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Antimicrobial Lectins from Euphorbiaceae

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There are many plants in Kashmir valley which have been shown to possess medicinal properties. Among them is Euphorbia helioscopia which is known for its medicinal values. At present drug resistance is a worldwide problem and much emphasis is being laid on the natural plant sources to act as antibiotics which can overcome this problem. Euphorbia helioscopia which is known for its medicinal values has febrifuge and vermifuge activities in its roots and stem respectively. The root is anti helminthic. The milky sap is applied externally to skin eruptions. The seeds, mixed with roasted pepper, have been used in the treatment of cholera and the oil from the seeds has purgative properties. However, isolation of any antibacterial protein has not been reported till date. The essence of the work was to check the antibacterial activity of the plant following its purification and characterization from leaves using conventional protein purification techniques. The lectin is a homodimer (Mr 65000Da), thermostable between 0°C- 40°C but exhibits a narrow range of pH stability being optimally active at pH 7. The lectin shows antimicrobial activity against P. aeruginosa, K.pneumoniae and E. coli. ····· 1036118766

Microbial Production of Biomass

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This book comprises the 9 chapters which includes the basic and fundamental study on the production of single cell protein, mushroom, biofertilizers,biocompost and yeast along with their production technologies using eco-friendly microbes.This book is excellent hand book on various technologies used in microbial production of industrially important biomass.This book is dedicated to All Mighty & my Parents. ····· 1036118578

Protein separation and characterization from Neochloris Oleoabundans

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Have you ever thought that one of the most abundant protein on Earth, which is named RuBisCO, would be a great food integrator for the human diet From 1988 it has been discovered that its nutritional value is really close to the egg albumin. This work, that was performed in Wageningen (NL), is aimed to identify RuBisCO during the separation process and to quantify it, among different microalgal strains and different growth phases. Results showed a relative high percentage of this protein within the examined protein fraction, giving to the next researchers a really interesting starting point for the development of the process to make this protein marketable. Wanna know the results and the techniques used at this purpose ····· 1036118540

Growth Factor Signalling and Cancers

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This book reviews the basic concepts in cellular signal transduction with emphasis on growth factor signalling. Most of the kinases that are aberrantly regulated in various forms of cancers are discussed in the perspective of current therapeutic targets. In addition to presenting up to date review of current research, this book contains thoughtful discussions on therapeutic resistance to cancer and future directions for cancer therapy. ····· 1036118362

Bioactive Compound and Genomic Study of Medicinal Plants

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Already institutionalized to a large extent globally, alternative medicine forms a link between folk medicine and modern Western medicine. There is a growing demand today for plant-based medicines, health products, pharmaceuticals, food supplements etc in the international market. Documentation of the indigenous knowledge through ethnobotanical studies and molecular characterization is important for the conservation and utilization of biological resources. Spondias pinnata Kurz is an important medicinal plant belonging to anacardiaceae family, commonly found in North Eastern region of India which has many ethno-medicinal uses. Streblus asper Lour is another small evergreen tree of moraceae family, abundantly found in this region of India and is known for its medicinal properties. This book contains a detailed molecular and genomic study of these two medicinal plants. Moreover the methods for analysis of medicinal plants are critically discussed which will help the researchers and students in this field. ····· 1036118313

Young Green Barley Leaves As Natural Antioxidants

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Generally, young plant parts are characterized by increased contents of some vitamins, provitamins, antioxidants, and other bioactive substances. Barley grass contains significant quantities of calcium, iron, magnesium, -carotene and chlorophyll. Also, young green barley leaves are known to possess potent pharmacological properties, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimutagenic and antiallergic activities. This work was conducted on the powder produced from young green barley leaves to evaluate their chemical and biological effects. Chemical composition and bioactive components of young green barley leaves, green magma and freeze-dried powders were determined. The efficiency of freeze-dried powder from young green barley leaves at different concentrations in lowering the hypercholesterolemia was carried out. Finally, it could be concluded that the addition of powder from young green barley leaves improve the liver and kidneys functions in hypercholesterolemic rats. Also, this product can be used as a lowering cholesterol factor and also is considered a source of antioxidants. ····· 1036118147

