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Sistemas de tratamiento de aguas residuales

für 35.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La reutilización del agua residual se ha convertido en una práctica muy extendida en muchas partes del mundo, especialmente en países áridos o semiáridos donde la escasez de agua es un problema acuciante. Este hecho ha provocado un incremento de la probabilidad de infección de la población que entra en contacto directa o indirectamente con este agua debido a la presencia de microorganismos patógenos. Depurar este agua residual, es por tanto, una prioridad, no sólo desde un punto de vista sanitario o de salud pública sino también económico. En este libro se analizan los principales mecanismos de eliminación y/o inactivación de patógenos que tienen lugar en los sistemas de tratamiento de agua residual del noroeste de España (lagunajes, humedales artificiales y fangos activados) prestando especial atención al efecto que pueden tener diferentes factores ambientales sobre dicha inactivación. ····· 103611653

Rizobacterias promotoras del desarrollo de plantas de jitomate

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El uso de agroquímicos ha permitido obtener incrementos sustanciales en la producción agrícola no obstante, sus efectos adversos están impactando de manera significativa la sostenibilidad de la agricultura. En la región del Valle del Mezquital, Hidalgo, México, se han efectuado estudios aislados respecto a la actividad microbiana total y al efecto de las aguas residuales sobre el género Rhizobium, pero no existen reportes respecto a otros microorganismos promotores del desarrollo vegetal (PGPR por sus siglas en inglés) como fijadores de nitrógeno de vida libre, solubilizadores de fósforo, productores de fitohormonas o de sideróforos, los cuales establecen interacciones de tipo benéfico con las plantas, por lo que muchas de ellas se utilizan en la biofertilización. Esta última, intenta reducir la aplicación de agroquímicos en el cultivo de jitomate (Lycopersicon esculentum). ····· 103611588

Formación de biofilms en equipos de procesamiento de jugos de fruta

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La persistencia de microorganismos incluidos en biofilms es un serio problema higiénico-sanitario que afecta no sólo la salud humana sino también la calidad microbiológica de los alimentos y la vida comercial de los mismos. La investigación en biofilms ha incrementado su importancia a partir del descubrimiento que los cambios fisiológicos que experimentan las células involucradas en este modo de crecimiento determinan una mayor resistencia a los agentes antimicrobianos. En el ambiente industrial, la adhesión de microorganismos como paso inicial de la formación de biofilms, es indeseable y perjudicial. La persistencia de microorganismos en forma de biofilms genera pulsos de contaminación durante el proceso, lo cual compromete seriamente la calidad microbiológica del producto y la efectividad de los tratamientos. ····· 103611553


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Mycobacterium avium subespecie paratuberculosis es el agente etiológico de la paratuberculosis o la enfermedad de Johne, infección crónica que afecta principalmente al aparato digestivo de rumiantes domésticos, y se ha descrito como posible agente contribuyente a la enfermedad de Crohn en personas. M. a. paratuberculosis presenta un crecimiento lento (de hasta meses) en los medios de cultivo y se ha dividido en tres tipos de cepas en función de diversas técnicas moleculares (electroforesis en campo pulsado y análisis de los polimorfismos de los fragmentos de restricción). Estas técnicas son aplicables únicamente en aquellos aislados con crecimiento abundante. Por ello, la necesidad del desarrollo de nuevas técnicas moleculares rápidas, menos laboriosas y costosas, capaces de discriminar entre los tres tipos de cepas de M. a. paratuberculosis impulsó la presente línea de trabajo. ····· 103611552

