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Floating Microspheres: An Intelligent Drug Delivery System

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This book initially provides a review of floating drug delivery systems. This system has a bulk density lower than the gastric content. They remain buoyant in the stomach for a prolonged period of time, with the potential for continuous release of drug. Gastric emptying is much more rapid in the fasting state and floating systems really heavily on the presence of food to retard emptying and provide sufficient liquid for effective buoyancy. When microspheres come in contact with gastric fluid the gel formers, polysaccharides, and polymers hydrate to form a colloidal gel barrier that controls the rate of fluid penetration into the device and consequent drug release. The air trapped by the swollen polymer lowers the density and confers buoyancy to the microspheres. However a minimal gastric content needed to allow proper achievement of buoyancy. Hollow microspheres of Acrylic resins 57, Eudragit, PMAA, floating granules are the recent developments in this field. The book then presents studies conducted on producing microspheres containing Antidiabetic drug. The book also discusses various formulation and processing parameters and in-vivo study in wistar rats. ····· 1036187038

Guide For Master`s Thesis In Analytical Chemistry

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PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE ALKEM RESEARCH CENTER, NAVI MUMBAI Since 21st December 2009 Research Associate Responsible for all analytical method validation (Assay and Dissolution test) and new analytical method development by HPLC, UV spectrophotometer, AAS. Analyze, summarize and present results for all research projects. Regularly review ongoing research for trends. Provides insight on these findings and ensures key findings are shared with appropriate internal audiences. Developed new profitable business partners while analyzing latest market trends and tracking competitor s activities while providing valuable inputs for fine tuning sales & marketing strategies. Building cordial relationship through regular interactions & apprising them with company s value propositions. ····· 1036186975

Evaluation of antiviral and cytotoxic activity

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The antiviral activity of plants Glyceriza glabra (roots), Phyllanthus amblicus (Fruit), Eugenia jamolana (Leaves), and Moringa oleifera (Leaves) were evaluated against Infectious bursal disease virus (IBDv) in this study. Ethanolic extraction of these plants was carried out by using Soxhlet apparatus. Four dilutions of each extracts viz 100, 50, 25 and 12.5 g/ml were made. Vero cells were infected by identified infectious bursal disease for antiviral assay. Dilutions of these extracts were applied in triplicate manner on Vero cells (infected by IBDv), that are confluent in 96 well cell culture plates. The cytotoxic activity of mentioned plant extracts was carried out by treating the cells by the same dilutions as used in antiviral assay and incubated the both 96 well cell culture plates for four days. After this incubation, viability of cells was determined by MTT [3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol 2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide] colorimetric assay. Endpoint of these assays was measured in terms of cell survival percentage. Results were compared for qualitative variables using Chi-square technique and quantitative variables by linear regression analysis. ····· 1036186735

Drug Discovery and Development for Advanced Melanoma

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Malignant melanoma is the most dangerous type of skin cancer. It accounts for about 75% of skin cancer deaths. Patients with advanced melanoma with dissemination to distant sites and visceral organs have a very poor prognosis, with a median survival time of 6 months and a 5-year survival rate of less than 5%. Over the past 40 years, no one drug or combination of drugs demonstrated any improvement on survival of metastatic melanoma patient. In the year 2011, FDA approved ipilimumab and Vemurafenib for the treatment of advanced melanoma. But both drugs only prolonged patients life of 2-3 months. So the war to fight advanced melanoma is far from ending. In this book, the author and colleagues used classical approaches discovering and developing novel therapeutic agents for advanced melanoma. They identified several new classes of compounds which showed very potent in vitro activity against metastatic melanoma cells and in vivo activity on several animal models. They further optimized the lead compounds activity through a knowledge-based molecule design. They also identified the cellular target of these compounds and elucidated their mechanism of action in killing melanoma cells. ····· 1036186656

Herbal Plants Used In Cardiovascular Disease

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Now a days life is so fast, noone have enough time to maintain their body as they wish.Because of fastfood, abnormal life, stress the cardiac disease are rised. In last decade the number of people are increased which are affected from cardiac problem. The allopathic medicines gives fast action but they produce side effects also and they are very costly. So the use of herbal plants is convenient option. Herbal plants are a better option of allopathic medicines and by regular use of herbal plants not only you can cure disease but you also feel a new positive energey. ····· 1036186637

