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Degradación de pelargonidina

für 26.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La frutilla tiene una composición química rica en vitaminas y minerales esenciales para el cuerpo humano, también proporciona compuestos minoritarios de enorme importancia en la salud, como son las antocianinas. Las antocianinas han sido estudiadas debido a su probable papel en la reducción de enfermedades coronarias, cáncer, diabetes, efectos anti-inflamatorios, mejoramiento de la acuidad visual y comportamiento cognitivo. Estos compuestos son sensibles al calor y a la luz ultravioleta. En la industria de la frutilla, el secado es utilizado para prolongar la vida útil, así como disminuir el riesgo de enfermedades alimentarias, agregar valor y conservar el producto sin la necesidad de tecnologías de frío, sin embargo, este proceso puede provocar alteraciones indeseables en la fruta, como la degradación de antocianinas. El siguiente trabajo estudió la degradación de antocianinas en frutillas durante el proceso de secado a temperaturas de 50, 60 y 65°C, presentando una correlación con los modelos matemáticos, logarítmico (50 y 65°C) y de dos términos exponenciales (60°C). La antocianina presente en mayor cantidad en la fruta es la pelargonidina-3-glucosa. ····· 103611342

Variabilidad en Albariño a nivel agronómico y de resistencia a Mildiu

für 62.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
En 1987 la Dra. Martínez inició en el CSIC un trabajo de selección de la variedad Albariño (Vitis vinífera L.), fruto del cual se seleccionaron 11 clones, que se conservan en la colección de variedades de vid de la Misión Biológica de Galicia (CSIC). En el año 2000, los coautores de esta obra, emprendieron el estudio de dichos clones desde el punto de vista agronómico y de resistencia a Mildiu. Para evaluar la resistencia a mildiu en campo, pusieron a punto una técnica original de muestreos y análisis de imágenes en hoja. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron demostrar la existencia de una elevada variabilidad entre los clones estudiados, tanto a nivel agronómico, como de sensibilidad a Mildiu, lo que demostró que la preselección clonal había sido exitosa. Los resultados obtenidos abren la posibilidad, en la variedad Albariño, de elegir clones más o menos adaptados a las diferentes condiciones de los viñedos o de reducir el número de tratamientos fitosanitarios. Todo ello implicaría una mayor rentabilidad, menor deterioro del medio ambiente y la elaboración de vinos más saludables. Las conclusiones alcanzadas en este trabajo permitirán abordar nuevas líneas de investigación. ····· 103611290

Agricultura Urbana y Suburbana en Cuba

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En el Libro que ponemos en tus manos se explica, en primer lugar, como surgió la Agricultura Urbana en Cuba. Se describen los 29 Subprogramas en que la Agricultura Urbana y Suburbana se organiza. En el texto están bién descritas las normas que rigen este movimiento popular de producción de alimentos sanos y baratos en las áreas de ciudades y pueblos. Se hace un resumen del resultado de las investigaciones de un grupo de investigadores y profesores del Centro Universitario Municipal Camajuaní sobre los elementos básicos para la construcción de organopónicos y el fomento de huertos intensivos. Se exponen las características de los diferentes sustratos utilizados y se explica como se puede lograr la conservación de la fertilidad en los mismos. Se dedica espacio a la producción de fertilizantes orgánicos, al compostaje de restos y desechos y a la lombricultura. También se explican en él los esfuerzos para la producción de hortalizas, vegetales y condimentos en los organopónicos, huertos intensivos, patios y parcelas. ····· 103611251

Gender Disparity in Agricultural Technology Adoption

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Agro-pastoral women make significant contribution to subsistence agriculture and ensuring food security and the mainstay of the farm labour. They work in all aspects of agriculture. In addition to their active engagement in agriculture and livestock production women are responsible for all household chores, mainly as a result of the gender division of Labour. However, agricultural development programs and planning give inadequate attention to women farmers and their needs, and hence their farming activities take place on an ever shrinking resource base with extremely primitive technology and with severely stretched time resources. The model result revealed that adoption of improved sorghum package is biased by gender, where Female Headed Households adopt the package relatively less due to Socio-cultural, Economic, and Institutional factors. Therefore, equal access to resources and extension services, gender sensitive participatory technology development efficient inputs delivery systems, and linkage to market are essential to accelerate agricultural development through technology adoption. ····· 103611237

