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Indicadores de salud ambiental en materia de calidad del aire

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Actualmente existe una urgente necesidad de acción, para evaluar la salud ambiental en las ciudades,tanto por ser los principales espacios de concentración humana, como por estar ahí, las principales fuentes permanentes de contaminantes a la atmosfera, siendo los indicadores de salud ambiental una alternativa metodológica para su evalución. En la zona Metropolitana de Guadalajara, las enfermedades respiratorias agudas en 1998 se encontraban en el segundo lugar de causa de muerte, solo despues de los accidentes. En el 2000 se presentan en primer lugar afectando a 2 de cada 10 habitantes de la ZMG. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue el desarrollar indicadores de salud ambiental de primera generación para la ZMG, en materia de calidad del aire. ····· 1036189641

Biología trófica de peces costeros

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Considerando la ecomorfología, el reparto de recursos, la teoría de forrajeo óptimo, gremios y niveles tróficos, como antecedentes teóricos, se estudió la biología trófica de Brevoortia gunteri, B. patronus, Ariopsis felis, Bagre marinus, Cathorops aguadulce, Diapterus auratus, D. rhombeus, Eucinostomus melanopterus, Lagodon rhomboides, Archosargus probatocephalus, Bairdiella chrysoura, B. ronchus, Cynoscion arenarius, Micropogonias undulatus, Opsanus beta y Citharichthys spilopterus. Se analizaron 1,727 individuos, siendo el alimento más importante el detritus, los crustáceos y los peces. La variación de la dieta entre sexos fue menos marcada que la ontogénica. La variabilidad estacional fue más conspicua que la espacial, mientras que la variabilidad nictémera fue la menos marcada. Dentro de cada nivel trófico se observaron diferentes gremios. Nivel I: filtradores (Clupeidae), herbívoros macrófitos (adultos de Sparidae) y detritívoros (D. auratus, D. rhombeus y adultos de E. melanopterus). Nivel II: depredadores de partícula (B. chrysoura, M. undulatus y juveniles de Sparidae y Gerreidae). Nivel III: depredadores bentónicos (B. ronchus, C. arenarius, O. beta y C. spilopterus). ····· 1036189599

Influencia del régimen de pulsos sobre la vegetación del río Paraná

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El conocimiento de la vegetación fluvial tiene interés por varios motivos: más del 95% de la biomasa total del sistema fluvial está contenido en la vegetación por lo que, cualquier perturbación o disturbio importante por su magnitud, duración y época de ocurrencia, ha de producir alteraciones también importantes en la estabilidad ecológica, en las pesquerías y también en el efecto modulador que la vegetación ejerce sobre las crecientes. La vegetación es un indicador local sintético de la heterogeneidad del paisaje y, especialmente, del grado de conexión entre distintos sectores del paisaje y el régimen de pulsos. Este estudio demuestra que la vegetación fluvial está condicionada por un espectro de condiciones ambientales distinto del que regula a los paisajes terrestres adyacentes. Es posible prever el tipo de paisaje y las especies que tienen mayor probabilidad de instalarse en cada segmento del paisaje de la planicie y, a su vez, para períodos muy largos de aguas altas o de sequías extremas. ····· 1036189567

Mitigar el cambio climático

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Las masas forestales juegan un papel muy importante como sumideros de carbono (transferencia neta de CO2 del aire a la vegetación y al suelo) ya que, los árboles a través de la fotosíntesis, absorben CO2 del aire para fijarlo y almacenarlo en su biomasa (tronco, ramas, corteza, hojas y raíces) y en el suelo, a través de los aportes de materia orgánica. Si se favorece el crecimiento y desarrollo de los bosques se podrá incrementar esta función de fijación de carbono, contribuyendo a disminuir la cantidad de carbono existente en la atmósfera y minimizando el efecto invernadero. Este estudio pretende cuantificar y modelizar el carbono contenido en los suelos del sabinar, para descubrir la capacidad que tiene como sumidero de carbono. Estos conocimientos son relevantes para un aprovechamiento ordenado y sostenible de los sabinares, desarrollando un plan que proporcione un cierto equilibrio entre el aprovechamiento maderero, pascícola, micológico y paisajístico, procurando conservar su diversidad ecológica y cultural. En los sabinares de la Sierra de Cabrejas se encuentra el Monte El Enebral , lugar donde se sitúa este estudio. ····· 1036189563

