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Osvoenie mestorozhdeniy na melkovodnom arkticheskom shel`fe

····· lezzter Preis 33.21€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
I.E.Ibragimov, G.Ya. Shilov. Osvoenie uglevodorodnykh mestorozhdeniy na melkovodnom arkticheskom shel`fe Rassmotreny osnovnye problemy osvoeniya mestorozhdeniy nefti i gaza na melkovodnom arkticheskom shel`fe. Pokazany prirodno-klimaticheskie i geologicheskie osobennosti shel`fovykh mestorozhdeniy. Daetsya analiz faktorov, vliyayushchikh na tekhnicheskuyu dostupnost` osvoeniya uglevodorodnykh mestorozhdeniy na arkticheskom shel`fe, a takzhe analiz faktorov, vliyayushchikh na vybor tipa gidrotekhnicheskikh sooruzheniy opredelyayushchikh tekhnologiyu podgotovki produktsii morskikh mestorozhdeniy. Rekomenduetsya sistemnyy podkhod pri formirovanii proizvodstvenno-tekhnicheskikh kompleksov dlya osvoeniya mestorozhdeniy uglevodorodnogo syr`ya na melkovodnom arkticheskom shel`fe. Privedeny osnovnye gidrotekhnicheskie sooruzheniya, neobkhodimye dlya osvoeniya melkovodnykh morskikh mestorozhdeniy. V kachestve primera resheniya slozhnoy tekhnicheskoy problemy rassmotrena kontseptsiya kompleksnogo obustroystva gazovykh mestorozhdeniy na melkovodnom shel`fe Obskoy i Tazovskoy gub Zapadnoy Sibiri. ····· 1036119818

Siwalik Boulder Conglomerates

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The tectonic history of the Himalaya has exerted a very important control in the evolution of the Siwalik Basin and on the physical character of sediments deposited therein. This book is an attempt to establish the facies architecture and evaluate the role of tectonics and environment in the evolution of the Boulder Conglomerate Formation, the uppermost unit of the Upper Siwalik Subgroup in the Himalayan Foreland Basin in the Northwest Himalaya. The signatures of post orogenic activities are reflected in palaeocurrent trends, facies variation, texture, provenance and time transgressive nature of the appearance of gravel beds in the study area. The last major tectonic event appears to have resulted in cessation of gravel progradation and quick progression of deformation southwards across the basin increasing the basin slope and modified the drainage system to a situation that more or less prevails till date. ····· 1036119694

Geophysics and Mineral Prospecting

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book is a try to give idea about using the available geological and geophysical data including gravity magnetic and radiometric of the basement rocks to identify the lithological and structural features which may control the occurrences of mineralization of economic value (metallic and nonmetallic minerals). This is the reconnaissance step of the study. Thereafter, a detailed ground geophysical program had been designed (spectrometric, VLF-EM and VMG methods), in the light of the results of the reconnaissance investigation to investigate the accessible promising localities to get more information about the lateral and vertical distributions of the expected mineralization. The interpretation results of the ground geophysical data show that the distribution of the subsurface mineralization is controlled by the structural elements in the study area. The occurrences of the subsurface sulphide and iron oxides mineralization are controlled by faults and dykes. While, the occurrences of uranium mineralization are controlled by both the faults specially the thrust fault and accumulation due to uranium mobilization in the study area. ····· 1036118422

Sedimentology and Stratigraphic Evolution of the Warchha Sandstone

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
During Early Permian (Artinskian) times, fluvial conditions prevailed in the Salt Range, Pakistan. Deposits of the Warchha Sandstone are characterised by a range of fluvial facies and architectural elements that together preserve a record of both the proximal and distal parts of a meandering river system. The Warchha Sandstone records the progradation of a wedge of non-marine strata into an otherwise shallow marine realm. The underlying marine Dandot Formation is terminated by a major unconformity that represents a type-I sequence boundary associated with a region-wide relative sea level fall and a significant regression of the Tethyan shoreline. The overlying Warchha Sandstone represents the onset of the subsequent lowstand system tract in which according to palaeocurrent and clast provenance analysis northward-flowing meandering river systems were supplied with clastic detritus from a tectonically-active source area that lay to the south (the Aravalli and Malani ranges). This episode of fluvial sedimentation was terminated by a widespread marine transgression, as represented by the abrupt upward transition to the overlying shallow marine Sardhai Formation. ····· 1036118107

Geologicheskie formatsii Severo-Vostoka Rossii

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Palymskiy B.F. Geologicheskie formatsii Severo-Vostoka Rossii. Magadan: Severo-Vostochnyy nauchno-issledovatel`skiy institut DVO RAN, Laboratoriya stratigrafii i tektoniki. 207 s. Rassmotreny osnovnye printsipy vydeleniya, opisaniya i sistematizatsii geologicheskikh formatsiy kak estestvennykh geologicheskikh ob`ektov nadporodnogo ranga. Na edinoy strukturno-veshchestvennoy osnove privedena ikh klassifikatsiya, rassmotreny osnovnye gruppy osadochnykh, magmaticheskikh, metamorficheskikh i rudnykh formatsiy (na materialakh po Severo-Vostoku Rossii). Pokazano znachenie formatsionnogo analiza dlya geostrukturnykh, geneticheskikh i prognozno-metallogenicheskikh postroeniy. Dlya spetsialistov, posvyativshikh svoyu deyatel`nost` geologicheskim formatsiyam i formatsionnomu analizu, v pervuyu ochered` dlya geologov, zanimayushchikhsya izucheniem geologii Severo-Vostoka Rossii. Il. 55. Tabl. 25. Bibliografiya 330 naimenovaniy. ····· 103615135

