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Influencia de parámetros físicos en la desinfección solar del agua

····· lezzter Preis 71.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Ciertos aspectos físicos del proceso de desinfección solar del agua (SODIS) que incluyen la disponibilidad terrestre de radiación solar, transmisión de la radiación solar a través de las paredes de los recipientes usados y absorción espectral de la radiación solar por el agua pueden afectar significativamente su eficacia. En el presente libro se ha desarrollado un modelo que explica y cuantifica la influencia de estos aspectos en la inactivación de Coliformes Termotolerantes para evaluar el potencial de desinfección de las diferentes regiones de Cochabamba y Bolivia, cabe aclarar que la metodología puede ser aplicado a cualquier región o lugar del mundo, el libro incluye el código fuente del programa computarizado que solo debe modificar a las características de la regiones de su país. Este libro está dirigido para los profesionales relacionados en el estudio del medio ambiente además de físicos en el área aplicada. Así como también a personas interesadas en procesos de desinfección de agua como alternativa de método de desinfección barato y practico. ····· 1036123663

Nanopartículas magnéticas para tratamiento de tumores por hipertermia

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Dentro de los avances tecnológicos para tratamientos contra el cáncer, la nanomedicina es una de las vertientes más prometedoras. Entre los recientes procedimientos clínicos para control tumoral se cuenta particularmente con la hipertermia, una técnica mediante la cual se busca ubicar nanopartículas magnéticas dentro de un tumor para posteriormente hacerlas interactuar con un campo magnético AC externo. Este fenómeno genera un incremento en la temperatura de la zona ocasionando la muerte de células cancerígenas. En este trabajo se estudiaron propiedades de nanopartículas con potencial aplicación en hipertermia. Se analizaron los cambios de las mismas por causa del revestimiento que poseen, y se reportan resultados del calentamiento para cuatro tipos de recubrimientos. Finalmente, se introduce un método simple y novedoso para cuantificar nanopartículas magnéticas presentes en un tejido a través de mediciones de magnetización y pruebas de captación natural. Este desarrollo es fundamental para futuras referencias encaminadas a proponer protocolos de control sobre la cantidad de material magnético que se empleará en hipertermia según el tumor a tratar. ····· 1036123110

Transferencia de Masa en la Interfase Metal Líquido-Escoria

····· lezzter Preis 29.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Como materia prima fundamental para la producción del acero se emplea el arrabio y la chatarra de metales ferrosos. El acero sólido, en comparación con el líquido, contiene un porcentaje menor de carbono e impurezas, debido a la oxidación de éstas durante la elaboración del acero. Así, cuando ocurre la fundición, se producen óxidos que flotan en la superficie del metal fundido en forma de escoria. En general, el objetivo de los procesos de la fabricación del acero es la oxidación selectiva de impurezas indeseables y por lo tanto su transferencia desde el metal líquido a la escoria. La calidad del acero depende de la cantidad de impurezas que contenga. Por lo tanto, la formación de las burbujas de monóxido de carbono y la efervescencia que provocan en el baño son las que determinan en buena parte la cantidad de impurezas presentes en el acero y su calidad. En este trabajo hacemos un modelo matemático basado en las ecuaciones de difusión que explica el proceso de transferencia de masa desde el metal líquido a la escoria. ····· 1036123109

Uranio en agua superficial y subterránea, Modelo Conceptual

····· lezzter Preis 53.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
En la superficie de la tierra, la presencia del uranio ocurre de manera natural y sus concentraciones varían de acuerdo al tipo de roca estudiado. El ciclo geológico del uranio comienza con el proceso de intemperismo en la corteza terrestre y continua su movilización a través del agua superficial y subterránea. Además, el uranio en suelo y agua puede ser transferido a las plantas y animales, lo cual hace necesario determinar la transferencia de radioisótopos para su posterior evaluación en la cadena trófica. La ciudad de Chihuahua se encuentra en una región semiárida, donde el agua subterránea es la principal fuente de abastecimiento. Cercanos a la ciudad, se encuentran afloramientos de mineral de uranio que contribuyen con niveles de radiactividad a la cuenca del valle de Chihuahua. En este trabajo se evaluaron: a) Contenidos de radiactividad en rocas características, b) Contenidos de U en: agua superficial, peces y plantas, así como contenidos de U y Ra en agua subterránea y c) Modelación de las concentraciones de U en agua subterránea. Trabajo dirigido a estudiantes e investigadores en áreas de ciencias ambientales, química, geoquímica, epidemiología ambiental, y afines. ····· 1036122388

