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La contabilidad ecológica

für 26.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
El cuidado del medio ambiente, es importante y urgente debido a los problemas surgidos por los desechos producidos en las industrias y los desperdicios arrojados por el ser humano, y la tala inmoderada de los árboles que representan una fuente de oxígeno para la sociedad. Es por eso que en este trabajo de investigación tratamos temas tales como: Cultura ecológica y racionalidad ambiental, ética ambiental, calidad de vida y necesidades básicas, las normas ambientales. La contabilidad y el medioambiente, tema central del trabajo, en el que se trata los siguientes sub-temas: Ecología y contabilidad, La contabilidad y el medio ambiente, calentamiento global y sus consecuencias, entre otros. Al pensar en el futuro de nuestros hijos, debemos interesarnos por estos temas que son los que nos darán la pauta para mantener un medio ambiente más sano y evitar que se siga contaminando el entorno natural para mantener el oxígeno necesario en la vida humana, la flora y la fauna. ····· 1036121924

Calidad de Agua y Vegetación en el Río Santa Cruz, Sonora, México

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El Río Santa Cruz es una de las principales fuentes de abastecimiento de agua para las ciudades fronterizas de Nogales, Sonora, México, y de Nogales Arizona, Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, conocidas como Ambos Nogales. La ubicación de esta cuenca, ofrece la oportunidad de conocer y coadyuvar a la solución de problemas transfronterizos, mediante la generación de información básica. En términos generales el agua superficial del Río Santa Cruz es de buena calidad, ya que la mayoría de los parámetros físico-químicos analizados no exceden los límites máximos permisibles señalados en los criterios ecológicos de calidad de agua para diferentes usos. Un total de 335 especies pertenecientes a 69 familias y 195 géneros fueron identificadas en el cauce del RSC. Los principales factores que están afectando la disponibilidad de agua en la cuenca del RSC son: el incremento en el número de pozos y en el uso agrícola y urbano, sequías, los desmontes para el cambio de uso de suelo, entre otros. De seguir esta tendencia, fuentes oficiales pronostican que se tiene asegurado el abasto de agua hasta el año 2028 en la ciudad de Nogales, Sonora, México. ····· 1036121851

Efectos del ozono sobre la producción relativa de trigo y cebada

für 61.11€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
En esta tesis se presenta una metodología para la estimación de pérdidas relativas de producción debidas al ozono troposférico en trigo y cebada. Dicha metodología se basa en el cálculo de pérdidas relativas de producción en función de flujos estomáticos acumulados de ozono por encima de cierto umbral. Esta aproximación tiene en cuenta los parámetros ecofisiológicos que afectan a la absorción del ozono y ha sido contrastada con la actual propuesta del convenio de ginebra sobre contaminación atmosférica transfronteriza y a larga distancia (emep-clrtap) para estimar las pérdidas de producción en función de exposiciones acumuladas de ozono por encima del umbral de 40 ppb (partes por billón). Se ha constatado que la conductancia estomática, y por tanto, los flujos estomáticos de ozono al interior celular, están moduladados por diversos factores ambientales. Las pérdidas de producción en cultivos de trigo y cebada debidas al ozono son menores de lo que cabría esperar basándose en la exposición a este contaminante, en lugar de en la dosis absorbida. ····· 1036121850

Cacería en la Sierra de Manatlán, Jalisco-Colima, México

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Este trabajo investigó el uso de la fauna silvestre a través de la cacería de subsistencia, actividad que realizan los pobladores del ejido El Terrero, Municipio de Minatitlán, Jalisco-Colima, México. Reserva de Biosfera. Estudio que identificó las diversas formas de uso del recurso fauna silvestre, detectar quienes son los cazadores, como son los usos y el manejo de los recurso, además de discutir alternativas de gestión. Se aplicó una muestra de 25 entrevistas, trece de los cuales fueron cazadores avecindados y doce cazadores ejidatarios. El principal uso de la fauna silvestre es para autoconsumo familiar, doce de 18 especies de fauna silvestre cazadas son para alimento. Algunas especies como ardilla, armadillo, conejo, tejón, codorniz, gallinita, y la paloma se cazan cada mes. Esta actividad se realiza principalmente con arma de fuego y en ocasiones con trampa o resortera. ····· 1036121801

