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Radon Concentration Levels in the Fault Zone Areas of KPK, Pakistan

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Inhalation of radon (222Rn) and its daughter products can cause lung cancer to human beings. Recent studies in different countries have shown that radon and its short lived progenies contribute the largest fraction of dose received by the general public from the environment. This makes the role of radon measurement in dwellings highly critical in monitoring human health and safety. An enhanced radon concentration had been observed in soil, air and water samples above many fault zones of the world. It is also revealed that radon concentration changes in conjunction with the earthquake. The detailed literature review on radon concentration levels in fault zone areas of the world is given in this book. Also the study of indoor radon concentration levels in the fault zone areas of Khyber Pukhtoonkwa is also presented. This book will help the graduate students and teachers doing research in environmental radiation dosimetery field. ····· 10361134165

Community Radio for rural development

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Community Radio broadcasting is nonprofit service that is owned and managed by a particular community, usually through a trust, foundation or association. Its aim is to serve and benefit that community. It is in effect, a form of public-service broadcasting, but it serves a community rather than the whole Nation, as is the usual form of public broadcasting. In the age of multimedia and online communication, the potential of community radio to provide for effective outreach to discuss and create demand for the internet has become even greater. By using community radio and browsing the internet to respond to listeners direct queries, by sharing information and knowledge derived from the internet, the whole community is involved and empowered with new opportunities. This book can contribute towards helping different communication professionals, students, researchers, actors, planners and radio programme producers in community radio stations to make more efficient use of community media for community development by getting people involved in clarifying issues and solving problems and in talking to each other. ····· 10361133947

Effects of varying humiditiy in polymers by nanoindentation

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Stereolithography is one of the main additive manufacturing methods and is considered highly accurate and consistent, however, polymers used in the process are highly hygroscopic and moisture absorption decreases mechanical strength. Investigation of the effects of moisture on polymers can be carried out using a number of experimental techniques however, the benefits of the depth sensing indentation or nanoindentation method over bulk tests include its ability to characterise various mechanical properties in a single test from only a small volume of material and the investigation of spatial variation in mechanical properties near the surface.The experimental and FE modelling methodologies proposed in this work provide a validated and systematic approach for characterising and predicting moisture degradation in additive manufactured components under varying environmental conditions on submicron scale.Work also compares the analysis of indentation data using the Oliver and Pharr method with those derived from viscoelastic-plastic material models.It is argued to use time-dependent material models when characterising indentation response of materials such as polymers and bio-material. ····· 10361133679

Robot Navigation Using Virtual Touchscreen

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Humans perform various physical as well as mental tasks with great accuracy.Furthermore, humans do not require any measurements to perform those tasks.For example,parking a car,playing tennis etc.The computational methods on the other hand are based on mathematical modeling.Hence,we try to model different scenarios and incorporate it using artificial intelligence.Thus robots have been successful only in the controlled environments such as a factory. Similarly,navigation is quite easy for a human but for a robot all the scenarios need to be detailed.The world is moving towards robots that can navigate their way autonomously.Nowadays,progress in the field of computer science allows us to endow machines with enough intelligence so that they can act autonomously. Initially robots were operated using wired remote.Then came in wireless remotes.But today we find even a wireless remote very cumbersome.We want that each and every thing should be operated using our fingers. Keeping this need in mind,this book aims at designing a robot that will move according to the directions given by the user using his finger on a virtual touch screen (i.e. in the visible range of a Web camera). ····· 10361132486

Nanostructure Transparent Conducting Oxide Film

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The book represents a thorough study of Tin oxide doped Fluorine SnO2: F as an alternative to the well known member of transparent conductive oxide TCO family, Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) as it has some restrictions. The TCO family has a unique property of high transmission to visible light, high reflection to infrared with wavelength greater than 2 mico m. and conductive to electricity like a metal. Based on that, it has wide application in optoelectronic solar energy generation and saving devices. ····· 10361118762

Low Start Up Voltage Charge Pump For Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting

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Charge pumps are widely used in thermoelectric scavenging systems to increase the thermoelectric generator output voltage to a suitable voltage that can supply the standard integrated circuit. Threshold voltage cancellation (Vt cancellation) scheme is applied to cancel the threshold drop associated with each diode-connected device and improve charge pump performance. Applying this scheme by using the next stage higher voltage is presented. Improving the output stage using this scheme is also presented. Simulations are performed using TSMC 0.25 m CMOS technology in Spectre® . ····· 10361118373

