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Migración y violencia en escolares de secundarias urbanas yucatecas

für 88.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La observación sobre dificultades de interacción social y violencia, unas veces como víctimas y otras como agresores en los migrantes escolares de secundarias urbanas yucatecas, propicia el estudio sistemático de las variables causales de estos comportamientos y conductas divergentes reflejadas en el interior de los colegios.Para este estudio se analizan las teorías de la psicología social y el esquema de gradación proponiendo una analogía sobre la relación sociedad-familia-desarrollo fabril, desde el siglo XIX tomando como referencia a Inglaterra, posteriormente la segunda mitad del siglo XX en los Estados Unidos hasta el siglo XXI en México y los efectos en los adolescentes. La población estudiada abarca el total de adolescentes de ambos géneros que reúnen las características objeto de estudio sin importar el medio social de procedencia, cuyos testimonios permiten percibir la posición indefensa y de incertidumbre en la que se hallan en este lapso espacial y temporal analizado. ····· 103611347

La enseñanza de la Fisiología Vegetal en Argentina

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Desde hace unos años se está observando una falta de interés en los alumnos de la carrera de Ingeniería Agronómica en el aprendizaje de los contenidos de materias básicas de la carrera como Fisiología Vegetal. Esto nos llevó a indagar el origen de esta problemática y buscar estrategias para revertirla. Una de ellas fue la elaboración de una prueba diagnóstico, consistente en temas de los cursos previos pero con estrecha correlatividad de conocimientos. Del análisis de las respuestas se extrajeron conclusiones que permitieron profundizar aquellos contenidos en los que el alumno mostró mayores dificultades. Por otro lado se incorporó a las actividades del curso, la realización de trabajos de campo en los que los alumnos, manejando parcelas experimentales, midieron parámetros de crecimiento, realizaron aplicaciones con diferentes reguladores de crecimiento, fertilizantes y herbicidas y realizaron en todos los casos, el análisis estadístico de los resultados y conclusiones. Teniendo en cuenta estas consideraciones y realizando las modificaciones pedagógicas pertinentes se favoreció la participación y el interés del alumno en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la Fisiología Vegetal. ····· 103611318

Química Farmacéutica

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El desarrollo vertiginoso de industria médico-farmacéutica, ha hecho posible la aparición cada vez más frecuentes de nuevos medicamentos más eficaces y funcionales en el mercado esto constituye un reto para estudiantes y profesionales de las ciencias farmacéuticas, pues estos deben dominar cada vez más las bases químicas y farmacológicas de las familias de medicamentos tradicionales y las recientemente sintetizadas. En este contexto adquiere una singular relevancia el conocimiento y dominio de las relaciones estructura actividad de los diferentes grupos farmacológicos, lo cual es de gran utilidad tanto para el área clínica como para el área industrial. La literatura docente y científico-técnica que aborda esta materia es especializada y no siempre se encuentra en cada uno de los libros todo lo necesario para tener una idea global de cada uno de los aspectos que la componen, por tanto es necesario contar con un texto básico que unifique de forma sencilla estos contenidos y haga más fácil la tarea de estudiantes y técnicos que los utilicen. El texto está dirigido fundamentalmente a estudiantes de farmacia clínica y profesionales afines a la misma. ····· 103611296

Un enfoque de Química en Ingenierías: su relación con sustentabilidad

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La química, junto con otras ciencias básicas, es fundamental para la formación integral del ingeniero. Los alumnos al enfrentarse con una situación real se implican desde lo cognitivo y actitudinal, desplegando conocimientos teóricos, habilidades de persuasión, aptitudes para responder y realizar argumentaciones oportunas y adecuadas. Este libro consta de seis capítulos: energía piezo-mareomotriz e hidrotechos son propuestas para generar energía limpia y sustentable a bajo costo. En los otros cuatro capítulos se muestran propuestas para prevenir, disminuir o eliminar el problema de la disposición de residuos: panel chr (neumáticos), neovitral: sustitución del plomo en vitrales antiguos por vitrales sustentables y mucho más resistentes (vidrios), bloques de papel y uso alternativo de los residuos de café .Consideramos que estas estrategias de enseñanza se convierten al mismo tiempo en estrategias de aprendizaje. Manifestamos nuestro infinito agradecimiento a todas las personas que colaboraron para el desarrollo experimental de los trabajos, al permitirnos utilizar las instalaciones y equipos de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. ····· 103611242

