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Synthese natürlicher DNA Modifikationen und deren Detektion in DNA - Identifikation und Totalsynthese eines neuartigen DNA Photoschadens

····· lezzter Preis 39.95€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In the human body almost all cells contain the same genetic material however, individual cells can perform vastly different functions. This is only possible, if different genes are active in different cell types. Furthermore, every cell stems from the same zygote Hence the genetic information in cells needs to undergo reprogramming during differentiation. These processes require precise time dependent and robust control of gene expression, i.e. both stable and dynamic gene activation and silencing. The `ATCG` DNA base sequence alone cannot control these processes. To enable the regulation of gene activity, cytosine bases in DNA can be further modified. The presence of methylated cytosines is long known to silence genes and aberrant methylation is the reason for many diseases including cancer. Thus, DNA modification is one of the most fundamental events in epigenetics.To be able to detect methylated cytosines a methodology was developed that allows the efficient discrimination of cytosine and methylcytosine in DNA. The technique relies on different reaction products of the nucleosides with O-Allylhydroxylamine. These products exhibit different base pairing properties which can be readily detected by pyrosequencing.As a further DNA modification, methylcytosine can be oxidized to hydroxymethylcytosine. By using a stable isotope dilution LC-MS approach the exact distribution of hydroxymethylcytosine in the mammalian body was determined for the first time. Especially high amounts of the nucleoside are present in the central nervous system. The hydroxymethylcytosine levels increase during brain development and are strongly reduced in cancerous tissue. It was furthermore investigated, if hydroxymethylcytosine was subject to further oxidation to formylcytosine and carboxylcytosine which - after final decarboxylation or excision by a glycosylase - would be an attractive mechanism for active DNA demethylation. This study ultimately led to the identification of formylcytosine and carboxylcytosine as constituents of mammalian DNA in our laboratory and by collaboration partners. To enable the studies, natural and isotope labeled versions of the nucleosides were synthesized using Pd(0) catalyzed carbonylative couplings. This also allowed the design and synthesis of new phosphoramidite building blocks for the incorporation of hydroxymethylcytosine, formylcytosine and carboxylcytosine into DNA. Here, a cyclic carbamate was used as a protecting group in solid phase DNA synthesis for the first time.DNA is not only subject to natural modifications, but can also be damaged by exogenous factors, of which UV light is one of the most prominent. The influence of UV light on CpG dinucleotides - the site of epigenetic modification - was investigated and new UV light induced DNA photolesions (the C(4-8)G and G(8-4)C photolesions) were identified. The photoproducts feature a bond between the exocyclic amino group of cytosine and a carbon atom on the 5 membered ring of guanine. The structures were proven by a total synthesis which featured a challenging Buchwald-Hartwig coupling as a key step. The identification of the DNA lesions shows that UV light does not only harm the genome but that it also disturbs the epigenetic information. ····· 10361193096

Systems Biotechnology of Recombinant Protein Production in Aspergillus niger

····· lezzter Preis 31.02€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The filamentous fungus Aspergillus niger is an important efficient microbial cell factory for industrial production of enzymes as well as organic acids or antibiotics. In submerged cultivation, A. niger exhibits a rather complex morphology which typically has a strong influence on production performance. Although difficult to control so far, the morphological shape is obviously linked to key production characteristics of fungal cell factories. In this regard, comprehensive approaches, combining systems wide analysis and optimization at the cellular level with process driven engineering of the bioreactor environment, seem most useful in order to achieve superior production processes. This was applied to recombinant proteins production in A. niger. The optimization included the use of talc or alumina micro particles, added to the culture, which allowed to the precise controlling the morphological shape of A. niger and increase enzyme production in different recombinant strains. Additionally, the targeted engineering of the morphology of A. niger into high-producing bio-pellet forms of various sizes by the addition of titanate micro particles was demonstrated. This strategy was combined with model-based medium design and development of efficient fed-batch strategies to optimize the production of the high-value enzyme fructofuranosidase, an important biocatalyst for neo-sugar in food or pharmaceutical industry, in the recombinant strain A. niger SKAn1015. As a result, the achieved enzyme titre could be increased to 2,800 U/mL, more than tenfold as compared to previously described processes. The enzyme, obtained by this micro particle enhanced process, could be applied as biocatalyst with minimal pre-treatment for the biosynthesis of 450 g/L of neo-sugar of the inulin type, such as 1 kestose and 1 nystose, which all display pre-biotics with substantial commercial interest. These studies were complementary by systems biotechnology analysis of A. niger as it is expected that this may lead to increased understanding of the context of cellular metabolism, regulation and thus further improvement of strains and processes. Fluxome analyses by 13C isotope studies and in silico design are applied to quantify the underlying carbon core metabolism of A. niger under different conditions. This yielding valuable insights towards the tailor made design of A. niger as a cell factory for recombinant protein production. ····· 10361193040

