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Studies on saprolegniasis in salmonids in Hokkaido

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Outbreaks of water-borne fungal infections of fish, amphibians, and reptiles are a common problem, especially in fish farms and hatcheries. Of particular concern is saprolegniasis, which is an infectious fungal disease that is widespread in all stages of the life cycle of fish. The disease causes serious losses in fish farms and hatcheries, especially among salmonid species. The initial clinical sign was characterized by the growth of cotton-like mycelia on the body surface, especially the head, adipose fin, and caudal fin, but the mycelia were not visible to the naked eye in the internal organs. The overall aims of this study are to gain a clearer understanding of the incidence and prevalence of saprolegniasis especially among salmonid fishes in Japan. Therefore, the author attempted to work on the objectives to investigate the Saprolegnia species associated with fungal infection in salmonids, with the goal of finding additional taxonomic criteria for such pathogenic species. Moreover, special efforts were done to develop devices for control of such infection either by using antifungal agents as substitute for malachite green and formalin or by biocontrol technique. ····· 1036192593

Goat Improvement Through Cross Breeding Programme

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Goat has been recently recognized as a tool of poverty alleviation. Goat milk and its products are known for its properties regarding the health benefits. There are 34.0 million goats in Bangladesh and Black Bengal goats make up more than 90% which is famous for meat and skin in the world. But their production is not sufficient that is why a few private farmers are initiated cross breeding between the exotic buck (Beetal, Sirohi and Jamunapari) and doe of Black Bengal. The experiment was conducted at private and government buck breeding centres of Rajshahi, Bangladesh during January, 2009 to October, 2010 to evaluate the phenotypic traits of 60 bucks, namely Jamunapari (n=9), Sirohi (n=15), Beetal (n=13), Crossbred (n=13) and Black Bengal (n=10) and the status of reproductive and productive (RP) performance in 777 doe belonged to Jamunapari cross (n=163), Sirohi cross (n=66), Beetal cross (n=80) and Black Bengal (n=468). It is concluded that for cross breeding, the performance had superior in Beetal Jamunapari Sirohi crossbred Black Bengal buck as well as the overall RP performance had better in SirohiBeetalJamunapariBlack Bengal doe. ····· 1036192581

Bovine Trypanosomiasis in Nigeria

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This book on Bovine Trypanosomiasis in Nigeria will provide a guide for Veterinarians,Scientists,Cattle herd owners and Policy makers.The contents cover Characteristics, vectorial diversity and chain transmission, pathogenesis,Diagnosis, trypanocidal and vectorial control of this disease in endemic areas, especially in Subtropical Africa. The concluding section of this book provides a guide on Community involvement in bovine trypanosomiasis control. ····· 1036192129

Immunologicheskie metody v ocenke predraspolozhennosti k lejkozu

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Dannye predstavlennye v rabote rasshiryajut predstavlenie ob immunnom statuse zdorovogo, inficirovannogo i bol`nogo lejkozom krupnogo rogatogo skota raznyh vozrastnyh grupp. Predstavleny bolee nadezhnye metody opredeleniya predraspolozhennosti k lejkozu krupnogo rogatogo skota s pomoshh`ju immunologicheskih reakcij. Dano jexperimental`noe obosnovanie primeneniya immunologicheskih metodov v diagnostike lejkoza krupnogo rogatogo skota. ····· 1036192036

Concurrent Infection in Goats

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The increased pathogenecity of the Trypanosome and Haemonchus parasites was observed in mixed infection than mono infections. Marked changes in parasitological, haematological and other measured parameters was observed in mixed infected groups. The preceding infection with Trypanosoma congolense resulted in pronounced changes in all measured parameters than the subsequent infection of this parasite by Haemonchus contortus. ····· 1036191689

