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Mangrove Ecology

····· lezzter Preis 49.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The word `mangrove` is used for salt tolerant plants. Macnae (1968) proposed the term `Mangal` to denote this mangrove ecosystem. Mangroves are specialized ecosystems developed along estuarine sea coasts and river mouths in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world, mainly in the intertidal zone. Hence, the ecosystem and its biological components are under the influence of both marine and freshwater conditions. These plants are specialized to tolerate high salinity, tidal extremes, high fluctuations in wind, temperature and muddy anaerobic soil. No other groups of terrestrial plants survive well under such conditions. A muddy substratum of varying depth and consistency is necessary for their growth. The plants have special adaptations such as stilt roots, viviparous germination, salt-excreting leaves, breathing roots, and knee roots by which these plants survive in water-logged, anaerobic saline soils of coastal environments. Mangroves comprise salt tolerant plant species that occur along inter-tidal zones of rivers and seas in the form of narrow strips or as extensive patches in estuarine habitats and river deltas of tropical and sub-tropical regions. ····· 1036119817

Recreational Utilization of the Fauna: Transbaikalian National Park

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Baikal is the world s largest and unique freshwater lake. Baikal s ecosystem is endowed with unprecedented biodiversity. Transbaikalian National Park is a representative tract on Baikal s shores. It is home to various species of animals and birds. They populate the landscapes of mountain tundras, alpine meadows, taiga, lakes, rivers, bogs and Baikal s islands. This book outlines the species composition of animals living within the Park. Ecological information is provided for the main species of interest to tourists. Thematic maps display the distribution of recreationally significant animal species, focusing on their utilization and protection. The book will be of interest to a broad readership: specialist geographers, biologists, ecologists, those working in nature reserves and national parks, tour operators and just to naturalists nature lovers. ····· 1036119789

Lemanea in Lotic Environment of Manipur, North-East India

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Red algae (Rhodophyta) are marine and only a few grow in freshwater-bodies of which Lemanea is one such species found in freshwater rivers of Manipur, NE India. There is lack of information about the ecology, distribution, production scenario and nutritional profile of the plant though the plant is utilized traditionally by local communities as food delicacy since centuries in Manipur. Absence of algae throughout river stretches, prevalence in winter and preference by locals as food delicacy lead us to undertake the detailed investigation on occurrence of Lemanea, understand its present range and conservation status provide nutritional profile in attempting to understand the resources of potentially valuable products it may contain. The study suggest that these alga which are scarcely available during their short growing period in fresh water flowing ecosystems also have considerable potential for biochemicals and minerals component that may find application in food and pharmaceutical industry as a source in preparation of nutrient supplements and medicine. Chapters in the book focus on the distribution and ecology, nutrient profile and need for conservation of Lemanea. ····· 1036119711

Factors Limiting Tropical Rain Forest Regeneration

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Escalating loss of tropical forest is the main challenge to forest managers and scientists in many parts of Africa. Advancement in technology and increase in human population have resulted in increased pressure on tropical rain forests hence posing a threat on the slow regenerating forests. Kakamega is one of the tropical rain forests faced with high rate of depletion from increasing human population and logging for raw materials. Success in forest regeneration is determined by successive completion of several events in the life circle of trees such as seed production, dispersal to safe sites, germination, seedling emergency establishment and onward growth. This study was carried out to ascertain the factors impinging on regeneration in Kakamega forest. The study was done in six different vegetation types identified as primary forest,plantation, shrubland,secondary grassland, natural glade and burnt glade.Information on forest regeneration is vital for the undertaking of forest restoration work in degraded areas of a forest. ····· 1036119630

Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud.

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Along the Deltaic Mediterranean Coast of Egypt, reed stands are important for wintering, foraging, refuging and breeding of the migrant birds. These stands also play an important role in the nutrient budget of the Mediterranean coastal waters and lakes. Phragmites australis is the major component of reed stands covering approx. 8200 ha along the shores of Lake Burullus, a Ramsar site in Egypt. Stand structure and biomass production of this plant were analyzed along the north-south and east-west gradients at monthly intervals over a period of one year (February 2003 - January 2004). For this purpose, young and old stands were selected at eight different locations in the lake. Further, some water and sediment characteristics were measured monthly at the same locations. A published temperate zone reed model (FEMME)was applied to assess the growth and cycling of carbon and nutrients among the various organs of P. australis in this sub-tropical lake. The aim was to quantify morphometric and biomass variability among reed beds along a fertility and salinity gradient in Lake Burullus. ····· 1036119596

