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La integración de contenidos en el área de ciencias

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El desarrollo científico que experimenta el mundo contemporáneo exige la implementación de enfoques integradores en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de las diferentes asignaturas. En este sentido, en el área de ciencias del preuniversitario en Cuba, esta situación es impostergable. En la siguiente investigación se presenta un Modelo Didáctico y su estrategia de instrumentación, que posibilitan establecer las relaciones existentes entre los contenidos de las asignaturas del área de ciencias mediante la utilización de los recursos informáticos en calidad de mediadores, como vía para la integración de dichos contenidos en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de estas asignaturas en el preuniversitario. Lo cual constituye un novedoso aporte a la Didáctica de las Ciencias y resulta de gran interés a docentes e investigadores en esta área. ····· 1036121642

Perception of teaching literacy in elementary content areas

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This mixed-methods study explored third, fourth, and fifth grade teachers` perceptions of their role in teaching content literacy in the elementary science and social studies classroom. The rationale for this study was the growing number of studies questioning the reliance on the inoculation theory for content area literacy comprehension. The study was a mixed methods study so as to provide insight into the participants thought processes in decision making and instructional planning. Data sources included timed instructional observations, tiered checklist to identify strategy instruction, and prompted critical reflections. The three-tiered observation instrument categorized strategies used by teachers in tiers according to the focus of the strategy. Tier I strategies were those identified as strategies good readers use, typically taught with narrative text. The inoculation theory posits these skills transfer to reading informational and expository text. Tier II strategies were those identified as strategies appropriate for informational or expository text. ····· 1036120319

Presidential Initiative on AIDS Strategy for Communication to Youths

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The Presidential Imitative on AIDS Strategy for Communication to Youths (PIASCY) addresses comprehensive sex education in schools. It helps both teachers and learners to guard against sexuality related challenges such as defilement, sexual abuse, sexual harassment, indecent assault and HIV/AIDS. However, this intervention is treated by teachers as an additional workload and it is therefore not given the appropriate attention and implementation as expected. The author recommends that PIASCY be incorporated into the national school programmes as part and parcel of the education curriculum. ····· 1036119831

Culture and the Construction of Literary Meaning Among Young Readers

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Having lived in a relatively homogeneous cultural environment until my early 20s, I understandably (and quite mistakenly) assumed that everyone saw the world through the same lense. As an elementary teacher transplanted into a diverse urban classroom, I learned that early readers` cultural experiences play a fascinating role in how they create literary meaning. Based on the work of Louise Rosenblatt, this capstone research project helped me identify which cultural factors helped three of my first grade students understand what they read . . . and I hope that my research results will empower other conscientious teachers to support their young students` literary engagement. ····· 1036119169

Status of accounting curriculum implementation:

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Teachers as arbiters wield much influence in determining the success or otherwise of an innovation. Yet in centralized school systems, as practised in Ghana, teachers are relegated to the periphery when designing curriculum. Programmes developed independent of teachers tend to arouse some concerns in teachers in their bid to put such progrmmes into use.The purpose of the study was to identify the concerns that accounting teachers had in their attempt to implement the new accounting curriculum as a part of the 2007 Education Reform in Ghana. The study found that accounting teachers were mainly non-users of the new accounting curriculum. They had mixed concerns in relation to the curriculum and its use. They did not realize that the new curriculum was an improvement over the old one and therefore continued to use the old curriculum for their instructional needs.These outcomes of the study will help educational policy-makers and school administrators to identify and resolve such concerns in order to increase the success rate of implementing the curriculum. ····· 1036118954

Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu Extractability and availability in Egyptian soils

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Ninety eight surface soil sample were collected from different locations throughout the A.R.E. to assess the status of cationic micronutrients (Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu) in different soils of Egypt. 1) The tested methods of extraction that could be more promising for assessing soil Fe availability could be ordered descendingly, according to their r values, with nutrients uptake by barley seedlings as follows: Mehlich III AAAc-EDTA DTPA CAT AB-DTPA. 2) All the tested procedures, (except BDW) showed significant correlations with Mn plant uptake at a very high significant levels, they could be arranged according to their r values, descending in the order: Mehlich III CAT AAAc EDTA ABDTPA DTPA Coca-Cola. 3) The methods of soil Zn extraction that are significantly correlated with Zn plant uptake could be arranged according to their r coefficient descendingly in the order: CAT W.H AAAc-EDTA. 4) The tested methods of micronutrients extraction, yielded always significant correlation between the extractable Cu values and Cu plant uptake. The observed relation significancy decreased in the order: W.H. Mehlich III AAAc EDTA CAT DTPA AB-DTBA ····· 1036118347