Pharmacological Potential Vs Leucas Aspera

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Hepatotoxicity implies chemical-driven liver damage.The liver plays a central role in transforming and clearing chemicals and is susceptible to the toxicity from these agents. Chemicals that cause liver injury are called hepatotoxins. Lead is a cumulative posion and it affects every organ and system in the body. The effects of lead on haeme synthesis may affect the functional capacity of hepatic cytochrome P450 enzymes to metaboise drugs. The biochemical basis for lead toxicity is its ability to bind the biologically important molecules, thereby interfering with their functions. In view of severe undesirable side effects of synthetic agents, there is a growing focus to follow systematic research methodology and to evaluate scientific basis for the traditional herbal medicines that are claimed to possess hepatoprotective activity. Plants of genus Leucas has been widely employed by the traditional healers to cure many diseases like diabetes, liver disorders, arthritis & anti-inflammatory conditions which insinuated this genus have immense potential for the discovery or new drugs or lead molecules. ····· 1036186609

Arzneimittelversuche an Heimkindern zwischen 1949 und 1975

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In der jungen Bundesrepublik Deutschland wurden Arzneimittel an Heimkindern getestet, um sozial erwünschtes Verhalten oder Sedierung zu erreichen. In teils systematischen Versuchen wurden neben Neuroleptika etwa Präparate gegen Bettnässen, zur Gewichtsreduktion oder Triebdämpfung eingesetzt. Sylvia Wagner recherchierte dazu in Prüfberichten, Dokumenten aus pharmazeutischen Unternehmen und Bewohnerakten einer Einrichtung für Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung. Sie zeichnet ein bedrückendes, doch authentisches Bild dieser bisher kaum untersuchten Problematik - von Opfern und Tätern, ökonomischen und gesellschaftlichen Interessen und Gegebenheiten. Dieses Buch ist ein wichtiger Beitrag zur Medizingeschichte. Es wirft Licht auf ein verdrängtes Kapitel der deutschen Nachkriegszeit und trägt zur Aufarbeitung von Gewalt in der damaligen Heimerziehung bei. ····· 1036172338

Magische Gifte

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Seit der Erschaffung der Welt verehren die mexikanischen und kolumbianischen Indianer ihre heiligen und magischen Pflanzen: Peyote, Ololiuqui, Teonanacatl (Stechapfel), Sinicuiche, Chiacalote (Stachelmohn), Ayahuasca. Diese Pflanzen hatten die Macht, die Menschen in die Nähe der Götter zu versetzen, sie an den Ursprung des Daseins zurückzubringen und sie in die Zukunft schauen zu lassen.Rekos Buch versammelt auch heute nur schwer zugängliches Material über die indianischen Zauberpflanzen und kann durch die Wiederauflage zu weiterer Forschung anregen. Der Band wird durch eine aktualisierte Bibliographie ergänzt. ····· 1036158197

Ecstasy (MDMA)

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Das Buch richtet sich primär an Personen, die in den Bereichen Medizin, Neurowissenschaften, Psychologie und Psychotherapie, Biologie und Chemie tätig sind. Es bietet aber auch fundiertes Wissen für alle, die sonst im weitesten Sinne mit Ecstasy zu tun haben, namentlich Personen aus Sucht- und Drogenberatungsstellen, Präventions- und Rehabilitationsstellen oder auch sehr interessierten Konsumenten, die es genauer wissen wollen.Philipp R. Rüssli, geboren 1978, studierte Neuropsychologie, Neurophysiologie und Psychopathologie an der Universität Zürich und beendete sein Studium 2006 mit dem Master of Science in Psychology. Er schrieb auch schon seine Lizentiatsarbeit über die neuropsychologischen Auswirkungen des Ecstasykonsums bei Langzeitkonsumenten. ····· 1036158124

