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Parkinson`s Disease

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Parkinson s disease is neurodegenerative disorder characterized by progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons in substantia nigra pars compacta. It is well known that the incidence of Parkinson`s disease is lower in women as compared with men. Although the reason for this gender difference is not clear, the level of female steroid hormones or their receptors may be involved in pathogenesis. Neuroprotective effect of estrogen is well recognized but progesterone showed conflicting results regarding neuroprotection. This book emphasizes on role of progesterone in pathogenesis of parkinson s disease. In recent years, there has been renewed interest in plant medicine for the treatment against wide variety of diseases. Herbal medicines are recognized by WHO as an essential building block for primary health care, especially in developing countries like India. This book also accentuates potential of herb Ocimum sanctum against experimentally induced parkinsonism in rodents. ····· 1036124640

Taste Masked Oral Disintegrating Tablet Dosage Form

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The purpose of this research was to mask the intensely bitter taste of Lumefantrine and to formulate oral-disintegrating tablet (ODT) of Artemether & Lumefantrine. Taste masking was done by complexing Lumefantrine with amino alkyl methacrylate copolymer (Eudragit E - 100) using solvent deposition method and acetone as a solvent for pH-sensitive polymer and was tested for drug content and in vitro taste in simulated salivary fluid (SSF) of pH 6.8. The complex with drug polymer ratio of 1: 0.1 that did not release drug in SSF was considered taste-masked and selected for formulation of ODTs. ····· 1036124636


····· lezzter Preis 61.20€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Pharmacognosy is the study of medicines derived from natural sources. The American Society of Pharmacognosy defines pharmacognosy as `the study of the physical, chemical, biochemical and biological properties of drugs, drug substances or potential drugs or drug substances of natural origin as well as the search for new drugs from natural sources. `It is also defined as the study of crude drugs. The word `pharmacognosy` is derived from the Greek words pharmakon (drug), and gnosis (knowledge). ····· 1036124617

Bioadhesive Drug Delivery System For a Cardiovascular Drug

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Market for advanced drug delivery systems has undergone a period of innovation and significant expansion over the past decade.In this context worldwide market for transmucosal products is in excess of five billion annually and is expected to continue to grow at a rapid pace.Hence transmucosal drug delivery holds lot of promise in the coming era. Amongst various transmucosal routes buccal region of the oral cavity has got optimal attributes for transmucosal and modified drug delivery and has lot of promise and commercial viability.Present work encompasses development of extended release formulation of an antihypertensive drug Nisoldipine using bioadhesive polymers, to improve the bioavailability along with minimal variation in the therapeutic response. Nisoldipine is a calcium channel blocker of the dihydropyridine class. Nisoldipine is an ideal candidate for this work as its bioavailability is 4-8% and has high inter and intrasubject variability in response.Studies include formulation development using Progressive Hydration Technology, optimizing and validating the formulation approaches, stability studies and in-vivo evaluation in rabbits. ····· 1036124570

Pharmacokinetics for optimizing the dose of Gentamicin in Neonates

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Preterm birth is associated with several complications and serious infections including sepsis which has been reported among the most important causes of infant death in Saudi Arabia. Gentamicin is an essential drug for proven and suspected sepsis.The main Objective Of this work was done to optimize the use of gentamicin in neonates during the first week of life.And to identify the mosr factors infleuence in pharmacokinetic parametres in this diffeculte group of age. ····· 1036124530

SIGMA1 Receptor Modulation of Dopamine Transporter: Molecular Analysis

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Sigma ( ) receptors are well established as an indipendent receptor family with its characteristic binding profile and distribution in the central nervous system. Activation of 1 receptors alters several neurotransmitter systems, in particular the dopamine (DA) neurotrasmission however the exact role of 1 receptor in dopaminergic homeostasis remains unclear. The DA transporter (DAT) is the primary mechanism by wich dopaminergic neurons terminate the signal, thus regulating the temporal aspects of dopaminergic synaptic transmission. This study shows for the first time that, in cell models, 1 receptors directly modulate the DAT activity. Facilitation of DA uptake induced by (+)-pentazocine, a powerful 1 agonist, is reflected on the increased cell susceptibility to DA toxicity these effects are prevented by 1 selective antagonists. Since numerous compounds, including several drugs of abuse, activate 1 receptors, thus eliciting a severe dopaminergic neurons damage, the reported protective effect showed by 1 antagonists would indicate a novel pharmacological strategy to approach the dopaminergic neurodegenerative diseases (i.e. Parkinson`s Disease) therapeutical management. ····· 1036124529


