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Lineynye uravneniya ellipticheskogo tipa

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Issleduetsya razreshimost` zadachi Dirikhle s kvadratichno summiruemoy granichnoy funktsiey dlya obshchego lineynogo ellipticheskogo uravneniya vtorogo poryadka v ogranichennoy oblasti s gladkoy granitsey. Polucheny tochnye (po poryadku rosta) ogranicheniya na rost vblizi granitsy rassmatrivaemoy ogranichennoy oblasti mladshikh koeffitsientov uravneniya pri kotorykh reshenie (esli ono sushchestvuet) obladaet svoystvom (n-1)-mernoy nepreryvnosti, kharakterizuyushchim povedenie resheniya vblizi granitsy oblasti i opisyvayushchee v kakom smysle ono prinimaet svoe granichnoe znachenie. Polucheny neobkhodimye i dostatochnye usloviya sushchestvovaniya (n-1)-merno nepreryvnogo resheniya rassmatrivaemoy zadachi Dirikhle i ustanovleno, chto usloviya razreshimosti izuchaemoy zadachi imeyut vid, analogichnyy usloviyam razreshemosti v obychnoy obobshchennoy postanovke. Dokazano, v chastnosti, chto esli odnorodnaya zadacha (s ravnymi nulyu granichnoy funktsiey i pravoy chast`yu) ne imeet netrivial`nykh resheniy, to dlya vsekh kvadratichno summiruemykh granichnykh funktsiy i vsekh pravykh chastey iz sootvetstvuyushchikh funktsional`nykh prostranstv sushchestvuet (n-1)-merno nepreryvnoe reshenie neodnorodnoy zadachi. ····· 103614924

Zadachi matematicheskoy fiziki

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V posobii rassmotreny osnovnye tipy uravneniy matema-ticheskoy fiziki i fizicheskie zadachi, privodyashchie k uravneniyam v chastnykh proizvodnykh. V otlichie ot osnovnykh uchebnikov izlozhenie soprovozhdaetsya podrobnymi vykladkami analiticheskikh i chislennykh metodov resheniya zadach matematicheskoy fiziki i primerov s ne menee podrobnym ikh resheniem, chto yavlyaetsya odnim iz preimushchestv dannogo posobiya. Imeetsya dostatochnoe kolichestvo uprazhneniy dlya samostoyatel`noy raboty, v tom chisle i s primeneniem EVM. V prilozheniyakh k posobiyu privedeny dlya vsekh reshennykh v kazhdoy glave primerov avtorskie vstavki dokumentov s programmami resheniya i grafikami, kotorye mozhno ispol`zovat` kak obraztsy pri provedenii laboratornykh ili samostoyatel`nykh rabot s primeneniem EVM. Prednaznacheno dlya bakalavrov tekhnicheskikh spetsial`nostey. ····· 103614922

Analiz ekspertnoy informatsii:

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V nastoyashchee vremya ekspertnye metody shiroko primenyayutsya pri reshenii samykh raznykh zadach: sotsial`no-politicheskikh, ekonomicheskikh, voennykh i t.d. V monografii podrobno proanalizirovany metody i tekhnologii obrabotki ekspertnoy informatsii i vyyavleny nedostatki ryada sushchestvuyushchikh metodov. Predlozheny original`nye podkhody k analizu soglasovannosti ekspertnoy informatsii, ee neprotivorechivosti, predstavleny novye metody obrabotki nechetkoy i interval`noy ekspertnoy informatsii, razrabotannye avtorom. Monografiya budet polezna dlya spetsialistov v oblasti ekspertnykh metodov, sistemnogo analiza, metodov prinyatiya resheniy. Ona takzhe mozhet ispol`zovat`sya v obrazovatel`nom protsesse pri izuchenii metodov neparametricheskoy statistiki ····· 103614911

Asimptoticheski optimal`nye po nadezhnosti skhemy

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Rassmatrivaetsya realizatsiya bulevykh funktsiy skhemami iz nenadezhnykh funktsional`nykh elementov vo vsekh polnykh bazisakh, soderzhashchikh funktsii ne bolee chem trekh peremennykh. V kazhdom iz etikh bazisov dlya vsekh bulevykh funktsiy postroeny nadezhnye skhemy. Dokazano, chto predlagaemye skhemy dlya pochti vsekh bulevykh funktsiy yavlyayutsya asimptoticheski optimal`nymi (asimptoticheski nailuchshimi) po nadezhnosti. Udeleno vnimanie slozhnosti skhem. ····· 103614910

