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Producción de Disposiciones a la Investigación Científica

für 26.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Si un objetivo general de los posgrados en México es la de formar investigadores, y la manera de alcanzar tal meta es que el estudiante pase por todo un proceso formativo en el marco de prácticas escolares institucionalizadas y reconocidas para ello, cabría también preguntarse si los procesos, tal como se practican son suficientes para producir a la vez una disposición a la investigación propiamente científica. En las instituciones oficiales impera una racionalidad absurda que nos lleva a pensar al mundo social lleno de sujetos poseídos por fines claramente explícitos y vehementemente perseguidos, que es la fuente de mitos socioculturales que se imponen como un deber ser al que están obligados a ajustarse los agentes sociales. El no ajustarse a ellos, provoca aspiraciones subjetivamente no cumplidas y sanciones objetivamente aplicadas. Los mitos educativos son del tipo: y alcanzó estudios superiores, y fue competitivo laboralmente , cuando se sabe del desfase en ello. Del mismo modo, la formación posgraduante en educación en su dimensión investigativa, provee sus propios mitos, uno de los cuales sería el de pretender formar investigadores en educación en dos años y medio. ····· 10361136648

Blogs de lectura y Competencia Literaria

für 80.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Los estudiantes, interactúan con la cultura, como lo señala el constructivismo social se comunican con palabras, imágenes, sonido y silencio, principalmente, a través de plataformas sociales. Desde la didáctica, esta forma de comunicación habrá de mirarse con el enfoque comunicativo funcional de la lengua que permite al joven leer el mundo y leerse a sí mismo a través de los libros. Persiste además una tensión pedagógica entre el docente, que debe enseñar lo que indica el currículum y el estudiante que desea aprender sólo lo que le interesa. Para ello, las didácticas especializadas con la ayuda de las TIC proveen herramientas que propician aprendizajes significativos. En este contexto, lectura comprensiva de obras literarias, goce estético, reflexión y análisis podrían favorecerse si el docente incorpora los Blogs como bitácoras de lectura, al repertorio didáctico, respetando con ellos las diferencias individuales y los niveles de competencia literaria y tecnológica de los estudiantes. El estudio describe qué aspectos de estas competencias se activan y fomentan con esta herramienta digital y propone una estrategia didáctica aplicable y replicable en otros entornos educativos. ····· 10361136349

Drama and Analogies Versus Achievements in School Chemistry

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This work investigated the effects of combining science drama as a generator of analogies in explaining science concepts in the topic Metals and their Compounds to secondary school students.Being backed by notable learning theories and the Semiotic Theory of the Curvilinear Forms in the African Novel, the author explored relevant literature and advanced Arts-In-Science Technique as a common term for all efforts to communicate science through art forms.The study being an experimental design, revealed that Play-Simulations and Teaching With Analogy[P-STWA] technique of presenting school science significantly enhanced achievements at the cognitive ability levels investigated.The technique enhanced males and females in all school types equally at recall and comprehension. It however enhanced the boys better the the girls at the application level:This is rather explained as a result of male stereo-typing in African societies.One beauty of this book is the inclusion of the full script of the science drama, COURTROOM OF CRAZY ELEMENTS and Model Lesson Plans by the same author upon which the study was based. ····· 10361135504

Juanito Laguna va a la escuela

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Juanito Laguna va a la escuela rescata el significado simbólico de los Juanitos que se desdibujan en el abstracto nombre de la pobreza. Antonio Berni, su creador y portavoz a través del arte, retrata los múltiples escenarios de la cotidiana miseria del mundo que lo rodea. En su serie de cuadros Juanito Laguna duerme, hace sus tareas, vive en la pobreza, remonta un barrilete En este libro, Juanito va a una escuela con educadores que apuestan por él y con él. Una escuela en clave de educación popular que posibilita pensar y construir otro mundo posible frente a éste, responsable de la situación de Juanito y su familia. Una escuela que rescata la dimensión política desde una práctica transformadora asentada en la reflexión crítica, el diálogo, el afecto y la lectura conjunta de la realidad. Una escuela que construye conocimientos desde las experiencias vividas por Juanito. Una escuela que, de este modo, se escapa del collage y se transforma en la escuela de Juanito. ····· 10361134964