Vliyanie gidroxida litiya na nadezhnost` materialov PG AJeS s VVJeR

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Monografiya posvyashhena nadezhnosti i bezopasnosti jexpluatacii oborudovaniya vtorogo kontura AJeS s VVJeR, v chastnosti parogeneratora. Problema nadezhnosti jexpluatacii AJeS vsegda neposredstvenno svyazana s jekonomicheskimi pokazatelyami i celesoobraznost`ju ispol`zovaniya atomnoj jenergii. Problema bezopasnosti AJeS vsegda stoyala na pervom meste pri obosnovanii opravdannosti ispol`zovaniya jenergii deleniya yadra v mirnyh celyah. V rabote provoditsya ne tol`ko teoreticheskij analiz processov povrezhdeniya metalla i faktorov, vliyajushhih na jetot process, no i jexperimenty, prizvannye dokazat` polozhitel`nyj jeffekt primeneniya gidroxida litiya vo vtorom konture AJeS s VVJeR. Osnovnoj prichinoj povrezhdenij metalla yavlyaetsya korrozionno-jerozionnyj iznos, jetoj probleme i posvyashhena bol`shaya chast` monografii. ····· 10361117661

Wear in Progress View

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Historically, The wear of material can be traced to very early periods of human history. Lenardo Devinici is known to have had an interest friction but he was characteristically well a head of his time, and consistent interest in friction and wear awaited the further development of machines. Such interest was growing in 1699 when Ammontons began to perform friction experiments to be followed in successive periods. ····· 10361117630

Capas de CuInS2, ZnO:Al y ZnO:Mg preparadas con técnicas de bajo coste

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El doctor Mustapha SAHAL se ha realizado varias estancias en el extranjero de las cuales las más notorias son las correspondientes durante dos cursos académicos de su primer diploma del DEA 2004/2005 y 2005/2006 en el Laboratorio de Optoelectrónica y Semiconductores GOPS en la (UPV) donde continuó con la especialización en técnicas de caracterización y métodos de deposición de semiconductores y en el 01/09/2006-31/09/2006 obtuvo una Práctica en la Universidad de Aveiro en Portugal investigando sobre la fabricación de las células solares usando el método de D.C. y R.F. Sputtering. La actividad investigadora del Doctor Mustapha SAHAL se ha desarrollado en el campo de la Física de Semiconductores donde ha publicado varios trabajos en revistas internacionales. Desde entonces, el Dr. SAHAL se ha especializado en la preparación y caracterización de capas finas semiconductoras para aplicaciones fotovoltaicas y optoelectrónicas. Durante su tesis aprendió diversas técnicas de síntesis de materiales tales como spray pirólisis, electrodeposición, sol-gel, D.C sputtering y deposición por baños químicos. ····· 10361116799

La Erosión de Superficies

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En este trabajo se aborda el estudio de superficies fuera del equilibrio. El interés en la dinámica de estas se ha visto incrementado en los últimos años debido a sus múltiples aplicaciones que incluyen, por ejemplo, la nanotecnología y los sistemas biológicos. Además, desde el punto de vista de la Física Estadística, estos sistemas representan ejemplos de fenómenos universales en un amplio rango de escalas que pueden ser estudiados desde una perspectiva general. En particular, nos centramos en el caso de interés tecnológico de una superficie sometida a erosión iónica, en el que la evolución de la morfología es de escala submicrométrica, pero que comparte muchas características con otros fenómenos macroscópicos como la invariancia de escala, el crecimiento de dominios, las inestabilidades morfológicas o la formación y evolución de patrones. Se ponen de manifiesto los principales mecanismos físicos necesarios para caracterizar este proceso y se propone un modelo teórico que predice de forma satisfactoria algunas características generales observadas en estos sistemas. ····· 10361116490

Determination of Temperature Difference Between Urban and Rural areas

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Air temperature is considered one of the important atmosphere elements because of its wide effects on the climate variables and climate system, besides its effects on human life. This research aims at estimating increase of air temperature in both - city center and rural side, based on increased population in city center and lesser population than on rural side. Results showed that there was a strong tendency for temperature increases during July and October. The effect of population density on the temperature was clear and significant. Where the difference between the two stations after the addition of the impact for October was 7.4oC. ····· 10361116087

