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Quality of Life Indicator

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Nowadays the concept of development of an economy has changed totally now development means enlargement of human capabilities, i.e., human development, which depends on the improvement of quality of life of an economy. The growth of Gross National Product (GNP) or rise in personal income alone can not fully address the issue of human development. In this book the focus is on the components of quality of life and also on an appropriate method to quantify the quality of life of an economy. Hence here objective is to identify and illustrate the most important dimensions of human development and to critically judge different attempts that have been made to measure them through different indicators. And an observation is made on how the situation changes when political and civil rights and sustainability are included as major components with other socio- economic components in respect of East Asian and South Asian countries. Hence this book will be helpful for the research scholars in the field of Development Economics and since it is a multi- disciplinary analysis it is also helpful for the students of Social Studies. ····· 10361113164

Old age livelihood planning of Sex Workers (SW): Bangladesh Experience

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Sex Workers (SW) sale sex for livelihood & endorse it as occupation. Although commercial sex work exists as occupation for ages,almost all societies either attempt to simply deny or hide its existence or not been able to deal with it . In Bangladesh,approximately 100,000 FSWs are in operation,they are either organized in brothels or work independently in hotel or residence. 80% of them start working as SW before their 18th birth day.they are illiterate.They are not allowed to wear shoes or sandals outside the brothel. Even death fails to end their misery,regardless of religion they are denied for the formality of funeral. After a long horrific history of abuse, torture and neglect, country formally legalized prostitution in 2000 which set ground for Bangladesh to be one of the few Islamic countries that do not `officially` ban prostitution. It`s a human nature that they tend to secure livelihood for old age. But SWs have no preparation for retirement,they are not always aware of savings and sometimes have little scope to save money.They fail to ensure proper education for children due to social stigma and fail to buy assets and lands, unable to build house, shelters etc. ····· 10361113159


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The thesis entitled Survival Pattern of Flood Affected People Living in Haser Kandy Village in Shariatpur District: A Study is a combination of qualitative as well as quantitative analysis. The major objectives of the study is to know the Survival pattern of flood affected people without this there are some Specific objectives are to know about the socio-economic profile of the flood - affected people, To understand the strategies of ensuring food security and sources of drinking water during the period of flood, To investigate into the shelter related problems and the ways flood affected people protect their health, To analyze the status of child education during flood, To explain different safety net programs undertaken by GO & NGOs during the flood,To know the strategies as to how the people cope with the situation created due to flood.Haser Kandy village of Bangladesh was selected the study area for conducting our study. This is basically descriptive & exploratory research. For conducting Study, we intended to use following data collection methods Interview Schedule, Observation method, Focus group discussion & informal discussion ····· 10361113139

SPSS in Social Science Research

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Choosing appropriate statistical tools for quantitative data at hand is a very important part of Research conducting, since one is going to draw conclusion after the analysis. If one is not competent enough to choose appropriate statistical tool for data at hand,the generalization drawn will be completely flaw. I think this book contributes more to solve the problem of choosing appropriate statistical analysis tool. To enhance the contribution of the book, I have also added SPSS applications of each statistical analysis tools. So, any one who is using this book will be advantageous in two important aspects. First he/she will be capable enough to choose an appropriate statistical tool for analysis. Secondly, he/she will be able to run the statistical analysis tools using SPSS by his/her own. Carrying out SPSS analysis is not an end by itself. You need to draw conclusions from the analysis, so does the book. This book is primarily designed for post graduate students who are expected to conduct quantitative data analysis in order to draw conclusions. In addition, statistic students, research practitioners can use most out of it. ····· 10361113116

Conservation, Development and Participation:

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The aim of this thesis is to explore how natural resource management policies based on economic development, conservation, and community participation narratives, are interpreted and experienced by those who harvest or cultivate economically valuable medicinal plants in rural Nepal. By understanding their experiences, this research assesses the extent to which the rhetoric of particular policies promoted by official governing agencies reflects the reality of what is actually taking place. This assessment is conducted by using ethnographic research methods to analyze the relationships between actors involved in the medicinal plant trade, such a private companies, non-governmental organizations, harvesters and cultivators of medicinal plants, and formal governing agencies in three different contexts: a national park, a community forest, and a conservation area. ····· 10361113085

