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Evaluation of Extract of Leaves for Anxiolytic Activity in Rats

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The hydro-alcoholic extract of Boerhaavia diffusa of leaves was investigated for evaluation of exhibited anxiolytic activity in rats at a dose 100 and 200 mg/kg by p.o. route for Elevated Plus Maze test, Hole Board Test, Haloperidol Induced Catalepsy and Ketamine induced Sleep method.. Results of in-vivo activity lead to the conclusion that the hydro-alcoholic of Boerhaavia diffusa showed predominantly significant activity which is compared to the standard drug Diazepam (0.5mg/kg). ····· 103613230

Phytochemical & Pharmacological evaluation of Vitex leucoxylon Linn

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Today, there are very old traditions and records of popular healing methods that have maintained their importance despite new developments and progress in the field of Chemistry, Pharmacy and Medicine. Indeed interest in herbal drugs is increasing. The curative parts of herbal drugs are not simply its woody stem or its leaves but the number of chemical compounds (phytoconstituents) it produces and uses for its own growth like flavonoids, alkaloids, mucilage, protein, carbohydrate etc. The genus Vitex has been carefully studied for its phytoconstituents as well as biological activities. Out of 250 species of this genus distributed all around the world, only 28 species have been phytochemically examined. Vitex species are already in use in herbal formulation. Hence exploration of this species both phytochemically & biologically, is by no means exhaustive & there still remains more scope for the study of bioactive molecules. Hence in current studies the plant Vitex leucoxylon has been selected for there pharmacological and phytochemical study. The detailed study of Vitex leucoxylon is included in this book and various important findings of the plant are included in this research book. ····· 103613218

Floating Microparticles of Metoprolol Succinate

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Jagadeesh Nadigoti has completed his B.Pharm (University College of Pharmaceutical Sciences) and M.Pharm (Vagdevi College of Pharmacy) from Kakatiya University. He has good academic background with excellent practical skills. Presently he is working with Dr.Reddys, Hyderabad in FR&D division. He has several research publications and reviews in national and international journals. Sathish Dharani has completed his B.Pharm (University College of Pharmaceutical Sciences) and M.Pharm (Vagdevi College of Pharmacy) from Kakatiya University. He has several research publications and reviews in national and international journals. Presently he is doing Ph.D. under the guidance of Prof. Y. Madhusudan Rao, HOD,Pharmaceutics, University College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kakatiya University, Warangal, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA. ····· 103613197

Liposomal Drug Delivery

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Conventional drug delivery system were used for long time.Drug was usually administered in forms such as tablet, capsule, emulsion, suspension etc but administering drug using these conventional dosage form encountered a number of problems.The problems were mainly regarding poor distribution, stability, site delivery etc. most of these problems were solved by using Novel drug delivery system(NDDS). Liposome is one amongst those drug delivery system.With the help of liposomes it was possible to deliver the drug in a controlled manner. Drugs included in the liposomes directly reached to the site of action. With the help of liposomes it was possible to protect the physical and chemical degration. Hydrophillic as well as lipophillic drug could be administered with the help of liposome formulation. Liposomes are long circulating forms and thus it is possible to administer the drug with a sustained release profile. In liposomes as very few excipients , there is no interaction between the drug and polymer. Liposomes are least toxic. Thus because of these many advantages , it is considered as one of the best NDDS. But it also has a number of limitations. ····· 103613196

Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring With Anti-Tubercular Therapy

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An Open, Non-Comparative Study was carried over a period of 6 months to monitor and causality assessment of suspected ADRs by WHO Probability Scale in patients of tuberculosis undergoing treatment with anti-tuberculous drugs. Patients, satisfying Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria of the Study were enrolled. Potential study subjects were thoroughly interrogated for history in local dialect along with thorough clinical examination for both Pulmonary and Extra-pulmonary tuberculosis. The patients were followed upon a weekly basis during the period of treatment. Assessment of ADRs was done by formal methods Timing, Pattern Recognition, Background Frequency and Re-challenge and the same was recorded in ADR Reporting and Documentation Form. All the categorical data was analysed by chi-square test. Causality assessment of ADRs was found to be statistically significant by WHO probability scale. The severity of ADR s was graded on 3- point scale. Close clinical monitoring in all tuberculosis patients for ADRs is important as ADRs remain one of the key factor for non-compliance, a reason for multi-drug resistance tuberculosis. ····· 103613193