The Influence Of Head Teacher Evaluation On Their Professional Growth

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Head teachers in Kenya are subjected to periodic evaluations. An effective head teacher evaluation results in improvement of performance of both head teachers and the institutions they lead (development), determine the extent to which head teacher performance meets pre-set performance standards (accreditation) and hold head teachers accountable for their actions (accountability). The study set to investigate qualitatively, the developmental aspect (or professional growth). This was done through focus group interviews and self administered questionnaires. Relevant documents on head teacher evaluation were also analyzed. Findings revealed that head teacher evaluation met accreditation and accountability aspects of evaluation. The developmental aspect was ignored. The study therefore calls for a shift from the practiced summative to formative evaluation if evaluation is to positively influence head teachers` professional growth. ····· 103611234

Tactile Training For Improving Emotional Responses

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Touch is central to human social life. it is the most advanced sensory modality at birth and it contributes to cognitive,brain, and socio-emotional development through out life. The study, Effect of Tactile Training on Emotional Responses was conducted on pre-schoolers, who were already diagnosed with mental retardation and autism. It was an experimental study. The sample was taken according to the criteria by using convenience sampling method. Touch Inventory for Preschoolers (TIP) and Emotional Response Test (ERT), were used for the study purpose. The results revealed that there is no significant difference between experimental and control groups with respect to tactile training. However the statistical analysis proves that there is a significant difference between the experimental and control groups with respect to Emotional Response. ····· 103611224

Alternating Polyfluorene Green-6 & (PCBM) Based Solar Cell

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Conjugated polymers have attracted considerable attention since they are potential candidates for various opto-electronic device such as solar cells, light emitting diodes, photodiodes, and transisters. Electronic devices based on conjugated polymers can easily processed at low temperature using cheap technologies. This leads to cost reduction, a key deriving force for chosing conjugated polymers for various type of applications. However, fabrication of inorganic semiconductor based solar cells needs expensive technology for purification. As a reault inorganic semiconductor baded solar cells are quite expensive and hardly compute with other existing energy sources. Therefore, to ensure a sustainable technology for solar cells, the development of new materials and devices structures are required. In particular, solar cells based on conjugated polymers are of special interst due to the fact that they can play a major role in generating clean and cheap energy in the future. ····· 103611220

The Predictive Validity of Selection Criteria of KCTE

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Universities and colleges throughout the world use varying selection criteria to admit students to their diploma and degree programs. The selection criteria are designed on the basis of the potential ability of the student to perform well in the program, the economic need of the society, the space available in the institution offering the program and the like. The main objective of admission criteria is to identify candidates for certain training programs who will complete the training competently and successfully and go into professional careers, and who will also do well and profit from the training program. The value of selection criteria can be assessed by the degree to which it can fulfill this objective. In selection and admission process we have to assure whether the criteria we use are valid and helpful to admit those applicants with the best chance of success or not. That is why predictive validity study is carried out. Thus, it is important to have this work at hand. ····· 103611210

Labour Turnover and performance of Private Universities in Uganda

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This Dissertation is about labour turnover and performance of private universities in Uganda, the researcher was prompted by the fact that the aforementioned had become a recurring phenomenon and had as well led to the collapse of many Universities, it basically explores into the major causes of labour turnove, the relationship between labour turnover and perfomance of Private universities as well as the consequences of labour turnover on performance of Universities.The major findings show that the major causes of labour turnover are job insecurity and desire for better pay. in view of the aforementioned, it is believed that if private Universities look into staff remuneration with view to improve them and ensure job security, people would get motivated which would as well reverse their desire to leave and join other organisations. ····· 103611204

Study Abroad Students Experiences & Expectations of Host Countries

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This was a comparative study of International and American study abroad students experiences and expectations with host countries. The rationale for the study was to acquire a deeper understanding of different experiences of students who study abroad and to understand whether their expectations of the host country have an impact on their experiences. An opportunity sample of American study abroad and international students was selected from the United States student population and their expectations and experiences compared. The study addressed six research questions, using mixed-method approach. The principal instrument for the investigation was the Cross-Cultural Participant Questionnaire conducted online. The results of this study identified language fluency, building relationship with the host nationals, learning about a new culture and personal change as significant expectations of the students. ····· 103611164

Education for Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Groups in India

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Education as a process would be looked at from two points of view viz one from that of society and the other from that of individual Society seeks to perpetuate itself by passing on its cultural acquisitions to each succeeding generation. Hence the objective of education is to bring out the growth of the individual in the given social context. During the pre-British period, the Untouchable castes were excluded from education and the Tribal groups remained devoid of education as they lived in isolated and away from others. However, the education introduced by the British was open to all also with higher caste children a few children of the untouchable castes and Tribal groups could also get education. But, as education remained Indian society after independence has committed itself to its all-round development it has started taking measures for its social and education development also along with its political and economic development. It is striving to eradicate whatever inequalities exist between different social groups in India. Some social groups have remained backward for centuries and the Scheduled Castes arid the Scheduled Tribes are the most backward among them. ····· 103611157

