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Dilute (Ga,Mn)N

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The present work is devoted to a comprehensive study of dilute (Ga,Mn)N grown by MOVPE, with the target of establishing the correlation between growth parameters, structural and magnetic properties in order to clarify the actual mechanisms responsible for the magnetic response of the considered system. We combine on-line control of the growth process with a variety of standard characterization techniques including AFM, HRXRD, Raman spectroscopy, magneto-optics and SQUID magnetometry, complemented by advanced investigation carried-out by means of synchrotron XRD, XAFS and HRTEM. We demonstrate that dilute (Ga,Mn)N with a Mn cations concentration up to 1% has a paramagnetic behaviour with a pronounced anisotropy of the magnetization with respect to the c axis of the crystal. Moreover, most of the cations are incorporated substitutionally at Ga sites with a charge state of 3+, that can be reduced by doping with Si. Further adjustment of the growth parameters allow us to extend the the dilute incorporation of Mn in GaN up to 3% and to clearly establish a short-range ferromagnetic coupling of the Mn cations spins via superexchange. ····· 1036192110

Dynamic Neural Network for Predicting Creep of Structural Masonry

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One of the inherent modeling problems in structural engineering is creep of quasi-brittle materials (e.g., concrete and masonry). The creep strain represents the non-instantaneous strain that occurs with time when the stress is sustained. Several creep models with limited accuracy have been developed within the last few decades to predict creep of concrete and masonry structures. The stochastic nature of creep deformation and its reliance on a large number of uncontrolled parameters (e.g., relative humidity, age of loading, stress level) makes the process of prediction difficult, and yet accurate mathematical model almost impossible. This study investigates the potential use of Dynamic Neural Network (DNN) for predicting creep of structural masonry. The main motive of use DNN is that DNN could memorize the sequential or time-varying patterns while training process. Thus, DNN becomes more capable of capturing the time-dependent of creep deformation than the static networks. The results showed that the developed DNN models are able to predict the creep deformation with an excellent level of accuracy compared with that of conventional methods and the static networks models. ····· 1036191797

Studies on Bonding, Reactivity, Aromaticity and Toxicity

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The book presents a detail study on searching of potential metal cluster motifs, e.g., aluminum, beryllium clusters and their various complex compounds, useful for designing novel nanostructures. The efficacy of such cluster units to be used as possible lead components of molecular electronic devices is also investigated in detail employing a newly proposed reactivity descriptor, viz., nucleo(electro)philic excess. The behavior of DFT based local and global reactivity descriptors around the transition state of various thermochemical reactions are studied in detail. The potential of quantum chemical reactivity descriptors in explaining biological activity of various sex hormones, e.g., testosterone, estrogen etc. and toxicity of a series of aliphatic and aromatic compounds including Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are explored in detail. ····· 1036191767

Dinámicas de Bulto y de Frontera

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En el presente trabajo se estudian dos aspectos de la dinámica de teorías definidas en espacio-tiempos con frontera. El primero es la adición y tratamiento de los términos de frontera temporales, los cuales son usualmente agregados a los principios de acción hamiltonianos y lagrangianos. Estos términos de frontera son sistemáticamente tratados dentro del formalismo canónico de Dirac. Una vez que el formalismo general es desarrollado, el procedimento es ilustrado en diversos ejemplos. El segundo tema es la construcción de teorías de campo de frontera a partir de cierta teorías de campo definidas sobre una 3-variedad con frontera. Como primer modelo se toma a la teoría de Chern-Simons la cual induce una teoría de campo en la frontera de la 3-variedad. Como segundo modelo se toma a la teoría BF. Cada modelo será analizado aplicando un método diferente y así construir un principio de acción definido en la frontera en cada caso. El conteo de grados de libertad físicos en ambos modelos es realizado mediante el análisis canónico de Dirac para ciertos grupo de norma particulares. Los resultados obtenidos se generalizan a dimensiones y grupos arbitrarios. ····· 1036190778

