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Biochemical and Enzymatic Analysis of marine benthic macroalgae

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Marine algae represent itself as potential sources of various useful products. They also exhibit considerable variation in their stress metabolites and enzymatic activity in stressed conditions. In this present study benthic macro-algae of Sunderban Ecosystem has been examined for biochemical characterization with respect to changing physico chemical properties of estuarine water. Chapter 1 contains a short introduction to the topic and discusses the utilization potentialities of marine algae. Chapter 2 discusses the review in details of previous scientific researches on biochemistry of marine algae. Chapter 3 describes the objectives of the study. Chapter 4 discusses the procedures followed for the study. Chapter 5 examines the results of the benthic algal biochemistry of the three seasons. In the last part of this chapter Seasonal Variation of the different parameters of the algal genera with respect to Salinity presented. Chapter 6 condenses the expanded discussion of the observations of the present study pointing at the most important ones. Chapter 8 gives the list of reference actually seen and cross referred for completion of the study. ····· 1036118326

Environmental Accounting for Forest Area

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Forests play a key role in the livelihoods of the local people as they have both direct and indirect use values. Realization of the indirect benefits of forests to mankind, including improvement in the quality of forest ecosystem, has increased nowadays. It is observed that underestimation of the contribution of indirect benefits from forests or absence of valuation of forest products and services is one of the essential factors leading to forest degradation. Apathy towards these factors will increase the threat to forest. Estimating forests value and understanding how different ecosystem components interact with the income and welfare of rural households leads to sustainable management of forests. Accounting of soils of Pavagadh forest area where ecorestoration activities were practiced, the precise cost and benefit of the different forest conservation activities and further the utility of the Geographical Information System in spatial display of such analysis in the present publication emphasizes the need of indirect cost benefit analysis of the forest management accounting system specifically before and after restoration activities in an area. ····· 1036118310

Evaluation of Species Diversity in Forest Fragments

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The disappearance of the Tropical forest has resulted in the forest subsisting as fragments of the original forest. Techniques to evaluate species diversity of these forest fragments are vital for the elaboration of conservation strategies to support preservation of species in the remaining fragments. This book sort to estimate tree species diversity within two forest fragments in Ghana. The regeneration potential of the tree species was also assessed which by far outnumbered the matured trees necessitating an investigation into the possible means of dispersal for the new species. No other natural forests were present in the area and far beyond, therefore wind, birds and mammals are the possible vectors of seed dispersal. A bird and mammalian species inventory was conducted to evaluate their activity as possible seed dispersers. The forest inventory and data analysis revealed that the surveyed forest fragments are seriously degenerated in terms of structure and composition but still holds a good regeneration potential and contributes to the preservation of biodiversity. ····· 1036118282

Ecology of insular plant in Mountain Island in Egypt

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Due to the relatively high environmental importance of endemic species on the regional ecosystems of Southern Sinai, to consider a taxon as endemic without specifying a geographic range is meaningless. Because the ranges of taxa change over time, time must also be specified, or at least understood. Changes in the ranges of species, either by invasion (range extension) or by range contraction, change the percentage endemism within a given area. Changes in endemism also occur by extinction and speciation, although the rate of speciation is much slower than the rate at which taxa change their ranges. The eco-physiological studies provide the most suitable tool for the appropriate comprehensive understanding of low environmental and physiological processes that interact to determine the performance of the growth of plant species. The analysis of species environment relationship has always been a central issue in ecology. For over a century, ecologists have attempted to determine the factors that control plant species distribution and variation in vegetation composition. ····· 1036118046

Parazitotsenozy vodnykh ekosistem Volzhskogo basseyna

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Pri provedenii parazitologicheskogo monitoringa ustanovleny osobennosti formirovaniya parazitotsenozov i funktsionirovaniya osnovnykh parazitarnykh sistem v vodoemakh Verkhnevolzhskogo regiona. Podrobno okharakterizovana parazitofauna ryb i izucheny smeshannye formy invaziy. Vyyasneny razmerno-vozrastnye pokazateli pri liguleze. Aprobirovany teoreticheskie i prikladnye podkhody k izucheniyu parazitarnykh sistem i parazitotsenozov vodnykh ekosistem. Podtverzhdena vozmozhnost` ispol`zovaniya parazitologicheskikh dannykh dlya ekologo-biotsenologicheskoy kharakteristiki vodoemov. Kniga rasschitana na spetsialistov biologov, ekologov, ikhtiologov, ikhtiopatologov, parazitologov, veterinarnykh vrachey, studentov fakul`tetov veterinarnoy meditsiny i biologii. ····· 103615384