Distribution Pattern and Conservation Threats to Red Panda

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Red panda (Taxonomic name Ailurus fulgens) is the only species of genus Ailurus. They are arboreal, elusive, and solitary and sparsely distributed small-bodied mammalian carnivore. The red pandas present distribution extends from Nepal through Bhutan, India, Burma and Myanmar in the Himalayas, to China. It is unique in the animal world because it has no close living relatives and its family, Ailuridae, has only one genus, Ailurus. In Nepal, it is legally protected by NPWC Act 1973, listed as vulnerable by IUCN Red list (2010) and internationally protected by CITES and enlisted under Appendix1.The study assessed distribution pattern and the emerging threats to red panda in Gauri Shankar Conservation Area. This study further investigated the habitat preference to red panda. This study provides baseline information regarding the population distribution, and threats for it on the site providing information for its effective management in the days to come. It will be helpful for the further studies for the future researchers, wildlife biologists and other interested individuals. ····· 1036119528

Mau Forest Complex (Kenyans courting disaster)

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The purpose of writing this book is to give the reader a chance to know what it means by the destruction of a water tower. I want you to appreciate the fact that it was wrong for the government of the day to have failed to protect, sustain and conserve the major Mau water tower in this country.The text reveals how the government and its citizens were involved in its mismanagement,degradation, and decimation because of greed and impunity. Regimes that ruled this country in the past are to blame for the massive destruction of the Mau Forest Complex by failing to put in place proper laws and regulations to protect, sustain and conserve the water tower. The citizens were not sensitized of the fundamental importance of these ecological unit. Future governments must learn a hard lesson from the mistakes of the past, and become focused and committed to matters that concern conservation of a such resource for the future generations. Everybody must become responsible, transparent and accountable not to be involved in the destruction of prime water towers. This is a resource reference book for all at Schools, Colleges and Universities in the fields of Ecology and Environmental studies. ····· 1036119469

Ecological restoration: The role of honeybees

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Insects are considered to be responsible for 80-85% of all pollination, with honeybees being well known for their pollination services for many crops. The effect of managed honeybee pollination on sunflower seed yield and quality was investigated. This was done through pollinator exclusion and pollinator surveys on sunflower field plots located at different distances from managed honeybee colonies. Observations on the foraging behavior and activity of honeybees throughout the day were also made. Insect pollination improved the mass of 100 seeds (by 38%), germination percentage (by 38%) and oil content (by 36%). Moreover, visitation frequency, seed yield and quality were negatively correlated with distance to the honeybee hives. Honeybee foraging activity varied throughout the day, the highest activity being from 9h00 until 16h00, and activity was correlated with temperature. The results of this study suggest that the use of managed honeybees in sunflower crop production can effectively increase the seed quality and quantity, but additional management measures should be considered to improve production in large monocropping farms that are currently isolated from pollinator sources. ····· 1036119281

Conservation of Pheasants of Kumaon Himalaya, India

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Pheasants are one of the most charismatic bird groups. They are mostly confined to Asian subcontinent. Status of pheasants indicates the quality of forest ecosystem of that particular habitat/area/region. Increased human population and their related natural resources need degraded pheasant s habitat worldwide. The IUCN has listed pheasants the most threatened bird group among all birds. Therefore the present study carried out on the ecology, threats and conservation of the pheasants of Kumaon Himalaya in India. The book contains 8 chapters that include status and abundance, habitat use, ecological studies, threats and conservation strategy for Kumaon Himalaya pheasants. The book will be useful for students, researchers, game bird managers and forest conservationist. ····· 1036119232

Impact of Interventions on Brackish Water Ecosystem and Livelihoods

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This book provides an opportunity to understand the cause-effect relation between water resources development interventions and brackish water ecosystems in a developing country like Bangladesh. Because of the increasing water development interventions in Bangladesh, brackish water ecosystems have become a great concern at the present time. Being located in the south-eastern coastal area of Bangladesh, the Bakkhali River faces such type of threat. Due to the rubber dam construction across the river, the brackish water zone has been cut-off by establishing a distinct fresh and saline water zone affecting livelihoods of the brackish water dependent groups. The study reveals low availability of the indicator species in the zone. Finally, the study also argues that the impact on indicator species is due not only to the rubber dam construction across the river but also increased fisher folks and indiscriminate fishing practice considerably. ····· 1036119219