Alumbrado público

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
El texto del presente libro es la tesis de Magister en Luminotecnia, presentada y aprobado con la máxima calificación ante la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, dirigida por el Dr. Ing. Eduardo Manzano y desarrollada en el Departamento de Luminotecnia, Luz y Visión, y defendida en noviembre del año 2009. Constituye una propuesta de utilización de datos provenientes del mantenimiento del alumbrado público para orientar el mismo hacia una gestión eficiente y tendiente a la satisfacción ciudadana. Se proponen dos indicadores, uno es el denominado índice de apagado que puede soportar una determinada ciudad y el otro indicador, es la adaptación del método SERVQUAL, para mediante una encuesta poder determinar el nivel de aceptación de la ciudadanía al servicio público de iluminación vial. Este trabajo ha sido presentado en diversos congresos técnicos de Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Perú y China. ····· 1036190649

Nanoparticulas De Silicio Preparadas Usando Ablación Láser

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Este trabajo está orientado en la síntesis de nanopartículas de Si, preparadas por la técnica de ablación láser. La dimensión del tamaño de las partículas hace que los fonones muestren efectos del confinamiento de fonones. Efectos como el ensanchamiento asimétrico del pico y el corrimiento a las regiones de menor longitud de onda son observadas en el espectro Raman. Con este proyecto queremos encontrar las condiciones óptimas para sintetizar nanopartículas de Silicio utilizando la técnica de deposición conocida como ablación láser. ····· 1036189708

Irreversibility and Universality in Quantum Computation

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In this book I discuss an approach to quantum computation where the basic information units (qubits and quregisters) are replaced by density operators and the restriction to unitary operators as logical gates is lifted through the introduction of the more general concept of quantum operation. This perspective is especially suited to provide a physical description of open systems. In particular, we illustrate the advantages of this approach over the standard one and show that it can account for two important irreversible transformations already considered in the literature: the irreversible conjunction IAND and the fuzzy-like ukasiewicz disjunction. The introduction of these new transformations allow us to investigate about the possibility to obtain reasonable conequences on the problem of university in quantum computation. ····· 1036188748

Adaptive Filtering

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Adaptive filtering techniques are widely used to cope with the variations of system parameters. In FIR adaptive filtering, the filter weights are updated iteratively by minimizing the MSE of the difference between the desired response of the adaptive filter and its output. However, most of the existing adaptive filters experience many difficulties fixed-step size which provides poor performance in highly correlated environments, high computational complexity, stability due to the inversion of the autocorrelation matrix, tracking ability in non-stationary and impulsive noise environments. The novelty of this work resides in introducing new FIR adaptive filtering algorithms. These algorithms have been proposed to overcome some of the difficulties experienced with the existing adaptive filtering techniques. These approaches use a variable step-size and the instantaneous value of the autocorrelation matrix in the coefficient update equation that leads to an improved performance. Avoiding the use of the inverse autocorrelation matrix, as the case of RLS algorithm, would provide more stable performance. ····· 1036188564

The Auger spectra recognition and modeling

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Automation of the recognition process of Auger spectra has turned out to be quite a tedious task. Attempts by various researchers have been made, and there are even some data processing software which do that, but with many remaining problems and high uncertainty. Two elements of the measured spectra which greatly interfere with the automatic recognition process are background and noise. Background interferes in quantitative evaluation of characteristic peaks of elements, whereas some of the spikes coming out as a result of noise, in the automatic recognition process will be falsely accounted for as peaks. Thus for further data preparation, finding proper methods for background removal and noise reduction is a must. Even though the idea seems straight forward, this is not an easy task, because whenever the data is manipulated through background removal and noise reduction methods, the risk of altering the original data is always present. Our team is studying methods to accomplish the data preparation for automatic recognition with minimal loss of the original data. We expect that through these methods the automatic spectra recognition will be greatly improved. ····· 1036188532

Calculations of molecular parameters for selected diatomics

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Diatomic molecules have an importance because of their existence in our world. So, this book attempts a comprehensive presentation of the field of spectra of diatomic molecules. This theoretical work concerns with the spectroscopic parameters of diatomic molecules such as calculations of Einstein`s coefficients A , Franck- Condon factors , the rotation effect upon Morse potentials, the rovibronic spectra of these molecules, transition probabilities and Boltzmann distribution(statistical treatments) for PQR branches. A discussion of the these parameters of some diatomic molecules had been done and followed by a detailed treatment of electronic transitions. The book provides an insight on the basic physical properties of some diatomic molecules. ····· 1036187406