La capacidad comunicacional

für 35.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Para las empresas en las condiciones actuales, el llamado problema de la comunicación está presente. La Comunicación Organizacional se ha venido desarrollando tal como se construye un gran edificio. Se ha desmostrado que no puede lograrse una Gestión Efectiva en las empresas si la Comunicación Organizacional no es efectiva y esto es una responsabilidad de los directivos. A la competencia de los directivos de gestionar correctamente la Comunicación Organizacional, le hemos denominado Capacidad Comunicacional vista como la potencialidad del directivo para descubrir los problemas comunicacionales de los públicos y encontrarles soluciones creativas mediante la construcción compartida de significados y símbolos de forma coherente y cohesionada. El libro te invita a participar en la construcción del edifico Comunicación Organizacional. ····· 1036121829

Discos Delgados en Relatividad General

für 35.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
El estudio de soluciones exactas de las ecuaciones de Einstein y de Einstein-Maxwell correspondientes a configuraciones discoidales de materia autogravitante es un problema abierto a la investigación. Presenta interés tanto desde el punto de vista de la teoría de la relatividad en si misma, como en el modelado y entendimiento de propiedades físicas de sistemas astrofísicos. En este trabajo se construyen modelos relativistas de discos delgados a partir de soluciones generales de las ecuaciones de Einstein y de Einstein-Maxwell. Se presenta una familia infinita de discos de polvo eléctricamente cargados finitos para un espaciotiempo conformestático axisimétrico. También, una familia infinita de discos delgados con un borde interno central constituidos por polvo, su superposición con un agujero negro de Schwarzschild y su versión eléctricamente cargada. Los aspectos tratados aquí se pueden consultar como desarrollos avanzados en relatividad general. Aspectos como las condiciones de juntura y técnicas de obtención de soluciones exactas de sistemas de ecuaciones diferenciales altamente no lineales encuentran en este trabajo una suerte de ejemplos. ····· 1036121677

Películas delgadas nanoestructuradas de aC-Ag

für 44.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Las películas delgadas han tenido una gran variedad de aplicaciones desde hace algunas décadas. Estas aplicaciones van desde recubrimientos en diferentes materiales para darles mayor dureza, resistencia a la corrosión, protección a la radiación solar (UV e IR) y protección antibacterial entre otras, las cuales dependen de sus propiedades mecánicas, ópticas, eléctricas, etc. Estas películas son depositadas por métodos físicos asistidos por plasma o por algunas variantes de estos métodos dependiendo de las características que se requieran. En este libro se presentan los resultados de un estudio realizado en películas delgadas de Carbono amorfo con plata depositadas por la técnica de Magnetron sputtering. Las películas se caracterizaron por técnicas espectroscópicas, de rayos X, de microscopía de transmisión y barrido. Esto con el fin de conocer sus propiedades ópticas, químicas y estructurales. Los datos obtenidos proporcionaron la información necesaria para conocer mejor las condiciones de depósito y tener un mejor control de estas en la generación de este tipo de películas. ····· 1036121649

Ball Clay

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Clays are used as raw material in many industrial fields such as structural ceramics, paper, paint, petroleum industry, whiteware and sanitaryware. Their applications are tightly dependent upon their structure, composition, and physical attributes. The knowledge of these characteristics can help in the best exploitation and eventually may open-up new areas of application. Each ceramic product requires clays having particular and appropriate characteristic.The Ukrainian clay has emerged as an essential component of porcelainized stoneware tile body formulations. In the state of Gujarat, Rajasthan (India), a number of units manufactures porcelainized stoneware floor tiles utilizing Ukrainian clay. The local entrepreneurs explored clay deposits with their own talent without any systematic Geological Survey.The sorted and screened clay was very cheap and of inferior quality comparable to the imported clays.This book focus on up-gradation & value-addition of clays by blending the different type of clays in certain ratio based upon their particle size distribution and their physical properties. ····· 1036121497

Dynamics and Synchronization in Neuronal Models

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Computational Neuroscience has emerged nowadays as a major area of study that tries to establish how the nervous system, and in particular the brain, works. This work modestly contributes to this area covering the study of crucial aspects of interacting neuronal networks. Fundamental questions such as how the presence of noise or heterogeneity affects the response of neuronal ensembles are studied. The relevance of the topology or delayed interactions in the synchronization of neuronal networks is also covered. ····· 1036120598

Studies in generalized Hamiltonian Formalism

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Quantum field theories are quite difficult. The successes achieved by using quantum field theories are rather limited because in these theories one faces various difficulties. Later Dirac introduced an alternative process to quantize the fields. He introduced Hamiltonian equations of motion from Lagrangian to describe the laws of mechanics and gravitation. It has wide application in classical mechanics, quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, as well as in general relativity etc. One may deal with Hamiltonian in general frameworks as well as oscillatory systems. ····· 1036120440