Brucellosis in Sheep

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Among the livestock populations sheep still now occupies the third position and about 80% sheep is reared by rural farmers in Bangladesh. The sheep in Bangladesh are mainly utilized for meat purposes but also important for good quality leathers and source of income to rural people. One of the infectious diseases, which are a major constraint for sheep productivity, is brucellosis. It is a widely spread disease in the developing countries caused by six species of the bacterial genus Brucella. Bangladesh has been reported as an endemic country for brucellosis because of a considerable number of human and animal populations are exposed to the infection each year. Most cases of brucellosis infection in sheep are inapparent and lack clinical signs. The first evident manifestation is abortion,which frequently occurs 3 to 4 months after gestation. Clinical signs of infected rams are orchitis, hogbacks, anorexia, emaciation, and gradual loss of capacity for hybridization. Other symptoms also include mastitis, bronchitis, and arthritis, among others. This book illustrates the serological diagnosis and epidemiology of brucellosis in sheep and shows a new way of developing the sheep industry. ····· 1036191475

Avian Male Reproduction

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Poultry is one of the most highly economic bird on allover the world. Poultry considers source for protein production that gain much attention from many populations. The development of their male reproductive organs is of great concern to poultry breeders due to its main great role in poultry production and fertility. Only few studies were demonstrated on the pre and post-hatching stages of the testis and its male genital tract on the domestic fowl from the developmental and immunohistochemical perspectives. Therefore, this book participate to filling the gap in the knowledge by giving complete overview on the morphogenesis of testis and male genital tract in fowl during the pre and post-hatching life by using different histological and immunohistochemical techniques. Moreover, this book will provide more understanding for researchers who deal with the organogenesis of the chick embryo and poultry reproduction. ····· 1036191303

Roedores perjudiciales en Cuba

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Los roedores son los animales más adaptables y los más prolíficos del mundo. Se reproducen bien, crecen rápido, aprenden rápido y se adaptan a una gran variedad de condiciones locales. La mayor parte convierten eficazmente la vegetación grosera en carne, aunque solo estén dotados de un estómago simple. Abordar el estudio de los roedores dañinos y su control no es tarea fácil. Actualmente, el problema ha dejado el ambiente de la zoología para entrar de lleno en la patología (del hombre y los animales) y en la economía. Su vinculación estrecha con el hombre a través de la evolución del planeta y su papel en la trasmisión de enfermedades fueron responsables de la muerte de millones de seres humanos. El presente trabajo ha sido preparado con el propósito de suministrar un procedimiento general, para introducir medidas de control contra los roedores caseros y de campo. El mismo proporciona, a la vez, información sobre la biología, reproducción, ecología, características de madrigueras, hábitos, etc., de las ratas y está dirigido a los técnicos y personal en general que en la producción o los servicios enfrentan estos problemas sin otra arma que su iniciativa propia. ····· 1036191146

Biotecnología Aplicada a la Reproducción y Mejoramiento Animal

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La biotecnología de la reproducción comprende a las técnicas (desde la inseminación artificial hasta la clonación) que permiten aumentar la eficiencia reproductiva de los animales. Como resultado de esto, se ha podido incrementar con éxito, el progreso genético de los hatos (rebaños y rodeos), destinados a la producción de leche, carne y lana, a través de las diferentes tecnologías aplicadas comercialmente desde mediados del siglo XX. Dichas técnicas tienen importancia per se y pueden ser empleadas, además, como herramientas en el desarrollo de otras más modernas. Aquí se utiliza la transferencia nuclear como la biotecnología que permite, en forma asexual, la producción de un organismo genéticamente idéntico al material nuclear con el que se generó. La transgénesis es la introducción de genes exógenos a un organismo, otorgándole caracteres nuevos de interés humano. Adicionalmente es una técnica que depende de herramientas como la genética, biología molecular y reproducción animal. Los análisis de genómica funcional en vertebrados, incluyendo peces, anfibios y ratones, han contribuido a comprender los procesos de desarrollo embrionario así como determinadas enfermedades humanas. ····· 1036191063

Expresión del BVDV en bovinos seropositivos

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El virus de la diarrea viral bovina (BVDV) es uno de los más prevalentes en el ganado bovino de todas las razas. En esta tesis se prueba que la persistencia del BVDV en animales inmunotolerantes o PI no es única.El BVDV persiste además en un número importante de animales inmunocompetentes, y éstos pueden transmitir experimentalmente el virus en ovejas, a través de la inoculación de su sangre. Se postulan hipótesis sobre el equilibrio virus / hospedador y la dependencia de factores vinculados al hospedador y también al virus.Se discute finalmente, el posible rol de estos animales en el mantenimiento y difusión del BVDV en los rodeos. ····· 1036190727