Ärztliche Verschreibung von Heroin und die sozialpädagogische Begleitung

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Vergleichende Pharmakokinetik und Pharmakodynamik von Isosorbitdinitrat nach Verabreichung als Sublingualspray, Sublingualtablette und Peronaltablette

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····· lezzter Preis 16.13€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Dieses Nachschlagewerk bietet einen umfassenden Einblick in bewährte magistrale Rezepturen der Wiener Hormonambulanz der Universitätsklinik für Frauenheilkunde, sowie deren arzneibuchkonforme Herstellungen und Anwendungen.
Gerade im Zeitalter der zunehmend personalisierten Medizin erlangt die patientenspezifische Hormontherapie einen immer höheren Stellenwert. Durch magistrale Rezepturen, welche durch den Apotheker individuell angefertigt werden, gelingt es die Bedürfnisse unserer Patientinnen zielgerichtet zu erfüllen. ····· 1036150455

Geschichte und Wirken der pharmakologischen, klinisch-pharmakologischen und toxikologischen Institute im deutschsprachigen Raum

····· lezzter Preis 55.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Der vorliegende Band IV beinhaltet die Autobiographien von 62 prominenten Toxikologen, klinischen Pharmakologen und Toxikologen des deutschsprachigen Raums. Sie lebten und leben in den Ländern, wo diese Fächer geboren wurden und gedeihen. Von Aktories und Ammon bis zu Trendelenburg und Wellhöner schildern die Autoren ihr Leben und Wirken. Ihre Biographien widerspiegeln auch die Weltgeschichte ab 1873, als der älteste Autor, Otto Loewi, geboren wurde - also nur wenige Jahre nach der Gründung des ersten pharmakologischen Instituts von Rudolf Buchheim in Dorpat -, bis zum heutigen Tag. Ein Namenregister mit etwa 3.000 Eintragungen weist auf den Umfang dieses Bandes hin.Somit ist das Werk Geschichte und Wirken der pharmakologischen, klinisch-pharmakologischen und toxikologischen Institute im deutschsprachigen Raum abgeschlossen. Weltweit einmalig: In fast 3.000 Seiten ist die Geschichte von Wissenschaftlern und Instituten der Universitäten, außeruniversitären Instituten und pharmazeutischen Industrie dieser drei medizinischen Fächer dokumentiert. ····· 1036149343

Innovatioon 5-Fluoruracil SR Tablets for Colon Cancer Treatment

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The use of polymeric matrix devices to control the release of variety of therapeutic agents has become increasingly important in development of the modified release dosage forms. The device may be a swellable, hydrophilic monolithic systems, an erosion controlled monolithic system or a non erodible system. The initial burst release of 5-Fluoruracil from such matrix tablet surface can be controlled by compression coating technology. Appropriate combination of hydrophilic polymer in upper and lower layer of tablet can govern the release of 5-fluoruracil as well as lag time to deliver it in effective concentration to the colon with reduced toxicity. The lag time can be controlled by appropriate combination of polymer and excipients in coating layer. The release mechanism of 5-fluoruracil from the compression coated tablets was controlled by the rate of water uptake into the core tablet, which in turn was dependent upon the channeling agent used, the type and concentration of polymer. The hydration and swelling of these polymers results in the formation of gel which control the release of 5-fluoruracil from tablet. ····· 1036125930

Pattern and Control of Diabetic Dyslipidaemia in Cross-sectional Study

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This monograph conducted in Endocrine Clinic at Penang General Hospital, Penang Island, Malaysia. It try to investigate and describe the pattern of dyslipidaemia among Malaysian type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. It also determine the differences between gender and race regarding demographic, anthropometric and plasma lipids. Further, it explain the correlation of lipid profile with demographic factors, glycaemic control and other clinical characteristics. ····· 1036125910

