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Islam and Natural Resources Management

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Lawik sati rantau batuah (ocean has fortune, land has sacredness) is a proverb that reflects how tribal community in Minangkabau perceive the nature. It has cultural and religious meaning that united a paradigm of life. Two contradictive mainstreams are transcendental representing Islamic value and naturalistic representing cultural value lives in harmony and balance. This mutual accommodation had completed each other that produce certain Islamic practices. It also enriches the Islamic pluralism that admits various interpretation and understanding. The research results showed the religious practice that is broken down from Islamic values could not separate from natural resources management practices and praxis. The culture-religious practices orient to face nature uncertainty has an influence to communality of community. Sustainability of natural resources depends on the capacity of community to sustain their culture-religious-ecological practices and praxis. ····· 1036191267

Delfín nariz de botella en aguas costeras de Veracruz, México

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La distribución espacial y estacional de los cetáceos es influenciada por las características fisiográficas y oceanográficas del ambiente. El delfín nariz de botella es uno de los mamíferos marinos con la distribución más amplia. Estos organismos están distribuidos a lo largo de aguas costeras tropicales hasta las zonas templadas. Así mismo, es una de las especies más abundantes de cetáceos. Por tal motivo, analizar la distribución y abundancia de esta especie sirve para determinar su tamaño poblacional, su ubicación geográfica y su hábitat. Para esta investigación se empleó la metodología de muestreo a distancia para calcular el tamaño poblacional y se aplicó la técnica de foto-identificación para estudiar los movimientos y la residencia de los delfines. Para la zona de Veracruz las toninas se distribuyen en casi toda la zona costera, desde un individuo hasta grupos con 50 individuos. Se estimó una abundancia de 2,632 organismos tan solo para la zona norte del estado. Los estudios de una determinada área permiten evaluar el estado poblacional de estos organismos en la zona de estudio, es decir, si están en peligro de extinción o son ecológicamente estables. ····· 1036191230

Biodiversidad y conservación de la flora esteparia Ibérica

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Este libro presenta el estado actual, en términos generales, de la diversidad y conservación de la flora rara, endémica y amenazada de la península Ibérica, narrando la historia y algunos de los esfuerzos realizados por las administraciones y los científicos durante las últimas décadas y prestando especial interés en la flora esteparia aragonesa, de la que se han escogido cinco elementos florísticos que representan la gran diversidad de la que gozan dichos hábitats. La gramínea Puccinellia pungens, un endemismo con alto número de individuos distribuido mayoritariamente en la laguna de Gallocanta. Los endemismos Ferula loscosii (Umbelliferae), Vella pseudocytisus (Cruciferae), Boleum asperum (Cruciferae), y la rareza biogeográfica Krascheninnikovia ceratoides (Chenopodiaceae), ejemplifican la singularidad florística de las estepas aragonesas. ····· 1036190980

Propuesta para la creación de un laboratorio integral

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La presente obra tiene consistió en la elaboración e implementación de una propuesta para la construcción de un laboratorio en la extensión Nueva Cúa del Instituto Pedagógico de Miranda José Manuel Siso Martínez . Concebido bajo un enfoque integral, es decir, que esté en condiciones de garantizar el despliegue del trabajo teórico práctico de varias asignaturas, tales como: Ciencias Naturales Integradas, Geografía Física y Educación Ambiental. El Laboratorio Integral a la vez que pueda satisfacer la necesidad planteada anteriormente. También estará en condiciones de propiciar que se lleven a cabo en sus instalaciones investigaciones o estudios, en función de los requerimientos de la comunidad científica local o nacional, ya que contará con los materiales y equipos necesarios para ello. Con lo cual se estaría prestando un servicio tanto a la comunidad universitaria de la UPEL, como a la de otras instituciones de Educación Superior. ····· 1036190972

El fósforo en suelos no calcáreos: trabajo experimental

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En muchos casos, el fosfato nativo del suelo es insuficiente para abastecer las necesidades de las plantas. Por ello resulta imprescindible la fertilización con fosfato, ya que el fósforo es un elemento esencial, que junto con el nitrógeno y el potasio, es base de los principales fertilizantes químicos. No obstante, gran parte del fosfato añadido resulta inaprovechable para las plantas, incidiendo desfavorablemente sobre la economía de la aplicación de los fertilizantes fosfatados. Uno de los objetivos del presente trabajo es estudiar la pérdida de disponibilidad del fosfato aplicado, a corto plazo, en relación con las propiedades de diez suelos de la zona occidental del Principado de Asturias (España). Por otra parte, se estudió la relación entre nivel crítico de fósforo Mehlich 3 para trébol violeta en macetas y las propiedades de los suelos seleccionados, con especial referencia a las propiedades mineralógicas de los mismos. ····· 1036190817