Environmental education & its implication to climate change adaptation

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Environmental Education is a global concept developed in a time of socio-economic and ecological globalization.Theories of Environmental Education argued that educators should have awareness about the nature, principles and dimensions of environmental education for climate change adaptation. It is expected that all education stakeholders should have a more valuable conception about the objectives of environmental education.Thus,this book shows the challenges & realities of Environmental Education in addressing issues of climate change. ····· 103611142

Themes of Educational Leadership and Management

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In this book Vuyisile Msila covers a number of themes in the area of Educational Leadership and Management. This compelling volume consists of invaluable topics vital for today`s educational institutions. The chapters include varied themes and these include African models of leadership, Women Leadership, Teacher Unionism and Management as well as Conflict Management. The chapters reflect that they have been collected by a skilled researcher whose work is relevant to educational institutions around the world today. This book will be an important resource not only for Educational Leadership students but also for teachers and Leadership and Management practitioners. ····· 103611141

Effect of carbohydrate on alcohol production by yeast

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Decrease in ethanol production in the presence of high concentration of nitrogenous sources indicates that the amount of sugar utilized by yeast cells is diverted towards the production and storage of carbohydrate in the form of glycogen rather than ethanol production. Higher concentration of sugars in case of sugarcane juice media causes metabolic repression of yeast which results reduced yield of ethanol. Variation in ethanol content shown by yeast cells as a result of variable sugars used as a carbon source is due to their different pattern of metabolism. It is observed that utilization of higher amount of sugars by yeast cells during fermentation corresponds to increase in protein utilization and elevation in ethanol yield. Addition of antioxidants also enhances sugar and protein utilization & subsequent ethanol yield. Presence of biotin decreases ethanol yield. ····· 103611123

Integrating children with disabilities into Regular Schools in Kenya

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The paper explores the background to the marginalization of children with disabilities in Kenya. It explains the background to the philosophical development of the Small Homes Approach by the Catholic Diocese of Machakos Development Office to accessing inclusive education to children with physical disabilities in mainstream schools. It provides the context for the transformation process from segregated provision of education in Special schools to Small Homes. It argues for the adoption of the Small Homes approach as a progressive Programme to address learning difficulties that prevent effective learning by children with physical disabilities in segregated Special schools. The paper contextualizes the benefits of the Small homes approach to the pupils with disabilities. In recognizing these benefits, the paper explores, through presentation of research findings, the merits in using the Small Homes approach in the provision of inclusive education to children with physical disabilities. ····· 103611120

General Education Curriculum: A Trajectory for Accreditation

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The General Education curriculum (GEC) with its focus on liberal education, lays the foundation for learning goals and activities of university education. With knowledge growing at unprecedented rates, higher education systems must equip students with the ability to manage and assimilate great volumes of information.The need to learn continues to provide valuable insurance to cope with the rapidly changing economic environment. For this reason the expanding GE program becomes the core to strengthen any curriculum. Thus assessing the status of the GEC would be a significant endeavor of the academe relevant to the thrust of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) among higher education institutions. Through this assessment, the weaknesses identified becomes the bases for developing an assessment plan and the strengths are the bases for decisions regarding accreditation.Hence the degree of compliance with CHED should be excellent to make it more responsive to quality education and to obtain level 111 accreditation. ····· 103611116

The Perception of MSMEs on the Applicability of IT in Tanzania

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This report presents investigative study aiming to determine the perception of Entrepreneurs from Tanzania in utilization of Information Technology (IT) resources in enhancing Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). The MSMEs sector is believed to have three great impacts in social development including Economic development, poverty reduction and employment creation. IT, on the other hand is regarded as the prime mover of economic undertakings. In this regards, IT is an integral part of entrepreneurship. However, many findings have revealed the existence of a gap in utilization of IT among MSMEs, the four major bottlenecks being the cost of acquiring technology lack of MSMEs knowledge and skills to utilize the technology lack of efficient IT infrastructure and poor IT Policies in developing countries. The findings in this research show that the the deadly obstacle is the false perception of MSMEs on the necessity and advantage of utilizing IT to enhance MSMEs business. 81% of MSMEs need sensitization on the utilization of IT to boost their business undertakings. In this research, recommendations are provided to alleviate the situation. ····· 103611108

Study and analysis of VII class social studies text book

für 35.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
With this book the readers can understand regarding text books for students are relevant or not. This book findings are most of the teachers expressed that the text book is relevant and satisfied the objectives of teaching social studies. Teachers felt that the content is interesting and sentence formation in the text book is simple. Teachers also felt that Civics and Economics are easy to teach. Whereas Geography is felt a little difficult because of its nature which deals with more abstracts concepts. Generally it is understood that History is very easy to teach but in the present study teachers felt the syllabus of the text book is over loaded, more so is History part, and difficult to complete in the given time and teachers gave some suggestions for the improvement of the text book. ····· 103611073