Physical Properties of Alkali-Metal Chalcogenides

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Ground-state structural properties of alkali metal chalcogenides have been studied in the framework of density functional theory (DFT) using local density approximation (LDA), Perwed-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) generalized gradient approximation (GGA) and Wu-Cohen (WC) GGA parameterization schemes. Electronic band structure of alkali metal chalcogenide compounds have been calculated using the aforementioned schemes as well as the modified GGA proposed by Engel and Vosko (EV). The calculated structural parameters for all 16 materials have been compared with earlier theoretical and experimental data. Electronic density of states for these compounds has been presented and behavior in electronic properties analyzed. Optical properties are obtained in terms of real and imaginary parts of incident photon`s frequency dependent complex dielectric function. Trends in the physical properties of this important crystal facmily have been identified and discussed in the context of their applications in technologically important opto-electronic devices. ····· 10361115298

Gedanken zu Einstein, Planck und Feynman

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Neue Theorien sollte man zweckmäßiger Weise nur dann gelten lassen, wenn sie imstande sind, experimentelle Erfahrungen besser, das heißt einheitlicher zu beschreiben. Die Strenge dieser Forderung war dem Verfasser von Anfang an bewußt. Dennoch versuchte er neue Wege zu gehen. Er suchte nach Möglichkeiten die Ergebnisse der Experimental-Physik einheitlicher zu verstehen und damit den Weg zu neuen Ideen frei zu machen. Dieses Vorhaben ist natürlich an der Leistungsfähigkeit herkömmlicher Theorien zu messen. Allerdings sind das Theorien, die ein gemeinsames Grundkonzept vermissen lassen. Man denke hiebei an die konzeptionellen Unterschiede zwischen Quantenphysik und Relativitätstheorie. Das heißt, jede dieser Theorien kann streng genommen experimentell nur für sich bestätigt und anerkannt werden. Eine unbefriedigende Situation der theoretischen Physik. Jüngste Experimentalergebnisse erhärten diese Ansicht. Ganz allgemein könnte man sagen: Der Wissensstand moderner Physik dränge gerade durch neueste Versuchsergebnisse in Richtung Reform herkömmlicher Theorien. Zum Beispiel wären nach Ansicht des Verfassers neue Denkmodelle gefragt. Um solche zu schaffen bedarf es jedoch der Mühe Grundkonzeptionen bestehender Theorien zu hinterfragen. So wird vermutet, daß in diesen unzulässige Annahmen getroffen wurden. In nachfolgender Abhandlung versuchte der Verfasser in Einzelarbeiten neue Anschauungen zu entwickeln. Sie sollen zeigen, wie auch schwer verständliche Experimentalergebnisse mitunter zu deuten sind. So könnte man Probleme - wie beispielsweise Zweiwegversuche - mit neuen Denkmodellen beschreiben. Dabei kann natürlich die vorliegende Theorie nur bestimmte Denkweisen anbieten und als solche Anregungen vermitteln. Sie will nichts entgültig behaupten. Vielmehr sollen jüngste Experimente verständlicher werden, indem theoretische Fragen der Physik durch einheitliche Methoden der Naturbeschreibung beantwortet werden können. In diesem Sinne sei dem Autor gestattet solche Möglichkeiten und Ausblicke zugunsten einer erweiterten Grundlagenphysik vorzustellen. Den hiezu nötigen Mut bezieht er aus der Überzeugung, daß der Natur ein funktionales Wirken innewohnt. Das erkenntnistheoretische Bemühen wird von seiner Liebe zur Natur und aufrichtigen Demut vor der göttlichen Schöpfung getragen. Diese Grundeinstellung gipfelt in der Hoffnung, daß der kritisch forschende Geist unserer Wissenschaften doch erkennen wird in welches Wunder differentieller Gesetzlichkeiten wir hineingeboren sind. ····· 10361107350

Laser frequency stabilization and measurement of optical frequencies

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This thesis is dedicated to measurement of optical frequencies with applications in metrology. The frequency/time interval is the best measurable quantity. The invention of the femtosecond frequency comb technique greatly simplified linking the radio-frequency and the optical-frequency standards. A primary wavelength standard for optical communications was developed in the first part of this work: the distributed feedback (DFB) laser diode was frequency stabilized to sub-Doppler spectral line of acetylene at ~1540 nm and its research, investigation of properties and absolute frequency measurements are described. The implementation and testing of commercial femtosecond comb makes second part of this work. Software for online frequency evaluation, tests of counting quality and frequency stabilization of the comb to optical frequency standard - iodine stabilized Nd:YAG laser - are described. ····· 10361100390

