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Aspects of the phytoplankton ecology in Lake Chivero, Harare, Zimbabwe

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Lake Chivero was built in 1952 to supply drinking water to the city of Harare and became eutrophic due to discharges of sewage effluent. Algal blooms have become a major problem whilst cases of gastroenteritis and liver cancer have increased dramatically over the last decades. To evaluate the potential health threat, the phytoplankton community in the reservoir was investigated. Inorganic nutrient (2.4-3.0 mg P l-1 and 1.4-3.2 mg N l -1) and conductivity (1433-368 mS cm-1) as well as phytoplankton biomass concentrations (0.8-7.6 mgl-1) were very high. Primary production had increased significantly since 1979, suggesting that the eutrophication problem has increased. Microcystis dominated the phytoplankton community with a low biodiversity (0.92 bits ind.-1). Strains of Microcystis from the reservoir were tested for toxicity and contained high concentrations of microcystin indicating a highly serious health threat. Moreover, the same algal blooms may explain the occurrence of fish kills in the lake that was observed in 1996. A reduction of nutrient inputs in the reservoir is urgently required to prevent the occurrence of toxic algal blooms in the future. ····· 10361113014

Arten und Lebensräume der Bergbaufolgelandschaften

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Die Gewinnung von Braunkohle steht in der Kritik. Klimawandel und Umweltzerstörung sind die bestimmenden Schlagworte in den öffentlichen Debatten. Ein Paradebeispiel für den Raubbau an der Natur ist der Braunkohlenbergbau der DDR. Die Mangelwirtschaft der DDR verhinderte die gesetzlich vorgeschriebene Rekultivierung auf großer Fläche und förderte umweltschädliche Handlungsweisen der Betriebe. Die Sanierung der Braunkohlentagebaue ist daher eine der großen Gemeinschaftsaufgaben des Bundes und der betroffenen Länder in der Altlastensanierung. Doch bereits zu DDR-Zeiten gab es Wissenschaftler und engagierte private Naturfreunde, die erkannten, wie sich nach der Zerstörung neue Lebensräume entwickelten: Liegengelassene, nicht rekultivierte Flächen sind auch Räume spontaner Entwicklungen, Standorte mit extremen Boden-, Wasser,- und Mikroklimaeigenschaften. Sie bieten damit zahlreichen spezialisierten und gefährdeten Arten der Flora und Fauna Lebensräume. Einige wenige Kippenflächen und Halden wurden bereits damals unter Schutz gestellt. Heute sind 17 SPA-Gebiete, 28 FFH-Gebiete und 33 Naturschutzgebiete auf Flächen des Braunkohlenbergbaus in Ostdeutschland ausgewiesen. Durch die Sanierung der Braunkohlentagebaue wurden in dem vergangenen Vierteljahrhundert die meisten Umweltschäden erfolgreich und nachhaltig beseitigt. Flächen für Tourismus und wirtschaftliche Nachnutzung sind entstanden. Traktoren und Holzerntemaschinen sind in den Bergbaufolgelandschaften normale Anblicke. Doch wie steht es um die Naturschätze in den Bergbaufolgelandschaften Unter der Leitung von zwei wissenschaftlichen Institutionen und dem bundeseigenen Projektträger der Braunkohlensanierung haben insgesamt 6 Institutionen an diesem Werk mitgearbeitet. Über 100 Fachleute haben ihr Wissen, Daten und Bildmaterial zur Verfügung gestellt. Es ist ein einzigartiges Werk entstanden, das einen Einblick in die aktuelle Situation erlaubt. Für 29 Artengruppen mit vielen Hundert Arten werden die aktuelle Situation, erwartbare Trends sowie Möglichkeiten zur Stabilisierung und positiven Entwicklung detailliert beschrieben. Die Vergleiche zwischen dem Mitteldeutschen Revier, zwischen den Städten Leipzig, Halle, Gräfenhainichen und Altenburg, und dem Lausitzer Revier, um Cottbus südwärts bis in den Raum Weißwasser-Hoyerswerda-Görlitz, bringen spannende Erkenntnisse zur Verbreitung einzelner Arten und Gruppen. Die Ergebnisse zu Arten und deren Häufigkeiten sind weit über die Braunkohlefolgelandschaften von Bedeutung. Steckbriefe von 25 verschiedenen Biotop- und Vegetationstypen in den Bergbaufolgelandschaften beschreiben die Lebensräume und ihre Entwicklungstendenzen. Es werden zahlreiche Hinweise zum Schutz und der Pflege naturschutzrelevanter Biotoptypen gegeben. Dynamik und Vielfalt sind immer noch prägende Prozesse in den Bergbaufolgelandschaften. Das dem so ist, ist auch ein großer Verdienst privater und öffentlicher Naturschutzstiftungen. Deren aktive Mitarbeit an diesem Werk ermöglichte das dort vorhandene Wissen und die praktischen Erfolge in einer gemeinsamen Publikation darzustellen. Das Buch wendet sich damit an alle, die in der Rekultivierung von Bergbauflächen arbeiten, Wissenschaftler und Studierende aus den Bereichen der Biologie, Geoökologie und der Landschaftsgestaltung, an Spezialisten für die aufgeführten Artengruppen sowie an alle Naturbegeisterten. ····· 10361108235

