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Impact of Tannery Effluents and Chromium Toxicity on Cyprinus carpio

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Tannery effluent is among one of the hazardous pollutants of industry. Major problems are due to wastewater containing heavy metals, toxic chemicals, chloride, lime with high dissolved and suspended salts and other pollutants. Tanneries generate wastewater in the range of 30 - 35 L/kg skin / hide processed with variable pH and high concentrations of suspended solids, BOD, COD, tannins including chromium. Chromium is the major constituent of tannery effluent, which is the heavy metal and highly toxic to aquatic fauna. Chromium is not known to accumulate in the bodies of fish, but high concentrations of chromium, due to the disposal of metal products in surface waters, can damage the gills of fish that swim near the point of disposal. This book experimentally explains the Chromium toxicity on fresh water edible fish, Cyprinus carpio and explains the impact of tannery effluents. ····· 1036118271

Ichthyofaunal Diversity in Great Nicobar Island, East Coast of India

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Coastal ecosystems are not simply geographic locations proximate to the World s Oceans. But, they are the arrangement of complex, diverse and fragile ecosystems unique in nature. Coastal ecosystems such as mangroves, coral reefs, backwaters, estuaries, lagoons and sea grass beds, besides performing crucial coastal protection functions, provide rich breeding and spawning grounds for fishes. 24618 species of known fishes belonging to 4258 genera in 482 families under 57 orders have been listed by Nelson (1994) from world waters. Of this, 131 species of Elasmobranches belonging to 67 genera in 28 families under 10 orders and 2415 species of Teleosts belonging to 902 genera in 226 families under 30 orders have been listed by Alfred et al (1998) from Indian waters. This book describes the taxonomic features of 256 species of fin fishes belonging to 141 genera, 84 families and 19 orders with colour photographs collected from the coastal water of Great Nicobar Biosphere Reserve, East coast of India. The taxonomic key presented in this book make the user to identify the specimen very easiy. Many new distributional records of fishes in Indian Ocean also documented here. ····· 1036118265

Haltung und Zucht der europäischen Sumpfschildkröte (Emys orbicularis)

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Haltung und Zucht der euröpäischen Sumpfschildkröte (Emys orbicularis) ist ein Ratgeber für alle Halter dieser seltenen Art und alle, die es werden möchten.Der Leser erhält wertvolle Tipps zu den Themen:- Fütterung- Zucht- Haltung im Aquarium- Freilandhaltung- Krankheiten- rechtliche Bestimmungen- Schutzprojekte ····· 1036115564

Struktura naseleniya ptits Nizhnego Priamur`ya

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Do nastoyashchego issledovaniya Nizhnego Priamur`ya bylo odnim iz slabo izuchennykh regionov v ornitologicheskom plane regionov Dal`nego Vostoka Rossii. Nami vpervye detal`no i vsestoronne issledovana avifauna Nizhnego Priamur`ya, provedena polnaya reviziya i inventarizatsiya vidovogo sostava ptits etogo regiona, sostavlen polnyy vidovoy spisok ptits, s ukazaniem statusa kazhdogo vida. V rezul`tate privoditsya original`noe ornitogeograficheskoe rayonirovanie territorii Nizhnego Priamur`ya. Vpervye predlozhen stsenariy istorii formirovaniya avifauny Nizhnego Priamur`ya, i ee poetapnogo stanovleniya. Podrobno issledovano antropogennoe vliyanie na formirovanie sovremennoy avifauny Nizhnego Priamur`ya, pokazany izmeneniya biologicheskogo raznoobraziya fauny i naseleniya ptits v svyazi s antropogennoy transformatsiey estestvennykh prirodnykh landshaftov. Original`nyy sravnitel`nyy analiz reaktsii raznykh vidov ptits geograficheski otdalennykh regionov pozvolil razrabotat` dolgosrochnyy prognoz ikh izmeneniy i vydvinut` na etoy osnove predpolozhenie preadaptatsii avifaunisticheskikh kompleksov k antropogennym preobrazovaniyam mestoobitaniy. Pokazany puti dal`neyshey transformatsii ornitokompleksov i predlozhena strategiya okhrany redkikh vidov. ····· 103615208

