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Die Insekten, Band 2.1

für 38.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Vitus Graber (1844 1892) war ein österreichischer Zoologe. Seinem Spezialgebiet, der Entomologie, trägt er mit einem zweibändigen umfangreichen Werk Rechnung. In dem hier vorliegenden zweiten Band legt Graber seinen Fokus auf eine vergleichende Lebens- und Entwicklungsgeschichte der Insekten. Der Schwerpunkt des ersten Bandes liegt auf dem Organismus der Insekten, den Graber präzise und detailgenau erläutert. Dieser erscheint im Unikum-Verlag unter der ISBN 978-3-8457-4274-8. Der zweite Teil des hier vorliegenden Bandes ist über die ISBN 978-3-8457-4276-2 erhältlich. Sorgfältig bearbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1877. ····· 10361139177

Die Insekten, Band 1

für 44.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Vitus Graber (1844 1892) war ein österreichischer Zoologe. Seinem Spezialgebiet, der Entomologie, trägt er mit einem zweibändigen umfangreichen Werk Rechnung. In dem hier vorliegenden ersten Band legt Graber seinen Fokus auf den Organismus der Insekten, den er präzise und detailgenau erläutert. Im zweiten Band legt Graber seinen Schwerpunkt auf eine vergleichende Lebens- und Entwicklungsgeschichte der Insekten. Dieser erscheint im Unikum-Verlag in zwei Teilen (ISBN 978-3-8457-4275-5 und ISBN 978-3-8457-4276-2). Sorgfältig bearbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1877. ····· 10361139176

Der deutschen Heimat Kriechtiere und Lurche

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Schon früh hat Rudolf Zimmermann seine Vorliebe für Kriechtiere und Lurche entdeckt. Das Besondere an dem nun von Zimmermann hier vorgelegten Band ist, dass er die unterschiedlichen Ordnungen, Familien, Gattungen und Arten hauptsächlich nach ihren äußeren, sofort ins Auge fallenden Merkmalen charakterisiert und sie auf diese Weise dem Leser zugänglich macht. Es gelingt ihm, selbst den unwissenden Leser rasch und zügig in die Thematik einzuführen und ihm so eine Ein- und Zuordnung der unterschiedlichen Tiere zu ermöglichen. Sorgfältig bearbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1908. ····· 10361138977

Entwicklungsgeschichte des Hunde-Eies

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Selten hat sich jemand so umfangreich und detailgetreu der Erforschung der vorgeburtlichen Entwicklung eines Säugetiers gewidmet wie der Anatom und Physiologe Bischoff in der vorliegenden Monographie über das Hunde-Ei. In Einzelheiten beschreibt er die Entstehung des Hunde-Eies, seine Befruchtung sowie seine Einnistung im Uterus der Hündin. Auch die darauf folgenden Entwicklungsschritte des Hundeembryos werden von ihm eingehend erläutert. Qualitativ hochwertiger Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1845. ····· 10361138941

Grundzüge der Naturgeschichte der Haustiere

für 46.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Der Zoologe Ulrich Duerst präsentiert im vorliegenden Band eine überarbeitete Fassung der Naturgeschichte der Haustiere von Martin Wilckens, dem Begründer der wissenschaftlichen Tierzuchtlehre. Ausführlich werden Herkunft und Entwicklung der modernen Haustiere erläutert, vom Pferd, Rind, Schaf und Schwein über Kaninchen, Hund und Katze bis hin zu Hühnern, Enten, Gänsen, Bienen und Schmetterlingen. Mit zahlreichen Abbildungen illustriert. Sorgfältig überarbeiteter Nachdruck der zweiten Auflage aus dem Jahr 1905. ····· 10361138777

Über das Leuchten der Tiere

für 34.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Der Naturforscher Rudolf Dittrich präsentiert im vorliegenden Band eine Übersicht der Erkenntnisse über das Phänomen der Biolumineszenz zu Lande und zu Wasser. Dabei geht er auf den Aufbau und die Funktionsweise der Leuchtorgane, die Eigenschaften des Lichts und die Ursachen und Auslöser für das Leuchten ein. Nachdruck der Originalausgabe aus dem Jahr 1888. ····· 10361138469

Der Flug der Tiere

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Der Schweizer Zoologe Friedrich Zschokke gibt im vorliegenden Band einen Überblick über das Phänomen des Fliegens im Tierreich. Dabei beschreibt der Autor Vorkommen und Formen, Ursprünge und Bedeutung der Fähigkeit zum Fliegen. Nachdruck der Originalausgabe aus dem Jahr 1919. ····· 10361138468

