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Conducting a knowledge audit

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Knowledge Management (KM) has become an important area of focus in many organizations. This is not surprising given that KM is increasingly associated with organizational success in today`s business environment. However, despite the fact that KM is important, KM practitioners are finding hard to implement it and organizations are still reluctant to undertake it. This fear is often attributed to the organization failing to incorporate a knowledge audit in the KM programme. KM gurus agree that the knowledge audit is an essential process in any KM initiative. Knowledge audit will help organizations ensuring that their KM initiatives are informed by real section needs. Because every organization is unique therefore the KM initiatives that each undertake are also unique. This will help organizations to develop informed KM strategies and subsequently implement successful KM initiative. There are many literature in KM however very few look at practicality of conducting a knowledge audit, this will help KM professionals and anyone else who may be interested in conducting a knowledge audit. ····· 10361117926


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V uchebno-metodicheskom posobii opisyvaetsya organizatsiya eksperimental`noy aprobatsii chastnykh metodik obucheniya. Opisany teoreticheskie osnovy pedagogicheskogo eksperimenta kak metoda nauchnogo issledovaniya. Predlozheny metodicheskie rekomendatsii po postanovke faktornogo eksperimenta, po predstavleniyu kolichestvennykh rezul`tatov eksperimenta, po kachestvennoy obrabotke eksperimental`nykh dannykh na osnove neparametricheskogo statisticheskogo kriteriya `khi- kvadrat`. Razrabotany ukazaniya po avtomatizatsii ucheta eksperimental`nykh meropriyatiy i avtomatizatsii protsedury statisticheskoy obrabotki tablichnykh dannykh. Posobie mozhet okazat`sya poleznym dlya magistrantov, aspirantov i soiskateley, zanimayushchikhsya pedagogicheskimi issledovaniyami v oblasti metodik obucheniya, pri opisanii pedagogicheskogo eksperimenta, pri provedenii statisticheskoy obrabotki eksperimental`nykh dannykh. V kachestve naglyadnykh primerov privodyatsya materialy dissertatsionnogo issledovaniya avtora, razrabotannye i primenennye v khode eksperimental`noy raboty, provodivsheysya v Tul`skom gosudarstvennom pedagogicheskom universitete im. L.N. Tolstogo v 2007- 2010 g.g. ····· 10361117608

Enraizar al mundo desde sus cinco vértices

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La autora analiza la lucha territorial de los indígenas wixaritari (huicholes). Los conceptos clave del análisis son: territorio indígena, identidad y conflicto. La estrategia de lucha de los huicholes dio un salto cualitativo durante la década de los noventa con la restitución del 50% de su taerritorio que había sido invadido con su apertura a otros actores aliadon a sus esfuerzos y con su presencia y participación en escenarios antes no imaginados. En el análisis se echa mano de la geografía cultural y la antropología, ofreciendo un acercamiento que considera las diferencias culturales, la conflictividad social, las distintas visiones e historias, y las aspiraciones de futuro de los sujetos que habitan los territorios. La lucha territorial de los wixaritari en la Sierra huichol es también una lucha política, nunca separada de su componente religioso. Como adviererten los ancianos más respetados, los kawiteros, los sabedores del camino: en la posibilidad de que ellos sigan encendiendo las vela de las esquinas de su territorio (matermaterial cosmogónico) yace la viabilidad de su futuro. Velas que también podrían alumbrar un proyecto de sociedad nueva, más incluuyente y justa. ····· 10361117002

Cultura y comunicación en organizaciones de ahorro y crédito popular

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El interés en el e estudio de lo simbólico no es nuevo, desde el campo de la Antropología y la Psicología ha despertado un gran interés. En este libro se presenta un estudio sobre los elementos de la cultura organizacional y lo simbólico teniendo como marco la Administración. El análisis sobre los procesos de comunicación y consenso organizacional sobre cambios en la legislación mexicana en las cajas de ahorro y la respuesta de los socios se realiza con un estudio de caso en una caja popular en la ciudad de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México. Se retoman elementos sobre el análisis del lenguaje, las creencias y lo simbólico para ofrecer al lector una explicación sobre lo que sucede en una caja de ahorros mexicana. La enorme riqueza de estas organizaciones y el éxito alcanzado en diferentes países han despertado el interés de estudiosos por explicar lo que sucede al interior de estas organizaciones para entender el proceso de convergencia simbólica y la aceptación o rechazo a los procesos de cambio organizacional. ····· 10361116706