Phylogeny, phylogeography and population genetic studies of Gyps species

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Vultures can be regarded as a natural resource, like air and water which provide society with a number of services most probably the disposal of carrion, especially livestock carcasses. These services have an impact on human health, economic activity and on environmental quality. In 1980s, vultures were so abundant around human settlements and Gyps bengalensis was regarded as possibly the most abundant large bird of prey in the world. Populations of three Gyps species (G. bengalensis, G. indicus and G. tenuirostris) have dramatically declined within the past 10 years and have recently been listed as critically endangered by the World Conservation Union. Despite a long history of inquiry into the biology as well as phylogenetic studies of the Gyps vultures, only little is known about the genetic studies of this genus. In the present study, samples from four Gyps species (Gyps indicus, G. africanus, G. bengalensis and G. fulvus) were analyzed using microsatellites in order to determine the genetic structure and diversity among Gyps species populations. ····· 103613825

Protective effects of some vitamins on metal toxicity

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In course of evolutionary time, the introduction of lead into man`s environment has been of a very short and recent period. The amount of lead in human environment has increased considerably during the last century. Thus, lead is in air, water, food, rivers, lakes, oceans, dust and soil. Therefore, all individuals have a body burden of lead, whether they are exposed in urban, rural or occupational environment. The chronic toxicological effects of lead may cause kidney, liver, haematological, neurological and cognitive impairments. The treatment of lead poisoning especially at sub-clinical level is equally important. Use of chelating agents has been successful for short term of high exposure to lead. Besides, these agents can remove essential elements, resulting in kidney damage. Recently, the role of vitamins in preventing lead toxicity in animals is gaining wide attention. The body contains an elaborate antioxidant defense system that depends on dietary intake of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. The novel role of antioxidants has opened new areas of research in several disease status and their therapeutic strategies. ····· 103613766

Histochemistry of Paramphistomes

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Almost 300 species of helminthes parasitize livestock, including Paramphistomes (stomach flukes). Paramphistomes are the aetiological agents of the disease -Paramphistomiasis. Paramphistomiasis rank high in significance of helminthic diseases of sheep and cattle. The higher incidence of Paramphistome infections in domestic animals causes death of young ones, lowers productivity and thus leads to heavy economic losses. In order to develop various control measures to these helminthes we should have a clear understanding of host parasite relationship and a thorough understanding of the host parasite relationship can not be realized until a careful study is made on the biochemical nature of the parasite and its host. Histochemical study helps us to investigate qualitatively the biochemical pattern of different tissues. Such studies will increase our knowledge of worm physiology, which could further lead to deeper understanding of the well recognized host parasite interactions and such information would be valuable in designing control measures that are efficient and economical. This book presents the detailed histochemistry of two species of Paramphistomes of sheep and cattle. ····· 103613618

Vitamin D profile in Pregnant and Lactating Women in Lahore, Pakistan

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Vitamin D is the precursor of 1, 25 dihydroxy vitamin D3, the steroid hormone required for calcium absorption, bone development and growth in children. 90% of vitamin D is produced in the skin from the action of sunlight and remaining 10% is obtained from dietary sources. Vitamin D deficiency is major issue in Pakistan and in pregnancy it has been associated with adverse outcomes like pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes mellitus and preterm birth. Deficiency during infancy may lead to rickets in infants. This study was aimed to find level of vitamin D in relation with calcium in pregnancy and lactation. For the assessment of Vitamin D, blood samples of healthy, pregnant and lactating mothers were assessed with the help of ELISA. This book will highlight the status of vitamin D in pregnant and lactating women and their comparison with healthy women. ····· 103613515