Reparto del alimento entre los pollos de aves nidícolas por sus padres

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
En este libro se analiza cómo reparten el alimento entre los pollos el alzacola, la urraca y el gorrión común. En las tres especies, los padres cebaron preferentemente a los pollos que solicitaron alimento más cerca de ellos y con mayor intensidad. Existe, por tanto, una relación entre el comportamiento de los pollos y la forma en que los padres reparten el alimento dentro de la nidada. En el alzacola, cuanto más hambrientos estaban los pollos mayor fue su intensidad de petición, y los pollos saciados disminuyeron su intensidad de petición y la proximidad a los padres. Esto sugiere que estos comportamientos son indicadores de la necesidad de los pollos, y explica por qué los padres responden a estos comportamientos en la forma observada. No obstante, hubo diferencias entre especies en la importancia del tamaño de los pollos como factor en las normas de reparto del alimento: En el alzacola y el gorrión todos los pollos fueron tratados igualmente, mientras que en la urraca los pollos más grandes consiguieron más alimento. ····· 10361137237

Patrones Biogeográficos de los Coleópteros Mexicanos

für 26.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Las zonas de transición son áreas geográficas que representan eventos de hibridación biótica, promovida por cambios histórico-ecológicos que permiten la mezcla de componentes bióticos diferentes. Halffter (1962, 1987) definió la Zona de Transición de México (ZTM) como un área compleja y variada, donde elementos bióticos Neotropicales y Neárticos se superponen. De acuerdo a Morrone (2006) la ZTM incluye el suroeste de Estados Unidos, México y gran parte de América Central extendiendose a las tierras bajas de Nicaragua. Con el propósito de conocer los límites geográficos de la ZTM utilizando escarabajos Lamellicornios y empleando métodos de biogeografía histórica se construyó una base de datos para 56 especies de las subfamilias Scarabaeinae y Geotrupinae con un total de 1714 presencias para México y América Central. Se modelaron las distribuciones potenciales y se obtuvieron las áreas de endemismo utilizando NDM/VNDM (Goloboff, 2005) encontrándose los patrones que confirman la existencia de una ZTM así como también los límites geográficos de esta zona de interacción biótica. ····· 10361136812

Los Macrodactylus (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae) de América Central

für 80.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Se presenta la revisión taxonómica de las 30 especies del género Macrodactylus que habitan en América Central. Incluye la descripción de diez especies nuevas para la ciencia, un nuevo registro para la zona y once nuevos registros nacionales, se proporcionan fotografías e ilustraciones de sus estructuras morfológicas y de los genitales de machos y hembras, asi como una clave que facilita su identificación. Se realiza un análisis filogenético preliminar que esclarece la monofilia del género, teniendo como grupo hermano al género Ceraspis. La distribución que siguen las especies en Centroamérica es sobre dos trazos generalizados o componentes bióticos: el Trazo Septentrional o del norte y el Trazo Meridional o del sur, las provincias con mayor numero de especies son Chiapas (16), Oriente de América Central (15) y Costa Pacifico Mexicana (10), mientras que las provincias con mayor numero de especies potencialmente endémicas son: Oriente de América Central (6), Chiapas (3), Occidente del Istmo de Panamá (2) y Costa Pacifico Mexicana (1). ····· 10361136663

Manual de prácticas de campo para el estudio de los no cordados

für 26.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
El manual prácticas de campo que se propone familiarizá a estudiantes e investigadores con los animales no cordados y con los hechos y fenómenos que se presentan en la naturaleza y la sociedad y de la interacción entre ambas, al estar el hombre en estrecha relación con el medio ambiente, contribuyendo de esta manera a la educación estética de los individuos y a desarrollar en ellos el amor al medio que les rodea y su protección. Con la puesta en práctica del manual en la naturaleza, se promueve una participación activa del que lo emplea en el campo de la investigación zoológica, favoreciendo en los estudiantes, profesores y demás personas interesadas en conocer el mundo de los no cordados, el desarrollo de emociones, sentimientos, hábitos y habilidades. ····· 10361136131

Gonadal sex differentiation and development in Japanese tiger puffer

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Brain type and ovarian type aromatase in Japanese tiger puffer (Takifugu rubripes) play important roles in gonadal sex differentiation and interact with factors related to this process. Again, inhibition of aromatase in vivo and in vitro results in alteration of the aromatase isoforms followed by imbalance in potential sex steroids and irreversible masculinization. This book describes the role of aromatase isoforms in Takifugu rubripes in relation to gonadal sex differentiation, gonadal development and compares the activity of the two isoforms present in brain and gonads in producing potential sex steroid E2 and also in regulating androgen-estrogen balance. Moreover, this book provides important information on the aromatase gene and its interactions with different factors related to sexuality of tiger puffer which can be helpful for studying different genetic and endocrine factors related to gonadal sex determination, differentiation and development of this fish. ····· 10361136019