Effects of multiple abiotic stressors on the species and genetic biodiversity of littoral Cladocera in two types of acidic habitats in Germany: hard-water mining lakes and soft-water bog lakes

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Ecological research on acidic lakes has historically focused on soft-waters, whereas biota in natural and man-made acidic hard-water lakes remains poorly studied. My thesis deals with the effects of multiple abiotic stressors on species and genetic biodiversity of littoral Cladocera in two types of acidic waters in Germany: hard-water mining and soft-water bog lakes. I found that these two types of acidic lakes supported highly distinct cladoceran communities, both with respect to their species diversity and composition, what led to the rejection of my null hypothesis that pH was the only abiotic factor, determining species diversity patterns. Further analyses revealed that, apart from pH, TDS-related parameters and trophy significantly affected species composition of littoral Cladocera in the studied lakes. Particularly the role of TDS and its constituents for colonization of acidic lakes was virtually neglected by previous studies, based on soft-water lakes` data sets. My study on the genetic diversity of a generalist cladoceran Chydorus sphaericus provided evidence for genetic erosion, i.e. negative effects of abiotic stress in the acidic hard-water mining lakes, but not in the acidic soft-water bog lakes. I conclude that the observed genetic erosion in acidic mining lakes may have negative long-term consequences for population persistence even in broadly tolerant species. In general, biodiversity at both species and genetic levels was much more impaired in the acidic hard-water mining lakes, compared to the naturally acidic soft-water bog lakes. This was possibly due to both ecological (higher abiotic stress) and evolutionary (insufficient time for long-term adaptations to evolve) mechanisms. My results suggest that colonization of acidic hard- and soft-water lakes in each case should require specific physiological adaptations at both species and population levels. The practical relevance of my studies is that they provide the scientific basis for monitoring of acidic hard-water mining lakes based on littoral Cladocera. Especially genetic diversity proved a valuable indicator of water quality in acidic mining lakes, as it provided unique information on population-level responses, being complementary to species diversity assessment. Overall, my results demonstrate that inclusion of acidic hard-water lakes into the research framework as well as comparisons among communities in chemically diverse acidic lakes can result in important new insights, concerning the community organization and adaptations in acidic environments. ····· 10361108046


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An ideal water condition is a necessity for the survival and good growth of fish since the entire life processes of the fish is wholly dependent on the quality of its environment. These water quality parameters become more critical in intensive culture systems where fish is raised in artificial ponds with reduced self purification capabilities as compared natural systems. Ichthyology (from Greek: , ikhthus, `fish` and , logos, `study`) is the branch of zoology devoted to the study of fishes. This includes skeletal fish (Osteichthyes), cartilaginous fish (Chondrichthyes), and jawless fish (Agnatha). The study of fish dates from the Upper Paleolithic Revolution (with the advent of `high culture`).Ichthyology is simply the science of studying fishes. ····· 10361102990

Economic Valuation of Environmental Resources

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Economic valuation is a frequently applied measure of resource conservation in the developed world and its use is growing in the developing countries. It mainly aims to identify the role and importance of particular resources and to estimate their quantities. This is a very recent issue in Nepal, and has been used for the study of the Central Zoo, which is a major attraction for local and international tourists with the net annual visit of about 800,000. ····· 10361102976