El tamaño si importa y otras historias con Ciencia

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Todos los días usamos teléfonos móviles, computadoras, miramos televisión, escuchamos la radio, cocinamos en sartenes de teflón o en hornos de microondas. Por otro lado hemos escuchado que se conoce el código genético completo de los seres humanos y que hemos llegado a la luna. La ciencia siempre nos impacta con sus maravillosos y asombrosos descubrimientos. Lastimosamente este conocimiento parecería estar cada vez más lejano al ciudadano en general. La serie de relatos consignada en este libro pretende mostrar la ciencia y sus aportes sin entrar en fórmulas o aspectos sumamente técnicos. El objetivo fundamental es acercar la ciencia al público y hacerla mas comprensible resaltando el lado atractivo entretenido y humano del conocimiento científico. En estas páginas el lector se encontrará con ricitos de oro, con científicos que dejaron la cabeza o un ojo por la ciencia, pasando por los zombis, o el notable esfuerzo de los espermatozoides por ganar su carrera. Usted podrá leer acerca de la química del amor y el tamaño del universo. Esta es una obra de divulgación que, si he cumplido con mi cometido, debería poder leerse tanto en un día de lluvia como a la orilla del mar. ····· 1036190747

Consecuencias de decisiones estratégicas en la ganadería en Uruguay

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Hidrología de superficie para un humedal costero

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Aprovechamiento semiindustrial de frutas tropicales

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Entre las frutas tropicales que por lo general se consumen en fresco, se encuentran la ciruela y el maracuyá. Aunque estas frutas tienen un sabor exquisito, no se han usado para la elaboración de alimentos, ya que por lo general se consumen en fresco, debido a que su producción es estacional. En este trabajo se presentan opciones de elaboración de productos alimenticios a partir de la ciruela y el maracuyá, cuando es su temporada de producción. Entre ellos: ate, mermelada y licor. La elaboración de estos productos en una forma intermedia entre la artesanal y la industrial, le dará valor agregado a las frutas, además de que ofrecerá a los habitantes de las comunidades en donde se producen, la oportunidad de desarrollar una actividad económica redituable. ····· 1036189630

Uso de la vida silvestre y alternativas de manejo integral

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En la perspectiva ambiental del nuevo milenio se establece que el desarrollo social y el crecimiento económico de una nación dependerán de la capacidad de aprovechar sustentablemente su capital natural. En este sentido, en los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio de las Naciones Unidas se ubica a las comunidades indígenas y campesinas como actores clave, ya que poseen un conjunto de saberes y prácticas que son fundamentales para asegurar la conservación y uso sustentable de la biodiversidad a los niveles local y regional. ····· 1036189584

Efectos del aprovechamiento forestal sobre el carbono en Venezuela

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Una alternativa útil para la evaluación del impacto del aprovechamiento forestal es el monitoreo de las reservas ( stocks ) de carbono en los ecosistemas forestales, ya que permite analizar el papel que juega la extracción de maderas en el ciclo global de dicho elemento. Para el caso de los bosques tropicales no existe información suficiente sobre los cambios en la dinámica de la biomasa bajo diferentes regímenes de manejo. Se analiza aquí cómo la extracción selectiva de maderas influye en la dinámica temporal de acumulación de biomasa aérea y almacenamiento de carbono en un bosque húmedo de la Reserva Forestal Imataca, Venezuela, sometido a aprovechamiento forestal convencional.Los resultados obtenidos indican que, inmediatamente luego de la intervención ocurre una reducción de aproximadamente 50% en la biomasa aérea del bosque, expresado en una diferencia neta de alrededor de 162,87 Mg/ha. A través de la mejora en la planificación del aprovechamiento que implique, entre otras cosas, la adopción de técnicas de impacto reducido y un programa de monitoreo se podría reducir considerablemente la pérdida de biomasa e incidir en una recuperación más rápida del ecosistema. ····· 1036189475

Seepage Loss Reduction in Water Harvesting Structures

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This book at the Community Level addressing grass root challenges. The solutions are of local in nature which are less costly and easy for promotion. Some of the seepage loss reducing techniques have been exercised by farmers, but were not researched before the current one. Local heater ash with compaction is proved to be found in every farmers house and being damped everywhere with no use. Here is the technique. where one can make use of it. ····· 1036189231

Achieving Sustainable Ecotourism in Ghana, Theory or Practise?