Detection of weak signals in the decay of unstable states

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This book is intended to motivate reseachers to explore about the detection processes of weak signals in those systems in which the presence of an external electromagnetic field is of interest. In a very similar way as in the stochastic resonance, the detection process in the decay of unstable states opens the possibility to look into other phenomena ranging from physics, chemistry, biology and medicine. ····· 10361100160

The Ladder Operator Method in Quantum Mechanics

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The book is essentially a result of the authors` attempt to generalize Dirac`s elegant method of solving the eigenvalue problem of the linear harmonic oscillator by constructing raising and lowering operators. As such, students of elementary Quantum Mechanics will find Chapters II and III quite useful and illuminating. At many stages in the book the reader will find the power of the commutator algebra unfolding in an elegant manner, as in the original Dirac approach. See the lucid application of the technique to find the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Kratzer oscillator algebraically A student of Advanced Quantum Mechanics will find, in Chapter III, an illustrious application of the celebrated Infeld-Hull factorization method to find a class of ladder operators which connect the eigenstates of a hierarchy of Hamiltonians like, but not the same as, the ones in Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics. The book will be of interest to a large spectrum of students of Physics at the Master`s degree level and graduate students entering a research career in Theoretical Physics and Quantum Chemistry. ····· 1036199934

Properties Of Polymer Thin Films

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The PLASMA POLYMERIZED 1-BENZYL-2-METHYLIMIDAZOLE (PPBMI) thin films were prepared by plasma polymerization technique using a capacitively couple reactor. The structural, optical and ac electrical properties of PPBMI thin films were studied. The SEM investigation reveals that the PPBMI thin film deposited on to glass substrates are smooth, uniform and pinhole free. FTIR investigation shows that the chemical structure of PPBMI thin films is different from that of BMI monomer. UV-Vis absorption spectra show a red shift for all PPBMI thin films as compared to the monomer. The ac conductivity of PPBMI thin films increases linearly with frequency. The ac conductivity increases slowly at low temperature. The small values of activation energy indicate hopping type of conduction mechanism in films. The dielectric constant of PPBMI thin films increase with increasing temperature. It is seen that value of dielectric loss increases with increasing frequency and temperature. It can be inferred that the optical and electrical property of PPBMI thin films is not significantly dependent on thickness. This signifies that PPBMI thin films are uniform through the bulk. ····· 1036199930

Observation of Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide

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The composition of the tropical atmosphere and its changes over time is of significant importance for global climate. Currently large uncertainties in the budgets of many trace gases in the tropics exist, mainly due to a lack of measurements. To fill this gap we have recently installed FTIR instrument supplied by IMK-FZK (Institute of Metrology and climate research center), Germany. In this book there will be a discussion on source and sink of atmospheric CO for each atmospheric layer especially the upper troposphere and lower troposphere. In addition, the detailed working principle of FTIR spectrometer is given. The data obtained from the spectrometer are retrieved using software based on the equation derived in the Retrieval Theory section. There also other topics discussed which are useful for the data analysis. The analysis should help people working on atmospheric research especially those using ground-base instruments for data collection on atmospheric gases, or anyone else who is using spectroscopic measurements can use this thesis to see how the data is analyzed. In addition, people working on space borne atmospheric research can also use it for comparison. ····· 1036199423

Nonlinear Interactions in Acousto-optic Diffusive Semiconductor Plasma

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The basic concepts leading to some of the hot carrier driven steady-state and transient second and third-order nonlinear optical processes such as parametric interaction, amplitude modulation demodulation, frequency modulation and stimulated Brillouin scattering in diffusive semiconductors and their applications to parametric oscillator, amplifier and phenomena like optical communication and phase conjugation in presence of magnetostatic field is discussed in detail. These nonlinear processes in diffusive semiconductors are described with emphasis on the physical reason for their occurrence. ····· 1036199392

Electrostatic Ion Waves Modified by Parallel Ion-Velocity Shear

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The objective of this work is the experimental study of the effect of inhomogeneous magnetic-field-aligned (parallel) ion drift on the destabilization and propagation of electrostatic ion waves. Such inhomogeneous ion velocity is created in the cylindrical barium plasma column produced in a Q-machine. Noninvasive measurements of the ion velocity distribution are performed using the laser-induced fluorescence technique. Multi-harmonic ion cyclotron waves are identified, and experimental evidence is presented that ion cyclotron damping can become inverted to result in net wave growth. For other experimental conditions, low frequency ion acoustic waves are identified, characterized and compared favorably with theory. These results provide experimental support for the inhomogeneous-parallel-ion-flow-model interpretation of electrostatic ion-cyclotron and ion-acoustic waves observed in the auroral region. The results also broaden fundamental plasma physics concepts such as ion-cyclotron damping to include the possibility of inverse ion-cyclotron damping. ····· 1036199209