Jekologicheskie problemy osvoeniya pustyn`

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Kniga sozdana kak istochnik bazovoj informacii ob jekologicheskih problemah pustyn`, opustynivaniya, degradacii pochv i zasuhi v mirovom masshtabe. V nej rassmotreny sozdanie solnechnoj jenergosistemy i strategicheskij plan dejstvij, ispol`zovanie vozobnovlyaemyh istochnikov jenergii v aridnoj jekosisteme. Predstavleny Konvenciya OON po bor`be s opustynivaniem v obshhemirovom sotrudnichestve, mery po jekologicheskoj ustojchivosti i snizheniju urovnya bednosti. Graficheskie materialy demonstrirujut tendencii, naglyadno opredelyajut zadachi i sushhestvujushhie prioritety. Kniga mozhet byt` ispol`zovana kak plan - rukovodstvo v strategicheskom partnerstve, nauchno-metodicheskoe posobie dlya studentov i aspirantov po razlichnym special`nostyam, svyazannym s jekologicheskimi problemami osvoeniya pustyn`, nauchnyh rabotnikov, inzhenerov, zanimajushhihsya issledovaniyami v jetoj oblasti. Kategoriya knigi: jekologiya, problemy osvoenie pustyn`, mezhdunarodnoe sotrudnichestvo, vozobnovlyaemaya jenergetika. ····· 10361102953

Community Structure and Regeneration of Sub-alpine Abies spectabilis

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Community structure and regeneration of Abies spectabilis (D.Don) Mirb was studied in Abies spectabilis forest located between Chandanbari and Lauribina area (3100-4000m)of Langtang National Park, Central Nepal. Vegetation sampling was done by quadrat method, and the sample quadrats were located by systematic random sampling method. Altogether 80 quadrats were sampled. Abies spectabilis was the dominant tree species and Rhododendron campanulatum was the co-dominant species. Species diversity of the forest was relatively low, which might be due to anthropogenic factors such as cattle grazing, fire wood collection and logging. Total tree density declined with increasing elevation between 3100 m and 3550 m but it increased from 3550 m towards treeline (4000 m). ····· 10361102860

Ecological Study of Rodents in Sugarcane Plantations, Ethiopia

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A study on the ecology of rodents was carried out in Wonji Sugarcane Plantation from August 2005 to March 2006. Three trapping grids were randomly selected in the sugarcane plantation based on the growth stage of the cane as- immature sugarcane plant (ISP), young sugarcane plant (YSP), and old sugarcane plant (OSP). An additional grid was selected from bushland area outside the sugarcane plantation. A total of 629 captures were made in 2940 trap nights. Out of these, 557 individuals represented eight species of rodents. The remaining 72 individuals represented two insectivore species. Abundance of species varied in different growth stages of the sugarcane plantation and bushland area. There was seasonal difference in the abundance of the rodents. However, species composition was the same in all the three growth stages of the sugarcane plants and in bushland area. Variation in trap success with different growth stages of the of sugarcane plantations was significant. Breeding was seasonal for most of the species. The pest status of rodents in the sugarcane plantation was assessed. ····· 10361102827

An Assessment on the Plaice in Icelandic Waters

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The report presents a comparison of different assessment methods and the state on the plaice stock (Pleuronectes platessa) in Icelandic waters. Four alternative assessment methods are used: age-based ADAPT, length-based ADAPT, age-disaggregated dynamic and surplus production model. Most of the data used in this study are from the Marine Research Institutes (MRI). Age-disaggregated observations are used as input data for the age-based ADAPT method and age-disaggregated dynamic production model. For the length-based ADAPT method, the length frequency data are used as input source and converted into age using slice method and then used as input data for the length-based ADAPT model and catch by year,biomass indices and CPUE for Surplus production model. Reference Points model with R-S relationship (B-H) is used to estimate the stock state. ····· 10361102718

The Tiger and it`s relations with other species in South Sikhote-Alin

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Last two-ten years period scientists pay big attention on research of Amur tiger. But it concerns little of South Sikhote-Alin, where is Lazovsky State Nature Zapovednik which is a key habitat for tigers in the Russian Far East. Here unique relations between tiger and sika deer have formed after dramatically decrease their number in the beginning of last century from non-control hunting. Situation is repeated due to appearance of illegal market on derivates of tigers and the increasing poaching now. Also the some species are living on north of their area in hard conditions of severe winter here. Author analyzes number dynamic of Amur tiger and the main potential prey - ungulate mammals distribution of the tigers and the abundance of the ungulate territorial, marking, hunting behavior and food chain of the predator and poaching on the tiger and the ungulate. Author conducted the snow tracking of tigers and search of any tracks of observated species in all season - traditions Russian method of animal`s observation. The book was written for biologists, conservatists and people who are interesting in nature and it`s protection. ····· 10361102705


