (porodoobrazujushhie, akcessornye, glinistye i autigennye mineralov), geohimiya i organicheskie komponenty. Dana harakteristika uglevodorodnyh gazov v donnyh osadkah i ocenena ih informativnost` na diffuznyj podtok dannyh komponentov iz nizhelezhashhih gazo-neftesoderzhashhih tolshh. Rassmotreny osobennosti razvitiya morya i licenzionnyh uchastkov v pozdnechetvertichnoe vremya dany inzhenerno- geologicheskie harakteristiki donnyh osadkov i merzlotnyh yavlenij na shel`fe i na uchastkah. Privedennaya informaciya mozhet byt` realizovana v gazo- neftepoiskovom, paleogeograficheskom, jekologicheskom i mineragenicheskom plane. ····· 10361132505

Seismotectonics and seismic hazard in the Gulf of Aqaba region

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Earthquakes in the Gulf of Aqaba were compiled from Jordan Seismological Observatory , Saudi Arabia and Egyptsources and were relocated after reexamining the P and S arrival times, testing the efficiency of stations used to determine the location of Aqaba events, calculating the average value of Vp/ Vs, and choosing the best crustal model for the study area. The earthquake epicenters are distributed along the eastern side of the Gulf of Aqaba. The development of a seismic hazard map of the Gulf of Aqaba was based on probabilistic seismic hazard assessment using historical and instrumental earthquakes data, geology, tectonics. The seismic hazard parameters namely the b-parameter, annual activity rate and upper bound magnitude were determined for each determined seismic zone. The outputted maps of Peak ground acceleration (PGA) values with a 90% probability of not being exceeded in 50 years were determined for the Gulf of Aqaba regions. ····· 10361119795

Measurement of Natural Radioactivity in Building Materials

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This manuscript describes the natural radioactivity and its health hazard effects due to building materials. An overview of other natural radioactivity sources like uranium, radium, thorium and potassium and, also the types of radiations has been discussed. A brief description of radiation units, exposure limits and guidelines given by International Commission on Radiological Protection is also given. It represents a brief description of radium, thorium and potassium measurement techniques, materials and instruments used in the present study. The building material have been analyzed for radium analysis using Gama Ray Spectroscopy technique. The activity content has been determined by calculating the concentration of these elements in the different building material samples, taken from different areas. ····· 10361118968

Granular Sub Base Stabilization Using Lime

····· lezzter Preis 53.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
My book in title engineering geological characterization of granular sub base using lime a case study of ambo-gedo upgrading road project is a new approach improving a moderatly plastic granular construction material to make suitable pavement layer , previously most books focused on heavy clay soil which is highly plastic such as black cotton and other as sub grade and structural foundation,therefore this approach contribute a new scentific idea to stabilization concept especially in high rainfall zones. ····· 10361118512

Evaluation of Groundwater Using Geographic Information Systems

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Egypt is one of the countries which characterized by arid climate. Water is the major factor in development of the country. Nile River is the main water source in Egypt, while the second water source is groundwater especially in the desert areas. The growing population and the need for improving the living conditions of Egyptian community have been resulted in the establishment of new urban areas, industrial zones, land reclamation, and different types of developmental projects. In the Nile Valley, the only available areas for carrying out such activities are the desert zones surrounding the floodplain on both sides of the Nile Valley. Undoubtedly, one of the ways to provide valuable information about these zones is by evaluating and understanding groundwater in the area and land suitability for the development. A strip of the desert zones has already been reclaimed and is irrigated essentially with groundwater. The continuous increase in groundwater demand in the desert fringes is believed to affect sustainability of the groundwater supply both quantitatively and qualitatively. Geographic Information Systems has proved to be an efficient tool in evaluation of Groundwater. ····· 10361118352

Historia deposicional de la Formación Mexcala en el sur de México

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Este libro, presenta los resultados de dos años de investigación sedimentológica en la Formación Mexcala, en la Cuenca norte del estado de Guerrero, México. El análisis sedimentológicos sugiere que la secuencia rítmica de lutitas, areniscas y conglomerados que caracteriza a dicha formación, fueron depositados dentro de dos sistemas de abanicos submarinos dentro de una cuenca confinada. El proceso que desarrolló el traslape de ambos sistemas de abanicos submarinos fue probablemente el proceso de acreción del Terreno Guerrero. ····· 10361117123