····· lezzter Preis 53.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
For the ready reference of synthetic route to Thiosemicarbazones the book is likely to be popular with both teachers and students.In recent times all over the world,derivatives having Thiosemicarbazone nucleus is under research for various diseases.This book is a reference as well as a template for future developments through modification or derivatization to design more potent therapeutic agents. Author Rakhi mishra presently working in TIPER(Translam Institute Of Pharmaceutical Education and Research)MEERUT has added a brief description of thiosemicarbazones synthesis which was not possible without the help and efforts of ruchi singh who is now working in pharmacy college Sitapur and Prem Shanker Mishra working as asst professor in MIET,MEERUT. Authors are thankful to Prof Dr Shamim Ahmad ,Prof Dr Shuaib ,Prof S.Riaz Hashim,Prof Dr R Ravichandran,Dr M Vijyaanadhi without whom guidance this work was impossible.We are also thankful to khushi,rashi,anupam, for their love,support and enthusiasm to make this work publish in this form as an aid for all researchers.Ending now in hope of next book on another research work. RAKHI MISHRA, PREM SHANKER MISHRA,RUCHI SINGH. ····· 1036124451

Empleo de xantofilas

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La Degeneración Macular Asociada a la Edad, es una enfermedad ocular de tipo degenerativo que afecta a la población de la tercera edad en los países industrializados. Con la tendencia actual de envejecimiento de la población mundial es una patología a tener en cuenta, pues la misma es causante del estado de Ceguera Legal en los pacientes que la padecen, disminuyendo con ello su calidad de vida. Las xantofilas principalmente la luteína y la zeaxantina son carotenoides identificados dentro de la lente humana, específicamente en la mácula, que es la responsable de la visión central del ser humano, las xantofilas actúan dentro de la mácula protegiendo a la misma del estrés oxidativo bloqueando la formación de radicales libres, la incorporación de este tipo de carotenoides a la dieta diaria es la única manera de prevenir la Degeneración Macular Asociada a la Edad. De ello que las xantofilas hayan sido motivo de investigación en varias áreas del conocimiento como la química, la biología, la tecnología de los alimentos, la medicina, la farmacia y la nutrición. ····· 1036124228

Plantas antiparasitarias más empleadas en Cuba

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En Cuba, las principales enfermedades infecciosas son provocadas por parásitos intestinales y vaginales. Los parásitos intestinales son responsables de una alta morbilidad, principalmente en niños de edad pre-escolar. Los protozoos más comunes son Giardialamblia, Entamoebahistolytica/dispar y Enterobiusvermicularis y entre los helmintos son Ascarislumbricoides y Trichuristrichuria. Debido al auge en el resurgimiento de enfermedades parasitarias, se hizo necesaria la realización de este trabajo, para de este modo elevar el nivel de conocimiento y fomentar el empleo de esta medicina, como alternativa eficaz y curativa diversas dolencias de esta índole. Existe escasa cultura en la aplicación de la medicina verde como medio de sanación. Por ello este libro ofrece la posibilidad de adquirir vastos conocimientos sobre las plantas antiparasitarias en el manejo de las parasitosis. Las cuales constituyen un recurso importante y necesario en la curación de tales patologías, no debemos olvidar a la madre naturaleza a ella nos debemos. El uso de plantas medicinales para el tratamiento de enfermedades parasitarias es una práctica común en la población de áreas endémicas. ····· 1036123674

Modelación de la farmacocinética y actividad biológica de quinolonas

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En el trabajo teórico se obtuvieron (utilizando la aproximación ToSS MoDe y aplicando el cálculo de momentos protónicos) seis modelos cuantitativos que describían las propiedades farmacocinéticas siguientes: volumen de distribución, área bajo la curva, concentración plasmática máxima, aclaramiento, unión a proteínas plasmáticas (UPP) y tiempo de vida media (t1/2). En todos se obtuvo una buena correlación así como en los modelos encontrados para describir la actividad frente a cuatro agentes patógenos diferentes dos Gram(+) y dos Gram(-). Posteriormente se realizó una interpretación de las contribuciones de grupo en términos químico-físicos utilizando 56 moléculas construidas a partir de las estructuras de dos compuestos que presentan características farmacocinéticas y biofarmaceúticas favorables, obteniendo como resultado un análisis de la influencia (tanto electrónica como estérica) de los sustituyentes en las posisciones en las cuales fueron variados. Por último se le realizó el análisis de zonas de isocontribución para los fármacos Gatifloxacin y Temafloxacin respecto a las propiedades t1/2 y UPP. ····· 1036123417