Mother Education, Maternal Nutritional Knowledge and Feeding Practices

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Nutritional status of children is greatly depended on nutritional knowledge and feeding practices of the mother which vary substantially between population due to socio-demographic, economic and cultural variations. Childhood malnutrition is a major health problem in Bangladesh, but the relationship between maternal knowledge and practices with the nutritional status of children have not been adequately studied in Bangladeshi population. This relationship along with factors affecting the maternal knowledge and practices, have been addressed in this work including 400 mothers of 2years children. This study has also identified misconception regarding mothers` nutritional knowledge and underlying reasons of improper child feeding practices. The work emphasizes on the importance of providing nutritional knowledge to the mothers (irrespective of educational status) and it also highlights the need for policy and strategy adaptation to provide more effective behavior change education targeted particularly to the people with lower education levels. ····· 103611231

Machinery and Power Selection Models for Paddy Wheat Farms

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Power and machinery is a single largest cost component, constituting about 60% of the total investment cost on mechanized farm. The profit of a farm depends, to a great extent, on the appropriate mechanization planning of the farm. Selection of proper size of power source(s) and its matching equipment is of paramount importance for an efficient mechanization planning.The bottleneck in the farm mechanization planning has been due to complexity of available machinery systems and their diversity with respect to type, size, number and operational characteristics. The process is further complicated in multiple cropping farms. Several models have been developed for the selection of agricultural machinery system using different techniques, like, linear programming, heuristic models, dynamic programming, and least cost approach. All those models were crop and location specific. This book describes the development of computer based mathematical models using least cost technique and a software for the selection of optimum power and machinery system. The developed models were validated for paddy-wheat crop rotation of Northern India. ····· 103611217

Soybean Diseases and their Management

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Soybean (Glycine max (L) Merrill is one of the oldest crops of the world. Nutritionally, soybean seed has been considered to be the best of all pulses because of its high protein contents. Today, it is the largest source of oil for human consumption as well as protein for livestock feed. This book reviews the soybean crop, its nutritive value, seed description, anatomy and growth, nodulation, complete production technology and various biotic diseases. This book also covers part of original research on biological control of charcoal rot (Macrophomina phaseolina) (Tassi.) Goid of soybean. ····· 103611215

Barley for the 21st century`s ruminant

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Challenges in science and industry usually arise from over-complex systems analyses. Simple and feasible on-farm approaches of barley use will enable concurrent improvements in rumen microbial efficiency and yield, post-rumen starch and protein assimilation, milk and meat outputs, animal immune function, and adequately persistent economic life. Optimizing barley grain value for ruminants has been a major global and environmental challenge. Mismanagement in feeding and processing barley grain for high-producing dairy and beef cattle can easily make a fiasco from the pearl of cereals. With its nutritional exclusivities underlined, optimum barley grain feeding to postmodern ruminants is a factual art that will either matchlessly profit or harm rumen microbes, cattle production and farm economics. ····· 103611212

Nutritional And Physiological Studies On Fish

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Fish meal is one of the most expensive ingredients in prepared fish diets. Therefore, we used of unconventional feed such as algae for substitution the high cost feedstuff such fishmeal with support the maximum growth of fish. In addition to the highly content of protein and essential fatty acids of algae, and more suitable for fish diets, algae production rates where high in tropical and subtropical developing countries. A 12-week feeding trail following by a 2-week digestibility trail were conducted with Nile tilapia fingerling , a control diets without micro algae served as a reference from which inclusion levels of 5, 10, 15 and 20% micro algae were investigated by the replacement of fish meal. Generally, it could be noticed that the inclusion of algae levels up to 15% for Nile tilapia fingerlings produced optimum growth performance, feed utilization and efficiency and digestibility coefficient. Also 10 or 15% algae in the diet improved physiological status and reproductive in items of FSH hormones for Nile tilapia. The present study should help shed some light on this micro algae new source for protein in fish diet which highly elements content and improve fish performance. ····· 103611211