Production of Trichogramma on Lepidopterous Eggs

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The present study was conducted for efficient and quality production of stingless wasp, Trichogramma chilonis Ishii on grain moth, Sitotroga cereallela (Olivier) and rice meal moth, Corcyra cephalonica (St.). Biological control offers effective alternatives for the control of many insect pests. The most favorable temperature was 28 ºC on which maximum rate of parasitism and adult emergence were obtained from S. cereallela eggs as compared to C. cephalonica eggs. Under no choice test, the percentage of oviposition and adult emergence was the highest at 2 h eggs of both hosts. For host density percentage parasitism and adult longevity was the highest at 20 eggs whereas emergence was the highest from 10 eggs of S. cereallela while of C. cephalonica percentage parasitism and emergence was the highest at 10 eggs. For parasitoid density, parasitism was the highest at 5 pairs of Trichogramma. It is concluded that S. cereallela eggs more suitable as compare to C. cephalonica eggs for mass and quality rearing of parasitoid, T. chilonis. Use of T. chilonis is the most appreciated to control of specific hosts as biological control agents. ····· 103613330

Endoparasites and their Effect on Vital Organs of Labeo Rohita

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The book has been written on endoparasites of of Indian major carp, Labeo rohita. There different sites were selected and prevalence of endoparasites was explored. Mainly nematodes and trematodes were present in the gut and liver. Intensity was much higher in the gut than liver. In addition to that effect of these parasites on vital organs like gut and liver was also explored. These parasites have drastic effect on these two organs on their cellular level. ····· 103613287

Melisopalynology, Beeflora & Traditional Beekeeping in Chamba Himalaya

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This book pertain to melissopalynology of honey samples collected from different blocks of district Chamba with varied Climatic conditions Altitudes and Latitudes. Melissopalynological studies of thirty five honey samples from seven blocks of the Chamba area of Himachal Himalaya.The present investigations were also undertaken on the diversity of the bee-flora in district Chamba and find out its relative utility by the honey bees (Apis cerana Fab. and Apis mellifera Linn.). About 153 species were recorded suitable for bee pasturage in the district Chamba. The studies were also made in order to know the current status of several Traditional beekeeping technologies in district Chamba. The Physico-chemical analysis for present investigation of honey were determined by collecting samples from different traditional hives viz. wall hives, log hives, miscellaneous hives and apiaries located in district Chamba. This book will be definitely help to researcher, scientists, farmers and policy maker who are involved in this field of research. ····· 103613208

Impacto de Caza de Majáz (Cuniculus paca Lin.1766)

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Se investigó el impacto de la caza aplicando el modelo de cosecha para el majaz (Cuniculus paca Linnaeus, 1766) y para ello se determinó la densidad poblacional, productividad reproductiva, presión de caza, sitios de caza y estacionalidad. La metodología empleda incluye observaciones directas de censos por transectos, colecta de muestras de aparato reproductor de hembras y registros de caza. Determinanda la densidad poblacional en 6.44 Ind./km², las horas de mayor actividad nocturna entre 18:00 a 22:00 horas y vespertinas entre 02:30 a 05:30 horas. De los 33 tractos reproductivos analizados 26 contenian evidencia de preñez la productividad bruta fue de 0.79 crias/hembras adultas examinadas, el promedio del tamaño de camada fue 1 cria/parto y la productividad anual de 5.09 individuos/km². La extracción fue de 150 individuos al año presentando una presión de caza anual de 0,3 individuos/ km2. Finalmente, el modelo de cosecha indica que la caza de esta especie es sostenible en la cuenca alta del rìo Itaya. ····· 103613102