Rechnoj bobr na malyh vodotokah Belarusi

für 55.71€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V dolinnyh jekosistemah, v rezul`tate stroitel`noj deyatel`nosti bobrov znachitel`no uvelichivaetsya jekologicheskaya emkost` dlya kun`ih, v osobennosti dlya okolovodnyh ih vidov. V sravnenii s nezatoplennymi uchastkami vodotokov, v bobrovyh prudah, inaya vidovaya struktura i bol`shaya biomassa vodnyh kormov, a bobrovye nory i hatki yavlyajutsya kak vygodnymi ubezhishhami kun`ih, tak i vazhnymi mestami dostupa k vodnoj srede pri kormodobyvanii v period ledostava. Jevtrofikaciya bobrovyh prudov i ih zarastanie makrofitami obuslavlivajut izmenenie biomassy i struktury zapasov kormovyh resursov dlya kun`ih. Na nizinnyh bolotah, obrazovavshihsya na meste jevtrofnyh bobrovyh prudov, uvelichivaetsya vidovoe bogatstvo i biomassa melkih gryzunov. Bobrovye zatopleniya privlekajut utok, osobenno v reproduktivnyj period. Nedavno sozdannye i slabo zarosshie bobrovye prudy bolee vygodny dlya vydry i norok, togda kak sil`no zarosshie bobrovye zatopleniya v bol`shej mere blagopriyatny dlya amerikanskoj norki, lesnogo hor`ka i gornostaya. Intensivnaya stroitel`naya deyatel`nost` bobrov obuslavlivaet uvelichenie plotnosti populyacij i izmeneniya v strukture associacii kun`ih v dolinah malyh vodotokov. ····· 1036118916

Soil and Water as Indicators of Resource Condition in a Protected Area

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Indicators are means of measuring progress of desired actions. They can be defined as statistics, measures or parameters that can be used to track changes of the environmental and socio-economic conditions. Indicators are developed in synthesizing and transforming scientific and technical data into fruitful information. It can provide a sound base for decision-makers to take a policy decision on present as well as potential future issues of local, national, regional and global concerns. It can be used to assess, monitor and forecast parameters of concerns towards achieving environmentally sound development. In order to track the progress on implementation of the Agenda 21, and Millennium Goals, there is an expressed need to develop framework for simple indicators on environmental resources, i.e. air, water, land or biodiversity. In the pursuit of this, an attempt has been made in this work by taking two important indicators of the environment viz. soil and water to assess the present habitat condition and to track the changes occurred in the Rajaji National Park, India, because of Gujjar rehabilitation. ····· 1036118913

Sustainable Conservation Practice

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Protected areas in Kenya constitute 7% of the total land area with over 75% of wildlife in the country being found on private or communal land. Facing a range of development challenges with limited resources, one of the greatest challenge in Kenya is sustaining economic development with biodiversity conservation. Covering three categories of protected areas under different governance types and management objectives (government, community and private), the research examined the general issues of how local communities in Kenya have embraced different biodiversity conservation strategies and whether support for a particular conservation strategy is primarily a function of their experiences with biodiversity decline or their relationship with the conservation authorities. The findings suggest that local people appreciate the role of protected areas in conserving biodiversity and its values, but with some resentment towards some management activities of the protected area regulators. Negative attitudes were attributed to perceived problems of living next to the protected areas while support for the management activities was associated with perceived benefits to the local people. ····· 1036118855

Cleaner Production Concept in Georgia

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Cleaner Production (CP) is a concept which aims to encourage industries and consumers to adopt sustainable environmental practices. In Georgia, the industrial sector has a unique opportunity to gain large benefits from the implementation of CP because of the current transition of the country towards the market oriented economy. The aim of the present research is to determine particular actions needed to overcome existing barriers. The research reveals that the implementation of the CP concept requires building institutional capacity of the country to facilitate partnership between the government and the private sector. Regulatory and economic instruments which can help boosting the implementation of CP measures are identified. Moreover, the need for formation of appropriate professional capacity on CP through vocational schools, training centers, and universities is evaluated and outcomes are presented. The research reveals that it is also necessary to raise general awareness of consumers and the entire public to promote CP at the national level. ····· 1036118824

The Urban Heat Island Effects in Kathmandu

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Plenty of things are being discussed about the compact cities as a sustainable urban form but has anyone discussed about any adverse effect of these cities to the environment The local warming effect due to changes in urban fabric can be equally problematic as global warming because it is a major contributor for rising up the atmospheric temperature. This research focuses on urban heat island effect, a form of urban micro-climate, and suggests some mitigation measures for this phenomenon. As the topic is new for Nepal and most of the developing countries, mostly qualitative analysis is done based on literature reviews. The study carried out during the research in Kathmandu showed the presence of urban heat island affect and its growing trend. Therefore, the main objective of this research was to develop some guidelines to minimize as well as adapt the transitional city, Kathmandu, to this increasing urban heat island effect. ····· 1036118818