Gestión pedagógica

für 17.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Investigar en el campo de la gestión directiva y producir un conocimiento que aporte a la construcción de Políticas Públicas de Inclusión ha sido el objetivo de esta línea de investigación que demuestra que los directivos de escuela media, entendidos como actores, despliegan distintas prácticas intencionales (estrategias) destinadas a la obtención de bienes materiales y simbólicos en pro de sus proyectos educativos institucionales. Así, la realidad es entendida como una construcción social y no un hecho dado . El texto sintetiza problema de investigación, preguntas, diseño, instrumentos utilizados y algunas de las conclusiones que fueron enriquecidas en seminarios de grado y posgrado como así también en jornadas de extensión con equipos directivos. Estas conclusiones son ampliadas y profundizadas en esta nueva edición ampliada y revisada de la investigación realizada en la Universidad Nacional de Villa María por el Equipo conformado por Enrique Bambozzi, Gloria Vadori, Eduardo Marzolla y Valeria Venier. ····· 10361134962

Bleichmar, Gardner y Piaget

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La polisemia y la multiplicidad de enfoques existentes respecto del estudio de la inteligencia, demuestran dicha complejidad, así como también, el tesoro que encierra su riqueza, la que se convierte en un potencial invalorable para pensar problemáticas referidas a los ámbitos pedagógicos y/o clínicos. En este momento, asistimos a una división en la comunidad científica de la inteligencia entre aquellos que avanzan hacia descripciones sociales y culturales y aquellos que se esfuerzan en reunir evidencias acerca de sus fundamentos neurológicos y genéticos. A nuestro entender, estas dos tradiciones no se oponen necesariamente. Por el contrario, si pudiésemos abrir nuestra mente al aporte de miradas diversas quizás lograríamos no caer en la partición del sujeto que aprende. De esto trata este libro que estudia tres líneas teóricas paradigmáticas y cuyos enfoques respectivos han sido considerados históricamente disímiles si no contrarios. Nos referimos a las teorías Psicoanalítica de Bleichmar, de las Inteligencias Múltiples de Gardner y Genética de Piaget. ····· 10361134955

Problem-Based Learning and Higher Cognitive Skills Performance

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This is a dissertation on `The Effect of Problem-Based Learning Strategy on Higher Cognitive Skills Performance in Biology at Secondary School Level`. A total of eight-hundred and ten (810)SSS2 students from four schools were used. Instruments for data collection were teacher-made achievement test and questionnaire.It was an experimental study that involved the Solomon four-group design. Through the SPSS software, t-test was used to calculate the differences between two means. Six hypotheses were formulated and tested. The significance level was set at alpha 0.05 and this determined the tenability of each hypothesis. The major findings indicate that: PBL motivates students to learn more than the traditional methods do students taught by PBL are more inclined to taking responsibility of their own learning than those taught by the conventional strategy and male students are more motivated to engage in self-directed learning than their female folks in PBL environment. These findings implied that PBL strategy is applicable to secondary school students. It is therefore recommended that teachers infuse it at secondary school level to promote motivation for creative learning. ····· 10361134587

Education as a Rehabilitation Tool on Child Soldier Victims in Africa

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Children represent the future of a country. They represent hope, new dawn and are a promises of a better day. When children are exposed to war, crisis, and abuses they cease to be children and they become adult but still in a child s stage. The society challenges them to be adult at a tender age. What happens to abused, traumatized children after the war and crisis How do these children come out of their uncertainties Do they ever return to being dependent to the community or do they become hostile to the same community which deprived them of their childhood How prepared is the society in rebuilding the forced adults Empowering these children academically will deal with rehabilitating them. Demobilizing and reintegrating the children to their duties as children and a dependent for the community is the duty of all in the society at large. ····· 10361134405

Pair work in ELT

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Communication is primary to human existence and while people acquire their mother tongue naturally, the acquisition of a second language presents a significantly greater challenge, one that cannot be successfully completed without applying appropriate approaches, methods, strategies and techniques. After centuries of development in ELT, we now find ourselves in a post-method period and in the plenitude of approaches available to us, it is greatly important to choose those that suit the learner best. This book presents an overview of various methods and approaches, paying special attention to communicative language teaching and communicative competence. However, the main body of the book analyses pair work in ELT from various perspectives, suggesting its pros and cons and relating it to the principles of CLT. The theoretical part of the book sets foundations to the second part, which details a field research carried out in a selected primary school. The book should be particularly useful to students of pedagogy and didactics, as well as teachers of primary and seconary schools, who seek practical advice on how to enhance their professional performance. ····· 10361133677