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This book is an exposition on the socio-cultural, economic and environmental impact of the ecotourism industry in Ghana. The case studies used are Boabeng-Fiemma Monkey Sanctuary(BFMS) managed by the Nature Conservation Research Centre and Kakum National Park(KNP)managed by Ghana Heritage Conservation Trust.The findings provide an assessment of the extent to which Protected Areas (PA s) are successful in meeting their goals of economic, environmental and socio-cultural conservation. Ecotourist sites in Ghana follow values set out by international institutions such as the World Conservation Union, Convention on Biological Diversity and The International Ecotourism Society. Their operational strategies are meant to link ecotourism development and economic opportunities to positive environmental, historical and cultural conservation. Ecotourism has a significant impact on the economy as a key sector of revenue generation and foreign exchange earner, however visitor numbers must be effectively managed to preserve biodiversity of the PA s. Key issues need to be addressed if sustainable ecotourism in Ghana can be achieved in relation to achieving the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. ····· 1036189070

Inluence of Salinity Stress on Plant Growth and Productivity

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Salinity is one of the most severe environmental factors limiting the productivity of agricultural crops. The continuous loss of arable land due over-exploitation and mismanagement contribute to increase in salinity. Secondary salinization of agricultural lands is particularly widespread in arid and semi-arid environment where crop production requires irrigation schemes. At least 20% of all irrigated lands are salt affected with some estimates being as high as 50% whereas the world`s population continues to rise, the total land area under irrigation appears to have levelled off. Salinity is a major threat to irrigated agriculture because many of the soils and irrigation waters contain significant amount of dissolved salts. Due to excessive evapotranspiration in arid and semi-arid regions, the secondary salinization is becoming important factor for salinity. Most crops are sensitive to salinity caused by high concentration of salts in the soil. The book provides deep insight into saline soils and their influence on plant growth. Book is recommneded for researchers, students of University Department of Botany, Agriculture, Soil Science and Libraries alike. ····· 1036189037

Environmental Sciences

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The world today is preoccupied with the threat of pollution. Inspite of having number of boards like pollution control board, acts, legislation,constitutional amendments but this problem is difficult to control. Therefore, it is very much necessary that one should be having awareness of basic facts about Environmental education and it s relating parameters.In the modern era, no single person is protected from the pollutants i.e. in various forms. The deteriorating levels of environment have brought with it various kinds of diseases and related problems. This adversely affect human, animal and plant life. It is the responsibility of the government to frame such rules and regulation which ensures pollution free environment. ····· 1036188558

Sustainable Environmental Management in the Niger Delta Region

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This study is all about charting a new course in the way the oil companies operating in the Niger Delta region carry out their activities in order to ensure the environmental sustainability of the region, and improve the economy of the rural communities in the region at the same time. It identifies the constraints to effective implementation of Nigeria s environmental laws and policies especially the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) as it concerns oil prospecting, which has hitherto contributed in hindering her environmental sustainability. It also unveils the critical issues concerning the deplorable state of the economy of the local populace of the region. After identifying the various problems contributing to the environmental woes, and the poor economic growth of the region, this research proffers recommendations that should be conscientiously and vigorously implemented to reverse the trend. Although, the oil companies have made some efforts towards providing the necessary infrastructures needed in the region, they need to do more in the area of capacity building, and use of green technologies to ensure healthy environment of their host communities. ····· 1036188546

Interdisciplinary Environmental Education

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Interdisciplinary environmental programs in higher education in the United States are both diverse and dynamic in their curriculum designs. The lack of a clear identity, definition of core competencies, and prescriptions for interdisciplinary pedagogy can create confusion among program stakeholders and skepticism among institutional administrators. To address these concerns, the National Council for Science and the Environmental sponsored a comprehensive national study to learn more about IE program curricula and investigate the potential for reaching agreement on core competencies. The results demonstrate that a consensus exists on the identity on the environmental studies field: an applied, interdisciplinary focus on the interface of coupled human-natural systems with a normative commitment to sustainability. The results also reveal that interdisciplinary core competency areas consist of three broad knowledge areas and two skill sets, and that three ideal curricular models for IE education are preferred by interdisciplinary environmental program administrators: systems science, policy and governance, and adaptive management. ····· 1036188497

Herbs and Health

····· lezzter Preis 49.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Medicinal plants are different plant used in herbal product , in treatment of aliments and diseases though some of the plants can be poisonous when used in high dose while some have great medicinal uses. Plants have phtyochemical constituent that been proven to have medicinal effects. The study of medicines derived from natural sources including plants is called Pharmacognosy. The drugs are derived either from the whole plant or from different organs, like leaves, stem, bark, root, flower, seed. ····· 1036188050