Proiskhozhdenie mantii, magm, kimberlitov i almaza

für 80.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Ustanovleny priznaki obrazovaniya mantii, kristallicheskoy kory, kimberlitovykh ostatochnykh rasplavov i almaza v rezul`tate fraktsionirovaniya magmaticheskogo okeana. Pokazana svyaz` evolyutsii morfologii almazov i sostava primesey i vklyucheniy v nikh s vozrastaniem vyazkosti i kremnekislotnosti ostatochnykh rasplavov. Vyyavlena svyaz` morfologii, fizicheskikh svoystv, krupnosti i soderzhaniya almazov ot sostava vmeshchayushchikh kimberlitov. Polucheny dokazatel`stva dekompressionnogo zatverdevaniya kimberlitovykh magm na maloglubinnoy stadii pod`ema i vzryva ikh pod vliyaniem zakonservirovannogo zatverdevaniem vysokogo davleniya gazovoy fazy. Razrabotany modeli obrazovaniya glavnykh tipov magm v razlichnykh geodinamicheskikh obstanovkakh. Kniga prednaznachena shirokomu krugu spetsialistov v oblasti petrologii, aspirantam i studentam. ····· 103615092

Kimberlity i almazy trubki Katoka

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V knige predstavleny materialy po geologicheskomu stroeniyu regiona kontsessii Katoka, strukture i sostavu porod odnogo iz krupneyshikh v mire mestorozhdeniy almazov kimberlitovoy trubki Katoka. Rassmotreny voprosy mineralogii i petrologii kimberlitov i almazov. Predstavleny petrogeneticheskie i rudogeneticheskie modeli formirovaniya almazonosnykh kimberlitov i matematicheskie modeli raspredeleniya almazov v poligennykh rudnykh blokakh etogo mestorozhdeniya. Kniga orientirovana na spetsialistov v oblasti mineralogii, petrologii i kolichestvennoy almazoprognostiki kimberlitov, a takzhe na studentov i prepodavateley gorno-geologicheskikh fakul`tetov institutov i universitetov. ····· 103614937

Procesos de Subsidencia-Creep-Falla

····· lezzter Preis 69.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
En el mundo los problemas de hundimientos diferenciales, agrietamientos y fallas en la superficie relacionados con la subsidencia ocasionada por la extracción del agua del subsuelo, se han observado desde la década de 1950. En México, esta problemática se hizo visible a partir de la década de 1980. A este tipo de subsidencia que tiene la particularidad de ser controlada por fallas geológicas sepultadas por sedimentos, se le ha denominado Procesos de Subsidencia-Creep-Falla (PSCF) en función de los elementos necesarios para su formación y desarrollo. Para entender este tipo de procesos, se realizó una serie de análisis en dos zonas de estudio: Morelia y Celaya. El primero consiste en el análisis del abatimiento del nivel piezométrico del sistema acuífero, el cual es el detonante de la formación de los PSCF. El segundo estudio tiene la finalidad de determinar el espesor de sedimentos susceptibles de sufrir deformación. Para evidenciar la presencia de fallas geológicas que subyacen a los suelos actuales, se efectuó un estudio geofísico empleando el GPR. Finalmente, para monitorear los PSCF se emplearon dos métodos: levantamientos geodésicos y la técnica InSAR. ····· 103612450

Metamorphosed Base-Metal Sulphide Deposits in Rampura-Agucha, India

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The Rampura-Agucha lead-zinc deposit is located 15 km SE of Gulabpura in the Bhilwara district, Rajasthan. The deposit is significant because of its large potential and geological setting. Rampura-Agucha base-metal sulphide deposit is metamorphosed along with the host rock graphite bearing metapelitic rocks. Certain important questions that came up are: How did the sulphide ores behave during metamorphism What are the records of metamorphism How the ores equilibrated with the silicates Are new minerals formed due to the ore silicate equilibration The rocks in area underwent 3 successive phases of deformation, the first phase produced NNW-SSE trending isoclinal, reclined folds, while the second phase produced F2- folds, also isoclinal to tight and trending NE-SW the third was weak. The deposit occurs in a doubly plunging synformal structure. The main ore minerals are sphalerite, pyrrhotite, pyrite, galena and graphite. Minor phases include chalcopyrite, arcenopyrite. Petrographic studies indicate that the ores were metamorphosed along with the ambient rocks and later were deformed in a thermotectonic event accompanied/followed by recrystallisation in varying degrees. ····· 103611235

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