Community and Hospital Infections in Dschang, West Cameroon

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Overtime,the burden imposed by microbes has always plagued humans,the hospital environment,which is the only institution visited by peoples of all walks of life being no exception.Sociocultural beliefs and occupational practices play an important role on the incidence and prevalence of infections both in the community and hospital,especially in a polyethnic society.This book focuses on the influence of prevailing professional practices and the sociocultural milieu on patient care,and the occurence of community and hospital infections.Risk factors involved and records management skills and the incidence of infections are also given an indeph analysis.This,firstly using a descriptive study on patient records,and evaluating the state of knowledge of personnel on preventive measures and infection control,and secondly,a retrospective study performed by reviewing patients charts.Findings presented herein should help ameliorate healthcare and restore sanity to public health institutions,edify the general public on some harmful cultural practices that have a negative impact on health and finally help healthcare planners to adopt measures that can better the health of the community. ····· 10361135874

Association of Nematodes with Vegetables in Pakistan

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Vegetables are rich source of vitamins and minerals and possess free radicals and antioxidants which are essential for the maintenance of good health and resistance against diseases. They reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke etc. During the present study pathogenicity of nematodes and their control using organic amendments, chemical nematicide and bacterial seed dressing are given in detail. This information is useful for nematologists, parasitologists, teachers and students. ····· 10361135776

Bioecology and Birds of Hingol National Park

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Over the past three decades, Pakistan s Protected Areas system has expended to include 221 sites that are listed as protected areas on the national register. There are now 22 National Parks, 96 Wildlife Sanctuaries, 3 Wildlife Parks, 2 Nature Parks, 1 Wildlife Refuge, 1 Crane Refuge and 96 Game Reserves. The studies were undertaken during the period 2006 to 2009 to record the distribution and status of the birds of Hingol National Park (HNP), to identify the threats and to make recommendations for their conservation. A total of 158 species of birds were recorded. The bird fauna comprised of waterbirds, birds of prey, game birds, passerines and other birds (Parakeet, Nightjar, Swifts, Kingfishers, Bee Eaters, Roller, Hoopoe and Woodpecker). The threatened species of birds recorded in the HNP include Laggar Falcon, Pallas s Fishing Eagle, Imperial Eagle, Lesser Kestrel, Egyptian Vulture, Indian White backed Vulture, Painted Stork and Sociable Lapwing. The research techniques and information are helpful for graduate and research students of wildlife, National Parks managers, wildlife biologists, wildlife conservation organizations etc. ····· 10361135730

Egyptian Red Sea Shells of Ras Sudr region

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One crustacean shell and 24 gastropod shells related to 13 different families are collected and described from Ras Sudr region (northeast Gulf of Suez), Egypt. These are one species from cirripedia, one species from vermetidae, three species from Trochidae, one species from Turbinidae, one species from Neritidae, one species from Turritellidae, five species from cerithiidae, three species from Strombidae, one species from Fasciolariidae, one species from Melongenidae, four species from Muricidae, two species from Cypraeidae and one species from Naticidae. Thirty three bivalved shells related to 18 different families are collected and described from the Red Sea in the Ras Sudr region (northeast of the Gulf of Suez), Egypt. Three species from the Arcidae, 3 species from the Mytilidae, one species from the Glycymerididae, one species from the Limopsidae, one species from the Pteriidae, one species from the Plicatulidae, one species from the Pectinidae, one species from the Spondylidae, 6 species from the Chamidae, one species from the Lucinidae, 3 species from the Cardiidae, 2 species from the Tridacninae, one species from the Mactridae, one species from the Mesodesmatidae, etc. ····· 10361135602

Tierschutz. Was u.a. Dr. Gerd Müller dazu sagt

für 59.00€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Wie wurde und wird das Thema `Tierschutz` in der deutschen Politik diskutiert Der vorliegende Quellenband enthält die Protokolle der im Deutschen Bundestag zur Thematik gehaltenen ungekürzten Reden ab 1998 (14. Legislaturperiode). Diese parteiübergreifende Dokumentation, ermöglicht dem Leser einen direkten Blick auf die parlamentarische Debatte zu das Thema `Tierschutz` und die Diskussionen der Abgeordneten im politischen Tagesgeschäft. ····· 10361134890

Tierschutz. Was u.a. Karl-Heinz Funke dazu sagt

für 54.00€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Wie wurde und wird das Thema `Tierschutz` in der deutschen Politik diskutiert Der vorliegende Quellenband enthält die Protokolle der im Deutschen Bundestag zur Thematik gehaltenen ungekürzten Reden ab 1998 (14. Legislaturperiode). Diese parteiübergreifende Dokumentation, ermöglicht dem Leser einen direkten Blick auf die parlamentarische Debatte zu das Thema `Tierschutz` und die Diskussionen der Abgeordneten im politischen Tagesgeschäft. ····· 10361134888