Cianobacterias y Microcistinas en el Caribe Colombiano

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Esta investigación evaluó cianobacterias y microcistinas presentes en el antiguo delta del Río Sinú, durante diciembre de 2008 y mayo de 2010 se analizaron muestras de agua para detectar la presencia de toxinas intracelulares y extracelulares a partir de inmunoensayos enzimáticos competitivos (Elisa) y se determinó composición y abundancia de cianobacterias e identificó organismos potencialmente productores de estas cianotoxinas identificando y cuantificando cianobacterias por microscopía utilizando la metodología Utermöhl y claves taxonómicas especializadas, en total se encontraron ocho familias y catorce géneros, mostrando a Cf. Planktolyngbya limnetica como las más dominante en estructura y composición. Existen diferencias en la composición y abundancia de cianophytas presentes en el delta posiblemente por variables ambientales, resaltando los gradientes de salinidad. Se obtuvo tres aislados arsénicos de cianobacterias, de los cuales, Microcistis Sp y Cf. Planktolyngbya limnetica presentan toxicidad a microcistinas en cuanto que Anabaena Sp1 resulto no ser productora de estas cianotoxinas. ····· 103611521

Los factores transcripcionales a1, alfa1 y alfa2 de Candida glabrata

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Candida glabrata es una levadura patógena oportunista considerado asexual, aunque conserva genes ortólogos a los de Saccharomyces cerevisiae involucrados en los procesos de apareamiento, meiosis y esporulación. C.glabrata posee tres loci de apareamiento, llamados MTL (mating type like). En nuestra cepa de laboratorio tanto MTL1 como MTL2 poseen información de apareamiento tipo a pues contiene el gen a1 y en el locus MTL3 información tipo que contiene los genes 1 y 2. Estos genes codifican factores transcripcionales cuya función en C. glabrata es desconocida. Nos propusimos identificar la posible función de estos genes mediante la evaluación fenotípica de una batería de cepas mutantes de C. glabrata en los loci MTL y un cepa sobreexpresante de información a en el locus MTL1 para determinar una posible función de estos factores en respuesta a diferentes tipos de estrés. ····· 103611520

Lipase: Production & Uses

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Lipases (triacylglycerol acylhydrolases, E.C. are ubiquitous enzymes of considerable physiological significance and industrial potential. Lipases catalyze the hydrolysis of triacylglycerols to glycerol and free fatty acids. Lipases find promising applications in organic chemical processing, detergent formulations, synthesis of biosurfactants, the oleochemical industry, the dairy industry, the agrochemical industry, paper manufacture, nutrition, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical processing. Commercially useful lipases are usually obtained from microorganisms that produce a wide variety of extracellular lipases. ····· 103611208

Cloning and expression of bovine coronavirus genes

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The nucleocapsid (N) protein and the two subunits of spike protein (S1 and S2) of bovine coronavirus (BCV), were individually expressed in Spodopetra frugiperda (Sf9) insect cells using recombinant baculovirus vectors. BCV RNA was extracted from MDBK infected cells and the coding sequence of each BCV target gene was amplified using RT-PCR. The RT-PCR products were cloned into the baculovirus shuttle vector pBlueBac4.5/V5-His TOPO and the recombinant plasmids that carry target genes in correct orientation were identified. The cloned genes were introduced in the genome of Autographa californica nuclear polyhydrosis virus (AcMNPV) under control of the polyhedrin promoter, through a process of homologous recombination between the shuttle vector and a linearized replication-defective baculovirus DNA (Bac-N-Blue ). Recombinant baculoviruses were selected by plaque purification verified for the presence of target genes using PCR and propagated for generation of high-titer viral stock. Infection of insect cells with the recombinant baculoviruses revealed high-level expression of the target proteins as indicated by immunofluoresent test, solid phase ELISA, and Western blot. ····· 103611200

Antimicrobial Potential of Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Meat

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Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) occur naturally in meat. These bacteria produce antimicrobial substances such as bacteriocin. The present study is focused on isolation of LAB from meat. Bacteriocin is extracted from the isolated Lactococcus lactis and the antibacterial activity is evaluated against bacterial pathogens (E. coli and S. gallinarum) of poultry origin. The antimicrobial properties varies when different parameters are applied. The antimicrobial properties changes with the change in the pH, temperature, change in the concentration of ethanol, methanol, chloroform and SDS. When bacteriocin is treated with enzyme, it does not show any activity. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) is also measured. This book shows the potential application of lactic acid bacteria in the poultry industry to protect the flocks against potential pathogens. ····· 103611067