Biotechnology: Trends in Advancement of Life Science Research and Development in Nigeria

····· lezzter Preis 38.95€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
One challenge for those involved in the life science research, especially bio-physiological research is the emerging evolution of molecular technology. Advances in genetics and accumulated information in the genomics have made molecular technology and its application in life science the fastest growing tools in this millennium. Many Researchers in the developed countries are very much at home with this advancement and have taken advantage to develop their research interest and contribute more meaningful to their community. This technology is still new and just emerging in the developing countries. However, in recent years molecular technology tools is fast becoming popular in life science research in the developing world, especially in the field of agriculture, biology, biochemistry, medical science etc. Biotechnology tools are widely available and currently in use as research tools in most developed countries. The potentiality of its application in the developing countries, especially Africa has formed the motivation for seeking foreign fellowship on one hand and even returning home after the fellowship on the other hand by many young researchers. Organizing a scientific conference with focus or emphasis in this evolving area will give opportunity to researchers to take stock of how much has been acquired during the period of stay in the developed countries (especially Germany) and how much is applicable to research environment in the home country (Nigeria). Three days scientific conference was organized to achieve this goal. The scientific meeting was designed to stimulate collaboration and research interest in the emerging and revolutionary field of molecular biology among Humboldtians and other young researchers in Nigeria. The request from the participants and desire to preserve the high quality of papers and amazing scientific information presented during this conference motivated the publication of this book. The generosity of Humboldt Foundation to solely support both the conference and publication of this book, made possible the realization of our dream. ····· 10361192911

Mausgenetische Analyse von Exportinen und Nukleoporinen

····· lezzter Preis 17.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Charakteristisches Merkmal eukaryotischer Zellen ist ihre Aufteilung zellulärer Prozesse in membran-umschlossene Reaktionsräume. Im Zellkern, dem größten eukaryotischen Organell, finden die Speicherung der DNA sowie die von der zytoplasmatischen Translation räumlich getrennte Transkription statt. Ein Austausch, wie zum Beispiel der nukleäre Import von Transkriptionsfaktoren oder der Export reifer mRNA ins Zytoplasma, ist nur über die in die Kernmembran integrierten, aus etwa 30 verschiedenen sogenannten Nukleoporinen bestehenden Kernporenkomplexe möglich. Neben der intrazellulären Signalverarbeitung und Biosynthese dient insbesondere der nukleäre Export der Aufrechterhaltung dieser Kompartmentalisierung eukaryotischer Zellen durch Ausschluss zytoplasmatischer Bestandteile aus dem Zellkern. Bisherige Studien in diesem Zusammenhang zeigten so zum Beispiel den Exp6-vermittelten Aktin-Export und den Exp7-vermittelten Export von p50RhoGAP. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, diese und weitere Funktionen auch in vivo nachzuweisen. Während dafür mit der Herstellung eines konditionellen Exp6-Knockouts in Maus begonnen wurde, führte bereits der Versuch des Knockouts von Exp7 zu seiner phänotypfreien Deletion in fast allen Geweben. In Erythrozyten konnte jedoch die Expression der Isoform Exp7B nachgewiesen werden, die von der hier verwendeten genetischen Manipulation unbeeinträchtigt blieb. Damit eröffnet sich die Frage, ob Exp7B in Erythrozyten nur Exportfunktionen ausführt oder aufgrund der kernlosen Natur reifer Erythrozyten auch export-unabhängige Aufgaben besitzt. Ein weiterer Aspekt dieser Studie war die mausgenetische Analyse organ-oder entwicklungsspezifischer Aufgaben der auf zellulärer Ebene nicht essenziellen membranintegrierten Nukleoporine POM121, gp210 und gp210L. Diese dienen möglicherweise der Verankerung und Biogenese vertebraler Kernporen in diversen Zelltypen höherer Eukaryoten. Die Deletion von gp210 oder gp210L führte zu vitalen, fertilen und phänotypisch unauffälligen Mäusen. Ob eine Maus auch gänzlich auf die Anwesenheit der gp210-Homologe verzichten kann, wird sich mit zukünftiger Deletion beider Gene klären. Dagegen konnte diese Studie zeigen, dass POM121 bereits während der Embryogenese essenzielle Funktionen ausübt und seine Deletion letale Konsequenzen vor dem zehnten Tag der Embryonalentwicklung hat. ····· 10361192878