Hepatoprotective effects of medicinal plants on CCL4 liver toxicity

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CCl4 is a halogen aliphatic hydrocarbon derived from methane with an aromatic sweet odor, and heavier than water in which it is sparingly soluble. Its use is very much restricted on account of the fact that its toxicity can manifest itself after simple inhaling. CCl4 has been widely used as a dry-cleaning solvent and in-fire-extinguishers because it is a non-flammable liquid. The experimental model of CCl4 treatment in rats has been extensively used to study liver fibrogensis. The bio-activation of CCl4 is complex and implicated both reductive and oxidative pathways. CCl4 is widely used to treat animals as a liver injury model because damage by CCl4 is regarded as the analogue of liver damage caused by a variety of hepatotoxins in humans. Liver disease is a worldwide problem conventional drugs used in the treatment of liver disease are sometimes inadequate and can have serious adverse effects. It is therefore, necessary to search for alternative drugs for treatment of liver disease to replace currently used drugs of doubtful efficacy and safety, so there is a worldwide trend to go back to traditional medicinal plants in use for treatment of liver ailments. ····· 1036118138

Antinotsitseptivnoe deystvie milimmetrovogo izlucheniya

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V monografii izlagayutsya sovremennye predstavleniya o mekhanizmakh funktsionirovaniya notsitseptivnoy i antinotsitseptivnoy sistem organizma, a takzhe vliyanie elektromagnitnogo izlucheniya raznykh diapazonov na bolevuyu chuvstvitel`nost`. Osnovnuyu chast` monografii sostavlyayut sobstvennye eksperimental`nye dannye, v kotorykh pokazana vozmozhnost` primeneniya nizkointensivnogo elektromagnitnogo izlucheniya krayne vysokoy chastoty (EMI KVCh) v kachestve analgeticheskogo sredstva dlya umen`shenie boli razlichnoy etiologii. Pokazano vliyanie EMI KVCh na izmenenie ritmicheskikh protsessov prodolzhitel`nosti povedencheskikh reaktsiy pri eksperimental`nykh bolevykh vozdeystviyakh. Issledovana rol` endogennykh neyrokhimicheskikh sistem v mekhanizmakh antinotsitseptivnogo deystviya nizkointensivnogo EMI KVCh. Monografiya prednaznachena nauchnym rabotnikam, prepodavatelyam, aspirantam i studentam fiziologicheskikh, biofizicheskikh i lechebnykh spetsial`nostey. ····· 103615219

ATR-zavisimaya Sl-transportnaya sistema neyronal`nykh membran

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Materialy, predstavlennye v knige, kasayutsya odnoy iz aktual`neyshikh zadach neyrokhimii vyyavleniyu v nervnoy tkani spetsificheskikh protsessov, trebuyushchikh energeticheskikh zatrat. Gipoteza o sushchestvovanii v neyronal`nykh membranakh ATRazy, sopryazhennoy s GAMKa-retseptorami, byla vyskazana bolee dvukh desyatiletiy nazad. Avtorom podrobno opisany svoystva obnaruzhennoy im v neyronal`nykh membranakh mozga i obonyatel`noy vystilke ATR-zavisimoy Cl-transportiruyushchey sistemy, sopryazhennoy s GAMKa-retseptorami, izuchenie kotoroy provodilos` na kletochnom, molekulyarnom i funktsional`nom urovnyakh. Privedennye dannye otkryvayut perspektivu dlya dal`neyshikh issledovaniy molekulyarnykh svoystv obnaruzhennogo Cl-nasosa v norme i pri patologii. V obzornoy chasti knigi rassmotreny razlichnye Cl-transportnye sistemy neyronal`nykh membran. Osoboe vnimanie udeleno mekhanizmam, kotorye uchastvuyut v transporte ionov khlora protiv elektrokhimicheskogo gradienta, tormoznym retseptoram, netipichnomu povedeniyu ikh funktsional`noy aktivnosti i roli ATF v etikh protsessakh. Kniga prednaznachena dlya neyrokhimikov, neyrofiziologov, nevropatologov, farmakologov, a takzhe dlya studentov biologicheskikh i meditsinskikh fakul`tetov universitetov. ····· 103615060