Using Game-based Approach to Teach English Vocabulary

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According to many educators, teaching language to children should be started at earliest ages of schooling. If the goal is to begin teaching English to children at an early age, we should choose an appropriate method to implement such education. The proposed method in this study is using the games and the focus is on teaching vocabulary. The games provide a situation in which the student experience problem-solving and discovery learning. To investigate the role of this proposed tool, the researcher chose a qualitative-quantitative method to answer the research questions about the role of the games in fostering learning for the students and motivating the students to learn. The results of administering a pre-test, doing the experiment, administering a post-test, and distributing a questionnaire along with reviewing teacher s notes showed that the games not only helped the students learn the vocabulary but also showed them how to share information as a group. The evidences also showed that the students became motivated to learn rather than forced to learn. ····· 1036118178

Schooling the elites, schooling the poors

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This book presents and compares different educational environments in contemporary Portugal: private schools attended by the elite and poor public schools located in poor neighbourhoods. Based on two different sociological projects but following similar frameworks, our aim is to discuss organizational strategies and socialization processes within a traditionally centralized and unified educational system, allegedly ruled by the principle of equal opportunities for all. Theoretically, concepts as socialization and educational system are discussed, both in global terms and in the context of contemporary changes in Portuguese society. Empirically, the field research in four schools is sketched. This comparison has found some convergence trends, but also many contrasts between socialization in both contexts, challenging key values of the educational systems, as integration and equity. ····· 1036118139

Formación de los Formadores en Negocios

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Este manual proporciona consejos prácticos para la formación de adultos situacional e intercultural de adultos, y sirve como una fuente de información y guía para los formadores que quieren distinguirse. Está diseñado como material de acompañamiento para seminarios sobre el tema ` Formación de los Formadores en Negocios (AHK)` concluido por una certificación de la Cámara de Comercio Alemana. La guía forma parte del primer módulo de su ` Formación de los Formadores en Negocios (AHK)` - (AHK = `Auslandshandelskammer`: Cámara Alemana de Comercio). ····· 1036114625

ZISU - Zeitschrift für interpretative Schul- und Unterrichtsforschung. H.9

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Die meisten Beiträge dieser themenoffenen Ausgabe beziehen sich auf das Feld der Unterrichts- und Schulpraxis, einige setzen sich mit Deutungsmustern und Habitusentwicklungen zu Schule und Unterricht auseinander und einige weitere mit der diskursiven Thematisierung von Lehrerhandeln. Diese Felder spiegeln nicht nur den aktuellen Diskurs interpretativer Schul- und Unterrichtsforschung, sondern auch die thematische Breite in Schulpädagogik und Fachdidaktik. ····· 103616769

ZISU - Zeitschrift für interpretative Schul- und Unterrichtsforschung. H.8

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Angesichts der Vielfalt ihrer Formate überrascht, wie wenig bisher über die Praxis der Lehrer innenbildung bekannt ist. Vor diesem Hintergrund präsentiert die ZISU aktuelle Befunde, neue Ansätze und weiterführende Perspektiven zur Erforschung. Was passiert in der Begleitung universitärer Praxisphasen oder in Gruppenarbeiten unter den Studierenden Wie funktioniert die Seminararbeit mit Videovignetten ····· 103616683

Unterrichten und Aneignen

für 69.00€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In welchem Verhältnis stehen das Unterrichten einer Lehrperson und dasAneignen der Schüler, also ihr Umgang mit dem `Lernangebot` Dies wird im Interesse daran rekonstruiert, zu einer empirisch fundierten, pädagogischen Theorie des Unterrichts zu gelangen. Die Ergebnisse der objektivhermeneutischen Rekonstruktion werden in Form von vier Fallstudien zu vier Unterrichtsstunden vorgelegt. Besonders die Exploration der Aneignungsweisen der Heranwachsenden kann als originärer Beitrag zur rekonstruktiven Unterrichtsforschung erachtet werden, da die Seite des `Lernens` nicht nur traditionell in der pädagogisch-didaktischen Betrachtung des Unterrichts unterbelichtet blieb, sondern auch noch nicht versucht wurde, sie rekonstruktiv zu erschließen. Erst die Einsichten in die unterschiedlichen Aneignungsweisen der Schüler einbeziehend, kann Unterricht verstanden werden, so die leitende These der Arbeit, stellt er doch eine Verschränkung von Unterrichten und Aneignen dar. Deren Verhältnis wird herausgearbeitet: Dadurch kann gezeigt werden, inwiefern sich Unterricht als Vermittlung, inwiefern aber auch als Nicht-Vermittlung vollzieht. ····· 103616635