Propuestas para Prevenir los Impactos del Cambio Climático

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El cambio climático del planeta es una realidad que ha incrementado los fenómenos naturales como sequías, huracanes, inundaciones, con magnitudes nunca antes vistas y que tienen consecuencias económicas y en las vidas de las personas. Sin embargo, en muchos lugares se siguen tomando decisiones en materia de desarrollo urbano sin considerar como bien jurídico efectivamente protegido, el derecho a la salud y a un medio ambiente adecuado. En este libro se muestra: lo más destacado que los científicos y economistas del mundo han descubierto sobre la adaptación y mitigación a los impactos al cambio climático así como estudios realizados en México sobre el tema, los tratados internacionales en materia ambiental y la legislación mexicana al respecto, Tesis del Poder Judicial de la Federación, y el análisis del otorgamiento de un permiso de construcción en un área importante para la captación y el abastecimiento de agua al área metropolitana de Monterrey, a fin de presentar tres propuestas: un Decreto Legislativo, una reforma constitucional, y la creación de una jurisdicción ambiental especializada, para prevenir los impactos del Cambio Climático en Nuevo León, México. ····· 1036189510

La comunidad de invertebrados acuáticos en un arroyo salino

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En el presente estudio se describe la estructura y dinámica anual de la comunidad de macroinvertebrados acuáticos en una rambla salina natural, localizada en el litoral del sureste peninsular (Región de Murcia). El estudio se centra en comparar dos tramos del arroyo de distintas características hidrológicas: la fuente, de caudal permanente y condiciones ambientales constantes, y el tramo final, de carácter temporal y fluctuante. Se abordan diversos aspectos ecológicos como la selección del hábitat por los invertebrados y las relaciones tróficas establecidoas entre ellos y sus recursos, todo ello a través del análisis de la abundancia y biomasa de las especies. Asimismo, se realiza una aproximación a los ciclos de vida de las especies y una revisión de estudios similares llevados a cabo en ríos temporales. Finalmente, se destaca la importancia biogeográfica que tienen los ríos salinos naturales de zonas semiáridas en un contexto mundial, especialmente debido a la presencia de especies endémicas. ····· 1036189493

Efecto del Nitrógeno y la Oferta de Forraje en un Pastizal Natural

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A pesar de la gran diversidad florística entre suelos y zonas de los pastizales rioplatenses, existen características comunes como: la baja proporción de leguminosas y relaciones de gramíneas invernales y estivales, que favorecen generalmente a las segundas. Por otra parte, los suelos en los cuales se apoyan son moderadamente ácidos y poseen contenidos bajos de nutrientes, limitando seriamente su productividad en los períodos de baja actividad biológica. Esas tres características determinan escasa producción invernal y baja calidad del forraje ofrecido en primavera-verano. Al mismo tiempo, el pastoreo con una carga constante de ovinos, vacunos y equinos, ha provocado la degradación, y la consecuente disminución de la productividad de las pasturas naturales. La utilización de fertilizaciones nitrogenadas estratègicas y el manejo del pastoreo constituyen dos herramientas esenciales para aumentar su productividad otoño-invernal y mejorar su composición botánica. ····· 1036189447

El debate entre apertura comercial y cuidado ambiental

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La participación de México en el Tratado de Libre Comercio para América del Norte (TLCAN) fue un importante paso adelante para la consolidación del programa de reestructuración económica y de incorporación del país al proceso de globalización. La apuesta fundamental del gobierno mexicano se concentró en los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica. En un inicio, México, Estados Unidos y Canadá no contemplaron dentro del TLCAN las repercusiones ambientales de la apertura comercial. Fueron diversos grupos ambientalistas los que empezaron a ejercer presión sobre asuntos colaterales implicados en el Tratado, a saber, el deterioro ambiental y las cuestiones laborales. La unión de varios grupos ambientalistas tri-nacionales dio lugar a los acuerdos paralelos sobre medio ambiente. Su intención era proteger las fronteras comunes frente al deterioro ambiental que la apertura económica podría causar. Este libro muestra de qué manera se configuraron las negociaciones sobre el cuidado ambiental bajo el TLCAN firmado por México, Estados Unidos y Canadá y los resultados a dieciséis años de vigencia. ····· 1036189389