Synthesis of Doped Lithium Aluminate Nanocrystalline Powders

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The field of material sciences has advanced tremendously in the areas of synthesis of nanoparticles with altered properties.The main objective of this dissertation was to synthesis doped Lithium aluminate (LiAlO2) nanocrystalline powders. In the present work these nanocrystalline powders were obtained by sol-gel method, and the powders were characterized for structural analysis with X -ray diffraction, SEM and EDAX. The particle size was found to be around 20nm from X-ray diffraction. SEM and EDAX reaffirmed that the size were in the same range. The details about the functional groups present in the synthesized samples were analyzed using FTIR. Optical absorption properties were recorded using UV spectral analysis it was inferred that the prepared doped nanocrystalline powders were an optical material with high band gap values and this confirmed that doped Lithium Aluminate were optical material. The frequency dependence of the dielectric constant and dielectric loss at selected temperature for the materials was also recorded. ····· 1036120306

Monte Carlo Techniques for Electron Radiotherapy

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The work was divided into three phases. The first was simulating and verifying ELEKTA SL18 Linear accelerator for electron beams using EGSnrc Monte Carlo Codes (BEAMnrc, DOSXYZnrc and BEAMDP) for different energies, field sizes and gantry angles. The simulated beams were then used for postmastectomy radiotherapy using transported patient CT scans in DICOM format, in the second phase. The three- dimensional depth dose files produced by DOSXYZnrc were transfered to XSTING, a home build software that was previously designed for stertactic radiotherapy and then modified for electron and photon radiotherapy, to generate dose-volume-histograms (DVHs). The generated DVHs were used to evaluate the risk to the lung and the heart. In the third phase a home-built dose reponse evaluation tool (DORES) was used to estimate the risk of radiation induced pneumonitis and lung fibrosis. Single electron beams were proved to induce low risks to the heart and lung, but had the limitation of poor target coverage. Multiple fields were recommended for frther investigation. ····· 1036120036

Multifunctional Nano-structures for Energy Storage Devices

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The nanostructures of transition metal oxides have gained considerable attention for energy storage devices as they can deliver high levels of electrical power and offer long operating lifetimes, but their specific capacitance is too low for many important applications. The poor conductivity of metal oxides limits the charge/discharge rate for high energy/power densities and the specific capacitance severely decreases under high current. In this book we proposed a simple and an efficient method to improve the conductivity of metal oxide nanowires based electrodes by interweaving nanowires with MWCNTs to form hybrid energy storage devices which allow fast electron transport, fast ion diffusion and high-energy storage densities. In addition MWCNTs can accommodate large strain without pulverization, provide good electronic contact and conduction, display short ions insertion distances and make them promising candidates as electrodes in high-performance energy storage devices. ····· 1036119178

My Journey to Nanotechnology

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The work described herein addresses the following three themes in nanoscale research with emphasis on quantum confinement of atom in II VI semiconductor nanoscale materials and: 1. Comparative analysis of characterization tools viz. XRD, SAXS and SANS in analyzing particle sizes 2. Controlled syntheses of II VI semiconductor nanoscale materials using various organic and biological molecules and 3. Investigations on the fundamental physical properties of nanoparticles, such as the effect of surface modifications by organic/biomolecules on size, luminescence and band gap and their stability. ····· 1036119032

Calculation of the Magnetic and Electronic Properties of YFe Compounds

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We present in this thesis a first-principles study on the magnetic properties, the electronic structure and the elastic properties (e.g. bulk modulus) at ambient and higher hydrostatic pressures of 3d metal- based compounds using the well known Full-Potential Local-Orbital minimum basis (FPLO) code. The systems under study are the ferromagnetic element Fe, paramagnetic element Y and the Y-Fe based compounds: YFe2 and the hypothetical YFe5 . The LSDA and GGA approximations, as implemented in FPLO-09 are used throughout the scalar relativistic calculation in this work. This thesis is composed of three chapters, an abstract and a conclusions section. The first one deals with a necessary introduction to the subject, the theoretical background and calculation method are outlined in chapter 2. We present our results in chapter 3 and discuss them in the light of available other first principles calculations and experimental data. ····· 1036118969