MINT-Didaktik und Allgemeine Didaktik im Gespräch

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Wie können gelingende Lehr-Lernprozesse mittels Problemlösen und Differenzieren gestaltet, wie fachliche und fachübergreifende Ziele verfolgt und wie übergeordnete Bildungs- und Erziehungsziele verwirklicht werden Der interdisziplinäre Blick der Autorinnen und Autoren aus den verschiedenen (fach-)didaktischen Perspektiven auf Problemlösen und Differenzieren regt zu weiterführenden wissenschaftlichen Diskussionen an und bietet zudem Anregungen für die Unterrichtspraxis. ····· 103616624

Tvorcheskoe myshlenie

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Rabota posvyashchena izucheniyu protsessa formirovaniya tvorcheskogo myshleniya v usloviyakh massovogo shkol`nogo obucheniya v sootvetstvii s osnovnymi polozheniyami teorii deyatel`nostnogo podkhoda D.B. El`konina - V.V. Davydova. Rassmatrivayutsya logiko-filosofskie, psikhologicheskie i tekhnologicheskie aspekty formirovaniya tvorcheskoy lichnosti putem primeneniya avtorskoy kontseptsii i innovatsionnykh uchebno-tekhnologicheskikh kompleksov po razlichnym uchebnym predmetam. Trud prednaznachen dlya rabotnikov obrazovatel`nykh uchrezhdeniy a takzhe interesuyushchikhsya psikhologicheskimi i pedagogicheskimi voprosami formirovaniya tvorchestva. ····· 103615299

Absolyutnaya gramotnost`: sovremennye napravleniya obucheniya orfografii

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Zadacha dannogo posobiya pomoch` uchitelyam-slovesnikam v reshenii odnoy iz aktual`nykh problem metodiki obucheniyu orfografii, otnosyashcheysya k chislu `vechno aktual`nykh problem`. S problemoy orfograficheskoy gramotnosti stalkivayutsya uchashchiesya vsekh pokoleniy i vsekh tipov shkol. Predlagaemoe metodicheskoe posobie vklyuchaet obzor sovremennykh metodik obucheniya pravopisaniyu v shkole, sistematizirovannoe izlozhenie avtorskoy kontseptsii raboty po orfografii, osnovannoy na ispol`zovanii istoricheskogo kommentirovaniya nekotorykh tem shkol`nogo kursa russkogo yazyka. Teoreticheskie polozheniya izlagayutsya v yasnoy i dostupnoy forme. V knige mnogo prakticheskogo materiala, dany konspekty urokov po naibolee trudnym orfograficheskim temam. Kniga adresovana studentam, aspirantam i prepodavatelyam pedagogicheskikh vuzov, uchitelyam-slovesnikam. ····· 103615141

Vzaimootnosheniya lyudey i zhivotnykh

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V posobii predstavleny uchebno-metodicheskie materialy, kotorye mogut byt` ispol`zovany v elektivnykh yazykovykh kursakh `Biologiya i ekologiya. Mir ptits i mlekopitayushchikh` i `Lingvokul`turologiya na angliyskom yazyke`. Dlya shkol`nikov, studentov vuzov i kolledzhey. Predlagaemye uchebno-metodicheskie materialy mogut byt` ispol`zovany vyborochno kak na etape predprofil`noy podgotovki v 9 klasse, tak i na etape professional`no orientirovannoy inoyazychnoy podgotovki v 10-11 klassakh, i skorrektirovany uchitelyami s uchetom konkretnykh pedagogicheskikh usloviy. Ob`ektivnyy analiz i otsenka rezul`tatov raboty v rassmatrivaemom plane podskazhut dal`neyshie puti sovershenstvovaniya razrabotki i realizatsii elektivnykh kursov. Dannye uchebno-metodicheskie materialy mogut byt` ispol`zovany takzhe pri raznourovnevom obuchenii angliyskomu yazyku s profil`noy orientatsiey na neyazykovykh fakul`tetakh pedagogicheskikh vuzov. ····· 103615130