Fiziologicheskaya i patofiziologicheskaya rol` endogennykh al`degidov

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V nastoyashchee vremya aktivno razvivayutsya predstavleniya o roli oksidativnogo stressa, kak nespetsificheskogo faktora al`teratsii tkaney, pri razlichnykh fiziologicheskikh sostoyaniyakh i patologicheskikh protsessakh. V kachestve odnogo iz klyuchevykh messendzherov povrezhdeniya pri etom sostoyanii rassmatrivayutsya endogennye al`degidy. Odnako do nastoyashchego vremeni vse eshche otsutstvuyut tselostnye predstavleniya ob ikh vnutrikletochnom obmene i osobennostyakh ego modulyatsii v protsesse ontogeneza, a takzhe razvitii patologicheskikh protsessov. Uchityvaya eto, v monografii proveden vsestoronniy analiz sovremennykh predstavleniy o fiziologicheskoy roli endogennykh al`degidov, putyakh ikh vnutrikletochnogo metabolizma i regulyatsii, kharakteristiki ikh izmeneniy v protsesse ontogeneza, otsenke roli otdel`nyy putey utilizatsii karbonil`nykh produktov obmena v zashchite kletok ot oksidativnogo stressa i rassmotreniyu vozmozhnosti ispol`zovaniya napravlennoy korrektsii protsessov utilizatsii endogennykh al`degidov v povyshenii rezistentnosti organizma k povrezhdayushchemu deystviyu oksidativnogo stressa. Kniga rasschitana na shirokiy krug chitateley, interesuyushchikhsya voprosami biokhimii, ontogeneza, vozrastnoy patologii i stressa. ····· 103614987

Geterogennaya sistema gemoglobinov:

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Sushchestvuet raznoobrazie patologicheskikh sostoyaniy, pri kotorykh imeet zna-chenie izmenenie otdel`nykh tipov gemoglobina. V sovremennoy klinicheskoy praktike ne sushchestvuet metodov adektvatnogo analiza gemoglobinovogo spek-tra. Primenyaemye kolorimetricheskie metody ne selektivny: s ikh pomoshch`yu opredelyaetsya lish` obshchee kolichestvo gemoglobina. Metody Zingera i Betke pozvolyayut registrirovat` tol`ko shchelocheustoychivuyu fraktsiyu gemoglobinov. Monografiya predstavlyaet rabotu po sistematicheskomu analizu sovremennykh vzglyadov na sistemu gemoglobinov i resheniyu problemy optimizatsii klini-cheskoy otsenki sostoyaniya krasnoy krovi putem popolneniya fundamental`nykh svedeniy po osnovnym tipam gemoglobina, modelirovaniya sootvetstvuyushchikh immunokhimicheskikh test-sistem, formirovaniya kompleksnoy skhemy otsenki ge-moglobinovogo spektra i ee vnedrenya v klinicheskuyu praktiku. Kniga predna-znachena kak dlya studentov, aspirantov i soiskateley meditsinskikh i biologi-cheskikh fakul`tetov VUZov i NII, tak i dlya praktikuyushchikh vrachey-spetsialistov sootvetstvuyushchikh profiley. ····· 103614956

Biofizika DNK-aktinomitsinovykh kompleksov

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V monografii N.L. Vekshina rassmatrivayutsya kompleksy protivoopukholevykh geterotsiklicheskikh antibiotikov (na primere aktinomitsinov) s DNK, polinukleotidami, oligonukleotidami i kletkami. Opisyvayutsya modeli stroeniya kompleksov, ikh fiziko-khimicheskie svoystva, a takzhe sposoby dostavki antibiotikov k DNK. Privodyatsya biofizicheskie eksperimental`nye dannye, v osnovnom - spektroskopicheskie (samogo avtora). Kniga prednaznachena dlya issledovateley, zanimayushchikhsya DNK-tropnymi antibiotikami, a takzhe mozhet byt` polezna shirokomu krugu biofizikov, biokhimikov, molekulyarnykh biologov i studentov. ····· 103614908