Decocción de la planta medicinal Solanum torvum

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La necesidad de obtener nuevos principios activos para el tratamiento de la inflamación como signo de diversas enfermedades es, en la actualidad, uno de los retos de las investigaciones preclínicas, una de las fuentes de mayor valor farmacológico son las plantas medicinales. Por tal motivo se realizó un ensayo de actividad antiinflamatoria a la decocción de la planta Solanum torvum, administrada por vía oral a ratas Sprague-Dawley aplicándose el test de la Formalina al 1%, para evaluar la variación de la respuesta inhibitoria de inflamación a diferentes dosis empleadas, describir los cambios de parámetros clínicos y fisiológicos post administración y establecer la comparación dosis-repuesta de los fármacos controles positivos empleados en el modelo animal en estudio. ····· 103613116

Medicamentos para el tratamiento de enfermedades cardiovasculares

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La planificación de los recursos es un problema particularmente grave en los países en desarrollo, por lo que es de vital importancia hacer el mejor uso de los limitados presupuestos y de las escasas divisas. Entre los principales problemas de salud que más han demandado recursos a nivel internacional y en nuestro país en los últimos años, está la Hipertensión Arterial, la Insuficiencia Cardiaca Congestiva y las Cardiopatías Izquémicas. Realizamos un Estudio de Utilización de Medicamentos clasificado de consumo, de tipo descriptivo, observacional y retrospectivo, con elementos de consecuencias prácticas. El Universo estuvo constituido por todos los datos de consumo de los medicamentos utilizados para el tratamiento de enfermedades cardiovasculares, desde el 1 de marzo de 2005 hasta el 31 de marzo de 2008 (37 meses), en la provincia Habana. Se calcularon las DHD por métodos computarizados. Sus resultados permitieron, evaluar el comportamiento y establecer comparaciones del consumo en el tiempo, además de establecer comparaciones con los planes propuestos para cada medicamento estudiado. ····· 103612754

Estudio fármaco-toxicológico

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En este trabajo se presenta una monografía fármaco-toxicológica de Cúrcuma Longa Linn, Zingiber officinalis Roscoe y Sambucus nigra subsp. canadensis (L). R. Bolli, plantas tradicionales cubanas con actividad antiinflamatoria, para completar la información disponible sobre ellas en nuestras bases de datos al respecto, con aspectos farmacológicos como composición fitoquímica, propiedades atribuidas popularmente y comprobadas científicamente, posología, reacciones adversas, advertencias, interacciones, toxicidad, precauciones y contraindicaciones. Ello es útil para desarrollar nuevos fitofármacos, con bajo potencial de efectos adversos a partir de tales plantas. ····· 103612751

Efecto reductor de ácidos grasos conjugados sobre la grasa corporal

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El término general ácidos grasos conjugados hace referencia a isómeros posicionales y geométricos de ácidos grasos con dobles enlaces conjugados. Hasta la fecha, los más estudiados han sido los isómeros del ácido linoleico conjugado, recogidos bajo el acrónimo de CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid). Entre los numerosos efectos fisiológicos beneficiosos atribuidos a este conjunto de ácidos grasos, la presente tesis doctoral se ha centrado en los relativos a la prevención de la obesidad, desde un punto de vista del metabolismo lipídico. Por un lado, este libro busca comprobar si la edad es un factor que modificaba la eficacia del isómero trans-10,cis-12 CLA, con la intención de esclarecer las razones que justifican su menor efecto en humanos que en roedores. Por otro lado, considerando la controvertida eficacia del CLA en humanos y la preocupación existente por algunos efectos negativos que se le atribuyen, este trabajo tiene como objeto analizar la eficacia de una serie isómeros de ácido linolénico conjugado (CLNA, Conjugated Linolenic Acid), en la búsqueda de biomoléculas alternativas que pudieran ser utilizadas como ingredientes funcionales, con potencial uso en obesidad. ····· 103612626

Determinantes relacionados a la tenencia de medicamentos

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El autor mediante la investigación pretende identificar los determinantes relacionados con la tenencia de medicamentos y su uso racional en los hogares. Se realizó una investigación de campo con diseño explicativo utilizando como instrumento de recoleción de datos una encuesta estructurada donde se indaga los factores socio-económicos, sanitarios y de morbilidad de las 1200 familias estudiadas. Se obtuvo como resultado la asociación conjunta entre la variables presencia de enfermos en la familia, el mayor ingreso familiar y la mayor compra de medicamentos con el número de fármacos encontrados, igualmente se observó, la persistencia de coductas irracionales como almacenamiento de medicamentos vencido, uso sin conocimiento de la utilidad del mismo así como autoprescripción. El texto se estructura en 5 capítulos para el desarrollo del contenido con el propósito de orientar a los profesionales y estudiantes del área de la salud, desde el punto de vista famacoepidemiológicos sobre los múltiples factores que inteactúan en el uso de los medicamentos en los hogares, contribuyendo a generar herramientas para monitoriar el uso racional de los fármacos. ····· 103612479