Stress tolerance through plant, Mycorrhizal Associations

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The unique morphological manifestations called ` Mycorrhizae` represents one of the nature`s most widespread phenomenon of symbiosis. VAM fungi largely help plants in both, nutrient mobilization and cycling through their extrametrical hyphae. VAM fungi increase the absorption of immobile elements in soil such as phosphorus, copper and zinc. Plants respond to the VAM fungi more in sites exposed to stress conditions such as drought, salinity. VAM fungi was also reported to reduce severity of plant diseases particularly diseases caused by soil- borne pathogens since mycorrhizal roots are more lignified than non-mycorrhizal roots. This resistance to pathogen is primarily due to improvement of host vigor and development and production of inhibitory substances. Because of these attributes, mycorrhizae are today considered an important component in the re-establishment of plants especially those plants growing under inhospitable sites such as sand dunes and other stressed locations. The objectives of this work are to identify VAM fungi widely colonizing plant roots under stress conditions to investigate the potential role of mycorrhizae for alleviating stress conditions. ····· 103611030

General Environmental Microbiology

für 50.31€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book is primarily intended for university students and science professionals. Topics covered include microbes inhabit the soil, water, air, sediments, animals, plants and artificial environments. Their impacts in the environments are also well dealt. Each topic is self-sufficient explanatory illustrated with large number of figures. The book can serve as a ready reference for the study of general environmental microbiology. ····· 10361982

Evaluation of Maize Genotypes Against Southern Corn Leaf Blight

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The use of foliar fungicides is less feasible because of farmers little knowledge about the suitable fungicide, however the application of resistant varieties is easy to adopt practice under our local conditions, therefore it is necessary to identify resistant maize genotypes.The project was aimed to determine the resistance level of different maize genotypes against the disease SCLB through the process of screening and evaluation, so that information acquired could be of vital use for the scientific research of phytopathologist and plant breeders and also for the farmers of the country. In vitro, pure cultures of the pathogen were prepared and their morphology was studied through microscopy.The study was conducted in the field by inoculation of genotypes by isolated pathogen. Disease assessment data was recorded along with various yield components.The results clearly showed that C. heterostrophus had significant effect on different maize genotypes. The genotypes that showed resistance to SCLB infection could be used in breeding programs. ····· 10361955

Haloalklotolerents from Saline Desert soil Apply as Biofertilizer

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Bio-fertilizer are generally bio-organic substance that have capability to improve the soil fertility significantly by fixing atmospheric nitrogen both in isolation with or without plant root. These can solubilize insoluble phosphate and produce plant growth hormone (auxin, indolacitic acid). Fixation of atmospheric nitrogen in to the soil is followed by three categories (a) Natural N2 fixation (2) chemical N2 fixation (3) biological N2 fixation. In present investigation, an attempt has been carried out for screening diazotrophic bacteria from saline desert soil. The isolates were further examined for morphological and biological heterogeneity study of pH starting from 4 ph to 9 pH as well as ability to survive under the different salt concentration of Nacl ranging from 0% w/v to 10% w/v. Moreover, Indol acetic acid growth promotion study was done on the wheat plant and compared with the available commercial bio-fertilizer. The results revealed that mixed cultures are batter than single isolates. ····· 10361726

Evaluation of Microbiological Quality of Desalinated Drinking Water

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The aims of this research are to check if there is microbiological contamination at desalinated water at Gaza city schools, to determine the source of contamination if any, and to determine the difference between drinking water microbiological quality between schools moderated by Ministry of High Education (MOHE) and schools moderated by United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). Some of 130 school buildings have been selected and the data evaluated for the periods from the school year 2008-2009 to 2010-2011. ····· 10361665