Effects of 4-Nonylphenol on African Catfish Clarias gariepinus

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This work revealed the destructive effects of sublethel doses of 4-nonylphenol on the heamatological parameters, biochemical variables and hormonal activity of the adults African Catfish, Clarias gariepinus. Also, histopathological and ultrastructure studies of some organs using TEM confirmed these effects. These destructive effects were studied on the early developmental stages in terms of incubation time, fertilization rate, hatching rate, mortality rate, morphological malformations and histopathological changes using SEM. The genotoxicity of this pollutant was studied using SDS-PAGE, RAPD-PCR, apoptosis detection and micronucleus test. ····· 10361134589

Neuroethological Studies on the Scorpion`s Circadian Activities

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In circadian rhythm research most experiments on scorpions were performed on immobile scorpions that were fixed to an animal holder or stage. This study introduces a new method that enables recording of the electroretinogram (ERG) and electromyogram (EMG) simultaneously in the unrestrained Egyptian yellow fat-tailed scorpion. The ERG includes electrical activity of photoreceptors of the median eyes to brief light flashes illustrating rhythms in sensory perception while the EMG records electrical activity of the muscles revealing circadian rhythms of locomotor activity. A specially designed aluminum `jacket` was properly fixed on the scorpion allowing for free movement during the continuous recording. This method is applicable to study the effect of various environmental, physiological, and behavioral parameters in scorpions over the course of several weeks. In addition, it can be applied to other similarly free-moving small terrestrial invertebrates. The developed method facilitates the analysis of the function of the scorpion s pectines and the effects of the substrate on circadian activities. ····· 10361134395

Fish Zoonosis and Intestinal Tissue Damage by Nematode in the Fish

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Most of the world adopts the fishing as occupation. Many countries are working to search out the importance for men, such as for its oil, meat, scales. To get perfect nutrition, it is necessary that fishes must be healthy and free from parasitic and other diseases. The parasite infection tends to decrease the growth rate resulting in stunting of fishes. Today most of the researches are directed towards the diagnosis, description, biology, ecology and analysis of the diseases of marine fishes. The motivation for this importance increase on fish disease research is an attempt to avoid economic losses and to disclose the life histories of causative agents which may also interfere with human health. Here two new species of nematodes are described and reported and fish zoonosis is also discussed. This information is useful for students, teachers and researchers interested in the field of parasitology. ····· 10361134145

Studies of Pesticide Metabolism in Human Population of Karachi

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By the present investigation, it may be concluded that Karachi people have noticeable quantities of insecticides in their fat and blood. The blood samples have more pesticides than fat. The more quantity of dieldrin as compared to DDT indicates that DDT usage is now limited to some extent in Karachi as compared to twenty years early report of Mughal and Rehman (1973) showed heavily exposure of DDT in people living in this city. In contrast to this, people are now accumulating more dieldrin which may probably due to its greater usage in termite control programme. The reduction in ChE activity in pesticide exposed workers signals us that insecticides reduce the enzyme level by disturbing the normal biological functions of human. So in future, it is necessary to check the enzyme activity in pesticide preparing and manufacturing workers regularly and in general population yearly as the general population is also accumulating pesticides. Moreover it is also necessary to check total protein, - and -globulin, bilirubin, alanine and aspartate aminotransferases activity in pesticide handling people because any alteration in these measures may produce liver lesion and other disorders. ····· 10361133986

Attachment And Pathology of Some Ectoparasites

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Over the last few years, study of attachment to confirm the histological impacts induced by some copepods and monogenean parasites of fishes are interest most of parasitologistes. With this present book, it has been satisfactory explanation as to how these parasites attach themselves sufficiently strongly in the gill chamber of their fish hosts to prevent dislodgment by the gill ventilating current. Moreover, this strong attachment of these parasites to their hosts leads to study the mode of attachment and histopathological impacts resulting from this type of attachment. ····· 10361133930

Xenoestrogen and Impact on Mammalian Reproductive System

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Studies have revealed that there are numerous toxic chemicals available in the market since World War II which can act like natural hormone and fool the body`s endocrine system. These endocrine disrupting chemicals or hormone mimics are called environmental estrogen or xenoestrogen. As many as 116 components have been identified as possible endocrine disrupting chemicals by European Commission in September 1999 out of which 50 endocrine disruptors including DDT, DDE, PCBs & even some pesticides like aldrin, dieldrin, heptachlor, kepone etc have been listed by WWF society. Environmental estrogens are ubiquitous in nature and are identified to be responsible for a number of physiological aberrations in human health as well as wildlife. A major area of concern has been in relation to the possible link between the effects of these chemicals and reported decline in sperm count along with the increasing reproductive disorders in living beings. This book particularly concentrates on industrial chemical Bisphenol-A, as a potential source of environmental estrogen. ····· 10361133700

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