Study of Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning on Tactile Learning

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This study was designed to investigate the modern validity of the multimedia learning theory as it applies to a new generation and involved burgeoning technology. The original theory stated materials which presented both verbal and graphical information which present the verbal information in an auditory format. This study involved the theory in original form to form foundation as application in updated student involvement in technology, increased availability to technology, and the evolution of technological advances. Participating students either viewed text, text with animation, or interacted with hands on interactive educational technology. The learning was measured by retention, transfer, and matching tests. Using the data from these experiments, the results were statistically evaluated to determine the influence of the variables on student cognition and retention. ····· 10361993

A Handbook on Employability Skills

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This book has been written to help the students and fresher candidates looking for a job. Although anyone can benefit from this book, yet the focus is primarily on them. Also, it has been written keeping in mind Indian students who are on the verge of completing their professional programs or regular degree courses and wish to enter the corporate world. Quite often, students dream about their first job and the educational institutions help them build upon them. However, there are very few educational institutions who do anything about developing employability skills in the students. Eventually, when the student starts appearing for campus recruitment drives, there is little success and a lot of frustration. Every day during the campus recruitments drives, there is news of unrest among the students of one college or the other. This is because the selection process of organisations has now actually got converted into elimination process. Every recruiter receives applications in huge quantity and faces the dilemma of who to recruit. To ease out the process, they designed exams which are conducted either through a written test or online. This helps in eliminating large quantities of ····· 10361971

Challenges of Teacher Education in Jharkhand

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The current B.Ed. programme in Jharkhand seems to be deviated from the reality of school life largely due to inadequacy in practical and field work experience aspect of the programme, paucacity of time period for operation of different aspects of the curriculum, conventional transactional approaches and quantitative evaluation process being practiced as well as lack of link between theory and practice in the programme. This book reveals that the secondary teacher education programme in Jharkhand is more or less a knowledge transmission model inefficient to foster prospective teachers as a facilitator of pupil s learning in varied socio-cultural context. It may serve as a useful reference for teacher- educators, MHRD and head of governmental and non-governmental organisations dealing with teacher education to evolve a quality teacher education programme capable of meeting the emerging challenges of secondary education in Jharkhand. ····· 10361961

Testing Scandinavian Language Comprehension

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This thesis highlights the language teaching controversies in Finland and Iceland, applying a critical eye on the outcome of the mandatory language teaching of Swedish in Finland and Danish in Iceland. But its aim is also secondly to describe and test criteria which are thought to underpin good language testing. Discussing the importance of the interface and different perspectives between Language Testing (LT) and Second Language Acquisition (SLA) research, the thesis interconnects these two main research areas in order to explore learners` test-taking scoring and assess the validity and reliability of the language test exclusively carried out. It is well needed research, since excellent testing of how much the students know and do not yet know helps the learning process immensely. Poor testing may however result in negative backwash for the test taker. This thesis suggests that it is essential to examine not only final linguistic products of tests but also that language tests be more communicatively relevant for the second language learning-process. The future of SLA requires proper student evaluation in order to illuminate the issues hindering second language advancement. ····· 10361959

Measuring Adjunct Instructor Job Satisfaction

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Over the last several years, colleges and universities have used more adjunct instructors than ever before due to tighter budget constraints. Because of this increase, the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance will have a major impact on institutions of higher education. Institutions must prepare the adjunct instructor in the best possible manner to obtain the greatest benefit for the university as well as its students. Herzberg`s theory is based on the idea that motivation and hygiene factors impact the employee`s job satisfaction. An increase in hygiene factors will lead a dissatisfied and unmotivated employee to find saisfaction in their work. Without an increase in motivation factors tough, the employee will be unmotivated to make improvements in their professional career. This text includes a survey based on Herzberg`s motivation-hygeine theory that was administered to adjunct instructors. Adminstrators of both two and four-year institutions will benefit from the results of the survey. ····· 10361950

Automatic Question Generation for Language Testing

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Automatic question generation is a novel technology that allows the user to turn any text into a language test. Being one of the pioneering researcher on this subject, Ayako Hoshino offers a design and technological details of the innovating system called Sakumon. The book also includes a survey of recent studies on educational application of natural language processing, and a comprehensive summary of the recent advancement of automatic question generation for grammar and vocabulary testing. This book is recommended to all language teachers and learners who are interested in automatic question generation, as well as a information scientists who are interested in the research on a similar topic. ····· 10361913

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