Comunidad de Aves en un BsT Intervenido, Sierra de Perijá, edo. Zulia

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Se determinó la estructura de una comunidad de aves en un bosque seco tropical intervenido, a través de datos de composición, abundancia, riqueza, y su variación estacional entre otros, utilizando avistamientos, captura con redes de neblina y registros fotográficos. Se identificaron un total de 159 especies, agrupadas en 15 órdenes y 41 familias. Las familias que dominan en riqueza son los Tyrannidae, Thraupidae, Accipitridae, Trochilidae y Psittacidae. Se reportan 5 especies migratorias. Este bosque forma parte de la zona protectora de la cuenca baja de los ríos Socuy Guasare y Cachiri la cual se encuentra bajo fuerte amenaza de intervención antrópica como lo es el aumento progresivo de actividades agrícolas y mineras. La presencia de especies de las familias Furnariidae y Thamnophilidae confirman el valor de conservación. ····· 103612345

Una Aproximación a la Biología de Typhlonectes natans

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La importancia de esta primera compilación sobre Typhlonectes natans estriba en la necesidad actual de concentrar en un solo manuscrito los datos dispersos en la literatura especializada sobre este anfibio. Así, se dan a conocer varios aspectos de la biología de esta especie de hábitos acuáticos y subterráneos. Dentro de los datos recopilados e inéditos del presente escrito están los reportes sobre algunos predadores, factores ambientales estresantes y amenazas, información nueva de su termobiología y una metodología para determinar el sexo de este Gymnophiona, entre otros. Además, se hacen reportes de la morfología, histología y bioquímica sanguínea y se sugieren nuevos rangos de su distribución geográfica (espacial y altitudinal) para Colombia, así como algunas pautas de manejo. También es propuesta una nueva revisión del estado de conservación de las poblaciones de T. natans, basada en datos recientes, particularmente sobre su eco-fisiología. Finalmente, esta obra es un valioso aporte e incentivo para futuros estudios que busquen contribuir al conocimiento de la culebra ciega , bien sea con fines comerciales o de exploración del potencial uso farmacológico de sus exudados. ····· 103611803

Avifauna de la Microcuenca Arroyo El Sereno

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Las aves constituyen un grupo taxonómico muy diverso y relevante por considerarse indicadores biológicos del estado de conservación de los ecosistemas. Siendo Colombia un país con abundante riqueza de especies, son pocos los estudios realizados para este taxón en el Caribe colombiano y en particular para el departamento de Sucre. El presente estudio, surge de la necesidad de obtener información precisa y oportuna sobre la ecología de las aves y sus hábitats que contribuyan a implementar estrategias para su conservación. La composición y distribución espacial de la comunidad de aves del arroyo El Sereno, esta conformada por 141 especies, distribuidas en 38 familias y 17 órdenes, presentándose en Sereno bajo mayor riqueza de especies (122) en comparación con Sereno alto (64). Del total de los 8 gremios alimentarios encontrados, los insectívoros estuvieron mejor representado por la familia Tyrannidae y las especies migratorias constituyeron el 10.6% del total de especies registradas. Es posible que las especies respondan de diferentes formas al grado de transformación del hábitat, a ligeros cambios altitudinales, variación de la vegetación y disponibilidad de recursos en el ambiente. ····· 103611654

Aspectos reproductivos de Guacamaya Verde Ara Militaris en el ZOOMAT

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Se realizó un estudio de los aspectos reproductivos de la guacamaya verde (Ara militaris mexicana) en el Zoológico Regional Miguel Álvarez del Toro, Chiapas. El presente estudio comprendió observaciones directas de Junio del 2008 a Junio del 2009. Se obtuvo dos nidadas de la única pareja reproductora del ZooMAT, la primera nidada sin éxito de eclosión y la segunda con éxito, lográndose el nacimiento de una cría. Cada nidada estuvo compuesta de dos puestas con intervalos de tiempo en cada postura de 48 hrs a 72 hrs. Las actividades y tiempos invertidos por la pareja reproductiva fueron estadísticamente significativas. Se registró curvas de crecimiento y características principales en el desarrollo de la cría desde el segundo día de nacido hasta los siete meses de edad. Los cuidados parentales estuvieron a cargo por ambos padres, con diferencias en los tiempos de participación entre sexos para las distintas etapas (desde la incubación hasta el cuidado del juvenil). ····· 103611582

