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La elipse desde la perspectiva de la teoría los modos de pensamiento

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La investigación que reportamos, da cuenta de un estudio sobre la comprensión del concepto Elipse en estudiantes de 16 a 18 años, bajo un enfoque cognitivo, donde se utiliza los modos de pensamiento de Anna Sierpinska como marco teórico y, estudio de casos como diseño metodológico. Nuestra problemática se sitúa al abordar la elipse solamente a través de las ecuaciones cartesianas, afirmamos que estas técnicas no son suficientes para lograr una comprensión profunda del concepto, cuando decimos comprensión profunda, estamos pensando en que el estudiante pueda comprender la elipse en los modos: Sintético-Geométrico (como sección cónica en el espacio/curva que la representa en el plano), Analítico-Aritmético (como pares ordenados que satisfacen la ecuación de la elipse) y Analítico - Estructural (como lugar geométrico). A lo largo de la investigación evidenciamos que los estudiantes logran una mayor comprensión del concepto elipse cuando se enfrentan a situaciones donde interactúan los tres modos de pensar. ····· 1036189802

Optimización combinatoria

für 62.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Optimización Combinatoria: Una perspectiva desde la teoría de autómatas provee herramientas para la optimización de problemas combinatorios fundamentando sus estrategias en la teoría de autómatas sin olvidar los mecanismos clásicos de optimización. Optimizar es un proceso que se lleva a cabo todos los días en nuestras vidas, por ejemplo constantemente deseamos maximizar los beneficios minimizando los costos. Los problemas combinatorios son problemas encontrados a diario en muchos sectores de la ingeniería. Están basados en la toma de decisiones y conllevan, en la mayoría de casos, a numerosas posibles soluciones que tomarían años ser revisadas. Por lo tanto, una aproximación a la solución de un problema real es considerada razonable, por ejemplo problemas en real-time que demandan soluciones inmediatas tales como la reprogramación de la producción por indisponibilidad de máquinas. El libro provee las bases necesarias para afrontar problemas cotidianos de la ingeniería así como algoritmos y programas en software especializado para la optimización multi-objetivo de problemas combinatorios. ····· 1036189788

Las Magnitudes y su Medida: un enfoque creativo

für 80.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
En este libro se trabajan las Magnitudes y su Medida utilizando las técnicas de Metodología Creativa. Se empiezan dando definiciones básicas para poder llegar a entender los conceptos de semimódulo, módulo y espacio vectorial. Al introducir las definiciones matemáticas, se señalan las distintas técnicas de Metodología Creativa que se podrían usar. Se proponen distintos ejemplos y ejercicios, antes y después de cada apartado, para motivar las definiciones o demostraciones. En él se pueden encontrar resultados sorprendentes entre otros, por ejemplo: se estudian las distintas clasificaciones de las magnitudes atendiendo solo a aspectos matemáticos, se llega a que no todas las magnitudes escalares son medibles ni todo lo que es medible es una magnitud escalar, se estudia la medida de una magnitud vectorial... ····· 1036189748

Dificultad de Aprendizaje en La Construcción del Concepto de Derivada

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La presente investigación es de tipo mixta cuanti-cualitativa además de ser exploratoria y descriptiva, caracterizando en un primer instrumento las dificultades conceptuales que presentaron los estudiantes I y II semestre de Administración de Empresas en el concepto de derivada de una función. De igual modo en un segundo instrumento una entrevista dirigida a los docentes de Matemáticas I y II donde el objeto fue identificar las estrategias didácticas en el proceso de enseñanza y por ultimo un test orientado a la aplicación del concepto de derivada utilizando la Calculadora TI-92 para realizar finalmente la comparación entre los diferentes instrumentos. Observando que el uso de la tecnología dentro del aula es nulo pero a pesar de esto los estudiantes en las actividades desarrolladas con la herramienta tecnológica mostraron interés y habilidades logrando una leve pero importante mejoría en el manejo de los campos variacionales durante el desarrollo de las diferentes situaciones planteadas. ····· 1036189737