Antimicrobial Activity of 1,3,4-oxadiazole analogues

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A novel series of 1,3,4-oxadiazole analogues were synthesized for their antimicrobial activities using disk diffusion and agar streak dilution method. The synthesized compounds were tested for their in vitro antimicrobial activity against the Gram-positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis, the Gram negative bacteria Proteus mirabilis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the fungal strain Aspergillus niger and the yeast like pathogenic fungus Candida albicans. All the compounds were found to possess a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activities. Synthesized oxadiazole analogues exhibited more pronounced inhibitory activity against Gram-positive bacteria than Gram-negative bacteria. Antifungal properties of the oxadiazole analogues were found to be weaker when compared to their antibacterial activity. The efforts were also made to establish structure activity relationships among synthesized compounds. ····· 1036125891

Drug Delivery Strategy: Co-precipitation Method Of Solid Dispersion

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Solid dispersion technology has proved to be a powerful technique in the field of drug delivery of poorly water soluble drugs by enhancing the dissolution rate and bioavailability of that drug. Here we used four drugs namely Spironolactone, Etoricoxib, Ibuprofen and Carvedilol. Solid dispersions were prepared by solvent co-precipitation method, where acetone was used as solvent and pet-ether was used as anti solvent. Different water soluble polymer (HPMC 6cps, Kollicoat IR, Kollidon VA 64 and HPC), and as an excipient poloxamer were used to prepare solid dispersion. Paddle type dissolution apparatus was used to study in-vitro dissolution rate, where paddle speed was 75 rpm. at 37°C. The dissolution samples were then analyzed spectrophotometrically by UV-VIS spectrophotometer. At first we tried to identify the effect of poloxamer 407, then with poloxamer others polymer were applied to find out their effect on drugs. Through the entire study, we searched for the suitable polymer and excipient with their proportion in a formulation which would show the best beneficial effect on drugs dissolution rate. ····· 1036125886

Amino Acid Derivatives as Novel Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

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The nature of inflammation and relationship with metabolism of unsaturated fatty acid, and the factors effect on it were shown in this book. The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have side effects and non specific even that specific for cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) enzyme, amino acids derivatives were synthesised and tested for anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity. The nature of binding of compounds with the active site of enzyme specify the activity of drugs, they appeared highly activity and high-quality for used as novel anti-inflammatory drugs, without side effects. The histidine derivatives show potent activity as a new anti-inflammatory and analgesic analogue, also tryptophan derivatives they more powerful than aspirin and diclofenac, they contain imidazole ring in their structure. The future of anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is amino acids derivatives, and possibly works as anti-cancer drugs. ····· 1036125803

Fenoprofen Calcium Compressed Coated Tablets for Colon Drug Delivery

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The aim of this study was to design and evaluate a colon targeting delivery for fenoprofen calcium with better benefits in treating the arthritis. Compression coated tablets were prepared by using guar gum as a coating material over core tablets. These systems would benefit for the high amount release of the drug in the distal intestinal or the colon, this may exhibit better fenoprofen calcium toward the arthritis by reduce the serious gastrointestinal (GI) adverse events including inflammation, bleeding, ulceration, and perforation of the stomach, small intestine or large intestine. Plan of work: 1) Formulation of fenoprofen calcium core tablets by direct compression. 2) Compression coating over the fenoprofen calcium core tablets using guar gum as a coating material. 3) Optimization of the coat thickness as the minimum that can provide protection against the gastric and intestinal environment. 4) Characterization of prepared powder mixer Angle of repose Bulk density Tapped density Carr s index(compressibility index) 5) Characterization of core and compression coated tablets for following parameters Weight variation Tablet thickness Tablet hardness Friabil ····· 1036125766

Pergularia Daemia as Diuretic and Anti-Inflammatory Agent

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Pergularia daemia (Family: Asclepiadaceae), is a perennial herb growing widely along the road sides of India. Traditionally, the plant is utilized in many disease conditions. The studies in this dissertation were conducted to obtain experimental evidence on the therapeutic efficacy of P. daemia as an anti-inflammatory and a diuretic agent. The present studies signify that anti-inflammatory activity of n-butanol fraction (100 and 200 mg/kg) attributed to its ability to inhibit 5-LO and water fraction (100 and 200 mg/kg) via inhibition of COX, apart from their antioxidative activity, immunosuppressant activity, inhibition of mediators like histamine, serotonin, bradykinin, protease and TNF- and inhibition of chemotaxis. Diuretic activity of plant was assessed in rats with furosemide as a standard drug using Lipschitzs test.Administration of n-butanol (200 and 400 mg/kg) and water (200 and 400 mg/kg)fraction leads to diuresis with increase in Na+ and K+ level without altering Na+/ K+ and Cl-/ Na+ + K+ ratio and slight decrease in pH.Phytochemical analysis of n-butanol fraction showed presence of triterpenoids, while water fraction showed presence of flavonoids and phenolic compounds. ····· 1036125637