Studies in Production of Fruit Wines

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Winemaking is a bioprocess that has its origins in antiquity. Fruit wine is an alcoholic beverage made by fermentation of the fruit juice. Fruit wine is the product of anaerobic fermentation by yeast7 in which the sugars are converted into alcohol & carbon dioxide. The sources of sugar are generally the fruit juices Fruit juice is full of sugar, which could cause weight gain. Consumption of wine, to get the benefits better, should be limited to a glass or two a day, yeast converts some of the sugar during fermentation into alcohol. But the net loss of carbons going from sugar to alcohol is small (as carbon dioxide). These carbons get burned in body or converted into fat. 100 mL of wine contains around 70 kcal, whereas 100 mL of pressed pomegranate juice will contain around 60 kcal . Fruit wines range in taste from dry to very sweet but on average contain the same amount of alcohol as grape wines ····· 10361620

Detection of transcription silencing sites in Mycobacterium leprae TN

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Detection of transcription silencing sites in Mycobacterium TN provides us the best solutions in understanding the virulence encoded by the genome of M. leprae and immunity of the host against the pathogen. Genome analysis of various species of genus Mycobacterium has shown that there is little change in gene order among species and even in between strains of the same species. Sometimes it is same in all the strains. So, transcriptional and translational control of gene expression might be the reason for the differences between two strains of the same gene content and order. An attempt was made to recognize transcriptional active sites which play an important role in transcriptional silencing and thus regulating the gene expression at the level of transcription. While studying the genome of M.Leprae, it was found that there are approximately half of the genes expressed while the rest are transcriptionally inactive. Transcription silencing might be one of the reasons contributing to the differences in two organisms which may be having the same gene content and order and having different expression patterns, which also effect pathogencity of organism. ····· 10361542

Genomic Variations in HearNPV Geographic Isolates

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This Book provides a detailed account of genomic variations amongst geographic isolates of Helicoverpa armigera Nucleopolyhedrosis Virus which in turn is reflected in their bio-efficacy. The procedural detailing given here will be extremely helpful to the beginners in the field. We have tried our best to cover all the aspects with detailed discussion on each and every aspect.We wish the beneficiaries of this book all the very best in their endeavor to unearth the new vistas of this science. ····· 10361499

Molecular And Conventional Identification of Bacteria in Neonatal Sepsis

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A total of 100 hospitalized children from zero to 30 days of age were enrolled in this cross-sectional study, the participants neonates were grouped into two categories according to type of onset. The first was early onset group included children in age groups from (0- 7 days) while other late onset group included children from (7-30 days). Blood samples were obtained from each subject participate in this study, blood samples were used in the diagnosis of neonatal infection by using conventional methods including blood culture and API system, conventional PCR based on 16rRNAN as a universal gene for diagnosis of bacterial infection after DNA extraction from serum sample. Half of positive results in the conventional PCR were sequenced for bacterial identification according to the Macrogen, Inc. South Korea public biotechnology company. The neonatal sepsis was caused by different type of bacteria the most common cause of neonatal sepsis was Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase negative Staphylococcus of gram positive bacteria while Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter bumanii were the most common gram negative bacteria. ····· 10361479

Analysis of Burn Wound Infections

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Burn wound Infection is the major cause of mortality in burn patients. The constant change in the resistance pattern of micro organisms make the treatment of such infections challenging and difficult. Understanding of the pathogenesis of burn wound infection is essential because the correct intervention can then be applied at the various stages. Antibiotics only act as an adjunct to the other procedures like disinfection of the wound, excision of the eschar, proper bandaging and topical applications. Also, since skin has a vast surface area, dehydration is a common occurrence and thus replenishment of fluids is also vital. Isolation of the ward and antisepsis are also very important to avoid nosocomial infections. Thus, multi-centric studies and periodic survey, coupled with the judicious use of antibiotics is the key to this problem. ····· 10361467