Study of Tree-rings to understand past climate

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Information on climate and its variability during the different time scale is important to understand the various internal and external forcing on the climate and thereby make a reliable future prediction. The present knowledge of climate variability, climate change is based upon the observed meteorological data. The information beyond the instrumental period is also very important to understand the long term climate change variability on decadal to century scale. However, such past climate data information is limited and discontinuous. Very little information is available on Indian climate, particularly over the Himalayan region earlier to about a century when the instrumental records commenced. The tree-ring records, though shorter in palaeoclimatic time frame, are accurate and their time resolution is to a specific season or year. Preliminary studies based on tree-ring samples in the region beyond 500 years in age with well marked and environmentally sensitive annual growth rings and can be used to reconstruct past climatic variation over the region. ····· 1036189318

Snaring of Wildlife by the Local Community

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Harvesting of wildlife through snaring in Ruma National Park (RNP) is an emerging form of livelihood for many locals around the park. The study was conducted in and around RNP to establish the impact of snaring on wildlife conservation. The local community had negative attitude towards wildlife and the park. Bush meat was for domestic and commercial purposes. Poverty was quoted as the major reason for snaring. Sources of snares varied from vandalism, purchase to locally-made and mainly targeted buffalos, Rothschild giraffe, and the Roan antelopes. Majority of the respondents claimed not to have been aware about wildlife laws relating to illegal poaching and bush meat consumption. Majority of the locals were not aware of any community-based project meant to improve their living standards and there was no tourism activity reported in the area. The study area depicts a complex region that suffers unsustainable wildlife conservation, minimal tourism activities but acute poverty rate among the local community. ····· 1036189268

Plankton Diversity In Some Lentic Habitats Of Dharwad Area

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Limnological investigations of water bodies of Dharwad area were started in 1959. Most of these works were concentrated on the physico-chemical factors of the water and their correlations with plankton composition. Fresh water plankters are important component in aquatic ecosystems and participate as a link between the trophic levels. These are more valuable as indicators of trophic conditions and respond more rapidly to the environmental changes than the fishes. Therefore, they are of considerable potential value as water quality indicators. This book is useful for the young researchers as it guides to assess trophic status using zooplankton as indicator. It gives baseline data of some water-bodies of South Indian water-bodies in general and Dharwad area in particular. ····· 1036189202

Collaborative Environmental Stewardship

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This is a case study of the Mid Van Duzen River watershed focusing on processes of collaboration and stakeholder involvement affecting watershed management and environmental stewardship practices. Through theory drawn from fields of alternative dispute resolution, range management, sociology, natural resource planning and management, and public policy, this project provides an in-depth understanding of identity, stewardship,and social capital issues in collaborative approaches to watershed management.The goal of this project is to be able to provide a concise picture of the land stewardship activities and sediment load reduction progress of the Yager/Van Duzen Environmental Stewards (YES),a small non-profit watershed group of local private landowners, highlighting the group s voluntary efforts in addressing regulatory challenges while striving to maintain their ranching culture and economic livelihood. The primary outcome of this project is a case study and multi-page printed publication for YES to be used as an outreach tool demonstrating the social, economic and environmental benefits of voluntary collaborative efforts of non-governmental stakeholders and governmental agencies. ····· 1036189120

Ecological based management of termites in semi-arid ecosystems

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The objectives of the study were: 1) to investigate farmers ethno-ecological knowledge of the termite problem, 2) to examine the termite assemblage structure and 3) to analyze the effect of ecological factors on foraging intensity of termites. 60% of the farmers rated severity of the termite problem as high and noted that deterioration of the rangeland ecosystem attributed to overgrazing and deforestation was the genesis of the termite problem. Farmers perceptions on the genesis of the termite problem were supported by results from trials on consumption of vegetation by termites which revealed that foraging intensity of termites was higher in areas cleared of vegetation. The termite assemblages were dominated by generalist feeders that predominantly feed on liter. The study concluded that the termites in the study area are largely litter feeders but resort to consumption of vegetation when inappropriate rangeland management techniques deprive them of adequate feed (litter) sources implying that techniques that enhance accumulation of adequate litter and maintenance of adequate basal cover are critical in mitigating termite damage on rangeland vegetation. ····· 1036188959

Religious response to Ecological Challenges

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Religion is central to the consciousness of the majority in the world. Most of the actions that we indulge in are a direct offshoot of our interaction with the systems of religion in place. Even if we do not subscribe to any religion per se we are affected by the tenants prescribed and adhered through across the centuries. Environment too like religion is all pervasive and affects us day in and out. Any change in either of them has considerable ramifications on our lives. However, mutations in both are inevitable and the same has shaped the world as we know it today. Hence a discourse on religion, environment and interplay of both on each other and on the lives of human being is inevitable and the same is attempted in this work. Religion exists in various avatars and the same again is interpreted variously. These various interpretations and reinterpretations often contradictory and antagonistic to each other mirrors the discourse on the way environment is approached by the major religions of the world and their adherents. ····· 1036188856