Estudios molusquicidas en sustancias naturales derivadas de plantas

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Muchas plantas pertenecientes a diversas familias han sido objeto de estudios con el fin de determinar su potencial uso como molusquicida, para ello, sus especies han sido seleccionadas tomando en consideración sus usos populares los cuales sirven de base para conducir estudios experimentales. En el presente trabajo se revisan diversas investigaciones realizadas a partir de especies vegetales que han sido objeto de estos estudios se recopila una variedad de productos naturales aislados con actividad molusquicida y se describen pautas para la evaluación de esta actividad ····· 103612341

Plantas Medicinales en Reumatología

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En la actualidad, el 35% de las consultas médicas de atención primaria se deben a los síntomas asociados a enfermedades reumáticas, tales como artrosis, lumbalgias y artritis reumatoide, que están en el origen del 20% de los casos de incapacidad laboral. Aunque existen fármacos de síntesis para el tratamiento de estas afecciones, los productos naturales constituyen una importante alternativa en el alivio y mejora de su sintomatología y para los que su eficacia ha sido demostrada en distintos ensayos clínicos, con la ventaja adicional de la escasa incidencia de efectos secundarios. En esta obra se realiza una presentación detallada de las plantas medicinales que presentan mayor interés en el tratamiento de estas enfermedades reumáticas, con especial atención a sus características farmacológicas y sus posibilidades terapéuticas. Esta revisión puede ser muy útil para todos los profesionales sanitarios, especialmente médicos y farmacéuticos, que son los responsables de prescribir y recomendar la utilización de estas especies. ····· 103612002

Caléndula, planta de interés farmacéutico

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Los extractos de C. officinalis y en particular los de sus flores muestran un amplio espectro de acciones farmacológicas, entre las que sobresalen: antibacteriana, antiinflamatoria y cicatrizante, de ahí la gran importancia de los extractos de Caléndula en la medicina moderna. Otras propiedades son colagogo, hipolipemiante, inmunoestimulante y antitumoral, todo lo cual apoya el amplio uso de esta planta en la medicina tradicional mundial. El interés por la Caléndula ha tenido un incremento importante en las décadas de los 70 y 80, el cual se vislumbra similar para la actual década, y en gran medida está dado por la utilización de los extractos de esta planta en varios productos medicinales y su correspondiente importancia económica. ····· 103611348

Evaluación de la calidad de la tintura de la especie Caléndula al 20%

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En la actualidad se estima que alrededor del 80% de la población mundial recurre a la medicina tradicional herbolaria para la atención primaria de salud. Las plantas medicinales constituyen un mercado muy promisorio para los países Iberoamericanos, dentro de ellas encontramos a la Caléndula, conocida científicamente como Calendula officinalis L., con acciones farmacológicas como antibacteriana, antiinflamatoria, cicatrizante, hipotensora y antiespasmódica. Debido a la necesidad de validar preclínicamente plantas y medicamentos herbarios, nos motivamos a realizar la investigación recogida en este libro, donde se evalúa la calidad de la tintura al 20% de Calendula officinalis L., estableciendo los intervalos de confianza a través de la estandarización de los parámetros de calidad físicos, físico-químicos y químicos cualitativos y realizando un estudio de estabilidad física, química y microbiológica. Se determinaron los siguientes parámetros de calidad: características organolépticas, densidad relativa, índice de refracción, sólidos totales, análisis capilar, pH y tamizaje fitoquímico. Los resultados deben resultar muy útiles para profesionales del área de la salud. ····· 103611306

Analytical methods for the estimation of DPP-IV inhibitors

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Dipeptidyl peptidase-IV inhibitors, also commonly called gliptins, are a relatively novel class of drugs for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Various analytical methods are available for the determination of gliptins in bulk drugs, pharmaceutical formulations and biological fluids. Numerous analytical procedures including chromatographic, spectrometric and electrophoretic techniques were reported and there is a great need to review the analytical work reported so far in the literature. The present book provides a brief overview of an assortment of validated analytical methods for the analysis of gliptins. This book covers the time period from 1987 to 2013 during which several analytical methods including all types of chromatographic, spectrophotometric and voltammetric techniques. The book mainly concerns the analysis of chosen gliptins from pharmaceutical formulations and biological samples. ····· 103611186