Volnovye uravneniya i polya na gruppe de Sittera

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Monografiya posvyashchena teoreticheskomu issledovaniyu odnoy iz aktual`nykh problem kvantovoy teorii polya: izucheniyu kvantovo-polevykh modeley protyazhennykh ob`ektov na odnorodnykh prostranstvakh gruppy de Sittera. Pozitsiya i orientatsiya protyazhennogo ob`ekta rassmatrivayutsya na ravnykh osnovaniyakh v ramkakh obobshchennoy volnovoy funktsii. Universal`nost` bazovoy matematicheskoy konstruktsii obobshchennoy volnovoy funktsii pozvolyaet estestvennym obrazom primenit` v pervykh dvukh glavakh metody teorii predstavleniy grupp i teorii spetsial`nykh funktsiy k issledovaniyu struktury matrichnykh elementov predstavleniy i gipersfericheskikh funktsiy gruppy de Sittera i ee podgrupp. Metody garmonicheskogo analiza na odnorodnykh prostranstvakh primenyayutsya v tret`ey glave pri postroenii volnovykh uravneniy protyazhennogo ob`ekta, a takzhe pri nakhozhdenii resheniy volnovykh uravneniy v vide ryadov po gipersfericheskim funktsiyam. Stroitsya analog kvantovoy elektrodinamiki na 8-mernom odnorodnom prostranstve. Diskretnye simmetrii protyazhennogo ob`ekta (vklyuchaya supersimmetriyu) issleduyutsya v chetvertoy i pyatoy glavakh. Prilozhenie soderzhit vvedenie v teoriyu algebr Klifforda. ····· 103614884

Teoriya poverkhnostey v evklidovom prostranstve En v pryamykh oboznacheniyakh

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Monografiya sostoit iz trekh glav. V pervoy glave dayutsya neobkhodimye svedeniya iz rimanovoy geometrii. Rassmatrivayutsya takie ponyatiya: rimanovo mnogoobrazie, svyaznost` Levi-Chivita, sektsionnaya krivizna. Rassmatrivayutsya takzhe podmnogoobraziya rimanova mnogoobraziya. Zdes` zatragivayutsya takie temy, kak kovariantnoe differentsirovanie i vtoraya fundamental`naya forma. Vo vtoroy chasti differentsial`naya geometriya mnogomernykh poverkhnostey v evklidovom prostranstve daetsya v tenzornom izlozhenii. Shiroko ispol`zuetsya metod pryamykh oboznacheniy - sovremennoe izlozhenie tenzornogo metoda. Tret`ya glava posvyashchena teorii preobrazovaniy mnogomernykh poverkhnostey v evklidovom prostranstve. V chastnosti, rassmatrivayutsya sootvetstvie Petersona i ortogonal`noe sootvetstvie pary n-poverkhnostey v E2n. Kniga prednaznachena dlya nauchnykh rabotnikov, studentov starshikh kursov i aspirantov, spetsializiruyushchikhsya v oblasti geometrii. ····· 103614853

Teoriya upravleniya v sisteme MathCAD

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V knige rassmatrivayutsya modeli i metody avtomaticheskogo i optimal`nogo upravleniya sistemami, opisyvaemymi obyknovennymi differentsial`nymi uravneniyami na osnove peredatochnykh funktsiy, chastotnykh metodov, metodov variatsionnogo ischisleniya, printsipa maksimuma, dinamicheskogo programmirovaniya i metoda momentov. Teoriya soprovozhdaetsya mnogochislennymi primerami i programmami v sisteme MathCAD, delayushchey v elektronnoy versii `zhivye` formuly. Mozhet byt` ispol`zovana studentami vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, obuchayushchikhsya po napravleniyu `Informatika i vychislitel`naya tekhnika`, a takzhe vsem, kto interesuetsya primeneniem metodov klassicheskogo i optimal`nogo upravleniya dinamicheskimi sistemami. ····· 103614831

Logarifmicheskie neravenstva

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Pri reshenii logarifmicheskikh neravenstv (oni vklyuchayutsya v testy EGE kak zadaniya, trebuyushchie podrobnogo resheniya), osobenno pri nalichii funktsiy, stoyashchikh pod logarifmami, i funktsiy, predstavlyayushchikh soboy osnovaniya logarifmov, uchashchiesya, kak pravilo, rassmatrivayut reshenie neskol`kikh sistem uravneniy, zatrachivaya na vypolnenie zadaniy dostatochno dlitel`noe vremya. Izvestnye teoremy i svoystva logarifmov dayut vozmozhnost` uskorit` reshenie. Kniga rasschitana na shkol`nikov, gotovyashchikhsya k sdache EGE v 11-kh klassakh, a takzhe uchiteley obshcheobrazovatel`nykh shkol. ····· 103614796