Monitoreo Participativo de Mamíferos en el Parque Natural Munchique

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El propósito principal fue realizar el monitoreo participativo de mamíferos grandes y medianos con pobladores del sector El Cóndor en el Parque Munchique. Adicionalmente, se realizó el fototrampeo del oso andino para el sector La Romelia . Entre octubre del 2009 y abril del 2010 se realizó el monitoreo mediante transectos en línea seleccionados y recorridos junto a pobladores y funcionarios. De las especies registradas, Cuniculus paca fue la más abundante, seguida de los venados Mazama spp. mientras que en áreas intervenidas Didelphis marsupialis fue la más detectada. Los primates fueron las especies menos detectadas junto a Leopardus pardalis. Adicionalmente se identificó cuatro individuos del oso andino Tremarctos ornatus. Estos resultados entregaron los primeros datos poblacionales para estas especies en el área protegida. El monitoreo participativo involucró a los pobladores como realizadores, mejorando el uso y la percepción que tienen de las especies, logrando así su apoyo para futuros trabajos. ····· 103611533

Goat Gastro-Intestinal Nematodes

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Parasitic diseases are a constraint to livestock productivity across all agro-ecological zones in Africa. Parasitism of the gastro-intestinal tract with nematodes is an impediment in the breeding of goats in Kenya. In this study, extracts of Vernonia amygdalina and Tephrosia vogelii were evaluated for their Nematocidal activities against mixed gastro-intestinal nematodes and Haemonchus contortus infections in goats. Chemical constituents of the plant leaf extracts were determined by soxhlet extraction followed by characterisation of the plant leaf extracts by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H 13C NMR), Infra-red Analysis (FTIR), and Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). Faecal egg count reduction test (FECRT) and faecal cultures revealed that both extracts had significant anthelmintic properties against mixed natural gastro-intestinal and Haemonchus contortus infections (P 0.05). The leaf extracts were found to contain rotenoids, sesquiterpene lactones, glycosides and tannins. The leave extracts of both plants can therefore be recommended to be used in traditional and ethno-veterinary medicine. Scholars of parasitology and parasitologists will find this book resourceful. ····· 103611229

Trematodes of the frog (Rana tigrina)in Karachi, Pakistan

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Trematodes of frog (Rana tigrina) are described here. Seven species belonging to genera Ganeo Klein, 1905 Loxogene Stafford, 1905 Pleurogenoides Travassos, 1921 and Mehraorchis Srivatava, 1934 were identified. The species identified are Ganeo karachiensis Khatoon et al., 2011 G. bicaudatum Khatoon et al., 2012 G. elongatum Khatoon et al., 2012 Loxogene magnapharynx Khatoon et al., 2012 Pleurogenoides biseminalis Khatoon et al., 2012 P. gastroporus (Lühe, 1901) and Mehraorchis mujibi Khatoon et al., 2012. Frogs are of economic value and exported to various countries where these are consumed as delicacy. Frogs are common throughout Pakistan and several other countries. The present information is useful for students, teachers and researchers interested in parasites of amphibians. ····· 103611065

The Breeding Ecology of Passeriformes Birds

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One of the most fascinating aspects in the life of birds is their breeding phase, which is intimately tied to the distribution and abundance of food resources in their environment. However, food is not evenly distributed in space and time, and this is thought to have been one of the factors affecting the evolution nesting strategies. The current study includes nest architecture, nest-site selection, clutch size, nestling growth, parental care and breeding strategy etc. During the study nine species of Passeriformes were observed nesting in the area. Two species of weaver birds nest in pendant type nest, two species of swallow nest in mud nest, White-throated Munia, Tailor bird, Red-vented Bulbul, Sykes`s Crested Lark and Common Babbler nest in domed or ball shaped nest. They build nests in leaves stitched together, cup shaped nest of grass, simple scrapes in ground and twig nest respectively. ····· 103611063

