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Toxocara cati

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Es uno de parásitos que afecta el aparato digestivo de los felinos, de mayor prevalencia a nivel mundial. Los huevos eliminados con la materia fecal, contaminan el ambiente en el cual desarrollan la forma infectante para otros felinos, hospedadores paraténicos y el ser humano. Existe escasa evidencia sobre el comportamiento biológico e inmunopatológico de los hospedadores durante la fase migratoria de las larvas de T. cati. El ratón es un hospedador paraténico natural en el ciclo del parásito y las larvas tisulares son infectantes para felinos cazadores. Como modelo de experimentación, presenta similitudes con el humano en la ruta migratoria y en la patogénesis de la enfermedad. Los resultados del presente estudio integral de la infección con distintas dosis de huevos larvados de T. cati en el modelo murino, aportan nuevos conocimientos sobre el comportamiento migratorio y sobre las características de las lesiones producidas durante la etapa aguda y crónica de la infección. La respuesta inmunopatológica del ratón, demuestra el potencial del antígeno excretor secretor larvario de T. cati y posibles herramientas para el diagnóstico específico de Toxocariosis en el ser humano. ····· 103612280

Cría de Cerdos en Sistema Intensivo al Aire Libre en Clima Subtropical

für 26.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La cría intensiva de cerdos al aire libre representa una buena alternativa productiva frente a los sistemas de confinamiento, al obtenerse altos índices de productividad y buena rentabilidad con un menor costo de inversión inicial. Quizás el mayor problema que deben afrontar estos sistemas al aire libre es la rigurosidad climática de las regiones en las que se asientan pudiendo ocasionar, en épocas calurosas, fuertes pérdidas económicas por disminuir los índices reproductivos. En la presente obra se aborda la temática de la subfertilidad estacional de verano, a través de una exhaustiva revisión bibliográfica y el análisis de los resultados de una experiencia llevada a cabo a lo largo de dos años en un establecimiento de cría intensiva de cerdos al aire libre en la zona central de la Argentina, donde se evaluó el impacto de la temperatura ambiente sobre los niveles plasmáticos de hormonas reproductivas. El contenido de este libro resulta entonces de interés para todas aquellas personas vinculadas, de alguna manera, a los sistemas de producción de cerdos, tales como Técnicos pecuarios, Asesores de gestión productiva, Profesionales especializados, Investigadores o Educadores. ····· 103612074

Evolución y Taxonomía de Parásitos. Términos más utilizados

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Se hace un recuento del origen y la evolución de los diferentes grupos de parásitos con una explicación de aquellos fenómenos que propiciaron la misma, así como de las adaptaciones al parasitismo donde se exponen experiencias propias de los autores. Del mismo modo, se describe los criterios actuales de la taxonomía parasitarias y se detallan las herramientas para el manejo de la correcta ubicación taxonómica. Se ofrece un glosario de términos en Parasitología, de acuerdo a la etimología, con los conceptos de los mismos. ····· 103611710

Enfermedades que Causan Decomiso en Bovinos Beneficiados en Matadero

für 26.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Con la finalidad de caracterizar las principales causas de decomiso en hígado de bovinos beneficiados en el Frigorífico Industrial Turmero C A y determinar la confiabilidad diagnóstica en la inspección postmortem a través de hallazgos histopatológicos se realizó una investigación en dos fases, donde en la primera fase se recopiló la información retrospectiva de 60 registros de las casuísticas pertenecientes a los animales beneficiados desde el año 1998 hasta el 2003. Posteriormente con el objeto de convalidar los datos obtenidos en la primera fase, se procedió a tomar un total de 92 muestras que presentaron lesiones aparentes para el decomiso durante 08 meses para realizar estudios histopatológicos. Se registraron los datos referentes a identificación del animal, procedencia y causa de decomiso. Las muestras recolectadas se fijaron en formol al 10% bufferado, y luego se procesaron mediante la técnica convencional de coloración Hematoxilina y Eosina. En los resultados se determinó que las principales causas de decomiso y la prevalencia de cada una de estas enfermedades fueron 0,377% para absceso hepático, 0,150% para telangiectasia, 0,131% para distomatosis, 0,029% para tuberculosis ····· 103611703

Influenza Porcina en México

für 26.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
El virus de la Influenza pertenece a la familia Orthomyxoviridae y son viriones envueltos de cadena sencilla. Se clasifican en tres tipos: A, B y C. Los virus de la influenza A infectan una gran variedad de animales, como cerdos, caballos, tigres, leopardos, perros, gatos mamíferos marinos y aves. La importancia de esta enfermedad radica en la variedad de serotipos descritos debido a la capacidad de éste para alterarse genéticamente por su condición de poseer ARN fragmentado y el amplio intercambio interespecie. ····· 103611394

Ticks infestation in Bovine

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Parasitic diseases are most prevalent in Pakistan causing huge losses to livestock health. Ecto and endo-parasites cause 40% production losses to our herds. Among ecto-parasites ticks play a major role of vector in spread of different diseases of livestock. Surveillance studies have indicated high prevalence of different ticks in domestic and wild animals in the country. A study investigating hard ticks (ixodidae) infestation and their genera identification was carried out in Tandojam and its surrounding areas. Part of the data was collected from survey and field observations,while further examination leading to genera identification was carried out in the Laboratory of Department of Parasitology , Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sciences, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam. The total prevalence of ixodid ticks was found as 47% in bovines.Species wise prevalence was recorded as 50% in buffaloes and 23% in cattle. During present study, five genera of ixodid tick infesting the bovines in Tandojam were identified i.e. Boophilus (48%), Hyalomma(44%) Ixodes (4.26%), Rhipicephalus (2.71%) and Amblyomna (1.50%) in descending order. ····· 10361785

