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Nachbarschaft und Urbanisierung in Japan 1890 - 1970 DrostenDoktorarbeit

····· lezzter Preis 33.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungen zur Entwicklung der Nachbarschaftsbeziehungen im modernen Japan haben sich bislang auf die Stadtviertelvereinigungen (chnaikai) konzentriert und dabei zumeist die gemeinschaftlichen Züge des sozialen Zusammenlebens betont, die sich trotz der in den 1880er Jahren einsetzenden Verstädterung bis ins 20. Jahrhundert erhalten hätten.Entgegen dem daraus abgeleiteten Bild der japanischen Großstadt als Ansammlung dorfähnlicher Gemeinschaften zeigt die mikrohistorische Analyse von Nachbarschaftserfahrungen anhand von Selbstzeugnissen einzelner Stadtbewohner jedoch, daß die Intensität und die Funktionen formeller und informeller Nachbarschaftsbeziehungen stark von der sozialen Schichtzugehörigkeit bestimmt wurden. Das Verhältnis zu den unmittelbaren Nachbarn und zur Stadtviertelvereinigung wurde vor allem durch die wirtschaftliche Lage, die Wohnverhältnisse und die Privatheitsnormen beeinflußt, die jeweils kennzeichnend für die Angehörigen der fünf sozialen Gruppen waren, aus denen sich die moderne japanische Stadtgesellschaft zusammensetzte. Während die Stadtbewohner seit dem Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts stets von oben, d.h. vom Zentralstaat, von den Stadtverwaltungen oder von einzelnen Wohnungsbaugesellschaften zur Bildung kooperativer Gemeinschaften angeregt wurden, zeigt die Betrachtung `von unten`, daß sich die moderne Stadtgesellschaft demgegenüber durch Diversität und Konflikthaftigkeit auszeichnete. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Entwicklung der Nachbarschaftsbeziehungen in den Großwohnsiedlungen (danchi) der Nachkriegszeit, in denen sich die Nachbarschaftskultur der neuen Mittelschicht, die als typisch für die städtische Gesellschaft der Gegenwart gilt, bereits seit den 1950er Jahren entfalten konnte. ····· 10361206333

Japanstudien. Jahrbuch des Deutschen Instituts für Japanstudien DrostenDoktorarbeit

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Die Arbeitswelten in Japan bilden ein weites und zugleich differenziertes Feld, das nicht nur aus einer Perspektive und Disziplin erschlossen werden sollte. Heute gibt es wohl kaum einen Bereich der japanischen Gesellschaft, über den so viele abenteuerliche, verklärte und häufig überzogene Ansichten, falsche Dokumentationen und populärwissenschaftliche Schlussfolgerungen im Umlauf sind, wie über das Phänomen Arbeit in Japan. Ausgangspunkt für den vorliegenden Band 18 der Reihe `Japanstudien` des Deutschen Instituts für Japanstudien war daher ein weites Begriffsverständnis von Arbeit, das sowohl Erwerbsarbeit als auch die Vielfalt unentgeltlicher Arbeitsformen einschließt. Kreative und künstlerische Ausdrucksformen von Arbeit zählten bewusst zum Themenkomplex `Japanische Arbeitswelten`. Das Anliegen dieses Bandes war es, die Entwicklung und die Veränderung von Arbeitswelten in Japan aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven und Disziplinen heraus zu untersuchen. ····· 10361206288