Determinación de Arsénico en aguas de consumo humano

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En el distrito de Puente Piedra, ubicado en Lima-Perú, se evaluó el grado de contaminación de arsénico, especialmente por tratarse de un distrito con escaso control sanitario sobre la calidad de agua de consumo humano. Para llevar a cabo este estudio se tomaron 38 muestras de agua de consumo humano, 13 provenían de SEDAPAL, 13 de agua de cisterna y 12 de agua de pozo, se usó el método espectrofotométrico de absorción atómica con horno de grafito. Encontrando que la concentración promedio de arsénico del total de muestras provenientes de SEDAPAL fue de 9.13 g As/L y el total de muestras provenientes de cisterna fue de 5.04 g As/L los cuales no exceden la concentración máxima permisible. También se halló que la concentración promedio de arsénico en el agua de consumo humano proveniente de pozo fue de 22,40 g As/L, la cual está por encima del límite permisible. Teniendo como referencia la Norma Técnica Peruana 214.003.87 (50 µg As/L) y la Organización Mundial de la Salud (10 µg As/L). ····· 1036121764

Bioaccumulation in Periphyton Community and Two Plant Species

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Bioaccumulation refers to the accumulation of toxic chemicals or substances such as heavy metal ions in an organism. This phenomenon occurs when the rate of absorption of a substance is greater than the rate at which the substance is lost. Many toxic organic chemicals attain concentrations in biota several orders of magnitude greater than their aqueous concentrations, flagging a serious threat to both the biota of surface waters and the humans that feed on these surface-water species. Some of plants and periphyton community have greater accumulation capability which could be applied for environmental monitoring. Zinc bioaccumulation and phosphate interaction effects on productivity of periphyton community and Cadmium bioaccumulation in grazing chain are studied and discussed in this book, by using artificial streams and in situ techniques for determination of bioaccumulation ability of two plant species, wheat (Triticum aestivum) and barley (Hourdum Vulgar). ····· 1036121608

Incentives for participation in global environmental programs

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Anthropogenic activity especially land use for agricultural activities in developing countries, is increasing greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere, threatening human development and ecosystem resilience now and in future. Whether or not a country contributes to the causes of climate change, the effects of climate change are experienced globally with diverse pressure exerted on natural resources, communities and societies. This paper therefore, sought to explore the incentives for community participation in a climate change mitigation programme. Specifically, it questioned the impact of the participatory environmental management approach (PEMA) on local community livelihoods Secondly, it assessed the contribution of PEMA to forest conservation And thirdly, it assessed the incentives for local community participation in the programme (PEMA) ····· 1036121514

Ecological Sanitation System

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Sanitation is a critical issue as it is linked to both human health and dignity. Poor sanitation is leading directly to a decline in the quality and quantity of available water resources, and the problem is now finally being treated with a greater degree of seriousness than ever before. Ecological Sanitation (EcoSan) can be an approach to improve sanitation and recovery nutrients from human excreta and urine. Ecological Sanitation regards human excreta as a resource to be recycled rather than as a waste to be disposed off. Recycling returns nutrients to soils and plants reduce the need for chemical fertilizers and restores good soil organisms to product plants. EcoSan represents a new basic understanding of wastewater handling in which faeces and urine are not considered as pollutants but instead as useful resources. It offers a solution to sustainable sanitation provision as it aims at providing improved sanitation by sanitizing the excreta and re-using it in agriculture. ····· 1036121414