Problemas con los medicamentos como motivo de ingreso hospitalario

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Los problemas relacionados con la medicación (PRM) son eventos que pueden afectar a la salud de las personas que consumen fármacos con fines terapéuticos, diagnósticos o profilácticos. Un PRM o una combinación de ellos pueden provocar un fracaso terapéutico o incluso desencadenar nuevos problemas médicos, que pueden ser tan negativos como la propia enfermedad tratada. Debido a que cada vez se comercializan más fármacos y a que cada vez se consumen más medicamentos, probablemente los PRM irán en aumento, a no ser que se establezcan programas o estrategias de actuación para evitarlos, para ello, las instituciones y los profesionales sanitarios necesitan disponer de herramientas que les ayuden a evaluarlos y a identificar sus riesgos. En este estudio se evaluan los PRM que motivan ingreso hospitalario, lo que es de gran utilidad para detectar los incidentes de mayor gravedad que ocurren en el medio ambulatorio, en el cual se consumen más del 90% de los medicamentos. Asimismo, se analizan los factores de riesgo que predisponen a su apareción y los costes asociados. ····· 1036123004

Hábitos alimentarios de escolares de Villanueva de la Cañada (Madrid)

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En los últimos años se ha producido una sensibilización respecto de la alimentación de los escolares por parte de las familias, los colegios y la comunidad sanitaria debido a que el sobrepeso y la obesidad han hecho su aparición comportándose como un problema de salud pública. El presente estudio analiza los 341 cuestionarios que abordan consumo y frecuencia de un grupo amplio de alimentos y bebidas y que fueron recogidos en los centros escolares que imparten primaria en el municipio de Villanueva de la Cañada, con motivo de la IV edición del Día Nacional de la Nutrición. Los datos reflejados en los cuestionarios son tratados estadísticamente desde la perspectiva del sexo para determinar si existen diferencias significativas (chi-cuadrado) de consumo entre niñas y niños. A partir de los resultados obtenidos se facilita la puesta en marcha de acciones destinadas a adecuar las ingestas a las recomendaciones de las guías alimentarias. Es un estudio que resulta de gran interés para responsables de la programación de la alimentación de colegios, empresas de catering, asociaciones de madres y padres, etc. ····· 1036122113

El farmacéutico y la prevención del consumo de drogas en adolescentes

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El consumo de drogas es uno de los principales problemas sociales y sanitarios que encontramos actualmente. La juventud es especialmente vulnerable a esta situación, pues los cambios en los hábitos y estilos de comportamiento los incitan cada vez más a consumirlas. En zonas rurales este problema es todavía más preocupante. El programa de prevención presentado está diseñado con la colaboración de la Facultad de Farmacia de la Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU, la Unidad de Conductas Adictivas de Gandía y el Colegio Oficial de Farmacéuticos de Albacete, para involucrar a los farmacéuticos comunitarios de la comarca de La Manchuela en la prevención de consumo de drogas. Este programa multifactorial de 4 años de duración en las provincias de Albacete y Cuenca, donde se encuentra esta comarca, proporcionó datos fiables y medibles acerca de la evolución de los jóvenes participantes en el estudio durante este periodo, observando la influencia de los factores relativos a la familia, el ámbito educativo y la eficacia de las actuaciones preventivas llevadas a cabo por los farmacéuticos comunitarios implicados, tanto desde las farmacias como acudiendo a los Institutos de Educación Secundaria. ····· 1036122094

Recetario Herbolario de Mamá Toña

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Las plantas han sido parte esencial en la vida de la humanidad desde los comienzos mismos de esta, y así lo atestiguan las relaciones que las comunidades indígenas y campesinas- han establecido con dichos recursos para la obtención de alimentos, la construcción de viviendas, la elaboración del vestido y el alivio del dolor, entre otros. Esta milenaria interacción ha dado pie a la apropiación y acumulación de una serie de conocimientos, producto de la constante observación y experimentación llevada a cabo en un largo proceso de ensayo error, dando como resultado el cúmulo que hoy llamamos conocimiento local o tradicional (Altieri 2000 Calheiros et al 2000 Zarger & Stepp 2004 FAO 2005). Con el objetivo de contribuir al rescate y la revaloración por parte de la comunidad de sus recursos fitogenéticos, como primer paso para conservarlos y promover su conocimiento entre las nuevas generaciones se propone esta guía de prácticas empleando plantas medicinales, dirigida a la educación No Formal. ····· 1036121657