Evolution of flagellin perception in Arabidopsis thaliana and its relatives

····· lezzter Preis 23.75€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Plants are constantly challenged by microbes which try to gain fitness benefits at the cost of their host. Microbes which may putatively cause disease are therefore detected by plant receptors that bind pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). The peptide flg22 resembles the most conserved part of the N-terminus of bacterial flagellin and is perceived as a PAMP by the pattern recognition receptors (PRR) FLAGELLIN-SENSING 2 (FLS2) in all higher plant species. Upon perception of flg22, FLS2 elicits PAMP-triggered immunity (PTI) and thus contributes to host survival and fitness. While the evolution of resistance (R) genes has been extensively examined, no detailed studies on the evolution of PRRs are available, although this information may improve pest management in crops. Here, functional variation of FLS2 in A. thaliana and its relatives within the Brassicaceae was investigated. Differences in FLS2 protein abundance but no major changes in affinity of FLS2 towards flg22 cause functional diversity in accessions of A. thaliana. Duplication of the FLS2 gene in A. lyrata contributes to a large variation in flg22 perception in this species. FLS2 functional variation correlates with bacteria load in the plant mesophyll. Despite this beneficial contribution to Darwinian fitness, functional variation segregates within populations of A. thaliana. The intraspecific variation in flg22 perception in A. thaliana is as pronounced as among several Brassicaceae species. This suggests that FLS2 is not subjected to directional selection towards a general optimum of receptor function but flg22 perception is a quantitative trait in the Brassicaceae family. Using genetic and quantitative population differentiation to detect natural selection, no conclusive evidence could be found that evolution of flg22 perception is driven by the adaptation to local flg22 variants as has been demonstrated for highly specific gene-for-gene interaction of R genes and their cognate microbial effector molecules. Instead, flg22 perception correlates with the flg22-triggered inhibition of seedling growth. The genetic basis of inhibition of seedling growth was investigated by quantitative trait locus mapping and revealed that a locus which co-localizes with FLS2 partially controls variation in inhibition of seedling growth. Furthermore, fitness assays with functional and non-functional FLS2 alleles revealed a background-dependent detrimental effect of FLS2 on reproductive fitness. Moreover, variation in flg22 perception is correlated with flowering time in A. thaliana giving first experimental evidence that FLS2 function and life-history traits do not evolve independently. ····· 10361192793

Horton Biochemie kompakt

····· lezzter Preis 59.95€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Mit der aktuellen Auflage dieses Biochemie Titels von Horton et al. haben die beiden deutschen Co-Autoren Dieter und Martina Jahn es geschafft eine kompakteren und handlicheren Version dieses Standardwerkes zu schaffen. Gleichzeitig wurde der Titel noch einmal deutlich an den deutschsprachigen Markt adaptiert und integriert auch aktuellste Forschungsergebnisse. Das perfekte Werk um in die faszinierende Welt der Biochemie einzutauchen. ····· 10361185226

Das Basalapparat-Subproteom von Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