A Muslim Mystic Community in Britain

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This book is a social anthropological analysis (based on ethnographic fieldwork) of the discourse and social practice of an Islamic-mystic community in London, namely, the branch of Naqshbandi Sufi order led by Sheikh Nazim of Cyprus. The Naqshbandi order is a well-known mystical institution having a widespread historical and contemporary influence on the life of many Muslims all over the world, including the West. The book focuses particularly on the definitions and reflections of the members of this branch upon themselves and the wider modern (`western`) society outside their close-knit community. It reveals that the Islamic discourse of the community encompasses a multitude of expressions by which the members` perceptions of their social and spiritual universe are shaped and communicated to a wider audience. And it concludes that a thorough analysis of an Islamic community should pay particular attention to three closely related discursive processes: (a) the reflections of such a community on the wider (modern) society of which it is a part (b) the ways in which it defines itself as `Islamic` and contests with other Muslim groups or movements for the representation of the `correct model` of Islamic tradition (c) the discourses of conflict and power within such a community. Tayfun Atay holds an MA in Area Studies (Near & Middle East) and a PhD in Social Anthropology from School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. He has done ethnographic fieldworks in London and many parts of Turkey, and published five monographs in Turkish. Currently, he is Professor of Ethnology in the Department of Folklore and Ethnology at the University of Ankara. ····· 10361172962

Precarity - More than a Challenge of Social Security Or: Cynicism of EU`s Concept of Economic Freedom

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The present book gathers edited contributions from a conference which had been held end of 2010 in Ankara, Turkey. This event brought together scientists and trade unionists from several EU- and non EU-countries, exploring one of the major, though frequently underestimated challenges of societal integrity. This continuing debate of the experts of the European S.U.P.I.-Network focussed in particular on the more fundamental issues of precarity. As much as precarity is a matter of socio-individual concern, having severe repercussions on the life of an increasing number of people, it is moreover a development that fundamentally challenges. It questions many of the values claimed by enlightenment and capitalist revolutions as universal, including solidarity, mutual support and equality - though they are formally still claimed as valid and moreover these developments are part of structural changes that easily fissure the contemporary mode of production. Does this mean the end of society Or could it be a take-off for another renaissance ····· 10361172941

Epochaler Neubeginn

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Stehen wir an der Schwelle zu einem epochalen Neubeginn der Menschheitsgeschichte wie letztmals vor 2500 Jahren im antiken Griechenland Treiben uns Globalisierung und Internet in eine radikal veränderte Wirklichkeit Dieses Buch liefert überraschende Erklärungsansätze zum besseren Verständnis der turbulenten Gegenwart. Neueste wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zur menschlichen Psyche und Kommunikation und die Entlarvung veralteter Denkmuster weisen einen verlässlichen Weg ins 21. Jahrhundert für Menschen, Gesellschaften und Völker (USA, EU, CH). Wer dieses Buch gelesen hat, wird die rasanten Veränderungen unserer Zeit besser verstehen und gelassener damit umgehen können. ····· 10361172902

Werte-Index 2020

····· lezzter Preis 42.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
`OK Boomer` - so einfach lässt sich das komplizierte Verhältnis zwischen jungen und älteren Generationen auf den Punkt bringen. Denn: Die Welt der Jungen hat sich noch nie so radikal von der Welt unterschieden, in der ihre Eltern sozialisiert wurden. Verständnislos bis frustriert reagieren sie also auf Entscheider in Politik und Wirtschaft, die versuchen, unsere Probleme mit den Logiken des letzten Jahrhunderts zu lösen. Das zeigt sich auch in den Ergebnissen des Werte-Index 2020.

Seit über zehn Jahren gilt der Werte-Index als Kompass für die Bedeutung und Relevanz von Werten der deutschen Web-User. Neu ist, dass dabei auch auf demografische Unterschiede wie Alter und Geschlecht eingegangen wird. Die Ergebnisse aus der Social-Media-Analyse werden um Beobachtungen aus der Trendforschung ergänzt. Außerdem berichten Experten und Unternehmensvertreter, was der Wertewandel in ihrer Praxis bedeutet und welche Chancen sich für sie ergeben. Unternehmen erhalten Inspirationen und konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen, wie sie auf gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen reagieren können. ····· 10361164191