Ambroxol HCl SR Tablet

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The purpose of the present investigation was to design and evaluate sustained release tablets of a sparingly water soluble drug Ambroxol Hydrochloride, two hydrophilic polymers METHOCEL K15MCR and METHOCEL K100MCR and hydrophobic Eudragit RL100 were used in tablets prepared by direct compression. The granules were evaluated for angle of repose, loose bulk density, tapped bulk density, compressibility index, total porosity and drug content. The tablets were subjected to various tests for physical parameters such as thickness, hardness and friability, and in vitro release studies. The in vitro dissolution study was carried out for 12 hours using United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) paddle-type dissolution apparatus (Apparatus 2) in phosphate buffer (pH 6.8). The results of dissolution studies indicated that formulations containing Methocel K100 MCR showed better dissolution properties compared to formulaitons containing Methocel K15 MCR.It was found that Hydrophilic polymers showed better released profile than the hydrophobic polymers. ····· 10361966

Self-Medication Practice among Students of Pharmaceutical Sciences

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The objective of this study was to determine the knowledge, behavior and perception of self-medication practice among the students of Pharmaceutical sciences from different private and public Universities of Bangladesh. The study showed that each and every respondent (n=474) (100%) had knowledge about self-medication. The most common indications for self medication were diarrhea (95.15%), fever (94.30%), headache (76.16%), cough (70.04%), gastric pain (65.82%), allergy (52.32%), vomiting (45.78%), vitamin deficiency (45.57%), stomachache (40.51%), constipation (37.13%), insomnia (33.97%), and skin diseases (29.11%). The major reasons for self medication were non-serious illness (87.55%), emergency use (79.96%), quick relief (85.86%), previous experience (83.97%), and unavailability of doctors (89.87%), advice from the family members / friends (51.90%), and cost-effectiveness (41.35%). The result showed that self medication was done mainly by analgesics (65.12%), the drugs acting on GIT (62.14%), cough suppressants (38.15%), antibiotics (22.86%), antihistamines (25.67%), and vitamins (25.81%). ····· 10361909

Aporphines - MDMA Antagonists and AChE Inhibitors

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MDMA is a psychoactive drug which is thought to act via stimulation of secretion as well as inhibition of re-uptake of large amounts of serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine in the brain. MDMA also acts directly on a number of receptors, including 5-HT2A receptors. There is considerable evidence that 5-HT2A antagonists can modulate behavioral and physiological effects of MDMA in animals. Nantenine an aporphine alkaloid ex Nandina domestica has been reported to block and reverse a range of behavioral and physiological effects of MDMA in mice. In this book is shown synthesis and design of a library of novel analogs in order to investigate the structural requirements for nantenine s 5-HT2A activity. To elucidate possible binding modes of these compounds and to determine the correlation with our binding data, we built a 5-HT2A homology model based on a bovine rhodopsin template and then performed docking/scoring experiments. In the second part of the book, nantenine as well as a number of flexible analogs were evaluated for acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitory activity in a microplate spectrophotometric assays based on Ellman s method. ····· 10361878

Marine Pharmaceutical Compounds

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The present publication deals with the different groups of marine organisms namely microorganisms, algae, mangroves, sponges, cnidarians, arthropods bryozoans, molluscs, echinoderms, tunicates, hemichordates, fishes, snakes and mammals producing bioactive natural compounds which will find greater applications in the development of new drugs.This will be the first most comprehensive publication comprising both Pharmacy and Fisheries Science disciplines and it is hoped that this publication will be of great use for not only the students of the courses of the said disciplines at undergraduate and postgraduate levels but also for those disciplines such as .Zoology, Marine Biology, Biotechnology, Lifesciences and Environmental science which have marine biota in their curriculum. Futher, this publication will also be widely welcomed as a valuable reference book by all libraries of colleges and universities. ····· 10361694