····· lezzter Preis 21.85€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Der Basalapparat der einzelligen Grünalge Chlamydomonas reinhardtii besteht aus den beiden geißeltragenden Basalkörpern sowie aus zwei Probasalkörpern und assoziierten Fibrillen und Mikrotubuli. Der ultrastrukturelle Aufbau der Basalkörper stimmt weitgehend mit dem der Centriolen tierischer Centrosomen überein: Neun ringförmig angeordnete Mikrotubulitripletts bilden einen Zylinder von ca. 400 nm Länge. In Querschnitten lassen sich verschiedene Strukturen wie das `cartwheel¿ im proximalen Bereich der Basalkörper oder die Sternstruktur in der Übergangsregion zur Geißel unterscheiden. Die beiden Basalkörper sind miteinander über Verbindungsfibrillen verbunden und durch die `transitional fibers¿ an der Plasmamembran angeheftet. Ausgehend von den Basalkörpern verlaufen die sogenannten Geißelwurzeln ins Zellinnere. Sie verbinden den Basalapparat mit verschiedenen Zellorganellen und sind somit an der inneren Organisation der gesamten Zelle beteiligt. Da über die Proteinzusammensetzung der Basalapparate bisher wenig bekannt war, sollte in dieser Arbeit das Proteom der Basalapparate von C. reinhardtii näher charakterisiert werden.Zur Identifikation der Proteine wurde zunächst eine Reinigungsmethode für Basalapparate von C. reinhardtii entwickelt. Die gereinigten Basalapparate wurden anschließend elektrophoretisch in einem 1D-SDS-PAGE aufgetrennt, das komplette Gel in 51 Banden zerschnitten und die Banden massenspektrometrisch analysiert. Dieser erste Ansatz lieferte insgesamt 1123 unterschiedliche Peptide. Die Peptide konnten 124 Genmodellen, aber auch EST-Einträgen sowie genomischen Positionen, an denen sich bisher keine Genmodelle befanden, zugeordnet werden. In einem 2. Ansatz wurde ein Basalapparat-Pellet nach dem MudPIT-Verfahren (`multidimensional protein identification technology¿) direkt - ohne vorherige elektrophoretische Auftrennung - untersucht. In diesem Ansatz wurden 450 Peptide in 295 Genmodellen identifiziert. Darüber hinaus wurden Basalapparate reproduzierbar mittels 2D-PAGE in ca. 60-75 Spots aufgetrennt. Da zu diesem Zeitpunkt bereits eine Veröffentlichung des Proteoms der Basalkörper von C. reinhardtii vorlag (ebenfalls durch MudPIT ermittelt), war ein direkter Vergleich der jeweils identifizierten Genmodelle möglich. Der Vergleich der 295 mit dem MudPIT-Verfahren identifizierten Genmodelle mit dieser Veröffentlichung lieferte eine Liste von 35 z.T. bekannten (wie z.B. a- und ß-Tubulin, Centrin) und neuen, potentiellen Basalapparatproteinen. Im Folgenden wurden fünf dieser neuen, potentiellen Basalapparatproteine, die bei den unterschiedlichen Ansätzen (1D-Gel-Ansatz und MudPIT-Verfahren) mit mehreren Peptiden identifiziert worden waren, näher charakterisiert. Einer dieser Kandidaten ist fälschlicherweise als mitochondrialer Translationsfaktor annotiert hier wurden vermutlich zwei unterschiedliche Gene zu einem Modell zusammengefaßt. Für diesen Kandidaten wurde eine genomische Sequenzlücke geschlossen. Für die vier anderen Kandidaten wurden partielle cDNAs kloniert und zunächst sequenziert. Der Vergleich dieser Sequenzen mit den Genmodellen führte bei Kandidat 90 zur Entdeckung von zwei neuen Exons. Bei Kandidat 27 stellte sich heraus, dass Exon 6 um 42 bp länger ist als im Genmodell angegeben. Die cDNAs wurden in E. coli überexprimiert und die rekombinanten Proteine zur Erzeugung von polyklonalen Antikörpern in Kaninchen verwendet. In Western-Blots reagierten die Antikörper sowohl mit dem rekombinanten Protein der Bakterien als auch mit entsprechenden Proteinen in isolierten Basalapparaten. Drei der Proteine konnten mit Hilfe der Antikörper in der Immunfluoreszenzmikroskopie im Bereich des Basalapparates lokalisiert werden. ····· 10361169643