Interaction Between Aerosol Particles and Stratocumulus Clouds

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The aim of the paper was to develop a numerical model to study the interaction between aerosol particles and stratocumulus clouds in different air mass types. A detailed microphysical scheme was incorporated into an idealized two-dimensional kinematic model to investigate the role of the aerosol particles in the formation of the cloud, regeneration and the wash out of the aerosol particles. The calculations were made with different cloud condensation nuclei size distributions and concentrations typical for maritime, rural and remote continental air mass types, furthermore with two different updraft profiles. The water droplets were formed on soluble ammonium-sulfate aerosol particles. The drops grew by condensation and collision coalescence in the updraft core, but they evaporated due to the subsaturation in the downdraft region. The model clearly simulated the regeneration of the aerosol particles. The majority of the water soluble particles were washed out by nucleation scavenging. The efficiency of the scavenging of the water insoluble particles depended on the concentration of the water soluble aerosol particles. Results of the simulation show that in the case of the stratocum ····· 1036198446

The Measurement of the Radon Concentrations

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Radon is a radioactive inert gas. It is found in rocks, soils and water. Its most stable isotope is Radon-222, which is a decay product of Radium-226. Radon-222, which has a half-life of 3.8 days, emits an alpha particle as it decays to Polonium-218. If alpha emitter Radon-222 might be inhaled and deposited into the bronchiopulmonary tree, granulometry of the particles on which they become attached and this may cause lung cancer. In this study, indoor radon concentrations have been measured in 34 workplaces, 41 homes, and 13 hospitals in Gaziantep. Passive solid state nuclear track detectors (SSNTD type Cr-39) in the diffusion chamber were used to measure indoor radon concentration. Detectors were obtained from the laboratory of Cekmece Nuclear Research and Training Centre. They were etched and evaluated at the same laboratory. The measured radon concentrations had a mean value of 27 Bq/m-3.Values of the concentration ranged from 5 to 117 Bq/m-3. According to the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) the recommended value is 200-600 Bqm-3 per year for dwellings. The values found to be smaller than ICRP recommended values. ····· 1036192343

Dilute (Ga,Mn)N

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The present work is devoted to a comprehensive study of dilute (Ga,Mn)N grown by MOVPE, with the target of establishing the correlation between growth parameters, structural and magnetic properties in order to clarify the actual mechanisms responsible for the magnetic response of the considered system. We combine on-line control of the growth process with a variety of standard characterization techniques including AFM, HRXRD, Raman spectroscopy, magneto-optics and SQUID magnetometry, complemented by advanced investigation carried-out by means of synchrotron XRD, XAFS and HRTEM. We demonstrate that dilute (Ga,Mn)N with a Mn cations concentration up to 1% has a paramagnetic behaviour with a pronounced anisotropy of the magnetization with respect to the c axis of the crystal. Moreover, most of the cations are incorporated substitutionally at Ga sites with a charge state of 3+, that can be reduced by doping with Si. Further adjustment of the growth parameters allow us to extend the the dilute incorporation of Mn in GaN up to 3% and to clearly establish a short-range ferromagnetic coupling of the Mn cations spins via superexchange. ····· 1036192110

Dynamic Neural Network for Predicting Creep of Structural Masonry

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One of the inherent modeling problems in structural engineering is creep of quasi-brittle materials (e.g., concrete and masonry). The creep strain represents the non-instantaneous strain that occurs with time when the stress is sustained. Several creep models with limited accuracy have been developed within the last few decades to predict creep of concrete and masonry structures. The stochastic nature of creep deformation and its reliance on a large number of uncontrolled parameters (e.g., relative humidity, age of loading, stress level) makes the process of prediction difficult, and yet accurate mathematical model almost impossible. This study investigates the potential use of Dynamic Neural Network (DNN) for predicting creep of structural masonry. The main motive of use DNN is that DNN could memorize the sequential or time-varying patterns while training process. Thus, DNN becomes more capable of capturing the time-dependent of creep deformation than the static networks. The results showed that the developed DNN models are able to predict the creep deformation with an excellent level of accuracy compared with that of conventional methods and the static networks models. ····· 1036191797

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