Actualidades de la Rabia Paralítica Bovina

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Producción Ovina

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El Cuerpo Académico Sistemas de Producción de Pequeños Rumiantes se formó en el año 2006, como parte de las actividades conjuntas de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootécnia y el Centro de Estudios Etnoagropecuarios de la Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas, inicialmente se realizaron trabajos de investigación sobre aspectos de reproducción en ovejas y cabras, posteriormente se trabajaron proyectos conjuntos entre las dos sedes que han permitido desarrollar líneas de trabajo de producción, reproducción, sanidad y economía de la producción de los pequeños rumiantes en Chiapas, está conforomado por Docentes-Investigadores de los dos centros y a la fecha realizan investigaciones y tesis en ambas especies. Uno de los proyectos desarrollados apoyó la realización de éste documento, en conjunto con docentes investigadores de otras instituciones educativas de México (FES-Cuautitlán UNAM, Colegio de Posgraduados, UAM-Xochimilco)a los cuales se agradece su colaboración. ····· 1036190108

Grasas en la alimentación de rumiantes en condiciones tropicales

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El interés en suplementar las dietas de rumiantes con grasa se ha incrementado notablemente, debido principalmente a la posibilidad de influenciar una gran variedad de procesos fisiológicos en los animales, o de modificar la calidad de los productos obtenidos de los mismos. En años recientes se ha demostrado que los ácidos grasos poliinsaturados tienen el mayor impacto sobre el desempeño animal, particularmente los ácidos grasos conocidos como Omega 3 y 6. Al utilizar fuentes de grasa protegidas o sobrepasantes, es posible disminuir notablemente la biohidrogenación ruminal de los Omega 3 y 6, incrementando su disponibilidad a nivel intestinal y por ende su absorción. Los efectos positivos de los ácidos grasos poliinsaturados van más allá del efecto energético per se, éstos pueden tener efectos benéficos directos sobre la actividad productiva y reproductiva, mejorando la producción de leche, la condición corporal, la actividad ovárica, la involución uterina, la tasa de preñez, de concepción, entre otros. Adicionalmente, es posible producir carne y leche de mejor calidad nutricional, con mayor contenido de ácidos grasos esenciales. ····· 1036190038

Caracterización de Microorganismos Causantes de Mastitis Subclínica

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La presente investigación se realizó en hatos lecheros del suroccidente de Pasto. Los objetivos del trabajo fueron aislar e identificar los microorganismos causantes de mastitis subclínica y determinar su sensibilidad a diferentes tipos de antibióticos, previamente seleccionados. Se tomaron muestras de leche en 120 vacas escogidas al azar en diez hatos visitados, utilizando el reactivo de California Mastitis Test (CMT). De las primeras 63 vacas positivas, se tomaron aproximadamente 20 centímetros cúbicos de leche en tubos estériles y se llevaron al laboratorio para aislar e identificar los microorganismos causantes de mastitis subclínica y posteriormente establecer su sensibilidad a los siguientes antibióticos: eritromicina, ofloxacilina, trimetropin-sulfa, cloranfenicol y penicilina. La investigación se realizó durante los meses de abril y mayo de 1.997. Los microorganismos con mayor prevalencia para la presente investigación fueron : Staphvlococcus aureus y Staphylococcus epidermidis.. mientras que la mayor sensibilidad se presentó a los antibióticos ofloxacilina, kanamicina y eritromicina. ····· 1036189937