Oberflächenmodifikation von Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) Biosensoren für biomedizinische Anwendungen

····· lezzter Preis 36.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden Oberflächenfunktionalisierungen für Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) Sensoren entwickelt, die deren Anwendung im biomedizinischen Bereich ermöglichen sollten.Im Fokus der Arbeit lagen der Nachweis des Antibiotikums Penicillin G und die Konzentrationsbestimmung von zwei Proteinmarkern für Brustkrebs. Es ist gelungen Konzentrationen im unteren Nanogramm/Milliliter-Bereich dieser Verbindungen mittels der entwickelten Protokolle nachzuweisen. ····· 10361164395


····· lezzter Preis 14.95€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Der Titel Biochemie aus der Reihe Lehmanns FACTS! fasst in übersichtlichen Darstellungen und kurzen Texten die wichtigsten Informationen der Biochemie zusammen. Im bewährten Doppelseitenprinzip finden Sie auf der linken Seite die komplette Reaktionsfolge angeordnet, zuerst mit Reaktionspartnern und Energieäquivalenten, dann mit den beteiligten wichtigsten Enzymen. Auf der gegenüberliegenden Seite befindet sich der dazugehörige Text mit Abbildungsverweisen, die schnell die Verbindung von Text zu Grafik herstellen. Seitenverweise zeigen die Verknüpfung einzelner Stoffe innerhalb der Stoffwechsel und im Gesamtzusammenhang. Zusätzliche klinische Fakten zu jedem Stoffwechsel-Kapitel zeigen Ihnen die Relevanz des Stoffwechsels für die Medizin. Die einfache Navigation durch ein Farbleitsystem und bewährte Übersichtsgrafiken an jedem Kapitelanfang erleichtern die Orientierung.
Prüfungsrelevantes Wissen auf den Punkt gebracht:
Stoffwechselübergreifende Zusammenhänge einfach und verständlich dargestellt
Farbleitsystem und Seitenverweise zur schnellen Orientierung
Reaktionsfolgen auf einen Blick
Fakten zur Pathobiochemie in jedem Kapitel ····· 10361158680

Plant beta galactosidases

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
-galactosidases belong to glycosyl hydrolase family of enzymes.These enzymes are widely distributed in nature. -galactosidases have been implicated in many biological functions like hydrolysis of dietary lactose,degradation of glycolipids and proteoglycans,fruit ripening, cell elongation, storage mobilisation and petal senescence. - galactosidase has proven as a best alternative for elimination of lactose intolerance.The present study was aimed at investigating the biochemical properties of -galactosidases from apricots.Three isoenzymes( gal I, gal II and gal III) were obtained by salt fractionation and ion-exchange and Sephadex G-100 column chromatography. -gal I,II and III showed 0.39, 0.52 and 0.30 units of activity respectively. The molecular weight of gal I,II an III as determined by gel filtration was found to be 44.15,34.70 and 23.71 KDa respectively. The optimum pH for the activity of different isozymes was between 4 and 6. The isoenzymes were determined to be thermally stable upto 40oC. The Km for gal I was 1.85mM,1.7mM for gal II and 1.19 for gal III.The Vmax for gal I, gal II aand gal III was found to be 0.52,0.70 and 0.38µmole/min respectively. ····· 10361147032

High Strength Polymer Fly ash Composites

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The content of the book can be divided into two different types of composites based on the nature of polymer used: i) Hydrocarbon based Polymer (Polypropylene, PP) and fly ash, ii) Functionalized-Polymer (Polyvinyl alcohol, PVA) and fly ash. Composites of Gladstone fly ash (GFA) reinforced isotactic semicrystalline PP were prepared by injection molding at 210 °C incorporating 20, 45 and 60 wt% GFA. Tensile tests were carried out at 25, 50 and 70 °C. Modulus of elasticity of all composites at all temperatures was higher than that of the corresponding PP samples the gain ranged between 10 to 60 %. The strength of the composites had a mixed trend. Biodegradable composite films of PVA and Swanbank fly ash (SFA) spanning 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 wt% concentrations were prepared by casting aqueous solutions. Four different classes of composite films were prepared by PVA and SFA. The tensile strengths of the composite films were increased proportionally via addition of SFA. The strength of the film was enhanced by 193 % with 20 wt% SFA compared to the neat PVA control. Further addition of SFA deviated from the linear trend. ····· 10361146962