Spiders Fauna of FR Peshawar, FATA, Pakistan

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The present research was conducted during May 2009 to September 2010 to explore the spider fauna of FR Peshawar, FATA, Pakistan. Spiders were collected and identified. Their 23 species belonging to 15 genera and 09 families were reported. The reported families Clubionidae, Scytodidae and Sprassidae covered 4%, Araneidae, Gnaphosidae, Pholicidae and Salticidae 9%, Thomisidae 13% and Lycosidae 43% biodiversity of spiders of FATA. However, the largest spider collected was huntsman, Isopoda tuhodnigra (Barrion) with total body length 15.80±0.83 mm. Moreover, the smallest spider was wolf spider, Pardosa birmanica (Simon) with total body length 4.20±1.30 mm. Further, the daddy long leg, Crossopriza lyoni (Blackwall) has the longest legs with first leg length 49.70±3.71 mm and last leg length 41.50±3.13 mm. Furthermore, jumping spider Plexippus paykullii (Audouni) has the smallest legs with first leg length 5.8±0.83 mm and last leg 4.50±0.83 mm. However, the crab spiders, Thomisus pugilis (Stoliczka), T. spectabilis (Doleschall) and Diaea evanida (Thorell) were the most colorful species belonging to family Thomisidae. Moreover, most of the species recorded have brown and grayish in color. ····· 10361735

Gastrointestinal Helminthes in Children

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This study provided strong evidence to suggest that intestinal helminthiasis is a highly endemic and a serious public health concern, especialy among the children. The main aim of helminth control programs is to reduce and sustain the intensity of infection below that of associated morbidity. It is wisely said that` prevention is better than cure`, so steps should be taken to prevent the infection of gastrointestinal helminths rather than curing after infection. ····· 10361724

Genotoxicity of fluoride: Modulation of endogenous glutathione level

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Fluoride (F) toxicity has become a global problem today and needs great concern.F contaminated drinking water could be injurious to bone marrow cells (BMCs) evidenced by chromosomal aberrations (CAs),reduced rate of cell division and induction of apoptosis.As little as 3.4 mg F ion/L in the drinking water F found to be genotoxic,whereas higher concentrations seemed to be less toxic.It results depletion of GSH level and increase in GST activity,MDA production as well as expression of Hsp 70.The tissue-specific pattern of Hsp synthesis may provide a useful toxicological signature to characterize F toxicity.Depletion of endogenous GSH by BSO significantly enhanced the frequency of aberrations.NAC pre-treatment not only led to significant increase in GSH level but also significantly decreased the NaF induced CAs.These indicate the involvement of endogenous GSH in determining F-induced genotoxicity in mouse BMCs.Supply of safe water may be a simpler way to tackle the F-toxicity in large F-endemic population.This book may draw a general concern on the safety level of F contamination and help to better understand the mechanism of action of its genotoxicity and concomitant GSH metabolism. ····· 10361576


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Toxocariasis is a public health problem. Man acts as an unnatural host in which Toxocara larvae does not develop but migrate and survive for a long time. The mode of transmission to humans is by oral ingestion of infective Toxocara eggs from contaminated soil (sapro-zoonoses), unwashed hands or consumption of raw vegetables. Some infections may occur from ingestion of larvae in undercooked organs and muscle tissues of infected paratenic hosts such as chickens, cattle and sheep. Transmission to the second generation is theoretically possible by infective larvae of canine ascarid nematode Toxocara canis, a ubiquitous parasite of dogs in temperate and warm climates. This book give a brief overview of Toxocariasis and presents a detailed study of the zoonotic disease in human populations of the valley of Kashmir. ····· 10361451

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