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Geochemical Characterization of Chia Gara Formation, Kurdistan, Iraq

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This study is based on geochemical analysis and interpretation of a potential source rock, Chia Gara Formation (Tithonian-Berriassian), and five hydrocarbon oil samples from the different sections and wells. The oils are from two oil fields Kirkuk oil field (K-252, K-265, K-215, and K-392) and Jambur oil field (Ja-15). Bulk geochemical data involve C/N/S-elemental data and Rock-Eval pyrolysis analyses. Following extraction and MPLC fractionation, the aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbon fractions were investigated by GC/MS. The Rock-Eval pyrolysis results, which carried out on the selected samples, gave different types of kerogen and different maturity stages. As a whole, the Chia Gara Formation from all wells has type II and III kerogens in mature stage in wells K-109 and Tk-3 totally, but in well Bj-1 it is partially mature and in well Hr-1 only the upper part is in early stage maturity. High levels and similar distribution patterns of organic sulfur compounds in Chia Gara source rock bitumens and reservoired oils most clearly document the genetic relationship. Aliphatic and aromatic biomarkers support an origin of Cretaceous reservoired oils from the Chia Gara Formation. ····· 1036188813

Tectonic Evolution of the Dead Sea Rift, southwest Jordan

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This work presents the first palaeostress results obtained from fault-slip data along the eastern margins of the Dead Sea Rift (Transform) in Southwestern Jordan. Stress inversion of the fault-slip data was performed using an improved Right-Dieder method, followed by rotational optimisation. Seven palaeostress tensor groups (stages) have been identified, ranging from the Late Neoproterozoic to the Holocene period, and have been correlated with the tectonic evolution of the Dead Sea Rift. The results show that new palaeostress data evidence a general clockwise rotation with time of the SHmax axis from an E-W trend in the Cretaceous, to a N-S trend in the Pleistocene. The data also show the appearance of E-W extension in the Late Pleistocene, superimposed on the Dead Sea Stress Field. It therefore suggests that the Dead Sea Rift system formed in a combination of strike-slip and dip-slip movements. Remote sensing methods were extensively used for structural and geological investigations. The classification can only provide indicators for discriminating lithologies on the image, but is certainly not accurate enough for direct geological mapping. ····· 1036188638

Analysis of Bearing Capacity of Raft Foundation

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This book is the dissertation work on Analysis of bearing capacity of Raft foundation, a type of shallow foundation. Now a days infrastructures are constructed without considering the geological condition of foundation. Thus it can produce adverse effect or heavy loss even due to small shaking of earth during earthquake or due to settlement and consolidation of foundation material.In context of Kathmandu,the capital city of Nepal,its the most vulnerable place according to geological point of view. First it comprises lacustrine sediments and second it is the most prone area for shaking during earthquake.Thus in order to prevent from heavy loss, engineering practice and geological information should go hand in hand.Science and technology should go side by side. This book has main aim to alert the people about considering geological information in any area before the establishment of infrastructures.Thus in this dissertation geological as well as engineering informations are equally evaluated for the best result. ····· 1036188598

The tectonometamorphic evolution of the Friningen peridotite lens

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The Scandinavian Caledonides represent an eroded mountain belt which is stripped of its sedimentary cover. This makes the Scandinavian Caledonides a mountain chain where processes taking place in the middle and lower crust during the orogenic cycle can be determined through careful research. Tectonically emplaced peridotite lenses in continental crust are volumetrically minor. However, these lenses can place important constraints on the dynamics in the mantle wedge of the overriding plate during the collision between two terranes. The Friningen garnet peridotite lens is such a lens and is located in the High Pressure Central Belt of the Seve Nappe Complex. With the use of several methods, among which optical- and electron microscopy, bulk rock geochemical analysis and thermobarometry the tectonometamorphic evolution of the Friningen garnet peridotite lens is explained in the context of the Caledonian orogenic cycle. The results of this work show that the Early Caledonian metamorphism of the Seve Nappe Complex is due to a continent-continent collision. ····· 1036188336

Variation in Thickness & Ash Content-Coal Seam-Ii, Barjora, Wb, India.