Assessing plaque vulnerability in Acute Coronary Syndrome

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Assessing plaque vulnerability in Acute Coronary Syndrome by Moushumi Lodh, is a concise, practical and authoritative guide on novel indicators of ACS.Care has been taken to confirm the accuracy of the information presented and to describe generally accepted practices.However, the authors,editors and publishers are not responsible for errors or omissions or for any consequences from application of the information in this book and make no warranty ,expressed or implied,with respect to the currency, completeness or accuracy of the contents of the publication.Application of this information in a particular situation remains the professional responsibility of the practitioner. Biochemical tests are an increasing part of most patient-physician relationships and contribute greatly to the selection of additional diagnostic procedures and ultimately to diagnosis and treatment. ····· 10361146958

Action of Cobra Venom On murine tissues under in-vitro conditions

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Morphological changes take place, following envenomation of mouse tissues by cobra venom. The morphological changes that occur in-vitro, is of importance and needs to be studied. In the present study, kidney and skin of mouse are needed to be fixed, in a suitable fixative, for 24 48 hours. These tissues should then be processed and embedded into paraffin blocks. These blocks would then be sectioned and slides would be prepared. Haematoxylin stained tissue slide is to be used as a Control. Tissue slides are to be quenched with different percentage (usually 0.25% - 2.0%) of Hydrogen peroxide and then should be challenged with different concentration of antigen (10µg/ml, 100µg/ml of cobra venom).The in-vitro action of the venom, on the tissues, can be studied by adding Antibody conjugate (1/1000) and the chromogen (3, 3 - Diaminobenzidine).Cross reactivity, if any, can be removed by adding Normal Horse Serum (usually 3%) as a blocking agent. Counter staining can be done with haematoxylin so that the brown precipitate will becomes evident against a blue background. ····· 10361146942

Analysis of Total Hla-G Levels and Its Isoforms in Placental Malaria

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This book presents a concise and in-depth experimental data, techniques and information about non-classical MHC class I genes (HLA-G) in the human placenta, and their expression gene and protein levels during infection of the placenta by Plasmodium falciparum. It gives easy to follow experimental techniques such as microarray scanning of the placental transcriptome, quantitative Real Time Polymerase Chain Reactions, Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assays and Immunohistochemiccal study of the HLA-G genes and proteins in the placenta. Study samples are Plasmodium infected and non-infected placentas from mothers of first, second and more than three time pregnancies from a malaria endemic region. The levels of the HLA-G proteins between parities are statistically compared in an effort to elucidate any association between the levels of expression and pathogenesis of placental malaria. In conclusion, the book provides a comprehensive, easy to read and follow details of the techniques and biological information about HLA-G and its isoforms, and their putative functions in pathogenesis of placental malaria. ····· 10361146819

The electrical hazards on the germination of seeds

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This book compiles three dissertations on experimental projects based on pollution hazards due to electric field on the germination of seeds. The sprout length of gram and pea seeds during the time of germination of some seeds in open-air condition decreases with increase in electric field and voltage. Corresponding graphs show non-linear variations. The cut-off or threshold voltage at which germination stops, is also determined by extrapolation and the corresponding electric field is computed. Thus electric field has negative effect on the germination of seeds. This may have an impact in agriculture sector, specifically, in the process of preservation of seeds in cold storages. ····· 10361146804

Applied Magnetofluid Dynamics: Modelling and Computation

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Applied Magnetofluid Dynamics: Modelling and Computation discusses a selection of advanced topics in linear and nonlinear flows of electrically-conducting fluids. It uses a differential equation model-building approach to study such phenomena, including in each chapter details of mathematical formulations, literature reviews, analytical and numerical solution procedures and interpretation. Many complex phenomena, not previously considered in other textbooks in magneto-fluid dynamics (MFD) are considered. These include resonance, magnetic squeeze films, non-Newtonian magneto-hydrodynamics and magneto-heat transfer from conical and rotating bodies. Applications of the models discussed range from magnetic materials processing to physiological flows and aerospace engineering. Complex variables, asymptotic methods, element free Galerkin methods, finite differences, MAPLE, homotopy, finite element, local nonsimilarity and network simulation methods are all described in detail. ····· 10361146762