Specialized Dementia: A Type of Alzheimer`s Disease

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It was first described by Alois Alzheimer in 1906. At a scientific meeting in November 1906, German physician Alois Alzheimer presented the case of Frau Auguste D., a 51-year-old woman brought to see him in 1901 by her family. Auguste had developed problems with memory, unfounded suspicions that her husband was unfaithful, and difficulty speaking and understanding what was said to her. Her symptoms rapidly grew worse, and within a few years she was bedridden. She died in spring 1906.Dr. Alzheimer had never before seen anyone like Auguste D., and he gained the family s permission to perform an autopsy. In Auguste s brain, he saw dramatic shrinkage, especially of the cortex, the outer layer involved in memory, thinking, judgment and speech. Under the microscope, he also saw widespread fatty deposits in small blood vessels, dead and dying brain cells, and abnormal deposits in and around cells. The condition entered the medical literature in 1907, when Alzheimer published his observations about Auguste D. In 1910, Emil Kraepelin, a psychiatrist noted for his work in naming and classifying brain disorders, proposed that the disease be named after Alzheimer. ····· 1036121563

Synthesis,Characterization and Antibacterial Activity of ether Diacids

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Bacterial resistance to therapeutic drugs is a global problem making many of the bacterial infectious dangerous epidemics. Hence search is on for newer and more effective antibiotics. The problem of new antibiotics is often they are toxic to humans because of their complex nature more over bacteria are known to develop resistance to all these drugs quickly. Currently six molecular targets are used in antibacterial therapy. Potentially bacteria are expected to have over 2000 targets for antibacterial therapy. Hence new antibiotics are directed towards any of these newer targets. ····· 1036121523

Grapefruit: A potential anxiolytic and antidepressant agent

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Citrus paradisi commonly known as grapefruit, is considered valuable for its medicinal properties by various traditional systems of medicine and aromatherapy, but no significant work has been conducted on its anxiolytic and antidepressant effects. In the present study, extracts of leaves of Citrus paradisi var. redblush have been evaluated for their CNS activities. Phytochemical and chromatographic profiles of all the leaf extracts have been prepared. The extracts have been evaluated for anxiolytic activity using elevated plus maze model and for antidepressant activity using forced swimming test in mice. Methanol extract at a dose of 200mg/kg has demonstrated significant anxiolytic activity as compared to diazepam and at dose of 400mg/kg has been observed to show significant antidepressant activity as compared to imipramine. The findings presented here are relevant as they contribute to validate the traditional medicinal uses of this plant. Hence, Citrus paradisi var. redblush could be developed as potential anxiolytic and antidepressant agent and may prove as a good alternative in management of psychiatric illnesses. ····· 1036121512

Antimicrobial Evaluation of Some Novel 1,3,4-oxadiazoles

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Over the past few decades, steadily increasing drug resistance in the treatment of infectious disease pose a serious problem in antimicrobial therapy and necessitates continuing research into novel classes of antimicrobials. Schiff bases are associated with diverse biocidal activities probably by virtue of a toxophoric C = N linkage and the importance of 1, 3, 4 oxadiazole as antimicrobial agent revealed from literature prompted us to undertake the synthesis of few novel 1, 3, 4 oxadiazole for evaluation as antimicrobial agents. A novel series of Schiff bases containing imidazo[2,1-b]-1,3,4-oxadiazole ring were synthesized and their antimicrobial activity was evaluated using disc diffusion method. Antimicrobial potential of synthesized compounds were evaluated against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Aspergillus niger and Candida albicans. Majority of the compounds were found to possess a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activities against all the pathogenic microorganisms tested including Pseudomonas fluorescens and Candida albicans responsible for nosocomial infection. ····· 1036121495

Stability Indicating Method of Diclofenac Sodium by HPLC

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The present book contains the simple, fast and precise stability indicating method for the extended release formulation of Diclofenac sodium using high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC).It contains the fundamental concepts to the analytical chemistry along with the in depth knowledge of HPLC. The objective of this book was to provide the basic concepts of the analysis by HPLC to the pharmacy fraternity. ····· 1036121485

