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Simvastatin Solid Dispersion Prepared By Microwave Fusion Technique

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Simvastatin, a crystalline substance, is a widely used drug for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia. It is a BCS class II drug, having low aqueous solubility (0.76 mg/L) exhibiting poor dissolution pattern and low oral bioavailability (5%). The purpose of this study was to apply the attractive technique of the microwaves fusion for the preparation of solvent-Simvastatin, a crystalline substance, is a widely used drug for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia. It is a BCS class II drug, having low aqueous solubility (0.76 mg/L) exhibiting poor dissolution pattern and low oral bioavailability (5%). The purpose of this study was to apply the attractive technique of the microwaves fusion for the preparation of solvent-free solid dispersions and to enhance the solubility and dissolution rate of simvastatin by a solid dispersion. ····· 10361146436

New Era Of Solubility

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Today in this modern world a new way of solubility has evolved, that makes insoluble substances like solids, soluble by heating them to a certain temperature. After which the solid louses its binding ability and turns into a liquid, now this liquid can be used to react with other liquids that way making the reaction of to non-reacting solids feasible in a test tube. The technique of making solids in to liquid cor reaction is called as Hydro-trophy. ····· 10361146306

Simultaneous Estimation of Cefepime and Tazobactam by UV-Spectroscopy

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This book includes the UV- Spectrophotometric methods for simultaneous estimation of Cefepime and Tazobactam. Cefepime is a fourth generation cephalosporin and Tazobactam is a Beta- lactamase inhibitor. Combination of these drugs is very useful in many infections including Urinary Tract infections, Respiratory Tract infections, meningitis, etc. Various combinations of these drugs are available in the market but not a single method available for their simultaneous estimation. Therefore there is need to develop and validate the methods which are helpful in the field of health and pharmaceutical sciences. ····· 10361146238

Die neue Medizinprodukte-Verordnung

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Die europäische Medizinprodukte-Verordnung wurde seit ihrer Bekanntmachung 2017 im EU-Amtsblatt bereits zwei Mal berichtigt. Die letzte Änderung im April 2020 hat die Übergangsfrist um ein Jahr verlängert. Neuer Geltungsbeginn ist der 26. Mai 2021. Medizinprodukte-Hersteller sollen in der Corona-Krise nicht durch die umfassende Umstellung des Rechts zusätzlich belastet werden. Auch für die Einrichtung der Benannten Stellen soll damit mehr Zeit zur Verfügung stehen. Hersteller von Medizinprodukten müssen mit dem neuen Recht ein Risiko- und Qualitätsmanagementsystem einrichten und sich auf Änderungen bei der technischen Dokumentation und bei der Kennzeichnung einstellen. Importeure, Handel und autorisierte Vertreter müssen ebenfalls neue Vorgaben beachten, und die Benannten Stellen werden zu Überwachungsstellen. Machen Sie sich jetzt mit der geänderten Rechtslage vertraut, um einen reibungslosen Übergang in Ihrem Unternehmen zu gewährleisten. Die Broschüre bietet Ihnen mit der übersichtlichen Einführung mit dem Fokus auf den rechtlichen Neuerungen und Hinweisen für die praktische Umsetzung sowie dem vollständigen Rechtstext eine praxisorientierte Hilfestellung. ····· 10361145452


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Die bewährte Textausgabe enthält die Kernvorschriften für den Verkehr mt Arzneimitteln. Damit steht der pharmazeutischen Industrie, dem Großhandel und den Apotheken sowie allen interessierten Fachkreisen eine komprimierte Textausgabe mit den wichtigsten Rechtsvorschriften in einem Werk zur Verfügung. ····· 10361145355