Some Factors Affecting The Performance of Local Laying Hens

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The main objectives of this work were to investigate the effect of humic acid (natural feed additives), mannan-oligosaccharide (Bio-Mos) compared with zinc bacitracin (antibiotic) on productive and reproductive performance of Inshas hens. At 28 weeks of age two hundred and forty hens of Inshas strain were devided at random into eight equal groups each of three replicates of 10 hens plus 1 cock. The experimental treatments were eight (8) treatments. ····· 10361736

Human diseases from Suez Canal fishes

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Fishes are considered one of the most valuable nutritive, tasty, palatable, cheap and easily digestable protein for man. Fishes can compensate shortage of other animal proteins which arise from rapid increase of human populations, particularly in developing countries, and also from dramatic impacts of emerging infectious diseases on livestock and poultry production, ranging from Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy to Avian Influenza. From the public health point of view, consumption of fishes infected with the larval stages of some parasites represents a human hazard. Freshwater fishes are considered one of the most important sources of parasitic infections of man and fish-eating mammals, particularly when the waters of rivers and lakes increasingly are polluted. ····· 10361648

Risedronate Effects on Bone Metastasis of Rat Mammary Tumor Cell Lines

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
When compared to MTA cells, MTB-01 cells were susceptible to risedronateinduced apoptosis, had decreased ability to bind to risedronate-treated bone, and did not produce MMP-2 or MMP-9 proteases. MTA cells were less susceptible to risedronateinduced apoptosis and produced MMP-2. Additionally, adhesion of MTA cells to bone matrix was not diminished by risedronate treatment. Our results suggest that the nonresponsive nature of the MTA cell line may be due to MMP-2 production (possibly allowing ongoing destruction of risedronate-treated bone), continued adhesion to risedronate-treated bone matrix, and decreased susceptibility to risedronate-induced apoptosis. ····· 10361637

Epidemiological and Therapeutic Studies on dermatomycosis in dogs

für 35.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The present study was carried out to get an understanding on the epidemiological determinants,diagnostic techniques and assessment of the efficacy of three different drugs in dermatophyte infected dogs.No significant differences were noticed among age, breed, sex and season in the occurrence of dermatomycosis.Diagnosis was mainly based on direct microscopic and cultural examination of skin scrapings.In haematological evaluation, low haemoglobin and leucocyte count were recorded in infected group.Serum biochemistry estimations revealed that total protein, albumin, globulin and A/G ratio were higher in infected group.Treatment trials were conducted in three groups each with nine animals. Group 1 animals were treated with 5 mg/kg b.wt of ketoconazole OD orally for 14 days and ketoconazole treatment gave promising results.Terbinafine was administered at the dose rate of 4 mg/ kg b.wt OD orally for 14 days in group 2 animals. Terbinafine was found to be highly effective in the treatment of dermatomycosis in dogs. The combination of `BiocanM` and topical application of ketoconazole was not found to be effective in treating dermatomycosis infections in dogs. ····· 10361520

Brucellosis in Black Bengal goat

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Among the world s poorest countries, Bangladesh is home to one of the richest treasures-prized Black Bengal goats. Among the Asiatic countries, Bangladesh, a tropical agro-based developing country, possesses the third largest repository of goats, with a population of more than 34 million heads, according to the FAO. This figure represents more than 57% of total livestock in Bangladesh. More than 90% of the goats of the country are of the Black Bengal breed. More than 98% of goats are owned by the small, marginal and landless farmers in the villages. One of the infectious diseases, which are a major constraint for Black Bengal goat productivity, is brucellosis. Brucellosis in Black Bengal goat is caused by Brucella melitensis. Brucellosis is considered by the Food & Agricultural Organization (FAO), the World Health Organization (WHO) & the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) as the most widespread bacterial zoonosis worldwide. This book illustrates the introduction, diagnosis and seroprevalence of brucellosis in Black Bengal goat. The exciting new study shows a new way of developing the goat industry & prevention & control of brucellosis nationally and at international level. ····· 10361448

Development of Vaccines Against Necrotic Enteritis in Poultry

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Necrotic enteritis caused by Clostridium perfringens is a persistent problem in commercial poultry, especially in rapidly growing broiler chickens. The disease is routinely controlled by antimicrobial drugs, antibiotic growth promoters and ionophores anticoccidials. But this practice has recently come under greater scrutiny due to rise and spread of antibiotic resistant bacterial strains. Hence, there is a need to investigate alternative approaches, including alternative prophylactic measures against necrotic enteritis, which have been explored in recent years. Necrotic enteritis in different mammalian species, including humans, can be prevented by vaccination. This book, a part of PhD thesis submitted to the Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chennai, India explores the development and effect of six different vaccines against necrotic enteritis in poultry in detail, and also proposes an approach of toxoid and bacterin combined vaccine with probiotics treatment. The results obtained in this work hopefully be of great importance in preventing a disease is of high economic importance in poultry. ····· 10361336

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