Aktive Leistungen nach dem SGB II als Dienstleistungsprozess

····· lezzter Preis 27.99€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Die Hartz-Reformen waren ein tiefer Eingriff in die Struktur der sozialen Sicherung in Deutschland. Mit der letzten Stufe, der Hartz-IV-Reform, wurde das Sozialgesetzbuch II im Jahr 2005 in Kraft gesetzt. Die Zulassung alternativer Organisationsformen " Arbeitgemeinschaften aus Kommunen und Arbeitsagentur sowie die zugelassenen Kommunalen Träger " ging einher mit einem gesetzlichen Evaluationsauftrag. Während die offizielle Wirkungsforschung der Bundesagentur für Arbeit und des IAB vorrangig auf Basis aggregierten Zahlen aufbaut, wird in der vorliegenden Dissertation ein qualitativer Ansatz gewählt. Ausgehend vom Dienstleistungsauftrag der Politik an die Träger fokussiert diese Arbeit auf den Prozess der Dienstleistungserbringung. Die Analyse des Prozesses zeigt, dass die Arbeit der Vermittlung und des Fallmanagements schwer zu quantifizierende Aspekte hat. Dieser spezielle soziale Dienstleistungsprozess ist interaktiv und auf Kundenintegration ausgerichtet. Die komplexe Beratungssituation wird durch offene Interviews mit den Betroffenen, sowohl Arbeitsuchende als auch Professionals, beleuchtet. Das umfangreiche Interviewmaterial wird mit Blick auf vielfältige, theoretische Konzepte durchleuchtet. Dadurch werden strukturelle Schwächen deutlich, die Ansatz für eine Verbesserung der aktiven Leistungen nach dem SGB II sein können und einen interpretativen Hintergrund für die Zahlen der quantitativen Evaluation liefern. ····· 10361162445

Settlement Problems in Bangladesh

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Lindsay, Robert, was a governor of Sylhet (1778-1781). In one of his books, named Anecdotes of an Indian life, described Sylhet of Bangladesh, as the brim-full division with natural resources. Like Lindsey, the division also drawn a special attention of the people of neighboring districts of Bangladesh. After the creation of Pakistan in 1947, a great number of people settled in Sylhet Division and Sunamgonj district as well. The district gradually turned into a shelter for the people of neighboring districts for her plenty of natural resources as well as due to natural calamities in other districts. But local people of Sunamgonj district under Sylhet division did not receive the neighboring people easily. They had to face various problems and violence. Local people recognized the settlers as burden and started to call them as `Abadi or Bengoli` that have discriminatory meanings. At the beginning, the settlers also were unable to avoid direct and indirect violence. From my childhood I have been observing this adverse situation. I have enclosed in my book about the created situation, violence and scope of peace from the academic point of view which I have realized in my varsity life. ····· 10361147318

The Value of Human Life

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Dr. Maria Tcherni is currently an Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice with concentration in Forensic Psychology at the University of New Haven in Connecticut. Her main research interests are in explaining the effects of structural causes such as poverty, racial composition of areas, and disruption of family structure on violence. For example, why is it that growing up in poverty is more likely to lead to being violent than to becoming a thief Why is child neglect rather than child abuse more likely to lead to violence later in life, when the neglected children grow up Why are adolescents from poor families more likely to smoke, drink, and engage in risky sexual behaviors This book is aimed at explaining all these and many other questions. Dr. Tcherni`s other research interests focus on how social networking and the changing interaction patterns affect current downward crime trends, especially as related to violent crime and homicide. ····· 10361146924

Globalisation and its Impact on Indian Culture

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There is no question that Globalisation is a continues process and is considered to be the integral part of economic growth of any country. Now-a-days Indian companies are rapidly growing in different part of the world and gradually becoming one of the major stakeholders in globalised industrial arena. On the other way round, lots of company has also ventured the Indian market and still that process is going on. They are not only playing a pivotal role to strengthen the technology and economy but also promoting the cultural exchange amongst the various countries in the world. This book will provide a macro review about the cultural impact of globalization in diversified area in India. The entire shape has been given with the help of secondary study and followed by necessary analysis. This book will offer rational and satisfactory readings to the students are engaged in social science faculty specifically in the area social cultural change, institutional change and social structural change.It will also provide enormous help to professionals of other related fields. ····· 10361146650