Ekologiya mozhzhevel`nika

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Privedeny svedeniya o geograficheskom i ekologo-fitotsenoticheskom arealakh 65 vidov mozhzhevel`nika, o proiskhozhdenii i sistematike roda Juniperus L. Ukazana vstrechaemost` predstaviteley dannogo roda v prirodnykh ekosistemakh pyati kontinentov. Na territorii Sverdlovskoy i Chelyabinskoy oblastey, v Bashkirskom i Yuzhno-Ural`skom zapovednikakh Rossii ustanovleny tipy lesa s uchastiem v podleske mozhzhevel`nika obyknovennogo. Opredelen ekologicheskiy optimum spontannogo razvitiya i ustoychivogo samopodderzhaniya ego tsenopopulyatsiy. Predstavleny rezul`taty izucheniya zakonomernostey geograficheskogo rasprostraneniya, fitotsenoticheskogo areala, differentsiatsii dannogo vida na vnutrividovye edinitsy na Yuzhnom, Srednem i Severnom Urale. Podcherkivaetsya tsennost` lokal`nykh poseleniy mozhzhevel`nika kak formoobrazovatel`nykh tsentrov pri vvedenii ego v kul`turu. Novye dannye po biologicheskim i ekologicheskim osobennostyam mozhzhevel`nika mogut byt` vostrebovany dlya razrabotki prirodookhrannykh meropriyatiy po sokhraneniyu bioraznoobraziya vnutrividovykh taksonov lyubogo vida. ····· 103615324

Osnovy ekologicheskogo proektirovaniya i ekologicheskoy ekspertizy

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V uchebnom posobii dany osnovnye ponyatiya o metodakh nauchnogo poznaniya i protsedure ekologicheskoy ekspertizy, otsenki vozdeystviya na okruzhayushchuyu prirodnuyu sredu v proektnoy i predproektnoy dokumentatsii, ekologicheskogo litsenzirovaniya po vidam litsenzii, kak edinoy sistemy, osnovannoy na normativno-pravovykh dokumentakh, a takzhe sformirovat` u studentov metodicheskie podkhody po voprosam provedeniya ekologicheskoy ekspertizy i razrabotki materialov po otsenke vozdeystviya na okruzhayushchuyu prirodnuyu sredu. Rekomendovano Uchenym sovetom gosudarstvennogo obrazovatel`nogo uchrezhdeniya vysshego professional`nogo obrazovaniya `Orenburgskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet` v kachestve uchebnogo posobiya dlya studentov, obuchayushchikhsya po programme vysshego professional`nogo obrazovaniya po spetsial`nosti `Bezopasnost` zhiznedeyatel`nosti v tekhnosfere`. ····· 103615249

Ekologicheskie vyzovy chelovechestvu i puti ikh resheniya

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Nastoyashchaya kniga vyrosla iz ekologicheskikh kursov, chitaemykh avtorom v universitetakh Rossii i nekotorykh drugikh stran, iz nauchnykh rezul`tatov i razmyshleniy, vynesennykh iz ekspeditsiy, uchastiya v mezhdunarodnykh ekologicheskikh forumakh i iz analiza ekologicheskikh i politicheskikh realiy nashego vremeni. Kniga obrashchaetsya k istokam nauchnoy ekologii, sozdannoy, v pervuyu ochered` uchenymi Germanii (E.Gekkel`, E.Zyuss i dr.) i Rossii (V.I.Vernadskiy, G.F.Gauze. Zadacha avtora - donesti do chitateley, opirayas` na fundamental`nuyu nauku, dukh ekologicheskogo optimizma, pokazat` nevozmozhnost` global`nogo ekologicheskogo krizisa.Kniga soderzhit slovar` ekologicheskikh terminov, i mozhet ispol`zovat`sya kak dopolnitel`noe posobie dlya chitateley, zhelayushchikh samostoyatel`no povysit` kvalifikatsiyu v oblasti fundamental`nykh problem ekologii. ····· 103615229