Teaching Chemical Bonding in Some Kenyan Public High Schools

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This book examines the effect of using molecular models on students` understanding of structure and chemical bonding in selected high schools in Kenya.The study is a published thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Science in Science education of Masinde Muliro University of Science nd technology, Kenya.In a nutshell, the study found that using molecular models in classroom instruction significantly promoted students` understanding of structure and bonding, an otherwise abstract topic in chemistry. The study recommended integration of novel information technology approaches- particularly computer-based ones- in classroom instruction. Further, science teachers are encouraged to carefully consider, select and use instructional approaches that cna be described as `non-traditional`. It is hoped that readers will find this book thought-provoking and that it will prompt a review of approaches to teaching other abstract topics in chemistry. ····· 10361133509

A Glossary of ELT Terms and Key Concepts

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
English in this knowledge era is a language of opportunity, the currency of the future. There is understandably an all round demand for English and effective English teachers. A novice peering through ELT journals and textbooks is often baffled by the many technical terms and specialist jargons. There is no one book that can acquaint them with the major terms and issues connected with language learning. This Glossary responds to the needs of such learners, initiating them to the basics and providing them a sound grasp of the essentials the profession has come up with. A doctrinaire approach to the terms and concepts is not intended nor does the book include all nuances, every view, development and reaction. This is primarily a reference book for every learner, teacher and researcher in ELT. Related terms are clubbed together thematically so the reader can be made aware and widen his/her understanding of the developments in the field. ····· 10361133237

Teachers` Attitude towards Teaching English Grammar:

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This study explores the Saudi teachers` of English attitudes towards teaching grammar using different methods in middle and secondary schools. It focuses on the deductive and inductive method as well as teaching grammar rules at sentence and discourse level. This can contribute positively to arrive at a better understanding of how the Saudi teachers think of teaching English grammar in the Saudi schools. In addition, this topic can be identified as of particular importance to teachers, policy makers, teaching authorities and curriculum designers in the sense it helps them determine what teachers think of when using different approaches in teaching English grammar at Saudi schools and what are the negative and positive impact of various approaches when they are put into actual use. ····· 10361133043

The Effects of an Inquiry-Based Computer-Simulated Lesson in Physics

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The book describes how to design a computer-based simulation lesson employing currently available Personal Computer and internet software and investigate its effects in learning situations. The heart of the lesson was the utilitarian Gas Law Simulation program that was incorporated into a hypertext interface display with active links to related notes and worksheets. The simulated lesson allowed students to see the relationships between the variables in graphical forms when a selected independent variable was manipulated and all the corresponding values were keyed into the Excel table. The field testing was conducted using a 3 x 2 factorial design, employing three modes of cooperative learning, namely, heterogeneous-ability cooperative learning group, friendship-based cooperative learning group, and traditional group work group. The sample consisted of 301 16-year-old science students. The findings showed that the inquiry-based computer simulation program was effective in enhancing scientific reasoning and conceptual understanding of students of all reasoning abilities but for maximum effectiveness cooperative learning groups should be composed of students of heterogeneous abilities ····· 10361132615

Occupational Skills Requirements

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The quality of any Training Programme Vis-a-vis skills required of the graduates in the workplace is one of the issue that cannot be avoided by any training institution. this study the training provided by the department of Adult and Community Education at Kyambogo University training adult Educators. A sample of 25 respondents were randomly drawn from three categories of the population of teaching staff, the graduates and the final-year students on the programme for the in-depth interview. Key findings indicated lack of important domains in the delivery of vocational knowledge and skills to learners as recommended in the vocational pedagogical theories. This greatly limits learners ability to effectively perform practical-based tasks at their new jobs. In light of this, practical-based teaching should be adopted by all those in a teaching profession. ····· 10361132129