The effects of diesel fuel and exhaust emissions

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Diesel fuel and exhaust emissions in Ghana is one of the sources of vehicular pollutions which currently is assuming an alarming proportions coupled with its attendance health effects to the general population. The emissions of these dangerous gases such as carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, lead and the oxides of nitrogen is on the increase because of the activities of motor vehicles in the country. It is therefore, of a great concern to Government, stakeholders and environmentalist trying to find a sustainable management programme that will deal effectively with the situation. In dealing with the problem, it is very significant for stakeholders to recognize the important role knowledge transfer or education plays in sensitizing and creating awareness among the people about the adverse effects of diesel fuel and exhaust emissions generated by vehicles in the country. The health related problems associated with these emissions is worrying. For instead, it is estimated that, air pollution of which vehicle emissions are the major cause is responsible for about 24,000 premature deaths in the UK alone every year. This is a serious global health problem which must be taken seriousely. ····· 1036121412

Characterizing Belowground Biodiversity

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Soil is one of the species rich habitats in terrestrial ecosystem. This complex and heterogeneous belowground environment provides numerous niches to soil fauna concerning microhabitats, and microclimatic properties. It has been reported that of the total number of described species, 23 per cent are soil living organisms. Landuse/land-cover change is an important driver of biodiversity loss. From the moment a natural system is modified, major changes occur to the soil environment and to the community present there. The intensity of the change induced compared with the original ecosystem and the ability of the various organisms to adapt to these changes will determine the ultimate community present after the perturbation. Habitat heterogeneity as a function of crop diversification plays important role in increased food source and environmental conditions for the soil biota while use of pesticides, deep tillage, contamination and pollution etc. plays negative role. This book presents a comprehensive understanding on the spatial pattern and structural dynamics of soil macrofauna in the context of rapid landuse changes and intensive land utilization. ····· 1036121363

Effect of plant extracted compounds on fish

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book deals chemical investigation of two regional, medicinal plant Euphorbia royleana (Family - Euphorbiaceae) and Nerium indicum (Family - Apocynaceae) with a view to isolate and characterise their chemical constituents which is responsible for their piscicidal activity against freshwater air breathing predatory fish Channa punctatus and biochemical effects of these constituents were also under taken, because they cannot be used as environmentally safe plant origin piscicides without a study of these aspect as well. In present study, seventeen compounds were extracted and their piscicidal activities were tested, among of them only five compounds (two from E. royleana and three from N. indicum) have optimum piscicidal activities against fish Channa punctatus. After exposure to sub-lethal doses of these compounds, respiratory pathway of fish shifts from aerobic to anaerobic segment. But it is beneficial that not only the mode of action of these compounds were reversible in their action but also their toxicity persist short duration inside the aquatic environment. In consequence, these compounds can be used for controlling predatory fishes in aquatic environment without harm. ····· 1036121319

Heavy Metals in Aquatic Food Chain, Upper Lake Bhopal, India

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Availability of adequate water supply in terms of both quality and quantity is essential human existence. Global industrialization has created the problem of air and water pollution. Discharge of large number of pollutants, especially heavy metals and pesticides in water has posed a threat to human life. The heavy metals reach the human body through food chain and produce a number of health hazards. The determination of metal ion concentration in natural water systems has received increasing attention for monitoring environmental pollution due to the fact that metals are not biodegradable and find their way in food chain through a number of pathways and may accumulate in different organs of animals and human beings. Since the pollution of aquatic environment by heavy metals is an extremely important and serious problem, it has attracted the attention of scientists all over the world. ····· 1036121259

Climate change impact on biodiversity

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Climate change impacts on biodiversity pose various challenges for adequate management of protected areas that play a key role in biodiversity conservation. This work focuses on Tajikistan, a mountainous country with unique biodiversity, and explores climate change impacts on the biodiversity of one of the most vulnerable reserves rich in biodiversity - Dashtidjum Zakaznik. The current and potential impacts of climate change on the biodiversity of the zakaznik have been analyzed following the DPSIR approach and based on current knowledge, experts` assumptions and observations. Analysis of meteorological data (1961-2008) has confirmed an increase of mean temperatures and anomalies in precipitation. A vulnerability assessment has shown (i) potential population decline for the majority of species important for conservation, (ii) migration of some species northwards outside the zakaznik, (iii) extirpation of some species, and (iv) increases in population sizes for other species, mainly those that are invasive. An assessment of national policies has identified a number of prerequisites for adaptation measures that may mitigate climate change impacts on the biodiversity of the zakaznik. ····· 1036121228