Deystvie ioniziruyushchikh izlucheniy na agrobiotsenozy

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V monografii obobshcheny rezul`taty mnogoletnikh issledovaniy po radiobiologii i radioekologii komponentov agrobiotsenozov, vypolnennye v laboratorii radiobiologii rasteniy i agrotsenozov VNII sel`skokhozyaystvennoy radiologii i agroekologii. Predstavleny rezul`taty ostrogo i khronicheskogo oblucheniya rasteniy, fitofagov i fitopatogenov na raznykh etapakh ikh razvitiya. Privedeny rezul`taty eksperimental`nykh i naturnykh issledovaniy v zone zagryazneniya radionuklidami posle avarii na Chernobyl`skoy AES. Predlozheny metodicheskie podkhody k prognozirovaniyu radiatsionnogo porazheniya rasteniy. Izucheny teoreticheskie osnovy i priemy ispol`zovaniya biologicheski aktivnykh veshchestv, napravlennye na povyshenie ustoychivosti sel`skokhozyaystvennykh rasteniy k deystviyu bioticheskikh i abioticheskikh faktorov sredy. Proanalizirovano vliyanie agrokhimikatov na transport radionuklidov i tyazhelykh metallov iz pochvy v rastenie. Obsuzhden krug problem, svyazannykh s organizatsiey zashchity rasteniy ot vrednykh organizmov i snizheniem pestitsidnoy nagruzki na agrotsenozy v usloviyakh radioaktivnogo i khimicheskogo zagryazneniya ugodiy. Kniga predstavlyaet interes dlya shirokogo kruga radiobiologov, ekologov, spetsialistov v oblasti zashchity rasteniy. ····· 103615110

Elektromagnitnaya bezopasnost`

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Kniga znakomit chitatelya s osnovami bezopasnosti zhiznedeyatel`nosti cheloveka v elektromagnitnykh polyakh.Prednaznachena dlya nauchnykh i inzhenerno-tekhnicheskikh rabotnikov, zanimayushchikhsya problemami elektromagnitnoy bezopasnosti cheloveka, dlya aspirantov i nauchnykh rabotnikov, spetsializiruyushchikhsya v oblasti elektromagnitnoy sovmestimosti tekhnicheskikh sredstv i bioob`ektov, dlya studentov uchebnykh zavedeniy, zanimayushchikhsya izucheniem rasprostraneniya elektromagnitnykh poley v okruzhayushchey srede i stalkivayushchikhsya s izlozhennymi v knige problemami. Izlozhennyy material mozhet okazat`sya poleznym dlya meditsinskikh spetsialistov, stalkivayushchikhsya s problemami vozdeystviya elektromagnitnogo polya na cheloveka i bioob`ekty. Krome togo, avtor vidit poleznost` knigi v obespechenii gramotnosti vsekh sloyev naseleniya v oblasti elektromagnitnoy bezopasnosti, a takzhe v formirovanii u nikh soznatel`nogo i otvetstvennogo otnosheniya k voprosam kak lichnoy elektromagnitnoy bezopasnosti, tak i elektromagnitnoy bezopasnosti okruzhayushchey sredy. ····· 103614810

Deyatel`nost` Rossii na konferentsiyakh OON po problemam okruzhayushchey sredy

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V svyazi s uskoreniem promyshlennogo rosta v mire na rubezhe tysyacheletiy problemy okhrany okruzhayushchey sredy stanovyatsya vse bolee aktual`nymi. Voprosy ekologicheskoy bezopasnosti priobretayut vse bol`shee znachenie dlya mirovoy ekonomiki, tak kak nevozmozhno dostich` ustoychivykh tempov razvitiya bez ratsionalizatsii ispol`zovaniya prirodnykh resursov. Vazhnuyu rol` v obespechenii neobkhodimykh usloviy dlya ekologicheskogo sotrudnichestva razlichnykh stran, a takzhe v neposredstvennom reshenii vazhneyshikh global`nykh problem okruzhayushchey sredy prizvana sygrat` OON kak naibolee predstavitel`naya i universal`naya mezhdunarodnaya organizatsiya. Predmet issledovaniya nashey raboty zaklyuchaetsya v rassmotrenii problem sotrudnichestva mezhdu Rossiey i sistemoy OON po voprosam okhrany okruzhayushchey sredy. Syuda vkhodyat voprosy vzaimootnosheniy nashey strany s razlichnymi organami OON po voprosam ekologii, uchastie Rossii v mezhdunarodnykh konferentsiyakh po okhrane okruzhayushchey sredy, a takzhe vypolnenie eyu svoikh obyazatel`stv po osnovnym mnogostoronnim prirodookhrannym konventsiyam. ····· 103614654