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Raniganj Coalfield records mining since eighteenth century. Still, the geology of the south-eastern part of the coalfield, developed in the Trans-Damodar Sector was not adequately known owing to very poor outcrop of rocks being almost entirely covered with lateritic or alluvial soil. However, later subsurface study was done, and established occurrence of coal bearing rocks, particularly of Raniganj and Barakar Formation at relatively shallow depth. The outcome of the exploration has proved that the central part of the area is more promising as compared to the northern and southern parts. In the present work, the coal seams developed in the Borjora coal field area in the Trans-Damodar sector have been examined through two studies, namely variation in thickness and variation in ash content which in turn is very important to determine the ultimate usability of coal. The book will also give the preliminary idea for interpreting the basin morphology as well as in establishing the nature of environment of deposition. ····· 1036188214

Groundwater Modeling of Gaza Coastal Aquifer

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This research work investigates a feasibility study on the impact of artificial recharge from a planned wastewater treatment plant on the groundwater quantity and quality of the coastal aquifer in the Gaza Strip, Palestine. During September 2001 to August 2002, an extensive program of hydrogeological investigation and laboratory analysis of soil samples were undertaken to achieve the most reliable characterization of the subsoil and eventually to assist in the design and implementation of a pilot artificial recharge system for treated wastewater to groundwater. Regional groundwater flow simulations are made using the three-dimensional numerical model MODFLOW. The groundwater mounding has been simulated with a constant recharge of 60000 m3/d, and an infiltration rate of 0.75 m/d, while all other hydrogeological conditions are assumed as present conditions. The simulation shows that the groundwater mound beneath the center of the recharge basin can be expected to rise to about 15 m above the present water table, and after about 2 years will be a slight increment in the groundwater mound. ····· 1036187860

Sedimentology of the Pindiga Formation, Gongola Basin, NE-Nigeria

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An integrated studies was conducted on the Middle Pindiga Formation (Dumbulwa, Deban Fulani and Gulani Members) involving facies analysis and clay mineralogy. Ten litho-sections were studied within the outcropping belt of the Gongola Basin, which include: Badabdi, Yayaru Daura, Nguzwa, Chole sections from Dumbulwa Member Dampami, Sabongarin Zambuk and Deba (Borrow Pit) sections from Deban Fulani Member and Dogon Zaga, Gulani and Maliya sections from Gulani Member. Based on facies sequences and associations, shallow marine, estuarine and braided river systems were identified as the major environments of depositions. Clay mineralogical analysis reveals that the Dumbulwa Member mudstones/claystones are dominated by kaolinite with minor illite, while the Gulani and Deban Fulani Members are dominated mainly by kaolinite-montmorillonite and Kaolinite-montmorillonite-illite respectively as the clay mineral assemblages while quartz, feldspars and heamatite are the non-clay minerals associated with the entire sediments. Preliminary petro-physical analysis indicates that the sandy members have good reservior qualities. ····· 1036186551

High-Resolution Crystal Plasticity Simulations

····· lezzter Preis 38.27€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In this work the possibilities and capabilities of high-resolution crystal plasticity simulations are presented and discussed. Giving several examples, it is shown how the application of crystal plasticity simulations helps to understand the micro-mechanical behaviour of crystalline materials. To avoid the high computational costs associated with crystal plasticity simulations that arise from (i) the evaluation of the selected constitutive law, and (ii) the solution of the associated mechanical boundary value problem, both contributions to the runtime have to be kept small. This is done by (i) employing a rather simple-and therefore fast-constitutive model, and by (ii) using an effective spectral method employing fast Fourier transforms for solving the partial differential equations describing the mechanical behaviour. Here, an improved spectral solver incorporated into the Düsseldorf Advanced Material Simulation Kit (DAMASK) is used. ····· 1036178513

Ausflug in die Glarner Geologie

····· lezzter Preis 55.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Ein Gebrauchsbuch und kein Kunstband ist die neue Publikation des Geologen Mark Feldmann. Sinnvoll strukturiert bietet es einen Überblick über die Erdgeschichtsalter von Karbon bis Quartär und fragt nach den jeweiligen Geschehnissen in der Welt und im Glarnerland. Kästchen mit Fakten laden zur vertieften Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema ein, sind zum allgemeinen Verständnis aber nicht zwingend. Feldmann weist zudem darauf hin, wo in Glarus das Gestein der entsprechenden Zeitalter sichtbar ist und wartet mit geologisch spannenden Wandertipps auf. Illustriert wird das handliche Buch durch zahlreiche Fotografien und Karten, die mehrheitlich in einer neuartigen 3D-Technik erstellt wurden. ····· 1036153629

***Bergbau und Umwelt

····· lezzter Preis 39.50€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
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***Bergbau und sein Erbe

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Ground Water Quality Evolution of Dholpur District, Rajasthan, India