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Reaktsiyu, odnokletochnykh organizmov, zhivykh kletok, tkanevykh srezov, kletochnykh komponentov na khimicheskie i fizicheskie vozdeystviya my rassmatrivaem kak analiticheskie sredstva bioindikatsii. V otlichie ot standartnykh fiziko-khimicheskikh metodov, bioindikatsiya pozvolyaet provesti integral`nuyu otsenku vliyaniya vrednykh faktorov na funktsii zhivykh sistem na kletochnom i tkanevom urovne. Osoboe mesto v bioindikatsii zanimaet izuchenie tkanevykh biotestov, osnovannykh na fermentativnoy aktivnosti kletok, srezov tkani, immobilizovannykh gomogenatov i dr. dlya analiticheskogo opredeleniya aktivatorov i ingibitorov fermentov. V dannoy monografii predstavleny nekotorye rezul`taty nashikh issledovaniy v oblasti postroeniya i izucheniya ryada biosensornykh sistem i biotestov s ispol`zovaniem tkanevykh tekhnologiy. Rassmotreny tri tipa sensornykh sistem: 1) na osnove tkanevykh obraztsov (srezy tkaney i gomogenaty) pecheni, obladayushchie vysokoy aktivnost`yu monoaminoksidazy 2) na osnove ispol`zovaniya tkanevykh obraztsov s vysokoy aktivnost`yu atsetilkholinesterazy i 3) s ispol`zovaniem tselykh rasteniy (apikal`naya kornevaya meristema). Monografiya prednaznachena dlya studentov, aspirantov i nauchnykh sotrudnikov. ····· 103614854

Le manioc:

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Le manioc est un aliment de base de nombreux pays tropicaux. Différentes opérations unitaires peuvent être réalisées pour transformer ses racines en farines. Ces opérations unitaires peuvent influer sur la qualité des farines produites. Cette étude a été effectuée pour déterminer l`influence des trois facteurs, l`épluchage, la réduction et la fermentation des racines de cette plante, sur la qualité des farines produites. Les attributs qualitatifs considérés sont la couleur, le potentiel cyanogénique et les teneurs en composés cyanés. Un plan d`expérience factorielle complète 2 x 4 x 3 en blocs aléatoires complets avec 6 répétitions a été adopté. La couleur des farines a été appréciée par détermination de leur blancheur et de leur index de brunissement. Le potentiel cyanogénique et les teneurs en composés cyanés ont été déterminées par une méthode automatique. Les résultats obtenus ont montré que la blancheur, l`index de brunissement, le potentiel cyanogénique et les teneurs en composés cyanés des farines produites sont variables. Ainsi, les trois facteurs choisis ont une influence significative sur la qualité des farines produites, mais le plus influent est la fermentation. ····· 103614545

E3b1 Signalling on the Crossroads of Gastric and Esophageal Cancers

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E3b1 is an Eps8 binding protein that transduces signal from Ras to Rac and regulates cell growth. In view of role of E3b1 as a cell growth regulatory signaling protein in the tumorigenesis of human tissues. The expression of E3b1 in human stomach and esophageal cancerous tissues and also in non-cancerous tissues was analyzed by western blotting technique. P65E3b1, P68E3b1 isoforms were found to be expressed in normal tissues and P72E3b1 isoform was found to be expressed in some normal tisssues whereas, P65E3b1and P68E3b1 isoforms were not found to be expressed in some stomach and esophageal cancers even P72E3b1 isoform was not found expressed in some stomach cancers. During this investigation, The general conclusion drawn is that the expression of P65E3b1, P68E3b1 and P72E3b1 in squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma is down regulated. Overall, the investigation led to the fact that E3b1 was related to human carcinogenesis & the expression level of E3b1 could be considered as a useful diagnostic marker for carcinogenesis. ····· 103613823