Relacion entre la Topografia y la Sismicidad de Los Andes peruanos

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La sismicidad presente en el Perú y la orogenia andina poseen un origen común, la subducción de la Placa de nazca debajo de la Placa Sudamericana, esta convergencia tiene velocidades del orden de 8cm/año dando forma a la actual topografía caracterizada por la presencia de la Cordillera de los Andes. Durante el periodo intersísmico la sismicidad posee una distribución espacial bastante compleja, nosotros observamos que la sismicidad se correlaciona con la topografía, donde la placa en subducción (slab) presenta una sismicidad con fallas inversas en la zona de antearco volviéndose normales en la zona de trasarco, disminuyendo esta sismicidad entre ambas zonas, específicamente en los Altos Andes (2000m). El peso litosférico de la alta topografía modifica el estado de los esfuerzos tectónicos generando un incremento en el esfuerzo vertical litosférico, el cual produce una compensación del esfuerzo tectónico generado por la subducción, produciendo de esta manera la disminución de la sismicidad. ····· 10361116912

Ensayos de la Interacción de Lixiviados Modelo con Arcillas Naturales

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Este trabajo de investigación corresponde con la memoria presentada para obtener el Diploma de Estudios Avanzados en el Departamento de Geología y Geoquímica de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, bajo la tutela del Dr. Jaime Cuevas Rodriguez. Se han realizado ensayos de difusión en el laboratorio con el fin de estudiar la difusión de contaminantes de lixiviados de vertederos de residuos urbanos a través de arcillas compactadas. Estos ensayos consisten en poner en contacto arcillas compactadas a la densidad Próctor con lixiviados altamente salinos. Se han utilizado cinco tipo de arcillas distintas tanto en su composición mineralógica como en su contenido en sales en el agua de poro para estudiar el material más idóneo como base de un vertedero de residuos urbanos y estudiar los procesos geoquímicos que se producen en dichos materiales al estar en contacto con soluciones altamente salinas. Los resultados han demostrado que no se producen grandes modificaciones mineralógicas en las muestras ensayadas después de los ensayos, solo precipitación/disolución de carbonatos y que la difusión de los solutos a través de la arcilla es detectada en periodos de tiempo inferiores a un mes. ····· 10361116689

Geomorphological analysis of a drainage basin

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The Prime purpose of this book is to present the basic principles of geomorphology. A short glance is presented on the geology of a tectonic valley, named Dang Valley, of the Mid-Western Nepal. The basic concept to formulate the origin of the tectonic valley is also presented in the book. These tasks are carried out through the analysis of different drainage parameters. The parameters are discussed in brief and values are obtained using the Geographical Information System (GIS) software called Integrated Land and Water Information System (ILWIS). The book is useful for the instructors and discerning students for a deeper study on the field of drainage basin analysis. ····· 10361116231

Simulation and Modeling Techniques in Gravity Inversion Analysis

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Quantitative determination of variable or differential density contrasts and position of contact surfaces in an intermediate horizontal layer for a sub-surface structure has been demonstrated. In particular a sub-surface dipping dike with apriori depth-dependent density contrasts was adopted in the forward modeling. Since geophysical fields observations are not error-free, the possible errors and error effects in the determination of differential density contrasts and positions of contacts surface has too been undertaken. Errors and error effects in disturbing masses considered were due to deviations due to inaccurate average depth of layer, distortions due to assigned layer thickness or assumed density, top surface only being identical to observations surface and layer being approximated as surface covered with a loaded mass. Height error limits on height measurements were too investigated using the geological materials modeled for a sub-surface dipping dike. The simulation and modeling technique adopted here in the gravity inversion should be useful to geologists and geophysicists in their prospecting applications in petroleum and geothermal exploration, mining etc. ····· 10361116200

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