Zadachi na ekstremum

für 80.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V knige predstavleny zadachi na nakhozhdenie naibol`shego ili naimen`shego znacheniy funktsii. Chitatel` poznakomitsya s mnogoobraziem podkhodov k resheniyu ekstremal`nykh zadach: ispol`zovanie kvadratichnoy funktsii, proizvodnoy, klassicheskikh neravenstv i drugie priemy, naydet zadachi dlya samostoyatel`nogo resheniya. Kniga prednaznachena dlya shirokogo kruga chitateley, interesuyushchikhsya matematikoy: shkol`nikov srednikh i starshikh klassov, uchiteley matematiki, prepodavateley kruzhkov po matematike, studentov mladshikh kursov. ····· 103614772

Modélisation et Analyse des Systèmes Non Linéaires

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La complexité des procédés (bio) chimiques et le besoin de comprendre leur fonctionnement, confèrent à leur modélisation mathématique une place importante dans le domaine de génie des procédés. Le principe de la modélisation des réacteurs (bio) chimiques est basé, essentiellement sur le bilan de matière de chaque corps intervenant dans les réactions, ce qui peut conduire à des systèmes d`équations aux dérivées partielles, qui sont généralement non linéaires, en dimension infinie. Le travail présenté dans ce livre, se situe dans le cadre de l`analyse des modèles non linéaires couplés d`un réacteur tubulaire à paramètres répartis, intervenant en plusieurs domaines d`applications en génie (bio) chimique. Il s`agit d`étudier le comportement asymptotique d`une classe de réactions gaz-liquide d`ordre (m,n), où les cas spéciaux m=n=1,2,3 ont été employés comme modèle mathématique d`un procédé industriel de blanchiment de la pâte à papier. Le problème est abordé à partir de différentes hypothèses sur les concentrations d`alimentation Cin et Lin. ····· 103614750

La démarche de découverte expérimentalement médiée par Cabri-Géomètre

für 61.11€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Cet ouvrage est centré sur la démarche de découverte expérimentale médiée par le logiciel de géométrie dynamique Cabri-Géomètre. L`analyse d`un corpus débordant le cadre des Mathématiques clarifie la manière dont la découverte arrive ou est transmise, ainsi que le rôle de l`expérimentation dans ces processus. Elle justifie notre hypothèse de décomposition de la démarche de découverte expérimentale en mathématiques en macro-étapes pré et post conjectures, elles-mêmes décomposables en micro-étapes du type montage-protocole-exploration-interprétation. L`analyse de la résolution d`une boîte noire particulière permet d`affiner notre modèle a priori de la démarche de découverte en précisant le rôle de la figure (Duval), les niveaux de géométrie (praxéologies G1 et G2 de Parzysz) et leurs prolongements que nous développons (G1 et G2 informatiques), les cadres d`investigations (Millar) et la place de la preuve expérimentale (Johsua). Nous montrons enfin la validité de notre modèle par des analyses d`activités existantes et des propositions d`autres activités qui doivent favoriser l`apparition de telle ou telle phase de la recherche que notre modélisation a mis en évidence. ····· 103614738

Analyse des Systèmes d`Attente avec Rappels et Arrivées Négatives

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L`objectif de ce travail, est l`application de la méthode des martingales aux systèmes de files d`attentes avec rappels et arrivées négatives en se basant sur la technique de Baccelli et Makowski. Les conditions de stabilité du système M/M/1 avec rappels et arrivées négatives ont été obtenues en utilisant la méthode de la chaînes de Markov induite aux instants de départs. Sous ces conditions, dans un premier temps, on a construit une martingale à temps discret, arrêtée au premier instant où le système redevient vide et on a démontré à nouveau la stabilité de ce système. Dans un second temps, on a calculé la transformée de Laplace de la longueur de la période d`activité du système M/G/1 avec rappels et arrivées négatives via les martingales. L`intérêt de ce résultat vient du fait que les formules existantes dans la littérature sont très complexes. ····· 103614642

A Study Of Certain Interpolatory Processes on Unit Circle

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Hermite Interpolation is a particular case in which we are given only the values of function and its first derivative at the given set of points in a given interval. As against this, we shall use the term Lacunary Interpolation , in which the value of the function and its derivatives of higher orders are prescribed at the given set of points. In this, we have considered the problem of existence, explicit representation, estimation and convergence behavior of several interpolatory polynomials on the nodes, which are obtained by projecting vertically the zeros of nth Legendre polynomial together with +1 and -1 on unit circle. Weighted Lacunary interpolation, say weighted (0, 2) and (0, 1, 3) interpolations are also considered on unit circle. Various other types of interpolation have also been investigated. Finally, we obtained the rate of convergence and convergence theorems of such interpolatory polynomials. ····· 103613771