Plasma antioxidants and Type 2 diabetes mellitus

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The aim of study was to evaluate plasma antioxidant status, protein content, glycemic level, lipid profiles and lipid peroxidation products in type 2 diabetic patients and any effect of gender on these biochemical parameters. Plasma total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), low density lipoproteins (LDL) and high density lipoproteins (HDL) levels, Antioxidants i.e. superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC, catalase (CAT, EC peroxidase (POD, EC and plasma Malondialdehyde (MDA) content were significantly higher in diabetic patients. Elevated glucose level, lipid profiles and peroxidation products indicating oxidative stress damage in diabetic patients. Antioxidants like SOD and CAT were enhanced in response to oxidative stress by hyperglycemia and thus to detoxify the excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS). ····· 103613767

Sonoproduction of particles for delivery purposes

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Over the past few decades, there have been demands to develop several devices for delivery purposes. In parallel, there was a need to optimize or develop new techniques to produce them. The usefulness of sonochemical methodology for the development of an efficient lipidic and proteinaceous delivery platforms for the delivery of bioactive agents are the most significant contributions of this book. This work exploits the influence of sonochemical method to produce these systems and at the same time, evaluate the physico-chemical parameters of the developed devices and their ability for controlled release. ····· 103613495

Thiol Protease Inhibitors from Mammalian lungs

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The estimation of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs used in the leukaemia multidrug therapy is of great importance. The multidrug therapy of high effectiveness carries the risk of side effects and an increase of therapeutic action of free fractions of drugs. This can be dangerous when exhibiting toxic effect. Regulation of cysteine proteinases and their inhibitors are of utmost importance in diseases like lung cancer, chronic inflammatory conditions such as asthma, emphysema, and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Protease-antiprotease imbalance accelerates disease progression. In the present study, Thiol Protease inhibitors was purified from Lungs using simple and efficient chromatographic techniques. Further, the effect of methotrexate (MTX) (an antineoplastic and antirheumatic) drug on lung cystatin was studied to explore the drug induced protein dysfunction. In addition, we have studied the effect of free radicals on thiol protease inhibitors and their preventive measurement by Polyphenols like Curcumin and Quercetin. Finally we have reported the toxicity of Cigarette smoke on thiol protease inhibitors implicated in cardiovascular disease and Emphysema. ····· 103613478

Antibody based biosensor for the detection of opiate drugs

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Heroine is synthetic derivative of morphine, a naturally occurring substance extracted from unripe seeds or capsules of Papaver somniferum (poppy plant). The use of heroine and morphine as a recreational drug has reached epidemic proportion, largely because of increased availability. The currently used techniques for the detection of opiate drugs are time consuming, expensive and not amenable to on-site application. This book describes about development of a highly sensitive, fast, reliable, field applicable and cost effective immunoassay/ immunobiosensor for the detection of opiate drugs: morphine and heroin, the most addictive and commonly abused narcotics. Various types of immunoassay are described in this book using enzyme, fluorophore, carbon nanotubes, gold nanoparticles and phage display detection which shows detection limit in the ppb range without the aid of any sophisticated instrument. ····· 103613431

Amyloid-like fibril-forming cross- -structure of a model peptide

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Irrespective of sequences, a number of proteins have tendency to be misfolded and self-assembled to form elongated, unbranched fibers that are the key to a range of diseases including Alzheimer s disease, Huntington s disease, type II diabetes and prion related encephalopathies. Over the last few decades, potential efforts have been directed to determine the structure of amyloid fibrils and have yielded a number of models which are not sufficient to define the fibril structure unambiguously. This book highlights research in amyloids-like model peptides. The X-ray crystallography of model peptides validates the popular amyloid model to define the fibril structure, at atomic level. The book contains five chapters in terms of model peptide structures. In addition to the research and review articles, more general topics on amyloid related diseases are discussed throughout the book. These definitions and information are referenced with important reviews or seminal publications in this field. The analysis should help shed some light on this exciting subject and should be especially useful to students and researcher interested in this developing area. ····· 103613253