Forest ecosystems and global climate changes

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The coming global climate changes associated first of all with the increase of atmos-phere greenhouse effect may disturb the natural carbon cycle in biosphere and lead to large-scale ecological consequences. Cognition of the mechanisms of environment sus-tainability in changing climate is connected in many respect with studying the biotic regulation of the carbon cycle. Boreal forests play an important role in the global carbon cycle. The book expounds the regional-local prognostic conception as a scientific basis of monitoring of forest ecosystems under global climatic changes. Predictive landscape-ecological scenarios of the nearest future of temperate forests and their paleogeograph-cal analogs as a single system of global changes have been considered for the first time by the example of a large region the Volga River basin. ····· 1036121153

Changing Ecology of Tiger Reserves in India

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Sariska is a tiger reserve with a lot of biodiversity and situated in eastern part of Rajasthan. This book is a inclusive document on the Sariska. From the past Sariska faces good and bad time chronologically, but still remains with a lot of attraction for tourists as well as researchers.In this book i have covered all the possible problems of the Sariska reserve area with administrative status of solutions.The status of displacement, poaching and other confronting issues between villagers and administration as well as wildlife are also discussed. ····· 1036121047

Biodiversity of staphylinids of the Punjab, Pakistan

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This study is about the biodiversity of rove beetles. These act as predators, parasites and scavengers. These are also bio-indicators. As far climate of Punjab, Pakistan is concerned, it is a blend of different parameters. So, here should be a plenty of rove beetles but due to less attention this fauna was ignored. During this study, we collected specimens from different cropped and forest areas with the help of 5 different collecting methods. As these beetles live in moist areas, so relative humidity plays an important role in their abundance. the population of rove beetles has positive co-relation with soil moisture contents also. these are also medically important as some species cause Paederus dermatitis. This is a skin irritation. To avoid this, we have to aware about its habitat. This study is composed of many parameters and is very informative. ····· 1036120814

Vozmozhnye shemy resheniya zadachi jekonomii resursov i jenergii

für 35.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Kniga posvyashhena dvum vozmozhnym shemam resheniya zadachi jenergoresursosberezheniya, ne protivorechashhim mezhdunarodnomu prirodoohrannomu zakonodatel`stvu. V kachestve pervogo resheniya predlagaetsya ispol`zovanie briketov kataliticheskogo okisleniya dlya sozdaniya jenergojeffektivnyh sistem teplojenergosnabzheniya dlya malyh i srednih ob#ektov. Krome togo, predlagaetsya shema jekologicheski bezopasnoj utilizacii nekotoryh promyshlennyh i bytovyh othodov putem ih vkljucheniya v toplivnye brikety. V kachestve vtorogo resheniya predlagaetsya ispol`zovanie jekologicheski i pozharobezopasnogo, jenergojeffektivnogo, novogo rabochego tela v holodil`nom i turbinnom ciklah. ····· 1036120718

The Camel Century

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camel is unique and fascinating animal. Camel has the characteristics of all domestic animals in one special creature. Camel survive and produce in harsh and hostile conditions where other animal can hardly survive. In the context of climate change and creeping desertification, only camel can ensure food supply of the inhabitant of that fragile ecosystems. Unfortunately camel is not placed properly according to its importance and special attributes. ····· 1036120487

Ecology of Rufous-necked hornbill (Aceros nipalensis) in Bhutan

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Rufous-necked hornbill (RNH Aceros nipalensis [Hodgson, 1829] is one of four hornbill species found in Bhutan and is listed as `vulnerable` under IUCN Red List. Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park (JSWNP) of Bhutan is one of the important habitats for this highly restricted-range species. This research was done to study the distribution, relative abundance, habitat characteristics, food resources, foraging behavior, flock size, nesting behavior, and conservation threats of RNH in Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park, and is first kind of study in Bhutan. ····· 1036120454