Sculptures from Punjab

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It intends to provide an over all picture of the sculpture and art in the Punjab region mainly during the 2nd and 5th centuries A.D. though relevant later works up to 17th century are also studied. All three religions of the time, Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism visualized art from a common platform. All the sculptures brought into study, definitely were in use either for worshiping or ritualistic celebration. A typical form of female figure, the S labhañjik is encountered in almost every noted school of art in the Punjab of this era. This figure is depicted with numerous variations and styles, typically as a tree vignette. The tree not only occupies an important place in Nature but has also been a part of the cult of the trees and tree worship. It has been worshiped as a symbol in the form of a phallus, many a time it appeared as a world tree or as the wish-fulfilling tree, the Kalpa Vriksha. The overall work revealed in Punjab, is of liberalism. Freedom of expression was the reason artists excelled in their work. Sanghol indeed was the Uch - p nd - the high mound not alone by what it had underneath the soil that remained unearthed, but by what it supported too! ····· 10361113062

Sustainable Improvement of Slum Livelihoods

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What is more damaging for our environment: being poor or being rich Are the people who live in the worst areas of our cities better or worse off than those who live in rural areas Globally, how many of the city-people are actually slum dwellers Can they help protect the environment Is it possible to improve their lives Scavenging refers to rummaging through trash in search of specific waste for its reuse. Scavenging is a worldwide and ancient phenomenon and their daily and intimate contact with our waste, makes them undesirable, repressed and prosecuted most live in slums. However, several researchers have shown that scavenging is vital for the recycling of materials in most of the developing world, saving energy, raw materials and a horde of associated environmental impacts. This work analyzes the phenomena of urban poverty, slums, slum livelihood and sustainability. The researcher traveled to Lima, Peru to learn the life of scavengers and meet those who try to improve it... and those who don`t. In the end a single question: what are some of the key social conditions that enable the sustainable improvement of livelihoods in slums Some answers inside... ····· 10361113008

Use of Traditional Health Care Practice in Kathmandu Metropolitan City

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This cross-sectional study ascertains the frequency of traditional healthcare usage and examines some of the factors and reasons governing the choice of this kind of healthcare within the Kathmandu Metropolitan City. This study also observes differences in utilization of health care services across ethnic groups, between gender, across age groups, among people who vary in terms of their educational level and income level. ····· 10361112992

Psychological Wellbeing of Children with Cancer in Jordan

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The work done for this book is substantial. It is an interesting and important book that will lead to understanding of children and cancer from an Arab culture, and provides important work on translation of tools into different language. The author of the book challenges the existed knowledge regarding the impact of chronic illnesses in this vulnerable group. This work fulfilled the aims of the study and findings in a manner that interweaves previous literatures and its own results. ····· 10361112986

Ergebnisse der Seniorenbefragung 2009 des Seniorenbeirats der Stadt Ansbach

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Während auf der Ebene des Bundes und der Länder bereits seit geraumer Zeit systematisch Informationen zur Lebenslage der Seniorinnen und Senioren vor dem Hintergrund des demographischen Wandels erschlossen werden, liegen belastbare Daten hierzu auf kommunaler Ebene häufig nicht vor. Die Seniorenbefragung 2009 der Stadt Ansbach in zielte deshalb darauf, diese Lücke für die Stadt Ansbach zu schließen. Der Seniorenbeirat Ansbach hat hierzu in Zusammenarbeit mit der Hochschule Ansbach eine umfangreiche Erhebung mit rund 3500 realisierten Fragebögen durchgeführt. Untersucht wurden die Bereiche `Alltag/Leben in Ansbach`, `Versorgung/Unterstützung bei Krankheit und im Alltag`, `Veranstaltungen/Freizeitgestaltung` und `Gesellschaftliches Miteinander`. Auf der Basis von Mikro-Daten werden umfangreiche und tiefgegliederte Ergebnisse bereitgestellt. Derartige Analysen sind notwendig, um eine permanent hohe Qualität des kommunalen Angebots für Seniorinnen und Senioren bei sich ändernden Rahmenbedingungen sicherzustellen. Für die Stadt Ansbach ist die Seniorenbefragung ein wichtiges Instrument zur Analyse und Planung der Situation der Ansbach Seniorinnen und Senioren. ····· 10361107517