Pulp and Paper Industry and Environmental Disaster

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Among the various industries, pulp and paper industry is one of the most notorious polluters of the environment. It has been categorized as one of the 17 most polluting industries in India due to discharge of huge volumes of highly coloured and toxic wastewater (effluent) in the environment. It causes pollution of land (soil), air and water. Heavy metals like mercury, cadmium and lead are present in pulp and paper mill effluent. These toxic elements may cause physical problem to human beings and animals by entering the food chains. The wastewater generated in a pulp and paper mill should be treated effectively so that it could be utilized for irrigation purpose without any harmful effects on environment, human and livestock health. This volume attempts to portray the studies carried out on the physicochemical characteristics of a stream carrying effluent load from a pulp and paper mill and on accumulation of heavy metals in the grains and straw of wheat crop irrigated with the wastewater. The volume hopefully would contribute to create awareness in this regard and be helpful in taking up appropriate measures to control and mitigate pollution being created by the polluting industry. ····· 1036188760

Impact of Habitat Fragmentation on the Arboreal Mammals

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Habitat fragmentation is the most severe threat to biological diversity and is the primary cause of the present species extinction crisis. The study examines impact of habitat fragmentation with reference to occurrence and abundance, changes in feeding ecology and demographic parameters in five arboreal mammals such as Lion-tailed macaque, Niligiri langur, Malabar giant squirrel and two flying squirrels in the wet evergreen forest fragments in the Anamalai Hills, Western Ghats. Among the five arboreal mammals, the lion-tailed macaque was most affected. The major changes in feeding ecology were reduction in the number of food plant species used per day, quality of food and use of lianas in the small and degraded fragments. Effect on demographic changes, especially in lion-tailed macaque, include reduction in birth rate, population growth rate, and immatures survival, and increase in group size and a wide variation adult sex ratio in small fragments. Various management measures were recommended for the long-term conservation of forest fragments and arboreal mammals ····· 1036188759

Social and Environmental Implication of Floriculture

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Floriculture industry is a new agro industry activity in Ethiopia. This industry is expanding since the last five years in Ethiopia. This expansion and growth of the industry magnified the economic significance, but the social and environmental implication of the sector was not given due attention even though the sector was still blamed for some of its social and environmental shortcoming. Thus, this study examined the social and environmental implication of floriculture through its main objective of assessing and analyzing the perception of different stakeholders on floriculture development in the study area. Among issues negatively perceived by most of the stakeholders were: water and soil pollution, absence of workers health and occupational safety, impact on water resource utilization and workers right abuse. Less attention is given to the environmental and social implication of floriculture industries by the government and these situations might have their own contribution to bold the negative perceptions and/or implications on the sector. And also contributed for the less endeavors taken by floriculture industries to minimize the negative social and environmental impacts the ····· 1036188715

Limnology of one of the worst affected rivers in Bangladesh

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Phytoplankton diversity, 13 limnological variables recorded from three points reveals heavy to moderate pollution along 17 km stretch of the river Buriganga adjacent to Dhaka Metropolis. 180 species of phytoplankton belonging to 7 algal classes identified. Class Chlorophyceae stands highest and Cryptophyceae represented lowest. Among them about 70 taxa will be new report for Bangladesh. Comparison with the past, shows a greater shift of phytoplankton community i.e., from desmid and diatom dominated community to euglenoid and chlorococcoid dominated one. Most of the pollution related physico-chemical parameters increased some extent. Heavy loading of organic pollutants actually occurs near two upper stream stations. Water quality deteriorated seriously after 1995 but there exists a trend of gradual recovery from upstream to downstream. With in a span of 12 years dissolve oxygen dropped 90%, and soluble reactive phosphorus increase by 68%. Excessive concentration of some nutrients and pollutant particles might be responsible for bringing damage and incomplete growth in some phytoplankton. All these parameters indicate an overall deterioration of water quality of the river Buriganga. ····· 1036188589