Die neue In-vitro-Diagnostika-Verordnung

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Die neue europäische Medizinprodukte-Verordnung und die neue In-vitro-Diagnostika-Verordnung haben erhebliche Auswirkungen auf das deutsche Medizinprodukterecht.
Hersteller von Medizinprodukten und In-vitro-Diagnostika müssen ein Risiko- und Qualitätsmanagementsystem einrichten und sich auf Änderungen bei der technischen Dokumentation und bei der Kennzeichnung einstellen. Importeure, Handel und autorisierte Vertreter müssen ebenfalls neue Vorgaben beachten, und die Benannten Stellen werden zu Überwachungsstellen.
Hersteller, Importeure, Vertriebshändler und autorisierte Personen von In-vitro-Diagnostika sind überdies von weiteren neuen Regelungen betroffen. So müssen mehr Hersteller als bisher ihre Produkte durch Benannte Stellen prüfen lassen, die Einstufung von IVD ändert sich deutlich, außerdem werden weitere Prüfpflichten und -stellen für bestimmte IVD eingerichtet.
Machen Sie sich jetzt mit der geänderten Rechtslage vertraut, um einen reibungslosen Übergang in Ihrem Unternehmen zu gewährleisten. Die beiden Broschüren bieten Ihnen mit der übersichtlichen Einführung mit dem Fokus auf den rechtlichen Neuerungen und Hinweisen für die praktische Umsetzung sowie dem vollständigen Rechtstext eine praxisorientierte Hilfestellung. ····· 10361145311

Arzneimittel und Genussmittel

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Nachdruck des Originals von 1912. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361144629

Arzneimittel und Genussmittel

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Nachdruck des Originals von 1912. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361142031

Das große illustrierte Kräuter-Buch

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Der Mediziner Ferdinand Müller stellt im vorliegenden Band ein umfangreiches Nachschlagewerk zu Heilpflanzen und -kräutern zusammen, von der Abendblume bis zur Zwillingspflaume. Ausführlich erläutert er Wirkung, Aussehen und Eigenschaften der Pflanzen, ihre Herkunft und Verbreitung und ihre Anwendung in der Heil- und Arzneikunde. Illustriert mit zahlreichen Abbildungen. Sorgfältig überarbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe aus dem Jahr 1860. ····· 10361138784

Dimensión Fractal Reactiva de Partículas Farmacéuticas

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Las características superficiales y morfologicas de las partículas influyen en la manufactura de las formas farmacéuticas y en propiedades derivadas tales como la disolución. Para caracterizar morfologicamente estas partículas se recurre a descriptores clásicos, mientras que el proceso de disolución se relaciona usualmente con el área superficial. La dimensión fractal ofrece una nueva alternativa para la descripción de formas complejas, a partir de ella es posible calcular la dimensión fractal superficial y relacionarla con la dimensión fractal reactiva, obteniéndose iinformación concerniente a los sitios activos disponibles en la superficie durante la disolución y a la morfología de la partícula. Con este análisis es posible comprender algunos fenómenos que ocurren en la superficie de las partículas durante su disolución, evidenciar la presencia o ausencia de poros y explicar comportamientos atípicos. Este libro contiene conceptos teóricos y ejemplos que permiten comprender o predecir comportamientos de disolución relacionados con la superficie y el tamaño de las partículas. ····· 10361137620

Incompatibilidades entre medicamentos

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La evolución que la asistencia sanitaria está experimentando en los últimos años, exige a los profesionales del equipo de salud un indudable esfuerzo de actualización e integración. El farmacéutico no debe quedar al margen en este proceso de avance, ya que forma parte del sistema de atención de salud. De todas las responsabilidades que tiene el farmacéutico en una Unidad de Mezclas Intravenosas, una actividad de gran importancia es la de informar el tiempo de vida útil del medicamento que está preparando y dispensando. Si, por diversas razones, el tiempo de vida útil no está disponible en bibliografía, el farmacéutico debe ser capaz de llevar a cabo los estudios de estabilidad necesarios, correctamente diseñados con base científica, para calcular el período de validez del mismo. En este contexto, el presente trabajo de tesis trata sobre el diseño de estudios de estabilidad y compatibilidad de mezclas intravenosas de antimicrobianos. El mismo se puede dividir en dos grandes etapas: en la primera se trabajó con ciprofloxacino-metronidazol y en la segunda con amoxicilina-clavulanato de potasio. ····· 10361137573