Adaptación de malla en modelos de interfase difusa

für 35.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Se presenta el desarrollo de un modelo de interfase difusa para un fluido multicomponente, mediante una formulación variacional que considera una energía libre que es función de la densidad y sus gradientes. En el modelo todos los términos en la frontera son retenidos y se relacionan a fuerzas de superficie externas, lo cual puede ser de particular interés cuando se considera la región donde se intersecta la interfase con una superficie sólida, es decir la línea de contacto. La solución numérica de este tipo de problemas requiere de métodos numéricos robustos, para capturar capas de transición delgadas. Un algoritmo de adaptación de malla basado en el principio de equidistribución siguiendo un proceso de continuación es derivado. Se resuelve el modelo para una burbuja líquida sobre un sólido, usando el modelo en coordenadas polares con adaptación de malla en la dirección radial. El algoritmo de equidistribución se generaliza a dos dimensiones y se modela un fluido de dos fases dentro de un tubo, donde las condiciones de frontera en las paredes definen el ángulo de contacto estático. ····· 1036189715

Sumario de curiosidades matemáticas

für 35.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Esta recopilación es producto de extensos y divertidos períodos de investigación sobre historia de la matemática y de la ciencia en general. Han surgido de ahí, una serie de tópicos que a la postre han servido como trabajos finales de algunos cursos, otros solo han sido continuación o inquietudes planteadas sobre esos temas, que he desarrollado de manera vaga y nada sistemática. Son variados los temas tratados en este pequeño compendio. Desde una biografía de Arquímedes, fracciones continuadas, teoría del caos y fractales, hasta curiosidades matemáticas. He intentado exponer estos tópicos de una manera sencilla y precisa. El propósito final es que estas notas sean una pequeña herramienta de divulgación matemática, es presentar estos temas de manera contextualiza y que sirvan de referente para que el lector continúe su investigación sobre el tema que se sienta parcializado. ····· 1036189617

Transferencia de conocimiento entre diversos contextos probabilísticos

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La teoría de la probabilidad como parte de la formación básica en los estudios universitarios, permite a los estudiantes interpretar eventos de la vida cotidiana que se producen en diversos contextos probabilísticos. Una de las mayores dificultades a la que se enfrentan estos estudiantes es la falta de aprendizaje significativo de los conceptos. En esta obra se presenta una investigación enmarcada en la didáctica de la probabilidad, la cual se centra en el análisis de transferencia de conocimiento ante cambios de contexto en situaciones que involucran conceptos de probabilidad. El objetivo principal de la investigación es valorar la efectividad de una propuesta didáctica fundamentada en la visualización de situaciones de contexto en el plano concreto mediante la utilización de material manipulativo como recurso didáctico. Además, se muestra un análisis de problemas de entendimiento en la resolución de problemas de probabilidad y la ganancia como indicador de la efectividad en el aprendizaje. La fuente para la recolección de datos es la Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez (UACJ). ····· 1036189539

Módulos Planos

für 26.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
En el presente libro caracterizaremos los módulos planos por ideales finitamente generados y por ecuaciones lineales. Para ello hemos dividido el libro en 4 capítulos. En el capítulo 1 utilizaremos el lenguaje de categorías y funtores para presentar los módulos proyectivos y planos como aquellos módulos que hacen exactos a ciertos tipos de funtores. En el capítulo 2 estudiaremos las propiedades básicas de los módulos planos, así como algunos ejemplos. Los funtores de torsión serán presentados en el capítulo 3. En el capítulo 4, como aplicación de los funtores de torsión, probaremos los dos teoremas principales del libro. El primer teorema caracterizará los módulos planos por ideales finitamente generados. Y el segundo teorema caracterizará los módulos planos usando ecuaciones lineales. Finalmente probaremos que si R es un anillo local y M es un R- módulo finitamente generado, entonces M es plano si y solamente si M es proyectivo si y solamente si M es libre. ····· 1036189518