Wastewater lagoons with respect to water quality & plankton diversity

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Domestic and industrial wastes of Dhaka City discharged into the river Buriganga by four main discharge pathways. Among Pagla sewage treatment plant (PSTP) outfall is one of them. The studied lagoons of PSTP is one of those related stations from where the present data were collected. To assess the water quality at the treatment plant concerned, a total of 15 parameters were regularly measured from the two lagoons for 10 months. The phytoplankton diversity in the lagoons is represented by 6 algal classes under which a total of 127 species were recorded. At the two lagoons of Pagla itself, a total of 46 and 54 genera were recorded L-1 and L-2, respectively and a total of 10 genera were recorded from another part of treatment plant (separator). Highest number of species was obtained from the class Chlorophyceae (41.39% of the total species). Data on limnological variables recorded during the present investigation showed an almost clear picture about the water quality of the lagoons of Pagla. ····· 1036188541

Sea Surface Temperature Variations Near Thermal Power Plants

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The lack of specific guidelines for management of thermal discharges from thermal power plant facilities such as coal-fired thermal power plants from the Philippine Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) motivated the conceptualization of this dissertation work by the author and her adviser from the Marine Science Institute of the University of the Philippines. Results of this study can be used as guide in developing specific guidelines for management of thermal discharges from coal-fired thermal power plants in the Philippines. ····· 1036188334

Antelope distribution in Egypt

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Knowledge about the distribution of antelope in Egypt is limited as there is no comprehensive monitoring program to assess the distribution and population parameters. Numerous studies indicate that Egypt is threatened by the anticipated changes in climate in future. Maxent software was adopted to develop the prediction of distribution ranges using the presence data points with a set of climatic and non-climatic variables. The current study shows that suitable distribution ranges for Barbary sheep and Nubian ibex cover approximately 6% of the total area of Egypt for each. The Barbary sheep is destined to become extinct, as it is predicted to lose 98% of its current range, while the Nubian ibex showed resiliency to climate change. The ranges of Dorcas gazelle and Slender-horned gazelle are predicted to cover 30% of the total area of Egypt for each. The Dorcas gazelle is not predicted to be threatened by climate change and has the ability to expand its distribution range. The Slender-horned gazelle will be threatened by climate change, as it is predicted to lose 75% of its distribution range and is destined to become endangered. ····· 1036188225

Status of Riparian Floral Diversity Along River Ganga

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The present book entitled STATUS OF RIAPARIAN FLORAL DIVERSITY ALONG RIVER GANGA is the first of its kind made within our country in general and altenative in partial. This book assumes for greater importance those to be understood at present, in view of the riparian floral diversity along river Ganga with most specific conditions of this fragile highly sensitive mountaneous area in Garhwal Himalaya of India.This book will be very useful for the students, teachers, and researchers in this field and it can also be used as a standard reference book. ····· 1036188213

Life Cycle Assessment of platform chemicals

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One of the challenges of our time is the substitution of the existing fossil based economy by a green economy within the framework of sustainable development of our society. Biomass, especially from lignocelluloses, is a promising solution for the substitution of fuels, energy, chemicals and materials from fossil sources in a so called Biorefinery. The production of biochemicals presents higher mass and carbon theoretical efficiency, and it seems an interesting alternative to provide a renewable path for globally and widely demanded platform chemicals like phenols, solvents (Acetone), soft plastic precursor (Polyethylene) and hard plastic precursor (Polypropylene).In this report, the environmental loads associated to the production of biochemicals (Phenolic compounds, Acetone, PolyHydroxyButyric Acid and Polylactic Acid) from lignocellulose biomass scenarios (Poplar and Eucalyptus) are evaluated and compared to their petrochemical equivalents. Life Cycle Assessment Methodology and the latest Global Warming Potential Indicator that accounts biogenic greenhouse gas effect related to the rotation period of the feedstock along the entire carbon cycle are used along this study. ····· 1036188183

Distance Sampling for Dorcas Gazelle Monitoring in Sinai, EGYPT

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Egypt has vast extended deserts that are very diverse in their fauna and flora. Significant antelope populations are still surviving in the egyptian deserts but yet are low in numbers. Conservation of these animals require good quality data about various aspect of their likelihood. I t is hard, both labor and time consuming to conduct comprehensive surveys to cover these huge areas. Advances in distance sapling allowed for utilization of small research teams with relatively low logistics to acquire high quality data in relatively short time. This book describes the synthesis and application of a desert antelope(dorcas gazelle) monitoring program using distance sampling as the main sampling protocol in South Sinai, EGYPT. ····· 1036188105

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