Kinematicheskaya struktura tsiklicheskikh lokomotsiy shkol`nikov

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V knige predstavleny dannye o vozrastnykh i polovykh zakonomernostyakh formirovaniya kinematicheskoy struktury tsiklicheskikh (chast` 1), atsiklicheskikh (chast` 2) i peremestitel`nykh dvizheniy (chast` 3) shkol`nikov 6-17 let. Predstavlena novaya tekhnologiya razrabotki metodik, uchityvayushchikh osobennosti kinematicheskoy struktury dvizheniy. V prilozheniyakh privodyatsya metodiki obucheniya begu na skorost`, pryzhkam v dlinu s razbega i metaniyu malogo myacha uchashchikhsya 1-10 klassov obshcheobrazovatel`noy shkoly. ····· 103615096

Izuchenie osnov ekonomiki v starshikh klassakh

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Dannoe metodicheskoe posobie prednaznacheno dlya uchiteley i prepodavateley osnov ekonomicheskoy teorii srednikh obshcheobrazovatel`nykh shkol i uchrezhdeniy nachal`nogo, srednego i vysshego professional`nogo obrazovaniya. V nem predstavleny metodicheskie rekomendatsii po ispol`zovaniyu graficheskogo kal`kulyatora pri reshenii ekonomicheskikh zadach na osnove matematicheskogo modelirovaniya. Effektivnost` primeneniya kal`kulyatorov velika ravno kak v formirovanii predmetnykh umeniy, tak i universal`nykh uchebnykh deystviy uchashchikhsya. Osobennost`yu dannogo posobiya stalo strukturirovanie ego v sootvetstvii s obyazatel`nym minimumom osnovnogo soderzhaniya obrazovatel`nykh programm bazovogo urovnya po predmetu ekonomika, s ukazaniem trebovaniy k urovnyu podgotovki, pred`yavlyaemykh k uchashchimsya na konets uchebnogo goda. Materialy soderzhat razdel, posvyashchennyy obshchim printsipam raboty na graficheskom kal`kulyatore. ····· 103614852

Rol` administratsii shkoly v razvitii uchashchikhsya, obuchayushchikhsya na domu

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Monografiya posvyashchena aktual`nym voprosam dukhovno-nravstvennogo razvitiya detey, kotorye nakhodyatsya na domashnem obuchenii. V rabote rassmatrivaetsya rol` administratsii shkoly v organizatsii vospitatel`nogo protsessa dannoy kategorii detey sovmestno s roditelyami, pedagogami i psikhologami. Sovremennaya pedagogicheskaya praktika pokazyvaet, chto i uchebnyy, i vospitatel`nyy protsess v rabote s uchenikami, kotorye v silu raznykh prichin, svyazannykh, prezhde vsego, s sostoyaniem ikh zdorov`ya, ne mogut poseshchat` shkolu i poluchayut obrazovanie na domu, vo mnogom nosit formal`nyy kharakter, i eto neizbezhno snizhaet kachestvo obucheniya, uroven` sformirovannosti dukhovno-nravstvennykh orientirov, chto ne mozhet negativno ne vliyat` na perspektivy ikh sotsial`noy integratsii i polucheniya professional`nogo obrazovaniya v budushchem. V knige podrobno opisano, kakie formy mozhet nosit` vospitatel`naya rabota s etimi uchenikami, i kak administratsiya shkoly mozhet sodeystvovat` etomu. ····· 103614799

Fizicheskaq kul`tura

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Kniga soderzhit naibolee vazhnye teoreticheskie svedeniya po fizicheskoy kul`ture, kotorye dolzhny byt` dostoyaniem kazhdogo, kto schitaet sebya obrazovannym, intelligentnym chelovekom, sovremennoy, tsivilizovannoy lichnost`yu, i primenyat`sya dlya optimizatsii sostoyaniya organizma v povsednevnoy zhiznedeyatel`nosti. Ovladenie etimi znaniyami dolzhna obespechit` sistema obrazovaniya v protsesse prepodavaniya uchebnogo predmeta `Fizicheskaya kul`tura`. Kniga mozhet pomoch` uspeshnomu vypolneniyu dannym predmetom etoy vazhnoy funktsii, sluzhit` v kachestve nauchnogo i uchebno-metodicheskogo obespecheniya dlya uglublyennogo izucheniya dannogo predmeta. Glavnoy tsel`yu knigi yavlyaetsya podgotovka k samostoyatel`noy vysokoeffektivnoy fizkul`turno-sportivnoy deyatel`nosti, fizkul`turnomu samoobrazovaniyu i fizicheskomu samosovershenstvovaniyu, samostoyatel`noy zabote ob ukreplenii svoego zdorov`ya na protyazhenii vsey individual`noy zhizni cheloveka. Kniga mozhet byt` poleznoy uchashchimsya obshcheobrazovatel`nykh shkol, kolledzhey, uchilishch, v uchrezhdeniyakh obrazovaniya, gde vedyetsya nachal`naya professional`naya podgotovka po fizicheskoy kul`ture, a takzhe uchitelyam, roditelyam uchashchikhsya, vsem interesuyushchimsya problemami fizicheskogo vospitaniya v sovremennom obshchestve ····· 103614793