Environmental Effects on Photoinduced Processes in Organic Molecules

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The book objective is to explore environment caused changes on internal characteristics of an organic molecule. Hydrogen network of polar solvent molecules and zero point energy have to be taken into consideration for the correct qualitative, quantitative interpretation of intermolecular proton transfer pathways. Anil-type molecules conformational variability in polar solvents is competing with solvent molecules clusters formation. Bacteriorhodopsin dipole moment is defined by cytoplasmic and extracellular coils of the membrane. Cyanine class molecule experiences deformations in solvent surrounding resulting benzoid, chinoid forms. Carotenoids (lutein, zeaxanthin, violaxanthin) have the lowest excited states sensitive to environment. Using quantum mechanics methods there are understood proton transfer, conformers formations, driving force origin in bacteriorhodopsin and spectral changes in the photosynthetic light-harvesting complexes at high light conditions. The results of the book demonstrate possible influence of the polar environment on the photoinduced processes in organic molecules. The experimental observations are explained what evidently is of the practical importance. ····· 10361146573

Nephrotoxic Effects of Insecticide Diazinon

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Diazinon (O,O-diethyl-O-[2-isopropyl-6-methyl-4-pyrimidinyl] phosphoro thioate), an organo-phosphate insecticide, has been used worldwide in agriculture and domestic for several years, which has led to a variety of negative effects in non target species including humans. However, its nephrotoxic effects and mechanism of action has not been fully elucidated so far. Therefore, the present study was aimed at evaluating the nephrotoxic effects of diazinon and its mechanism of action with special reference to its possible ROS generating potential in rats. Treatment of rats with diazinon signi cantly enhances renal lipid peroxidation which is accompanied by a decrease in the activities of renal antioxidant enzymes (e.g. catalase, glutathione peroxidise, glutathione reductase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, glutathione S-transferase) and depletion in the level of glutathione reduced. In contrast, the activities of renal -glutamyl transpeptidase and quinone reductase were increased. Parallel to these changes, diazinon treatment enhances renal damage as evidenced by sharp increase in blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine. ····· 10361146323

Postharvest Storage and Shelf Life of Mango

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An investigation was conducted for obtaining information on the reduction of postharvest losses, pattern of physical, biochemical and mineral content changes, storability as well as shelf life of postharvest mango. The trials included four different experiments involving two factors where variety was a factor comprising of Langra and Khirshapat. These varieties were treated with different postharvest treatments viz., control, paraffin coating, perforated polyethylene cover, unperforated polyethylene cover, hot water (55±1)0C, low temperature in refrigerator (4±1)0C different doses of Maleic hydrazide, GA3 and Bavistin DF solution. These experiments were laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replicates. Different postharvest treatments subjected to the investigation demonstrated significant variation in most of the physicochemical properties and shelf life of mango. Low temperature in refrigerator was the best inhibitor of ethylene synthesis that delayed ripening and prolonged shelf life. The second suitable method was found to be 400 ppm of GA3 which is cost effective and might easily be adopted by common farmers for mango preservation. ····· 10361146290

Das Holz und seine Destillationsprodukte

für 42.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Über die Abstammung und das Vorkommen der verschiedenen Hölzer. Über Holz im Allgemeinen, Holzschleifstoff, Holzcellulose, Holzimprägnierung und Holzkonservierung ferner über Meiler- und Retorten-Verkohlung, Holzessig und seine technische Verarbeitung, Holzteer und seine Destillationsprodukte, Holzteerpech und Holzkohlen. Georg Thenius hat eine Fülle von theoretischem und praktischem Wissen zusammengetragen, so dass in seinem Werk nahezu keine Frage rund um das Holz, seine Produkte und deren Verarbeitung unbeantwortet bleibt. Sorgfältig bearbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1896. ····· 10361139275