Minimum-Time Control of Mobile Robots

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In this book, the problem to find suitable control actions to minimize the total traveling time of kinematic models of mobile robots is considered. This subject is a long open problem since the mixed initial-terminal conditions had posed a very hard obstacle to find a closed-form solution for this problem. This book consider a universal equivalent model of the kinematic models of wheeled mobile robots which up to the authors knowledge has never been reported in the literature. Two important aspects appears using these universal kinematic models: an infinite sequence of switching of the bang-bang controls in a finite interval of time (called in this book ISP) and a dual of the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman for discrete systems. Up to the authors knowledge, these two contributions has been never reported in the literature. Moreover, the possibility of non bang-bang control using Fourier series in the case of Reeds-Shepp car is also presented. This book should be useful for graduate engineers, physicists and mathematicians as well as researchers exploring new concepts and new possibilities both for modeling and optimal control of mobile robots. ····· 1036118892

Model Evaluation for Seasonal Forecasting over Southern Africa

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This study contributes to a broader effort of institutions toward improving seasonal forecasts over southern Africa. The primary objective is to understand where global models show shortcomings in their simulations, and how this impacts on their seasonal forecast skill. It is proposed that the skill of a model in simulating natural climate variability is an appropriate metric for a model s potential skill in seasonal forecasting. Thus the study investigates the performance of two global models in simulating the regional processes in relation to the processes variability, and how this is related to their forecast skill. The study significantly provides more insight into models ability to simulate the general circulation features that modulate rainfall and temperature, and the relationship of rainfall with global SST. This study therefore provides useful information for modellers, forecasters, and climate researchers on the global models used in the study. ····· 1036118426

Plasma Polymerised Aniline Thin Films

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The objective of the book is to prepare polyaniline thin films through plasma polymerization technique and their electrical & optical characterization.It is also aimed to investigate their technological applications for detection of hazardous gas analyte such as NO2.To achieve this, we investigated the preparation of aniline thin film via plasma polymerization technique involving such as a brush-shape atmospheric pressure plasma source, low-pressure direct current(DC)plasma polymerization,and low-pressure radio frequency (RF)plasma deposition.Atmospheric pressure plasma brush was used to examine its sterilization and modification efficiencies of low-temperature plasma process without vacuum limitation required in traditional low-pressure plasma systems.The RF plasma deposition was produced on glass substrate for improving their scratch-resistance in optical applications. The conductivity of PANI thin films was also studied by their response characteristics after exposure to nitrogen dioxide.The results obtained has showed that the PANI thin film has tremendous sensitivity towards nitrogen dioxide vapors and shows a maximum response for a voltage of 3.5 volts applied to the sensor. ····· 1036118033

Fizika anomal`nogo mira i cheloveka

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Na osnove sovremennykh fizicheskikh predstavleniy prodolzheno izuchenie nekotorykh intriguyushchikh fenomenov nashego mira, v tom chisle obychno skrytoy real`nosti, material`noy osnovoy kotoroy yavlyaetsya efirnaya substantsiya. V chastnosti, rassmotreny tonkie tela ob`ektov s razlichnym urovnem soznaniya i struktura ikh tonkikh tel. Pokazany nekotorye vidy svyazey takikh ob`ektov i vyyavleno otnoshenie ikh tonkikh tel k efirnoy real`nosti. Rassmotreny konkretnye vzaimodeystviya tonkikh tel bioob`ektov s veshchestvennym, vital`nym i tonkim mirami na primerakh, otnosyashchikhsya k gomeopatii, bioindikatsii, poltergeystu, a takzhe tselitel`stvu i dukhovnym praktikam sovershenstvovaniya.Rabota illyustrirovana fotografiyami s anomal`nymi ob`ektami, risunkami, tablitsami i rasschitana i na spetsialistov, proyavlyayushchikh interes k dannym voprosam, i prosto na pytlivykh lyudey. ····· 103615436

Angliyskiy dlya professionalov

für 85.41€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Angliyskiy dlya professionalov yavlyaetsya pervoy chast`yu uchebnogo kompleksa dlya podgotovki bakalavrov po spetsial`nosti `Nanoinzheneriya`, kotoroe sostavleno v sootvetstvii s trebovaniyami deystvuyushchey programmy po angliyskomu yazyku dlya tekhnicheskikh vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. V osnove uchebnogo posobiya lezhit kontseptsiya vzaimosvyazannogo i odnovremennogo razvitiya gruppy rechevykh navykov - chteniya, govoreniya i audirovaniya. Takaya ideya v znachitel`noy stepeni predopredelila strukturu i soderzhanie dannogo uchebnika, kotoryy sostoit iz pyati razdelov: bazovyy kurs grammaticheskiy spravochnik s uprazhneniyami spravochnik-aktivator dlya razgovornoy praktiki glossariy sbornik dopolnitel`nykh tekstov dlya samostoyatel`noy raboty. Tsel` uchebnika - podgotovit` studentov k chteniyu original`noy literatury i vedeniyu besedy po spetsial`nosti. ····· 103615381