Stability of first-order autoregressive models Case of small samples

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book studies the stability of estimators of autoregressive models in the case of finite samples (nonasymptotic setup). The stability is one of aspects of approaches of robustness proposed by Zieliñki (institute of mathematics, academy of sciences, Warsaw, Poland). When an autoregressive model is violated, the well known least square estimator presents a high variability which makes this estimator rather useless. An unexpected fact we discovered is the lack of monotonicity of the bias when the amount of contamination is growing. Similar effects for the Student and ANOVA tests are studied in this document. Also, a review on various approaches of robustness and some results on estimation of a gaussian autoregressive model are presented. This document is very useful for beginners in research works connected with robust inference in time series. ····· 1036189300

The Sturm_Liouville Boundary Value Problems and their applications: First Edition

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The sturm_Liouville Boundary value problems, after the Swiss mathematician Jacques Sturm (1803 1855) and the French mathematician Joseph Liouville (1809 1882), who studied these problems and the properties of their solutions, is the most important branch of applied mathematics which form the starting point for the study of mechanical and electrical vibrations of all kinds of important phenomena. They give a method for solving many problems in science, and engineering such as heat flow in uniform and non-uniform rod, vibrations of a vibrating string, circularly symmetric heat flow, current flow in an electric circuit, and in quantum physics. The differential equations considered here arise directly as mathematical models of motion according to Newton s law, but more often as a result of using the method of separation of variables to solve the classical partial differential equations of physics, such as Laplace s equation, the heat equation, and the wave equation. ····· 1036189216

Information Theory, Entropy and Urban Spatial Structure

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book aims to show how the Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) approach has changed deeply the traditional research methods in regional and urban geography as the result of paradigm shifts occurred during the last 50 years. MaxEnt method as pioneered by A. Wilson (1967,1970) and Spatial Entropy concept by M. Batty (1974) have been based on the Information Theory that was founded by Shannon (1948), E.T.Jaynes (1957) and Kullback (1959) and others. Information Theory has provided the theoretical foundation for challenging the uncertainty and incomplete information issues concerning the complex urban structure. MaxEnt, as a new logic, aims to assign probabilities maximally noncommittal with respect to the missing information. This dissertation applies Spatial Entropy measures to Ankara 1970 and 1990 census data by 34 zones and compares the population density changes during the two decades. This book shall not only guide young generations to understand the past contributions but also encourage them to make further researches under the information-theoric Weltanschauung. ····· 1036189193

Navier - Stokes and Cahn - Hilliard: Pure Analytic Solutions

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The current book is a presentation of the pure analytic solutions (exact or approximates)of the CAHN-HILLIARD & the NAVIER-STOKES equations. These last ones are very useful to the airplane and the navy industries , to the meteorology and oceanography specialits , to the enterprises specialized in the Computationnal Fluids Dynamics (CFD), and of course to the mathematics and fluids mechanics lovers. This book is the third of a collection which has as main link , the `gradient of time`. This theory is linked to one result of the theory presented by EINSTEIN in 1905 : the `time dilation`. This collection of three books , use the time dilation to simplify and solve the Partial Differential Equations. It also presents a new way of thinking the general and special relativities , giving the possibility to don`t use the light speed. The solutions written in this book are simple , easy to understand and mathematically strong. These ones have been conceived to give an entire satisfaction to all the science fans . ····· 1036189181