Mejora de la fracción lipídica de embutidos crudos curados

für 80.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Hoy en día los consumidores sabemos que una alimentación correcta es muy importante en la prevención y tratamiento de diversas enfermedades, en la mejora del rendimiento, bienestar, calidad de vida y en el control de peso. Exigimos comidas que a la vez de ser sanas, naturales y apetitosas aporten beneficios adicionales. Los embutidos crudos curados son alimentos de gran tradición, presentes en la dieta habitual de nuestra población desde tiempos inmemorables, sin embargo es conocido su elevado aporte de grasa animal que hace que sean rechazados por ciertos sectores de la población. En este trabajo realizado en el Departamento de Ciencias de la Alimentación, Fisiología y Toxicología de la Universidad de Navarra se estudia la elaboración de embutidos crudos curados (chorizo de Pamplona y embutidos tradiconales griegos) con diferentes aceites vegetales que mejoren las propiedades nutritivas de este tipo de productos. El estudio por tanto comprende entre otros el análisis nutricional de la fracción lipídica, el análisis de la composición general, la valoración sensorial, así como el análisis microbiológico que permitan asegurar la inocuidad de los nuevos productos elaborados. ····· 10361137519

Plantas Argentinas Como Fuente de Metabolitos Antifúngicos

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El descubrimiento de nuevos compuestos antifúngicos es una necesidad urgente debido al incremento en las últimas décadas de pacientes inmunocomprometidos y a la ineficacia y toxicidad de las drogas existentes en uso clínico. El reino vegetal representa un enorme reservorio de moléculas novedosas y particularmente la Argentina tiene una gran diversidad vegetal poco explorada en cuanto a su actividad antifúngica. Utilizando un criterio etnofarmacológico se seleccionaron 10 especies vegetales, de las cuales Polygonum acuminatum y P. persicaria resultaron las más activas frente a un panel de hongos oportunistas y patogénicos para el humano. Del fraccionamiento bioguiado de ambas especies se aislaron sesquiterpenos con esqueleto drimano y flavonoides del tipo flavanonas y chalconas como agentes antifúngicos activos. Ambos tipos de compuestos fueron utilizados como marcadores químicos con el fin de delimitar desde un punto de vista quimiotaxonómico a la sección Persicaria del género Polygonum. Se prepararon derivados y análogos de poligodial por semisíntesis y por biotransformaciones, con los cuales se pudo realizar un interesante estudio de relación estructura-actividad. ····· 10361137319

Niosomes Of Punicalagin: An Appoarch To Wound Healing Activity

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Since millennia physical & mental health have been given pivotal importance. In the systems of Allopathic, Ayurvedic, Homeopathic & Unani, main importance was given to physical & mental health. In Ayurvedic system of medicine a drug popularly known as `Sanjivani Booti` was given ample importance because of its therapeutic effects. Punica granatum has lots of therapeutic activities but there is no much work has been done on the formulation aspect of the particular constituent i.e. Punicalagin, therefore, this research work has been done to find out the effect of formulation by in vivo studies. Punicalagin was extracted,isolated and purified from peels of Punica granatum. To find out effect of Punicalagin,it is formulated into vesicular system and optimized. This optimized formulation is formulated into topical gel to deliver the Punicalagin topically for the wound healing. Various tests and evaluation parameters are done. On the basis of the findings, it can safely be stated that when the drug is delivered through vesicular system, it offers better results by improving the penetration of drug into skin, prolonging the release of drug and delivering the drug to the specific site. ····· 10361135970

Development Of Potential Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors

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Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTI) has a definitive role and most commonly used in treatment of HIV infection. NNRTI act by binding to specific binding site (non-nucleoside binding pocket-NNBP) in reverse transcriptase (RT) enzyme. With the objective of developing efficient NNRTI, we have designed various Isatin analogs for effective treatment of AIDS and were subjected to molecular docking studies on five different crystal structures of RT complexed with five different ligands Nevirapine, Delaviridine, Efavirenz, Etravirine, and Rilpivirine. Combined dock-score of compound N21, N11, N23 was found to be comparable with standards indicated that Isatin analogs have good binding affinity for NNBP. Docking results suggested that these types of compounds could be binding in the NNRTI binding site in a similar mode to a known non-nucleoside inhibitors. ADME properties of Isatin analogs were also analyzed using Qikprop 2.5 tool of Schrodinger software. In the present thesis applications of new computational tools for drug discovery are explored and the details of methodology, results, discussion and conclusions derived are presented. ····· 10361135969