Vivir en la cuerda floja La microempresa en Cuba

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Desde finales de 2010 la microempresa en Cuba se encuentra frente a una oportunidad de desarrollo sin precedentes. A confirmación de ello, el VI Congreso del Partido Comunista de Cuba (abril de 2011), confirma el sector privado como una válida alternativa al empleo estatal. En el libro se explora como se ha ido articulando la relación entre microempresas y Estado desde 1993 hasta la actualidad, pasando por fases de antagonismo, mayor permisividad o áspera represión estatal. Además, se analizan desde el interior las lógicas microempresariales emergentes, las modalidades de integración de las microempresas en el tejido social y económico local y las cosmovisiones que se generan en su seno. En el escenario de leve apertura que se perfila tímidamente en 2011, los grupos que se organizan alrededor de la microempresa aparecen como agentes potencialmente favorables para la transición económica y social, antes que políticas, en el país. El estudio presenta grande utilidad para quienes están interesados en los procesos de transición social, con particular referencia al caso actual de Cuba, así como en los fenómenos de redefinición cultural e identitaria en un contexto de economía mixta. ····· 10361116516

Consumo y Entorno

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En las sociedades de consumo maduras, el consumo de bienes queda integrado como una rutina más, una actividad común dentro de la vida cotidiana de virtualmente todos los sujetos que las forman. Sujetos que, además, están perfectamente instruidos y socializados en estas prácticas de consumo. El ciclo vital de las personas queda así inexorablemente marcado por las dinámicas de consumo y los consumidores ostentan esa condición con rango vitalicio. Es por ello que en la actualidad el consumo se ha convertido en un factor clave en la construcción social de las identidades. Partiendo de una contextualización socio-histórica de la sociedad de consumo, este libro pretende destacar la recíproca influencia que se produce entre la estructura social y el consumo. Y es que los objetos de consumo unen a su función material una función social, influyendo en muchos aspectos relevantes de nuestra vida y jugando un papel básico en el proceso de creación de estilos de vida diferenciados. De manera que lo que en un primer momento se presenta como un puro condicionamiento cuantitativo de naturaleza económica, deriva en un condicionamiento básicamente cualitativo representado en el estilo de vida. ····· 10361116487

De los desechos a las mercancías.

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Como involuntarios testigos del tránsito del país por una de las crisis más profundas de su historia, los cirujas fueron incrementando su presencia en el ámbito urbano a partir del 2001 y lograron ser advertidos desde configuraciones ideológicas diversas. Aquí interesa mostrar cómo en el circuito informal del reciclaje, cada eslabón es (desde la recolección a industria) es independiente y autónoma pero sólo porque no están enmarcados formalmente en ninguna relación contractual que las vincule. Sin embargo, se encuentran de tal modo interconectados que los condicionamientos y transformaciones en alguno de ellos tiene repercusiones en el resto. El precio del kilo de cartón que un cartonero vende en un ignoto depósito del conurbano bonaerense, y más aún, su decisión de juntarlo, están influidos por el resultado de tensas negociaciones acerca de commodities en las bolsas financieras de Tokio o Nueva York. Por otra parte, más cerca en el mapa pero igualmente distantes, profundas transformaciones de su vida cotidiana están siendo pautadas por los cambios que planificaban los gestores de una política pública más amiga del reciclaje de los residuos que de su entierro indiscriminado. ····· 10361116400