Fate Of Particulate And Dissolved Organic Matter

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The transformation of insoluble organic N via particulate and dissolved organic matter (POM and DOM) into inorganic N may represent the bottle neck mechanism in N mineralization. However, it is unknown how POM fractions are related to DOM pools, and how these particulate and dissolved pools are quantitatively involved in N mineralization. To understand and quantify the fate of these pools in N mineralization, we conducted an incubation experiment with 15N labeled radish residues to trace the flow of 15N through the different N pools. POM was fractionated with density fractionation as light and heavy fraction (LF and HF). Our analysis showed that neither DON nor POM function as a distinct N source fraction in soil. The collected DOM was predominantly recalcitrant (~80%), suggesting that the bioavailable DOM fraction cannot be measured with current sampling techniques. ····· 103611196

Assessment of non-chemical seed treatment methods in organic seeds

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Alternatives to chemical seed treatment is a requirement in certified organic vegetable seed production. Physical seed treatment and use of natural crop protection agents methods could be an alternative seed treatment method in organic vegetable seed production. Research efforts in alternatives methods to chemical crop protection are currently being addressed worldwide especially with regards to food safety and environmental sustainability. The aim of the current study was to assess physiological sensitivity of seeds towards physical treatment methods. ····· 103611189

Agrotechniques to enhance productivity of ashwagandha

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Ashwagandha is an adoptogenic herb and its roots, seeds and leaves are used in ayurvedic and unani medicines.Ashwagandha root contains 0.4 1.2% alkaloids, 40-65% starch, 40-65% fibres and minor quantity of oil. The important chemical constituents are alkaloids (withanolides) that are present in roots, leaf and berries. The root drug finds an important place in treatment of rheumatic pain, inflammation of joints, nervous disorders, female disorders, hiccup, cold, cough, as a sedative, ulcers, leprosy etc. The leaf paste is applied for carbuncles, inflammation and swellings and leaf juice is useful in conjunctivitis. bark decoction is taken for asthama and applied locally to bed sores. Ashwagandha and its extracts are used in the preparation of herbal tea, powders, tablets and syrups.This book covers the information on agrotechniques to enhance the productivity of ashwagandha (Withania somnifera dunal) in vertisols of northern dry zone of Karnataka. ····· 103611181

Studies on Propagation of Karonda (Carissa congesta Wt.)

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Karonda (Carissa congesta Wight Syn. Carissa carandus Auct.) is a unique under exploited fruit crop, which is a hardy shrub with green foliage and thorns. Its sweet ripe as well as unripe acidic fruits are of economic importance, which are a good source of vitamin C , iron and phosphorous. It is a cross pollinated crop and lot of variation is noticed in the seedling progenies. Asexual methods of propagation of karonda are best for maintaining purity of promising types. It is known to be difficult to root plant. In present book, precious information on methods of propagation of karonda by raising of seedlings by various seed treatments, by hard wood cuttings treated with different concentrations of IBA in various media and humidity conditions and by softwood grafting by using various maturity of scion sticks and polythene bag cover are discussed. This book will be beneficial for academicians, researchers and students in horticulture and allied fields. It will also be beneficial to farmers and nursery men engaged in plant propagation. It will provide guidelines for the research work on under exploited fruit crops in tropical conditions. ····· 103611175

Factors influencing hulling among coffee farmers in Masaka district

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The purpose of this study is to determine the factors underlying the adoption of coffee hulling by farmers, and to estimate the price elasticities for hulled and unhulled coffee sold. 300 farmers were randomly selected and interviewed using a structured questionnaire. The censored Tobit model was used to analyse the factors that influence the sale of hulled coffee. Two OLS models for the marketed supply of unhulled and hulled coffee were estimated and their corresponding elasticities determined. The results indicate that higher market prices of hulled coffee positively and significantly (p0.01) enhance the proportion of hulled coffee sold, while distance from the farmer s home to the coffee processing factory and drought conditions during the season significantly (p0.05) reduce the proportion of hulled coffee sold. The sale of hulled coffee was found to be more price responsive than the sale of unhulled coffee both in the short and long run. Based on these findings the study recommends supporting the development of farmer institutions as a way of promoting the uptake of coffee hulling and value addition to improve farmers incomes. ····· 103611156