Handbook of Acute Oral Toxicity Testing Method

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The purposes of acute toxicity testing are to obtain information on the biologic activity of a chemical and gain insight into its mechanism of action. The information on acute systemic toxicity generated by the test is used in hazard identification and risk management in the context of production, handling, and use of chemicals. For a classical LD50 study, laboratory mice and rats are the species typically selected. This book gives a short review of methods for acute toxicity testing with the emphasis on the Up and Down Method as per OECD Guidelines 425. Furthermore, this book consist of one research work on acute oral toxicity studies performed by authors. ····· 10361135934

Evaluation of Triterpenoidal Anti-Inflammatory Principle

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A triterpenoidal compound (P2) has been isolated from anti-inflammatory activity guided fractionation of acetone extract of Drypetes roxburghii leaf with a gradient of methanol in chlroform. Further P2 was screened for anti-inflammatory activity on carageenan and dextran induced inflammation models in rats at the dose level of 50 mg/kg body weight. Treatment of inflammed rats with P2 has showed significant reduction in inflammation caused by carrageenan (P0.01) and dextran (P0.05). Hence P2 can be considered as the active component responsible for the anti-inflammatory activity of Drypetes roxburghii leaf. The characterization of P2 was done by spectral studies like IR, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR & Mass Spectroscopy. On the basis of spectral studies the structure of P2 has been elucidated as triterpenoidal compound. ····· 10361135933

Gastric Floating Microcapsules of Metformin HCl

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Despite tremendous advancement in the drug delivery, oral route remains the preferred route for drug administration because of low cost therapy and ease of administration leads to higher levels of patient compliance. Metformin HCl, which is an antihyperglycaemic agent widely, used in the management of NIDDM, gives low bioavailability problem due to its site absorption limitations. Although, metformin extended release tablet formulations were well established, but it causes a great fluctuations in plasma drug levels and fail to improve the bioavailability. But microcapsule formulation offer several advantages over other sustained release systems, especially matrix type tablets as they can be widely distributed throughout the GI tract and produce local high concentration of drug at the absorption site. Henceforth, the designing of floating microcapsules would be a suitable delivery system for metformin with a new choice of an economical, safe and more bioavailable formulation in the management of NIDDM. This book represents a unique attempt to overview the full range of approaches to the design of a dosage form for gastric retention of drug with absorption limitation problems. ····· 10361135868

Chemical and Biological Investigations of Ravenia spectabilis (Rutaceae)

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The work describes the chemical and biological investigations of Ravenia spectabilis of the family Rutaceae. Some works had been reported previously on this species, but the species grown in Bangladesh have not been studied extensively. Stem bark of the plant was extracted and the extract was fractionated by using standard chromatographic techniques. A total of four compounds were isolated. Isolated pure compounds were identified by their spectral data (1D and 2D NMR). Stem bark of Ravenia spectabilis yielded one alkaloid. The alkaloid has been characterized as arborinine [RS-1]. The other compounds isolated from the plant (RS-2, RS-3 & RS-5) could not be elucidated due to insufficient spectral data. Two VLC fractions of crude extracts from which pure compounds were isolated, were screened for their antibacterial activities against a wide range of both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria by disc diffusion method. Antifungal activities against some clinically isolated fungi were also observed. The results obtained were compared with those for a standard antibiotic, kanamycin. The zones of inhibition produced by the VLC fraction-16 were found to be 08-12m. ····· 10361135861