Uso de melaza y sebo de res en dietas integrales para corderos de Pelo

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La producción ovina en las regiones tropicales es afectada principalmente por la disponibilidad de alimentos durante algunas épocas, por lo que se han buscado alternativas que coadyuven a mantener los niveles de producción en esta actividad. El empleo de fuentes de energía, como la melaza y el sebo de res, en dietas integrales para ovinos se presenta como una opción para complementar la alimentación de esta especie, sin afectar de manera preponderante los costos en este rubro, ya que bien pueden adicionarse en combinación con subproductos agrícolas. En el presente trabajo se evaluó el efecto de la adición de melaza y sebo de res en dietas para corderos de razas de Pelo, así como el uso de un pro-metabólico (Decanoato de nandrolona), sobre el consumo de alimento, la ganancia de peso, la conversión alimenticia, el peso final y, en el caso de los machos, el desarrollo testicular. Los resultados presentados en la presente obra deberán ser una herramienta de sobresaliente utilidad para productores, técnicos e investigadores relacionados con la producción de ovinos en climas tropicales. ····· 1036189733

Los Animales y la Homeopatía

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En este libro el lector encontrará un claro y conciso abordaje a la aplicación de la Homeopatía en Animales. En los primeros capítulos describimos los principios básicos de la Homeopatía y su aplicación en la Medicina Veterinaria. Luego damos respuesta a las preguntas más frecuentes que recibimos a diario en nuestro consultorio. Ofrecemos algunos consejos para la tenencia responsable de animales domésticos artículos de difusión para el público en general y algunos artículos científicos para estudiantes y profesionales de la salud que deseen iniciarse en esta terapeútica. Aún hoy hay personas que se sorprenden cuando se enteran que nosotros, los veterinarios, aplicamos la homeopatía en los animales. Si bien los principios de esta terapéutica son bien conocidos desde principios del siglo pasado, y a pesar que en aquellos primeros momentos hubo colegas que la aplicaron con éxito, en nuestro país recién a mediados de la década del setenta, algunos pocos veterinarios comenzaron a realizar los cursos que ofrecen diversas instituciones de prestigio internacional. ····· 1036189427

Veterinary Andrology & Artificial Insemination

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Veterinary Andrology and Artificial insemination book has been written with view to assist the Veterinarians, students,persons workining in breeding industry and Animal health professionals in diagnosis, treatment and prevention of male reproductive diseases.The book fulfils the requirement of most of the clinical content of veterinary Andrology.This book deals with the fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology of Veterinary Andrology section.This book also content scientific procedure carried out in Semen Laboratory and its application throuh Artificial Insemination techniques.As Artificial Insemination is the cheaest Biotechnological tool available at farmers door. This book will definately help field veterinarian and lay Inseminator to improve conception rate.The book is written in in simple language and comprises plenty of illustrations which will certainly help in better understandining of subject. ····· 1036189312

Repeat Breeding Syndrome in Cows

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Repeat breeding of cows is a source of frustration and economic loss to the dairy producers. It is one of the main reasons of infertility and has long been a problem world wide. Although various factors are responsible for repeat breeding, one factor that contributes greatly is improper oestrus detection and untimely AI. This book, a part of PhD thesis of Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chennai, India, explores the possibilities of using oestrus synchronizing agents along with ovulatory hormone in fertility enhancement of repeat breeders. Various oestrus induction protocols, endocrinological back ground and fertility rates are studied and presented in an elaborative manner. Further, effect of post-AI hCG injection and use of adjuvant to antibiotics in repeaters along with histopathology of endometrium are explained with data. These factors make this book more useful to the researchers in theriogenology, UG and PG students and teachers of veterinary science and practicing veterinarians globally. ····· 1036189234

Antioxidant and serum biochemical effects of Ficus thonningii in rats

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Natural products from medicinal plants, either as pure compounds or as standardized extracts, provide unlimited opportunities for new drug leads because of the unmatched availability of chemical diversity. Ficus thonningii (Blume) also known as wild fig is a large economic tree indigenous to the savannah part of Nigeria. It belongs to the family Moraceae. Its leaves have been of interest to researchers because of its increased use in diets and folkloric medicine against sore throat, fever, liver and it related problems. In this book, the protective effects of extracts from Ficus thonningii leaves were assayed both in vivo and in vitro for antihepatotoxic, antihemolytic and antioxidant activities. The focus of this book is on the analytical and/or experimental methodologies used to determine the hepatoprotective, antioxidant and antihypercholesterolemic effects of extracts of Ficus thonningii in rats as well as determine its effects on haematological profile. ····· 1036188962