Efficacy of insecticides for the control of maize stem borer

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The main aims of the present investigations were to sort out the comparative efficacy of granular and emulsifiable concentrated insecticides against maize stem borer Chilo partellus (Swinhoe). The trials were laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) and there were seven treatments including check having three repeats, each.The effectiveness of insecticides was compared in terms of maize stem borer infestation in different insecticidal treatments and control which was considered to be its indirect reflection. Among all the tested insecticides Furadan, proved the most effective and Karate the least effective insecticide. ····· 103611154

Some Physiological and Biochemical Aspects of A Rare Tropical Fish

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Fisheries and Aquaculture Biotechnology in recent years has become an imperative interest to the global scientific fraternity as it may harvest rich dividends towards achieving the goal of producing cheap and best of animal protein. Poikilotherms (viz. fishes) in this context are excellent machinery to convert low value raw material into high value protein and lipid. This monograph portrays several aspects of a rare fish biology in four chapters, in terms of physiology and genetic diversity. The literature review in each chapter is extensive if not exhaustive. The work may be useful to overview the current status of a tropical fish species and explains several simple though significant study protocol that will not only aid readers to replicate the same with other fishes but may also hearten to promote conservation strategies for tropical biodiversity. ····· 103611147

Indonesian Fisheries Management

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The analysis of the Indonesian fisheries assessment and management framework has revealed a picture of management gaps, data inconsistency and inadequacy of regulations to achieve the sustainability of fish resources. The open-access nature of the fisheries and complexity of licensing systems, split between three levels of government, make planning and enforcement difficult. To deal with the increasing exploitation of fisheries resources, the Indonesian Government enacted Fisheries Law No. 9 (1985), later followed by Fisheries Law No. 31 (2004). These laws covered most aspects of fisheries in Indonesia, including jurisdiction, management, exploitation, development, delegation of responsibilities, as well as monitoring, control and surveillance. Despite the good intention of these laws, there remain major problems in implementation, particularly in relation to the lack of agreement concerning the sharing of the marine jurisdiction and fisheries management responsibilities among the national, provincial and district governments within Indonesia. In general, fisheries officers understood the fisheries laws very well, but found it difficult to implement in a practical sense. ····· 103611145

Water and Nutrient Management in Bed Planting Wheat

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Efficient input management along with varietal improvement is the two basic aspects that can help us in achieving the target. To fully exploit the potential of wheat yield the development of special management practices like sowing method, management of water, nutrient and weed etc are prime need which ensure for higher yield. The new resource conservation technology FIRBS (furrow irrigated raised bed planting system) can reduce the water usage by 25-40% and saved 25% of seed and nitrogen without any yield reduction compared to conventional tillage. Wheat productivity can be increased by providing copious water at the right time according to availability of irrigation water. Various essential nutrients play pivotal role in maintaining the quality of grains. Nitrogen being the constituent of all amino acids and protein fractions has great influence on growth and yield-attributing characters of wheat in relation to its major uses in bread making. Thus, the judicious use of available irrigation water and application of suitable dose of fertilizer in respect to available soil moisture plays important role in minimizing the present large gap between yield achieved and yield achievable. ····· 103611133

Determinants of Nutritional Status of Children under Age Five

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The study has been intended to model determinants of nutritional status of children under age five using cross-sectional study design and two-stage cluster sampling methods during data collection.Logistic regression model was used for data analysis because logistic regression belongs to the class of generalized linear models and is commonly used strategy in analyzing data which have categorical dependent variable. It allows one to predict a discrete outcome, such as group membership from a set of predictor, since logistic regression calculates the probability of success over the probability of failure and relationships and strength among the variables.The study used data collected from children under age five by using Anthropometric measurements and taking demographic, socioeconomic, environmental, nutritional, and health seeking variables by using administered questionnaire from mothers and care givers of children of Hawassa Zuria woreda in Sidama Zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia. ····· 103611131