Interparticle Interactions of Metal Nanoparticles

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Nanoscience is a broad interdisciplinary area of research, development and industrial activity which has been growing rapidly world wide for the last few decades. The particles in this particular size regime display characteristic physical, chemical and optoelectronic properties, which are strikingly different from those of the corresponding bulk materials. Recently, physicists and chemists are interested in the electronic structure of metal and semiconductor nanoparticles because of the quantum size effect, which has been shown to appear in that size range. As the size of a material is reduced down to nanoscale dimension, the electronic structure of the material changes from continuous energy bands of the bulk state to discrete energy levels of the atoms. This book tells us the wet chemical route for the synthesis of well ordered aggregates of metal nanoparticles of variable sizes using different ligand. The effect of nanoparticle size on the nature of aggregation as well as the variation in the optical response due to variable degree of interparticle coupling effects amongst the gold particles have been investigated. ····· 1036187724

Multi-Level Partnerships in Uganda`s Gorilla Tourism:

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Tourism development is increasingly getting recognition as a sustainable option to simultaneously reduce poverty and ensure environmental conservation. Current trends indicate that various organizations from the international, regional, national and local levels have increasingly teamed up into partnerships to perform and maintain tourism. This thesis treads through the intricacies of the processes through which multilevel partnerships (MLPs) have been formed to produce and maintain gorilla tourism in Uganda s Bwindi Impenetrable National Park (BINP). The research focuses on two case studies (BCRC a community tourism enterprise and CMGL-a private-community partnership tourism enterprise) to analyse the extent to which tourism contributes to livelihoods. The research undertakes this task by combing Actor Network Theory s process of translation and the sustainable livelihood approach as a methodological point of entry. This entirely qualitative research indicates that the story of establishing gorilla tourism and related community projects at BINP is also a story of how conservation discourses have been translated into the local realities of BINP. The case studies reveal how the glob ····· 1036187684

Urban Water Management

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The rational for the research was to assess the quality of treated water supplied to Western Accra by the Weija headwork. The quality of water treated at the headwork before distribution and its quality in selected households were assessed. In all, one hundred and thirty-five (135) samples from twenty-seven (27) sites at the headwork and selected households were investigated. One hundred and twenty (120) samples of stored water from storage facilities in selected households in the study area were also investigated. The quality of water from the headwork, in terms of physico-chemical and bacteriological characteristics was generally good (WHO and EPA standards). The physico-chemical quality of tap water in the Districts was good,however, total coliform bacteria (0-120cfu/100ml) were detected in about three quarters of tap water sampled while faecal coliforms(0-10cfu/100ml) were detected in about a quarter. Frequent breaks in pipe lines resulted in water leakages, which also served as conduits for contaminant transport into the distribution system.Such contamination could also be enhanced through incidence of negative water pressure from water rationing. ····· 1036187559

Agricultural Science

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I have developed analytical methods of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Further, I have investigated their abundance and behavior in the environment in selected Asian regions. Regarding the analytical methods, I here present two accomplishments as follows: (1) an extraction method for dioxins from sediment using a pressurized liquid extraction and (2) a compact sampler designed for the simultaneous collection of atmospheric PAHs in size-fractionated particulate matter and the gaseous phase. In the latter case, I could demonstrate the distribution characteristics of the POPs and PAHs in the Asian regions. In this book, I provide my main results as follows: (1) temporal change in atmospheric PAH concentrations in particulate matter from Nepal, Vietnam and Japan, (2) atmospheric PAH concentrations in both particulate matter and the gaseous phase at roadside sites in Vietnam, (3) presence of eight kinds of POPs and sixty-four PAHs in sediment samples from Vietnam, and (4) characteristics of the abundance of dioxins in sediment samples from Can Gio, South Vietnam and Japan. ····· 1036187480

Management of root-knot nematodes by using bio-pesticides

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The impact of biopesticides (T.harzianum, Azadirachta indica, Biofertilizer Humiphos) against root knot nematodes and its outcome on the growth of vegetables (Tomato, Lycopersicum esculentum., Brinjal, Solanum melongena and Turnip, Brassica rapa). Findings illustrated that T.harzianum showed best results on all vegetables as compared to other treatments. As it showed resistance against root knot nematodes and also most effective for the growth of vegetables than Azadirachta indica and biofertilizers (Humiphos) and no gall formation was observed under any concentration of Trichoderma harzianum, growth difference was also distinguished clearly. This book is useful for nematologists, crop growers as well as plant pathologists. ····· 1036187053


für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
NATURE consists of five Tatvas i.e. Earth, water, air, fire and ether. These five tatvas consists the human body. Therefore it is our duty to protect and conserve the nature. We are all depending over nature for all the purposes. Nature is our best and true friend. So we must save this our best friend. All living and non living things are directly or indirectly dependant over each other for many reasons likes oxygen - carbon dioxide cycle in between plants and animals. Therefore there are certain kind of interactions occur in between the species and environment. Thus environment is also declared as our necessary and true friend. But with our activities which include all the activities which has been done by human beings (fortunately or unfortunately) to exploit this best friend (nature). ····· 1036187035

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