Mental Models of Recursion

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This book is the outcome of research undertaken by the author as part of a PhD programme at the University of Warwick. The focus of the research was based on how undergraduate university level students perceived the concept of Recursion. This book is unique in it`s approach to student`s mental models of recursion and it`s evolution towards a viable integrated mental model. In this approach, students were asked to interact with a Logo-based Domain of Abstraction. This domain of abstraction was designed to provide a window through which students were able to look into the deeper levels and crucial components of Recursion. Throughout this book, the Logo-based Domain of Abstraction is called AVDA (Animative Visualisation Domain of Abstraction). AVDA also provides a means by which the author can investigate students` perception of change and the evolutionary processes involved in their mental models of recursion and its main components. Finally, this book provides an integrated model for the evolution of students mental models which is called CPIM (Coordinated Pyramid for Integrated Mental Models of Recursion). ····· 103613726

Joy and Worry in Mathematical Research

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This book starts with a brief history of mathematics, and reviews along with the world mathematicians and amateurs the history of mathematics. At the same time, we also stress the deserved fundamental position of China in the history of development of mathematics in the world, so as to fill the void of description of the history of Chinese mathematics in the literature on the history of mathematics written by foreign mathematics history experts. Second is a collection of the full script in English of German mathematician D. Hilbert s Speech at the 2nd International Congress of Mathematicians, and commentaries of the content and progress of the 23 Problems posed by him. Also collected are some of the world s hard mathematical problems that need to be solved. This book also puts forward suggestions to rectify the practices of prevarication and delay of review and publication of the research results of the mathematicians and amateurs amongst the general public. We also analyze the reasons of the slow development of mathematics in China, and expose and criticize the malignant phenomena and corruptions existing in the domestic academic and educational fields. ····· 103613565

Least-Square Approximation for Population Projection in Dhaka City

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Dhaka, one of the South Asian megacities is facing incredible problems associated with population. Rural to urban migration remained the most dominant factor of the population growth. This book addresses only the increasing population of Dhaka city in future decade. Predicting future populations and their structure is a central theme in demography. This book therefore provides a better idea about the increasing population of Dhaka city based on a population model which is a first order ordinary differential equation known as Malthusian Population model or Exponential growth model, where the growth rate are modeled as a linear function of time and also what will be the future population of Dhaka city .We project the future population of Dhaka city for the next several years with the help of least square growth rate profile which is used to compute estimations of parameters and to fit data. It is found from the study that the least square growth rate procedure gives most accurate approximation. ····· 103613488

Application of Reliability Techniques

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This manuscript deals with reliability of the equipments or systems. This book would be helpful to develop better knowledge of failures improved manufacturing techniques, careful designing of new systems and proper selection of components are some of the approaches which can be tried to reduce the level of unreliability of system. Manuscript has been developed in the form of five chapters dealing with various aspects of the reliability. ····· 103613366

Minimum Convex-Cost Network Flow Problems

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The Minimum Convex-Cost Network Flow Problems (MC-CNFP) is a class of network flow problem, with nonlinear (convex) cost function, has an important role in operations research. The convexity of the cost (or objective) function arise in various ways such as strictly convex, mixed linear and strictly convex, piece-wise linear convex, pseudo-convex etc. A number of solution methods developed in the last few decades on the view of different type convexity of cost function. In this dissertation we have present a Proposed Solution Algorithm for MC-CNFP, which can deals with convex cost function. This solution algorithm is constructed on the basis of Network Simplex Method for minimum cost network flow problem with linear cost function, Zangwill s Convex Simplex Method (Zangwill I. W., 1967) and it s extension for quadratic programming problem (Swarup K., 1977) and the decomposition of the convex simplex method for large scale convex programming problems (Hsia W. S., 1973, 1974, 1975) and Non-Linear Transportation Problems (Terefe K., 2007). ····· 103613338