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Bat comes among the least studied and highly misunderstood animal, regarded as evil spirit or omen in Mesoamerican, Oaxcan and East Nigerean mythology, unlike depicted as Fu-Shing (symbology of god of happiness) in Chinese Culture. Several of the bat species are enlisted in various category of CITES and IUCN Red Data Book, unlike in Nepal Wildlife legislation where its status is unclear. This research paper jostles the various important issues of this wildlife and helps in understanding and updating the information regarding this creature in this part of the world and globe. This research prepares a habitat suitability map & Roost site distribution map of Chiroptera in the study area identifies 7 species of bat (4 species new for Kaski and 1 species new for Nepal) accounting a total of 17 species in the study area focusing diverse audiences viz. students, professional and experts in the field of wildlife biology and conservation and the various GO, NGOs and INGOs. The inception of the positive benefits of this creature among the public and recommendation for the updating it`s status in the wildlife legislation of the country comes as an inevitable goal. ····· 10361102670

Biodiversity in Deepor Beel Ramsar Site of Assam India

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Deepor beel is a large natural wetland having great biological and environmental values. It is endowed with rich Floral and Faunal diversity. The ecosystem harboars huge congregation of residential and migratory waterfowl each year. Hence, it attracts ornithologists, tourists and naturalists across the globe. It was declared as an internationally important wetland and included in the Directory of Asian Wetlands and Ramsar Site. Its plays an outstanding hydrological, biological and ecological role and substantial socioeconomic and cultural value and as well as supporting an appropriate assemblage of rare,vulnerable, endangered, endemic species of plants and animals. The wetland is a lifeline to a community of over 5000 fisher folks and apparently contributes to the regional trade. The study of biodiversity and analysis data could help to highlight importance of the wetland. Over the last few decades we deeply felt the necessity of a publishing document in the form of book on the Faunal diversity of Deepor Beel Ramsar site for national and International tourists,researchers, bureaucrats and decision makers for its proper conservation action plan and worldwide publicity. ····· 10361102557

Biomass Combustion and Indoor Air Pollution in Tanzania

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80% of families in Foo Village, Hai District Tanzania use simple three stones stoves (wood fires stoves), normal charcoal stoves, improve charcoal stove, improved wood stove and kerosene stoves. Aabout 77.8 % house wives time is spent in the indoor environment. Using additive risk model analysis, hourly indoor concentration is PM10 during cooking period and ranges from 1931 mg/m3 to 4949 mg/m3, which exceeds that of WHO recommended value of 150mg/m3 for 24 hours. The Coborn Dioxide concentrations during cooking period exceeds the standard of 30 mg/m3 in about 94.6 % of the sampling points. The overall average concentration of Coborn Dioxide was 268 ± 198 mg/m3. Respiratory symptoms increase with increase in PM10 concentration from 1931 to 2177 µg/m3. Symptoms like tearing shed, headache, cough symptoms and shortness of breath are highly correlated with concentration of PM10 with correlation coefficient of 0.735, 0.755, 0.769 and 0.911 respectively. Others like wheezing, headache, cough, and chronic bronchitis are highly correlated with concentration of CO by 0.533, 0.467, 0.415 and 0.495 respectively. ····· 10361102535

Mapping the spawning grounds of northern North Sea gadoids

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Following the meeting of Scientific Expert Committee in 2002, regular monitoring of the spawning grounds of important commercial species has been recommended as an important component of ecosystem approach to marine conservation. This study reports the results from real-time PCR based approach for identification of cod, haddock, Norway pout and whiting in the sub sample of early developmental stage cod-like`` eggs collected during 2009 second ichthyoplankton survey covering the northern North Sea. The results were in general agreement with the historical information of the spawning grounds of cod and haddock that showed significant egg abundance around the Shetlands, Link and Viking Banks. These areas were broadly overlapping with known spawning locations since the last decades. However, the current study failed to detect cod eggs at the historic spawning locations such as that off the Moray Firth and low abundance of spawning products was registered at Long Forties. Haddock eggs were the most abundant during the whole survey which is thought to reflect the current status of the stock. ····· 10361102521