Somaclonal variation in ginger

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Investigations on somaclonal variation in ginger were focused on induction of variability through in vitro techniques, evaluation of somaclones for morphological, yield and quality attributes, reaction to soft rot and bacterial wilt diseases and characterization of selected superior somaclones using RAPD markers. Protocols for indirect organogenesis, indirect embryogenesis and in vitro mutagenesis were developed in ginger. Field evaluation of already regenerated bud culture derived somaclones of two ginger cultivars viz. Maran and Rio-de-Janeiro were undertaken for three seasons from 2002 to 2004. Procedures for in vitro production of toxic metabolites of Pythium aphanidermatum and Ralstonia solanacearum and bioassay of the metabolites were standardized. Procedures for screening somaclones against soft rot and bacterial wilt diseases were developed. The somaclones evaluated exhibited superiority over conventionally propagated plants for yield, quality and tolerance to soft rot and bacterial wilt diseases. Assessment of genetic variability using RAPD markers, revealed the occurrence of genetic variation in ginger somaclones. ····· 103611105

Crop Yield in Soil Amended with Sawdust and Organomineral Fertilizer

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This book address fundamental issues of soil degradation and its amendment for agriculture. It will help the reader to adopt simple soil amendment using agricultural waste such sawdust and composting of market waste. Readers will find this book very useful as it revealed effect of land degradation on mycorrhiza population, yield of maize and cowpea. It also deals with the advantages of sawdust and organomineral fertilizer in soil amendment. This book is recommended for soil scientist, environmentalist, ecologist and crop scientist. ····· 103611093

Effect of Rhizobia on growth of Acacia nilotica in Egypt

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This study was carried out at the Experimental Laboratory of the Microbiology Department, Soils, Water and Environmental Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center (ARC), Giza, Ornamental Horticulture Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, and the Experimental Laboratory of Natural Resources Department, Institute of African Research and Studies, Cairo University, Egypt, during the two successive seasons of 2005/2006 and 2006/2007. The objectives of this work were to isolate and study the characteristics of rhizobia isolated from Acacia saligna against reference strains in order to evaluate their efficiency for nodulation associated with Acacia nilotica subsp. tomentosa, select suitable local carrier materials to prepare an inoculant, and investigate the response of inoculated plants to irrigation water salinity and irrigation intervals. ····· 103611081

Response of maize to water stress

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Maize plant is a c4 plant having high input requirements including irrigation water. In Pakistan 25-30% of the total cropped area is rainfed where the available water resources are depleting very quickly. Water stress or drought is one of the major limiting fator in crop production around the globe. Water stress affects plant growth both at early stage and at grain filling stage resulting in decreased yield. Fifty inbred lines were used to study genetic variability, correlation and path co-efficient analysis among various seedling and maturity traits. Under drought conditions, 100-grain weight had positively and significantly correlated with root length, shoot length, fresh root weight and number of cobs. Days taken to silking had maximum positive direct effect on 100-garin weight. Number of ears had minimum positive direct effect on 100-grain weight. ····· 103611071

Nitrogen Transformation in Vertisol under soybean-wheat system

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This book `Nitrogen Transformation in Vertisol under soybean- wheat system` is need for a good book on soil science for undergraduate student as well as post graduate student of agriculture in India. The motivating thought in bringing out this publication was that while dealing with changes in organic and inorganic forms of nitrogen in Vertisol due to conjoint use of inorganic fertilizer and organic manures and their relation with yield and total nitrogen uptake by soybean and wheat, Nitrogen fixation by soybean crop. It is written in a simple and lucid style. I am deeply appreciates the honorary efforts of all the contributors. It also thanks Dr KS Raddy (IISS, Bhopal), Dr UK Vaishya (J.N.K.V.V, Jabalpur) and the Lambert academic publishing for providing publishing in this book. I sincerely hope that teachers and students of Soil Science in agricultural universities and institutes would find this textbook useful in learning and teaching different aspects of Indian soils and their management. I would appreciate receiving comments and suggestions, if any, on any aspect of this publication these would immensely help in improving the future editions of this book. ····· 103611060

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