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South Africa is characterised by inequitable growth and development, a high degree of poverty and the challenge of integration. The need for improved standards of living and access to better infrastructure which are seen as crucial issues in addressing poverty have necessitated the introduction of Integrated Development Planning (IDP). The IDP looks at the economic and social development of the area as a whole. It aims to coordinate the work of the local government in a coherent plan to improve the quality of life for all the people living in the community. In view of that, there is a need for proper planning and implementation of projects, as well as monitoring and assessment of success on the part of local government in order to help to eliminate poverty. In this book I investigated the implementation of IDP as a mechanism to alleviate poverty in Port Elizabeth in the Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality (NMBMM). As the implementation of IDP in NMBMM appears to have formidable challenges and the extensive nature of the geographical area of Port Elizabeth, the research study focused exclusively on Motherwell and KwaZakhele. ····· 10361116150

The Politics of (Un)Mothering

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Western, middle-class conceptualizations of `motherwork` has transformed the obligations and prerequisites of parenting to privilege social capital, emotional attachment, and material resources. Less is understood as to how homeless women parent their children in conditions of material deprivation and residential instability. In this work, the author explores the assumptions, core issues, and consequences of how researchers frame and represent homeless mothers. This literature review grapples with the politics of representation in documenting the homeless female `other.` ····· 10361116126

You are Invited

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Voluntourism is a booming industry whereby research has been done on multiple aspects. Opinions on voluntourism are various amongst Westerners. Many academics are claiming that voluntourism is another way of overpowering developing countries, that volunteers undertake this type of holiday due to selfish motives and that voluntourism has more negative than positive impacts. One of the goals of voluntourism is to help the less fortunate people. If voluntourism is about development of these less fortunate people, alias local people, where is their voice This book gains insight in the thoughts, ideas, irritations, benefits and power of locals in voluntourism in Tamale, Ghana. It shows their perspective...their voice. ····· 10361116116

Economic Analysis of Milk Marketing in Karnataka State of India

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Marketing is as critical to better performance in dairying as dairy farming itself. There has been a considerable progress in the overall production in the dairy sector in India. However, without a proper marketing, the country would not attain the expected rate of growth in farming. The present study was carried out with the objective a)to study the production, consumption and disposal pattern of milk, b)to examine the factors affecting the marketed surplus of milk and c)to workout the marketing efficiency of different milk marketing channels. The study found that 54 per cent of marketed surplus was marketed throuhg un-organised sector. It was also found that marketed surplus was depending positively and significantly on the level of milk production and negatively on the family size and operational land holding. Three marketing channels namely, producer-consumrer, producer-vendor- consumrer and producer-vendor processor-consumer were found to be operating in the area. The price received by the household and marketing efficiency were highest in the first channel. ····· 10361116038


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Improving the productivity of rainfed agriculture needs the bridging of the dry spells. Water System Innovations are key to addressing food security and poverty alleviation. This book explain result of a study conducted in semi-arid areas of Pangani basin, north-eastern Tanzania, to understand the reasons for low adoption rates of water system innovations at smallholder farm level settings. The objective was to determine the conditions for sustainable adoption of smallholder water system innovations over time. The outputs are expected to contribute to higher uptake and adoption rates of the innovations. The study investigated critical determinants of adoption of the key water system innovations at farm- level and evaluated strategies, tools and approaches for promoting farmer-led innovation process. There are significant positive relationships between adoption and the household livelihoods assets implying that these are critical determinants of technology adoption at farm-level. Promotion of wider-scale adoption should match with appropriate technologies based on farm-level conditions, farmers` preferences, needs and objectives ····· 10361115737

Nutrition Issues in Children with Disabilities

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Nutritional data needed for holistic management of children with disabilities is inadequate in India. Based on informed consent, this work examined the nutrition profile and feeding difficulties of 242 children, 2-16 years, with various disabilities. Over 80% children faced 3-15 different feeding problems, some being more pronounced in different disabilities. Mothers emerged as the main caregiver with several concerns about their child`s diet. Dietary and anthropometric assessment indicated unbalanced, inadequate diets with about one third children underweight/stunted. WA, HA, BMI, MUAC, TSF, AMA and AFA emerged comparable for screening undernutrition. Knee height gave good result as a proxy measure for height across all disabilities. Children with cerebral palsy (CP) had maximum feeding problems and worst nutritional status with low energy, vitamin A and C, niacin and iron intake. Ten children with CP followed up for 6-9 months, showed positive impact of need based dietary counseling on nutritional profile. These findings are likely to be of great benefit to nutritionists, professionals and caregivers involved in the rehabilitation of children with special needs. ····· 10361115691