Specific deprivations of Extremely Poor Segments

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Poverty of any kind causes several deprivations among masses. The youth of Pakistan which constitutes almost 65% of total population, demonstrates the maximum effects of these deprivations. The purpose of this study was to check the nature and extents of specific deprivations of extremely poor segments of youth studying in madaris. Also to gain insight of social, economic and academic backgrounds and attitudes of young adults was a target of this research work. Unfortunately the youth is suffering from multitude problems which not only hinder the individual life but also effects the collective mode of prosperity. There are numerous factors contributing to this situation. Every year YOUTH DAY is celebrated on 12th of august. According to the statistics of ministry of Men Power & Youth Affairs of Pakistan, at present we have almost 11million youngsters between the ages of 14-29 years. In which 13.3% are unemployed with ratio of 12.7%, meanwhile the unofficial results claim it as 35% population between the ages of 15-22years with 28% ratio of unemployment. The sample of this study was consisted of 200 respondents including equal proportions of gender and rural/urban backgrounds. ····· 10361146519

Ancestors and HIV/AIDS

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
HIV/AIDS has negative social and economic consequences to individuals and families in Akan society and in Ghana generally. This book seeks to highlight the devastating nature of HIV/AIDS in Akan society in regards to financial losses and the burden of care for AIDS patients and to produce information of practical relevance for Ghana s health policy planning and for the agencies who work in the field. It forms part of the studies of health, illness and death. Previously published as a doctoral dissertation Death, Ancestors, and HIV/AIDS among the Akan of Ghana this book focuses upon the social, cultural, political and economic consequences of HIV/AIDS in Akan society. It is also important to consider how people translate state-planned projects and policies for the community s welfare. Even relevant is the role of chiefs (traditional authority), the kinship structure (extended family) and other cosmological systems for continuity and change. This book should have international appeal to medical anthropologists and other scholars, students, and stakeholders on the social and cultural issues about HIV/AIDS. ····· 10361146398

Die Klassen und die Gesellschaft

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Als einer der Ersten hat Pontus Erland Fahlbeck versucht, sowohl geschichtlich als auch soziologisch die objektive Seite des Klassenwesens zu beleuchten. Mit der hier vorliegenden Arbeit, in der er die Entstehung, Entwicklung und Bedeutung des Klassenwesens von der Vergangenheit bis zur Gegenwart betrachtet und erläutert, ist ihm ein wichtiger Beitrag zur Gesellschaftsforschung gelungen.
Sorgfältig bearbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1922. ····· 10361139149

Impacts of Urban Floods from Micro-Macro Level Perspectives

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This book, second of its kind in a developing country like Bangladesh, is the updated version of author s doctoral research carried out at the Flood Hazard Research Centre, Middlesex University, London. The book is mainly intended to water and regional authority, for their use in flood loss assessments both at the micro and the macro level. Differential impacts caused by three types of floods (river, flash and tidal) have been examined. Different mitigation measures have also been examined from developing country perspectives. On the whole, the book acquires a sound knowledge of the magnitude of major urban and non-agricultural impacts so that consistent well-informed decision-making is possible in relation to flood actions such as flood mitigation, emergency preparedness, and selection and prioritisation of urban protection schemes. The knowledge of potential vulnerability of various economic sectors will contribute towards a rational allocation of resources in a flood-ravaged economy, particularly in view of severe climate change-induced effects on the extent and intensity of flooding in Bangladesh. In effect, this will contribute towards a better flood plain management. ····· 10361135885