Water Resources Vulnerability and Rainwater Harvesting

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Droughts, floods, water pollution, and other water related problems occur in different corners of the world. These problems take different shapes, mirroring the looming water crisis, which will undoubtedly increase during this century. Urbanization is one of the most significant processes affecting human societies, environment and water resources. The increasing water demand is caused not only by the increasing population but also by the lifestyle. In urban areas, in compliance with the level of economic and social development, the issues of water become more complex. Furthermore, recharging of water tends to decrease. Rainwater harvesting which had been practiced by our ancestors long time ago has to be optimally redeveloped recently. This book talks about water problems in general, land use change due to urbanization, water vulnerability and rainwater harvesting scenarios of development, included social and cultural factors. The case study is in KartaManTul-Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This book is good for graduate students, lecturers, researchers, decision makers, and consultant focusing on Environmental and or Water Resources Management, Hydrology, Geography, and Planology. ····· 1036118770

Crustaceans in Atlantic and Mediterranean exposed sandy beaches

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Sandy beaches are the most widely distributed coastal systems worldwide and have several relevant ecological functions. However, in the last decades, they have been subjected to an increasing human pressure related with recreational activities, unbridled urbanization of coastal areas and tourism, which led to an environmental quality decline of these fragile ecosystems. Often dominated by Crustaceans, the macrofauna of exposed sandy beaches occupies a key-position in the food chains and plays an important ecological role in sandy shore function. Studying abundant species at the population level might be an adequate approach to the ecosystem when the aim is to assess the potential impact of induced environmental changes. The main goals of this study are: (i) to investigate the existence of macrofaunal key species on exposed sandy beaches (ii) to study their bio-ecology and (iii) to evaluate the possibility of this bio-ecological knowledge presenting a role in global changes assessment. To accomplish this evaluation on a much wider and comprehensive scale, comparative bio-ecological studies between Atlantic and Mediterranean populations from Europe and North Africa are performed. ····· 1036118697

Royal Bengal Tiger Panthera tigris tigris in Nepal

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As an obligate predator of large ungulates, the tiger (Panther tigris tigris) is an ideal umbrella species for protection of large tracts of forest. The current global tiger population is in precarious state since it is believed to compromise only 5% of what was there just a century ago and vanishing of tiger from as much as 40% of their habitat in just 10 years period. In Nepal, the distribution of tiger is limited to flat lands of Terai within fragmented pockets of PAs. While the protection outside PAs is out of reach, there is significant human pressure in the PAs. Nepal holds 55 of global tiger population with the number of 155 adult tiger. Shukla Phanta Wildlife Reserve is considered as one of the potential habitat for both tiger and prey density. Even in the area of 52km2, high ungulate biomass was observed. Reduction in pressure such as cattle grazing and human disturbance is required before ungulate and tiger can revive to their potential. More strict conservation measure is required from reserve side for long time survival of the species. ····· 1036118684

Ekobioindikatsionnaya otsenka izmeneniy gorodskoy sredy

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V knige daetsya otsenka ekologicheskogo sostoyaniya gorodskoy sredy na primere Sankt-Peterburga metodami ekobioindikatsii (biogeokhimicheskoy i ekspressnoy indikatsii). Privodyatsya obshchie teoreticheskie polozheniya ekologo-bioindikatsionnykh issledovaniy. Rassmotreny etapy ekobioindikatsionnykh issledovaniy urbogeosistem: ekspressnaya otsenka funktsional`nogo sostoyaniya zelenykh nasazhdeniy goroda, issledovanie biogeokhimicheskoy struktury rasteniy fonovykh i gorodskikh geosistem, opredelenie soderzhaniy khimicheskikh elementov v biosubstratakh, otsenka zagryazneniya pochvennogo pokrova, ekologicheskoe zonirovanie issledovannoy territorii. Obosnovany kriterii integral`noy otsenki intensivnosti transformatsii urbogeosistem i osushchestvleno ekologicheskoe zonirovanie territorii na ikh osnove. Kniga rasschitana na biogeokhimikov, geoekologov, ekologov, a takzhe na chitateley, interesuyushchikhsya ekologiey goroda. ····· 1036118485