Street Children of Developing World and Their Experiences

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The study examines situation of street children in developing world and their experiences. The recent studies have shown the different kind of experiences a child faces in the street and this study analyse the same. Along with the different experiences the study also analyses the major causes behind the street children problem. Regarding the causes, the study shows that even though there are some universal causes behind the problem, but there are other causes which differ from place to place depending on the culture and attitude of the people of the society. The study also looks at the images and reality of the street children. This study finds that due to the societal negative perception about the street children, the street children start challenging the traditional society and develops a new sub-culture. The way children behave in the new sub-culture, is the main area of analysis in this study. Various experiences including the sexual activities, the substance abuse has been discussed in this study along with the socialization process of street children. The role of gender differences and the girl child experiences in the street is also examined in this study. ····· 10361103102

Conflicts in Forest Resources Usage and Management

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Forest is the places that provide the useful nature resources for human life. It has been high meaning to the local communities who lived around the forest. However, forest resources in usages had been facing with many conflicts between the people demands and the mitigating of the resources. People exploited the resources but did not to interest in renewable itself, so that the resources lead to became exhausted following times used of human. The conflicts issues in forest resources usages involved as between the human life and the resources between the users to users and between the users with States officials, policies, and local rules. ····· 10361102909

Differentiated Land Allocation in Resettlement Schemes of Zambia

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Most resettlement programmes are designed either for poverty reduction targeting the poor communities especially the landless and regional development targeting those with own resources to invest in Agricultural activities. The Voluntary Resettlement programme in Zambia has differentiation embedded in its process as people are not only allocated different plot sizes but accommodates different category of settlers with diverse access to resources. this book endeavors to highlight the precariousness of the situation as regards to who owns what, who gets what and how do settlers co-exist in terms of survival, consolidation and accumulation at farm household level ····· 10361102888

Organizational Communication & Job Satisfaction among faculty members

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The present book mainly aims at integrating the individual with the organization.From the admnistrative point of view organizational behaivour seeks to improve the people.Organization relationship in such a way that effectively fulfills their needs and achieves the organizational objectives.The organization responsibility then,is to provide a behaivoural climate in which people can gain job satisfaction,which in turn would help the organization to attain its objectives.The book hopefully will cater to the needs of the students of social sciences,academicians working in the fields of management and behavioural sciences. ····· 10361102831


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Wetlands are areas consisting of both aquatic and terrestrial conditions whereby the environmental characteristics are usually determined largely by hydrologic processes in relation to climate and geographic location of the area. About 10% of the land surface of Tanzania is covered by wetlands which provide a wide range of ecosystem functions thus exhibit significant economic, social, cultural and biological values. Masurura Swamp supports a variety of flora and fauna through which the communities living around derive various products and services. It provides habitat for a variety of wild fauna such as hippopotamus and crocodiles, a variety of waterfowls as well as a variety of fish species of economic importance. This book aims to encourage various communities to learn about and ensure sustainability of wetlands found within their areas. It will also help extension officers, project managers and other leaders to take an active role in protecting Masurura Swamp and other wetlands to ensure survival and sustainability of existing biodiversity for current and future generations. ····· 10361102820

Academic, Cultural, and Social Capital

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This study analyzes three forms of `capital` and their influence on matriculation rates for Latina/o students. Specifically, pre-enrollment characteristics for a sample of college freshmen were classified as academic, cultural, or social capital. A Bayesian structural equation model was developed to analyze the interaction of these latent variables and measure their relative influence on graduation rates. A similar sample of White/Caucasian students were included in the study for purposes of comparison. The regression of social capital on cultural capital produced a statistically significant difference between the two groups of students and yielded a moderate effect size. ····· 10361102745

Rural Woman`s Health: Work During Pregnancy and Birth Outcome

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Working less heavily or stopped to work were positively associated to the birth of healthy child. Working less heavily during the time of pregnancy had only small risk of having the birth of low weight child. Moreover, reduction in both household and outside work or stopped to do either of the work may have higher risk preterm birth and cesarean delivery. Small reduction or working same as before, in either of the work associated with the birth of healthy child. ····· 10361102734