Inhibición de la Hexoquinasa de Trypanosoma cruzi

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La enfermedad de Chagas es un flagelo que afecta a millones de personas en América Latina y gran parte del mundo gracias a las migraciones. Esta enfermedad transmitida por insectos triatominos y que es finalmente producida y generadora a su vez de pobreza, ha sido objeto de intensos estudios para su cura y prevención desde su descubrimiento por el Dr. Carlos Chagas en 1909. A pesar de intensos esfuerzos por buscar una solución definitiva para este flagelo, aún se cuentan con pocas alternativas para su tratamientos, siendo muchas muy tóxicas y perjudiciales para los pacientes. Es debido a esto que estudios como el que presento acá son relevantes, puesto que presentan alternativas quimioterapéuticas para la lucha contra esta enfermedad. La investigación con las enzimas de la glicólisis de Trypanosomas y en especial en la hexoquinasa han dado como resultado que esta ruta presentan diferencias importantes en cuanto a su regulación con respecto a su contraparte en mamíferos, como es la regulación por Pirofosfato inorgánico (PPi). Acá se plantea como es ese mecanismo y sus posibles implicaciones, fisiológicas y quimioterapéuticas. ····· 103612302

Fatiga muscular

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El presente trabajo es una revisión del funcionamiento mitocondrial y su relación con la fisiología muscular durante el proceso de fatiga. Se enfoca en la posible participación del canal potasio sensible a ATP mitocondrial como un factor clave en la protección y regulación del músculo durante los procesos de fatiga muscular. La fatiga es un proceso multifactorial que puede estar regulado por diferentes rutas de señalización y diferentes puntos de control, algunas de las rutas se describen en el presente documento así como una discusión con base en la revision de la literatura de la factibilidad de la propuesta planteada en el presente escrito como factor importante en el fucnionamiento del músculo. ····· 103612177

Elementos de Bioquímica para Odontología

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Elementos de Bioquímica para Odontología se concibe como un aporte a la comprensión de los aspectos de naturaleza bioquímica que tienen relación con el entorno bucal, objeto de estudio de la odontología. Es una recopilación que se ha estructurado para su uso tanto en el nivel de pre grado como en el área profesional, como material de consulta rápida, con aplicación específica a los procesos bioquímicos, su influencia en las patologías más prevalentes de la cavidad bucal, caries y enfermedad periodontal, así como su rol en situaciones de normalidad fisiológica, entendiéndose como material bibliográfico complementario en Bioquímica. A los capítulos clásicos se suma el aporte de dos especialistas en las áreas de película adquirida y terapias complementarias en salud bucal,respectivamente. ····· 103611906

Estudio de pérdida de calidad culinaria de frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris)

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El frijol es un alimento fundamental en la dieta del mexicano y constituye una de las fuentes principales de proteínas para la población de escasos recursos. El aumento en el tiempo de cocción, es un problema grave que se presenta durante el almacenamiento del frijol porque provoca: menor aceptabilidad, mayor gasto de energía y tiempo para su preparación y pérdida de valor nutrimental. Al estudiar este problema se ha observado que, existen enzimas de pared celular que tienen cierta relación con la calidad culinaria del frijol, pero no explican completamente el fenómeno. También que se modifica la solubilidad de azúcares como ramnosa y galactosa pero las enzimas que pueden modificarlos no se han estudiado. Además, que el frijol deteriorado presenta gelatinización limitada del almidón lo que provoca que sea hidrolizado de forma lenta. Es por eso que en el presente trabajo se estudió la relación entre la calidad culinaria del frijol y la actividad de: ramnogalacturonasa, galactanasa y alfa-amilasa. El hecho de que enzimas estén involucradas en este fenómeno de endurecimiento podría ayudar a contar con herramientas moleculares que faciliten una eficiente selección agronómica de frijol. ····· 103611487

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