Fizicheskie svoystva geterogennykh p`ezoaktivnykh sistem

für 40.41€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Rassmatrivaetsya problema opredeleniya effektivnykh fizicheskikh konstant kompozitov iskhodya iz svoystv i raspredeleniya ikh komponentov.Osoboe vnimanie udelyaetsya analiticheskomu resheniyu problemy. Rassmatrivayutsya geterogennye sredy so vzaimosvyaz`yu elektricheskikh, uprugikh i magnitnykh svoystv: segnetoelektricheskie polikristally, (segnetokeramiki), ferrit-p`ezoelektricheskie kompozity, statisticheskie smesi i matrichnye sistemy, soderzhashchie razlichnye po strukture i svoystvam tverdye fazy. Takie materialy obladayut netrivial`nymi fizicheskimi svoystvami, chto delaet ikh ves`ma perspektivnymi i vostrebovannymi sovremennoy tekhnikoy.Kniga prednaznachena studentam starshikh kursov, aspirantam i nauchnym sotrudnikam, zhelayushchim oznakomit`sya s dannoy problemoy. ····· 103615355

Issledovanie izotopnykh effektov i metodov nagreva plazmy v tokamakakh

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Materialy, izlozhennye v knige, neposredstvenno svyazany s problemoy realizatsii upravlyaemogo termoyadernogo sinteza (UTS). V chastnosti, klyuchevoy zadachey yavlyaetsya osushchestvlenie kontrolya izotopnogo sostava plazmy (sootnosheniya ionov deyteriya i tritiya v tokamake-reaktore budushchego), tak kak ot ego urovnya zavisit intensivnost` reaktsii termoyadernogo sinteza. Drugim vazhnym usloviem uspeshnoy realizatsii UTS yavlyaetsya effektivnoe ispol`zovanie dopolnitel`nykh metodov nagreva plazmy, bez kotorykh nevozmozhno dostizhenie termoyadernykh temperatur. V knige mozhno vydelit` sleduyushchie osnovnye razdely: 1) razrabotka diagnosticheskoy apparatury serii atomnykh analizatorov novogo pokoleniya `AKORD` 2) razvitie metodiki upravleniya izotopnym sostavom plazmy po potokam atomov perezaryadki iz plazmy i demonstratsiya vozmozhnosti primeneniya etoy metodiki na tokamake COMPASS-C 3) issledovanie nagreva termalizovannykh ionov i uderzhaniya bystrykh ionov, voznikayushchikh pri primenenii ionnogo tsiklotronnogo nagreva i neytral`noy inzhektsii, v tokamakakh s malym aspektnym otnosheniem TUMAN-3M i Globus-M. Kniga mozhet byt` polezna nauchnym rabotnikam, prepodavatelyam VUZov i studentam, spetsializiruyushchimsya v oblasti fiziki plazmy i UTS. ····· 103615279

Synthesis, Structure Characterization of Super Hard Nitride Material

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This work concerned with preparation of Carbon Nitride thin films which is theoretically compete Diamond in hardness. CNx films perpared by the electrolysis of methanol -urea organic solution under different concentrations and applied voltages. This study characterized the structure of the prepared films by FTIR and GIXRD techniques and studied the optical properties of the CNx films by UV-Vis spectrometer. this study aimed at how the nitrogen to carbon ratio in the deposited films affect the structure and the properties of the deposited films. ····· 103613735

Multi-Infeed HVDC Transmission Systems

····· lezzter Preis 61.20€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book attempts to quantify the complex interactions between HVDC transmission schemes in a multi-infeed configuration, particularly with regard to the voltage interactions and the commutation failure phenomena. MIIF, MIESCR, and CFII are indices that can provide engineers with the necessary tools for system studies. The Multi-Infeed Interaction Factor (MIIF) quantifies the level of voltage interactions. The Multi-Infeed Effective Short Circuit Ratio (MIESCR) index is an indicator of ac system strengths with regard to the assessment of the transient overvoltage and the PV stability of multi-infeed HVDC systems. The Commutation Failure Immunity Index (CFII) utilizes electromagnetic transient simulation programs to evaluate the immunity of an HVDC converter to commutation failures. The capability of these indices to provide an insight into the interactions phenomena in multi-infeed systems are clearly demonstrated by examples that show their application in the analysis of an actual multi-infeed HVDC system that is in the planning phase in the province of Alberta in Canada. ····· 103613591

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