Molecular epidemiology of Vibrio cholerae in Iraq

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Cholera is an acute intestinal infection caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, which produces an enterotoxin that causes sever diarrhea which characterized by copious, painless, watery stool. Recent developments in DNA analysis techniques have introduced and have permitted studies of the epidemiology of V.cholerae on a larger global perspective. These techniques include RFLPS in different genes, plasmid profile, southern blot analysis, pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), Multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MEE), DNA sequencing methods, and PCR. Till now, no study have been performed in Iraq concerning the genetic variation in clinical and environmental isolates of V. cholerae isolated during the past outbreaks periods that occurred in different parts of Iraq from 2007 to 2009. This book provides several methods, including traditional and genetic methods for detection of susceptibility, virulence factors, and molecular epidemiology of Vibrio cholerae isolated from patients and environment in Iraq. ····· 10361466

TLR4 expression & adiponectin serum level in coronary atherosclerosis

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TLR4 are intensely expressed in atherosclerotic vessel wall in human and play an important role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerotic vascular diseases. Adiponectin has protective activity against atherosclerosis and inflammation, in humans, low plasma adiponectin levels have been associated with coronary artery disease. Therefore, evaluation of Toll-like receptor 4 expression on peripheral blood monocytes and measurement of serum adiponectin level in patients with CAD were done to determine the role of TLR-4 in the development CAD and the relation of serum adiponectin level to risk factors of the disease. ····· 10361445

Bacterial Cellulase Production under Solid State Fermentation

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Most of the aquatic systems of tropical & sub tropical countries are infested with weeds, mainly Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes). Since all efforts to eradicate the weed have failed, the concept of `eradication through utilization` has gained importance, worldwide. We have focused on devising suitable strategies for the utilization of these weeds. In this book, our work on the development of a novel solid state fermentation technology for using water hyacinth biomass as substrate for production of industrial enzyme, cellulase, is presented. Three bacteria associated with aquatic weeds have been isolated, identified & used to produce cellulase enzyme using hyacinth as substrate under SSF. Various process parameters influencing enzyme yield have been optimized & a lab scale SSF system has been developed. Scale-up experiments using trays & SSF under non-sterile conditions has been tried. Enzyme produced was partially purified & characterized. Results are highly encouraging for the development of similar technologies for managing such weeds in other countries as well. The impact of weeds will be reduced & local level employment generated if such technologies are adopted. ····· 10361365

Value Added Organic Fertilizer

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Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is one of the main cash crops of Pakistan. It has played a significant role in industrial development and employment generation. It is known as backbone of Pakistan s economy. Its impact on the economic development of the country is well established and it is rightly known as silver fiber of Pakistan. It occupies the 2nd position with respect to cultivated area in the country. During 2007-08 the cotton production was 12 million bales from an area of 3.05 million ha (Anonymous, 2008). Chemical fertilizers which have nutrients available, can provide sufficient nutrients to the crops, but their cost and constrains frequently deter farmers from using them in recommended quantities and balanced proportions. Moreover, limited availability of chemical fertilizers and their high cost are making their use difficult for the farmers. No doubt, use of chemical fertilizer provides essential nutrients for crop improvement to obtain higher yields however, data of recent years reflect that the crop yields in Pakistan are almost stagnant. This situation warrants the use of organic sources of nutrients. ····· 10361240

Studies on Amylase Produced By Some Actinomycetes

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This book includes taxonomical, physiological, biochemical and molecular studies of amylolytic thermophilic actinomycetes. A total of 36 actinomycetes were isolated from soil, mushroom compost and other compost samples. Four of the isolated thermophilic actinomycetes that exhibited the highest amylolytic activities were characterized and identified as: Thermoactinomyces sp, T. vulgaris and T. intermedius (two isolates). T. vulgaris, the best producer of -amylase, was selected for further investigation. The optimum conditions for the production are: 24 hours incubation, 55ºC, pH 7.0, starch and tryptone as carbon and nitrogen sources, respectively. At different conditions of production, -amylase electrophoresis profile had the same pattern of two isozyme with molecular weight between 135 and 145 kDa. Purification of this -amylase was carried out by ammonium sulfate precipitation, dialysis, gel filtration and anion exchange chromatography. Physiochemical and molecular studies of the crude and purified enzyme revealed a novel thermostable, high molecular weight, calcium independent with wide pH range alpha-amylase. This enzyme could be of importance for industrial applications. ····· 10361134

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