Climate Change

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
According to IPCCC, there is overwhelming scientific evidence and consensus that climate change is real as indicated in temperatures, volatility in rainfall and rise in sea levels. Other natural catastrophes that come as a result of climate change include prolonged droughts, huge floods, diseases, hunger, poverty and deaths especially for the most vulnerable, the poor and the less fortunate. It is imperative that climate change be taken as real due to the ample scientific evidence as perceived in the environment. It is not easy to find lasting solutions to the type of catastrophes that are associated with climate change but future generations should be made aware of this phenomenon because they must be prepared in every aspect to face the inevitable. The future generations should psychologically be prepared to try and cope with the new challenges in nearly all the parts of the world at different times due to climate change. This is a standard teaching text and resource book for undergraduate and postgraduate programs at Universities in the Schools of Pure and Applied Sciences, Environmental Science and Environmental Education. ····· 1036118465

Coastal and Marine Environmental Assessment

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Over the past decade, there has been a rapid increase in industrialization and human population growth along marine and coastal area of the world. This increase does much to further the well-being of the people and it also leaves severe impacts on coastal and marine environment. Approaching environmental science from a marine and coastal water perspective requires comprehensive background in the issues of geology, chemistry, biology, and in many cases atmospheric science to prevent and minimize adverse impacts of different types of pollution. This book is focused on environmental issues which include assessment of environmental impact and analysis of the different types of pollution and their effects on the coastal and marine environment. Moreover, it is provided for students and scientists in marine environment and/or ecosystem ecology, and some basic knowledge of marine biological research. Because of the diversity of illustrations and tabular information used in the examples of marine and coastal water studies, as well as the comprehensive bibliographic sources. I hope that, this book to be interesting and useful for reader, and I welcome your comments and feedback. ····· 1036118371

Ecological Basis for Lake Nasser Ecosystem

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The construction of Aswan High Dam (AHD) in the southern part of Egypt resulted in the creation of one of the largest man-made lakes in the world. Lake Nasser provided a water tank` for the country besides drinking and municipal water supply, industrial and cooling water supply, power generation, agricultural irrigation, river regulation and flood control, commercial and recreational fisheries and other aesthetic recreational uses. The lake has undergone ecological changes in its characteristics, biodiversity, fisheries etc,. The present mutiauthors book is sets out to explore, a recent information on the various aspects of Lake Nasser (Geology, physico-chemical characters, sedimentation, flora & fauna, fish & fisheries, biodiversity, and other ecological changes that followed its early filling. The data are presented in a simple way supported by tables and figures which will be undoubtedly a useful reference to individuals and institutions working on the Lake ····· 1036118328

Biochemical and Enzymatic Analysis of marine benthic macroalgae

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Marine algae represent itself as potential sources of various useful products. They also exhibit considerable variation in their stress metabolites and enzymatic activity in stressed conditions. In this present study benthic macro-algae of Sunderban Ecosystem has been examined for biochemical characterization with respect to changing physico chemical properties of estuarine water. Chapter 1 contains a short introduction to the topic and discusses the utilization potentialities of marine algae. Chapter 2 discusses the review in details of previous scientific researches on biochemistry of marine algae. Chapter 3 describes the objectives of the study. Chapter 4 discusses the procedures followed for the study. Chapter 5 examines the results of the benthic algal biochemistry of the three seasons. In the last part of this chapter Seasonal Variation of the different parameters of the algal genera with respect to Salinity presented. Chapter 6 condenses the expanded discussion of the observations of the present study pointing at the most important ones. Chapter 8 gives the list of reference actually seen and cross referred for completion of the study. ····· 1036118326

Environmental Accounting for Forest Area

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Forests play a key role in the livelihoods of the local people as they have both direct and indirect use values. Realization of the indirect benefits of forests to mankind, including improvement in the quality of forest ecosystem, has increased nowadays. It is observed that underestimation of the contribution of indirect benefits from forests or absence of valuation of forest products and services is one of the essential factors leading to forest degradation. Apathy towards these factors will increase the threat to forest. Estimating forests value and understanding how different ecosystem components interact with the income and welfare of rural households leads to sustainable management of forests. Accounting of soils of Pavagadh forest area where ecorestoration activities were practiced, the precise cost and benefit of the different forest conservation activities and further the utility of the Geographical Information System in spatial display of such analysis in the present publication emphasizes the need of indirect cost benefit analysis of the forest management accounting system specifically before and after restoration activities in an area. ····· 1036118310

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