Advanced Materials: Cubic Boron Nitride

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In the world of advanced materials, cubic boron nitride is an active competitor for diamond, with similar properties. To develop advanced materials, it is essential to have characterization techniques, which reveal the structure and chemistry of the samples. Especially in the era of nanotechnology, techniques capable of high spatial resolution are required. This monograph addresses characterization of abrasive cubic boron nitride (ABN) particles by X-ray diffraction (XRD), electron microscopy (EM) and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) in the STEM. XRD profiles of ABN samples are correlated with particle morphology and compositional variations. EELS in STEM is utilized to gain nanostructural information as well as electronic structure. Results are given showing anomalous surface structure-a layer of h-BN as well as oxidation, stoichiometry, and inclusions inside the particles. ELNES is revealed for c-BN, h-BN, and BC2N and are compared with ab-initio theory and with previously recorded results. The book should be especially useful for those researchers developing new materials as well as for those concerned with modern characterization techniques in materials science and EM. ····· 1036187294

Micrometeorological Study of Surface Parameters of the Soil

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At present, research-grade data (air and soil temperatures, surface heat fluxes, soil moisture, radiation etc.) are scarce for the humid tropical regions.This is primarily because of lack of appropriate Micrometeorological instrumentation.As such, mass and energy transfer between the surface layer and the sub-surface (soil layer) have not been adequately predicted. Therefore, there is a need for detailed investigation to be conducted from a station in the tropical sub-region, through atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) profiler measurements with fast response sensors to acquire in situ micrometeorological data.This book presents the results of mass and energy exchanges necessary for reliable tropical weather prediction within the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). It also reported the effects of the atmospheric phenomena on magnitudes of the surface layer parameters. ····· 1036187225

Coulomb-glasses and generic SK-models

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In this book two different disordered systems are studied: the SK-model (with its fermionic counterpart the fermionic Ising model ISGf) and the Coulomb-glass. Both models are known to exhibit a glass phase and a pseudo-gap around the Fermi-level, and the work will focus on different aspects of their pseudo-gaps. For the famous SK-model new numerical results using Replica Symmetry Breaking are obtained and a new fit routine is presented. The Coulomb-Glass (CbGl) is investigated by analytic calculations following work done by Müller and Pankov. By investigating these models this book gives detailed examples of a variety of mathematical tools used in modern theoretical solid state physics dealing with disorder. The Replica Symmetry Breaking scheme is applied for numerical calculations with a parallel algorithm, a discrete theory is transformed to continuous field theory allowing path-integral calculations and approximations like the locator approximation are used. ····· 1036186934

Faraday und seine Entdeckungen

····· lezzter Preis 29.99€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
`Faraday ist ein verehrungswürdiger Name für jeden Naturforscher.` (Hermann v. Helmholtz) Michael Faraday gilt als einer der bedeutendsten Experimentalphysiker aller Zeiten. Vorliegende Monographie von John Tyndall, eines ihm nahestehenden Zeitgenossen, bietet ebenso einen Einblick in sein Leben und seine Person, wie es auch sein erstaunlich umfangreiches Werk anschaulich beleuchtet. Herausgegeben und ins Deutsche übersetzt wurde Tyndalls Schrift durch Hermann von Helmholtz, der auch Ergänzungen anfügte und das Vorwort verfasste. John Tyndall erlangte Bekanntheit vor allem durch den von ihm entdeckten Tyndall-Effekt und Verfahren zur Keimreduktion bei Lebensmitteln. 1848 ging Tyndall nach Marburg und promovierte bei Robert Bunsen. Seine lebendigen Vorlesungen an der Royal Institution wurden schnell sehr populär. ····· 1036174901

Increasing Thermal Efficiency and Optimum Position of Solar Collector

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The word itself Solar describes that we are dealing with some renewable energy source for a hot water system. A Solar Hot Water System(SHWS) has been already designed, further implementation has been done by working on its insulation at variable time, temperature and solar radiation so that there is a minimum temperature drop over night decreases. A suitable material is found for insulation which is feasible, cost effective and available. For this project an instrument named Pyranometer has been used to measure solar radiation flux density (in watts per meter square) and the experimental data collected from pyranometer will be used to find the optimum position of SHWS. ····· 1036125887