The Opportunities of Religious Institutions on HIV/AIDS Prevention

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Religious institutions can be used to shape tradition beliefs and activities of people, functional when it comes to behaviour change associations with attitudes about HIV. There is an indefinite role of religious institutions to undertake HIV/AIDS prevention education as well as informing campaigns. It also provide unique link that can be used to reach wider community and sensitise people on the spread of the epidemic. Religious institutions have demonstrated the courage and conviction to act alone or in partnership with national governments and non-governmental organizations, there have been significant successes in preventing HIV and alleviating the suffering of AIDS. Religious leaders spoke to their congregants about HIV/AIDS and discuss this topic in mosques, churches, homes, ceremonies like weddings and burials. With regard to the nature of the tragedy important issues such as position or religious institution on condom use, care and support for People Living with HIV/AID have been addressed. Indeed, understanding the role of religious institutions on HIN/AIDS prevention would strengthen and improve strategies to deal with the epidemic. ····· 10361135526

Under-five child mortality and socio-economic inequalities in Bangladesh

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Bangladesh has been able to reduce under five-child mortality (U5CM) rate at 88 per thousand live births as reported in BDHS 2004. However, Bangladesh is committed to reduce U5CM to 44 per thousand live births in 2015 (one-third of U5CM of 133 per thousand live births of 1990, midyear 1991) to meet Millennium Development Goal 4 for child survival(MDG 4). The objective of this study is to determine risk factors and socioeconomic inequalities in U5CM in Bangladesh. This study analyzed data from the Bangladesh Demographic and Health Surveys done during the period of 1999-2003 (published in 2004) to generate estimates of risk factors and socioeconomic inequalities of mortality in children younger than 5 years. ····· 10361135448

Violence Beyond Control in the 21st Century

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This research has intended to explore and analyze violence faced by Ethiopian domestic workers in the Middle East countries in particular with the reference to the experiences of returnees. It focuses on the lives of women who experienced different types and forms of violence. It sets out to identify factors causing and consequence of violence against them. It also explores who the perpetrators are. The research also looked into the measures they took to cope with the violence they sustained. Case Study research approach was used because it helped to see participants experience in depth. The data was collected through primary and secondary sources. Primary data was collected through in-depth and key informant interview because it was suitable given the sensitive and private nature of the issues under consideration, whereas, secondary data was collected through document analysis. These methods were used in the research in line with the objective to shed light on the returnees experience of violence. Ten participants of the study were returnees or victims of violence, and eleven representatives of concerned NGOs and officials from government organizations. ····· 10361134102

Municipal Waste Management and Its Impact

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Solid waste management is one among the basic essential services provided by municipal authorities in the country to keep urban centers clean.But the maximum municipalities in Bangladesh are not still capable to deal with this issue strongly. The purpose of this research paper is to a complete investigation of the problems as well as the impacts of the mismanagement of this basic essential service. The entire system of the study area is fragile. Only some sorts of wastes are collected through some broken bins. Waste transportation and dumping is irregular. No scientific method is applied in this process. Day by day this situation is going to worse to worst.In this research work at first the overall picture in all the stages related with solid waste management was tried to draw with a critical evaluation. Then the problems in each stage were identified.Later the impacts of this mismanagement were tried to be marked.Basically, Solid waste management procedure can be improved by applying sundry methods. But,in this study recommendations are made considering the socio economic and technological capacity of the Debidwar Municipality to find out the optimum results. ····· 10361133765

Performance of Women SHGs in Business

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The book highlights the performance of women SHGs in Business for the upliftment of women, especially in rural areas. The author makes an incisive analysis to understand the status and the living standards of the poor and downtrodden rural women and the way they are coming forward to avail benefits of these programme. The study goes through various aspects to depict the position of women and their activities both within and outside the home, their cultural and traditional patterns and their attitudes and approaches. This well-researched work brings out an understanding not only about the impact of the women programmes with regard to education, employment, health and social status etc., but also about the expectations and suggestions of the respondent women in the context of more effective implementation of the programmes. Consequently, this book suggests the need and also the various ways for the development and well-being of rural women across India. ····· 10361133015