Design and Implementation

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This project deals with the design and implementation of an adaptive robust controller, i.e. a LQR controller, suitable for the given system which is a DC servo motor. The parameters of the plant are identified using system identification techniques. System identification is an important step in the analysis and design of control systems. It involves mathematical modeling of the controlled process, experimentally, using measured data i.e. input and output. The model of the plant is assumed to be an ARX model and the parameters are estimated using Least Squares Estimation technique. The parameters are then passed on to the controller design algorithm which is a discrete time LQR. LQR controller is an optimal robust controller which incorporates state feedback. The entire project has been divided into three main parts, where in the first part a model is found that describes the process. The second part describes how the controllers were developed and the final part how they were implemented in real time.The identification algorithm and the controller algorithm are developed in C code and are executed in TMS320F2812 DSP for its implementation. ····· 1036189126

Operators on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book is intended mainly to make an understanding about the applications of intuitionistic fuzzy sets. Various operators on intuitionistic fuzzy sets are defined and their properties are also studied with suitable examples. Though no prior knowledge of IFSs is required, the reader is expected to be familiar with the basic notions of fuzzy sets and the operators defined on them.This is only a beginning of the applications of intuitionistic fuzzy logic and it will give further elegance in logical computing. ····· 1036189114

Mutation in geometry

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In this thesis we link three flavors of geometry together: piece-wise linear, birational and non-commutative. The main tool to do it is the notion of mutation. In the first part we show that mutation helps us explain the structure of the Thompson group T. In the second part we study the birational geometry of mutation and get linear presentation of subgroups of the Cremona group. In the third part we plunge into derived categories and associate to every algebraic variety a triangulated category which depends only on its birational class. For rational surface this approach gives us an action of the Cremona group on the non-commutative ring. Finally we give applications of this results to the formulas of non-commutative cluster mutations. ····· 1036189103

Practical Application of Optimal Control Theory

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This monograph presented recent years cutting-edge research papers on applied mathematics and its related fields, such as computer science, physics, chemitry and so forth. Optimal control theory had been applied to neural networks, quantum systems (e.g. Klein-Gordon-Schrodinger equation, Klein-Gordon-Maxwell equation, meason exchange effect,n uclear reaction,etc) as well as inverse problems. Especailly, the corresponding computational approach is adequately executed together with resultant theoretical conclusions for interpreting each other. The inherent connection with realistic issues would become a promising direction in future insight. It would be quite interesting to develop the interdisciplinary research to a wide class areas. ····· 1036189000

Coefficient Problems Arising from Computation of Matrix pth root

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In analyzing iterative methods (eg. Newton s method and Halley s method) for the principal pth root of a matrix, we come across some coefficient problems. These problems are in the form of determining the signs of Taylor coefficients of certain functions or function sequences. The former is relatively easy, while the latter is much more difficult. This thesis mainly deals with a conjecture on this aspect raised by Dr. Chun-Hua Guo. The validity of the conjecture will give neat error estimates of the proposed algorithms. Concerning this, I obtain a simple unified proof of the conjecture for principal square root of a matrix. Other partial results are also presented.For example, using order estimate method, I am able to determine the sign of more coefficients for Newton s method and Halley s method, respectively. Some closely related problems are also addressed. For example, I give an affirmative answer to a conjecture on a residual relation for pth root of complex numbers using first derivative technique. The first derivative technique is also used to obtain a simple proof of residual relations for Halley s method. ····· 1036188974

Finite Difference Schemes for Fractional Heat Equations

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This book is devoted to numerical solution of the fractional heat equations with the nonlocal boundary condition in time. The stability and the convergence of the finite difference schemes for solving the nonlocal fractional heat equations are investigated through the matrix stability analysis. The computer programs and the graph of the solutions which shows the efficiency of the proposed method for solving the fractional heat equations are presented. ····· 1036188934

Developing Sampling Weights for Complex Surveys

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The fundamental theory of sampling is simple, but the practices of sampling can be surprisingly complex given the realities faced by the sampling designers at the daily bases. This book documents how the author and her colleagues addressed the challenges encountered in their student health survey project. Those challenges rooted from the ethnical, geological, and economical diversity of the lone-star state of Texas. The solutions presented by the author will surely serve as a exciting and helpful reference to those many survey designers. ····· 1036188821