Applications of Nanoparticle Image Velocimetry in Nanofluids

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Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) is an optical technique used for the visualization of fluid flow. The instantaneous velocity is calculated using various techniques. PIV can be combined with other techniques to enhance the analysis of fluid flow. A novel far-field plasmonic resonance enhanced nanoparticle-seeded Particle Image Velocimetry (nPIV) has been demonstrated to measure the velocity in a micro channel. Chemically synthesized silver nanoparticles have been used to seed the flow. By using Discrete Dipole Approximation (DDA), plasmonic resonance enhanced light scattering has been calculated for spherical silver nanoparticles with diameters ranging from 15 nm to 200 nm. Optimum scattering wavelength is specified by the nanoparticles in two media: water and air. The diffraction-limited plasmonic resonance enhanced images of silver nanoparticles at different diameters have been recorded. By using standard PIV techniques, the velocity within the micro channel has been determined from the images collected. ····· 1036125498

Multi-gap and anisotropic superconductivity: beyond MgB2

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Multi-gap superconductivity can be seen as a particular case of anisotropic superconductivity. The discovery of two-gap superconductivity in a very simple compound like MgB2 aroused in the whole scientific community great interest in this topic. This work presents an experimental study of multi-gap and anisotropic superconductivity in two different but related types of superconductors: doped (Al, Al and Li, Mn) or neutron-irradiated MgB2 single crystals or polycrystals and high-quality samples of the superconductor CaC6. The experimental study has been carried out by means of the point-contact Andreev-reflection spectroscopy technique. Results concerning the spectroscopic determination of the superconducting energy gaps in multi-gap and anisotropic superconductors are presented and discussed, thus contributing to the understanding of the complex physics of anisotropic superconductors. This study is addressed to all scientists interested in studying superconductivity from a fundamental point of view and in particular the superconducting energy gap, a physical parameter essential to unravel the microscopic mechanism that gives rise to this fascinating phenomenon. ····· 1036125272

Mechanical and Electrical Study on Isomorphic poly-blends

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Polymer physics is highly useful for understanding many scientific and technological problems associated with the use of such materials in modern engineering and technology. Polymers, defined as non-metallic materials, which can be moulded to any shape and size by application of heat and pressure, have become substance of immense importance. Now a days, the polymers are widely used in the construction, transportation, communication, electrical and textile industries and are highly useful in the aircraft, aerospace, nuclear and space technology as well as medical applications. The Morphological, Structural, Mechanical and Electrical properties of isomorphic polyblends of fluro polymer (PVF: PVDF) were explore in this book. Moreover, an attempt has been made to develop a consistent comprehensive interpretation and obtain a correlation between the various results which is obtained experimentally. `Identification of a substance is not the end of research but a beginning to go beyond and a person does nothing, if he waited until he could do it so well that no one would find fault with what he has done.` ····· 1036125224

Synthesis of CdS Nanomaterials Using VPCG Technique

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Cadmium Sulfide (CdS) nanomaterials were successfully synthesized using Vapor Phase Crystal Growth technique. The SEM photomicrographs revealed various nanostructures in a form of nanowires, nanorods, nanobelts, and nanosheets. As the growth temperature increases, more nucleation of nanostructures was evident. An increase in dwell time and furnace angle resulted to a growth of a variety of lengthy nanomaterials but smaller in diameter in a form of nanowires. The nanowires are clustered while the furnace angle increases. Energy dispersive X-ray analyses confirmed that CdS nanomaterials showed a uniform composition of Cd and S with a minimal presence of impurities. The PL spectra of the samples revealed intense peaks in the range of 477 nm to 548 nm wavelengths. The variations of the growth conditions produced minimal differences among the wavelength peaks. The energy band gap was obtained at 2.44 eV which is approximately that of CdS. ····· 1036125176

Numerical Simulation of Plasma Arc and Plasma-Substrate Interaction

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One of the challenging problems in the plasma spray technique is reproducibility of the coating quality. This problem is mainly associated with arc behavior inside the torch, plasma-particles interaction and coating built-up that includes plasma-substrate interaction. To improve the understanding of the same, in this study, three-dimensional models are developed to simulate the plasma arc inside the torch and plasma-substrate interaction under various operating conditions. The effects of arc current and gas flow rate on characteristics of the arc and temperature and velocity distributions both inside and outside of the torch are explained. Using the nozzle exit profile predicted from the plasma arc model, the Ar-N2 plasma jet and conjugate heat transfer between the plasma and substrate are simulated by using plasma-substrate interaction model. The effects of arc current, gas flow rate, stand-off distance, substrate material and environment around the substrate on the temperature and velocity fields of the impinging plasma jet and thermal flux to the substrate are clarified. This model is validated by comparing the results of present model with previous predictions and measurements. ····· 1036125131