At Odds: Examining the impact of on-line gambling on youth wellbeing

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The purpose of this research has been to examine youth consumption of high-speed Internet technology and on-line gambling and the impact on well-being. With the advent of increased speed and capability of Internet provision, interest in youth anxiety and stress resulting from gambling on-line has been evident in media reports. Issues including addiction, depression financial loss, pleasure seeking, excessive hours on-line and gambling, all impacting school, work and relationships have been proposed as the negative impacts of on-line gambling. This research addresses these and their impact on youth and society by conducting empirical research to ascertain the relationship of these to well-being. The monograph presents the theories themes and results related to the research. ····· 10361115637

Health and Medical Research in Nepal: A Brief Review

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Yuba Raj Baral phD scholar, MSc, MA work experience- currently I am working as part time Lecturer Belgravia College, UK. I have worked as a capacity of Research assistant while I was in my university life. After completing MA in Population studies I was joined Pokhara University, Nepal, as a Lecturer. Research interest-Research in women and child health, adult reproductive health, health promotion and eldely people realted health issues Hobby- Reading books, writing, visit new places, Social works Curretly I am doing PhD in London Metropolitan University UK.I am researching topic on ``factors affecting utilisation of Skilled Birth Attendnce for Delivery in Nepal``. ····· 10361115565

Examining Emotional Intelligence in Sport

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The construct of emotional intelligence has gained popular attention in a range of different domains. Following research that highlights the efficacy of emotional intelligence, Sport Psychologists have also become increasingly interested in examining emotional intelligence in sport settings. This book examines both conceptual and methodological issues related to emotional intelligence. Following an examination of these issues, the book considers the working relationship of emotional intelligence in sport. The findings and suggestions from this book should be useful for both practitioners and students interested in the field of emotions within sport. ····· 10361115538

Assessment of Policy Measures in Controlling the Vehicular Pollution

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To address the problem of vehicular pollution in the Kathmandu Valley, the Government of Nepal responded with mainly command and control (CAC) measures such as emissions standards for new and in-use vehicles, banning of new two-stroke motorcycles, and lead phaseout from petrol. Since literature suggested that compared to CAC instruments, economic instruments are cost-effective, this study set out to examine whether fuel tax is indeed preferable. Quantitative analysis was carried out to evaluate the cost- effectiveness of policy measures. Toxicity weightage factors were assigned to the criteria pollutants to derive a composite index of toxic load` inventory while the prevailing costs were used for calculation. The findings of the research were mixed. While banning of new two-stroke motorcycles was found to be most cost-effective, setting of emissions standards for diesel vehicles was least cost-effective. The cost-effectiveness of a fuel tax was calculated for different tax regimes and found to fall in between. It suggested that both categories of instruments should be implemented to achieve the objective with least cost to society. ····· 10361115518

Homeopathy in Practice

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This book provides an analysis of contemporary approaches to homeopathic practice. It is informed by discursive psychology which focuses on verbal accounts as social interactions. Advocates of homeopathy manage their personal credibility through sensitive ways of accounting. These unique accounts reflect the way homeopathy is located in a culture of scepticism, as an alternative, contested and controversial social practice, thus positioned on the fringe of the modern medical market. Demonstrating their expectations and understandings of homeopathy as a form of treatment, speakers draw upon dichotomised categories attributed to notions of mainstream medicine and homeopathy. They combine their various communication competencies in order to add persuasiveness to their descriptions. Furthermore, these detailed accounts have wider implications for understanding other contested, controversial and new medical practices in ways that mainstream medicine is the taken-for-granted and accepted yardstick for practice. This book provides an engaging intellectual context, and is essential reading for academics, students and health practitioners from across social and medical sciences. ····· 10361115467