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This book presents a concise account of all the major change in chemistry of groundwater due to geogenic and anthropogenic activities of Dholpur district, Rajasthan, India. The first three chapters are written to understand the geography, geology and hydrology of the Dholpur district. The last chapter summarize how chemical quality of groundwater is affected by natural and anthropogenic activities since 1993 to 2009. This book provides a valuable summary for research students doing their research in the field of hydogeology. ····· 1036125893

Obshhaya geohimiya

····· lezzter Preis 40.41€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V knige populyarno izlozheny dannye po istorii razvitiya geohimii, analiticheskim metodam, himicheskomu sostavu Kosmosa i planet Solnechnoj sistemy. Obsuzhdajutsya poslednie nauchnye rezul`taty, otrazhajushhie sostav i stroenie Zemli, vkljuchaya atmosferu, gidrosferu, litosferu. Rassmotren himizm magmaticheskih, metasomaticheskih i osadochnyh porod, pokazana rol` indikatornyh otnoshenij jelementov i izotopov primenitel`no k razlichnym geologicheskim processam, dano opisanie geohimii glavnyh tipov rudoobrazovaniya, opisany novye modeli rudnyh processov. Pokazano, kak s pomoshh`ju geohimii reshajutsya geologicheskie problemy, daetsya opisanie novyh geohimicheskih metodov poiska mestorozhdenij poleznyh iskopaemyh, ukazany priemy i vozmozhnosti ispol`zovaniya geohimicheskogo analiza dlya resheniya raznoobraznyh jekologicheskih zadach. Prostota izlozheniya slozhnyh problem delaet knigu kratkim spravochnikom dlya geologov, studentov i tehnikov geologicheskih professij, a takzhe dlya shirokogo kruga chitatelej, interesujushhihsya problemami povedeniya atomov na Zemle i v Kosmose ····· 1036125182

Sostoyanie i perspektivy razvitiya mineral`no-syr`evoy bazy Altaya

····· lezzter Preis 29.61€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V etoy rabote, kratko, otrazheny kharakteristiki vsekh osnovnykh mestorozhdeniya poleznykh iskopaemykh Altayskogo kraya i Respubliki Altay. Rassmotreno ikh geologicheskoe stroenie, privedeny dannye o zapasakh i resursakh syr`ya. Rekomenduyutsya sposoby ikh otrabotki. Privodyatsya dannye o ikh prinadlezhnosti i o segodnyashnem sostoyanii. Dayetsya ekonomicheskaya otsenka, rassmatrivayutsya sovremennye tekhnologii kompleksnoy pererabotki rud s tsel`yu polnogo izvlecheniya poleznykh komponentov. Etu monografiyu rekomenduetsya ispol`zovat`, kak posobie k kursam geologii. Ona budet polezna i interesna investoram, predprinimatelyam, prepodavatelyam, studentam i uchashchimsya starshikh klassov, tak zhe shirokomu krugu chitateley. ····· 1036125024

Geomorphic Evolution of a Landscape in Tectonically Active Area

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Geomorphic Evolution of Landscape is about how the changes occur in the landform by different geomorphological processes. In addition to it, how the tectonics play a vital role in such evolutions. The work area is a hilly region and is a part of Lesser Himalaya and Siwaliks. The two different fault systems (i.e. Main Boundary Fault and Local fault identified in the field) are controlling the erosion and deposition pattern in the area. Sediment budgeting of the study area was done to observe whether the tectonic activity played any role in erosion and deposition of the sediment in the catchment of the Kalagarh River. As the computation of sediment volume at erosional and depositional site will provide quantitative estimation of surface process. The sediment budgeting was done with the help of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data prepared by using GIS techniques and the work done in the field. Hence the deposition of the sediments observed in the field indicate different depositional environment which helped us to conclude that the topographic response is related to active tectonics in the concerned area. ····· 1036124516

Granitoid Rocks and Mineralization from the Western Kalimantan Island

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The granitoid rocks of the western Kalimantan area have calc-alkaline fractionation trends that are consistent with magmas formed at volcanic arc setting. Characteristics vary slightly between samples but generally have I-type signatures. Normalized trends and tectonic comparisons for REE suggest that the granitoid rocks from the area are the crystallization product of an initial partial melting of any combination of volcanic-arc environment and active continental margins. Mineralizations are mostly associated with Cretaceous granites bodies and some are related with younger Miocene intrusive rocks which are mostly occured along the marginal parts of granite plutons. This mineralization displays both of the shallow level to deep level environments. Potential mineralizations have the highest copper grade of 26,500 ppm, zinc 369,000 ppm, lead 216,000 ppm, silver 1,580 ppm, cassiterite 31,200 ppm and manganese 10,100 ppm. Other base element nickel (Ni) and chromite (Cr) have low contents, in which the highest grade for nickel is only 20 ppm and chromite is merely 290 ppm. ····· 1036124491