SMEDDS - A Tool to Explore Oral Bioavailability Problems

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As a consequence of modern drug discovery techniques, there has been a steady increase in the number of new pharmacologically active lipophilic compounds that are poorly water-soluble. Approximately 40% of new drug candidates have poor water solubility and oral delivery of such drugs is frequently associated with implications of low bioavailability, high intra and inter subject variability and therapeutic failure. It is a great challenge to convert these molecules into orally administered formulations with sufficient bioavailability. Among the approaches to improve the oral bioavailability of these molecules, the use of self-emulsified drug delivery systems (SEDDS) has been shown to be reasonably successful.SEDDS is ideally an isotropic mixture of oils and surfactants and sometimes co-solvents. Hydrophobic drugs can be dissolved in these systems, enabling them to be administered as a unit dosage form for per-oral administration. When such a system is released in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, under conditions of gentle agitation provided by digestive motility of stomach and intestine, it spontaneously disperses to form a fine relatively stable o/w emulsion (micro/nano). ····· 1036125635

Pharmacological Potential Investigation of Setaria italica (Poaceae)

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The plant Setaria italica (Family: Poaceae) has been studied for the evaluation of pharmacological activities of the extractives The crude ethanolic extract and its different fractions were screened for various pharmacological properties. In acetic acid induced writhing method, ethanolic crude extract and carbon tetrachloride fraction showed promising analgesic activity. In radiant heat tail-flicking test, anti-nociceptive effect of crude ethanolic extract was found to be moderately significant (with 52-55% elongation of tail flicking time, p0.01). Ethanolic crude extract (10.33 g/ml), chloroform (11.12 g/ml), carbon tetrachloride (15.25 g/ml) and pet ether (12.49 g/ml) fractions have shown potent free radical scavenging activity. The crude extract also gave significant cytotoxic, antioxidant and hypoglycemic activity. ····· 1036125631

Mucoadhesive Drug Delivery system

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Gastrointestinal mucoadhesive drug delivery system targets the drug to its absorption site and maintain the dosage form at that site for an extended period of time. This results in enhanced drug absorption, which will in turn increase the bioavailability of the drug and thus will decrease the dosing frequency and dose related side effects of the drugs. Microparticulate delivery system is preferred over conventional tablet system as it has several advantages like it provides a wider surface area of contact between drug and the absorption site and also controlles the release of drug from the formulation over extended period of time. Thus the potential of above mentioned drug delivery device is promising and may be considered as a novel tool inorder to improve the therapeutic efficacy of various drugs with shorter half life and poor bioavailability. ····· 1036125596

Preliminary Phytochemical Investigation and Evaluation

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The medicinal value of different species of Ziziphus mauritiana has been known for a long time. There are various reports of this plant having antifungal, anthelmintic, antiasthmatic and antidiabetic activity. No information about it s antipyretic potential is been observed in the literature. In the present study leaves of Ziziphus mauritiana were extracted with five solvents in the order of increasing polarity using a soxhlet apparatus. All the extracts were qualitatively analyzed for their phytoconstituents and for antipyretic potential using Brewer s yeast induced pyretic albino rats of Wistar strain. The results were tested for their significance by using one way ANOVA analysis by comparing with that of the control group at corresponding hours. The results strongly favour the significant antipyretic potential of the petroleum ether extract of Ziziphus mauritiana leaves.has shown significant reduction in body temperature as compared with control group and its effect is comparable to the standard drug paracetamol. It was also observed that the active extract contains steroids and volatile oil. The TLC study of the active extract supports the presence of six major compounds. ····· 1036125549

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