Ethosomes for Transdermal Delivery

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`Ethosomes are soft malleable vesicles composed mainly of phospholipid, ethanol (relatively high concentration) and water. These soft vesicles represents novel vesicular carrier for enhance delivery to / through skin. The size of ethosome vesicles can be modulated from tens of microns to nanometres. Typically, ethosomes may contain phospholipids with various chemical structures like phosphatidylcholine (PC), hydrogenated PC, phosphatidic acid (PA), phosphatidylserine (PS), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), phosphatidylglycerol (PPG), phosphatidylinositol (PI), unsaturated PC, alcohol (ethanol or isopropyl alcohol), water and propylene glycol (or other glycols). Such a composition enables delivery of high concentration of active ingredients through skin. Drug delivery can be modulated by altering alcohol: water or alcohol-polyol: water ratio. Some preferred phospholipids are soya phospholipids such as Phospholipon 90 (PL-90). It is usually employed in a range of 0.5-10% w/w. Cholesterol at concentrations ranging between 0.1-1% can also be added to the preparation. Examples of alcohols, which can be used, include ethanol and isopropyl alcohol. ····· 10361510

Synthesis and Evaluation of Targeted Prodrugs for Cancer Treatment

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The Drug delivery system (DDS) consisted of several combination`s of the anticancer drug doxorubicin (DOX), polymeric drug carrier polyethylene glycol (PEG), drug spacer citric acid (CA) and targeting moiety sialic acid (SA) which was evaluated in vitro for cytotoxicity on human ovarian carcinoma cells (A2780). The targeted prodrug conjugates with two copies of SA and DOX showed enhanced cytotoxicity when compared with non-targeted prodrugs and free DOX. Targeting of the conjugate to cancer cells by sialic acid and an increase in number of copies of targeting moiety and anticancer drug enhanced prodrug uptake by cancer cells and cytotoxicity of the prodrug. Analysis of synthesized conjugates by 1NMR, MALDI/TOF, and HPLC showed the formation of the PEG prodrugs. More than 40% of the drug was released from its conjugate in presence of esterase enzyme, whereas the conjugate was stable at pH 7.4. The data obtained suggest that PAMAM G4-SA dendrimer represents a promising vehicle for intracellular delivery of low solubility drugs such as paclitaxel. Developed dendrimer provides both cytoplasmic and nuclear delivery of therapeutics and enhances anticancer activity of paclitaxel. ····· 10361481

Heterocyclic Schiff Bases Study and Prospects as Anticonvulsants

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Some novel schiff bases of 3-aminomethyl pyridine and 2-amino pyridine have been synthesized through condensation reaction with substituted aryl aldehydes/ketones and/alicyclic ketones. These schiff bases were screened for anticonvulsant activity, neurotoxicity and antideprassant activity. The chemical structures of synthesized compounds were confirmed by FT-IR, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR spectroscopy, and elemental analysis. In the preliminary anticonvulsant screening, three convulsant test models were used: maximal electro shock (MES), subcutaneous pentylenetetrazole (sc.PTZ), subcutaneous strychnine (sc.STY) and neurotoxicity screen (rotorod method in mice). Protective index (PI) is considered an index of the margin of safety and tolerability between anticonvulsant doses and doses of various synthesized compounds exerting acute adverse effects. In Phase-II screening in mice ED50 and TD50 and PI were determined. Some selected compounds were subjected to oral MES screen in rats and were found effective against MES test. ····· 10361399

Anti-stress and Anti-oxidant activity of Morninga oleifera.

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Stress, a leading cause for mental disorders. Stress is also a major problem in worldwide population which may cause effect on different systems like endocrine, metabolic disorder, and gastrointestinal disease due to numerous internal and external stressors. Patients with stressful condition experiences significant morbidity and mortality from anxiety and depression disorders. Lots of adverse effects are seen with conventional medicines and the desire to search for alternative medicine to assist them in coping with and controlling the disease. ····· 10361390

Peridontal Drug Delivery: Ushering New Era in NDDS

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Endosseous dental implants have revolutionized the fields of implants and periodontics. During the last decade, a great deal of information has been generatedconcerning the effectiveness and predictability of endosseous implants. Implant placement is a viable option in the treatment of partial and full edentulism and has become an integral facet of periodontal therapy. The available implants are remarkably successful. However, there is no one ideal implant system. The following areas need further study: edentulous sites with inadequate bone for endosseous implants, splinting of implants to natural teeth, long-term effects of microbial and occlusal stresses, the prevention and treatment of peri-implant infection and disease, effects of implants on alveolar ridge maintenance, and routine maintenance protocols. Research on implant design for narrow ridges and atrophic jaws is ongoing, and the clinical efficacy of localized ridge augmentation and sinus floor grafts is being investigated. An area of research with future clinical significance is the use of growth factors and osteoinductive substances which may be applied locally or incorporated into the implant s surface. ····· 10361374

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