La gestión de riesgos geológicos

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Los eventos de origen geológico tales como terremotos, inundaciones, deslizamientos de tierra, erosión, acción del mar sobre las costas, etc., afectan el modo en que el hombre se ha establecido en el espacio, en muchas ocasiones y por diversas razones, en condiciones de máxima exposición y alta vulnerabilidad creando situaciones de riesgo muy altas. Estas cuestiones son importantes en la planificación constructiva. En este texto se realiza un recorrido por las principales aristas de esta temática, propone un modelo de gestión y una metodología para su aplicación en los procesos constructivos y de infraestructura basado en los estándares actuales de gestión de calidad y gestión ambiental. Se ofrecen criterios para evaluar amenazas, vulnerabilidad y riesgos geológicos asociados a los procesos constructivos, así como una metodología para estandarizar todas las evaluaciones, permitiendo establecer niveles y valores estadísticos. ····· 1036123400

Tectónica sedimentaria del Límite Jurásico-Cretácico

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Las secuencias sedimentarias mesozoicas en el NE de México están dominadas por sucesiones carbonatadas. Sin embargo, intercalaciones siliciclásticas están reportadas en el Triásico Tardío-Jurásico Medio, Jurásico Tardío-Cretácico Temprano y Cretácico Tardío. En el límite Jurásico/Cretácico las secuencias bordearon los paleo-elementos del Bloque de Coahuila y del Archipiélago de Tamaulipas, depositándose en La Fosa de Monterrey, con la Formación La Casita en el Sur y la Cuenca de Sabinas en el norte con la Arcosa Patula. El objetivo central de este libro es documentar las características sedimentológicas, petrográficas, de cátodoluminiscencia, geoquímicas y geocronológicas, soportando los resultados con métodos estadísticos multivariados de la información composicional. Estos métodos resultan en un análisis de procedencia para entender y mejorar los modelos deposicionales y la historia tectónica de la región. ····· 1036122534

Meteorización de fragmentos de matriz y vidrios volcánicos

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Estudiar experimentalmente la meteorización fisicoquímica de los fragmentos de matriz (FM) y de los vidrios volcánicos (VV) del norte de la Cordillera Central colombiana (CCC) fue el objetivo central de esta investigación apoyados en un Diseño experimental completamente al azar de efectos fijos y de arreglo factorial 32 . Los FM son los que presentan mayor superficie específica, mayor superficie de reacción, mayor número de rasgos de alteración superficial y son los que producen mayores cantidades de iones de Al3+, Si4+ y Fe3+, (72%), por ende, son los más susceptibles de ser meteorizados, siguen a estos los VV coloreados (23%) y luego los VV incoloros (5%). Un 90% de los datos se localizan dentro del campo de estabilidad de la imogolita, un 7% de los datos se localiza en el campo de estabilidad de la haloisita y, un 3% lo hace en el campo de la gibsita. Para tres materiales las condiciones están dadas para que se forme imogolita (alofana-imogolita). El modelo de reacción es: FM + VV + H2O -- mbgc + OH + H+, y son FM, los más influyentes en la formación de materiales no cristalinos (n.SiO2Al2O3.n.H2O+) ya que aportan mayores cantidades de Al3+, Si4+ y Fe3+, que el VV. ····· 1036121938

Geology of Wadi El-Atrash Area, North Eastern Desert, Egypt

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The Precambrian rocks represent 10% of the total exposed rocks in Egypt. The Precambrian rocks exposed in Eastern Desert in Egypt are composed of vast varieties of Pan-African basement rock types including metasediments, metavolcanics, gabbros, volcanics and different types of granitoid bodies. The Precambrian basement rocks are one of the economically important type of rocks that many metallic & non metallic ores are mined from them also these crystalline rocks could be used as source of ornamental stones Therefore Precambrian fractured crystalline rocks play an important roles as groundwater reservoirs Moreover, The Precambrian basement rocks had a special importance to be a reservoirs for oil production. The Oil basement was discovered in Egypt since, (1981).The book explained geological setting of Wadi El-Atrash and Wadi El-Ghuzah area Moreover, Petrology and Petrography of Serpentinites, Metavolcanics ,Dokhan Volcanics, older and younger granites,Hammamt sediments and Dykes Moreover, Petrogenesis and geochemistry of Metavolcanics,Dokhan Volcanics, older and younger granite rocks including(Classifications, Magma type and Tectonic setting)and Evolution stages. ····· 1036121286