Reproductive Ecology, Population Genetics and Population Dynamics

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The reproductive ecology of three species of decapod crabs, the shore crab (Carcinus maenas), the velvet crab (Necora puber) and the edible crab (Cancer pagurus), were studied in Swansea Bay and south Gower. The genetic makeup of the shore crab populations present in Swansea Queen s Dock and Mumbles Pier was compared using SSCP and cloning analysis of the 16S rRNA. Four different haplotypes were identified, with low level of genetic divergence, and close relationship of the identified haplotypes with published shore crab haplotypes. AMOVA showed no significant difference between the study populations and published shore crab haplotypes. However, all identified haplotypes were different from published shore crab haplotypes, indicating a degree of reproductive isolation of the Swansea shore crab populations. Analysis of the permit return data for 1980-2002 of the edible and velvet crab fishery for the South Wales Sea Fisheries Committee District indicated that a combination of factors including overfishing, environmental conditions, and the Sea Empress oil spill in 1996 have contributed to a decline in landings that continues to date with limited signs of recovery. ····· 103613877

Swamp Francolin

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Swamp Francolin (Francolinus gularis), a globally threatened bird endemic to the Indian sub-continent is perhaps gradually declining owing to different natural and anthropogenic factors. In order to get familiar with the population status, habitat, and the conservation threats this study was undertaken at Suklaphanta Wildlife Reserve which is the westernmost extent of this bird in Nepal. Population status was estimated by using its unique voice as identification method, which is more pronounced at dawn and dusk and at its zenith especially during the breeding period (Feb-May). This method of call count from different survey points yielded a maximum of 90 pairs of birds to be present in the reserve. Analysis of habitat parameters collected in different quadrates showed that Swamp Francolin population and grass density are significantly correlated (P = 0.070, df = 27) with positive sign. The tree density and the birds number are significantly correlated (P = 0.016, df = 27) with negative sign. Thus we conclude that Swamp Francolin prefers the grassland habitat and tends to avoid the forest land. ····· 103613872

The Role of Institutions in Natural Resource Management

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Tropical Forests provides a wide range of functions. It is a source of income for majority and the dominant energy source in Sub-Saharan Africa. More importantly, tropical forests remarkably contribute to atmospheric carbon sequestration. The recent commitment to conserve tropical forests in the form of Payment for Ecological Services (PES) and Reducing Emission from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD and REDD+) are an evidence for its key roles. The realization of these multiple function will only possible with the presence of the right policy, institutions and institutional arrangements. It is through the right type of institutions that the goal of sustainable forest management will be attained. Various types of institutions and institutional arrangements have been employed for sustainable management of forests in Sub-Saharan Africa. This book explains the role of institutions, institutional arrangements and property rights in place for the management of forest resources at operational, management and policy level. The book is particularly suitable to undergraduate and post-graduate students, researchers and professionals concerned in natural resource management. ····· 103613659

Nandi Forests of Kenya

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Nandi forests are situated in the Rift Valley Province of Kenya, close to Kakamega forest. From literature, it has been confirmed that Kakamega and Nandi forests were connected to each other forming,one big `U` shaped forest block till the beginning of 1900s. Currentlly, due to human pressure,this one block forest is fragmented into three different forests. In this study, a total of 321 vascular plant species from 92 families and 243 genera were identified in Nandi forests (both South and North Nandi forests). In South Nandi forest, 253 plant species form 82 families and 201 genera were recorded while in North Nandi 181 species from 67 families and 155 genera were recorded. Jackknife second order estimator gave the highest species richness estimate for both South and North Nandi forests i.e. 284 and 209, respectively. Asteraceae, Rubiaceae and Euphorbiaceae are the top three species rich families of Nandi forests. Nandi forests have three different plant communities. North Nandi forest has higher basal area than that of South Nandi. In the highly and less disturbed parts of South Nandi forest, 138 and 172 vascular plant species, respectively, were recorded. ····· 103613520