Diploma Teacher Education in Tanzania

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This study investigated the views of key stakeholders in education on the shift from academic subject content to pedagogy in diploma teacher education in Tanzania. A sample of 125 respondents including: diploma college tutors, trainee teachers, university scholars at the faculty of education in the University of Dar-es-Salaam, secondary school teachers and officials at the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training and Tanzania Institute of Education provided the requisite information. Data were obtained through questionnaires that used closed and open-ended questions, semi-structured interviews and documentary review. With an exception of the officials at the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, the findings indicated that majority of the respondents were explicit in expressing doubts on the new teacher education curriculum which deprive trainee teachers from academic subject matter content stressing that knowing precedes doing. Based on the findings of this study, the researcher recommends for the balanced provision of both academic subject matter content and pedagogy for building a balanced teacher education programme. ····· 10361119194

Informacionnaya sistema dlya srednej shkoly

für 49.41€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Nastoyashhee izdanie predstavlyaet soboj obobshhennyj trud, posvyashhennyj dvum nahodyashhimsya na styke napravleniyam nauchnyh issledovanij. Jeto kontrol` i ocenka obrazovatel`nyh dostizhenij shkol`nikov i ispol`zovanie novyh informacionnyh tehnologij v uchebnom processe obshheobrazovatel`noj shkoly. Obosnovyvaetsya neobhodimost`, i predlagajutsya novye podhody k kachestvennomu dopolneniju sushhestvujushhej sisteme kontrolya dostizhenij uchashhihsya. Opisyvaetsya process sozdaniya informacionnoj sistemy mnogoparametricheskogo kontrolya obrazovatel`noj deyatel`nosti. ····· 10361119172


für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Learner Motivation is very important for the a chievement of learning objectives by both the teacher and the student. Whether at the primary, secondary or university level, the teachers have to carefuly select and use relevant refernce textbooks and other teaching/leaning resources. This book uses field data collected between 2009 and 2010 to evaluate the challanges faced by the secondary school techers in Kenya.The authors note that the teachers role in utilizing textbook material is crucial, therefore, qualified and experienced teachers are in a better position to master the content and use required pedagogical approaches to the learners. Motivational experts view this failure to the performer, who is the teacher and partly to the tool, which is the course text. This evaluation was done by the establishment of teachers academic qualifications and experience in teaching Kiswahili, and the assessment of the relevance of Chemchemi za Kiswahili (a course text singled for the study) to the secondary school Kiswahili syllabus objective. ····· 10361118693

A Guide to Teach Chemistry

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The study aimed at checking the existing level ofunderstanding of concepts in the subject of Chemistryamong Class IX students and to investigate theeffects of concept formation teaching model overtraditional method. 460 students were selected from Government High Schools for Boys and Girls ofRawalpindi city for administering a test to measurethe existing level of understanding of concepts inthe subject of Chemistry among Class IX students. Forexperiment, sample size was 290. Pre-test-Post-testNonequivalent-Groups Design was used. Pre-test andpost-test were administered to both groups at thebeginning and end of the experiment. 31 lesson planswere made on the format of direct instruction fromChemistry textbook for Class IX. The data wasanalyzed by applying t Test, Product-MomentCorrelation and ANCOVA. It reveals that existinglevel of understanding of concepts was not up to 50percent. The experimental groups outscoredsignificantly the controlled groups on post-testshowing the supremacy of concept formation teachingmodel on traditional method. Concept formationteaching model appeared to be favorable for both boysand girls for the understanding of concepts. ····· 10361118648

Handbook of Cosmetology

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From time immemorial, people have used cosmetics toenhance their personal appeal by usingdifferent kinds of preparations. According to thedrug and cosmetics act, the Cosmetics are definedas the articles which are intended to be rubbed,poured, sprinkled, sprayed, introduced in, orotherwise applied to the human body for cleansing,protecting, beautifying, promoting attractivenessor altering appearance.The cosmetics which are widely used now a daysinclude tooth paste, tooth powders, mouthwashes,shampoos,nail polishes and nail polishremovers, face powders, cold creams, vanishingcreams and talcum powder etc.Most cosmetics are safe for use by most people butadverse reactions occur in many cosmetics suchas deodorants/antiperspirants, hair removers, hairsprays, eye creams, hair colour/dye lighteners,facial skin creams/cleansers and nail polishes. ····· 10361118561