Dynamics of Social Inclusion in a Plural Society

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Exclusion may be the outcome of an entrenched, complex socio-economic and political process. In a plural society marked by differentiation, a hierarchical structure and stereotypes, it is all the more complex. Exclusion is dysfunctional and blocks potential for development. Societies eager to further democratic values and ethos of inclusive development should be able to deal proactively with exclusion and the dominance of certain sections over others. The book is based on an in-depth study of the dynamics of exclusion and social assessment in India`s Bihar state. Bihar`s is a plural society with a hierarchical structure and marginalization of certain sections. The government has initiated several initiatives to mainstream the marginalized. The study was carried out as a precursor to World Bank funded livelihoods project in six districts of Bihar. The book would be of interest to the donors, policy makers, development professionals, government functionaries and civil society. The findings can be used as reference while examining and analysing the dynamics of exclusion, and planning interventions for inclusive development in plural societies. ····· 10361102731

The cooperation model in State-Church Relations

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Freedom and equality of faiths and Weltanschauungen can find their maximum development within the context of a legal order based on freedom of conscience and separation of state and church that presupposes mutual cooperation between governmental and religious institutions, especially in the area of welfare and social concerns. This overall framework has served Germany well, and with certain modifications to fit the Russian situation, it can serve Russia as well. ····· 10361102644

Morals in PR

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The purpose of this research was to contribute to the first step of a discourse which shall in the end help develop an application-oriented public relations ethics. This was pursued by seeking answers to the three initial research questions raised to explore the status quo of German public relations professional`s moral perceptions and considerations. Due to the explorative nature of this work as well as the sensitivity and complexity of the topic, two methods, qualitative e-mail interviews and an online-survey, were used to receive the largest possible insight and reveal as many aspects as possible. The results showed that the two methods did complement each other in most parts and did both reveal outcomes that could be the basis for further research to gain a representative and full picture of the German public relations professional`s morality. Moreover, the two scales (a quantitative TARES test application as well as a German version of Forsyth`s (1980) ethics position questionnaire) were tested in the scope of this work revealing input for further research. ····· 10361102625

Communication Technology And Developing Countries

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Information and communication technologies (ICT) have been growing rapidly in developed countries over the last five decades. ICT has been revolutionizing the way in which people in these countries live and conduct their work,ICT has changed the administration, governance, education, business competitiveness and global operations in them. A large number of developing countries, particularly low-income countries have failed in the adaptation of these technologies thus contributing to the `digital-divide` between the developed and developing countries. This is predominantly so in the rural villages in that modern technology has not reached to the institutions in rural villages. In other words, the majority of people living in rural areas have neither access nor the means to obtain modern ICT because of their low economic position. Imagine a situation in which all interaction with the government in developing countries can be done through one counter 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without waiting in lines at government offices. ····· 10361102584

The knowledge commons

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The commons` is a concept originating from the traditional shared use of land, but which now often refers to any social asset, physical or abstract, that is shared. This book is concerned with one aspect of the commons, namely the knowledge commons. The research in this book explores community roles in developing and sustaining cultural institutions as key components of the knowledge commons. Focusing particularly on the principles of participatory design, it explores the capacity of digital technologies to support community engagement. The discussion draws on a case-based program of research that took place across the cultural contexts of the State of Victoria (Australia) and Singapore between 2005-2008. ····· 10361102563

The Contribution of Non Farm Income in Reducing Poverty and Inequality

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Due to decreasing share of agriculture income in total income and increasing poverty, the importance of non-farm income has increased. So it is critical to analyze the current structure of non-farm income, its distribution into various non farm income sources and to decompose the non farm income inequality among different poverty bands and landholdings. Such an analysis will ensure that correct policy intervention can be made in the relevant sub sector. This study will help policy makers to design policies in accordance with the characteristics of the particular sub-sector. This research will also be a starting point for researchers to bring the research at aggregate level to the micro level in order the research to be more specific and meaningful. ····· 10361102556

Evaluating Institutional, Environmental and Economic Sustainability

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Numerous development projects are implemented in developing countries to attain economic and ecological development. However, in most cases, the encouraging results observed during the implementation phase terminated with the project period, raising concerns on these projects`` sustainability after the project period has ended. This book focuses on this sustainability issue of the ecodevelopment project in India. Econometric analysis of the data justified a new approach for sustainable management of commons. This book presents a study that is first of its kind. In this study, the impact of institutions on both the economic development of villagers and the ecological development of forests that have to be preserved to maintain biodiversity has been analyzed in the presence of microfinance tools. Moreover, this book uniquely combines the analysis of institutions, economic development, microfinance and forests preservation towards better management of commons along with poverty alleviation. This book will be useful to forest planners, policymakers, governments, donors and scientists who are interested in institutional, environmental and economic sustainability. ····· 10361102555

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