Perelman`s Entropy Functionals and No Local Collapsing

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Ricci Flow was first introduced in 1982 in Richard Hamilton`s seminal paper `Three Manifolds with Positive Ricci Curvature`. In essence, Ricci flow is a heat equation and has similar smoothing properties. Hence, it was used by Hamilton to homogenize metrics on simply connected three manifolds to make them look like spheres and this was an attack on the long lasting `Poincare Conjecture` which was one of the unsolved millennium problems. His program required a very careful and deep analysis of the singularities arising from Ricci Flow. Ricci Flow soon proved to be a very powerful tool in studying three manifolds. Gregory Perelman made extensive developments on Hamilton`s Ricci Flow theory and announced a proof of Poincare Conjecture and Thurston`s Geometrization conjecture in 2003 in three unpublished papers. It was not until 2006 that mathematicians completely understood his work and filled in the details. This book grew from my MSc thesis from 2007 which is an introduction to Perelman`s papers and an explanation of some of the results in his first unpublished paper. ····· 103613334

Finsler Geometry of Hadrons and Lyra Geometry: Cosmological Aspects

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The aim of the book is to expound the geometry of Finsler space regarded as the microlocal space-time of the extended structure of the sub-atomic particles called hadrons. By generating the quantum field equations in this space, the interactions of hadrons by forming their fields and states are described here elaborately. The internal symmetry of hadrons has shown to be originated from the anisotropic nature of this Finsler space. As cosmological consequences, the non-singular origin of the universe with the early evolution and resolution of problems encountered by the standard cosmology have been described in detail. Also, an explanatory account of Lyra geometry,a modification of Riemannian geometry, together with DKP field, spinorial field and gravitational field in this geometry is presented. In this framework, the topological defects like domain walls, cosmic strings, monopoles, textures generated from phase transitions in the early universe near the putative big-bang are described here. ····· 103613312

On Tumor Growth with Limited Supply

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The concept that by combining empirical observations of a scientific quantity with the use of numerical recipes one can obtain a coherent description of its time evolution and spatial distribution, made differential equations a substantial tool in applied science inference. Bio mathematicians in general and cancer researchers in particular use generic tools such a prey predator and Michelis-Menten for studying phenomena such as competition on resources (e.g.s nutrition which is supplied by the blood) and survival under environmental constrains (e.g. drug treatment). Mathematically, tumor models often aim to obtain an asymptotic bounded motion which may hint for controlled growth of the malignant cells. In this model we study a four dimension system that models the time evolution of both healthy and malignant cells density, the vascularization that is generated through their evolution and the nutrition density (i.e. oxygen and glucose). We aim to obtain the competition without modeling it explicitly but through the nutrition`s dynamics. We are mathematically motivated by the possible existence of strange attractors in state spaces with high order dimension. ····· 103613296

Una introducción a las gráficas aleatorias y la modelación de la web

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En los últimos años, la web ha sido un campo muy activo de estudio, tanto teórica como experimentalmente. La web no sólo es fascinante por si misma, sino que además nos brinda un mejor entendimiento sobre las redes reales en general, así como su evolución. La complejidad de la web radica en que es una estructura evolutiva con páginas y enlaces entre ellas, que aparecen y desaparecen continuamente en el tiempo, por lo que su modelación es todo un reto. El objetivo de este libro es dar una introducción al fascinante tema de la modelación matemática de la web. ····· 103612885

Dinámica no lineal: modelos de campo de fase y un termosifón cerrado

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En este trabajo se estudian dos modelos diferentes de sistemas acoplados de ecuaciones en derivadas parciales semilineales. El primer modelo denominado `Modelos de campos de fase` rige las transiciones de fases en las que se considera una región de interfase plana. Se prueba entre otros resultados que la estabilidad de los puntos de equilibrio es independiente de la temperatura probando la existencia de soluciones metaestables, que sin ser estacionarias, persisten por un largo período de tiempo, cuando el espesor de la interfase es muy pequeño. El segundo es un modelo de flujo en un `Termosifón cerrado con efecto Soret,` que consiste en un dispositivo formado por un circuito cerrado por el que circula un fluído binario a temperatura variable. Se prueba la existencia y unicidad de soluciones para datos iniciales de velocidad, temperatura y salinidad en un espacio de fases muy general, que depende de las propiedades de las funciones que representan la geometría del circuito y la temperatura ambiente, así como la existencia de un atractor maximal y una variedad inercial para el flujo generado por las soluciones del sistema. ····· 103612832

Ecuación de Schrödinger no lineal no local en intervalo

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La ecuación de Schrodinger es un modelo simple que aparece como una primera aproximación en la descripción de la disipación y dispersión de ondas no lineales. Lo que obtenemos en este trabajo es la existencia global y el comportamiento asintótico para tiempo de grandes del problema de frontera y de valor inicial. La ecuación de Schrödinger no lineal no local en un segmento no ha sido estudiada con anterioridad, solamente se ha estudiado el caso de la existencia global de la solución para el problema de Cauchy y la asintótica para tiempo grandes para el caso de la semirrecta. ····· 103612781

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