The Impact of Online Activities on Armenian EFL Learner`s Achievement

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Computers and the Internet are so widespread in education in general and in language teaching profession in particular, that one feels outdated and unimportant if not using them. They are considered to help teachers in making language learning faster, easier and more engaging, and help creating an optimal language-learning environment. Thus, the purpose of this study was to explore whether the addition of computer assisted language learning (hereinafter: CALL) to traditional instruction would have a positive effect on Armenian EFL contexts. The effectiveness of this treatment was investigated through a pre-posttest quasi-experimental design. To enrich quantitative data, qualitative data was also collected. Although the treatment with CALL in this study did not produce statistically significant effects on increasing Armenian EFL learners overall level of language proficiency, students were more enthusiastic and autonomous in their learning towards the CALL than towards the traditional one. ····· 10361118509

A Socio-Cultural Study of Mathematics Learning in the Classroom

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One of the most challenging questions mathematics educators grapple with is, How do students learn to think mathematically Cognitive theories of individual mathematics learning have come close to explaining mental processes students develop in understanding mathematical concepts however, such explorations have not fully resolved the problem students and teachers face daily mathematics continues to be difficult to learn. Turning a lens to learning in the classroom setting complements these theories, producing new understandings that can be put to use in teaching practice through: the development of curriculum materials, the refining of pedagogy, and the structuring of classroom environments. The central premise of this book is that learning does not happen in isolation from the cultural, social, and historical influences of the setting in which it takes place. This work captures mathematics learning situated in the classroom, where students interact with peers, teachers, and mediating artifacts in turn, insights into the difficulties encountered in learning mathematics at the secondary school level emerge. ····· 10361118440

Reading Comprehension Passages Made Simple

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Reading is a means of language acquisition, of communication, and of sharing information or ideas. Reading comprehension passage is defined as the level of understanding of a writing passage. Reading comprehension passages are interwoven into every aspect of our lives. The ability to understand reading comprehension passages in reading is considered a basic life skill, along with the ability to understand mathematics and writing. Reading comprehension has been developed as a complete reading course. It is particularly relevant to the needs of students and workers in all programs that exist. Through the use of realistic applications, an understanding of the importance of reading comprehension passages is developed. In this book, you will find passages, specifically, reading passages for different levels of comprehension. Levels 1, 2, and 3 have three passages, and 4 and 5 have two. Each level also has reading passages with five choices that students and workers can select in finding the correct answer. At the end of all of the reading passages, there is an answer key that lists the correct/incorrect responses to each reading passage. ····· 10361118398


für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Literature is important in the process of learning a second language. However, it is declining in the English language training programs in Vietnam and experiencing the lack of motivation among Vietnamese learners. The ultimate purpose of the study is to resolve this problem by proposing the Haiku approach, in which haiku is a metaphor for an ideal EFL/ ESL literature class and whose features are inspired by the aesthetic and interactive principles of haiku, a traditional Japanese poetic form. In order to test the potential suitability and success of the Haiku approach, this present study examines the attitudes of Vietnamese students about their current literature program and the features of the proposed approach. The study draws on the analysis of questionnaires for 110 students and their teachers at the University of Social Sciences and Humanties(USSH)in Vietnam. The findings have revealed that USSH students are not very motivated with the current approach and would be much more motivated with the Haiku approach. This study, therefore, suggests that the Haiku approach should be piloted for motivating learners to learn literature. ····· 10361118327

What`s in Academic Literacy Mentoring

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Although the term `mentoring` originates from Greek mythology, others place the origins of its use in the practice of mentoring much earlier, and suggest that its roots lie in the earliest cave-dwelling days of mankind. Furthermore, the phenomenon of mentoring developed not only in western culture, but also has a long history in many other cultures including the Chinese and the Native American Indian. This thesis examines mentoring of academic literacy from a humanistic-caring-moral viewpoint as a pedagogy that relates to the student as a unique individual, working on his cognitive-academic literacy development. The significance of the study is located in the perception that literacy in general and in higher education in particular, has high importance at many levels individual, academic, social and economic. Still, in academia the prevalent opinion today is that students worldwide do not know how to write. The lack of literacy knowledge is also evident in the world of economics. Thus, mentoring of academic literacy can be a pedagogical approach which might show itself as a way to obtain better results of performing academic literacy. ····· 10361118233

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