Changing Voting Behavior In Rural Punjab

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The book is about the changing voting behavior in the rural Punjab. The basic contention of the study is that the social structure of the Punjabi rural community is changed due to social change and it has impacted in changing the voting behavior of the rural masses. The structural changes in the society are changing the family and biradri system. The faction and biradri which were viewed by many to be the most important determinants of voting behavior in the rural Punjab, is declining now in terms of voting behavior. The more education, industrialization, urbanization and particularly the role of media in highlighting different social and political issues, brought a greater social and political awareness among the masses. In the present Political factors like party identification, issue orientation, ideology and infrastructure development are becoming the more important considerations in terms of voting behavior. ····· 10361132934

Sturctural Analysis of Bhutia Society

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This book is an insight into the Bhutia society of Sikkim, a North Eastern State in India, and the women s position in this social fabric. This dissertation deals with different aspects like social, economic and political, which were studied to analyze Bhutia women s status in the decision making process in the society. These women occupy a good social status when it comes to their economic and social position but there are lacunae in their religious position. This dissertation can be used by policy makers, planners, women activist and family resource management experts. These findings can also help take corrective measures in the Bhutia society and higher academic institutions can utilize these findings while dealing with gender Issues or Development of the Women Folk in the Sikkim chapter. ····· 10361131817

Public Health Communication in the Museum Nonprofit

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Public health communication in a museum context is a vastly untapped resource for the promotion of health and wellness among communities. Due to the perceived obstacles that public health topics appear to be associated with, museum-based health promotion is not as prevalent as it might otherwise be. However, several museums have dismissed the idea that public health topics are an impediment and have instead embraced pressing health concerns as important topics conveyed to the public through innovative use of communication media. Drawing on theory from the fields of Public Health, Communication, and Museum learning, four museum case studies are found to employ advanced communication technique in their display of pro-active topics and play central roles in their communities. Patterns, evident from the case studies, suggest that museum- based health promotion is found to be successful when five principles are followed. It is suggested that museums consider these points when presenting public health topics, and that regardless of the mission of a nonprofit organization, it is important to educate the public about health. ····· 10361119805


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This comparative study aims to identify and compare nursing and medical student`s knowledge, attitudes, and practice (KAP) of complementary and alternative medicines (CAMs) in Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). There were 74 students (33 nursing students and 41 medical students) randomly selected to participate in this study and a self-administered questionnaire was given and collected at the same time. Independent t-test was used and p-value 0.05 was accepted statistically significant. The finding from this study revealed that overall, nursing students were more knowledgeable about CAMs, possessed positive attitudes, and more willing to practice CAMs in clinical area compared to medical students. Null hypothesis was rejected at 5% significant level. It is suggested that the inclusion of CAM in nursing curriculum will prepare nursing student as a good future nurses who is knowledgeable to respond patient`s questions related to CAM therapies. ····· 10361119783

Integrated Water Resources Management in Tungabhadra Sub Basin

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Integrated Water Resources Management has gained popularity at the global discourse on water and is mentioned in the policy documents, however, has not made much progress in the Indian context. The current study is an attempt to examine the status of water resources management in the context of IWRM in Tungabhadra sub basin, a transboundary river located in Southern India. The concept of IWRM in Tungabhadra is relatively new and water management and hence governed separately as administrative units by two states with separate institutional arrangements, policies and practices with less interaction between them. This book attempts to capture the challenging issues competing water demands, pollution, environmental flows and governance in the Tungabhadra sub basin. This book will be useful to researchers, policy makers and all others working in the area of water resources management as an exclusive attempt is made to put all the data and information together at a basin level, providing insights into the data availability and gaps. It will provide researchers to further work on re-searchable issues in the basin as an extension of the information procured. ····· 10361119756

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