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This research aims to investigate small farm households` coping strategies for the sustainable livelihoods after their agricultural land was converted for the industrial zone establishment in Vietnam. The survey data from forty farm households with different state of agricultural land conversion reveal that those farm households encountered many difficulties in their livelihoods after the loss of land since agricultural land was their key livelihood asset. Various coping strategies were applied by the farm households to overcome the difficulties. Of those, more diversification of income generation activities, reduced animal raising scale, more efficient use of available financial resource, and increased investment for training and education for young members were found to be the major coping strategies of the most farm households. ····· 10361115444

Biogas Technology

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Biogas technology was introduced in Kenya in the mid 1950`s. Since then, only a small percentage of farmers in the country have adopted it. In addition, the functioning status and sustainability of the constructed biogas plants has remained unknown. As the potential of the technology to provide energy for cooking and lighting remain unexploited, prices of other energy sources such as kerosene continue to rise and trees continue to be cut down for firewood and charcoal and hence environmental degradation through deforestation. On the other hand, the firewood produces smoky fumes that cause indoor air pollution and while this is happening, animal waste remains unmanaged. This book sheds light on the socioeconomic and technological constraints to adoption and sustainability of biogas technology among dairy cattle farmers in Nakuru districts, Kenya. The book should be useful to all stakeholders in biogas technology who include governmental and nongovernmental organizations, technology extension agents, farmers as well as research and training institutions. ····· 10361115340

The Icelandic Social Entrepreneur

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So far little attention has been paid to the field of social entrepreneurship in Iceland. The concept is relatively unknown but at the same time the level of social entrepreneurial activity is rather high when compared to the 54 nations participating in GEM, a longitudinal comparative study on entrepreneurial activity. The GEM research uncovers who these individuals are but little is known about why they take the decision on becoming social entrepreneurs. In this research work the focus is placed on identifying the key dimensions behind the decision on social entrepreneurial behavior and on the evaluation of the causal relationship between these mechanisms, more underlying dimensions and the eventual decision. ····· 10361115284

Impact Assessment of Two Women Empowerment Programs

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In India plethora of grassroots experiences abound which dovetail livelihood and micro credit related activities around Self Help Group (SHG) paradigm. The SHG is the organisational means for channelling credit and imparting training for micro enterprise for women living in disadvantaged livelihood environment. The costal district in West Bengal, India is constrained in many of the livelihood opportunities. The first study deals with the parameters in SHG functioning and how SHG community was accommodated in Micro Finance and livelihood development. The other study deals with the livelihood impact of a well established Micro Finance Programs in otherwise well endowed farm sector. Here the women community in developed farm sector is found to have used the micro finance support to its livelihood advantage. This book will help the grassroots livelihood practitioners in devising micro finance based livelihood programs. ····· 10361115223


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Johad, popularly known as pond, is a well known traditional system of water harvesting for lean periods in several parts of peninsular India. To get a bucket of drinking water is a struggle for most women in the country. The virtually dry and dead water resources have leave to acute water scarcity, affecting the socio-economic and environmental conditions of the society.The drought conditions have pushed villagers to move to cities in search of jobs, whereas women and girls are trudging still further. There is a time loss in fetching water can very well converted into financial gains, leading to a better life for the family. Johad movement initiate a change in socio- economic scenario i.e. migration reduce, women status, marriage, unity, production of crops, milk and fisheries. To overcome water crisis, the people in this state are starting voluntary movement in many places for restoring/arranging water supply with indigenous method. Therefore many socio- economic conditions are improving and also environment. ····· 10361115187

Inclusion of Disabled People in Transport Facilities

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To bring peace and justice in the society, it is necessary to include the disabled persons in this society by tooth and nail. A country cannot uplift its socioeconomic conditions unless and until people from all strata of the society have equal access to physical, economic and social opportunities. Though the developed countries of the world become concern about the rights of the disability, developing countries like Bangladesh is still away to achieve the satisfaction. Recently NFOWD (National Forum of Organizations Working with the Disabled) identified 5.6 percent of the total population of Bangladesh are disabled. So, this segment of population should be ascendant to get their rights in all aspects of the society. This dissertation is concern about the transport facilities for People with disabilities, which will make them socially included. The research has focused on the social deprivation of disabled people in case of the transport facilities, the existing travel pattern and frequency and the way to increase their mobility especially in Badda union of Dhaka City. ····· 10361115171

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