Code Based Test Data Compression for SoC Testing

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To handle design complexity and short time-to-market, it has been common to use modular design approach in SoC. Such IP cores with hidden architecture have exaggerated the burning issues for fabrication testing of SoC: the test cost and test power. The cost of test is strongly related to the increasing test-data volumes which lead to longer test application times and larger tester memory. The solution is test data compression. The increasing test power leads to system reliability issues. The dynamic power which is is directly related to the number of transitions during scan operations plays a major role in overall test power. In this book, the test data compression and switching activity reduction in context of IP cores are addressed. For ATPG generated binary data with large number of don t care bits, run length codes and statistical codes are most suitable for IP cores. The switching activity reduction for external testing is suitable to IP cores for power reduction. If the don t care bit filling and reordering are used in synergy to pre-process the test data, the compression and power issues can be addressed without much on-chip area overhead. ····· 1036124920

Scorbot ER-VII virtual

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Se presenta como resultado el diseño e integración de un ambiente virtual dinámico de un robot Scorbot ER-VII empleado para evaluar estrategias de control de movimiento a partir de la respuesta transitoria de sus variables articulares de posición y velocidad, así como una trayectoria para la consigna de movimiento descrita a partir de sus ecuaciones paramétricas, en este caso el control de modos deslizantes hace el seguimiento de trayectorias programadas haciendo que el error sea compensado con la tarea a seguir. El sistema fue elaborado en Visual C++, Opengl y herramientas de autoría como 3d Studio Max para el modelado de la estructura del robot con detalles cinemáticos finos, para la exportación a código opengl se utilizó Deep Exploration edición CAD. La respuesta de movimientos controlados es adquirida con Matlab y su integrador. ····· 1036123905

Influencia de parámetros físicos en la desinfección solar del agua

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Ciertos aspectos físicos del proceso de desinfección solar del agua (SODIS) que incluyen la disponibilidad terrestre de radiación solar, transmisión de la radiación solar a través de las paredes de los recipientes usados y absorción espectral de la radiación solar por el agua pueden afectar significativamente su eficacia. En el presente libro se ha desarrollado un modelo que explica y cuantifica la influencia de estos aspectos en la inactivación de Coliformes Termotolerantes para evaluar el potencial de desinfección de las diferentes regiones de Cochabamba y Bolivia, cabe aclarar que la metodología puede ser aplicado a cualquier región o lugar del mundo, el libro incluye el código fuente del programa computarizado que solo debe modificar a las características de la regiones de su país. Este libro está dirigido para los profesionales relacionados en el estudio del medio ambiente además de físicos en el área aplicada. Así como también a personas interesadas en procesos de desinfección de agua como alternativa de método de desinfección barato y practico. ····· 1036123663

Nanopartículas magnéticas para tratamiento de tumores por hipertermia

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Dentro de los avances tecnológicos para tratamientos contra el cáncer, la nanomedicina es una de las vertientes más prometedoras. Entre los recientes procedimientos clínicos para control tumoral se cuenta particularmente con la hipertermia, una técnica mediante la cual se busca ubicar nanopartículas magnéticas dentro de un tumor para posteriormente hacerlas interactuar con un campo magnético AC externo. Este fenómeno genera un incremento en la temperatura de la zona ocasionando la muerte de células cancerígenas. En este trabajo se estudiaron propiedades de nanopartículas con potencial aplicación en hipertermia. Se analizaron los cambios de las mismas por causa del revestimiento que poseen, y se reportan resultados del calentamiento para cuatro tipos de recubrimientos. Finalmente, se introduce un método simple y novedoso para cuantificar nanopartículas magnéticas presentes en un tejido a través de mediciones de magnetización y pruebas de captación natural. Este desarrollo es fundamental para futuras referencias encaminadas a proponer protocolos de control sobre la cantidad de material magnético que se empleará en hipertermia según el tumor a tratar. ····· 1036123110

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