A Test of Janzen-Connell Hypothesis in Indian Deciduous Forest

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Almost 4 decades ago Janzen(1970) and Connell(1971) proposed that one of the key factors in maintaining high tropical tree species diversity was played by the various host-specific seed and seedling predators, herbivores and pathogens. They predicted inexplicably high mortality of seed and seedlings close to the parent tree because of these natural enemies. In the present paper, the primary motive was to identify the spatial patterns of the dispersed seedlings, about four years old and subsequent infection by fungal pathogens, which determine their recruitment, relative to the distance from the parent tree. The field experiment was carried out in the dry deciduous part (50 Hectare plot) of the Mudumalai Tiger Reserve, Tamil Nadu, which confirmed that there is both a decrease in the seedling density and in the proportion of infected seedlings, as a function of distance from the parent tree, among the seedlings of Syzygium cumini, a bird-dispersed tree species. This supported Janzen s hypothesis that pathogen activity and seedling vulnerability to disease is maximum, when established near parent tree where seedling density is highest. ····· 1036120154

Environmental Biology and Conservation

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This primer `Environmental Biology and Conservation in Eastern Africa` is written as an introductory resource conservation course for undergraduate students in eastern Africa.It outlines a variety of global, regional and local resource and environmental issues covering a range of topics in conservation and natural resources management, but with a special emphasis on biodiversity. The book starts by describing the basic principles and concepts of ecology. The thrust of the book is that humans must adopt an attitude that seeks cooperation, rather than dominance, with nature. Humans are part and parcel of nature from where we derive our livelihoods. Ecosystem goods and services are keys to our survival and this means that we need to take an ecosystem approach in using nature s resources, especially biodiversity. We must respect the rights of other species to exist and live alongside us. The book ends on how nations and society can cooperate to conserve and have a sustainable use of nature s resources. ····· 1036120019

Conservation of Plant Diversity in Mountainous Arid Environments

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Biodiversity is a modern term which simply means `The variety of life on earth`. This variety can be measured on several different levels, Genetics, Species and Ecosystem level. Species on our Earth are now becoming extinct at an alarming rate, almost entirely as a direct result of human activities. Some species are more vulnerable to extinction than others like Endemic local species, threatened species and medicinal species. In this book, I am trying to find the best conservation strategy to conserve the plant diversity in the Mountainous Arid Areas. ····· 1036120014

Mangrove Ecology

····· lezzter Preis 49.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The word `mangrove` is used for salt tolerant plants. Macnae (1968) proposed the term `Mangal` to denote this mangrove ecosystem. Mangroves are specialized ecosystems developed along estuarine sea coasts and river mouths in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world, mainly in the intertidal zone. Hence, the ecosystem and its biological components are under the influence of both marine and freshwater conditions. These plants are specialized to tolerate high salinity, tidal extremes, high fluctuations in wind, temperature and muddy anaerobic soil. No other groups of terrestrial plants survive well under such conditions. A muddy substratum of varying depth and consistency is necessary for their growth. The plants have special adaptations such as stilt roots, viviparous germination, salt-excreting leaves, breathing roots, and knee roots by which these plants survive in water-logged, anaerobic saline soils of coastal environments. Mangroves comprise salt tolerant plant species that occur along inter-tidal zones of rivers and seas in the form of narrow strips or as extensive patches in estuarine habitats and river deltas of tropical and sub-tropical regions. ····· 1036119817

Recreational Utilization of the Fauna: Transbaikalian National Park

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Baikal is the world s largest and unique freshwater lake. Baikal s ecosystem is endowed with unprecedented biodiversity. Transbaikalian National Park is a representative tract on Baikal s shores. It is home to various species of animals and birds. They populate the landscapes of mountain tundras, alpine meadows, taiga, lakes, rivers, bogs and Baikal s islands. This book outlines the species composition of animals living within the Park. Ecological information is provided for the main species of interest to tourists. Thematic maps display the distribution of recreationally significant animal species, focusing on their utilization and protection. The book will be of interest to a broad readership: specialist geographers, biologists, ecologists, those working in nature reserves and national parks, tour operators and just to naturalists nature lovers. ····· 1036119789

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