Bayesian Inference for the Simple and Mixture of Laplace Distribution

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The scientific scuffle over Bayesian is less well known but lasted far longer, for 150 years. It concerned a broader and more essential issue: how we analyze facts, change our minds as we get new information, and make coherent decisions in the face of uncertainty. Bayes rule appears to be a frank, just one line theorem: by updating our preliminary viewpoint with objective new information, we get a new and enhanced confidence. To its adherents, it is an elegant statement about learning from experience. In this book we considered the homogenous and heterogeneous population for the Laplace lifetime model. The Bayesian approach is used and model is analyzed using various informative and noninformative priors under different loss functions. This book can play a role of teacher for the practitioner(s) who wants to learn the elegant Bayesian methodology. Extensive references to journal articles and other technical literature should assist the reader in applying the methods described in this book. We hope that readers will enjoy this book. ····· 1036188786

Gender Differnce in Mathematics Achievement

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This study was designed to make a comparative analysis of mathematics achievement between girls and boys at lower secondary education level. It was also aimed at investigating the extent of association between girls` mathematics achievement and school type. Besides, students` attitude towards mathematics, parents` attitude and teachers` attitude on students` mathematics performance based on their gender were analysed. The study has employed both quantitative and qualitative data gathering methods. Instruments were applied to 1280 students drawn from 10 Addis Ababa lower cycle of secondary schools (grade nine and ten). This book will help other professionals as stepping stone for further study in the area by considering more variables which don`t included under this book. ····· 1036188750

Phase correlation

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Registration of images generally means finding the geometrical transformations between the images. It is an important part of image processing since it is often necessary to compose several images together. The methods available for image registration depend on whether the images are shifted only, are similar (i.e. rotated, scaled, shifted) or are distorted in a more complicated way. In this book, Hana Druckmüllerová presents the method for image registration based on phase correlation for rotated, scaled and shifted images. The method does not require that the images to be registered have the same exposure setting, it is even not necessary that the images contain clearly visible matching structures. The method is thus extremely robust and suitable for registration tasks as challenging as the registration of coronal images taken during total solar eclipses. The complete and consistent mathematical approach to the phase correlation was developed in the whole broadness for the first time. The Fourier transform and the discrete Fourier transform and its properties necessary for the phase correlation are described. ····· 1036188742

Total Variation Image Edge Detection with Image Quality Measurement

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Since the introduction of the total variation theory into mathematics in 1881 by Camille Jordan, the theory has not sufficiently found its pride of place among other mathematical theories. This is because even though the total variation criterion has been used regularly, especially in the theory of distributions and the Stieljes integral where a nice solution requires that the functions be of bounded variation, that is, have a finite total variation, the total variation functional itself has not been extensively applied to the solution of mathematical problems. This is in part because of the difficulty encountered in using the functional. In this book, I give a new derivation of the functional and apply it to image edge detection and image quality measurement. Compared to previous methods, the total variation approach gives superior results. ····· 1036188726

The Effect of Heat Load on Fluid Friction Factor in Corrugated Hoses

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In this book, the effect of heat load on fluid friction factor for laminar flow of a 2D axisymmetric straight pipe is analyzed. Some clever assumptions are made on the Navier-Stokes equations to derive analytic expressions for computing the friction factor for fluid flow in a corrugated pipe in terms of average velocity, pressure drop and the discharge of fluid. The coupled momentum and energy equations are simultaneously solved numerically using the finite element package Comsol Multiphysics. A theoretical velocity profile is derived for fluid flow in a pipe with arbitrary number of layers as a result of the heat load on the pipe wall. A new geometry for computing the friction factor in fluid flow that takes care of the instabilities in the solution in a periodically corrugated pipe is developed in Comsol Multiphysics. It is shown numerically that heat load on fluid flow decreases the friction factor in corrugated hoses. Finally we introduce bubbles into the flow and study its effects on the friction factor. ····· 1036188686

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