Impact of Water Pollution on the Ecology and Biology of Utricularia

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Species of the genus Utricularia L. are carnivorous plants, which capture and digest insects and other tiny animalcules have been subject of scientific curiosity for quite a long time which are thought to be able to supplement nutrients from animals. Only a small number of Utricularia are genuine aquatic. Earlier water bodies which were rich in Utricularia sp. are now almost devoid of this plant probably due to the changes in water qualities and other environmental stresses caused by anthropogenic activities. The impact of water pollution on the ecology and biology of Utricularia have been studied and the impacts of different physico-chemical conditions of water on Utricularia were observed. This investigation reveals that the species of Utricularia fail to perform their normal biological processes and prey capturing ability in polluted water, and showed some threshold limits of inactivation under certain physico-chemical changes of the habitat water. Death and decomposition of the study plants ensure at certain values of such physico-chemical conditions. ····· 103613505

The Management of Persistent Organic Pollutants Pesticides in Nepal

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Farmers use pesticides as a major weapon to suppress various pest attacks, the use of which has increased in recent years due to increase in commercial farming. This has resulted in its indiscriminate use giving rise to several problems. Farmers have little or no knowledge of pesticides and their uses, as a result of which, general precautionary measures are also lacking. Since 2001, Nepal has banned all the Persistent Organic Pollutants pesticides. However, due to transboundary movement and illegal import, some of the banned pesticides are still found in local markets. But, as data is not always available, it is difficult to depict the trend. The enforcement of pesticide regulations is poor. Government confronts numerous constraints in terms of lack of qualified and trained personnel as well as the technical capacities in pesticide management which need to be substantially strengthened for the Government to be able to undertake its mandate to effectively implement the regulations relating to the production, importation, distribution and safe use of pesticides. ····· 103613494

Ungulates and Galliformes of Chenab Valley, Uttarakhand

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The Himalaya, being one of the richest biogeographic zones in India has many unexplored regions. Chenab Valley, situated beside the Urgam Reserve forest and just outside the buffer zone of NandaDevi Biosphere Reserve, was such an unexplored area. An assessment of the present status of the flora and fauna in this region was important from several perspectives. The present venture was initiated in order to get the baseline information on various ecological aspects of Ungulates and Pheasants in Chenab Valley and its adjacent areas.It is evident from the results that low density of ungulates and absence of some are the indication of habitat degradation to some extent. Potential threats to the Ungulates and Pheasants have been identified during the study. Conservation implications and management strategies have been discussed. Suggestions are given for further research, monitoring and overall conservation of Chenab Valley and the adjacent forest with special reference to Ungulates and Pheasants. ····· 103613467

Biosorbents For Dyes Removal

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Biosorption processes have attained great importance as an environment point of view that can remove toxic compound from industrial waste water. Many industries use dyes to color their products and discharge their waste in water which is harmful for aquatic life. Adsorption process provides an attractive alternative for the treatment of colored water. The by-products from the agricultural and industrial could be assumed to be low-cost adsorbents. They are abundant in nature, inexpensive, require little processing, effective materials and ability to remove cationic dye from aqueous solution. ····· 103613418

Dung seed bank of livestock

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Dung seed banks are reserves of viable seeds present in the dung. The seed bank is an indicator of past and present plant populations. Dung seed bank play an important role in ecology and primary productivity of natural grassland particularly where the vegetation influenced by animal species because enormous numbers of viable seeds can be found in the dung. Plant seed dispersal by animals is a central process for plant community dynamics and regeneration of species. If large number of seeds can survive digestion in the gut, they may subsequently be disseminated to distant areas. Thus grazing animals can be used to introduce desirable species in to areas undesirable for sowing by conventional method. The seed of many grassland species consumed by grazing ruminants can survive the digestive process in the gut and have been observed as seedling in the dung (Janzen 1984). The species composition and productivity of the pasture of the common grazing lands are highly influenced by the species of the livestock, the intensity of grazing, climatic and edaphic factors (Zerihun, 1986). ····· 103613220