Diversification des aides didactiques et motivation en classe de FLE

für 58.41€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Pour enseigner une langue étrangère, l `enseignant sait que la méthode traditionnelle, avec ses supports pédagogiques classiques, a montré ses limites devant un public apprenant de plus nombreux et de plus en plus exigeant. L`enseignement/ apprentissage d`une langue se veut être dynamique et innovant dans ses méthodes pour être plus performant. Depuis un demi-siècle, la technologie n`a cessé de se développer et offrait continuellement de nouveaux outils qui donnaient à l`école une opportunité de diversifier à la fois ses moyens et ses méthodes d`approche. Des moyens qui permettent à l`enseignant de varier ses aides didactiques, d`asseoir un enseignement plus adapté et surtout, par leur nouveauté et leur efficacité, de pouvoir motiver l`apprenant. Bien sûr, ses nouveaux supports ne sont pas sans difficulté. Il revient à l`enseignant d`en faire le bon choix, le bon usage, d`en maitriser la technicité, de les didactiser et de les adapter à sa classe. ····· 103614751

Atención preventiva

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El Programa Educa a Tu Hijo, vía utilizada para la atención no institucionalizada de niños de cero a seis años, se materializa en la comunidad, contando con la participación intersectorial de los organismos y organizaciones, el cual funciona fundamentalmente a través de las actividades planificadas en el plan de acción y en la capacitación de sus miembros. A raíz de esta situación la autora se propuso la realización de un material docente que contribuya con la preparación al Grupo Coordinador del Programa Educa a Tu Hijo en la atención preventiva a las comunidades socialmente complejas, para garantizar el seguimiento desde el embarazo hasta los seis años de edad y la implementación exitosa de dicho programa. La investigación arrojó como resultado el presente libro que con amor dedico a todas aquellas personas que creen que un mundo mejor es posible. ····· 103612971

Enseñar en Tiempos Mediáticos

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Comprender el desafío de enseñar, es entender las posibilidades que los docentes tienen a diario con sus propuestas didácticas escolares. Las mismas pueden ser puertas de entrada (o de salida) a universos simbólicos, permitiendo oportunidades reales a adolescentes/ jóvenes reales. Tomar como objeto de estudio las prácticas de enseñanza situadas en el aula, implica reconocer la historicidad de la educación y ubicarnos en los entornos comunicaciones actuales, como parte constitutiva de los contextos vigentes en los que la escuela está inserta, hoy. Las experiencias escolares diarias, modulan vínculos, modos de pensar, que facilitan o inhiben aprendizajes. Reconocer y estudiar en las prácticas de enseñanza los actuales tiempos mediáticos es identificar una de las problemáticas actuales que se asume novedosa y compleja. Por tiempos mediáticos, se entiende la sobre exposición a los medios masivos de comunicación (radio y televisión) con los cuales se convive cotidianamente. Sumado a las nuevas tecnologías de la información y comunicación, que han configurado en los sujetos nuevas formas simbólicas. ····· 103612872

Mapas conceptuales

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Un mapa conceptual permite expresar el contenido en forma gráfica de manera que la audiencia tenga una información secuencial y esquemática del mismo. El libro hace una introducción a los mapas conceptuales, partiendo de su origen y definición, diferenciándolos de los mapas mentales. Analiza los diferentes elementos que integran un mapa conceptual, sus características específicas y sus relaciones con los demás componentes. Aborda también algunos medios y aplicaciones informáticas que ayudan a la elaboración de distintos tipos de mapas conceptuales, criterios para su evaluación como medios de información y de expresión, describiendo su utilidad educativa. Finaliza con la aproximación a una de las herramientas propuestas de software libre, de la que se presenta un breve tutorial. Este libro va dirigido a docentes de los distintos niveles educativos que quieran incorporar el uso de los mapas conceptuales como estrategia metodológica para ayudar a los alumnos en la construcción de su propio aprendizaje. Así como a otros profesionales que necesiten expresar el desarrollo de una idea o un proceso de forma gráfica y esquemática. ····· 103612826

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