Nutrients and fish effects on plankton community in shallow lakes

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Eutrophication affects many lakes in the world. Fish predation and food availability are driving forces in controlling food webs in freshwater ecosystems but the relative importance of one or the other factor is still a matter of discussion. Lake restoration usually seeks to reduce eutrophication either by direct suppression of zooplanktivorous fish or by addition of piscivorous fish. These methods reached only varied success. Successful ecosystem restoration needs a new theoretical approach that takes into account community structure and functional diversity. This book attempts to evaluate the relative roles of fish predation and food availability using controlled replicated in situ manipulation experiments. Since the founding supposition was that there would be shifts in the relative importance of top-down and bottom-up effects between seasons, experiments were performed in spring and winter. Moreover experiments were carried out in a shallow lake under Mediterranean climate as almost no data are available about top- down and bottom-up controls in warm countries. This book will be of interest to researchers in management of lakes. ····· 10361102499

Air Pollution Impact on Reproductive Behaviour of Few Tropical Trees

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Rapid industrial development, increased population density and faster means of transportation have resulted in serious air pollution problems in cities worldwide affecting all the life forms. The effects of polluted air on morphological and bio-chemical parameters have been studied, while their effects on reproductive structure remained almost unattended. The present study is an attempt to investigate the effects of urban air on few ornamental tropical trees on their different floral characteristics. Delayed flowering and reduction in flower size, floral pigment and flower biomass was recorded. Fruits produced by these trees were small in size with reduced seed weight and numbers. The seed quality parameters like, density, soundness, viability and seed germination were also adversely affected.The study concludes that the reproductive behavior of trees growing along roadside have been altered. The known harmful effects of air pollutants on growth and metabolism had ultimately reflected in poor biomass and development of flower, fruit and seeds. The reproductive parts of Delonix regia and Cassia fistula were found more adversely affected than the others. ····· 10361102488


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The study into Child Labour in Solid Waste Scavenging was carried out in Kawempe Zone, Kampala City Council (KCC). It used various methods to collect the data and these included literature review of what others have written on the subject, face to face interviews with the 26 (11 girls and 15 boys) child solid waste scavengers (CSWS), 3 focus group discussions with adults at 3 different locations in Kawempe Zone, focus group discussions with the CSWS, observation of the CSWS at work at Mpererwe landfill, solid waste skips, observation visits to Mulago Hospital, key informant interviews. The key findings were: several factors that push children into solid waste scavenging that ranged from inadequate solid waste management by KCC that made recyclable materials readily available and accessible economic factors, curiosity and availability of ready market for the salvaged items. The work exposes the CSWS to a lot of risks such as health, loss of educational opportunities and social stigma. This kind of work is considered as one of the worst forms of child labour in part due to scavenging items from mixed MSW with healthcare, industrial and institutional waste. ····· 10361102439


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Main air pollution problem due to mining is dust. This monograph develops emission factors to quantify mine dust emission and established a new methodology named as factal analysis and evaluated the actual contribution of air pollutants by a project in question and from other sources, their emission rate and dispersion characteristics . This is based on the changes of the wind directions and air quality at the monitoring stations when they are upwind and downwind from the mine. The methods are applied successfully in real life situation and Patents are obtained . A scheme is formulated to control opencast mining air pollution. Broader discussion of the problem suggests that social and the environmental cost must outweigh the economic benefits. The out come of this research would aware the mine officials about the actual contribution of pollutants by the mine and their impacts due to the dispersion in the surrounding locations. These would enable them to take appropriate steps to have a right kind of balance between sustainable developmentand environmental management. It would also enable the regulatory agency to implement the polluter pays principle appropriately. ····· 10361102436

Hazardous Air pollution: Contribution of Transport Sector in Dhaka City

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Air pollution from traffic sources is considered to be a major environmental challenge the burgeoning metropolitan cities of the developing nations confront today.Like other mega-cities in the developing countries, air pollution has emerged as a serious problem in the Dhaka city. Dhaka, one of the largest mega cities of the world, is also faced with serious air pollution problem due to rapid growth of vehicles in recent times. This study mainly concentrated on two issues of air quality in Dhaka city and contribution of vehicles emission. The maximum and minimum SO2 and CO concentration is 24 ppb & 3 ppb and 0.5 ppb & 0.2ppm respectively which remain below acceptable limit (30ppb& 35ppb). The major contribution of this air pollution in Dhaka is coming from the complex vehicles fleet. It reveals from this study that a total of 1213.76 ton of various kinds of pollutants emit from the vehicles fleet in the Dhaka city every day. The tests revealed that old diesel run vehicles are the worst polluters that contribute mostly in the rise of particulate matter in the ambient air of the city. ····· 10361102422