Epidemiology and impact of ectoparasite of small ruminants

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A sample of 1325 sheep and 979 goats from three selected agro-ecologies and 1432 skins from two tanneries were taken to conduct a cross-sectional study from October to April to determine the prevalence of ectoparasites in sheep and goats, investigating the effect of risk factors on prevalence distribution and assessing the pickled and wet blue skin defects. The results of examination indicated that 48.1% sheep and 49.7% goats were infested. The prevalence of ectoparasites in lowlands, midlands and highlands were, respectively 38.5%, 47.3% and 52.9% in sheep and 49.5%, 564.5% and 33.0% in goats. Statistically significant difference (p 0.05) was observed in prevalence of D. ovis among agro-ecologies (highland 36.6%, midland 20.9% and lowland 14.0%) and M. ovinus between midland 1.9% and highlands 31.7%. The risk of tick infestation of sheep in lowland and midland was 9.883 times and 13.988 times, respectively higher than highlands.716 pickled sheep skins and 716 wet blue goat skins showed cockle was the second dominant defect both on pickled skins 60.2% and wet blue skins 45.1%. The overall findings of the study indicate the need of strategic ectoparasites control program. ····· 1036188932

Ethnoveterinary knowledge of Raika sheep pastoralists in Rajasthan

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This work describes the sheep husbandry and healthcare system of the Raikas in south-central Rajasthan. Aspects such as sheep breed diversity, fodder availability, disease prevalence and gender labor division are discussed. Special attention has been paid to traditional and conventional interventions and actors in sheep healthcare. Ethnoveterinary knowledge and practices are described as well as weak and strong points of both conventional and traditional institutions and actors. ····· 1036188928

Clinicopathological Studies On Some Neoplasms In Chickens

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Lymphomas in poultry are common and have economic relevance due to associated mortality , condemnation as well as poor performances. Most of the lymphomas in poultry have a viral etiology and these diseases are caused by either a herpes virus as Marek s disease ( MDV ), or by a retrovirus, leukosis/sarcoma group (ALV ), reticuloendotheliosis (REV ) and lymphoproliferative disease of turkeys .An accurate diagnosis is very important as control measures differ depending on the etiology of the lymphomas. In some cases, a specific diagnosis is needed to determine liability for losses. ····· 1036188839

Epidemiology of Bovine Trypanosomosis in Northwest Ethiopia

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The epidemiology of bovine trypanosomosis in northwest Ethiopia revealed that tsetse transmited trypanosomosis have a paramount importance by limiting the crop-livestock production system practiced long time in the study areas. Trypanosoma vivax and T. congolense were the species of trypanosome investigated during the study period. Both cyclical (Glossina morsitasns submorsitans) and non-cyclical (Tabanus, Stomoxysis and others) vectors of trypanosomes were identified. The prophylactic and curative doses of trypanocidal drugs locally used by farmers were found to be poor efficacy based on field methods of drug resistance detection indicating the presence of drug resistance. There was seasonal varation in the prevalence of trypanosomosis and fly density with higher prevalenc e and higher fly density just after rainy season than during the dry period. Therefore integrated and stratagic control program against the parasite and the vector is essential for improved productivity of livestock and agricultural activities in the study areas. ····· 1036188778

Sero-prevalence of Toxoplasmosis in Sheep and Goats in Pakistan

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Toxoplasmosis is a widespread zoonosis caused by the coccidian protozoan Toxoplasma (T.) gondii. It is an important cause of abortion, stillbirth and neonatal mortality in sheep and goats. The parasite is transmitted to human mainly by ingesting food or water contaminated with oocysts shed by cats or by eating undercooked or raw meat containing tissue cysts. All mammals, including man and birds are intermediate hosts, whereas Felidae act both as intermediate and definitive hosts. Therefore, it is particularly beneficial to ensure the prevalence of this parasite in animal species destined for human consumption. Results of the current study will be helpful in developing appropriate countermeasures against Toxoplasmosis in human beings. ····· 1036188766

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