Investigations of biological principles of Swietenia mahagoni

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The study was designed for phytochemical investigations of ethanolic extract of bark and leaf of Swietenia mahagoni belonging to the family of Meliaceae and evaluation of their biological activities with the special emphasis on analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and cytotoxic screening in different animal model. Phytochemical investigations were done by extensive analysis with high resolution proton NMR spectroscopic data. The ethanol extract of stem bark was partitioned between pet-ether, dichloromethane and methanol fractions. Chromatographic isolation of dichloromethane fraction using column chromatography followed by preparative TLC afforded tetranortriterpenoid compound. Ethanol extract and different fractions showed significant analgesic and anti-inflammatory potential.From the bio-assay of different fractions and extract, significant cytotoxic properties were evaluated whereas mild to moderate antimicrobial activity was found in this study. ····· 1036121464

Sulphonyl urea and guanidine derivatives as hypoglycemic agents

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0Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of sulphonyl urea and guanidine derivatives as hypoglycemic agents Design and synthesis of sulphonyl urea and guanidine derivatives as hypoglycemic agents has been performed which is based on the indirect molecular modeling approach by checking the superimposibility of the designed molecule and reported compound N-(6-substituted-1,3-benzothiazol-2-yl)-benzene-sulfonamides. Synthesized compounds were characterized by TLC, UV spectra, IR spectra, Mass spectra & 1H NMR. All the synthesized compounds were subjected to OGTT to gain preliminary information regarding the anti hyperglycemic effect in normal Albino Wister rats which were chosen for the study. Glibenclamide was chosen as the standard. Comparisiton of data was performed by one way ANOVA followed by post test and Dunnett s multiple comparison tests. The work of Mr. Ishan I. Panchal on this project has been carried out under the joint supervision of Dr. Bibhuranjan Panigrahi, Dr. Kamal Modh and Dr. C.N. Patel during M.Pharm. project in 2009-2011 and has been published in Der Pharma Chemica 3(2):383-391,2011(ISSN:0975-413X) ····· 1036121463

Combination Therapy (Herbal+Synthetic)in Diabetes Treatment

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The study indicates that Annona squamosa when given along with Glipizide in combination not only controls the blood glucose level but also reduces the dosage of Glipizide by 25 to 50 percent. Our results also showing that, with these reduced dosage of Glipizide, Annona squamosa also controls the total cholesterol, triglycerides and elevates HDL-C levels. On the basis of strong out comes of study we can say that this combination also provides the renoprotection and improves psychopharmacological performance. It was also concluded from the data that A. squamosa leaf extract supplementation along with reduced and reducing doses of Glipizide improves the lipid metabolism and prevents diabetic complications from lipid peroxidation and antioxidant systems in experimental type-2 diabetic rats. This combination could be useful for prevention of not only diabetes but also their complications. However, longer duration studies of A. squamosa and its isolated compounds with Glipizide on chronic models are necessary to establish long term safety in animals and humans and to develop a potent combination of antidiabetic drug. ····· 1036121454

Phytochemical Investigation of M.maderaspatana (Linn)

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This book covers the Phytochemical investigation and evaluation of hypolipidemic activity of Melothria maderaspatana (Linn) in high fat diet fed rats. Melothria maderaspatana is a plant drug belonging to family cucurbitaceae, mostly prevalent in south India. Melothria is a large genus of herbs with 105 species found in warmer region of world. Melothria maderaspatana Linn, is a high valued medicinal significance. It aimed to isolate phytoconstituents and then to characterized them by various methods like TLC, FT-IR, 1H-NMR, spectroscopy. Then aqueous extract of Melothria maderaspatana plant was used for the investigation of hypolipidemic activity in rats. This book will provide food of thoughts for researchers and academicians regarding the future trends and research methodologies on phytochemical investigations on plant Melothria maderaspatana (Linn). ····· 1036121349

Formulation and Evaluation of Microspheres by Mixed solvency concept

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a)Introduction to the problem:This study reveals the concept of mixed solvency, which explains that all substances whether liquids, gases or solids possess solubilizing power. Till now this concept have been utilized extensively in the field of pharmaceutical analysis and formulation with an aim to preclude the use of organic solvent, avoids the problem of residual solvent toxicity, reduce the individual concentration of solubilizers and thereby reduce their associated toxicity, replace relatively toxic class-II solvent by safer class-III solvent, potentiation of weaker solvent by use of proper choice of solubilizers and at last economic as well as eco-friendly. This concept can also be applied in formulation development of NDDS like microspheres, SEDDS etc and herbal extraction. In future, this concept shall prove a boon in pharmaceutical field and also in non-pharmaceutical field. b)Abstract:The objective is to explore mixed solvency concept in preparation of floating microspheres of furosemide. The prepared microspheres showed better result and prolongs the drug release (12h). c)Target groups: Pharmaceutics & pharmaceutical analysis. ····· 1036121307

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