Rehabiltation and Sustainable Use of Degraded Community Forests

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Conventional forest management practices emphasize the management of forests for the production of timber or other industrial forest products. In community forestry,communities expect wider range of products & services from their forests, which necessitates the development of management practices reflecting these needs. To this effect,silvicultural research in community forests has great importance to enhance the productivity of those forests & improve the livelihood of communities. Therefore, this work is a contribution towards development of simple & practical silvicultural management techniques that can be implemented using locally available facilities & capacities. The successful implementation of the proposed techniques in this book requires continous practical training both for members of the user groups and forest experts. Moreover, the proposed treatments need to be refined through repeated experimentation, monitoring, & re- adjustments. The establishment of demonstration and experimental plots will help to illustrate the procedures involved in the silvicultural treatments & to monitor their effects on the growth of the forests. ····· 10361102414


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This book aims to analyze the contribution of spatial data and GIS in strategic forest management at a regional planning level considering topical issues: windthrow, carbon sequestration and climate change and recommends how the methodologies might be transferred to other countries. A macro-based geographical information system (GIS) is proposed as a suitable tool for modeling the interaction between wind and the forest area of the Snowdonia National Park in North Wales, UK (affected by endemic windthrow). Another, GIS-Spreadsheet organic carbon model, to estimate the organic carbon stock of the woodland, was presented considering tree, litter and soil to a depth of one meter. Moreover, the book presented how spatial data with climate change scenarios as decisive factor in sketching future Kyoto consistent forests. The accommodative ability of stated models enable the manager an easy understanding and present them to policy maker within short notice. It was suggested that spatial data sets and GIS might contribute significantly in forest management, furthermore accommodating week-by-week activities into the database to derive regional forest ecosystem management decisions. ····· 10361102412

Measurably unravelling environmental degradation

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Caroline worked as soil science graduate student in a group of almost a dozen Master`s degree students in a complex multi-disciplinary team brought together to study an environmental problem. She contributed measurably to unravel and understand the causes of ecosystem degradation. This work was done collaboratively with colleagues in economics, botany, entomology, hydro-geology, zoology and climatology. Soil science data contained in this publication and data from the other disciplines contributed insights leading to recommendations that convinced the Government of Kenya to invest the equivalent of $1.3million that will help in arresting and hopefully, reversing the main causes of mountain forest degradation. This work will be replicated in other misty mountains in Kenya. Caroline , an Environmental management specialist graduated with a Master of Science in Soil Science from University of Nairobi and Bachelors of Agriculture degree from Egerton University. She is a Research Scientist and a grassroots leader with the Centre for training and integrated research in ASAL development. ····· 10361102310

The interplay of migration and population dynamics in a patchy world

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One of the fundamental issues in spatial ecology is how explicit considerations of space alter the prediction of population models, or what insights they may give into the cause of broad-scale patterns. Classical theories, such as diffusion- driven instability and metapopulation dynamics which are developed via simple spatial population models, have profoundly increased our understanding of the issue. In this work these theories are scrutinized under more general framework within which mechanistic processes of spatial interaction of populations are considered. A number of models are derived to study the interplay of migration and local population dynamics in a discrete spatial grid. The potential readers of this work are graduate students or researchers in the area of theoretical ecology, especially those who are interested in deriving models mechanistically. ····· 10361102291

The End of Inequality

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The End of Inequality covers the global arena in the quest for a diagnosis and a cure of the problems confronting mankind, the magnitude of which is enormous and vast. It is also not possible to address all issues in one go. Nevertheless, an attempt has been made in this book in compiling some such issues under one umbrella. Facts have been presented with comments. Some ideas like Trauma (engineering) centers need to be set up to help those who have gone through traumatic circumstances- war, sexual abuse, and natural disasters. As far as the world s underprivileged is concerned, emphasis should be given on education for children, economic rehabilitation for the middle aged and social rehabilitation for aged people. The book also speaks about ways of fostering world peace and co-operation. Thought provoking and challenging, it suggests that we share responsibility for the planet. Much remains to be done, as a major challenge for all actors governments, civil society and the private sector. THIS CALLS FOR COMMON SOLUTIONS TO EMERGING GLOBAL CONCERNS. Finally, the book has no solutions or remedies as such. But it offers HOPE for mankind. ····· 10361102276

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