Development of Polyherbal Formulation for Antibacterial Activity

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In ayurveda, most of the drugs were given in the form of powder, kasaya (decoction form) or bhasma. In present study, topical formulations were prepared for local effect. The main objective of present study was to develop semisolid dosage form of Panchatikta extract using emulsifying ointment BP and Carbopol-941 as a base. The work was focused on reducing the total dosage size and incorporating more amounts of active principles in the dosage form. All formulations were evaluated for pH, spreadibility, viscosity and antimicrobial activity. Emulsifying ointment BP base was found to the best as compared to that of gel base. The antimicrobial activity was carried out using E. coli and S. aureus. The results showed that zone of inhibition of formulation FIe prepared by emulsifying ointment base was found to be 18.3 for S. aureus and 17.4 for E. coli, pH was 6.4 and spreadibility was 4.06 cm. The stability data indicated that the formulation was a stable preparation. ····· 10361135767

Tissue Culture and Phytopharmacological study of Michelia champaca

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An evolution of the pharmaceutical industry arose around the early part of 20th century in all over the world. With the progress in chemical techniques, crude drugs came to be replaced by pure chemical drugs and the developed countries witnessed a decline in popularity of medicinal plant therapy. However, during the recent past, the pendulum oscillated again towards herbal plants. This revival of interest in plant-derived drugs is mainly due to the current widespread belief that Green Medicine is safe and more dependable than the costly synthetic drugs, many of which have adverse side effects. Plant tissue culture technology and Preclinical studies has developed into a potential area of plant science for obtaining economically and medicinally important plants. This book consists of two parts one is plant tissue culture and another one is phytopharmacology of Michelia champaca. I have no slightest doubt this book will be direct benefit to students of pharmacy, botany, biomedical and biological sciences as well as herbal practitioners. Authors also acknowledge the management of M. M. University, Mullana, Ambala for their valuable support and research facility for the research work. ····· 10361135734

Amino Acid Conjugates Of Aceclofenac

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Majority of the agents which are non-selective COX-1 and COX-2 inhibitors, shares the undesirable effect to gastric and intestinal mucosa, resulting in erosion, ulcers and represent the major adverse reactions to the use of NSAIDs. The belief behind this book is to bring in one new method for upgrading solubility behavior by amino acid conjugation and thereby overcome general side effects of NSAID. Prodrug is a chemically modified inert drug precursor, which upon biotransformation lead to activation and produce pharmacological action. In this book prodrug approach stands for modification to overcome pharmaceutical barriers like solubility behavior. Even if the amino acid conjugates formerly classified under prodrug but it defeat the limitation of them such as formation of unforeseen metabolite and disagreeable side effects. Some conjugate has maximum water solubility than parent compound. The partition coefficient of the synthesized compound was found to be more than the parent drug. It indicates that conjugates synthesized with hydrophilic amino acid possess more water solubility. In future this approach can be applied to other NSAIDs having free carboxyl functional group. ····· 10361135484

Isolation of Gymnemic acids from the leaves of Gymnema sylvestre

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The investigation of the bioactive natural products has assumed a greater sense of urgency in response to the expanding human population and its subsequent demands for food, good health and increasing areas of land on which to live. Isolation is a part of natural product chemistry, through which it is possible to separate different components and biologically active ones can be incorporated as ingredients in the modern system of medicine. This book provides the detailed Isolation, Purification and characterization of the Gymnemic acids from the leaves of Gymnema sylvestre. ····· 10361134599

Hand book of Pharmaceutical Equipment and GLP(Good Laboratory Practice)

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The need to implement quality standards in drug research, development and testing the situation in developing countries and the role of WHO/TDR. The testing laboratory itself or in the community as a whole. However, GLP could result in tangible returns through the number of studies placed with research organisations in DECs, resulting in an overall increase in funding. It is clear that as funding is scarce sponsors will not invest in studies if the reliability of results cannot be assured. Specifically, WHO/TDR will be reluctant to allocate their limited funding to non-clinical safety studies unless the results can be reliable on and thus support decisions concerning the progress of products to clinical stages and eventually to product registration. ... the non-clinical safety testing of test items contained in pharmaceutical products ... required by regulations for the purpose of registering or licensing ...The purpose of testing these test items is to obtain data on their properties and/or their safety with respect to human health and/or the environment. (OECD Principles of GLP). ····· 10361134546

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