Groundwater In The Banana Plain And Mount Cameroon Area-Cameroon

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The Cameroon Volcanic Line (CVL) is one of the major geological structures of the African plate and continent and is known as the second most important geological curiosity in Africa after the East-African-Rift system. This book focuses on the use of hydrochemistry, multivariate statistics and environmental tracers (18O, 2H, 3H and CFCs) to establish the origin, geochemical evolution, usability and groundwater flow system of groundwater resources of two agro-industrial areas of the CVL (Banana Plain and Mount Cameroon area). The findings of this book are important in that they contribute in the identification of groundwater quality evolution and flow dynamics in these two important agro-industrial areas thereby contributing to the sustainable management of their groundwater resources. Of particular interest is the vulnerability of the shallow aquifers to nitrate contamination to anthropogenic activities in the Banana Plain. In the Mount Cameroon area, the conceptualization of the flow system and the occurrence of different recharge elevations will play a role in finding proper sites for future groundwater development and catchment area protection. ····· 1036120462

Sedimentology of Upper Cretaceous Formations From Kurdistan Region

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sedimentology of the Late Cretaceous outcrops of Dokan limestone, Gulneri Shale, Kometan and Shiranish Formations in the areas that is located between Sulaimanyia and Arbil Governorate at northeastern Iraq. This area includes Dokan, Qamchuqa Gorge and Safeen Mountain. The lithology, stratigraphy and lithofacies of the above formations are studied in addition to inspection of their boundary conditions in the surrounding areas.The study area, as proposed, includes Dokan area, Qamchuqa Gorge and Safeen Mountain where the Late Cretaceous Dokan limestone, Gulneri shale, Kometan, and Shiranish Formations are cropped out. These Formations, according to Buday (1980), are deposited during two cycles, first is the Cenomanian Early Campanian Cycle, the second is Late Campanian Maastrichrian Cycle. The studied area constitutes a part of Zagros mountain belt, where the high mountain chains are in northwest southeast direction. The area is occupied by many mountains such as Sara, Kosrat, Gally and Safeen. ····· 1036120153

Osvoenie mestorozhdeniy na melkovodnom arkticheskom shel`fe

····· lezzter Preis 33.21€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
I.E.Ibragimov, G.Ya. Shilov. Osvoenie uglevodorodnykh mestorozhdeniy na melkovodnom arkticheskom shel`fe Rassmotreny osnovnye problemy osvoeniya mestorozhdeniy nefti i gaza na melkovodnom arkticheskom shel`fe. Pokazany prirodno-klimaticheskie i geologicheskie osobennosti shel`fovykh mestorozhdeniy. Daetsya analiz faktorov, vliyayushchikh na tekhnicheskuyu dostupnost` osvoeniya uglevodorodnykh mestorozhdeniy na arkticheskom shel`fe, a takzhe analiz faktorov, vliyayushchikh na vybor tipa gidrotekhnicheskikh sooruzheniy opredelyayushchikh tekhnologiyu podgotovki produktsii morskikh mestorozhdeniy. Rekomenduetsya sistemnyy podkhod pri formirovanii proizvodstvenno-tekhnicheskikh kompleksov dlya osvoeniya mestorozhdeniy uglevodorodnogo syr`ya na melkovodnom arkticheskom shel`fe. Privedeny osnovnye gidrotekhnicheskie sooruzheniya, neobkhodimye dlya osvoeniya melkovodnykh morskikh mestorozhdeniy. V kachestve primera resheniya slozhnoy tekhnicheskoy problemy rassmotrena kontseptsiya kompleksnogo obustroystva gazovykh mestorozhdeniy na melkovodnom shel`fe Obskoy i Tazovskoy gub Zapadnoy Sibiri. ····· 1036119818

Siwalik Boulder Conglomerates

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The tectonic history of the Himalaya has exerted a very important control in the evolution of the Siwalik Basin and on the physical character of sediments deposited therein. This book is an attempt to establish the facies architecture and evaluate the role of tectonics and environment in the evolution of the Boulder Conglomerate Formation, the uppermost unit of the Upper Siwalik Subgroup in the Himalayan Foreland Basin in the Northwest Himalaya. The signatures of post orogenic activities are reflected in palaeocurrent trends, facies variation, texture, provenance and time transgressive nature of the appearance of gravel beds in the study area. The last major tectonic event appears to have resulted in cessation of gravel progradation and quick progression of deformation southwards across the basin increasing the basin slope and modified the drainage system to a situation that more or less prevails till date. ····· 1036119694

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