Bioengineering: An Integrated Technique for Landslide Management

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Landslides are one of the catastrophic hazards that affect at least 15% land area of India exceeding 0.49 million km2. The Himalayan Mountains has been witnessing the furry of nature for a long time. Landslides are among one of the major and widely spread natural disasters that strike life and property almost perennially year after year. Large scale deforestation in recent decades has also disturbed the sensitive areas in the Himalayas. Concentration of human settlements and consequent logging, felling, grazing and occasional fires have reduced the forest area to a great extent The replacement of climax oak by pioneer pine has become a common and ever increasing phenomenon in Himalaya. The role of native vegetation is quite significant in prevention of landslides as well as for stabilizing the landslide. The present book embodies the bioengeinneing application and its role in mitigating and managing the landslide hazardous. The book has mainly emphasized on the bioengineering measures taken for recovery of catastrophic Varunavat Landslide, which took place on September 24th, 2003 in the Northern part of India and caused a massive socio-economic and ecological devastation. ····· 103613190

Metodología de caminatas ecoturísticas como recreación sostenible

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Cuba es un gran mosaico natural, rico en su naturaleza, la de mayor exuberancia y biodiversidad del Caribe con grandes potencialidades para la práctica del ecoturismo. La Isla de la Juventud no está ajena a este fenómeno, presentando también grandes potencialidades para el uso de la recreación en sus espacios naturales, con muchas especies de la flora y fauna endémicas como: la Cotorra y Grulla cubana, y la Palma Barrigona además de hermosos paisajes únicos en el mundo una historia, cultura y folclor llenos de leyendas de corsarios y piratas que asolaron muestra isla en siglos pasados de pictografías aborígenes que denotan la presencia de los primeros pobladores pineros y una población actual con gran valor humano. Pero también corre el riesgo de destruir sus ecosistemas si no son usados con un profundo carácter sostenible. El presente trabajo se ha estructurado valorando todo lo antes expuesto, al proponer una metodología para el uso del ecoturismo como un nuevo tipo de oferta recreativa ecoturística, para solucionar la problemática del uso intensivo de las áreas silvestres a través de ofertas recreativas turísticas que son insostenible. ····· 103613130

Conservación en ecosistemas de Colombia

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Colombia ha sido descrita como un país megadiverso y los ecosistemas andinos constituyen los más ricos en especies de flora y fauna. Esta diversidad natural es escenario donde ricas culturas humanas han desarrollado sus sistemas de vida. Aquí se describen algunos de los ecosistemas de mayor importancia biológica de Colombia. Los capítulos del libro muestran la historia y transformaciones ambientales de distintas localidades colombianas y las adaptaciones que han asumido comunidades humanas en sus esfuerzos para permanecer en sus tierras y mantener sus tradiciones culturales. En todos los casos se ha insistido en la descripción de la diversidad natural y los sistemas productivos de las comunidades. De igual manera, se han considerado las dificultades que encaran las comunidades ante las presiones que imponen procesos de desarrollo externos como el conflicto armado, el narcotráfico y algunos dinamizadores como la minería, la agricultura para biocombustibles y los megaproyectos de infraestructura. En este difícil marco social se adelanta un número notable de esfuerzos comunitarios, institucionales y de cooperación tendientes a generar armonías entre la conservación y el desarrollo. ····· 103613120

Medición del impacto de la sequía en la Huasteca Potosina y su manejo

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La sequía es un fenómeno climático que ocurre con intensidad variable en todo nuestro Planeta. Este fenómeno toma importancia cuando una comunidad humana se asienta en determinada zona y comienza a utilizar los recursos naturales que tiene a su alrededor para su subsistencia. El análisis del fenómeno de la sequía de la región Huasteca de San Luis Potosí, México, cobra importancia por sus actividades agropecuarias, la biodiversidad de su entorno natural, su condición de límite norte de las selvas altas perennifolias y la singularidad que conlleva poder estudiar a una menor escala las características territoriales de una región. Por otra parte, hasta ahora se cuenta en México con diversos estudios generales sobre los diferentes eventos naturales que pueden derivar en desastres, y éstos no hacen mayor referencia a sus implicaciones locales. El objetivo general de este trabajo es proponer una metodología para estudiar la sequía meteorológica en la Huasteca Potosina. Esta metodología deriva de métodos de medición de la sequía mediante la ayuda de un programa de cómputo y de la sobre-posición de variables climáticas y cartas de uso de suelo a través de distintos períodos de tiempo. ····· 103613048

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