Die Flechtenstoffe in chemischer, botanischer, pharmakologischer und technischer Beziehung

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Für Die Flechtenstoffe in chemischer, botanischer, pharmakologischer und technischer Beziehung hat der Biologe Wilhelm Zopf die Forschungsergebnisse von acht Jahrzehnten gesichtet und ihre Quintessenz zusammengetragen. Seinen Schwerpunkt hat er auf diejenigen Substanzen gelegt, die den Flechten eigentümlich und in keinem anderen Organismus nachweisbar sind. Hier sind es schließlich die kristallisierenden Flechtensäuren, die im Fokus seiner Betrachtung der typischen Flechtenstoffe stehen. Sorgfältig bearbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1907. ····· 10361139057

Estructura y función de la fosforilcolina fosfatasa de P. aeruginosa

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Pseudomonas aeruginosa es una bacteria Gram-negativa destacada por su amplia resistencia a antibióticos y la habilidad de causar enfermedades en individuos susceptibles. Los pacientes con fibrosis quística tienen una particular propensión a las infecciones causadas por esta bacteria. P. aeruginosa tiene una remarcada versatilidad metabólica que le permite adaptarse a una gran variedad de nichos ecológicos. Nuestro laboratorio propuso que colina es un factor que favorece la patogenicidad de P. aeruginosa, entre otras cosas, induciendo acetilcolinesterasa, fosfolipasa C (PlcH) y fosforilcolina fosfatasa (PchP). La acción conjunta de PlcH y PchP permite el establecimiento de la infección. PchP cataliza la hidrólisis de fosforilcolina en colina mas fosfato inorgánico y pertenece a la superfamilia de las haloácido dehalogenasas (HAD). Este libro representa un trabajo de Tesis Doctoral, donde se estudió la estructura y la función de PchP con el objeto de conocer las bases estructurales de su mecanismo catalítico tendientes a sentar las bases para el diseño racional de fármacos que permitan contribuir al control de este importante patógeno oportunista. ····· 10361137261

Caracterización de genes de planta de respuesta a Xanthomonas

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La cancrosis de los cítricos es la enfermedad producida por la bacteria Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (Xac) que afecta a todas las especies del género Citrus. Esta enfermedad genera cuantiosas pérdidas a nivel de la producción y de la comercialización de los frutos en los países donde se encuentra, siendo uno de los problemas más grave que debe afrontar la actividad citrícola. Debido a que no se conocen hasta la actualidad cultivares del género resistentes a la enfermedad, no es posible planificar estrategias de mejoramiento clásico. En este sentido se decidió estudiar interacciones planta-patógeno que involucren a Xac y a plantas de C. sinensis cv. Valencia Late (naranjo), con el objetivo de dilucidar las bases moleculares que producen los distintos tipos de respuestas por parte de las plantas. El enfoque molecular se llevó a cabo estudiando los cambios en la transcripción de genes de las plantas en presencia de los patógenos, con el objetivo de encontrar genes que participen en la respuesta de defensa, respuesta basal o como desencadenantes de la enfermedad. ····· 10361136839

Acondicionamiento de Agua por medio de un Destilador Tubular Solar

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Se evaluó la eficiencia de un Destilador Tubular Solar (DTS) en el acondicionamiento de agua destinada al consumo humano, empleando energía solar como alternativa sustentable para la obtención de agua en comunidades con difícil acceso a agua potable. Durante la fase experimental se sometió a tratamiento un agua sintética con concentración de cloruros de 10.000 ppm, otra de una fuente de agua subterránea y dos provenientes de cuerpos de agua superficiales, las cuales se caracterizaron por contener elevados niveles de salinidad, dureza y metales que imposibilitan su uso como agua potable. Los resultados mostraron que el DTS produce agua de alta calidad, alcanzando eficiencias de remoción de cloruros en el orden de 98.5% para aguas con concentraciones entre 4.000 35.000 mg/l. Siendo la densidad de producción promedio registrada de 3 litros por metro cuadrado día, en función de un caudal de alimentación de 5 ml/min ····· 10361136258

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